View Full Version : I have never hated a team more than the Warriors..

05-17-2017, 03:49 AM
Not the thunder, heat, suns, Mavs...Maybe lakers 02.. but not reallly

Fuck these ching chong potatoes.

Fuck Curry..Most overrated player ever. Not even top 40 all time.

Fuck Durant...The.most beta of all beta

Fuck Klay...Actually, no..I like Klay. He's the spurs only hope of getting back in this series.

Fuck Gaymond Green. Nigga would be a virgin security Guard at the local walmart with his goffy as ugly looking face of his.

Fuck Georgia...shit..Georgie is so poor, I might just go there to fuck poor georgian girls. What a shithole

Fuck iggy..Fake ass nigga

Fuck David West...You lost 14 million last year bitch :lmao

05-17-2017, 04:06 AM
the 04 Lakers and 12 Thunder are up there for me. I don't hate this GS team as much yet for whatever reason.

05-17-2017, 04:10 AM
It's a close call between 06' Mavs and this Dubblets, tbh.

05-17-2017, 04:19 AM
04 Lakers

05-17-2017, 04:25 AM
It's alright OP, let it out. Let it all out. We all hate them.

05-17-2017, 04:31 AM
Hope Kerr never coaches again and Mike Brown licks the bottom of Pop's boots next time he's unemployed

05-17-2017, 04:41 AM
nothing touching those old laker teams for me personally but absolutely their shit head fans are number 1 most loathed. at least the heat fans didnt pretend they just started caring about the team or were just following lebron. these revolting cocksuckers live a goddamn lie. hate to see them so giddy. hoping they get humiliated again in the finals

05-17-2017, 04:53 AM

05-17-2017, 05:05 AM
No team comes even close to the hate for the Malone-Stockton Jazz.

DeRozan m8
05-17-2017, 05:07 AM
Their fans are such fucking front running, pencil neck geeks..with their mail order asians and dorky personas and clothing.

Shit c*nt fans.

And yes, the team are just as fucking bad....i fucking hate them too...Its so hard to pick who the most hated is, most of them are so unlikable.

05-17-2017, 05:29 AM
No team comes even close to the hate for the Malone-Stockton Jazz.i imagine being a Spurs fan in the 90s was rough

05-17-2017, 05:33 AM
I could hate Lakers and all but always had respect for them as for competitive athletes.
Warriors on the other hand are hateable on every single level.

05-17-2017, 06:47 AM
my discomfort with GS can never reach my hate for Lakers 04, Dallas 06, Suns at various points, and OKC at various points. Those teams were in another rivalry level

05-17-2017, 06:59 AM
Disagree completely

Dont even hate this team that much. Eliancito is a cute kid, Donkey is an adorable animal and Ethiopian reminds me of Dynomte from those old sitcoms

How can you hate that?

05-17-2017, 07:11 AM
They play good basketball... can't hate them... but I am not a fan.
I like Lamarcus game a lot less to be fair.... but he plays for my team... etc.

05-17-2017, 07:13 AM
What sucks even more is there bullshit bandwagon.

Mouth is Bleeding
05-17-2017, 07:17 AM
They're getting up there fast.

Obnoxious opponents.

Keepin' it real
05-17-2017, 07:49 AM
You must be young OP. The Malone-Stockton Jazz, the Shaq-Kobe Lakers, and Dirk's Mavs (who deprived Spurs of a 3peat) were all way more hateable. GSW is simply annoying.

05-17-2017, 08:22 AM
Shaq-Kobe and Laker fans tbh doesnt help that they were also quite dominant at the time

05-17-2017, 09:04 AM
The mouthpiece chewing and the muscle flexing is pretty aggravating. In fact, the way they're ruining basketball is pretty aggravating too. Initially, I was going to argue that there's been far more hatable teams out there, but I think I just talked myself into hating these guys the most :bang

05-17-2017, 09:08 AM
No team comes even close to the hate for the Malone-Stockton Jazz.
So much this.

