View Full Version : President Trump Will Give a Speech on Islam in Saudi Arabia

05-17-2017, 12:00 PM
I shit you not.


That may be the single worst idea I have ever heard.


One wrong off-script riff, and we have riots that will make the cartoon thing seem tame.

05-17-2017, 12:02 PM
http://static4.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/Get+your+popcorn+ready+i+smell+a+show+_e788cd1809f 2c3e3b8594aecb1c077f7.gif

05-21-2017, 03:04 PM
I shit you not.


That may be the single worst idea I have ever heard.


One wrong off-script riff, and we have riots that will make the cartoon thing seem tame.

Link to the riots?

Mark Celibate
05-21-2017, 03:41 PM
I shit you not.


That may be the single worst idea I have ever heard.


One wrong off-script riff, and we have riots that will make the cartoon thing seem tame.

Every time Trump and Islam are mentioned in the same sentence you fags go into nuclear doomsday war mode. Have a beer and relax. You won't see it coming anyway

05-21-2017, 04:00 PM
Maybe if we're lucky he'll skim the Wikipedia page on Islam for fifteen minutes before he speaks so he won't make too much of a dumbass of himself

05-21-2017, 04:49 PM
:lol he spent the whole speech tossing Saudi Arabia's salad and pumping up the Iranian Boogeyman. Also didn't have the balls to say Radical Islamic Terrorism.

Trump bent over and let Islam peg him.

05-21-2017, 04:56 PM
:lol he spent the whole speech tossing Saudi Arabia's salad and pumping up the Iranian Boogeyman. Also didn't have the balls to say Radical Islamic Terrorism.

Trump bent over and let Islam peg him.

So he basically stayed on script and didn't cause any riots

05-21-2017, 05:15 PM
Sounds encouraging from what I very briefly read of the summaries tbh. Won't appeal to his white trash base but at least he didn't incite any nonsense

05-21-2017, 05:31 PM
So he basically stayed on script and didn't cause any riots

He bent over and took it in the ass from the Saudis, as expected.

05-21-2017, 05:40 PM
He bent over and took it in the ass from the Saudis, as expected.

OP sure didn't expect it.

Adam Lambert
05-21-2017, 07:05 PM
how can we fight the enemy when we wont even speak its name???

its name!!!!

speak it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol @ you faggots

05-21-2017, 07:15 PM
constantly referencing dick sucking while at the same time using homophobic slurs. I'm beginning to see a pattern.

Adam Lambert
05-21-2017, 08:58 PM
constantly referencing dick sucking while at the same time using homophobic slurs. I'm beginning to see a pattern.

:cry why wont you say radical atheistic homophobia? :cry

05-21-2017, 09:08 PM
ROFL Trump rants for a year about shutting down radical islamic terrorists. Even threatens to kill their families. Says all Muslims are responsible. Then he has to give a speech in front of a crowd of Muslims and predictably he tucked his balls between his legs and did the "well you guys are all great it's just those mean ol' meanies in Iran! Radical what? No!!!!! Let's just call them extremists!"

05-21-2017, 09:14 PM
So he tosses the Saudi's salad all trip long.

1.Gives them a billion dollar deal (after basically calling Obama a war criminal for doing the same)
2. Vows like a cheap lawn chair (after making fun of Obama for doing the same)
3. Makes Roger Stone pukes....ROGER FUCKING STONE


05-21-2017, 09:51 PM
Sounds encouraging from what I very briefly read of the summaries tbh. Won't appeal to his white trash base but at least he didn't incite any nonsense

Actually it was shockingly good. (Read as standard fare for diplomatic Presidents)
He even challenged with women should be allowed to work to use their potential. Melania brushes her hair back with her hand for emphasis while the Saudi women sit obeyingly. Trump lightened it up at the end by trashing Iran. But he clearly had a good deal of material the Saudis sat uncomfortably through.

I was seriously dumbfounded he stayed the course.

There was a relatively large amount of material the Saudis would rather not have heard. He layed off the totally adoring speech for an autocratic regime. It could have been Obama except for the heavy criticism of Iran at the end.

05-21-2017, 10:10 PM
Actually it was shockingly good. (Read as standard fare for diplomatic Presidents)
He even challenged with women should be allowed to work to use their potential. Melania brushes her hair back with her hand for emphasis while the Saudi women sit obeyingly. Trump lightened it up at the end by trashing Iran. But he clearly had a good deal of material the Saudis sat uncomfortably through.

I was seriously dumbfounded he stayed the course.

