View Full Version : Flynn in major trouble for speaking to Russia about sanctions

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Will Hunting
12-08-2020, 02:35 PM


lol djohn2oo8 (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=14870)
lol ChumpDumper (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=153)
lol spurraider21 (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=31905)
lol clambake (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=4746)
lol RandomGuy (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=1813)
lol Spurs Homer (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=52221)
lol Reck (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=14412)
lol Will Hunting (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=17032)
lol mono (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=52488)
lol benefactor (https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=13284)

:lol as if I ever cared about this Russia shit or paid attention to the Michael Flynn trial.

12-08-2020, 03:21 PM

Called that shit in 2017

12-08-2020, 03:25 PM
Called that shit in 2017
nothingburger that required a presidential pardon after multiple guilty pleas :tu

:lmao trump made sure flynn lost his home over a nothingburger :lmao

12-08-2020, 04:38 PM
nothingburger that required a presidential pardon after multiple guilty pleas :tu

:lmao trump made sure flynn lost his home over a nothingburger :lmao


Sullivan's burn is also noteworthy....

"A pardon does not necessarily render 'innocent' a defendant of any alleged violation of the law. Indeed, the Supreme Court has recognized that the acceptance of a pardon implies a 'confession' of guilt."

The filing marks the end of the politically charged case that pitted one branch of government against another. Sullivan, who himself became the target of criticisms from Trump allies, noted that the president's pardon is "a political decision, not a legal one."

12-14-2020, 07:23 AM
Russian Hackers Broke Into Federal Agencies, U.S. Officials Suspect

In one of the most sophisticated and perhaps largest hacks in more than five years,

email systems were breached at the Treasury and Commerce Departments.

Other breaches are under investigation.

almost certainly a Russian intelligence agency, according to federal and private experts — broke into a range of key government networks, including in the Treasury and Commerce Departments, and had free access to their email systems.

looked to be one of the most sophisticated, and perhaps among the largest, attacks on federal systems in the past five years. Several said national security-related agencies were also targeted,

The Trump administration said little in public about the hack, :lol

the subject of a sophisticated attack that they were unaware of until recent weeks.

It was a measure of the sudden panic sweeping federal offices that the Department of Homeland Security ordered all agencies late Sunday night to

shut down any use of a complex piece of network management software made by a company called SolarWinds

and installed on networks belonging to government agencies and American corporations.


Now, Trash's political stooges and sycophant's are need to act with actual professional, technical, managerial expertise. My bet is that they have, are, and will FUCK IT UP.

12-14-2020, 02:09 PM

12-14-2020, 02:18 PM
Well, he better. Trump sure has been leaning hard on him to go after his enemies.

12-19-2020, 11:09 AM
Deep State Barr


12-19-2020, 11:12 AM
“The C.I.A. stayed in its lane” and he did not “see any sign of improper C.I.A. activity,” Mr. Barr told the conservative Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley A. Strassel (https://www.wsj.com/articles/william-barr-one-standard-of-justice-11608318832).

12-19-2020, 11:48 AM
Russian Hackers Broke Into Federal Agencies, U.S. Officials Suspect

In one of the most sophisticated and perhaps largest hacks in more than five years,

email systems were breached at the Treasury and Commerce Departments.

Other breaches are under investigation.

almost certainly a Russian intelligence agency, according to federal and private experts — broke into a range of key government networks, including in the Treasury and Commerce Departments, and had free access to their email systems.

looked to be one of the most sophisticated, and perhaps among the largest, attacks on federal systems in the past five years. Several said national security-related agencies were also targeted,

The Trump administration said little in public about the hack, :lol

the subject of a sophisticated attack that they were unaware of until recent weeks.

It was a measure of the sudden panic sweeping federal offices that the Department of Homeland Security ordered all agencies late Sunday night to

shut down any use of a complex piece of network management software made by a company called SolarWinds

and installed on networks belonging to government agencies and American corporations.


Now, Trash's political stooges and sycophant's are need to act with actual professional, technical, managerial expertise. My bet is that they have, are, and will FUCK IT UP.

Microsoft also hacked, and Pootin has been in Austin municipal network for months.

Wanna bet Abbott, Patrick, etc have No Comment?

Spurs Homer
12-19-2020, 01:00 PM
Comrade Trumpski now says - “it may be China”

after the USA getting cyberhacked in the worst cyber attack ever

it makes zero sense - if Trump works for the USA-


12-19-2020, 10:00 PM

12-20-2020, 11:59 AM
Flynn calls for martial law.
And the red team is worried about wearing masks.

The hypocrisy again goes up by a factor of 10

Trump pardoned a true patriot

12-22-2020, 09:16 AM
Cheating outbreak at West Point

But Tim Bakken, a 20-year professor of law at West Point, said the incident is not a run-of-the-mill offense that should be met with a slap on the wrist.
He called the incident a "national security issue," because senior officers must be truthful to civilian leaders when it comes to military decisions with life-or-death stakes

Flynn and the president have a laugh together.

12-24-2020, 07:36 AM

When stuff started coming out, and somebody learned Trash how naively, anti-democratically broad Presidential pardon was, Trash got the word to all his co-conspirators that if they shut up and defend Trash, he will pardon them if convicted.

All of you and other assholes who have been saying "witch hunt" and "there's no there there" about the Russian connections,

unlike us open-eyed, intelligent ones,

are fucking stupid, ignorant, cultishly indoctrinated, and as always WRONG.

There was Trump-Russian shit going on, going back decades, esp under Pootin, from 2015 and later, and Trash, his family, his mafiya are as guilty as shit.

You People have Pootin LMFAO at how he tricked, fooled, outsmarted, BEAT naive America domestically and internationally.

btw, the Capitalist oligarchy, caring ONLY for amassing their own wealth and power,

fully supports Pootin degrading America and esp its now-pro-forma government into toothless dysfunctionality.

Spurs Homer
12-24-2020, 10:58 AM

When stuff started coming out, and somebody learned Trash how naively, anti-democratically broad Presidential pardon was, Trash got the word to all his co-conspirators that if they shut up and defend Trash, he will pardon them if convicted.

All of you and other assholes who have been saying "witch hunt" and "there's no there there" about the Russian connections,

unlike us open-eyed, intelligent ones,

are fucking stupid, ignorant, cultishly indoctrinated, and as always WRONG.

There was Trump-Russian shit going on, going back decades, esp under Pootin, from 2015 and later, and Trash, his family, his mafiya are as guilty as shit.

You People have Pootin LMFAO at how he tricked, fooled, outsmarted, BEAT naive America domestically and internationally.

btw, the Capitalist oligarchy, caring ONLY for amassing their own wealth and power,

fully supports Pootin degrading America and esp its now-pro-forma government into toothless dysfunctionality.

anyone who actually gives a shit about their own country agrees ^ with all the above

but cultists never gave a shit about their own country- because brainwashing is a powerful force and stupid idiots are easily brainwashed

bunch of blind fucking traitors

all of em have that stain - TSA, HATER,DMC,TAT CUNT, QHRIS, THREAD,FABBS,

01-04-2021, 04:58 PM
FEC’s Chair Says GOP Members Blocked Probe into ‘Blockbuster’ Claim Involving Russians, NRA

Chair Ellen Weintraub, a Democrat, called out Republican members on Friday.

She said

they blocked an investigation into whether Russian nationals illegally funneled money through the National Rifle Association to help then-candidate Donald Trump

my colleagues ran

their usual evidence-blocking play

and the Commission’s attorneys placed too much faith in the few facts Respondents put before us.
As a result, this agency barely lifted a finger to find out the truth behind

one of the most blockbuster campaign finance allegations in recent memory.”


01-04-2021, 06:18 PM
Weintraub has been talking about this for years, to anyone with ears to listen. The conversion of the NRA into Wayne LaPierre's personal slush fund has been remakable.

01-16-2021, 03:19 AM
Michael Flynn 302s unredacted


01-31-2021, 03:00 AM
FBI attorney who doctored/manipulated email pled guilty and sentenced to probation


01-31-2021, 03:31 AM
FBI attorney who doctored/manipulated email pled guilty and sentenced to probation


da kraken!

01-31-2021, 02:15 PM
Hey ElNono...

Why do you only do this to my threads?

Why would any sane person try to bury a post such as this one?

You seem to be some kind of mental pervert.

How much are you being paid as a government shill to spam the board?

02-26-2021, 05:23 PM
Gone fishin'


02-26-2021, 05:24 PM

02-26-2021, 08:31 PM
Gone fishin'

tweets not showing up for me... so i didnt get what this was supposed to be

but :lmao just realized what you were referencing


02-26-2021, 08:32 PM
well... also just read that while he's resigning from his post, he is still sticking around as the special counsel. so i guess the fight lives on!

03-13-2021, 08:42 AM
DOD refers report on Flynn to the US Army on receiving payments as a foreign agent without permission. Flynn faces tens of thousands of dollars in fines.

Flynn received nearly $600,000 in 2015-6 to represent Turkish and Russian interests. He did not seek permission for the DOD before becoming a agent for two foreign countries, as required by DOD guidelines. Nor did he register as a foreign agent before Trump fired him for lying to Mike Pence.

Apparently the US Army punishes emoluments violations.

The Defense Department's internal watchdog has concluded a long-delayed investigation into Michael Flynn, defense officials said Friday, sending its findings to the Army in a case that could bring tens of thousands of dollars in financial penalties for former president Donald Trump's first national security adviser.

The investigation focuses on Flynn's acceptance of money from Russian and Turkish interests before joining the Trump administration, a potential violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause. With few exceptions, U.S. officials, including retired service members like Flynn, are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from foreign governments. Flynn retired from the Army as a three-star general in 2014.

The inspector general's investigation, opened in April 2017, was put on hold for more than three years amid a broader scandal that included a criminal investigation of Flynn by the Justice Department — part of what would become the investigation of Trump's first presidential campaign and Russian interference in the 2016 election led by former FBI director Robert Mueller III.

After Trump's pardon, the Justice Department gave approval for the Defense Department inspector general's office to resume its investigation, said Dwrena Allen, a spokeswoman for acting inspector general Sean O'Donnell. The watchdog's office closed its investigation one week after the Biden administration took office, and forwarded its findings to the Army.

"On January 27, 2021, we closed our investigation against LTG Flynn and forwarded several administrative matters to the Acting Secretary of the Army for review and appropriate action," Allen's statement said. LTG stands for lieutenant general, Flynn's rank at retirement.

03-18-2021, 05:58 PM
They’ll get their dick slapped just like they did the first time they tried him.

“There is no substantial evidence that Rafiekian agreed to operate subject to the direction or control of the Turkish government,” Trenga wrote as he ordered the acquittal of the 67-year-old Iranian-American businessman and former board member for the U.S. Export-Import Bank.

“There is no evidence of any statements by Rafiekian that would allow a rational juror to find that Rafiekian had agreed to operate as an agent of the Turkish government, or that he thought he was acting as a Turkish agent,” the judge added.

https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/25/judge-overturns-guilty-verdicts-bijan-rafiekian-15107194th Circuit reverses, says the lower court got it wrong.

As noted, Trump's pardon covers "the Turkey stuff," so Flynn is in the clear, but Rafiekian's conviction makes it clear the Flynn Intelligence Group was operating outside the law.

Bottom line: looks like Flynn needed the pardon because he's guilty as hell of being an unregistered agent of Turkey.



03-18-2021, 06:05 PM

03-18-2021, 06:27 PM

You need a hobby

03-18-2021, 06:30 PM
You need a hobbyThis is a hobby.

03-18-2021, 07:19 PM
(Posting from band practice just now)

Adam Lambert
03-18-2021, 07:21 PM
(Posting from band practice just now)

Kidding or serious? Cool if true. Tell more.

03-18-2021, 07:39 PM
(Posting from band practice just now)


03-18-2021, 07:47 PM
Kidding or serious? Cool if true. Tell more.I play bass guitar in a trio. Mostly original music, the singing and some of the song structures are *countryish,* but the leader of the band has roots in punk and technical metal. Tony Rice flatpicking style, but electric.

03-18-2021, 07:48 PM
SadDude, have you ever been in a band? There are breaks.