05-17-2017, 09:27 AM
The lakers were arrogant as hell. I remember them well.

However, they were not douchebags on the court that overreacted obnoxiously​ to every good play they made just to make sure everyone saw the play they just made.

Frank Dux
05-17-2017, 09:53 AM
1. 90's Jazz
2. 2004 Lakers (because they were already hated early 2000's Lakers plus Malone)
3. 2006 Mavericks

Somewhere below that is this Warriors team.

05-17-2017, 10:37 AM
It'll go on for a few more seasons. Then Curry's shot won't fall anymore.

05-17-2017, 10:43 AM
Not the thunder, heat, suns, Mavs...Maybe lakers 02.. but not reallly

Fuck these ching chong potatoes.

Fuck Curry..Most overrated player ever. Not even top 40 all time.

Fuck Durant...The.most beta of all beta

Fuck Klay...Actually, no..I like Klay. He's the spurs only hope of getting back in this series.

Fuck Gaymond Green. Nigga would be a virgin security Guard at the local walmart with his goffy as ugly looking face of his.

Fuck Georgia...shit..Georgie is so poor, I might just go there to fuck poor georgian girls. What a shithole

Fuck iggy..Fake ass nigga

Fuck David West...You lost 14 million last year bitch :lmao

This. I dream of hobbling Curry and Durant with a rusty shovel.

05-17-2017, 10:53 AM
Aw, they just beat us to a pulp.

turkish spurs fan
05-17-2017, 10:57 AM
i miss lakers i hate in past because of this gsw team.

05-17-2017, 10:59 AM
Luckiest team in the NBA. What does the list of all the teams with injured players they had to play in the playoffs look like?

05-17-2017, 11:03 AM
No team comes even close to the hate for the Malone-Stockton Jazz.


LaMarcus Bryant
05-17-2017, 11:29 AM
Raymond deserves to be violated dry with a 40 inch diameter black magic dildo

05-17-2017, 11:34 AM
1) this Warriors team
2) '12 OKC
3) '06 Mavs


05-17-2017, 11:39 AM
Honestly 50% of my hate comes from the Kawhi incident

But now I hate them so much I will actually cheer for Leflop

05-17-2017, 11:49 AM
Honestly 50% of my hate comes from the Kawhi incident

But now I hate them so much I will actually cheer for Leflop

Kawhi is only 10% of it for me. They are one of the dirtiest and luckiest teams in the history of the NBA and yet have the audacity to be arrogant on top of it? It's too much.

I love that the casual fan and mainstream reporters are finally coming around to the fact that Curry is actually a total prick and not the Peter Pan nice guy everyone assumed he was because of his ectomorph body type, soft facial features, and light-colored eyes.

05-17-2017, 11:53 AM
Kawhi is only 10% of it for me. They are one of the dirtiest and luckiest teams in the history of the NBA and yet have the audacity to be arrogant on top of it? It's too much.

I love that the casual fan and mainstream reporters are finally coming around to the fact that Curry is actually a total prick and not the Peter Pan nice guy everyone assumed he was because of his ectomorph body type, soft facial features, and light-colored eyes.

curry is a fucking faggot

he was born in a golden cradle

nobody respects these upper middle class players.. dedmon must hate him

05-17-2017, 11:55 AM
I hated the Utah Jazz and the Lakers back in the Shaq/Kobe days even more.

05-17-2017, 12:33 PM
I actually don't hate the Warriors that much as a team. Certain players on that team, however, desperately need to be cracked in the kneecaps with an aluminum baseball bat. Twice.

05-17-2017, 12:45 PM
Their fake fans are the worst cause when we beat them or they go back to sucking they wont' even care. Probably the most frustrating team to watch cause they're so fucking lucky with injury and everything else take and make bad shots all game, refs suck them off, draymond scream in the refs face every play and nothing ever happens. Just pray for a healthy klaw cause we can send these pussies home. And if we dont' I still think the worriers are closer to the end than the beginning and our future looks bright.

