View Full Version : Amateur: Calories burned while golfing vs beisboling

04-03-2017, 10:55 PM
The amount of calories varies by distance walked and also the metabolic rate of the golfer. But fitness experts estimate you'll burn roughly 1,500 calories during a four-hour round. That's 825 calories more--or roughly a Burger King Whopper and some onion rings--than if you ride in a cart..

Playing softball/baseball (in general) If you weigh 150 lbs, you can burn approximately 180 calories in 30 minutes

You do the math

04-03-2017, 10:56 PM

Kim Jong-il
04-03-2017, 11:01 PM
:lmao calories burned estimates for 150 lb twinks
:lmao only sport that 150 lb twinks can thrive is povertyball

04-03-2017, 11:22 PM
:lol "If you weigh 150 lbs"

04-03-2017, 11:24 PM
:lol so you're admitting beisbol players are FAT

04-03-2017, 11:25 PM
:lmao 150 lbs
:lmao manlet tier
:lmao using that as your basis

04-03-2017, 11:27 PM
:lmao 150 lbs
:lmao manlet tier
:lmao using that as your basis

Ok let's use 300 beisbol "athletes " then :lol

Kim Jong-il
04-04-2017, 12:25 AM
:lol so you're admitting beisbol players are FAT
They aren't 150 lb beta male soccer players.

04-05-2017, 07:31 AM
An average Lardassball player will eat through 2,000 in a matter of 30 minutes at the buffet

Thats about 8,000 calories per sitting

So thta makes 16,000 calories per day

You add in breakfats whicb is about 4,000 calories

And hou have a 20,000 calorie intake

They burn abour 500 calories walking up and down the dugout plus about 1,000 just trotting up and down the buffet table

So that makes i 18,500 calories per day of pure intake

04-05-2017, 08:46 AM
An average Lardassball player will eat through 2,000 in a matter of 30 minutes at the buffet

Thats about 8,000 calories per sitting

So thta makes 16,000 calories per day

You add in breakfats whicb is about 4,000 calories

And hou have a 20,000 calorie intake

They burn abour 500 calories walking up and down the dugout plus about 1,000 just trotting up and down the buffet table

So that makes i 18,500 calories per day of pure intake
:wow hater

04-05-2017, 02:36 PM
An average Lardassball player will eat through 2,000 in a matter of 30 minutes at the buffet

Thats about 8,000 calories per sitting

So thta makes 16,000 calories per day

You add in breakfats whicb is about 4,000 calories

And hou have a 20,000 calorie intake

They burn abour 500 calories walking up and down the dugout plus about 1,000 just trotting up and down the buffet table

So that makes i 18,500 calories per day of pure intake

I agree tbh

04-05-2017, 03:22 PM
Math checks out IMO

offset formation
04-06-2017, 09:23 AM
Lol. Bunch of GD ignoramooses in here.

1. Avg game is about 3.5 hours.
2. Baseball is often played 7 days per week, not 4
3. This does not come close to accounting for practices or warm up which is normally 3 hours more before gametime.
4. Golf has no bursts of energy. Baseball does. Repeatedly. Try playing catcher. Or pitching. Then get back to me about calories burned or stamina. Most of you rejects would melt after 20 pitches if your arm didn't fall off first.
5. Try swinging a bat at several pitches. Or sprinting for a double then diving at full speed. Or going 2nd to home then having a collision with the catcher See if you athletic stallions are huffing. The only contact you hackers may get is a ricochet to the balls off a tree.
6. Baseball players are constantly having to expend energy using their brain. Where do I go with the ball if it's hit to me. How many outs. Where does this guy normally hit it. How are we pitching him. How fast is this guy. Etc. Etc. Golfers are like how hard is the windblowing?

04-06-2017, 09:28 AM
An average Lardassball player will eat through 2,000 in a matter of 30 minutes at the buffet

Thats about 8,000 calories per sitting

So thta makes 16,000 calories per day

You add in breakfats whicb is about 4,000 calories

And hou have a 20,000 calorie intake

They burn abour 500 calories walking up and down the dugout plus about 1,000 just trotting up and down the buffet table

So that makes i 18,500 calories per day of pure intake


04-06-2017, 02:45 PM
An average Lardassball player will eat through 2,000 in a matter of 30 minutes at the buffet

Thats about 8,000 calories per sitting

So thta makes 16,000 calories per day

You add in breakfats whicb is about 4,000 calories

And hou have a 20,000 calorie intake

They burn abour 500 calories walking up and down the dugout plus about 1,000 just trotting up and down the buffet table

So that makes i 18,500 calories per day of pure intake