Adam Lambert
03-18-2021, 07:50 PM
I play bass guitar in a trio. Mostly original music, the singing and some of the song structures are *countryish,* but the leader of the band has roots in punk and technical metal. Tony Rice flatpicking style, but electric.

Nice. I used to play a 5 string bass and sing backup in an originals alt country band.

Then we sold out and now we do hair metal covers. I passed along the bass to someone who plays a lot better and just focus on the singing.

03-18-2021, 07:52 PM

Whats your hobby?

03-18-2021, 07:57 PM
You need a hobby

This is a hobby.
:lol tbh

03-18-2021, 08:24 PM
Dude, have you ever been in a band? There are breaks.

I'm a luthier. Haven't been in a band in many years. I've played guitar for over 30 years, so I'm no slouch. I used to have a large collection, but I've down scaled to my four favorite guitars.

03-18-2021, 11:32 PM
best song we heard tonight wasn't one of ours, it was this


03-18-2021, 11:34 PM
:lol tbhlaughing with you, at me! :lol

03-18-2021, 11:37 PM
Nice. I used to play a 5 string bass and sing backup in an originals alt country band.

Then we sold out and now we do hair metal covers. I passed along the bass to someone who plays a lot better and just focus on the singing.Is it fun?

03-18-2021, 11:48 PM
best song we heard tonight wasn't one of ours, it was this


That was good, but over a decade old.

03-18-2021, 11:49 PM
as bad as we suck, the singer can sing and the songs are pretty good.

the most important thing is that the singer can sing.

03-18-2021, 11:51 PM
That was good, but over a decade old.man, that's like the hauteur of the record store clerk back in college.

are you still listening to that?


03-18-2021, 11:52 PM
I like these dudes


03-18-2021, 11:59 PM
very pristine

03-19-2021, 12:04 AM
This kid may be the best finger style guitarist in the world


03-19-2021, 12:05 AM
You need a hobbyYou know, you could have thanked me for pushing Turkey instead of Russia, which was the fashionable thing to do at the time.

03-19-2021, 12:15 AM
You know, you could have thanked me for pushing Turkey instead of Russia, which was the fashionable thing to do at the time.

Just tired and want to go back to something near normal.

03-19-2021, 12:15 AM
Just tired and want to go back to something near normal.I feel that.

03-19-2021, 01:36 AM
Nice. I used to play a 5 string bass and sing backup in an originals alt country band.

Then we sold out and now we do hair metal covers. I passed along the bass to someone who plays a lot better and just focus on the singing.Four string Ibanez ATK bass, tuned to B. The guitarist does too. (Shh dont't tell, that's our gimmick.)

About to drop in the baritone guitar once I fix the shitty bridge.

03-19-2021, 01:39 AM

Adam Lambert
03-19-2021, 09:56 AM
Is it fun?

It better be, we're certainly not in it for the money :lol But yes, it's very fun. We had a few gigs in the originals band where we were playing just for the bar staff. Not the case in a cover band.

03-26-2021, 08:06 PM
the begging


03-26-2021, 11:24 PM
where's TSA?


03-26-2021, 11:28 PM
4th Circuit reverses, says the lower court got it wrong.

As noted, Trump's pardon covers "the Turkey stuff," so Flynn is in the clear, but Rafiekian's conviction makes it clear the Flynn Intelligence Group was operating outside the law.

Bottom line: looks like Flynn needed the pardon because he's guilty as hell of being an unregistered agent of Turkey.



03-26-2021, 11:59 PM
What Flynn did furtively on Turkey's behalf for a half mil in 2016-7 seems to me way more damning than any meeting he had with Russians before DJT hired him, but who knows, maybe that involved Turkey too.This was a distinctive take for the time (2018) and it sort of held up.

If you want to get finicky about time 2015-6 is slightly more accurate. I don't see how large cash payments cease to be effective once you get a new job.

04-11-2021, 09:58 PM
This thread will go down in Spurstalk history as the political forums GOAT when the only person indicted is Susan Rice

04-11-2021, 10:01 PM
I think TSA quit once he found out C:lolde M:lolnkey is Q.

When did that hit Wired?

04-11-2021, 10:06 PM
Y'all thought this was a good bump? Yikes

04-11-2021, 10:11 PM
Y'all thought this was a good bump? Yikes


04-11-2021, 10:13 PM
Y'all thought this was a good bump? YikesWhy do you think it's a bad bump, Darrin?

04-12-2021, 12:56 PM
Y'all thought this was a good bump? Yikes
bumping a post about Susan Rice being the only person to be indicted over this? absolutely :lol

05-19-2021, 07:06 PM
I saw you peeping your massive failure of a thread djohn :rollin

05-19-2021, 07:08 PM
Oooh the question pending game. Let's play that.

Would you bet $2000 that Trump, Trump Jr, Ivanka, and Kushner are going to prison or would you bet $2000 that they are not going to prison?

take a look at the bet

05-19-2021, 07:17 PM
if you spike the football before scoring the TD, that's just a fumble.

05-19-2021, 07:21 PM
I saw you peeping your massive failure of a thread djohn :rollin

I called him out and he went lookin' for some redemption on a deep dive.

05-19-2021, 07:25 PM
take a look at the bet

You posted this in the other thread. This was directed at Pavlov not you :lol

06-01-2021, 04:57 PM
Retired 4-star general: Mike Flynn has a mental health problem and has 'slipped into a different realm'

https://www.rawstory.com/media-library/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6I mh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8yNjU2OTY5Ni9vcmlnaW4 uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTY1Mjg4MTA1MX0.yr2q2ZvnS mMusNFTEGNuZDYP5fcBSdgVwH-eGPHN-is/image.jpg?width=1200&height=675

Mike Flynn, who seemingly suggested (https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/31/politics/michael-flynn-qanon/index.html) that a citizen should form a coup to topple the U.S. government during a QAnon conference.

McCaffrey said Flynn's "dangerous rhetoric" is "harmful" to the country.

"This is putting the country at risk," McCaffrey said.

"I have never heard anything like this, probably in the last hundred years.

This kind of, just completely irresponsible, provocative language.

"I think Mike Flynn has a mental health problem, to be blunt," McCaffrey said.

"He has slipped into a different realm.

"As a senior military officer, retired as he is, to be calling for a coup against our democratic country, and

he's done this before, is extremely dangerous,

the Department of Justice is going to be "hard-pressed not to consider"

whether Flynn's comments were "criminal in nature."


06-01-2021, 04:59 PM
Retired 4-star general: Mike Flynn has a mental health problem and has 'slipped into a different realm'

https://www.rawstory.com/media-library/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6I mh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8yNjU2OTY5Ni9vcmlnaW4 uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTY1Mjg4MTA1MX0.yr2q2ZvnS mMusNFTEGNuZDYP5fcBSdgVwH-eGPHN-is/image.jpg?width=1200&height=675

Mike Flynn, who seemingly suggested (https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/31/politics/michael-flynn-qanon/index.html) that a citizen should form a coup to topple the U.S. government during a QAnon conference.

McCaffrey said Flynn's "dangerous rhetoric" is "harmful" to the country.

"This is putting the country at risk," McCaffrey said.

"I have never heard anything like this, probably in the last hundred years.

This kind of, just completely irresponsible, provocative language.

"I think Mike Flynn has a mental health problem, to be blunt," McCaffrey said.

"He has slipped into a different realm.

"As a senior military officer, retired as he is, to be calling for a coup against our democratic country, and

he's done this before, is extremely dangerous,

the Department of Justice is going to be "hard-pressed not to consider"

whether Flynn's comments were "criminal in nature."


Though it's okay for fake VP Harris to incite BLM & Antifa to riot forever more.

Michael Jordan.
07-15-2021, 08:00 AM

oops. Guess it wasn’t false like the Qbitch crew said

Michael Jordan.
07-15-2021, 08:00 AM

Michael Jordan.
07-15-2021, 08:02 AM

oh really?

Michael Jordan.
07-15-2021, 08:03 AM

07-15-2021, 08:35 AM

Funny that mother fucker Biden didn't mention this to the Poot when he was over there ass kissing him.

tee, hee.

Spurs Homer
07-15-2021, 09:39 AM

oh really?

stuff we have known for years...

cue the russian puppets on spurstalk to post their scoffing replies in 3,2,1....

07-15-2021, 09:41 AM
stuff we have known for years...

cue the russian puppets on spurstalk to post their scoffing replies in 3,2,1....

Funny that mother fucker Biden didn't mention this to the Poot when he was over there ass kissing him.

tee, hee.

Spurs Homer
07-15-2021, 09:47 AM
Funny that mother fucker Biden didn't mention this to the Poot when he was over there ass kissing him.

tee, hee.

he mentioned it

he also told the midget he was going to nuke those cyber criminals and fuck up the midgets third world country

ask - REVIL

how old and weak 90 yr old biden is now


go fuck yourself you disgusting traitor

07-15-2021, 09:59 AM
stuff we have known for years...

cue the russian puppets on spurstalk to post their scoffing replies in 3,2,1....

TSA, Pootin fellator? up next

Spurs Homer
07-15-2021, 10:07 AM
TSA, Pootin fellator? up next

07-15-2021, 10:12 AM
I doubt this leak is legit. Pootin would kill anybody who leaked. And of course Russia denies everything.

As we see in USA, the first casualty of fascism is the truth.

07-15-2021, 10:30 AM
More likely Russians trying to stir up trouble.
Its a playable card for both sides to pretend.
And it so damn easy to get started.
The difference is that Trump actually asked them to keep spreading shit.

07-15-2021, 11:15 AM

:lmao you just can’t help yourself :lmao

07-15-2021, 11:17 AM
Thanks for bumping this thread by the way you’ve got a question to answer that you’ve dodged 200+ times.
djohn2oo8 Michael Jordan. why did you go into hiding for 5 months after Mueller didn’t put any Trumps in prison? :lmao

07-15-2021, 01:13 PM
recently viral


07-15-2021, 01:34 PM
The report – “No 32-04 \ vd” – is classified as secret. It says Trump is the “most promising candidate” from the Kremlin’s point of view. The word in Russian is perspektivny.

There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

Fake or not, that description is spot on...

07-15-2021, 01:43 PM

oh really?

Lmao Still with this stupid RussiaHoax? You fucking progressives are so damn retarded and the real conspiracy theorists amongst us.

07-18-2021, 12:00 PM

oops. Guess it wasn’t false like the Qbitch crew said

:lmao Luke Harding



I spent half of yesterday fielding this question. On Thursday, the Guardian published a story describing a document, apparently signed by Vladimir Putin at a meeting of his closest security advisors. The story purports to show that the document authorized an operation to install Trump in the White House in 2016. The document hits every Democratic erogenous zone: it calls Trump an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”; alludes to kompromat the Russian government had on Trump from one of his unofficial visits to Russia; and says a Trump presidency would bring “social turmoil” to the United States. It sounds absolutely amazing and gratifying, but is it true? The short answer is: we don’t know, but there are at least five reasons to be skeptical.

1. As Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired C.I.A. officer who fought Russian active measures from 2017 to 2019 from inside Langley, put it, “this seems to be packaged too neatly. Kremlin documents like this don’t leak.” On this, I agree with Marc. It just seems too pat and fits the narrative we want to believe a little too neatly.

2. If you know anything about how hard it is for Western intelligence agencies to pry secrets out of the Kremlin, you wonder: how in the hell did the Guardian procure such a sensitive and explosive document? The Guardian is not at all forthcoming or clear about where it came from. Here’s how they describe their sourcing:

Western intelligence agencies are understood to have been aware of the documents for some months and to have carefully examined them. The papers, seen by the Guardian, seem to represent a serious and highly unusual leak from within the Kremlin.

The Guardian has shown the documents to independent experts who say they appear to be genuine. Incidental details come across as accurate. The overall tone and thrust is said to be consistent with Kremlin security thinking.
That seems extremely vague. And knowing the British press’s much laxer rules on sourcing and verification of information, this makes me nervous.

