View Full Version : Trump's first trade war-- Canada?!?!

04-26-2017, 11:01 AM
First casualty of Trumps "America First" policy: thousands of construction jobs in the US, and US homebuyers who will pay thousands of extra dollars for their homes.

Trump administration hits Canada with new tariffs

The Commerce Department announced new tariffs of 3 percent to 24 percent on Canadian lumber companies, saying the Canadian government unfairly subsidizes the industry. Some American companies will have to pay the fee retroactively for orders delivered in the last 90 days. This debate has been ongoing for decades, and Canada denies it unfairly supports its lumber industry. Meanwhile, U.S. homebuilders said the new tariffs will increase the price of construction.

A long standing gripe goes into the tube as the first shell lobbed at one of our trading partners.

04-26-2017, 11:10 AM
lol too scared to piss off China or Russia, so he picks on Canada instead. What a bitch.

04-26-2017, 11:26 AM
granada better watch their asses, too.

04-26-2017, 11:37 AM
Apparently they lost the war with mexico by losing their fishing trade war so they are probably just turning around and trying somewhere else :lol

04-26-2017, 11:58 AM
Canada won't want to be fwiends when this is all over, but MAYBE, just MAYBE we can be guys or buddies.

There will always be contractors and there will always be new homes built. A huge spike in gas didn't prevent the resurgence in SUVs after the audience accepted the market, huge bubbles about to burst again isn't stopping people from buying and building new homes. Plus, fuck Canada.

04-26-2017, 12:16 PM
's ok. Canada is soaking American milk producers.

04-26-2017, 01:17 PM
's ok. Canada is soaking American milk producers.

To some extent.

One has to wonder what we can do to help Wisconsin and other border states.

04-26-2017, 01:19 PM
Yeah..Pretty tough on them right now...Especially since their production is currently at near record levels. Abundant supply might be actually hurting them now.

04-26-2017, 04:56 PM
Yeah..Pretty tough on them right now...Especially since their production is currently at near record levels. Abundant supply might be actually hurting them now.


The Republican leader announced he would “address” Canadian milk imports and would allow US farmers to "start selling milk in our country.”

However his claims have been lambasted as making “no sense at all”, with many highlighting the minimal amount of Canadian dairy exported to the US - estimated at $112.6 million (£87m) in 2016 compared to the $631.6 million (£493m) of US dairy exports to Canada.

04-26-2017, 05:19 PM
Trudeau is a Globalist feminist cuck who enjoys flooding his country with radical Islamic terrorists to wreak havoc. He's working on a Carbon tax for the Canadian faithful :tu

04-26-2017, 05:29 PM
Trudeau is a Globalist feminist cuck who enjoys flooding his country with radical Islamic terrorists to wreak havoc. He's working on a Carbon tax for the Canadian faithful :tu

Boycott Canada!

04-26-2017, 05:39 PM
is this payback for bieber?

04-26-2017, 06:00 PM
Trudeau is a Globalist feminist cuck who enjoys flooding his country with radical Islamic terrorists to wreak havoc. He's working on a Carbon tax for the Canadian faithful :tube careful bro, i heard trump won because liberals were guilty of too much namecalling

04-26-2017, 07:14 PM
be careful bro, i heard trump won because liberals were guilty of too much namecalling

No they were guilty of burying their heads in the sand just like Islam.

04-26-2017, 07:46 PM
Trudeau is a Globalist feminist cuck who enjoys flooding his country with radical Islamic terrorists to wreak havoc. He's working on a Carbon tax for the Canadian faithful :tu

Typical neocon towing the company line with this overreaction. How did Republicans do last time they had control of all three branches? (Insert dumpster fire picture).

04-27-2017, 04:19 PM

Coal Caught in U.S.-Canada Lumber Trade War Sends Stocks Sliding

U.S. coal has become entangled in a trade war between the U.S. and Canada over lumber.

British Columbia Premier Christy Clark urged Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in an open letter Wednesday to ban U.S. coal shipments from the country’s westernmost province in retaliation for the Trump administration’s new tariffs on softwood lumber. The move sent Canadian export terminal operator Westshore Terminals Investment Corp. and U.S. miner Cloud Peak Energy Inc. plunging on Wednesday.

“I told British Columbians that I would use every tool at our disposal to ensure we get a fair deal on softwood lumber,” Clark said in the letter. “Friends and trading partners cooperate,” she said, and “clearly, the United States is taking a different approach.”