There was a relatively large amount of material the Saudis would rather not have heard. He layed off the totally adoring speech for an autocratic regime. It could have been Obama except for the heavy criticism of Iran at the end.

Damn, TSA sucking all the cum outta that 70 year old shrivelved cock. :lol

05-21-2017, 11:23 PM
Riots! :lmao

05-22-2017, 07:52 AM
Actually it was shockingly good. (Read as standard fare for diplomatic Presidents)
He even challenged with women should be allowed to work to use their potential. Melania brushes her hair back with her hand for emphasis while the Saudi women sit obeyingly. Trump lightened it up at the end by trashing Iran. But he clearly had a good deal of material the Saudis sat uncomfortably through.

I was seriously dumbfounded he stayed the course.

There was a relatively large amount of material the Saudis would rather not have heard. He layed off the totally adoring speech for an autocratic regime. It could have been Obama except for the heavy criticism of Iran at the end.

You've got Trump's cock lodged so firmly in your mouth, you can't stop blowing long enough to write your own thoughts? Now you've resorted to plagiarizing pgardn. Pathetic.

05-22-2017, 09:59 AM
his speech was essentially an admission that he will, like his predecessors, be yet another sycophantic president to the Saudis and their radical Islamism.

05-22-2017, 10:40 AM
Trump’s Speech on Islam Is Just as Bizarre as Everything Else He Does

Trump’s speech on Islam, written by notorious Islamophobe (Jew) Stephen Miller, (http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/21/politics/trump-saudi-speech-transcript/) who used to organize Orwellian Two Minutes Hate sessions against Muslims at Duke, is just as bizarre as everything else Trump does.

Miller-Trump imply, as has become common in right wing American discourse, that Muslims have a peculiar problem inasmuch as they produce terrorists. What do they think the Ku Klux Klan is?

I estimate that people of European Christian heritage polished off (https://www.juancole.com/2013/04/terrorism-other-religions.html) as many as 100 million persons in the 20th century and that Muslims may have killed 2-3 million.

Trump seems to think that pumping $110 bn in new shiny weapons into a volatile Middle East will lead to peace!

Trump managed to insult Islamic civilization by implying that the pre-Islamic civilizations in the region were better:

“Egypt was a thriving center of learning and achievement thousands of years before other parts of the world. The wonders of Giza, Luxor and Alexandria are proud monuments to that ancient heritage.

All over the world, people dream of walking through the ruins of Petra in Jordan. Iraq was the cradle of civilization and is a land of natural beauty.”

This is sheer Orientalism, an allegation that Pharaonic Egypt, Nabatean Jordan and Sumerian and Babylonian Iraq were great civilizations but that once Islam came, they went downhill.

Miller-Trump sweep up national resistance movements like Hamas and Hezbollah with al-Qaeda!

Neither of these would exist if the Israelis hadn’t

a) expelled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes in 1948 and then come after millions of their descendants and militarily occupied them in 1967 and

b) if the Israelis had not launched a brutal war of aggression on Lebanon in 1982 and attempted to occupy permanently 10% of Lebanese territory.

The Shiites of south Lebanon *liked* the Israelis before 1978. The 1982 invasion killed 10,000-20,000 people and involved indiscriminate artillery barrages and aerial bombing of Beirut, which Usama bin Laden alleged helped inspire him to destroy some American skyscrapers.

For Trump to attack Iran, which just had a popular election where the electorate bucked the choice of the Leader, from Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy where the populace have no rights (https://www.juancole.com/2017/05/absolute-monarchy-election.html), is weird.

The American Right is deeply implicated in radicalizing Muslims. Afghan Islam was radicalized by the Reagan jihad against the Soviet Union.

Eisenhower and Reagan both attempted to enlist Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabism against Communism.

Most Palestinians were secular or mainstream until the Israelis cultivated Hamas as an alternative to the PLO.

So Miller-Trump are barking up entirely the wrong tree here, as you would expect from completely ignorant people sticking their bare hands into about 50 bee hives.

Then they condemn Iranian intervention in Syria but don’t mention that Saudi Arabia backed the radical terrorist group Jaysh al-Islam that had genocide against Syria’s Shiites on their minds.

