View Full Version : LMA post game inteinsight

02-16-2017, 06:44 AM

Interview gives an insight into how insecure lma actually is, and the impact of a guy like gasol, who isn't even a super dominant personality has had on him mentally.

I have faith in his skill set,i just hope he comes around mentally by playoffs

02-16-2017, 07:39 AM
Why in the world would he come around mentally in the pkayoffs if he is getting rattled in regular season by teams like knicks or sixers???

02-16-2017, 07:47 AM
ouch, that was a little too "open" of a interview. Doesn't show much mental toughness, resiliency.

how about an alternative: "OK, they're not falling, fuck it, so how else can I help get the win?"

02-16-2017, 08:13 AM
LMA can fill it up when the offense goes through him more. It all depends on TP. Will he dribble for 15 seconds or will he pass it in 5 seconds when the ball is in his hands.

02-16-2017, 08:21 AM
I don't know why people are annoyed by this. I'm glad to see it bothers him that he's not shooting well. On the court, that hasn't stopped him from defending or getting to the line. So it's clear he's not as mentally weak as some folks are trying to assert. He's not a JAG; he's the second option on a title contender, and him going off is the single-biggest factor to the Spurs potentially beating GS. He damned sure better be bothered he's not putting up 20 a night; lord knows a ton of folks here are.

02-16-2017, 08:59 AM
First interview Ive ever seen of the guy where he seems genuine. The guy knows hes been in a rut and that he hasn't been his best. He seemed to be truly relieved to have a good game and I'm sure this will help, even against a suck team like the Magic. I agree he isn't a stoic Duncan or Robinson and probably not much of a leader but I'm glad we have him and am not worried in the long run.

02-16-2017, 09:38 AM
I wouldn't read too much into it.
He's been in a shooting slump and is bothered by it. I take that as a positive.
Had a really good series against OKC last playoff.
Career Playoff average is same as regular season and other than 15 when he played with an injured hand he done well.

LMA problem is he is not Tim Duncan.

02-16-2017, 10:06 AM
I loved the interview. He was brutally honest which is key for someone getting over themselves. He also showed it really bothered him and that he wants to keep working. He's mentioned going to work numerous times now and despite not being a Duncan or Kawhi it's pretty damn nice to see.

I loved the interview.

02-16-2017, 11:02 AM
I don't know why people are annoyed by this. I'm glad to see it bothers him that he's not shooting well. On the court, that hasn't stopped him from defending or getting to the line. So it's clear he's not as mentally weak as some folks are trying to assert. He's not a JAG; he's the second option on a title contender, and him going off is the single-biggest factor to the Spurs potentially beating GS. He damned sure better be bothered he's not putting up 20 a night; lord knows a ton of folks here are.

This. Plenty of good players feel that way when their shots aren't falling. He's not whining, he's out there trying to get back on track. We need him if we are to do anything in the playoffs.

02-16-2017, 11:41 AM
Problem is, if his shot isn't falling, hes not going to option B. Hes not posting enough. Not saying he has to be Shaq, but he's big enough to get some buckets on the block. Of course his shot will come back, but you gotta adapt in the mean time. What if his shot is off in a playoff game?

02-16-2017, 11:52 AM
Solid interview from LMA, glad to see he's bothered by his stank performances lately.

02-16-2017, 12:26 PM
Not sure how you can twist this interview into LMA being soft. He's being honest. As a scorer, it would make perfect sense to be frustrated that your shot isn't falling. At least he cares. And LOL at all these posters saying he's mentally soft and insecure. Sounding all tough and hard behind a keyboard, but no one would dare say it to his face :lol

02-16-2017, 12:45 PM
Problem is, if his shot isn't falling, hes not going to option B. Hes not posting enough. Not saying he has to be Shaq, but he's big enough to get some buckets on the block. Of course his shot will come back, but you gotta adapt in the mean time. What if his shot is off in a playoff game?

Heck, in today's NBA LMA could darn near be Shaq - not that I am advocating that. But if he would eschew those blasted turnaround fadeaways and instead make it a point to try to get buckets on the block, I would like his game better.

02-16-2017, 12:55 PM
ouch, that was a little too "open" of a interview. Doesn't show much mental toughness, resiliency.

how about an alternative: "OK, they're not falling, fuck it, so how else can I help get the win?"needs to be strong
Like trump not menatally weak like sanders

02-16-2017, 12:57 PM
I liked the interview bc he was candid and it lets us see a bit behind to the locker room. How it affected him with Pau getting injured bc the team all of a sudden needed him to score more and to be involved in more offensive situations all game. It's probably a silver lining for him too... bc I don't know that him with Pau will. E go to lineups all playoffs all games. It's good he got used to other bigs and made adjustments depending who is with him. He had really just been in a bad shooting streak which he said he had never gone through for this long.

He gave an interview after the Memphis game.... by far his worse IMO, in which he admitted after he picked up a 5th foul he started overthinking things and took himself out of the game pump faking when he didn't need to (thus getting blocked by Carter) and basically playing with no assertiveness. I though that was a more revealing interview bc he was affected mentally by foul situations and physicality and took himself out.

