View Full Version : LeBron getting the timeout at the end

01-22-2017, 12:18 AM
I get that if LMA makes just one that doesn't matter, but holy shit that was a blatant example of the league not wanting SA at the top. Kinda discouraging to think that that's the type of BS the team will probably have to overcome in the postseason, tbh.

01-22-2017, 12:19 AM
The refs were all pro CLE the whole game. :lol

01-22-2017, 12:23 AM
The refs were all pro CLE the whole game. :loltrue

01-22-2017, 12:24 AM
The refs were all pro CLE the whole game. :lol

No Parker, No Pau, on the road, 5v8 :lmao


01-22-2017, 12:27 AM
Refs have been awful to the Spurs since 2014 tbh. It's sickening.

01-22-2017, 12:30 AM
I get that if LMA makes just one that doesn't matter, but holy shit that was a blatant example of the league not wanting SA at the top. Kinda discouraging to think that that's the type of BS the team will probably have to overcome in the postseason, tbh.
That, plus I thought Kawhi was fouled on an inbound play that ended up in a TO by Love. Sure the play itself ended up in a steal by Kawhi and a layup but what was surprising was that the referee called a jumpball when he was fouled.

01-22-2017, 11:05 AM
yeah i think the time out was a real close call at best, but the league should make it a firm rule that you have to have possession to calla timeout or it's a TO. I don;t like teams calling time outs to stop play in the paint, that's just bad basketball, run the floor, throw the outlet pass.

01-22-2017, 11:08 AM
It's not so much that they gave him a timeout as that they added tenth of seconds on the clock to allow a catch and shoot.

01-22-2017, 11:11 AM
to say timeout takes longer the .3 of a second for fuck sake

01-22-2017, 11:16 AM
to say timeout takes longer the .3 of a second for fuck sake

Yeah. Doesn't the clock start as soon as the ball hits the rim?

Cry Havoc
01-22-2017, 11:18 AM
I thought the refs were bad but realistically not much beyond "home cooking" bad. Until that last play. That was terrible.

01-22-2017, 11:22 AM
Yeah. Doesn't the clock start as soon as the ball hits the rim?


01-22-2017, 11:23 AM
I thought the refs were bad but realistically not much beyond "home cooking" bad. Until that last play. That was terrible.

The insta-foul that they gave Lebron on LMA followed by the TO call were hideous. I didn't like how inconsistent the refs were in what contact was allowed, but I didn't really think it was blatant until that last call.

01-22-2017, 11:28 AM

Ah. Don't know why I didn't know that. In any event, touching the ball and bringing it down to call TO surely takes longer than the NBA minimum to catch and shoot.

Atl Spur
01-22-2017, 11:34 AM
I'm glad we won in spite of total foolishness NBA!!! Makes me even more skeptical of this league!

Atl Spur
01-22-2017, 11:35 AM
NWE instead of NBA!

01-22-2017, 11:48 AM
Dont worry, we shall win it all this year!


01-22-2017, 12:56 PM
I was shouting at my TV, I saw it when it happened live it was clear that he didn't have the ball.

Some straight B.S.

01-22-2017, 12:58 PM
Pretty hilarious imo.
0.9 left on the clock
Lebron calls a timeout and now 0.3 left on the clock
that means Lebron can catch a ball and call a timeout in 0.6 seconds, with the ref having a flash like reaction
Refs review the play and add .3 seconds so now the Cavs have 0.6 seconds left which means Lebron called a timeout in 0.3 seconds.
Kevin Love is able to catch and setup for 3 in .6 seconds and clearly get the shot off before the buzzer.
in the end Spurs still cucked the Cavs and the refs.

01-22-2017, 12:59 PM
Also Van Gundy saying that it takes longer than 0.3 to grab a rebound, pin it against your hip and shout time out was just plain common sense. I don't normally ride with the conspiracy theorists but this seems like the Refs (though possibly incompetence) trying to extend the game.