Any fair-minded and knowledgeable person in the Middle East would read this speech as

a farrago of Orientalist prejudice against Muslims,

coddling of Wahhabis,

slamming of Shiites, and

continued rank unfairness toward the Palestinians in favor of holding the Israelis completely blameless for their massive ethnic cleansing campaigns, which are ongoing.

http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/trumps_speech_on_islam_is_just_as_bizarre_everythi ng_else_he_does_20170522?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%253A+Truthdig+Truthdig%253A+Dril ling+Beneath+the+Headlines

05-22-2017, 10:44 AM
Hypocrisy and Condescension: Trump’s Speech to the Middle East (http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/05/22/hypocrisy-and-condescension-trumps-speech-to-the-middle-east/)

So after inventing “fake news (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-surrogates-talk-perfect-accuracy-sean-spicer-kellyanne-conway-administration-white-a7732241.html)”, America’s crazed President on Sunday gave the world’s Muslims a fake speech (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-muslim-radical-extremism-speech-riyadh-saudi-arabia-a7747321.html). Donald Trump said he was not in Saudi Arabia (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-donald-trump-drain-the-swamp-foreign-minister-adel-al-jubeir-rex-tillerson-a7747581.html) to “lecture” – but then told the world’s Islamic preachers what to say, condemned “Islamist terrorism” as if violence was a solely Muslim phenomenon and then announced like an Old Testament prophet that he was in “a battle between good and evil” (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-muslim-radical-extremism-speech-riyadh-saudi-arabia-a7747321.html).

There were no words of compassion, none of mercy, absolutely not a word of apology for his racist, anti-Muslim speeches of last year.

Even more incredibly, he blamed Iran – rather than Isis – for “fuelling sectarian violence”, pitied the Iranian people for their “despair” a day after they had freely elected a liberal reformer as their president, and demanded the further isolation of the largest Shiite country in the Middle East.

The regime responsible for “so much instability” is Iran.

The Shiite Hezbollah were condemned. So were the Shiite Yemenis. Trump’s Sunni Saudi hosts glowed with warmth at such wisdom.


Saudi Wahhabi have been exporting, financing Sunni terrorism all over the Orient.

05-22-2017, 10:48 AM
Link to the riots?

He stuck to the teleprompter. You can tell because there was more than 1 coherent thought strung together, and there were polysyllabic words in them.

I am very relieved.

Your boy didn't use your favorite phrase though.

You know, the one you fuckers have been whining that Barry didn't use? :lmao Real grown-ups don't, and Baby-in-Chief was told why that is a stupid thing to say by the responsible grown-ups.

05-22-2017, 10:53 AM
Panderer in chief.

05-22-2017, 10:54 AM
OP sure didn't expect it.

I didn't say I expected it, but the very fact that Teleprompter Boy has to be kept on a leash to keep from saying something epically stupid says volumes. Not that you would admit the current occupant of the white house is arguably a moron.

05-22-2017, 10:56 AM
Actually it was shockingly good. (Read as standard fare for diplomatic Presidents)
He even challenged with women should be allowed to work to use their potential. Melania brushes her hair back with her hand for emphasis while the Saudi women sit obeyingly. Trump lightened it up at the end by trashing Iran. But he clearly had a good deal of material the Saudis sat uncomfortably through.

I was seriously dumbfounded he stayed the course.

There was a relatively large amount of material the Saudis would rather not have heard. He layed off the totally adoring speech for an autocratic regime. It could have been Obama except for the heavy criticism of Iran at the end.


05-22-2017, 11:42 AM
Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins and help me guard against pride and despair.
Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just.
And make me an instrument of your will.

Yeah, someone fished it out and published it.

Wonder what Trumps' says?

"make them stop being so mean to me... :cry"

05-22-2017, 12:57 PM
in all seriousness though, it was no surprise that the donald 1) went old testament with the "good v. evil" narrative, 2) blamed the iranians for fueling sectarian violence and essentially condemned shiites (hint, hint-prepare for more slaughter, yemen), 3)ignored the fact that saudi arabia is the epicenter of wahhabi salafist extremism (right after entering another arms deal with the saudis, of course) and 4)essentially endorsed a sunni-shia war.

05-23-2017, 06:52 PM
Now you've resorted to plagiarizing pgardn. Pathetic.

It worked out as I'd hoped. The forum dunce accused pgardn of being a Trump cum guzzler.

Will Hunting
05-24-2017, 07:12 AM
I just came across this video. I've only watched ten minutes of it but it looks promising so I'm going to post it.

Saudi Arabia Uncovered
There's already a thread about that documentary you worthless piece of shit.

05-24-2017, 11:12 AM

05-24-2017, 11:17 AM

05-24-2017, 11:24 AM

"Please don't make me hold another man's arm...." :lmao


man that was painful to watch