The call for a coal ban underscores the tensions flaring between the two governments over everything from lumber, to the North American Free Trade Agreement, to the dairy industry. It also comes at a time when Canadian terminals have grown in importance for U.S. miners looking to get their coal to Asian markets. Export projects on the U.S. West Coast have been stalled by environmentalists, limiting their options. President Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to help revive the U.S. coal industry.

Don't see it happening, but it does underscore the hazards.

LOL Donny's quick about face on exiting NAFTA

04-27-2017, 05:23 PM

A Calmer Mexico Sees Trump Anew: as a ‘Bluffer’ at the Poker Table

Antonio Garza, a former United States ambassador to Mexico, called Mr. Trump’s possible executive order “hardball,” adding, “It’s probably not the way to deal with a counterparty that is both a longtime trading partner and critical to so many security, immigration and counterterrorism initiatives.”

Some speculated that Mr. Trump may have been trying to look tough to appeal to his voting base, particularly considering his mixed record in achieving his goals as the 100-day mark of his term approaches.

“Clearly, in Mexico, this should be seen as a type of tantrum of a spoiled child who did not get the presents he expected for his birthday, for the 100 days,” said Rafael Fernández de Castro, an expert on United States-Mexico relations at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico in Mexico City.

04-28-2017, 04:15 PM
Fake news as usual. MSM has become a joke.

Joseph Kony
04-28-2017, 04:30 PM
Fake news as usual. MSM has become a joke.faggot strikes again with another one of his one liner wonders.

"fake news! :cry"
"build the wall! :cry"
"i love cawk! :cry"

Joseph Kony
04-28-2017, 04:31 PM
trump's all time shitty approval ratings: "rigged! hacked! fake news! :cry"

04-28-2017, 04:32 PM
We gonna kick your asses with hockey sticks

04-28-2017, 04:37 PM
trump's all time shitty approval ratings: "rigged! hacked! fake news! :cry"

Don't doubt him, he's been right about some of his "crazy" theories. That Obama wiretapping him thing and the FISA warrant that proved him right makes him more credible than the Russia/Trump truthers.

And he is kind of right with the word "rigging". Of course any poll performed by Liberal media that has a personal vendetta against him, and New Fox really, really does, because he beat their candidate in a rigged election and is now telling them to fuck themselves, so of course it's going to be skewed to their advantage and they know who and where they called to perform this poll, so in a sense, it is "rigged".

04-28-2017, 04:38 PM
Fake news as usual. MSM has become a joke.

:lmao on brand.

Joseph Kony
04-28-2017, 04:42 PM
Don't doubt him, he's been right about some of his "crazy" theories. That Obama wiretapping him thing and the FISA warrant that proved him right makes him more credible than the Russia/Trump truthers.

And he is kind of right with the word "rigging". Of course any poll performed by Liberal media that has a personal vendetta against him, and New Fox really, really does, because he beat their candidate in a rigged election and is now telling them to fuck themselves, so of course it's going to be skewed to their advantage and they know who and where they called to perform this poll, so in a sense, it is "rigged".:lmao this is the same dude who said elections were rigged until he won then it was totally fair...c'mon son, it's not healthy to blindly follow anyone and slurp down their every word like fagsfan1000 over there tbh

04-28-2017, 04:46 PM
:lmao this is the same dude who said elections were rigged until he won then it was totally fair...c'mon son, it's not healthy to blindly follow anyone and slurp down their every word like fagsfan1000 over there tbh

I'm not slurping him. I'm stating on objective fact about him being right while the Left being wrong.

But whatevs. Kim Il is the better sock dictator anyways.

04-28-2017, 04:47 PM
Fake news as usual. MSM has become a joke.


new team logo


04-28-2017, 04:53 PM
I'm not slurping him. I'm stating on objective fact about him being right while the Left being wrong.

:lmao this has to be satire. Nobody is this un-self aware.

04-28-2017, 05:14 PM

new team logo

I love the Mavs. Never.

04-28-2017, 05:17 PM
I love the Mavs. Never.

Just like you loved the Bulls? And the Warriors? And Obama? :lmao

Adam Lambert
04-28-2017, 05:18 PM
is there anyone on this board who can be more easily pictured crying hysterically with a shotgun in his mouth than mavsfan1000?

Will Hunting
04-28-2017, 05:30 PM
is there anyone on this board who can be more easily pictured crying hysterically with a shotgun in his mouth than mavsfan1000?
He reminds me of Jacob1983. Someone with a room temperature IQ really dissatisfied with an unsuccessful life/dead end job and thinks big gubbamint is the reason for it.