3. Is the document real, or is it a vbros, a fake document manufactured by Russian intelligence to send us into a tizzy again? I spoke to one former American intelligence agent who has seen the document and reports about the Kremlin meeting. This person told me that an ally's intelligence services reported on the meeting, but that we don’t know if this document was signed then or created later. Plus, they pointed out, it isn’t the substance at issue—we’ve long known that the Kremlin preferred Trump to Hillary Clinton and that they used their intelligence operations to help him achieve victory—but its very release. Was it actually a secret document created for and signed by Putin in that alleged meeting, or was it created two to three years later and released “to shred us apart”? “It looks legit, but for what purpose?” the source said. “It seemed more likely that they leaked this document to make themselves look more powerful than they were and could sow division by manufacturing after the fact. It’s a no-lose game for them in that case.”

“This definitely looks like something the Kremlin could have written and ‘leaked’ for the purpose of making people look ridiculous when it’s published and everyone gets really excited about it,” said one former U.S. government official who worked on Russia. Look, for instance, at the response to the report: the American media is again talking about Trump and whether the election had been rigged by the Kremlin. (Let’s remember that undermining confidence in election security is not an exclusively Republican sport.) Is the document real or is it more Russian disinformation? I don’t think we know enough to answer that question just yet.

4. I really hate to rag on my colleagues publicly and agree with Glenn Greenwald. But Glenn voiced publicly what many of us former Russia reporters have been saying privately. The piece is written by three people, two of whom are great reporters and one, Luke Harding, whose past reporting hasn’t held up to scrutiny. In 2018, he reported that Paul Manafort went to the Ecuadorian embassy for a secret meeting with Julian Assange, but no one else could confirm that the meeting took place and the Guardian later watered down the language of the story, such as by changing “meeting” to “apparent meeting.” Those of us who overlapped with Luke in Moscow remember other stories, like his 2007 bombshell that Putin had amassed $40 billion in his first two terms in office. Amazing story! There was only one problem: Luke’s only source seemed to be the “political technologist” (that’s a thing in Russia) Stanislav Belkosky, a man we all knew as an entertaining peddler of conspiracy theories and someone who made for a fun drinking companion at the bistro where the Russian opposition drank. There are other stories that former Moscow correspondents can share, and, for many of us, a red flag snapped up when we saw Luke’s name on the story. (The Guardian did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)

Of course, not everyone agrees with me—or with my cohort of foreign correspondents in Russia—but I will say this. I remember one night in Moscow when a young British journalist told me over a beer that his professors had taught him that journalism was primarily entertainment. My American sensibilities were shocked, but it’s something I often think about when I see stories like this in the British press.

5. If the Steele Dossier—another British product—debacle taught us anything, it’s that we should be extremely careful with these kinds of explosive but anonymous documents that make us feel good by confirming our wildest fantasies about political figures we loathe. This is a situation where a grain of salt won’t suffice; get out your salt licker to read stories like these.

07-18-2021, 12:04 PM

oops. Guess it wasn’t false like the Qbitch crew said


:lmao djohn

07-18-2021, 12:08 PM

oops. Guess it wasn’t false like the Qbitch crew said


Time to start using another alt you’ve been thoroughly destroyed and embarrassed again.

07-18-2021, 12:10 PM
“not even Maddow would touch it”
:lmao :lmao :lmao

Spurs Homer
07-18-2021, 01:23 PM
stuff we have known for years...

cue the russian puppets on spurstalk to post their scoffing replies in 3,2,1....

lololol cuck ross ^

Spurs Homer
07-18-2021, 01:36 PM
“not even Maddow would touch it”
:lmao :lmao :lmao

Hey, piece of shit traitor,

why’d you disappear right after your hero traitors failed coup attemp at the capitol?

how disappointed are you that your hero traitor failed in his coup attempt?

07-18-2021, 01:48 PM
Hey, piece of shit traitor,

why’d you disappear right after your hero traitors failed coup attemp at the capitol?

how disappointed are you that your hero traitor failed in his coup attempt?

^ Ramblings of a fucking mental patient

Spurs Homer
07-20-2021, 11:16 AM
Hey, piece of shit traitor,

why’d you disappear right after your hero traitors failed coup attemp at the capitol?

how disappointed are you that your hero traitor failed in his coup attempt?

THIS is how you make TSA run away from threads

chickenshit has no answer and everytime he is asked the above
he will run away and hide

07-20-2021, 11:29 AM
THIS is how you make TSA run away from threads

chickenshit has no answer and everytime he is asked the above
he will run away and hide

:cry if I was out of country, so I was not hiding :cry
:cry my work in korea :cry
:cry too busy every hour of every day to respond to shit I started :cry
:cry do they even have internets in korea :cry

07-20-2021, 12:32 PM
THIS is how you make TSA run away from threads

chickenshit has no answer and everytime he is asked the above
he will run away and hide

I've had you on ignore so you can thank Ef-man for quoting you and letting me see this. I was gone a month before January 6th. Nice try though. Back on ignore you go.

07-20-2021, 12:33 PM
What's djohn2oo8 Michael Jordan. posting under these days? :lol

Spurs Homer
07-20-2021, 01:42 PM
:cry if I was out of country, so I was not hiding :cry
:cry my work in korea :cry
:cry too busy every hour of every day to respond to shit I started :cry
:cry do they even have internets in korea :cry


you nailed it!

s korea is more advanced internet-wise than we are!

07-20-2021, 03:45 PM
What's djohn2oo8 Michael Jordan. posting under these days? :lol

I hear that he has been working in korea since right before mueller report was issued so he is not “hiding.”

In korea, it is all work, work, work, work and they have no internets, so I have been told.

Spurs Homer
07-20-2021, 03:53 PM
:lmao ^

08-15-2021, 03:21 PM
Evidence presented to grand jury in Durham’s Russia probe (https://apnews.com/article/europe-russia-7d649bb73e0a56f2e97fe3ee7996fa63)

08-17-2021, 10:05 AM
read: propaganda value

Jonathan Turley's main trade these days is punching left and giving open-mouthed kisses to the right.

For many individuals, the statute of limitations may have passed on any alleged crimes. But the truth brought to light in any final report could result a public indictment of sorts.https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/567864-still-in-the-game-will-durhams-report-throw-a-slow-curveball-at-key

08-30-2021, 01:44 AM

08-30-2021, 01:59 AM
(reportedly originally posted to social media by erstwhile Q-ster TracyBeanz)


08-30-2021, 02:02 AM
is Flynn about to be arrested or something?

why close his accounts now, when he's well out of the headlines?

08-30-2021, 02:48 AM


08-30-2021, 02:51 AM
is Flynn about to be arrested or something?

why close his accounts now, when he's well out of the headlines?

I think he's gone deeper into the delusion hole, tbh... just a matter of time he's tied up in some plot to bomb or massacre a bunch of people...

08-30-2021, 10:29 AM
What's djohn2oo8 Michael Jordan. posting under these days? :lol


08-30-2021, 10:31 AM
(reportedly originally posted to social media by erstwhile Q-ster TracyBeanz)

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E9-AM5MUcAcVkID?format=jpg&name=medium:lol why would anyone redact Mike's name if they're trying to say Mike is being oppressed?

08-30-2021, 10:31 AM
Flynn’s attorney is also in trouble with sanctions

10-04-2021, 08:35 AM
another unreported conflict of interest

Flynn Secretly Paid $200,000 in Middle East Nuclear Scheme—Report (https://www.spytalk.co/p/flynn-secretly-paid-200000-in-middle)

Spurs Homer
10-04-2021, 06:01 PM
another unreported conflict of interest

Flynn Secretly Paid $200,000 in Middle East Nuclear Scheme—Report (https://www.spytalk.co/p/flynn-secretly-paid-200000-in-middle)



not surprising at all...

10-04-2021, 06:24 PM
A spokesperson for Chase told us: “We’ve contacted our customer to let her know that we made an error and we apologized for any inconvenience this caused.” -Snopes

WH23456789 bottles of beer on the wall duped again

Spurs Homer
10-14-2021, 10:17 PM

of course McCabe is exonerated, gets his pension…

everything we knew already- but the wheels of justice turn slow as fuckin molasses

the traitor just ruined a stellar law enforcement pro - but mcabe won bigly in the end and the twice impeached disgraced traitor soon to be prosecuted

10-19-2021, 10:31 AM
The wheels are falling off. I expect the “Russian” set up to be exposed before the midterms. Horowitz FISA abuse report rumored to come out end of by October.

Agents Tried to Flip Russian Oligarchs. The Fallout Spread to Trump.

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/01/us/politics/deripaska-ohr-steele-fbi.html#click=https://t.co/jT0xnQpz54"Russian set-up" to be exposed?

TSA's predictions :lol


Cuck Ross
10-19-2021, 11:36 AM
"Russian set-up" to be exposed?

TSA's predictions :lol



10-19-2021, 12:12 PM
1450481834370940931Ah yes, the Russian set-up conspiracy

Cuck Ross
10-20-2021, 01:32 PM

10-20-2021, 02:27 PM
:lol TSA is still holding onto this conspiracy theory like Hunter Biden's laptop.

Cuck Ross
11-04-2021, 11:49 AM

:lol djohn2oo8 :lol

Spurs Homer
11-04-2021, 12:32 PM

just the facts

11-04-2021, 01:13 PM

:lol djohn2oo8 :lolThe FBI/DOJ can't arrest Russians in Russia, TSA.

Is this your permanent screen name now? You completely lost your shit when I used Pavlov later than you insisted I should.

11-04-2021, 01:38 PM
Mueller DOCUMENTED for Pelosi 9 or 10 of Trump's impeachable obstructions of the Russian investigation

Why the obstructions?

Why did Lady G etc, "forget" 100s of answers in Congress testimony? Why did Flynn lie? etc, etc, etc.

Cuck Ross
11-04-2021, 02:05 PM














11-04-2021, 02:27 PM
:lol TSA's wall of tweet

Flynn still guilty.

I have no idea why Trump bent over for Putin so eagerly. Any guesses?

Cuck Ross
11-06-2021, 03:54 PM
Durham Unravels the Russia Case

His indictments reveal facts embarrassing to former special counsel Robert Mueller and the press.

Special counsel John Durham’s latest indictment is an important step in unraveling what really happened in the long tale of false Russia-collusion allegations against the 2016 Trump presidential campaign. The facts in the indictment add to the evidence that this was from first to last a dirty trick by Hillary Clinton's campaign—and that the media were its gullible promoters.

Mr. Durham this week indicted Igor Danchenko, a Russian national who worked at the Brookings Institution in Washington and who was the main source for Christopher Steele’s dossier claimingDonald Trump (https://www.wsj.com/topics/person/donald-trump) was in secret cahoots with Russia. The FBI interviewed Mr. Danchenko in 2017 as part of its investigation of the dossier, and the indictment claims Mr. Danchenko lied repeatedly, depriving the FBI of crucial information. (Mr. Danchenko’s lawyer has indicated his client will plead not guilty.)

Mostly notably, the Russian hid the extent that he was working with a Democratic public-relations executive with ties to Hillary Clinton. Press reports have identified the executive as Charles Dolan, a Clinton associate who in 2016 was actively working to make Hillary the President. The indictment suggests Mr. Dolan was behind several of the salacious and derogatory claims about Mr. Trump that Mr. Danchenko fed to Mr. Steele. Mr. Dolan’s attorney told the New York Times (https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/NYT)that his client could not comment on an ongoing case.

The purpose was to present the FBI with oppo-research that masqueraded as “intelligence,” and it worked. Mrs. Clinton lost the election, but the Russia tale sabotaged an incoming President with relentless media assaults and a special counsel investigation. The country spent years obsessing over the Trump conspiracy that didn’t exist—rather than the Clinton conspiracy that did.


11-06-2021, 04:25 PM
it worked. Mrs. Clinton lost the election

:lmao WSJ editorials

11-08-2021, 02:11 AM
Hillary Clinton's shenanigans in her 2016 loss to Trump have never been prosecuted.

Lock her up!

11-08-2021, 02:44 AM
I dunno about this Durham guy... he knew since 2017(?) this rusky was lying and did nothing about it!

I heard here that makes his investigation a sham...

Also, wasn't already known that it was oppo research? That was part of the disclosure in the FISA applications?

11-09-2021, 07:53 AM
[drew holden is a very serious person, and twitter is a very serious platform. here is a wall of tweets, followed by a wjo op-ed to trigger the libs

You are going to bore me to death.

