View Full Version : Robert Titlson farts a lot

01-17-2017, 04:46 PM
This still makes me laugh. And understand...this was back in the 90's before the internet. Somehow it got passed along by VHS.


01-17-2017, 10:17 PM
Since we have yet another going nowhere thread by this guy.

As a little kid, talking 5/6 years old my grandparents took me to a tent revival meeting in Farmersville. The pastor was loud and very antimated. He jumped up and down, he ran, he kicked, he beat on things. Then all those in the tent started freaking out, some were screaming, some were on their knees, grandma with big tears rolling down..."praise the Lord, thank you Jesus" while grandpa reached for the heavens, his head back looking like a crazy man. I just stood there wondering what is going on as a guy right behind me falls on the ground and while falling kicks me in the back. He's crawling around like a dog.

Yep, pendecostals.

That made a lasting impression on me. I knew right then that would never happen to me.

01-18-2017, 11:57 AM
Who knew that 15 years later you'd be in Olangapo and then 60 years later on spurstalk screaming "why didn't they tell us it was wrong"

01-18-2017, 01:39 PM
How sad is it to watch this freak follow me around from thread to thread, poor little guy.

I don't even talk to the retard, he's below my level and I'm just not going down to his.

Watch this, here the little shit comes again. I pity his family.

01-18-2017, 02:12 PM
How sad is it that you cry about a message board poster to your wife late at night

01-19-2017, 02:16 PM
How easy was that, hahaha~~~~~

Here the little freak comes again, the worst case of Avanteitist we have seen.

01-19-2017, 02:20 PM
If I;m the Packers with all thoe injuries....

Jeff Janis, plays out wide, he is their fastest player.

Randall Cobb and Ty Montgomery RB/slot.

Christian Michael starting at RB.

Devante Adams working underneath.

I want Cobb and Montgomery always out there together. Both with a few runs to plant that seed.

01-19-2017, 03:52 PM

01-19-2017, 04:01 PM
How sad is that, hahahaha~~~~

01-21-2017, 01:11 AM
School in session.

Speed endurance.

A fast footballer can run with the world class sprinters for about 40m, then his inability to maintain/sustain a large % of his MV (max velocity) vs those who train so they can bring a large % of MV starts to sets in.

World class sprinters hit that MV at around 65/70m, then it's all about who decellerates at a slower rate. Nobody NOBODY is speeding up after 70m, nobody~~~~~ Footballer don't train for 100m sprints.

Tyreek Hill ran the second fastest 200m ever ran by a HS kid, so he has SE (speed endrance) in abundance. SE is the determining factor in everything over 60m. Those with it like Usain Bolt rule the speed world, those without it stand no chance.

This is why 100/200m sprinters train at 300m. That's how ya buid that SE, over distance training.

Bolt started out as a 400m cat, then he ran just the 200m for years before ever running the 100m. All those years of running over distance, is why (along with that 6-5 stride) he is the GOAT when it comes to 100/200m sprinting. BUT...a fast footballer is right there with him at 40m, but by 50m it's over as the big guy easily pulls away.


Tyreek Hill ran a sizzlin' 20.14 when the HS record was Roy Martins 20.13. So when the OP of this thread tries to peddle..."I ran a 20.00"....he's lying. No teenager has ever ran anything close to that until 2016, Virginian Noah Lyles cooked a new HS record 20.09.