05-17-2017, 12:46 PM
Come on guys, we've all went through 6. This is maddening but not nearly as bad as losing a title in 28 seconds.

05-17-2017, 01:02 PM

I don't care for this dude either. He's trying to act like he's doing something. Raymond Green does more coaching on the floor than this clown. Same goes for Kerr. Just about any coach not named Marc Jackson could do well with this team. Fucking joke.

Really don't need to see all his teeth either. Yeah, Mike...they all came in. Thanks for sharing.

05-17-2017, 01:03 PM
Come on guys, we've all went through 6. This is maddening but not nearly as bad as losing a title in 28 seconds.

Not sure as to what you are referring. We went back to back. 28 seconds? I turned off the Tv after we sealed the deal.

05-17-2017, 02:33 PM
curry is a fucking faggot

he was born in a golden cradle

nobody respects these upper middle class players.. dedmon must hate him

"Patron Saint of Underdogs (http://sports.abs-cbn.com/nba/news/2015/06/03/stephen-curry-patron-saint-underdogs-2526)"

I started not liking this Warriors team because of this shit. Then Draymond keep proving to be a overemotional baby and "Dude Weed lmao" types irritate the shit out of me. Personality-wise I find just about all of them insufferable and the smug untouchability just begs for the sweet karma of someone smacking them down a few pegs. I hope LeBron wins again. I'd love nothing more than a ring chasing Durant to lose and those smug pricks around him go whine for another offseason.

05-17-2017, 02:38 PM
I actually don't hate the Warriors that much as a team. Certain players on that team, however, desperately need to be cracked in the kneecaps with an aluminum baseball bat. Twice.

05-17-2017, 03:00 PM
Yeah..I didn't think I could hate a team more than the 2000s Lakers, but here I am despite the fact we have historically owned these faggots..

05-17-2017, 06:57 PM
I have listed the reasons down below that make both the '00 Lakers and Warriors hated. With that being said I still list the Lakers above the Warriors when it comes to teams I have hated. Warriors are just a level below the Lakers. I have listed more reasons for me hating the Warriors but the reasons for hating the Lakers are more powerful since they all deal with things the Lakers did to the spurs. If the warriors win two more titles then they can tie them.

Reasons for hating the Lakers:
1. The Lakers players openly disrespected the Spurs. Shaq would always call the Spurs asterisk champs along with a WNBA team at every opportunity he got. Their role players like Fisher,Horry,Fox all openly talked shit about the Spurs and called them soft. Shaq took multiple shots at David Robinson as a person and made up stuff about him which he has confirmed recently that was false. Shaq and Kobe also took shots at Duncan whenever he won the MVP by saying he wasn't the real MVP.
2. Phil Jackson labeled the Spurs '99 championship as an asterisk which the media ran with. Nobody would acknowledge that championship was legit until the Spurs won '03 title. For 4 years Spurs fans had to hear that the only title they had in franchise history was a fake and was not legit. Those 4 years were insufferable waiting to validate the '99 championship. I don't think the young fans in here actually know how bad it really was.
3. The Lakers had irrational hatred for the Spurs. They always took the '99 sweep personal and would always make up bs excuses for the sweep such as "They took advantage of injuries that we had and that's why we lost or we didn't have Phil Jackson."
4. Bitch made players that talked a lot of shit before the '99 playoff series about how they were going to destroy the Spurs but after they lost cried to the league about how the spurs were too physical. This resulted in the first set of defensive rule changes the league would start making in the upcoming decade and it was done with the motive of making it difficult for the Spurs to play their defensive game.

