View Full Version : 2016 is sad, and I'm mad, etc, etc

12-29-2016, 08:21 AM
Am I the only one that is finding all the "I'm mad at 2016" shit to have become repetitive and boring? I get that a bunch of famous people died this year (I personally don't care), and that 50% of the population is mad that Trump won (I also don't care), but now it just seems like a dumb fucking Internet fad.

I've also noticed that when someone criticizes the "you're mean 2016" movement, they're screamed at in anger.

I don't get it.

12-29-2016, 12:45 PM
Yea it's weird. I don't really take celebrity deaths to heart like so many people do. I mean it's no doubt a painful loss to their families and I sympathize with them, but the body of work that made them famous remains intact for us to enjoy forever. And that's the only level we associate with them anyway, not like most of us are going to be missing daily interactions with them. There are folks on my FB going on and on about missing Carrie Fisher like if she was their best friend. I don't get it either! :lol

12-29-2016, 01:45 PM
Yea it's weird. I don't really take celebrity deaths to heart like so many people do. I mean it's no doubt a painful loss to their families and I sympathize with them, but the body of work that made them famous remains intact for us to enjoy forever. And that's the only level we associate with them anyway, not like most of us are going to be missing daily interactions with them. There are folks on my FB going on and on about missing Carrie Fisher like if she was their best friend. I don't get it either! :lol

With the advent of MTV, pop music, 500 channels of TV, the internet, etc., I think that more people are aware of actors, musicians, athletes, etc. Back in the day, if you didn't see something at the movie or live, there's a good chance you didn't really know about some supporting actor in a movie. And sure wouldn't have heard about their death unless they were a pretty big star.

Although, I will say that there seemed to be a predominant amount of deaths this year by icons or actors who played iconic roles. At least for me. Prince, Princess Lea, Willie Wonka, Hans Gruber.

12-29-2016, 02:55 PM
2016 has been tough. One of my best friend's wife died in January. My dad died in April. Another of my best friend's mom died in August. Another close friend found he has terminal cancer and he will be gone soon. I don't care about the celebrities, but to have so many people I love die is difficult.

Boogie Munster
12-29-2016, 03:03 PM
2016 has been tough. One of my best friend's wife died in January. My dad died in April. Another of my best friend's mom died in August. Another close friend found he has terminal cancer and he will be gone soon. I don't care about the celebrities, but to have so many people I love die is difficult.

Yup. I had a friend pass away from cancer two weeks ago. Then found out last week my aunt has breast cancer and another relative is in the hospital and unlikely to make it. Pretty awful end to the year.

Joseph Kony
12-29-2016, 04:06 PM
yeah i dont get it either, bunch of washed up celebs died and everyone acts like its a big deal and they were such a huge part of their lives...give me a break

Clipper Nation
12-29-2016, 05:07 PM
When half of America believes in a toxic, childish political ideology that's based around victimhood and self-pity, shit like this is the result. Let's be real, nobody REALLY cares about the celebrity deaths, those are just another emotional appeal to them. The whole "fuck 2016" meme is really just more virtue signalling against Trump (and, to a lesser extent, Brexit). It's sour grapes from sore losers.

12-29-2016, 05:11 PM
When half of America believes in a toxic, childish political ideology that's based around victimhood and self-pity, shit like this is the result. Let's be real, nobody REALLY cares about the celebrity deaths, those are just another emotional appeal to them. The whole "fuck 2016" meme is really just more virtue signalling against Trump (and, to a lesser extent, Brexit). It's sour grapes from sore losers.

This is likely true. Had Hilary won, all we'd see is shit about how good and rosy shit is.

12-29-2016, 05:20 PM
Nothing but faggots, pussies and assholes care about rich, rotting piles of worm food.

Seriously though, even as a kid I never understood dick riding. There is "being a fan" and there is dick riding. Our society has too many people who live vicariously through their actors, athletes and musicians and it is saddening. Moreover, the hypocrisy of the segment of our society that has such disdain for the "corporate" or "white man" rich person stereotypes they've created yet have no problem celebrating and idolizing over entitled, rich elitists and giving them their monies is just flabbergasting. Its a basis of which the disconnect from reality begins for some people.

Clipper Nation
12-29-2016, 05:21 PM
Notice how all the crocodile tears over celebrity deaths are overwhelmingly coming from the dipshit liberals who can't discuss politics without referencing Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and/or House of Cards in some way. "Hillary = Khaleesi! Slay, queen!"

They're a bunch of neurotic, shallow losers with nothing to fall back on besides the pop culture products they've always used as their substitute for a social life. Much like how the shows they watch have become a proxy for them to attack their political opponents, celebrity deaths are a proxy for them to cry about their entire worldview getting rejected at the ballot box in 2016.

