View Full Version : 2017 Kwahi = 2002 Duncan, Best Player in the NBA, not enough talent to ring

03-07-2017, 10:32 PM
Seriously impressive win over the Rockets! 3 games in 4 nights with two OT's, Spurs were low on gas but still pulled it out!

Pop has been uncharacteristically, talking up Kwahi more than he talked up any of his other players in the last ten years. If Kwahi continues his stellar play and more importantly, win the two games against the Warriors (we will be at home, they will be on back-to-back both times) and get the #1 seed, the Spurs would have defied all expectations and Kwahi has a great chance for MVP. I do think Pop realizes this year it will be extremely difficult to ring with our talent level, which is why he is not resting players as much. Kwahi picking up MVP as the lone all-star on this team will be a huge building block for his career.

Of course, a little injury luck for the Spurs always help. How much will KD recover in May? Very similar situation they had last year, when Curry suffered injury in round 1 and just wasn't himself rest of the playoffs. Bogut = out for season, how good Love/JR will be in June? If Kwahi pulls this off even with a bit of injury luck (2003 Duncan benefited from Dirk injury), this is a bigger achievement than 2003 Duncan which for me, is still the single most impressive season for any player ever, taking the least talented supporting cast ever to a ring!

03-07-2017, 11:04 PM

03-07-2017, 11:09 PM
Spurs won't trully contend for a tittle untill they fix their guard situation.

03-07-2017, 11:23 PM
We're going to need LMA to wake up & to start playing like he's capable, as well as start getting something from our backcourt more consistently if we want to ring tbh. Kawhi can only do so much and they will start doubling him in a series. That's when our shooters need to step up.

03-07-2017, 11:27 PM
Man if Kawhi closes playoff games like he has regular season games this year, look out.

NameLess Scrub
03-08-2017, 07:50 AM
Agree with the OP. Kawhi MVP is the ceiling before the Clippers arrive or Westbrick goes to the line 137 times late in the series.

Keepin' it real
03-08-2017, 09:28 AM
So that means Spurs title next season? I'm good with that.

03-08-2017, 09:51 AM
I'm pretty sure that the Spurs had the lead in the 4th quarter or every game against the Lakers that season. They just couldn't close. This team has more closers than that 2002 team had.