01-22-2017, 02:30 PM
Refs have been awful to the Spurs since forever tbh. It's sickening.Fify

01-22-2017, 03:40 PM
It's not so much that they gave him a timeout as that they added tenth of seconds on the clock to allow a catch and shoot.

Man, I was so livid that they gave him a timeout that I didn't even focus on how much they added. But yeah that's some bullshit to say that it only takes 0.3 secs to secure the ball and call a timeout. Made that much shadier by the fact that it was reset for the minimum time required for the catch and shoot like you said.

01-22-2017, 03:43 PM
Man, I was so livid that they gave him a timeout that I didn't even focus on how much they added. But yeah that's some bullshit to say that it only takes 0.3 secs to secure the ball and call a timeout. Made that much shadier by the fact that it was reset for the minimum time required for the catch and shoot like you said.
i was more upset that anderson left him wide open

01-22-2017, 04:06 PM
i was more upset that anderson left him wide open

Sure, that was horrible defense and sure LMA could've atleast hit 1 FT.

But we shouldn't have to deal with blatant ref bias against the team on top of having to deal with dumb mistakes/missing game-clinching FTs.

01-22-2017, 04:09 PM
Still can't compete with top teams. Trade Aldridge, hope we can get a 2nd round pick for him

01-22-2017, 04:21 PM
Fuck Lebron and Kyrie both tbh
Kyrie's go to move is the off hand clear out to get his shot off/clear space.
Lebron just puts his shoulder down and barrels to the basket while using his off hand to clear out as well

Neither has any solid fundamentals or footwork or any real learned skill besides their athleticism.

Lebron is the most boring super star lol,sure he's a genetic freak but other than that.

Look at Parker's moves and footwork around the rim/finishing compared to Kyrie,its embarrassing how little these guys learn the craft besides jumping and shooting

Harry Callahan
01-22-2017, 04:27 PM
Fuck Lebron and Kyrie both tbh
Kyrie's go to move is the off hand clear out to get his shot off/clear space.
Lebron just puts his shoulder down and barrels to the basket while using his off hand to clear out as well

Neither has any solid fundamentals or footwork or any real learned skill besides their athleticism.

Lebron is the most boring super star lol,sure he's a genetic freak but other than that.

Look at Parker's moves and footwork around the rim/finishing compared to Kyrie,its embarrassing how little these guys learn the craft besides jumping and shooting

Spot on. The left forearm clear out is the Kyrie way. His messed up legs and knees will catch up with him some day.

LeBron and his teammates were actually trying to be NBA players AND officials at the same time the entire game. They think their stuff doesn't stink now.

The calling of a time out without possession of the ball at the end of OT was truly sickening and embarrassing - not surprising though given the bias in place right now.

01-22-2017, 04:28 PM
Wasn't the last two years ended by ref calls.

The premature whistle which showed the Spurs last play against the clips.

The non call on Waiters elbowing ginobili from out of bounds.

01-22-2017, 05:57 PM
Kyrie allowed to stiff arm Mills and then take the 3. Mills had a pretty blatant charge not called on the fast break. And I only caught parts of the game. I wouldn't doubt there weren't more egregious calls.

01-22-2017, 05:58 PM
Lebron is the most boring super star lol,sure he's a genetic freak but other than that.


01-22-2017, 06:11 PM
I get that if LMA makes just one that doesn't matter, but holy shit that was a blatant example of the league not wanting SA at the top. Kinda discouraging to think that that's the type of BS the team will probably have to overcome in the postseason, tbh.

Bank on it.

LaMarcus Bryant
01-22-2017, 07:39 PM
Thispego almost kicked his dog in the face he was so mad

01-22-2017, 07:50 PM
Since I'm pretty biased not sure how many calls went the Spurs way, but I doubt you could touch the ball and yell timeout in .3 seconds, much less grab it.
The fore arm from kyrie on Mills was really bad and I thought Kawhi was fouled on the jump ball. LeBron was all over him

01-22-2017, 08:05 PM
I want the Euroleague rule: no live ball timeouts. It would make the end of the game go so much faster.

james evans
01-22-2017, 11:05 PM
yeah that last play was bullshit. They not only let him call a time out when the ball was on the ground out of his hands, but they gave them extra time to tie it hahahha. Fellas, we're about to get fucked in the playoffs again.

