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10-12-2005, 03:22 AM
Losing Hope in Louisiana
By Jennifer Moses
Wednesday, October 12, 2005; Page A17

BATON ROUGE, La. -- Nearly six weeks after Hurricane Katrina altered both the landscape of Louisiana and the national psyche, most Americans seem poised for the next news cycle: the fight over the new Supreme Court nominee looks to be especially juicy, as does the fun brewing down in Texas over Tom DeLay. But here in what has become, by default, Louisiana's most populous city, the hurricane just won't go away, and the initial excitement of being the state's primary triage center, and suddenly finding ourselves elevated from Nowhere on the Bayou to the center of MediaWorld, has long since worn off.

For one thing, there wasn't just one hurricane, there were two, and while the national media focused on Houston's horrific traffic jams, Hurricane Rita managed to wipe out most of southwest Louisiana, displace additional tens of thousands and cause huge disruptions in the state's already crippled economy. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, always on its toes, managed to confuse Iberia Parish, where hundreds of homes were wiped off the face of the earth, with Iberville Parish, which had minimal damage, and gave disaster relief to the latter while withholding it from the former. In some neighborhoods, garbage hasn't been picked up in weeks. Local energy rates, already among the highest in the nation, are about to go a lot higher.

But if you go down to the shelters, wait in one of the blocks-long social services lines, or drive out to any of the many churches where evacuees sleep in pews, you won't hear people talking much about the bursting of the myth of compassionate conservatism. Instead, what you hear in the giant River Center downtown, where some 1,000 evacuees are still living on fold-out canvas cots, is that there isn't enough underwear. Nor are there laundry facilities. Nor is there any kind of FEMA presence, FEMA having set up elsewhere. You'll hear mothers complain that a shelter is no place to school -- let alone raise -- a child. And you'll hear one horror story after another about how FEMA has denied evacuees any financial assistance, accused applicants of fraud, lost their case numbers or given a family's assistance to estranged ex-husbands who have long since moved to faraway states. The financial assistance the evacuees are waiting on is $2,000, a sum that would last me approximately five minutes. In the meantime, food, shelter and clothing are being provided not by the kindly hand of Uncle Sam but by the courtesy of the Red Cross.

Don't get me wrong: It's not that the Feds aren't here at all. Helicopters swoop overhead, young men in military fatigues -- many of them too young to shave -- patrol the shelters and the streets, and Gen. Russel L. Honore (the "Ragin' Cajun" from Lakeland, La.) continues to kick butt. It's just that the federal government, having apparently lost its ability to govern, has gladly allowed private organizations, and especially the churches, to shoulder most of the burden of care, granting Jesus primary responsibility for clothing the naked and feeding the hungry. But even Jesus is beginning to feel the strain. You can see it in the eyes of the faithful, as they line up for handouts at Bethany World Prayer Center or Istrouma Baptist Church. You can see it in the exhausted faces of children enrolled in the "second shift" of already dysfunctional, crowded schools. You can even see it on the roads, where ordinarily placid drivers, faced with hours-long commutes, morph into desperate maniacs.

No one knows what's to become of us. And, sure, folks are still patriotic, flying their American flags and displaying pro-American bumper stickers on their cars. But the whole state is in mourning for the place we once were, silently praying that we won't be washed away.

Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/11/AR2005101101324.html)

Faith-based government.


10-12-2005, 06:58 AM
I HAVE HOPE!! dubya's on the job!!

faux-macho dubya, hammered by hurricanes, hammers for hurricanes. This PROVES dubya really cares ..... about BS photo ops.

WTF is dubya doing playing carpenter when there's a war going and torture to be approved?

The insults to intelligence, and tone-deafness, drone on forever. Does the Repug choir really believe this BS? Well, they believe the Bible is a scientific document, new creationism, intelligent design, Saddam hit the WTC, so they must believe dubya's hammering is making a huge difference in dubya's destroyed presidency.


10-12-2005, 08:39 AM
Just think boys, he will be with you for three more years......have a nice day.

Hook Dem
10-12-2005, 08:40 AM
I HAVE HOPE!! dubya's on the job!!

faux-macho dubya, hammered by hurricanes, hammers for hurricanes. This PROVES dubya really cares ..... about BS photo ops.

WTF is dubya doing playing carpenter when there's a war going and torture to be approved?

The insults to intelligence, and tone-deafness, drone on forever. Does the Repug choir really believe this BS? Well, they believe the Bible is a scientific document, new creationism, intelligent design, Saddam hit the WTC, so they must believe dubya's hammering is making a huge difference in dubya's destroyed presidency.

Another hate filled post by Boutons! I don't know who hates America more! You or Zarkaawi(sp)?

cecil collins
10-12-2005, 12:57 PM
Just think boys, he will be with you for three more years......have a nice day.

You realize you sound like a douchebag with all these comments right? We win you lose. Why don't you refute what he said? You can't.

cecil collins
10-12-2005, 12:59 PM
Another hate filled post by Boutons! I don't know who hates America more! You or Zarkaawi(sp)?

Label him an America hater, and completely ignore his post. Why don't you prove him to be wrong? It's just to easy for you to say he hates America, even though he said nothing negative about America in the post. Thus the logic of a redneck.

10-12-2005, 01:04 PM
You realize you sound like a douchebag with all these comments right? We win you lose. Why don't you refute what he said? You can't.

I just love it when the losers whine...... :lol
:elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant

cecil collins
10-12-2005, 01:06 PM
You whine all the fucking time. "Dimmocraps and environmentalists are at it again" boo fucking hoo.

10-12-2005, 01:07 PM
he just whines that liberals havent accepted that Bush won

accept it!!!
Bush won!!!!!!!!!!
3 more years !!!
get over it!!!

10-12-2005, 01:12 PM
you right-wing red-state assholes ALWAYS suffer from the fatal confusion that:

dubya/Repugs EQUALS America

So you ignorantly interpret, while scoundrelly wrapping yourself in the flag, that dissenting against dubya/Repugs is hating America. When in fact, it's dubya, the Repubs, and YOU assholes that elected they who are bad for the USA.

You're as rock dumb as dubya is, even dumber.

10-12-2005, 02:04 PM
you right-wing red-state assholes ALWAYS suffer from the fatal confusion that:

dubya/Repugs EQUALS America

So you ignorantly interpret, while scoundrelly wrapping yourself in the flag, that dissenting against dubya/Repugs is hating America. When in fact, it's dubya, the Repubs, and YOU assholes that elected they who are bad for the USA.

You're as rock dumb as dubya is, even dumber.

Yep, we did elect him. Isn't it great? We finally got someone who didn't bomb asprin factories or empty tents. I truely do hope you have a nice day for the next three years. Happy days are here again, Yeah!
:elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant

Oh, bye the way. Rectums are very necessary part of your bodily function. It gets rid of all the waste. Thanks for pointing that out!

10-15-2005, 08:36 PM
Yep, we did elect him. Isn't it great? We finally got someone who didn't bomb asprin factories or empty tents.

So acting on the best available intelligence was bad when Clinton did it, but good when Bush did it?


10-16-2005, 01:06 AM
You realize you sound like a douchebag with all these comments right? We win you lose. Why don't you refute what he said? You can't.

He doesn't understand the word "refute".