Reasons for hating the Warriors:
1. Draymond Green is a glorified role player who is a fake all-star and is the Donald Trump of the league. Very overrated player that talks a lot of shit and can't go a week without saying something outrageous to the media. A very dirty player that the refs allow to get away with fouling on defense. The refs also gave him special leeway when it comes to getting techs which is that it's a lot harder for him to get tech's compared to any other NBA player. Without ref protection he would be a garbage player on a regular team. Draymond is also the team's father which is evident when the Warrior players all try to act like him or when he puts Kevin Durant in his place.
2. Curry,Steph,Durant a bunch of punks that are always trying to impress their father Draymond by acting like a bunch of douchebags. I especially hate Durant with his fake gangster act. Their constant showboating is nauseating.
3. Their fans are a bunch of nerds,cucks,gays. A very insecure bunch that didn't start watching basketball until Curry became a household name. It's very clear when talking to them about knowledge of the game that they are stupider than Laker fans which I didn't think was possible granted some of them are former Laker fans.
4. I hate their style of basketball. Even though the Spurs got their ass kicked by the Lakers,Jazz, and the Rockets I actually respected the way those 3 teams played the game. I hate the Warriors 3 point game which consists of a bunch of illegal screens. I find it boring and dull. I know some fans in here will say my views are antiquated when it comes to their style of play and I have to say I just don't give a shit.
5. Media favor-ability - The Warrior get even a lot more love from the media than even the '00 Lakers. I remember the Lakers getting something around 60 percent approval from the media which is high but you still had a lot of people who were in the 40 percent crowd that spoke out against them and openly hated Shaq,Kobe,Phil. Today's media support for the Warriors I estimate it to be around 90 percent. This was evident when you hear them justifying Kawhi getting hurt by saying he deserved it due to karma from the time Bruce Bowen played on the Spurs. That's one of the insanely stupidest things I have ever heard. We even hear the media saying the Spurs are dirty team. From the way they are describing the Spurs now you would think they were the bad boy pistons. By the way the 10 percent who hate the Warriors are all Lebron nut riders.

Down Under
05-17-2017, 10:35 PM
It's more the media sucking them off constantly that makes me hate them so much.

05-17-2017, 10:38 PM
OP must be young

05-17-2017, 10:50 PM
OP must be young

^ this

I hated the Kobe Lakers 1000 times more than this Warriors team.

05-17-2017, 11:04 PM
i only hate durant on that team. hes such a faggot. i hate zaza now too. fuck that piece of shit.

i dont think i can hate any other team than the 2000s lakers tbh

05-17-2017, 11:20 PM
I have never hated a team more than the Warriors..

Not the thunder, heat, suns, Mavs...Maybe lakers 02.. but not reallly

Well then, you're going to enjoy watching them get cock-slapped by LeBron. Damn he's been a beast in these playoffs.

05-17-2017, 11:38 PM
1.90s jazz
2. any houston team
3. lakers
4 etc etc

Vito Corleone
05-18-2017, 12:34 AM
Anyone that hates the Warriors more than the Karl Malone elbow throwing Jazz are probably too young to drink beer.

05-18-2017, 12:59 AM
Anyone that hates the Warriors more than the Karl Malone elbow throwing Jazz are probably too young to drink beer.

San Diego doesn't have a team so i was a very casual fan until Kawhi got in the league. Never saw much of Malone and I've been able to legally drink for 6 years.

05-18-2017, 09:06 AM
1- this warriors team

2- kobe/shaq lakers

3- whatever

stu scotts eye
05-18-2017, 05:00 PM
Def 90s jazz.

05-19-2017, 10:03 AM
Agree' d with title of thread... "I have never hated a team more than the Warriors.." Not because they are so good, but more because of the arrogance, which has not been earned yet in my opinion.

05-19-2017, 11:07 PM
I don't think Kawhi will be well enough to give the Spurs a chance at this series. He might, but my gut says no. I thought I might not even watch the Finals, but this is gonna be fun. LeBron looks as good as I've ever seen him. Maybe he got pissed about being the stepchild in all the MVP conversations this year?

After the 3-1 comeback last year, the icing on the cake will be watching the Dubbies get swept this year. I'd rather see the Spurs win it, but I can settle for watching GSW lose it.

05-19-2017, 11:09 PM
Not the thunder, heat, suns, Mavs...Maybe lakers 02.. but not reallly

Fuck these ching chong potatoes.

