View Full Version : flashback-obama-mocks-trump-promising-keep-carrier-plant in states

12-01-2016, 07:37 PM

12-01-2016, 07:55 PM
He's just the only one who tried. Obama didn't even try.

"It wasn't even on his radar to make the effort," he added. "He didn't think it was necessary for his political viability.

"He didn't think it was necessary for these people, because it doesn't matter.

"If you lose your job, we've got a government program for you," Limbaugh said.

12-01-2016, 07:56 PM
If you lose your job, we've got a government program for you," he said. "If you lose your job, we've got a government training center for you.

"If you lose your job, we've got a government food-stamp program for you. If you lose your anything, we've got a government this for you.

"'Just give your life to us and stop worrying about things' is what Obama's message is — and people don't want to do that.

"Trump's not even president, and Carrier is going to keep half the jobs in its air-conditioning plant in Indiana.

"I know there are caveats," Limbaugh cautioned. "We'll get to it in time."