12-29-2016, 05:23 PM
When half of America believes in a toxic, childish political ideology that's based around victimhood and self-pity, shit like this is the result. Let's be real, nobody REALLY cares about the celebrity deaths, those are just another emotional appeal to them. The whole "fuck 2016" meme is really just more virtue signalling against Trump (and, to a lesser extent, Brexit). It's sour grapes from sore losers.

I agree tbh. I think most people secretly delighted over the news of a celeb death just so they could post another ":cry I am SO done with 2016 :cry" on their facebook.

12-29-2016, 05:23 PM
Carrie's dead corpse of a mom couldnt even bother to let her daughter down one more time before she died.

It's a double entrendre! Smile if 2016 was bad to you with celebrity deaths.

12-29-2016, 05:25 PM
"Hillary = Khaleesi! Slay, queen!"

Did someone really say that shit? gayyyyyyyyy

Joseph Kony
12-29-2016, 05:42 PM
Notice how all the crocodile tears over celebrity deaths are overwhelmingly coming from the dipshit liberals who can't discuss politics without referencing Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and/or House of Cards in some way. "Hillary = Khaleesi! Slay, queen!"

They're a bunch of neurotic, shallow losers with nothing to fall back on besides the pop culture products they've always used as their substitute for a social life. Much like how the shows they watch have become a proxy for them to attack their political opponents, celebrity deaths are a proxy for them to cry about their entire worldview getting rejected at the ballot box in 2016.Damn, CN going in :wow

12-29-2016, 05:44 PM
I agree tbh. I think most people secretly delighted over the news of a celeb death just so they could post another ":cry I am SO done with 2016 :cry" on their facebook.

God forbid you call them out for it on Facebook though...I've watched many people get skewered for calling out these very people.

My favorite part is that at least for the people I know on Facebook that have been most vocal about "Fuck 2016", they're the most likely to be a drain on society.

12-29-2016, 05:44 PM
Damn, CN going in :wow

He's right though....imo

Trill Clinton
12-29-2016, 05:45 PM
shots fired at the ST nba forum geeks. they were all in tears over craig sager recently. anyways, if people want to be fake sad/mad thats there prerogative.

12-29-2016, 05:48 PM
Notice how all the crocodile tears over celebrity deaths are overwhelmingly coming from the dipshit liberals who can't discuss politics without referencing Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and/or House of Cards in some way. "Hillary = Khaleesi! Slay, queen!"

They're a bunch of neurotic, shallow losers with nothing to fall back on besides the pop culture products they've always used as their substitute for a social life. Much like how the shows they watch have become a proxy for them to attack their political opponents, celebrity deaths are a proxy for them to cry about their entire worldview getting rejected at the ballot box in 2016.

HuffPost: Carrie Fisher raised Billie Lourd "without gender"

12-29-2016, 05:49 PM
God forbid you call them out for it on Facebook though...I've watched many people get skewered for calling out these very people.

My favorite part is that at least for the people I know on Facebook that have been most vocal about "Fuck 2016", they're the most likely to be a drain on society.
Any time someone on Facebook posts a ":cry 2016 sucks" and lists every last fucking dead celebrity, I'll usually troll with a ":cry don't forget Scalia :cry" post, which usually gets a hilarious "...welllll....i mean it is sad he died, butttttt...." response.

Clipper Nation
12-29-2016, 05:56 PM
Any time someone on Facebook posts a ":cry 2016 sucks" and lists every last fucking dead celebrity, I'll usually troll with a ":cry don't forget Scalia :cry" post, which usually gets a hilarious "...welllll....i mean it is sad he died, butttttt...." response.
It's nothing new, either. These are the same morons who celebrated Margaret Thatcher's death but chastized anyone who celebrated when Osama bin Laden was killed.

12-29-2016, 06:00 PM
Aye...it sounds like ye pooped ye breeches...ye pooped your breeches ye did.

Clipper Nation
12-29-2016, 06:03 PM
shots fired at the ST nba forum geeks. they were all in tears over craig sager recently. anyways, if people want to be fake sad/mad thats there prerogative.
To be fair, there's a difference between just being sad about a celebrity death and the "fuck 2016" fad. The latter is just an excuse to use dead people as a political prop.

12-29-2016, 06:55 PM
To be fair, there's a difference between just being sad about a celebrity death and the "fuck 2016" fad. The latter is just an excuse to use dead people as a political prop.

tbh, people were saying "fuck 2016" before Trump won and tbh, tbh, they were right because it was Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump, tbh. Also because Bowie and Prince died and were still putting out relevant art.

12-29-2016, 07:09 PM
tbh, people were saying "fuck 2016" before Trump won and tbh, tbh, they were right because it was Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump, tbh. Also because Bowie and Prince died and were still putting out relevant art.

Doesn't make their constant bitching about 2016 any less vapid and self-indulgent.