11-09-2021, 07:54 AM
Hillary Clinton's shenanigans in her 2016 loss to Trump have never been prosecuted.

Lock her up!

She continues her streak of being not indicted. How does that happen?

Cuck Ross
11-09-2021, 10:34 AM
You are going to bore me to death.

You ran around for 4+ years claiming Trump was an agent of Russia only to find out it was never true and it was all concocted by the woman you voted for. What's it feel like to be duped like that?

11-09-2021, 10:44 AM
You ran around for 4+ years claiming Trump was an agent of Russia only to find out it was never true and it was all concocted by the woman you voted for. What's it feel like to be duped like that?

He's accustomed to it. I heard his wife cucked him here, on this forum.

Cuck Ross
11-09-2021, 03:35 PM
You are going to bore me to death.:lol Russian Intelligence
:lol polling data


Seems like your campaign manager sharing data with Russian intelligence would fit any reasonable definition of "collusion".

oooh, an op-ed by a Trump apologist, with no access to any classified data the FBI has. :rolleyes

You are working super hard to dismiss Kilimniks ties. I can see why. Easy to autistically screech about this one thing than address the broader picture.

Your wider problem with hyper-focusing on the one thing I bring up as the most clear evidence is that you miss the wider context:

the large number of contacts with between this camp and Russia
trumpanzees lied about their contacts.
trumpanzees destroyed evidence
a systemic effort by Russia to support Donald Trump
a systemic effort by Russia to damage Hillary Clinton

Feel free to explain why Manafort would give this guy internal polling data. :lmao

Konstantin Kilimnik, Russiagate's Last Fall Guy, Speaks Out

The Senate Intelligence Committee, the Treasury, and even Robert Mueller pointed fingers. But none bothered to question him

Kilimnik is a Ukrainian-American who’d served in the army and was hired to work as a translator at the American-funded International Republican Institute in Moscow beginning in the mid-nineties. In 2005, he left the IRI to go work for Paul Manafort, who was advising future president Viktor Yanukovich and the “Party of Regions” in Ukraine.
As it happens, Kilimnik worked at the IRI in Moscow during the same time I lived in that city in the nineties and early 2000s. In fact, he was well-known enough in that small expatriate community that in the space of a day last week I was able to reach, through mutual acquaintances, five of Kilimnik’s former colleagues, including three from the IRI and one from the U.S. State Department, to whom he was a regular and valuable contact (the Senate investigators left that fact out). I also called Kilimnik and had two lengthy interviews with him.
Why bring this up? Because in that little flurry of calls, I did more actual work on Konstantin Kilimnik than either the Special Counsel or SSCI researchers, who ostensibly spent thousands of man-hours investigating him.
Kilimnik being a spy wouldn’t just mean that the Trump campaign had been penetrated. It would mean the same thing for the IRI, which was chaired (https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/politics/a11661527/john-mccain-iri-daniel-twining/) by late Senator and leading proponent of the Russiagate theory John McCain at the time. More to the point, it would also be disastrous for the State Department, and particularly for the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, whose staffers placed great trust in “KK” as a regular source.
The FBI’s own declassified reports show Kilimnik met with the head of the Kiev embassy’s political section “at least biweekly” during his time working with Manafort and Yanukovitch, adding that he “displayed good knowledge and seemed to know what was going on,” and came across as “less slanted” than other sources, among many other things. This fits with what I was told by multiple former colleagues of Kilimnik’s, that staffers in the Kiev embassy valued his analyses above those of some Americans in Yanukovitch’s orbit. (A third former co-worker was a little more blunt about what he heard, saying the Kiev embassy was “sucking his dick”).
They also show the embassy was so intent on protecting Kilimnik’s identity as a State Department source that they pulled his name out of diplomatic cables sent home:
https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:s teep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F 3b97699e-5e7c-4ded-8fc8-b048fa0b9947_1342x606.png (https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F 3b97699e-5e7c-4ded-8fc8-b048fa0b9947_1342x606.png)
Kilimnik says he “played a certain role in communication with the Western embassies in Kiev” both before and after the “Euromaidan” Revolution in 2014. “I tried to draw attention to facts about thugs attacking TV channels and opposition politicians, and things like [an arson attack against “InterTV (https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/368112.html)” in 2016],” he says, adding that he “naively thought the West would stand for media freedom and protecting rules for fair play in politics, like it has for many years.”
The only reason nobody’s asked the Senate Committee why Kilimnik’s alleged spy status doesn’t also represent a “grave” embarrassment to, say, the U.S. State Department is because our press corps is the most dogshit on earth (more on that in a moment).
Special Counsel Robert Mueller claimed the FBI spoke to an IRI employee who said Kilimnik was “fired from his post because his links to Russian intelligence were too strong.” Though not all the IRI staffers I reached liked Kilimnik, each found the idea that he might be a spy alternately ridiculous and baffling. Multiple ex-colleagues said they believed he was fired for “moonlighting,” i.e. because he’d already started working for Manafort.
“I was actually moonlighting. It was a funny story,” Kilimnik says (for a more complete explanation, see the Q&A below).
As to the idea that it was known around the IRI office that Kilimnik had intelligence ties, one former senior IRI official said, “I think whoever said that, that’s someone trying to feel more important in retrospect,” adding that the idea that he was “some GRU plant from years gone by” was questionable because the Russians “didn’t know their right from their left back then, and the IRI could not described as a high-value target.” The official concluded: “I find the notion that Kilimnik is now this big figure remarkable.” None of former employees of the Moscow IRI office I spoke with had been contacted by any American investigator, including Mueller.
Then there’s the matter of the suspect himself. Question to Kilimnik: how many times was he questioned by American authorities, with whom he was so familiar — remember he met with American officials “at least biweekly” at one point pre-Trump — during the entire Russiagate period?
“Not a single person from the U.S. Government ever reached out to me,” Kilimnik says.
Nobody from the Office of the Special Counsel, the FBI, or the Senate Intelligence Committee ever contacted him?
“Not once,” Kilimnik says. “Nobody from Mueller’s team reached out to me, literally nobody.” :lol
In reaching Kilimnik last week I also became just the second American reporter, after Aaron Maté of (https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2021/05/19/accused_russiagate_spy_kilimnik_speaks_-_and_evidence_backs_his_no_collusion_account_77732 8.html)RealClear Investigations (https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2021/05/19/accused_russiagate_spy_kilimnik_speaks_-_and_evidence_backs_his_no_collusion_account_77732 8.html) and Grayzone, to call Kilimnik for comment on the Senate report. Virtually every American news organization or TV commentary program has in the last year repeated accusations against Kilimnik made by either the Senate Intelligence Committee or the U.S. Treasury Department, which earlier this year called him a “Russian Intelligence Services agent” in an announcement of sanctions (https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0126) against Russia.
It was once normal practice in American media to give people a chance to respond to serious allegations, but no longer, apparently. “Zero. Zero,” says Kilimnik, when asked how many American media outlets called him after the release of the Senate report. Incidentally, Kilimnik isn’t hiding under a snow-covered trap door at a secret FSB installation outside Izhievsk. He’s in an apartment in Northwest Moscow, where anyone could find him.
“Everybody knows my phone number. It was in Mueller’s reports,” he says. “But I got no questions. I mean, a lot of people know how to find me. I guess they just didn’t care.”
Kilimnik was even on the list of 16 entities and 16 individuals the Treasury just this year said “attempted to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election at the direction of the leadership of the Russian Government.” That’s the 2020 election, not the 2016 election, meaning the one that came after the Senate report.
“The US actually sanctioned me for interference in 2020 elections,” Kilimnik says. “I would not be able to say why. I’d love to know. I’ve been sitting in fucking Moscow, in my backyard, and feeding squirrels. Must have been some sort of interference.”
The aforementioned Maté published photos of Kilimnik’s passport (https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2021/05/19/accused_russiagate_spy_kilimnik_speaks_-_and_evidence_backs_his_no_collusion_account_77732 8.html) that appear to show he entered the U.S. on a visa stamped in a regular Russian passport on October 28, 1997. This is the same date the Senate committee said he was entering the United States on a diplomatic passport. The Senate also said Kilimnik met with Manafort in Spain in 2017, which he denies. “I’ve never been to Spain,” Kilimnik laughs. “I haven’t been there. Let them prove I’ve been there.”

Kilimnik stands accused of helping Evil Von Putin aim this high-tech weapon. How? Senate investigators said, “Manafort briefed Kilimnik on sensitive Campaign polling data and the Campaign’s strategy for beating Hillary Clinton.” What was sensitive about it?
“That’s bullshit. There was nothing that resembled ‘sensitive’ polling data,” Kilimnik says. “I would get two figures maybe once a month, not every day, not every week.”
Two figures — meaning two pages?
“Two digits,” he says. “Like, ‘Trump 40, Hillary 45.’ That’s all I would get, nothing more. So I don’t understand how this is sensitive data.”
Kilimnik was getting his information from former Trump deputy campaign chief Rick Gates, who was directed to send the data to Kilimnik by Manafort. None other than Rachel Maddow once called Gates “Mueller’s star cooperating witness.” I called Gates last week and asked: what was he passing to Kilimnik?
“Top-line data, and I want people to understand what that means,” he says. “It was like, ‘Ohio, Clinton 48, Trump 50,’ Or, ‘Wisconsin, Trump 50, Clinton 42.’ The sources were a combination of things like RealClear Politics and occasionally some numbers from [Republican pollster] Tony Fabrizio. But it was all just top-line stuff.”
Gates’s story is that Manafort was passing this data back to people like his longtime sponsors, the Ukrainian barons Rinat Akhmetov and Sergei Lyvochkin, because “Paul was just trying to show that Trump was doing well,” as “Paul was just trying to do what he’s always done,” i.e. trying to show how valuable he could be.
For those disinclined to believing the Gates or Kilimnik version of events, remember that neither Mueller nor the Senate Intelligence Committee could come up with a different one. Apart from adding “sensitive” to their description (Mueller just called it “internal polling data”), the Senate never offered evidence that Kilimnik was getting more than those few numbers. As to why Kilimnik was sent this information, this is what the Senate had to say:
The Committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik. Manafort and Gates both claimed that it was part of an effort to resolve past business disputes and obtain new work with their past Russian and Ukrainian clients by showcasing Manafort's success.

Why “sensitive?” The Committee was “unable to reliably determine” why, having no idea what Kilimnik did with those numbers. But they were sure enough it was bad to conclude it represented a “grave counterintelligence threat.”
Kilimnik is roughly the twentieth suspect in a long list of alleged secret conduits that across five years have already been tried out and discarded by pundits and investigators alike as “smoking gun” links between Trump and Putin.


Cuck Ross
11-09-2021, 04:31 PM
After 4+ years of all this Russian collusion bullshit it's revealed that Hillary Clinton was behind it all and not a single Russia hoax believer has the balls to step up and say they were duped by the woman they voted for President. Sad.

11-09-2021, 04:43 PM
:lol "it was revealed"
:lol "the unraveling"

11-09-2021, 05:02 PM
Mueller found 9 or 10 instances of Trash's impeachable obstruction of the Russian investigation

That obstruction is self-indicting.

the Steele business had NOTHING to do with Trash's obstruction or so many of his mafiya in so much contact with the Russians.

Trash had been groomed/compromised by Russians since the 1980s.

Trash wanted the $100M/year from Trump International Moscow hotel and did everything he could to cooperate with Pootin's attack on USA, everything to avoid upsetting, and to fellate Pootin.

Trash lied in 2016 that there was no contact about the hotel when in fact his people were negotiating with Pootin

11-09-2021, 05:06 PM
i just cant wait till the only person who gets indicted over this whole thing is susan rice. maybe samantha powers

Cuck Ross
11-09-2021, 05:15 PM
Three more just checked in :lol Still not a single Russia hoax believer has the balls to step up and say they were duped by the woman they voted for President. Sad

11-09-2021, 07:41 PM
Three more just checked in :lol Still not a single Russia hoax believer has the balls to step up and say they were duped by the woman they voted for President. Sad

no one was duped. Hillary was informed by the FBI along with McConnell, Comey, Obama, DoJ that FBI had discovered the Russians were subverting the election.