Fuck Curry..Most overrated player ever. Not even top 40 all time.

Fuck Durant...The.most beta of all beta

Fuck Klay...Actually, no..I like Klay. He's the spurs only hope of getting back in this series.

Fuck Gaymond Green. Nigga would be a virgin security Guard at the local walmart with his goffy as ugly looking face of his.

Fuck Georgia...shit..Georgie is so poor, I might just go there to fuck poor georgian girls. What a shithole

Fuck iggy..Fake ass nigga

Fuck David West...You lost 14 million last year bitch :lmao

It always comes back to gay fantasies for this fucker.

05-20-2017, 01:23 AM
It always comes back to gay fantasies for this fucker.

"Hello. We got your name from Jimmer Fredette, and we really need you to come
down and have a talk."


05-20-2017, 01:29 AM
I hated them in 2013 when the rest of you were fellating them. Now I like them, and the rest of you hate them.

05-20-2017, 01:31 AM
Btw, what we did to the Rockets ranks up there with those Suns victories imo. Fuck Mike D, I hate that fat faced faggot and always have. Dude cries to media and he's a whining piece of shit. I'd be shocked if he wasn't at least bisexual, he just sounds and acts like someone who's sucked a dick.

05-20-2017, 07:10 AM
Lakers will always take top honors for me in this case, but this Warriors team is climbing my ladder of hate. Because:

- They've become the ultimate casual fan team who play a shallow brand of basketball that is only effective because of arbitrary rule changes to make NBA basketball more "entertaining."

- Draymond Green. Mouth breather who lucked into the perfect roster for his skillset. Put him on the Lakers, and he's a net negative player. But he thinks he's an MVP level player in his mind.

- Kevin Durant. Arguably the biggest coward in sports history (only considering on-court/field matters, obviously).

- Lakers fans have adopted them as their B-team.

05-20-2017, 12:49 PM
"Hello. We got your name from Jimmer Fredette, and we really need you to come
down and have a talk."

Nothing to do with the fact that the OP slurps Lebron's juices.

05-20-2017, 01:10 PM
Nothing to do with the fact that the OP slurps Lebron's juices.

:lmao Dude - that whole subject line is going to fail you every time after your months of Jimmer-worship.

I'm just give you a little shit, but c'mon. If you haven't actually watched any of the games, LeBron has been pretty damn good, and the Cavs are playing way better than anything we saw from them in the regular season. With Kawhi being out for Game 3, I don't see us making the Finals. But I'm going to enjoy watching GSW go home with that look on their faces - again.

05-20-2017, 01:12 PM
Keep talking like I give a shit.

05-20-2017, 01:13 PM
Curry will be irrelevant shortly after he retires. He isn't worthy of joining the NBA list of timeless greats that will never be forgotten.

05-20-2017, 01:20 PM
Keep talking like I give a shit.

Lighten up - it doesn't mean anything. I told you I'm just giving you a little shit.

I'm no LeBron fan. If Utah had made the Finals, I'd be all-in rooting for them to send his ass fishing. But short of a miracle recovery for Kawhi and Tony, the best thing left is to watch the Warriors explain how they lost for a second time, with an even more stacked team.

05-20-2017, 01:25 PM
Lighten up - it doesn't mean anything. I told you I'm just giving you a little shit.

I'm no LeBron fan. If Utah had made the Finals, I'd be all-in rooting for them to send his ass fishing. But short of a miracle recovery for Kawhi and Tony, the best thing left is to watch the Warriors explain how they lost for a second time, with an even more stacked team.

I'm fine with that. And I think as good as GS is, they're maybe the most over-rated team I've ever seen. They're terrible on the defensive side of the ball, and Durant and Curry have to share the one ball on offense. Before Kawhi went down, we saw how a disciplined team can expose them. This team was built to beat GS (and they even were on the verge of sweeping them in the regular season series). Bringing it back to the original point, the OP is just a Lebron slurper throwing out whatever wanker sh** runs through his gay mind.

05-20-2017, 01:31 PM
Nba has now become and1 mix tape.