01-22-2017, 11:17 PM
Fellas, we're about to get fucked in the playoffs again.

So, like every year, then? :lol

01-22-2017, 11:30 PM
They reviewed the play, to see how much time to put back, but didn't review the question of possession. The only thing I can think of is that they gave him credit for what he intended to do - just like the quick foul. They knew that he intended to call the TO, so they just gave it to him. Few things that piss me off worse than using instant replay, and still getting it wrong.

01-22-2017, 11:48 PM
I was so naive that when they went to review the play I thought:

"Yes! We won! LBJ didn't have full possession and it will be Spurs' ball !"

But not only did they grant him the time-out, they added more time to the clock :lol

UNT Eagles 2016
01-23-2017, 12:05 AM
Refs have been awful to the Spurs since 1999 tbh. It's sickening.


01-23-2017, 12:51 AM
I was watching on ABC and man, the stunned silence was magnificent from the commentators when Love saved the ball on that jump ball between Lebron and Kawhi but it went to Kawhi and he took it for a dunk.... Those delicious salty silent tears. :lmao


01-23-2017, 01:26 AM
I was watching on ABC and man, the stunned silence was magnificent from the commentators when Love saved the ball on that jump ball between Lebron and Kawhi but it went to Kawhi and he took it for a dunk.... Those delicious salty silent tears. :lmao


They were silent because Love ran into them.

01-23-2017, 01:43 AM
They were silent because Love ran into them.


01-23-2017, 04:59 AM
Danny's like the Bogut of the fast break. I think he more than any other player I've watched likes to impede the progress of other guys so one of his teammates can score. Someone was saying that Thompson messed up by not fouling Kawhi, but Tristan really didn't have a choice, as Danny shielded him until Kawhi was already gone.

01-23-2017, 05:11 AM
Danny's like the Bogut of the fast break. I think he more than any other player I've watched likes to impede the progress of other guys so one of his teammates can score. Someone was saying that Thompson messed up by not fouling Kawhi, but Tristan really didn't have a choice, as Danny shielded him until Kawhi was already gone.

Noticed that as well. Green is just ridiculous with his random GOAT defensive plays; he has more of a knack for it than Kawhi albeit the latter is definitely the superior overall defender.

99 Problems
01-23-2017, 05:54 AM
They should have taken the initiative and been the first to ask Love, Wow Kevin wot you think of that Kawhi dunk just over there right now.

01-23-2017, 07:33 AM
Fuck Lebron and Kyrie both tbh
Kyrie's go to move is the off hand clear out to get his shot off/clear space.
Lebron just puts his shoulder down and barrels to the basket while using his off hand to clear out as well

Neither has any solid fundamentals or footwork or any real learned skill besides their athleticism.

Lebron is the most boring super star lol,sure he's a genetic freak but other than that.

Look at Parker's moves and footwork around the rim/finishing compared to Kyrie,its embarrassing how little these guys learn the craft besides jumping and shooting

Lebron defiantly has solid fundamentals. But his balance isnt a great as Parker, who is one of the best I have seen, outside Steve Nash and Curry. I always feel that Parker is always so square to the basket, like the other two. Lebron defiantly isn't like that. However Lebron's foot work, ball control, and finishing around the rim is very good. There is no doubt he is fundamentally sound.

I don't know much about Irving's game to comment.

01-23-2017, 07:35 AM
As for the timeout, yes it was a joke. But that Warriors vs Celtics timeout was worse last year.

01-23-2017, 04:57 PM
No it isnt tbh,ever see Lebronze stop under the basket and do a series of jab steps and an up and under using his off hand...lol hell no...dude ain't got that kinda game at all