View Full Version : Thanks, BigCarbon, for your lies and propaganda

10-24-2016, 07:17 PM
350.org? :lol

A Major Climate Threshold Has Been Permanently Crossed (http://gizmodo.com/a-major-climate-threshold-has-been-permanently-crossed-1788162832)

For the first time in human history, atmospheric CO2 concentrations exceeded 400 parts per million (ppm) in 2015.

They’re expected to do so again this year, and every subsequent year for many generations to come, according to a new report (http://public.wmo.int/en/media/press-release/globally-averaged-co2-levels-reach-400-parts-million-2015) issued by the World Meteorological Organization.

400 ppm is one of the most important symbolic thresholds in the climate change conversation, rivaled only by the 2 degree warming threshold world leaders agreed not to cross when they signed the Paris climate agreement (http://gizmodo.com/the-paris-climate-agreement-has-been-adopted-1747460706) last year.

The reason 400 ppm is so significant?

It’s a nice round number for one, but moreover,

it’s a level of CO2 our atmosphere has not seen in the last three million (http://research.noaa.gov/News/NewsArchive/LatestNews/TabId/684/ArtMID/1768/ArticleID/11900/Carbon-dioxide-levels-race-past-troubling-milestone.aspx) years. In other words, for the entirety of our species’ existence.


Exxon has known, for 40 years, that their profits depended on killing the planet.

Their scientists said the good news was that AGW would destroy Arctic ice cap and would provide more drilling areas.