04-28-2017, 06:33 PM
He was right about wire tapping. The Leftist conspiracy nuts have been wrong. Whats slurping about pointing that out? Because its factually accurate and contradicts your perception of his ineptitude? Sounds like denial, pal and such tight-assed bias you cant accept fact.

04-28-2017, 06:34 PM
He was right about wire tapping.

No, he wasn't.

04-28-2017, 06:41 PM
No, he wasn't.:lol

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department obtained a secret court-approved wiretap last summer on Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to Donald J. Trump (http://www.nytimes.com/topic/person/donald-trump?inline=nyt-per)’s presidential campaign, based on evidence that he was operating as a Russian agent, a government official said Wednesday.

No, he wasn't.


04-28-2017, 06:42 PM


He said Obama wiretapped him. He was wrong.

04-28-2017, 07:51 PM
:cry Obama didn't know about the wiretaps. :cry He's a good goy :cry

04-28-2017, 08:02 PM
:cry Obama didn't know about the wiretaps. :cry He's a good goy :cry

:lmao starting a boycott against proof to confirm your idiotic ideas

04-29-2017, 05:00 AM
Just like you loved the Bulls? And the Warriors? And Obama? :lmao
I never liked the Warriors. I came to my senses about Obama and Democrats in general. Fuck heavy taxes, Iran Deal, allowing North Korea to get powerful, give Russia 20% of the Uranium, and etc.

Will Hunting
04-29-2017, 08:55 AM
I never liked the Warriors. I came to my senses about Obama and Democrats in general. Fuck heavy taxes, Iran Deal, allowing North Korea to get powerful, give Russia 20% of the Uranium, and etc.
If you're that concerned over Iran and North Korea, why don't you strap up and do something about it yourself, or at the very least, join the milit:lolry.

04-29-2017, 10:16 AM

Coal Caught in U.S.-Canada Lumber Trade War Sends Stocks Sliding

U.S. coal has become entangled in a trade war between the U.S. and Canada over lumber.


Don't see it happening, but it does underscore the hazards.

LOL Donny's quick about face on exiting NAFTA

I think it was Colbert who had hilarious, insulting joke about Trash and his problem with "soft wood"

04-29-2017, 04:59 PM
If you're that concerned over Iran and North Korea, why don't you strap up and do something about it yourself, or at the very least, join the milit:lolry.
I'm not suggesting war. Just don't ignore them and let them do whatever they want. North Korea is not only a threat to the United States. But also the world. We need to put pressure on them to stop their Nuclear program. And Trump is doing it the right way. Too bad Trump couldn't be President earlier. North Korea has gained a lot of power under the Obama regime.

04-29-2017, 05:59 PM
I'm not suggesting war. Just don't ignore them and let them do whatever they want. North Korea is not only a threat to the United States. But also the world. We need to put pressure on them to stop their Nuclear program. And Trump is doing it the right way. Too bad Trump couldn't be President earlier. North Korea has gained a lot of power under the Obama regime.

:lmao you're not suggesting war, but you think Trump is right to send armadas and flex his military muscle in NK's face and provoke them, but no you aren't suggesting war.

And then there's this thread you created

Thread Title: Just attack N. Korea already

:lmao but no, you're not suggesting war.

Will Hunting
04-29-2017, 09:13 PM
Mavsfan1000 is an example of why neoconservatives are truly pussies at heart :lol

:lmao being afraid of a country with a famine epidemic where the average person is like 5 feet tall and doesn't have running water
:lmao the North Korean boogeyman keeping you up at night
:lmao being scared of whoever your political overlords tell you to be scared off

04-29-2017, 10:36 PM
I should know my role. How to deal with N. Korea is not my forte. Letting them develop ICBM's is not acceptable though. They fantasize on nuking us.

Will Hunting
04-30-2017, 12:09 AM
I should know my role. How to deal with N. Korea is not my forte. Letting them develop ICBM's is not acceptable though. They fantasize on nuking us.
:lol claiming "I know my role" as a reason to not join the military
:lol being too much of a pussy to stand behind your claim that North Korea requires military action

04-30-2017, 12:35 AM
Mavsfan1000 is an example of why neoconservatives are truly pussies at heart :lol

:lmao being afraid of a country with a famine epidemic where the average person is like 5 feet tall and doesn't have running water
:lmao the North Korean boogeyman keeping you up at night
:lmao being scared of whoever your political overlords tell you to be scared off

True, but a half dozen Hadjis with box cutters killed 3000 not to long ago.