12-29-2016, 07:13 PM
Doesn't make their constant bitching about 2016 any less vapid and self-indulgent.

It's totally arbitrary and self indulgent. Saying that it started when Trump won is fucking ludicrous.

12-29-2016, 07:17 PM
It's totally arbitrary and self indulgent. Saying that it started when Trump won is fucking ludicrous.

I don't know about that.

12-29-2016, 07:17 PM
Notice how all the crocodile tears over celebrity deaths are overwhelmingly coming from the dipshit liberals who can't discuss politics without referencing Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and/or House of Cards in some way. "Hillary = Khaleesi! Slay, queen!"

They're a bunch of neurotic, shallow losers with nothing to fall back on besides the pop culture products they've always used as their substitute for a social life. Much like how the shows they watch have become a proxy for them to attack their political opponents, celebrity deaths are a proxy for them to cry about their entire worldview getting rejected at the ballot box in 2016.

To be fair, there's a difference between just being sad about a celebrity death and the "fuck 2016" fad. The latter is just an excuse to use dead people as a political prop.
T-bomb as well. Trump trolled the Left into the most epic meltdown, who knows when it will end.

12-29-2016, 07:20 PM
I don't know about that.

You're right, you probably don't.

12-29-2016, 07:27 PM
You're right, you probably don't.


Tbh, I don't remember seeing many 2016 memes until after the election.

12-29-2016, 07:50 PM

Tbh, I don't remember seeing many 2016 memes until after the election.

That's cool. They were out there though.

Published in August: http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/30/entertainment/2016-year-of-celebrity-deaths/
Also August: https://www.wired.com/2016/08/suicide-squad-review/ ("Suicide Squad Kinda Sucks, But Hey, So Does 2016")
"Everybody Sucks" - May, 2016 (related to the election): http://mashable.com/2016/05/08/everybody-sucks-2016-presidential-race/#W1PXfrrWVEq9
"Worst Year for Celebrity Deaths?" (April) http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/663347/Prince-dead-2016-celebrity-deaths-worst-year-ever
"Is 2016 the Worst year in History?" (July) http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2016/07/is_2016_the_worst_year_in_history.html
Similar (July): http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/is-2016-really-one-of-the-worst-years-in-history/
2016 Is The Worst Year Of America’s Life (August): http://www.redstate.com/joesquire/2016/08/10/2016-worst-year-americas-life/

Did Trump's election add to it? Sure. Besides impressionable saps like CN, nobody is really celebrating the fact that we elected a reality TV host and easily-triggered buffoon to the most important office in the country. Still, you reverse the election result and people would still be bitching about old celebrities dying.

It's silly but it's not partisan.

12-29-2016, 07:58 PM
That's cool. They were out there though.

Published in August: http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/30/entertainment/2016-year-of-celebrity-deaths/
Also August: https://www.wired.com/2016/08/suicide-squad-review/ ("Suicide Squad Kinda Sucks, But Hey, So Does 2016")
"Everybody Sucks" - May, 2016 (related to the election): http://mashable.com/2016/05/08/everybody-sucks-2016-presidential-race/#W1PXfrrWVEq9
"Worst Year for Celebrity Deaths?" (April) http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/663347/Prince-dead-2016-celebrity-deaths-worst-year-ever
"Is 2016 the Worst year in History?" (July) http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2016/07/is_2016_the_worst_year_in_history.html
Similar (July): http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/is-2016-really-one-of-the-worst-years-in-history/
2016 Is The Worst Year Of America’s Life (August): http://www.redstate.com/joesquire/2016/08/10/2016-worst-year-americas-life/

Did Trump's election add to it? Sure. Besides impressionable saps like CN, nobody is really celebrating the fact that we elected a reality TV host and easily-triggered buffoon to the most important office in the country. Still, you reverse the election result and people would still be bitching about old celebrities dying.

It's silly but it's not partisan.

Ok. I don't disagree. Lost a lot of icons this year. I do think the Trump win led to some piling on.

baseline bum
12-29-2016, 10:54 PM
Any time someone on Facebook posts a ":cry 2016 sucks" and lists every last fucking dead celebrity, I'll usually troll with a ":cry don't forget Scalia :cry" post, which usually gets a hilarious "...welllll....i mean it is sad he died, butttttt...." response.


Damn that's some fucking A+ troll work.

12-30-2016, 02:03 AM
I'm more shocked at the mrsmaalox sighting

01-03-2017, 01:57 AM
If ya read an author who dies you will miss this stranger, same with a recording artist**** or a movie star ya like. The fact you don't actually know these people means little.

I realize that is different than some old legend passing away. But if their death can be talked about at all on tv, the internet then that means that unlike you or me they made an impact on society. How many people can say that? So the death of someone famous/infamous will get our attention, how we deal with that is up to us.

*** the deaths of Jimi, Jim and Janis back in the day was a very big deal.