Not or a sign that he's that mentally tough which is surprising for a franchise player (for many years in Portland) and at this stage of his career. It I have remembered candid interviews by Manu as well when he's mentioned how he gets in rhythm and needs to play to recover it if he's been in a bad rut. I think it's something that happens to every player, they are just not all this candid about how that affects them mentally.

I thought a lot of Danny issues last season were mental specially early in the season when the system was new and sometimes I could see the hesitation in deciding whether it was a drive or shoot or pass situation. He later, eventually got over that but his shooting % was already screwed.

Its also why it's admirable frankly to see guys like Davis and Kyle ready to play on demand bc they don't get a ton of chances to play and get a rhythm, nor do they have the next game for sure to redeem themselves after a poor game. I think it's very tough to be a guy in that situation, specially early in their careers when they have to push the envelope a bit instead of being a fixed role player that you want to limit in boundaries that early.

02-16-2017, 01:14 PM
Heck, in today's NBA LMA could darn near be Shaq - not that I am advocating that. But if he would eschew those blasted turnaround fadeaways and instead make it a point to try to get buckets on the block, I would like his game better.

That's always been his problem! When he wants to.... Which is admittedly rare he has good post moves and body control. Watching him brick 12 foot fadeaways over guys he can post up all day long makes me want to scream. When you have seen the guy successfully score on post ups multiple times against Duncan, J. O'Neal, Marc Gasol, Jokim Noah and others knowing that he is looking to go for that fade away over someone is cringe worthy. You also think its highly possible that if he does go aggressively for the basket on 3 to 5 possessions in the first quarter that he may well have a bit more space for his jumper later.

His game reminds me so much of his predecessor on the trailblazers Rasheed Wallace. A big man with a good big mans game, and he has the bonus of a nice jump shot. Sweet.... No you big ninny the jump shot is a bonus.... Not your game a bonus....Please stop taking them all the time. What you don't get hit and fouled when you shoot mid range jumpers? You're a 7 foot tall 260 lbs man, you might get fouled; finish strong get an and 1... Then you get to have everyone stop and watch you make a 15 foot jump shot.

During the off season get in shape and work on foot work not extending your range.

02-16-2017, 02:43 PM
LMA is saying the right things and the slump clearly bothers him. His defense is better than it's ever been, and he's accepted his role as #2 on the team with class. He's by far the most talented player we have other than Kawhi. Amateur psychologists should chill. As someone else said, he's going to have to be on for us to beat the Dubs. Glad to know he realizes he's got work to do.

LMA is everything Melo is not. Plays defense, is not threatened by younger talented players. Easy to root for the Ltrain.

02-16-2017, 02:51 PM
LMA is saying the right things and the slump clearly bothers him. His defense is better than it's ever been, and he's accepted his role as #2 on the team with class. He's by far the most talented player we have other than Kawhi. Amateur psychologists should chill. As someone else said, he's going to have to be on for us to beat the Dubs. Glad to know he realizes he's got work to do.

LMA is everything Melo is not. Plays defense, is not threatened by younger talented players. Easy to root for the Ltrain.
good points.
I also liked how candid he was.

02-16-2017, 03:17 PM
That's always been his problem! When he wants to.... Which is admittedly rare he has good post moves and body control. Watching him brick 12 foot fadeaways over guys he can post up all day long makes me want to scream. When you have seen the guy successfully score on post ups multiple times against Duncan, J. O'Neal, Marc Gasol, Jokim Noah and others knowing that he is looking to go for that fade away over someone is cringe worthy. You also think its highly possible that if he does go aggressively for the basket on 3 to 5 possessions in the first quarter that he may well have a bit more space for his jumper later.

His game reminds me so much of his predecessor on the trailblazers Rasheed Wallace. A big man with a good big mans game, and he has the bonus of a nice jump shot. Sweet.... No you big ninny the jump shot is a bonus.... Not your game a bonus....Please stop taking them all the time. What you don't get hit and fouled when you shoot mid range jumpers? You're a 7 foot tall 260 lbs man, you might get fouled; finish strong get an and 1... Then you get to have everyone stop and watch you make a 15 foot jump shot.

During the off season get in shape and work on foot work not extending your range.

You sound like you are as big a fan of LMA as I may! :lol

02-16-2017, 08:08 PM
Being honest is great but what would be greater is if he got out of his head. Its hard enough work to learn Spurs style team play like playing D and boxing out while trying to live up to being the second option on a playoff bound team. If he does the team stuff, I say hes paying his dues and doesnt owe anybody anything. Keep working, keep improving but he should get off his own back.

Having said that, I agree with what others have been saying about his turnaround, he should do that less. My most hated shot for anybody is the one leg kickout turnaround J. Id rather he back his man down, keep the dribble. If they try to steal pass it back out, re-post. In other words patience. Also pass out of double team.

Always shoot open J though.

02-17-2017, 12:40 AM
I don't know why people are annoyed by this. I'm glad to see it bothers him that he's not shooting well. On the court, that hasn't stopped him from defending or getting to the line. So it's clear he's not as mentally weak as some folks are trying to assert. He's not a JAG; he's the second option on a title contender, and him going off is the single-biggest factor to the Spurs potentially beating GS. He damned sure better be bothered he's not putting up 20 a night; lord knows a ton of folks here are.