Obama wanted to go public, but McConnell, effectively complicit with the Russians efforts knowing they were against Hillary, threated to call Obama's exposing the Russians as a cheap political campaign trick

Russiagate was real, no hoax, and the Russians continue to attack.

11-09-2021, 07:44 PM
Three more just checked in :lol Still not a single Russia hoax believer has the balls to step up and say they were duped by the woman they voted for President. Sad
you still think it was seth rich? :lol

kimdotcom's evidence? :lol

11-09-2021, 10:03 PM
Three more just checked in :lol Still not a single Russia hoax believer has the balls to step up and say they were duped by the woman they voted for President. Sad

Glad you're not talking about me, tbh

You're basically djohn during the Mueller investigation right now, every time there was an indictment of any sort "hahaha, Trump is going to jail".

The irony of you trying to laugh at "Russia hoax believer" is not lost on any of us :lol

11-10-2021, 09:56 AM
Hillary Clinton


11-10-2021, 10:01 AM

TK: You were described by the Senate Intelligence Committee as a “Russian Intelligence Officer.” Are you one?

Konstantin Kilimnik: I have not had any relationship with any intelligence agency. Not with U.S. intelligence, not the Ukrainian, Russian, Zimbabwean, whatever. I’m a consultant who has worked for many years running elections in Ukraine. I just haven’t had any relationship with any intelligence, and haven’t seen any facts proving otherwise.


Because spies always are honest when you ask them about who they work for. :lmao

11-10-2021, 10:04 AM

Because spies always are honest when you ask them about who they work for. :lmao

:lol you trusted the word of said spy for years

Cuck Ross
11-10-2021, 10:36 AM
Glad you're not talking about me, tbh

You're basically djohn during the Mueller investigation right now, every time there was an indictment of any sort "hahaha, Trump is going to jail".

The irony of you trying to laugh at "Russia hoax believer" is not lost on any of us :lol

Nope not talking about you. You are the only one I can recall that didn't get caught up in the hype believing that Trump was an agent of Russia.

"not lost on any of us" :lol

There is no "us" there is only you who didn't believe the hoax. I will continue to laugh at those who did, and you should do the same.

Cuck Ross
11-10-2021, 10:39 AM

Who was Danchenko's source?

11-10-2021, 10:54 AM
Nope not talking about you. You are the only one I can recall that didn't get caught up in the hype believing that Trump was an agent of Russia.

"not lost on any of us" :lol

There is no "us" there is only you who didn't believe the hoax. I will continue to laugh at those who did, and you should do the same.

You were all in on Q.

And Pizzagate.

And Silsby.

And Guccifer 2.0.

And Seth Rich.

And Crystal Level.

And pedo menus.

And adrenochrome.

And child sex dungeons.

And KimDotcom.

And what does this art mean the you?

(Partial list.)

11-10-2021, 11:15 AM
:lol you trusted the word of said spy for years

Damn, this whole thing went right over your pointed head. Wrong again columbo. :lmao

11-10-2021, 11:40 AM
Nope not talking about you. You are the only one I can recall that didn't get caught up in the hype believing that Trump was an agent of Russia.

"not lost on any of us" :lol

There is no "us" there is only you who didn't believe the hoax. I will continue to laugh at those who did, and you should do the same.
clears throat

Cuck Ross
11-10-2021, 12:00 PM
Damn, this whole thing went right over your pointed head. Wrong again columbo. :lmao

Who was Danchenko's source?

Cuck Ross
11-10-2021, 12:11 PM
clears throat

You're a permanent fence sitter you can stop clearing your throat and sit back down.

11-10-2021, 12:55 PM
You're a permanent fence sitter you can stop clearing your throat and sit back down.

so mad that i dont immediately jump aboard conspiracy theories, whether they're the "good ones" (pizzagate, q) or the "bad ones" (peepee tapes). i let processes play out and facts be learned. call that fence sitting if you want :lol

11-10-2021, 02:14 PM
This is fun.

11-10-2021, 02:47 PM
trashing ST RWNJs is easier than clubbing baby seals

Cuck Ross
11-10-2021, 02:48 PM

so mad that i dont immediately jump aboard conspiracy theories, whether they're the "good ones" (pizzagate, q) or the "bad ones" (peepee tapes). i let processes play out and facts be learned. call that fence sitting if you want :lol
Why would I be mad at you being a fence sitter? It is what it is.

Cuck Ross
11-10-2021, 02:49 PM
This is fun.
Who is Charles Dolan Jr?

11-10-2021, 02:55 PM
Why would I be mad at you being a fence sitter? It is what it is.
if your definition of fence sitting is not jumping all-in on any conspiracy theories without knowledge of the facts, sure

:lmao what does this art imply??
:lmao podesta sketches
:lmao triangle logos
:lmao #chickenlover

Cuck Ross
11-10-2021, 03:42 PM
if your definition of fence sitting is not jumping all-in on any conspiracy theories without knowledge of the facts, sure

:lmao what does this art imply??
:lmao podesta sketches
:lmao triangle logos
:lmao #chickenlover

The Trump/Russia collusion conspiracy theory was already in shambles and with Dachenko's recent arrest it's completely crumbled. Quite a few new facts were presented in the indictment but I'm not sure I've seen you comment on them.

What are your thoughts on finding out Christopher Steele was being fed allegations by a long time Clinton advisor?

When do you plan on going through this thread and pointing out all the hilariously bogus claims from your side or do you not do the your side thing?

11-10-2021, 04:08 PM
The Trump/Russia collusion conspiracy theory was already in shambles and with Dachenko's recent arrest it's completely crumbled. Quite a few new facts were presented in the indictment but I'm not sure I've seen you comment on them.

What are your thoughts on finding out Christopher Steele was being fed allegations by a long time Clinton advisor?

When do you plan on going through this thread and pointing out all the hilariously bogus claims from your side or do you not do the your side thing?
i have shit on djohn quite a bit tbh

we knew the steele dossier was meant to be a political hit job

Cuck Ross
11-10-2021, 04:16 PM
i have shit on djohn quite a bit tbh

we knew the steele dossier was meant to be a political hit job

quite a bit more than djohn to shit on yet you haven't...why?

Innocent people's lives were ruined. Illegal FISA warrants were obtained. This went way past a political hit job.

11-10-2021, 04:21 PM
Nope not talking about you. You are the only one I can recall that didn't get caught up in the hype believing that Trump was an agent of Russia.

"not lost on any of us" :lol

There is no "us" there is only you who didn't believe the hoax. I will continue to laugh at those who did, and you should do the same.

The problem is that you're turning into the people you're laughing at. That's the irony.

11-10-2021, 04:23 PM
Innocent people's lives were ruined. Illegal FISA warrants were obtained. This went way past a political hit job.

According to the OIG, there was nothing illegal about the obtained FISA warrants. Not having all the i's dotted and t's crossed doesn't automatically make them illegal.

11-10-2021, 04:27 PM
quite a bit more than djohn to shit on yet you haven't...why?

Innocent people's lives were ruined. Illegal FISA warrants were obtained. This went way past a political hit job.
who else. spurs homer who i shit on until i got bored and put him on ignore? djohn is the main one who kept posting BOOM links and predicting prison. ive had boutons on ignore since before the trump administration.

whose lives were ruined?

Spurs Homer
11-10-2021, 04:32 PM
who else. spurs homer who i shit on until i got bored and put him on ignore? djohn is the main one who kept posting BOOM links and predicting prison. ive had boutons on ignore since before the trump administration.

whose lives were ruined?

still unsure what your problem is

but - rent free I guess…

Cuck Ross
11-10-2021, 04:38 PM
According to the OIG, there was nothing illegal about the obtained FISA warrants. Not having all the i's dotted and t's crossed doesn't automatically make them illegal.According to the FISC they lacked probable cause and warrants were invalid.


Is this what you call not having all the i's dottd and t's crossed? :lol

"The errors in the FISA applications on Carter Page were significant and serious. They were not, in my experience, the kind of errors you would expect to find in every case. ... It’s not acceptable to rely on a Confidential Human Source and then not check with his FBI handler in describing his bona fides to the FISA Court. It’s not acceptable to omit some potentially exculpatory recorded statements made by the FISA target to a source. It’s not acceptable to leave unresolved credibility and perhaps factual disputes between a key source and his primary subsource. It’s not acceptable, after closing the key source, to continue to get information from him through an Office of the Deputy Attorney General (ODAG) staffer, thereby effectively treating him as a subsource of the ODAG staffer. And it’s certainly not acceptable for an FBI attorney to alter an email from another intelligence community agency as to whether the other agency had contact with the FISA target or treated him as a source. (Internal citations omitted."

11-10-2021, 04:47 PM

so mad that i dont immediately jump aboard conspiracy theories, whether they're the "good ones" (pizzagate, q) or the "bad ones" (peepee tapes). i let processes play out and facts be learned. call that fence sitting if you want :lol

You just jump aboard when there's several other posters who have jumped aboard, then you try to sound pithy and slink back into the crowd.

You're forever tagging in on arguments with nothing to lose.

Adam Lambert
11-10-2021, 04:56 PM
You just jump aboard when there's several other posters who have jumped aboard, then you try to sound pithy and slink back into the crowd.

You're forever tagging in on arguments with nothing to lose.

Poster B tags in to defend TSA by accusing someone else of tag-teaming.

You can't make up this lack of self awareness.

11-10-2021, 04:58 PM
Poster B tags in to defend TSA by accusing someone else of tag-teaming.

You can't make up this lack of self awareness.

He says from an alt he created to sock puppet support his own threads :lol

Adam Lambert
11-10-2021, 05:02 PM
He says from an alt he created to sock puppet support his own threads :lol

As usual you have nothing but the same tired, unrelated retorts.

It's okay to just not respond if you've got nothing.

11-10-2021, 11:05 PM
According to the FISC they lacked probable cause and warrants were invalid.


Is this what you call not having all the i's dottd and t's crossed? :lol

"The errors in the FISA applications on Carter Page were significant and serious. They were not, in my experience, the kind of errors you would expect to find in every case. ... It’s not acceptable to rely on a Confidential Human Source and then not check with his FBI handler in describing his bona fides to the FISA Court. It’s not acceptable to omit some potentially exculpatory recorded statements made by the FISA target to a source. It’s not acceptable to leave unresolved credibility and perhaps factual disputes between a key source and his primary subsource. It’s not acceptable, after closing the key source, to continue to get information from him through an Office of the Deputy Attorney General (ODAG) staffer, thereby effectively treating him as a subsource of the ODAG staffer. And it’s certainly not acceptable for an FBI attorney to alter an email from another intelligence community agency as to whether the other agency had contact with the FISA target or treated him as a source. (Internal citations omitted."

Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Notice that "not valid" does not equal "illegal", and neither the OIG nor that document you linked to refer to them as illegal.

You have to break a law to make anything illegal. ie: Clinesmith did break the law, and was tried, nobody else was.

11-11-2021, 12:27 PM
As usual you have nothing but the same tired, unrelated retorts.

It's okay to just not respond if you've got nothing.

You needed two accounts to say that? :lol

Cuck Ross
11-11-2021, 02:13 PM
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Notice that "not valid" does not equal "illegal", and neither the OIG nor that document you linked to refer to them as illegal.

You have to break a law to make anything illegal. ie: Clinesmith did break the law, and was tried, nobody else was.
Did the FBI follow the FISA law to obtain the warrants against Page? Yes or no.

11-11-2021, 07:26 PM
Did the FBI follow the FISA law to obtain the warrants against Page? Yes or no.

According to the OIG that looked deeply into this, and despite the numerous mistakes and errors he found with the process, there's no evidence of anybody intentionally breaking the rule of law in those applications (with the sole exception being Clinesmith).

I'll take his word for it. After all, he did have access to all the information and I have no reason to doubt his conclusion.

Cuck Ross
11-12-2021, 05:57 PM
According to the OIG that looked deeply into this, and despite the numerous mistakes and errors he found with the process, there's no evidence of anybody intentionally breaking the rule of law in those applications (with the sole exception being Clinesmith).

