View Full Version : Ladies, why you should all be lesbians: Men bad for women's waistlines

10-14-2005, 08:39 AM

Men bad for women's waistlines


A UK obesity expert has analysed why it is that women who move in with their man often put on weight as a result.

Eating man-sized portions and indulging in richer foods and wines can lead to weight gain, a review in The Lancet medical journal says.

When you combine that with going on the contraceptive pill or having babies, a woman's waistline can severely suffer, says author Dr David Haslam.

"Men are very bad for women really," he said.

He said research showed women tend to gain weight once they cohabit and begin to share meals with men who intrinsically have higher energy needs and therefore appetites.

"If you are eating with a partner the evening meal is a social event and its no longer just filling a gap. You may eat more and maybe more extravagant stuff."

The weekly shopping list may change from the basic fruit and veg to include indulgent treats.

Couples may go out to restaurants for meals more often.

Women may do less exercise when they are in a relationship, skipping a trip to the gym to spend quality time with their partner.

Multiple insults

The contraceptive they chose to use can also have an impact.

The Pill, taken by 3.5 million British women, has been associated with a slight weight gain among some users, on average 4lb in the first three months.

Repeated pregnancies can also lead to weight gain.

"Each individual factor for weight gain is serious enough but put them all together and you can get a significant increase," said Dr Haslam.

Societal changes mean women may be less physically active than their great-grandmothers were, doing less housework thanks to time-saving gadgets, getting partners to share the load or paying others to do it for them.

Some studies have shown that married couples gain weight while those who divorce lose weight.

Dr Haslam stressed that it was important not to generalise and that being in a relationship had numerous positive influences and gains too.

He said the important thing was for individuals to look at their own lifestyles and make healthy changes if they needed to.

Obesity has been shown to decrease life expectancy by seven years at the age of 40.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2005/10/14 10:50:11 GMT


SWC Bonfire
10-14-2005, 08:42 AM
Studies have also shown that life expectancy is considerably lower for lesbians in long term relationships... meaning that living with a woman for an extended period of time drives you to an early grave. :lol

10-14-2005, 08:44 AM
He said research showed women tend to gain weight once they cohabit and begin to share meals with men who intrinsically have higher energy needs and therefore appetites.

I can't argue with that .... :depressed :depressed

10-14-2005, 08:45 AM
I figure 90% of the guys in Iraq signed up just to get out of the house for a little peace and quiet! :lol

10-14-2005, 08:46 AM
Studies have also shown that life expectancy is considerably lower for lesbians in long term relationships... meaning that living with a woman for an extended period of time drives you to an early grave. :lol

Hell fucking yeah...women are fucking crazy

10-14-2005, 08:50 AM
Hell fucking yeah...women are fucking crazy

Yeah....I make a pretty healthy salary, I cook, I clean, am the anti-nag and have a very healthy *appetite*.

How awful for User to be with such a crazy fucking woman. :lol :drunk

10-14-2005, 09:27 AM
My husband does more than his share around the house but he's got it great too. He gets to golf whenever he wants & I never complain about it, he buys what he wants, he in charge of his own time, I cook what he wants, we have great sex after 8 years of marriage. If I'm crazy, then so is he. :rolleyes

10-14-2005, 11:36 AM
My husband does more than his share around the house but he's got it great too. He gets to golf whenever he wants & I never complain about it, he buys what he wants, he in charge of his own time, I cook what he wants, we have great sex after 8 years of marriage. If I'm crazy, then so is he. :rolleyes

See I didn't really need to know about your great sex. It was fine up until that line.

10-14-2005, 11:39 AM
See I didn't really need to know about your great sex. It was fine up until that line.
The thread was about lesbians !!! How could you expect sex not to come up. :lol

10-14-2005, 11:40 AM
Yeah the sex could have just been omitted

10-14-2005, 11:46 AM
i think the articles true... it makes sense. If I didn't ave to cook for Emo I wouldn;t cook nearly as often... or as much.
that mn has an appetite like a horse and I sometimes fond myslef in a silent eating competition with him. Just cause I don't think it's fair that he should get it "all".

on the opther hand .. he does 1/2 the dishes, sorts and washes the laundry, takes out the trash......
I do all the cooking - mostly whatever he wants, 1/2 the dishes and fold the laundry.
going on 7 yrs and we still have great sex allllll the time.

And even tho he was rewarded a fishing trip at work 2 weeks ago (all expenses paid) he completely surprised me and decided to stay home. :wow

so we must be the 2 craziest people in the world. call the mental hospitol . we need help.

10-14-2005, 12:09 PM
Yeah the sex could have just been omitted
Jealous ??? Not getting any these days ???? :lol

SWC Bonfire
10-14-2005, 12:11 PM
I think the opposite is true, at least it was with one of my old g/f.

"Lord, if you can't make me skinny, make all of my friends fat." :lol

Marklar MM
10-14-2005, 08:46 PM

Just kiddin.

10-14-2005, 09:12 PM
i think the articles true... it makes sense.

Of course, you're the #1 local example of men being bad for your waistline.

10-15-2005, 02:20 PM
fat people, of which i am one, maybe still THE fattest in here as i was close to 370 pounds at only 6ft tall just a few months ago, let me tell you that the only way anyone loses weight pointing the finger is if they are standing in front of a mirror.

discipline is easier than you think. :tu

and out of sight, out of mind with tempting foods is another key along with finding the exercise that you actually like.

i think many of us know this, but articles blaming others for one's own problems make me laugh, so i felt compelled to respond. :tu

10-15-2005, 02:23 PM
Dr Haslam stressed that it was important not to generalise

"Men are very bad for women really," he said.

Buy my book.

10-15-2005, 02:27 PM
everyone thank chumpdumper for dumping the chump that is Dr. Haslam and showing the truth.

which is, people's lust for money will lead them to tell any and every lie they can, and most of these rats lie to people that need help the most.

taking advantage of the needy in order to line their own pockets.