04-30-2017, 01:58 AM
Mavsfan1000 is an example of why neoconservatives are truly pussies at heart :lol

:lmao being afraid of a country with a famine epidemic where the average person is like 5 feet tall and doesn't have running water
:lmao the North Korean boogeyman keeping you up at night
:lmao being scared of whoever your political overlords tell you to be scared offthe new one is the ms-13 gang meant to scare people into supporting the wall

not that they aren't real, but :lol at them suddenly being the biggest thing in national security

Will Hunting
04-30-2017, 08:00 AM
True, but a half dozen Hadjis with box cutters killed 3000 not to long ago.

If that's what he's scared about, then he should be campaigning for war against the country that funded it (Saudi Arabia), but his corporate overlords don't want that :lol

Also, separate note, to say that Obama "has ignored North Korea" is patently not true.

In 2015, he placed sanctions on North Korea for hacking Sony:

In March of 2016, he placed UN-endorsed economic sanctions on North Korea for its nuclear program:

In July 2016, he placed more sanctions on Kim Jong Un and Co. personally, freezing a lot of their personal assets:

In September 2016, Obama even successfully got China to cooperate with the sanctions, something no prior president was ever able to do

As usual, mavsfan1000 has no fucking idea what he's talking about.

04-30-2017, 08:35 AM
I agree...just making the point that you don't overlook a seemingly toothless adversary. Ideology (esp from unstable nutbars) is just as potent as hard weaponry.
NK makes me nervous due more to POTUS infatuation with saber rattling. That's just enabling NK'S behavior.

Will Hunting
04-30-2017, 09:14 AM
I agree...just making the point that you don't overlook a seemingly toothless adversary. Ideology (esp from unstable nutbars) is just as potent as hard weaponry.
NK makes me nervous due more to POTUS infatuation with saber rattling. That's just enabling NK'S behavior.
I agree with this. Threatening to attack NK does nothing but empower Un. The best way to handle this is have the best possible relationship with China and get them to freeze NK out economically imo.

"saber rattling" is an underrated term btw :lol, I need to use that one more often.

04-30-2017, 10:57 AM
I agree with this. Threatening to attack NK does nothing but empower Un. The best way to handle this is have the best possible relationship with China and get them to freeze NK out economically imo.

"saber rattling" is an underrated term btw :lol, I need to use that one more often.

Threatening to attack NK puts the ball in China's court---they don't want millions of starving NK pouring over their border, they also don't want NK to become westernized. It's in China's best interest to reign in NK.

04-30-2017, 12:46 PM
Threatening to attack NK puts the ball in China's court---they don't want millions of starving NK pouring over their border, they also don't want NK to become westernized. It's in China's best interest to reign in NK.

Its in the best interest of the entire civilized world for NK to be toothless.

Its in the best interest of their people for Dear Leader to be gone. If China could somehow run the country without their people streaming across the border. Give them real work without having to subsistence farm, it would probably be best outcome for everyone. Allow a more open border with S. Korea, and then get our troops out. Maybe like a poorer version of Hong Kong would be the best outcome or Vietnam. S. Korea would need to feel no threat.

05-02-2017, 11:50 AM
I'm not suggesting war. Just don't ignore them and let them do whatever they want. North Korea is not only a threat to the United States. But also the world. We need to put pressure on them to stop their Nuclear program. And Trump is doing it the right way. Too bad Trump couldn't be President earlier. North Korea has gained a lot of power under the Obama regime.

So Trump is doing what, exactly, that is different?

05-02-2017, 11:51 AM
I agree...just making the point that you don't overlook a seemingly toothless adversary. Ideology (esp from unstable nutbars) is just as potent as hard weaponry.
NK makes me nervous due more to POTUS infatuation with saber rattling. That's just enabling NK'S behavior.


It plays into their narrative.

05-02-2017, 11:52 AM
Mavsfan1000 is an example of why neoconservatives are truly pussies at heart :lol

:lmao being afraid of a country with a famine epidemic where the average person is like 5 feet tall and doesn't have running water
:lmao the North Korean boogeyman keeping you up at night
:lmao being scared of whoever your political overlords tell you to be scared off

Pretty much.

You can see whatever outrage of the day they are told about on state media reflected here rather closely.

05-02-2017, 03:00 PM
Will Hunting is an example of why neoconservatives are truly pussies at heart :lol

:lmao being afraid of your fellow countrymen, specifically the white man
:lmao the scary Republican boogeymen keeping you up at night
:lmao being scared of whoever your political overlords tell you to be scared off-EVERYONE who contradicts your Liberal opinions, numbers and facts that contradict your Liberal opinions and ACTIONS, because ACTIONS can't be requoted for feel-good, psuedo morality crusaders that take their morality cues from Political affiliation.