I'll take his word for it. After all, he did have access to all the information and I have no reason to doubt his conclusion.
I didn’t ask you for Horowitz opinion on intentionality.

Did the FBI follow the FISA law to obtain the warrants against Page? Yes or no.

Spurs Homer
11-12-2021, 06:46 PM
I didn’t ask you for Horowitz opinion on intentionality.

Did the FBI follow the FISA law to obtain the warrants against Page? Yes or no.

page is a fucking traitor- let him go!


11-13-2021, 01:47 AM
I didn’t ask you for Horowitz opinion on intentionality.

Did the FBI follow the FISA law to obtain the warrants against Page? Yes or no.

I share Horowitz opinion.

Cuck Ross
11-13-2021, 01:52 PM
I share Horowitz opinion.
Horowitz listed off 10+ instances where the law FISA law wasn’t followed.


If you run a red light unintentionally did you still break the law?

11-13-2021, 03:28 PM
Horowitz listed off 10+ instances where the law FISA law wasn’t followed.


Horowitz also never said the applications were illegal (I asked you to point that out, and I know you can't because it's not there), simply that the process needed to be improved. He found big mistakes for sure.

If you run a red light unintentionally did you still break the law?

You sure do. For example, Horowitz didn't claim to have evidence Clinesmith intentionally altered the email, yet he was tried and convicted.

Cuck Ross
11-13-2021, 03:52 PM
Horowitz also never said the applications were illegal (I asked you to point that out, and I know you can't because it's not there), simply that the process needed to be improved. He found big mistakes for sure.

You sure do. For example, Horowitz didn't claim to have evidence Clinesmith intentionally altered the email, yet he was tried and convicted.
FISA law requires sufficient predication to establish probable cause for a FISA warrant. Was the law followed in the applications? Yes or no.

11-13-2021, 03:55 PM
FISA law requires sufficient predication to establish probable cause for a FISA warrant. Was the law followed in the applications? Yes or no.

Now what you're arguing is that without the mistakes the FISA applications wouldn't have been approved. That's strictly speculation.

Again, I share Horowitz conclusion that despite the mistakes made on the application, they were not illegal.

Cuck Ross
11-13-2021, 03:58 PM
Now what you're arguing is that without the mistakes the FISA applications wouldn't have been approved. That's strictly speculation.

Again, I share Horowitz conclusion that despite the mistakes made on the application, they were not illegal.
Non answer, try again.

FISA law requires sufficient predication to establish probable cause for a FISA warrant. Was the law followed in the applications? Yes or no.

11-13-2021, 06:04 PM
Non answer, try again.

FISA law requires sufficient predication to establish probable cause for a FISA warrant. Was the law followed in the applications? Yes or no.

You not liking the answer doesn't make it a non-answer.

One more time, I'm taking the authoritative conclusion from the office that looked at this in-depth, with access to evidence, and concluded it was not illegal.

Mostly because neither you or I had access to the information they had to build an answer to that question.

Cuck Ross
11-15-2021, 10:41 AM
You not liking the answer doesn't make it a non-answer.

One more time, I'm taking the authoritative conclusion from the office that looked at this in-depth, with access to evidence, and concluded it was not illegal.

Mostly because neither you or I had access to the information they had to build an answer to that question.

Warrants were invalidated because they didn't follow the FISA laws. Not following the law makes something illegal, intentional or not.

11-15-2021, 10:52 AM
:lol "We have to have one religion."

:lmao TSA's hero

11-15-2021, 11:28 AM
Horowitz listed off 10+ instances where the law FISA law wasn’t followed.


If you run a red light unintentionally did you still break the law?
some crimes are "strict liability" ie you dont need intent

others arent

an application being deemed invalid doesnt make it criminal. if i will out a form wrong with the DMV and my license renewal is denied, that doesnt mean i filled out the form illegally

Cuck Ross
11-15-2021, 11:55 AM
some crimes are "strict liability" ie you dont need intent

others arent

an application being deemed invalid doesnt make it criminal. if i will out a form wrong with the DMV and my license renewal is denied, that doesnt mean i filled out the form illegally

Warrants were deemed invalid because they didn't follow the FISA law.

11-15-2021, 12:30 PM
Warrants were deemed invalid because they didn't follow the FISA law.
if my drivers license is deemed invalid because it turned out i filled a form incorrectly, that doesnt mean anything illegal was done

Cuck Ross
11-15-2021, 12:50 PM
if my drivers license is deemed invalid because it turned out i filled a form incorrectly, that doesnt mean anything illegal was done

:lol trying to equate FISA law to a DMV form :lol

11-15-2021, 01:24 PM
:lol trying to equate FISA law to a DMV form :lol
im contrasting illegality from impropriety

Cuck Ross
11-15-2021, 02:09 PM
im contrasting illegality from impropriety
:lol trying to equate the omissions of exculpatory evidence, misstatements on evidence, and altering of evidence as "impropriety"

Were the warrants obtained lawfully?

Spurs Homer
11-15-2021, 03:20 PM
CuckTSA: “my life ended when carter page left russia and joined trumps treason team”

11-15-2021, 03:34 PM
Warrants were invalidated because they didn't follow the FISA laws. Not following the law makes something illegal, intentional or not.

some crimes are "strict liability" ie you dont need intent

others arent

an application being deemed invalid doesnt make it criminal. if i will out a form wrong with the DMV and my license renewal is denied, that doesnt mean i filled out the form illegally

Warrants were deemed invalid because they didn't follow the FISA law.

That's quite the shift, and straight to the point: Invalid, not illegal.

11-15-2021, 03:36 PM
:lol trying to equate the omissions of exculpatory evidence, misstatements on evidence, and altering of evidence as "impropriety"

That's what the OIG called it. He didn't have any emoticons in there. What are you saying, that Horowitz was wrong?

11-15-2021, 03:38 PM
:lol trying to equate the omissions of exculpatory evidence, misstatements on evidence, and altering of evidence as "impropriety"

Were the warrants obtained lawfully?
thats what the OIG did, not me

Cuck Ross
11-15-2021, 03:49 PM
That's quite the shift, and straight to the point: Invalid, not illegal.

If something is unlawful how is it still legal?

11-15-2021, 05:29 PM
If something is unlawful how is it still legal?

who called it unlawful?

11-15-2021, 06:26 PM
• A sin of commission makes you unlawful while a sin of omission makes you illegal.

11-15-2021, 07:09 PM
oh noes, please keep religion out of this!!!!1!11

11-15-2021, 07:15 PM
oh noes, please keep religion out of this!!!!1!11

That's a sin of submission

11-15-2021, 07:21 PM
Flynn lied, sinnnnnn!!!

Cuck Ross
11-15-2021, 08:41 PM
who called it unlawful?
What does FISA law require for warrant? Sufficient predication to establish probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.

Why were warrants declared invalid? Insufficient predication to establish probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.

11-15-2021, 09:30 PM
'It's so stupefying':

Carl Bernstein says

Trump looked for people to 'facilitate his authoritarian impulse' after

Michael Flynn said the US needs one religion


11-17-2021, 05:49 PM

11-17-2021, 05:52 PM
The Summit Lighthouse is an international spiritual organization founded on August 7, 1958, by Prophet. Today it is the outreach arm of CUT, which was founded in 1975 by Prophet's wife Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The stated mission of The Summit Lighthouse is to "publish and apply the teachings of the ascended masters as taught by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet."[30] “Ascended masters” are believed to be individuals who have lived in physical bodies, acquired the wisdom and mastery needed to become immortal and free of the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and have attained their "Ascension." The Ascension is considered to be the complete permanent union of the purified inner self with the "I AM" Presence – an identity that is the unique Individualization of God of each person—and to have gone to heaven without having to die, termed "raising one's body"

L O Fucking L

11-17-2021, 06:19 PM
So he's basically Tom Cruise.

11-17-2021, 06:35 PM
The Summit Lighthouse is an international spiritual organization founded on August 7, 1958, by Prophet. Today it is the outreach arm of CUT, which was founded in 1975 by Prophet's wife Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The stated mission of The Summit Lighthouse is to "publish and apply the teachings of the ascended masters as taught by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet."[30] “Ascended masters” are believed to be individuals who have lived in physical bodies, acquired the wisdom and mastery needed to become immortal and free of the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and have attained their "Ascension." The Ascension is considered to be the complete permanent union of the purified inner self with the "I AM" Presence – an identity that is the unique Individualization of God of each person—and to have gone to heaven without having to die, termed "raising one's body"

L O Fucking L

Yes, L O Fucking L

11-25-2021, 05:21 AM

11-25-2021, 05:58 AM
lol Newsmax

11-25-2021, 09:28 AM

This guy sued an imaginary cow.

Cuck Ross
12-03-2021, 10:22 AM

12-03-2021, 11:22 AM
There's a another Russia report coming out. Will the Pootin-fellating Trash and his mafiya ever pay?

Spurs Homer
12-03-2021, 03:36 PM
If you were outed for child molesting, 5 years ago…and there were proceedings against you..

but your friends were on the jury and “acquitted” you despite mountains of evidence in plain view against you…

and 5 years later - even though you got away with it-

you REALLY want everyone to think it was all some kind of hoax…

you most certainly ARE a fucking child molester.

Trump and all his supporters are most definitely traitors who sold out to russia, defended russia for years, admitted that in their eyes- DEMS are worse than russia

and then even participated and/or supported a coup against the usa democracy…

so keep trying to convince everyone that you really are not traitor scum-

but NO ONE is buying it.

Your god is , was and will always be a traitor cunt and you sympathizers can live with yourselves til you die.

12-04-2021, 11:17 PM

lol "must read"

That article is garbage... probably is his book as well...

12-06-2021, 04:30 PM
Trump basically confessing to obstruction of justice...


12-06-2021, 04:37 PM
what if what pushed Trash to run, Trash as groomed by the Russians for 30 years, was a msg from Pootin that Pootin would do lots of shit to support Trash's campaign, including "get elected and I will OK Trump Hotel Moscow"?

The RWNJs downplaying "russiagate" don't want to admit that their demi-god is actually a Pootin acolyte/sucker.

05-09-2022, 09:50 AM
Federal judge reins in Durham

A federal judge has turned down a request from Special Counsel John Durham for a ruling that a lawyer facing trial on a false statement charge was part of a wide-ranging “joint venture” involving Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, Democratic operatives, private investigation firm Fusion GPS and various technology researchers.https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/07/judge-spares-clinton-camp-in-sussmann-ruling-00030887

05-09-2022, 09:51 AM
Federal judge reins in Durham

A federal judge has turned down a request from Special Counsel John Durham for a ruling that a lawyer facing trial on a false statement charge was part of a wide-ranging “joint venture” involving Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, Democratic operatives, private investigation firm Fusion GPS and various technology researchers.https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/07/judge-spares-clinton-camp-in-sussmann-ruling-00030887

05-09-2022, 10:07 AM
So he's basically Tom Cruise.

Yeah sure.
Basically we want Tom Cruise advising the president.
We want Tom Cruise in the highest parts of our government.

05-09-2022, 01:51 PM
Federal judge reins in Durham


Well, it's just that the lawyer wasn't charged with conspiracy, so why make a dog and pony circus over something the person was not charged with... (and we know the answer to that).

05-09-2022, 05:58 PM
Yeah sure.
Basically we want Tom Cruise advising the president.
We want Tom Cruise in the highest parts of our government.

If he was a democrat you'd be all for it.

05-20-2022, 07:05 PM
Handwritten Notes From 2017 Show FBI Agents Mislead DOJ On The Trump-Russia Investigation

Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann is currently on trial for lying to the FBI about his role in pushing data pertaining to alleged communications between Trump and the Russian Alfa Bank. According to Special Counsel John Durham, Sussmann lied when he brought that data to the FBI’s General Counsel James Baker as part of the Clinton campaign’s efforts to trigger an FBI investigation of her opponent, Donald Trump. Specifically, Sussmann allegedly wrote Baker a text message claiming he was not representing anyone in providing the information when, in fact, he was representing the Clinton campaign.

In a surprising move, Sussmann’s defense team last week disclosed three sets of handwritten Department of Justice (DOJ) notes of a March 6, 2017 meeting between high-ranking DOJ and FBI officials. Durham gave the notes written by DOJ officials Tashina Gauhar, Mary McCord, and Scott Schools to Sussmann’s team as part of Durham’s discovery obligations.