05-20-2017, 03:36 PM
Fo sho

05-20-2017, 04:08 PM
Curry will be irrelevant shortly after he retires. He isn't worthy of joining the NBA list of timeless greats that will never be forgotten.

I don't think he will ever be forgotten since they are a lot of nerds and cucks who live through him.

TD 21
05-20-2017, 07:20 PM
They've passed the Lakers, particularly the early 00's version, for me. One gift wrapped championship and a ton of luck on various fronts, yet they strut around like they've had the sustained success of the Spurs. They're a disgrace and while this series is obviously a lost cause, going forward I just hope Curry, Green or Durant (Thompson is too irrelevant), sustains a career altering injury, not so much to potentially open the door for the Spurs, but to hopefully humble them some. I thought the embarrassment of the Finals last season might, until the end result was that coward joining them.

05-20-2017, 08:54 PM
I think my hate has started to hit 00era Lakers levels. Tbh I think my hate dissipates quicker than it did back then, so maybe I've changed. I used to have a prolonged, unhealthy dislike of Kobe. But least those Lakers didn't try to injure our best player. Other than Kobe and Fisher I didn't hate the other Lakers, especially not Shaq.

Whereas Warriors have a lot of depth in terms of smug, punchable faggots.

Both have gotten a lot of help from the NBA's cabal but there isn't really an equivalent to Durant's pathetic decision. I'm also more bored by Twinkball's barrage of 3s.

Perhaps I do hate them more than those Lakers.

They've passed the Lakers, particularly the early 00's version, for me. One gift wrapped championship and a ton of luck on various fronts, yet they strut around like they've had the sustained success of the Spurs. They're a disgrace and while this series is obviously a lost cause, going forward I just hope Curry, Green or Durant (Thompson is too irrelevant), sustains a career altering injury, not so much to potentially open the door for the Spurs, but to hopefully humble them some. I thought the embarrassment of the Finals last season might, until the end result was that coward joining them.
Yeah after the hit on Kawhi they deserve something bad to happen to them. It's interesting to think if they would've been humbled if Durant wasn't a bitch. The league would certainly be better and more unpredictable.

05-21-2017, 08:55 AM
Where can I buy some anti warrior shirts?

05-21-2017, 09:13 AM
If this team kicked our ass straight up, hey whatever. But this whole series has been a total crock of shit. I guess all I can hope for is they don't win it all yet again, and they will be embarrassed given they have one of the most stacked roster in league history..

05-21-2017, 01:23 PM
They've passed the Lakers, particularly the early 00's version, for me. One gift wrapped championship and a ton of luck on various fronts, yet they strut around like they've had the sustained success of the Spurs. They're a disgrace and while this series is obviously a lost cause, going forward I just hope Curry, Green or Durant (Thompson is too irrelevant), sustains a career altering injury, not so much to potentially open the door for the Spurs, but to hopefully humble them some.I thought the embarrassment of the Finals last season might, until the end result was that coward joining them.


Call it classless or cruel, but I'm going to be openly and unabashedly rooting for snapped ankles and blown knees. They don't deserve an ounce of respect the Spurs have had to other rival organisations (see Heat..)..They have adopted arrogance with a conscious mind..

05-21-2017, 01:29 PM

Call it classless or cruel, but I'm going to be openly and unabashedly rooting for snapped ankles and blown knees. They don't deserve an ounce of respect the Spurs have had to other rival organisations (see Heat..)..They have adopted arrogance with a conscious mind..

They will lose again. This team is the ultimate front running bunch of clowns. They are not built for adversity in terms of personality or toughness. Their big offseason acquisition ran like a thief in the night, when times got too tough..

05-21-2017, 03:00 PM
No team comes even close to the hate for the Malone-Stockton Jazz.


05-21-2017, 04:13 PM
No team comes even close to the hate for the Malone-Stockton Jazz.

This right here. That team still pisses me off. Then when the Mailman went to the Lakers, I hated the Lakers a lot then too.