While the notes contain a one-line hearsay suggestion that may cast doubt on Sussmann’s earlier claim that he was not representing anyone, their broader significance lies in what they reveal about the FBI’s strategy in the months leading up to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in May 2017.

In fact, the notes are the very first documents to have been released to the public that show what the FBI was telling the DOJ about the predication and status of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation only two weeks before FBI Director James Comey’s shock announcement to the House Intelligence Committee on March 20, 2017, that the Trump campaign was being investigated by the FBI for ties to the Kremlin. It was Comey’s announcement that ultimately led to the appointment of Mueller.

The DOJ had a legal responsibility to supervise the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, which, as a “sensitive matter,” placed special oversight and due diligence obligations on the DOJ and additional reporting and due diligence obligations on the FBI. The March 6 meeting was a key milestone in those due diligence obligations.

The FBI was represented at the meeting by three of its top officials: Deputy Director Andy McCabe, Counterintelligence Executive Assistant Director Bill Priestap, and Counterintelligence Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok. The DOJ was also represented by top-level officials, led by Acting Attorney General Dana Boente. Boente was taking the place of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had recused himself only four days previously.

The notes reveal a pattern of repeated lies and omissions by FBI leadership to DOJ officials that concealed the dramatic deterioration of the predicate for the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. As the predication deteriorated, so too was the purported justification for Comey’s public reveal of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

The significance of the FBI’s lies was accentuated this week at Sussmann’s trial when Scott Hellman, an FBI cyber analyst, testified that he knew right away in September 2016 that Sussmann’s data did not suggest any covert communications between Trump and Russia. Hellman added that he wondered if the person who put together the data was suffering from a mental disability.

Hellman’s testimony is the clearest evidence yet that the FBI knew from the start that one of the two major components of the Trump Russia collusion narrative – the Alfa Bank data – was false. As the March 6 notes show, they concealed this fact from their DOJ superiors.

The other major component of the investigation was the Steele dossier. The FBI knew from a January 2017 interview of Igor Danchenko, Christopher Steele’s “Primary Sub-Source” through whom all the allegations in the Steele dossier were originated or channeled, that the dossier too was false.

Danchenko’s most shocking revelation to the FBI was that he had never met Sergei Millian, the attributed source for the Steele dossier’s most inflammatory claims, including the allegation that there was a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between Trump and the Kremlin, that Russia passed hacked Democratic National Committee emails to WikiLeaks, as well as the infamous Moscow pee tape story.

Danchenko, although a Russian national, was not “Russian-based,” as the FBI was claiming, but had lived and worked in Washington, D.C. for more than a decade, including at the Brookings Institute. Fiona Hill, a Brookings Institute stalwart, was a key supporter of Danchenko’s and had even introduced him to Steele in 2011. In 2016, Hill introduced Danchenko to former Hillary Clinton aide Charles Dolan. Danchenko would later use Dolan as a source for a number of his dossier claims.

Beyond the fact that Millian could not have been a source for the dossier, the FBI also learned from Danchenko that the dossier stories were based on bar talk and innuendo (Danchenko has since been charged by Durham with lying to the FBI about his sources).

The FBI appears to have concealed these matters from the DOJ. In fact, it does not appear from the March 6 notes that the FBI ever mentioned Danchenko. Despite Danchenko’s disavowal of the dossier as of March 6, it remained as the main component of the overall Crossfire Hurricane investigation, including being the basis of two Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

The March 6 notes also reveal that FBI leadership told DOJ officials that the Page FISA application had been “fruitful” even though it had turned up nothing of significance. Page was never charged with, or even accused of, any offense and is now suing the DOJ for damages.

FBI leadership also pushed the narrative on their DOJ counterparts that the dossier was “CROWN reporting,” implying that the dossier was an official United Kingdom intelligence product when it was actually made-up stories and gossip and paid for by the Clinton campaign – a fact the FBI knew from their Danchenko interview.

The notes cite “CROWN reporting” in connection with collusion allegations on at least two occasions. In Strzok’s exposition of the status of Page’s case, the notes indicate that Strzok referred to “Crown source reporting” as a key element in the Page FISA warrant. This was already known from unredacted portions of the FISA applications that were publicly disclosed in 2020. However, what was not known was that the FBI also lied internally about these facts to their DOJ supervisors.

Similarly, the March 6 notes indicate that, in connection with the status of the Manafort case, Strzok had reported that, based on “CROWN reporting,” the FBI had “looked at [the Republican] convention” and allegations that the Trump campaign had caused the convention to “soften stance on Crimea and NATO” in exchange for “Russian energy stocks.”

In fact, there is no reference to allegations about Crimea or NATO in Steele’s dossier. Strzok attributed these false accusations to “CROWN reporting,” presumably to lend weight to them with his DOJ superiors.

With respect to “Russian energy stocks,” the dossier includes a false reference to Page receiving a brokerage fee for the sale of a Russian energy company but this allegation is not related to the convention but to the lifting of sanctions. Again, Strzok falsely portrayed this as having something to do with the Republican Party’s convention.

Additionally, the notes show that lead agent Strzok also lied to DOJ officials about the opening of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Strzok claimed the investigation was triggered by Trump when he jokingly asked Russia to publish Clinton’s missing 30,000 emails. It was Trump’s joke which, according to Strzok, caused the Australian diplomat to provide his tip about Trump aide George Papadopoulos to the U.S. embassy in London.

In truth, the diplomat provided his tip before Trump made the joke. Another fact that the FBI concealed in respect of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane was that their theory that Papadopoulos had advanced knowledge of the DNC hack was logically impossible. When Papadopoulos met the Australian diplomat on May 10, 2016, most of the hacked DNC emails hadn’t even been written yet.

Ironically, in analyzing why the FBI leadership felt compelled to brazenly lie to their DOJ counterparts, it appears that their hand was forced by Trump himself. Just two days before the FBI-DOJ meeting, on March 4, 2017, Trump tweeted he had found out that President Obama had wiretapped Trump at Trump Tower. Trump’s tweet was in an apparent reference to radio host Mark Levin, who reported on his show on March 2 that Trump campaign aides had been the subject of FISA warrants.

In a number of instances, the March 6 meeting notes reflect the FBI leadership’s befuddlement as to how much Trump knew about the FBI’s investigation of him. McCabe is cited repeatedly as having said that the FBI was investigating what was behind Trump’s tweet.

In reality, Trump’s tweet probably just restated what Levin had said. But the fact that the FBI did not know how much Trump knew meant FBI leadership had a choice to make. They could either downplay the investigation with a view to wrapping it up or they could double down even though they had not found any incriminating evidence.

They chose to double down, with Comey going on offense in the immediate aftermath of the March 6 meeting. Aside from giving narrative-shaping briefings to congressional leaders, Comey publicly disclosed the existence of the Trump Russia investigation, ensuring a media frenzy. That frenzy ultimately led to the appointment of Mueller on May 17, 2017.

djohn2oo8 :rollin

05-20-2022, 08:25 PM

Spurs Homer
05-20-2022, 11:22 PM
lol propaganda from russia again

Still trying to convince themselves that trump team were NOT all traitors and sold out to russia

05-22-2022, 02:21 PM



05-22-2022, 02:42 PM
Damn, shillary skull fucked tsa good. :lmao

05-31-2022, 11:26 AM
Durham swings and misses, Sussmann acquitted.


05-31-2022, 11:45 AM

05-31-2022, 11:49 AM
Durham swings and misses, Sussmann acquitted.


WHAT DURHAM PROVED. The trial of Michael Sussmann is before a jury in Washington, D.C. Sussmann is the Democratic lawyer who, according to special counsel John Durham, lied to the FBI in 2016 when, working on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign, he tried to plant a derogatory story about Donald Trump. The hope was that the FBI would start an investigation and then the campaign conversation would be: TRUMP IS UNDER FBI INVESTIGATION!

There is no doubt Sussmann lied to the FBI. There is no doubt he is guilty. But the trial is taking place in Washington, perhaps the deepest-blue jury pool in the United States. Durham's prosecutors are "facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team as Sussmann's daughter," George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said recently on Fox News. "With the exception of randomly selecting people out of DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury.":lol

So the jury might reject Durham's evidence — juries are free to do that. Or it might convict. Whatever it does, though, Durham has already made some important points about the actions of the Clinton campaign in the 2016 election.

The biggest point Durham has made is that an arm of the Clinton campaign developed a strategy to weaponize the FBI to investigate Clinton's political opponent. Starting around the time of the 2016 Democratic convention, with the Russian hack of Democratic National Committee emails, the Clinton campaign made a concerted effort to accuse Trump falsely of acting in collusion with Russia. At the Sussmann trial, Robby Mook, Clinton's campaign manager, testified that effort was focused on feeding information to reporters — the old-fashioned way to spread dirt.

But lawyers working for the campaign went beyond the old-fashioned way. They tried to enlist the FBI in the operation, to spur the investigation. That would turbocharge the story, allowing reporters to say the allegations were so serious that federal law enforcement was investigating.

That's why, when a team of pro-Clinton researchers came up with a theory that there were suspicious computer connections between a Russian bank, Alfa-Bank, and the Trump campaign, Sussmann took it to the FBI. He did it on behalf of the Clinton campaign. He billed the campaign for the work. Yet he specifically told the FBI that he was not acting on behalf of the campaign, that he was just doing it as a concerned citizen. In September 2016, when Sussmann requested a meeting with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker, Sussmann texted, "Jim — it's Michael Sussmann. I have something time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss. Do you have availability for a short meeting tomorrow? I'm coming on my own — not on behalf of a client or company — want to help the Bureau. Thanks."

But Sussmann was doing it on behalf of a client — the Clinton campaign.

Besides showing that an arm of the Clinton campaign sought to weaponize the FBI, the Sussmann trial has shown that the FBI was eager to be weaponized. We learned that a senior FBI agent involved in the Trump-Russia investigation, Joe Pientka, sent a note to another agent about the Alfa-Bank tip: "People on the 7th floor to include Director are fired up about this server. Reachout and put tools on...it's not an option — we must do it." The FBI building's seventh floor is where top management, including then-Director James Comey, had offices.

So those are two major revelations from the Sussmann trial: Elements in and around the Clinton campaign sought to weaponize the FBI, and the FBI welcomed the effort — all in the name of defeating the Republican nominee for president.

In the end, the Alfa-Bank story did not have a big influence on the campaign. One or two reporters fell for it, but the FBI could never verify any of it, and much of the press stayed away — for one simple reason: It was bogus.

But remember, this was the same team of Clinton lawyers and the FBI that brought the world the Steele dossier. And that did have a big influence. Even though the FBI's agents could never verify the dossier's allegations — they were bogus, too — Comey wanted to include some of them in the Intelligence Community Assessment, which was the intelligence community's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. And then, of course, Comey briefed both then-President Barack Obama and Trump, by then the president-elect, on it. And then the fact of those briefings leaked to the press — it must be important if top intelligence chiefs are briefing it to the president and the president-elect. And then the whole dossier leaked to the public, resulting in years of frenzied conversation and debate about its phony allegations.

So the Clinton strategy worked. No, it did not make Clinton president of the U.S. The voters just did not want that. But it did enormous damage to the Trump presidency and the Trump administration. We've been learning how the anti-Trump strategy worked for several years now, beginning with the evidence uncovered by Devin Nunes when he chaired the House Intelligence Committee. Now, the Durham investigation has told us even more. No matter the verdict, that is valuable.


05-31-2022, 11:53 AM
Lol crying about oppo research and the media megaphone "damaging" politicians.

"But her emails"

05-31-2022, 11:58 AM
Lol crying about oppo research and the media megaphone "damaging" politicians.

"But her emails"

You have no problem with a presidential campaign feeding multiple false stories to the FBI to get them to investigate a presidential candidate?

05-31-2022, 12:02 PM
:cry but but turley said! :cry

05-31-2022, 12:04 PM
She called it last week.

Closing arguments will begin later this morning in Special Counsel John Durham’s false statement case against former Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann, after Sussmann made a last-minute decision on Thursday not to testify in his own defense. The evidence prosecutors elicited from witnesses over the last two weeks provides overwhelming proof of Sussmann’s guilt and destroys the many defense theories Sussmann’s legal team floated throughout the trial. Yet a conviction of a fellow D.C.-swamp dweller may be unattainable.

Last fall, the special counsel indicted Sussmann on one count of making a false statement in violation of Section 1001 of the federal criminal code. The special counsel alleged Sussmann lied to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker during a September 19, 2016 meeting.

In the meeting, Sussmann presented Baker with data and whitepapers that supposedly showed the existence of a secret communications network between the Russian-based Alfa Bank and the Trump organization. According to the indictment, Sussmann was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and tech executive Rodney Joffe when he met with Baker, but falsely told his friend that he was coming on his own behalf to help the FBI.

Before adjourning for the day on Thursday, presiding Judge Christopher Cooper provided instructions to the jury. Jurors will use those to decide whether to convict or acquit Sussmann following deliberations, which will begin either Friday afternoon or Tuesday following the long Memorial Day weekend.

“The government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt” five facts, Judge Cooper explained, namely that (1) “on September 19, 2016, the defendant made a statement or representation;” (2) “the statement or representation was false, fictitious or fraudulent;” (3) “that this statement or representation was material;” (4) “the false, fictitious or fraudulent statement was made knowingly and willfully;” and (5) “the statement or representation was made in a matter within the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the government of the United States.”

The government previously requested the court take “judicial notice” of the fact that the FBI is within the executive branch of the government, meaning the fact is conclusively established for the jury. While the parties disagree about what Sussmann said to Baker, Sussmann clearly “made a statement or representation” to the then-general counsel of the FBI, leaving jurors to focus on the other three elements.
Overwhelming Evidence to Convict

During today’s closing arguments, the government will remind the jury of the detailed evidence prosecutors presented over the course of the trial, including through nearly 20 witnesses. That evidence overwhelmingly established the three remaining facts prosecutors must prove.

First, the prosecution must prove Sussmann denied acting on behalf of any particular client when he met with Baker. Here, the government will stress Baker’s testimony. That had the former general counsel telling the jury he was “100% percent confident” Sussmann said during their September 19, 2016 meeting that he was not representing a client. “My memory on this point, sitting here today, is clear,” Baker told the jury.

While the defense took issue with Baker’s memory, those efforts should fail for two reasons. First, Baker’s testimony made clear he was a reluctant witness, not out to get Sussmann and feeling responsible for dragging his friend “into a maelstrom.” Second, prosecutors presented evidence that Sussmann texted Baker the night before their September 19, 2016 meeting, writing, “I’m coming on my own – not on behalf of a client or company. [W]ant to help the Bureau.”

Given that Sussmann denied representing a client the night before the meeting, a reasonable jury would find Baker’s testimony that he was “100 percent confident” Sussmann repeated the claim at the start of their meeting conclusive.

In addition to that evidence, the jury also heard from two of Baker’s colleagues in the FBI, who testified that the notes they took shortly after Baker met with Sussmann indicated Sussmann had told Baker he was not working on behalf of any client.
Even More Evidence He Lied

The evidence also overwhelmingly established that Sussmann’s claim that he was not working on behalf of any client was “false.” Specifically, the government elicited testimony from Sussmann’s former Perkins and Coie partner, Marc Elias, who served as the lead lawyer for the Clinton campaign, that Elias had hired the investigative firm Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research against Trump. Elias also told jurors he learned of the supposed Alfa Bank-Trump secret communication channel from Sussmann.

Elias also provided a detailed explanation of how law firm billing records work. Prosecutors admitted records showing Sussmann reported time spent on the Alfa Bank project to the Clinton campaign, and specifically billed the Clinton campaign for a project he worked on on September 19, 2016, the same day he met with Baker.

Elias had previously testified that he believed Sussmann’s only work on behalf of the Clinton campaign concerned Alfa Bank. Then on Wednesday, the government presented evidence Sussmann charged the Clinton campaign for the thumb drives used to transfer the Alfa Bank data to the FBI, providing pretty conclusive proof of the government’s assertion Sussmann was representing the Clinton campaign.

Other evidence supports the government’s argument that Sussmann was also acting on behalf of Joffe when he met with Baker. For instance, Fusion GPS’s Laura Seago testified that she first heard of the Alfa Bank theory at a meeting with Elias which Sussmann and his client Joffe also attended.
Also Lots of Evidence This Affected the FBI

The special counsel likewise provided substantial evidence related to the second factor, “materiality.” Here, the jury was instructed that Sussmann’s lie must have been “material,” meaning the statement “has a natural tendency to influence, or is capable of influencing, a discrete decision of the decision-making body to which it is addressed.”

In this case, the government presented testimony of several federal agents showing how Sussmann’s lie altered their decisions, with Baker testifying “he would not have taken the private meeting with Sussmann if he knew Sussmann was working on behalf of the Clinton team.” Baker also told the jury he had “vouched for” Sussmann and treated him as a sensitive confidential human source, protecting his identity from other agents because he believed Sussmann had come to the FBI on his own.

Other agents also testified that they hit a roadblock in determining the source for the Alfa Bank data and that in assessing the data, knowing whether it came from someone with “a political affiliation or motivation” would affect the initial steps of an investigation.
Evidence Sussmann Lied On Purpose

Finally, the government must establish that Sussmann held the required “mens rea” or “guilty mind.” Section 1001, which criminalizes false statements, requires a defendant make the false statement “intentionally” or “knowingly.”

Circumstantial evidence can establish a defendant’s state of mind. So can the evidence admitted at trial, which included Sussmann’s congressional testimony with his acknowledgment that he was acting on behalf of a tech expert. All this provides overwhelming evidence that Sussmann’s lie was intentional.

In an attempt to counter this overwhelming evidence, during Sussmann’s closing argument his attorneys will likely hammer inconsistencies in statements Baker previously made concerning what Sussmann said during their September 19, 2016 meeting. Sussmann’s lawyers are also likely to highlight testimony they presented that the Clinton campaign did not want Sussmann to take the evidence to the FBI, including testimony from Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook. The government, however, countered that evidence with testimony establishing that Perkins and Coie attorneys and Fusion GPS held great discretion to act on behalf of the Clinton campaign.

The defense is also certain to highlight trial evidence showing the FBI’s national security concerns about Trump’s connection with Russia, as well as testimony touting Joffe’s reputation as a tech expert, to argue Sussmann held serious concerns about the data. But the special counsel will quickly counter that Sussmann’s concerns do not excuse him for lying to the FBI. Finally, Sussmann’s legal team will likely stress the testimony of character witnesses who spoke of Sussmann’s stellar reputation.
Why an Acquittal Is Likely Despite the Evidence

While there can be no certainty in predicting the jury’s eventual verdict, an acquittal seems likely—even with the overwhelming evidence of Sussmann’s guilt detailed. Baker’s trial testimony provided the clearest foreshadowing of this outcome when he told prosecutors, “I’m not out to get Michael. This is not my investigation. This is your investigation. If you ask me a question, I answer it. You asked me to look for something, I go look for it.”

Bill Priestap, who served as the assistant director of the Counterintelligence Division for the FBI in 2016, displayed an even more grudging demeanor in testifying on behalf of the special counsel. When questioned by prosecutors whether it was “important” for Sussmann “to fully disclose his ties to the Clinton campaign,” Priestap said it “would have been part of several factors,” telling the government attorney, “I’m struggling on your use of the word ‘important.’ It’s a motivation that is relevant, but not the only factor.”

If Baker, the man to whom Sussmann lied, adopts such a disinterested approach to justice, and Priestap, an assistant director at the FBI, shows disdain for the special counsel’s case, surely a jury of Sussmann’s peers will too.

The men and women of the jury live and work in D.C., with men and women like Sussmann, Baker, and Priestap. Their kids go to school together—literally in the case of one juror—and they likely can envision a friend or neighbor in Sussmann’s position.

While Sussmann’s lie was “material” in the legal sense, jurors seem likely to shrug the lie off as harmless, mentally parroting the woman several jurors acknowledged they donated money to when she ran for president in 2016: “What difference at this point does it make?”

I may be wrong. But I don’t think so.


05-31-2022, 12:11 PM
You have no problem with a presidential campaign feeding multiple false stories to the FBI to get them to investigate a presidential candidate?that's what investigations are for -- to see what's prosecutable and what's not. plenty of people were convicted of lying to investigators, odd that they'd do that when there was absolutely no need to.

05-31-2022, 12:13 PM
:lmao walls of texts to cope with a not guilty verdict
:lmao horowitz is coming
:lmao durham is coming

all that and you have clinesmith pleading guilty to probation for altering an email. origins of investigation were kosher and based on proper factual predicate. clinton attorney did not lie to the FBI (or if he did, not materially). no findings of bias having a material impact on any of the trump/russia investigation.

meanwhile trump let Flynn get dragged through the mud for years, supposedly had to sell his house to pay for legal bills, flynn hired an incompetent attorney who failed to get his case dismissed even when the new prosecutor was on board with dismissal, and only after all that did Trump pardon him

05-31-2022, 12:15 PM
Durham using the media to spread information he couldn't prove in court, what a straight arrow.


05-31-2022, 12:15 PM
that's what investigations are for -- to see what's prosecutable and what's not. plenty of people were convicted of lying to investigators, odd that they'd do that when there was absolutely no need to.

Nice dodge, try again.

Is it okay for a presidential campaign to feed multiple false stories to the FBI to get them to investigate a presidential candidate? yes or no.

05-31-2022, 12:16 PM
Bitter loss. Pick up the pieces---&---Let us proceed...

05-31-2022, 12:21 PM
:lmao walls of texts to cope with a not guilty verdict
:lmao horowitz is coming
:lmao durham is coming

all that and you have clinesmith pleading guilty to probation for altering an email. origins of investigation were kosher and based on proper factual predicate. clinton attorney did not lie to the FBI (or if he did, not materially). no findings of bias having a material impact on any of the trump/russia investigation.

meanwhile trump let Flynn get dragged through the mud for years, supposedly had to sell his house to pay for legal bills, flynn hired an incompetent attorney who failed to get his case dismissed even when the new prosecutor was on board with dismissal, and only after all that did Trump pardon him

Sussmann 100% lied to the FBI and this was 100% jury nullification.

05-31-2022, 12:22 PM
Durham using the media to spread information he couldn't prove in court, what a straight arrow.

remember this doozy too


although important to note that this was just a motion filed, not a "finding"... and that nowhere in the actual filing did Durham use the word "infiltrate" but rather that quote was from a (i kid you not) devin nunes aid... of course that quote got laundered into the article headline as though it came from durham

05-31-2022, 12:23 PM
Sussmann 100% lied to the FBI and this was 100% jury nullification.
:lol keep coping. unanimous verdict brah

05-31-2022, 12:24 PM

05-31-2022, 12:35 PM
Nice dodge, try again.

Is it okay for a presidential campaign to feed multiple false stories to the FBI to get them to investigate a presidential candidate? yes or no.Depends on what the meaning of ok is. Is it legal? I wouldn't know, honestly. Filing knowingly false reports is probably illegal, but giving mistaken tips to police is probably not. Political campaigns complaining about stuff they think is or should be illegal, for better and for worse, is a common political tactic. Throwing shit against the wall without regard to its truth or falsity is more or less Republican SOP, as characterized the by serial Benghazi probes. It's certainly unethical and not ok in that sense, but at this point it appears to be customary for both sides to try to trigger official investigations of the other side, "to damage them" in the eyes of voters.

You cheer it on when your side does it, and cry when it happens to yours.

05-31-2022, 01:08 PM

Judge and Jury were totally legit :tu

05-31-2022, 01:13 PM

Judge and Jury were totally legit :tu

05-31-2022, 01:14 PM
rittenhouse acquitted: omg based jury trial. innocent before proven guilty

chauvin convicted/sussman acquitted: omg partisan jury, rigged system

05-31-2022, 01:16 PM
Durham swings and misses, Sussmann acquitted.


And once again, on news of Sussmann being acquitted, Shillary feasts on MAGAtard tears!!!!!
