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SWC Bonfire
10-14-2005, 12:13 PM
Well, nobody wants to move to Canada, I guess. Hosers.

Minister: Canada Needs More Immigrants Thu Oct 13, 8:11 PM ET

MONTREAL - Canada's foreign affairs minister said Thursday that the country badly needed more immigrants to replace aging workers who are headed for retirement.


Pierre Pettigrew said that increasing the population to 40 million by welcoming more immigrants would help foot the bill for new infrastructure, such as roads and bridges.

"This is a vast country, the infrastructure is expensive and it's a bigger country than the United States is," Pettigrew said. "I am saying that if we were 40 million Canadians, that infrastructure would not be necessarily a lot more expensive, but we would be more (people) to foot the bill."

The minister, in comments to reporters after a speech in Montreal, said Canada was built by immigrants and that's the way it would continue to be built.

Canada's population of just under 32 million has grown by only three million in the past decade. The federal government is set to unveil a new immigration plan this month that would open its doors to 320,000 skilled immigrants a year by the time the plan is fully implemented in five years.

Extra Stout
10-14-2005, 12:16 PM
I guess given a choice between Canuckistan and the good ol' U. S. of A., immigrants are voting with their feet.

10-14-2005, 12:18 PM
Let's begin negotiations to merge the U.S. and Canada (except for Quebec).

They need workers, we need resources, problem solved.

10-14-2005, 12:21 PM
Shit, who wants to live on ice?

10-14-2005, 12:42 PM
Yes, we live on ice....retards...I'm sure you are joking.
Considering we have a country the size of my dick and have 10 times less the people the US has, I can see his point.
I live in Toronto, it has around 3-4 million people in the Greater Toronto Area and that's already too much. The problem is the provinces between Ontario and Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba basically only have 2 million between them and they are huge. Oh and we have Saskwatch and big foot here...so I'm sure it's scary.

Plus the American economy dwarfs us Canadians so I can see immigrants voting with their stomachs.

10-14-2005, 02:02 PM
Yes, we live on ice....retards...I'm sure you are joking.
Considering we have a country the size of my dick and have 10 times less the people the US has, I can see his point.
I live in Toronto, it has around 3-4 million people in the Greater Toronto Area and that's already too much. The problem is the provinces between Ontario and Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba basically only have 2 million between them and they are huge. Oh and we have Saskwatch and big foot here...so I'm sure it's scary.

Plus the American economy dwarfs us Canadians so I can see immigrants voting with their stomachs.

Medvedenko, I lived four years in Ottawa, back in the 50's. They had about 16 million people. Paid people to have babies. Most of population was within 50 miles of the US/Canda border. I like Canada in the summer, hated the long winters. I used to have many long conversations with Canuks about the two countries becoming one. Used to root for the Ottawa Roughriders and like Saturday night hockey. Yeah, Saturday night TV was devoted to hockey. Used to laugh my butt off at the Monteral fans throwing their golashes (sp) on the ice. Back when the Richard brothers were playing. More than likely before your time. Canada reminded me of Texas when I was growing up. Damn they had some big misquotes, they would eat you alive when you were fishing in the bush. :lol

Not Misquotes......misquitoes.......hell those things that fly around and bite the fire out of you......also the catfish got worms in them in the summer, hated to waste the meat cutting them.....but I did.

10-14-2005, 02:10 PM
I always thought it was hard to move to canada.
A friend of mine's dad had greta position with 3M.. they moved him to an office in Quebec and they lived there for 3 years waiting for Canada to approve them as dual citizens. Well canada said NO, and BTW - you;ve been here too long on your visa so please leave.

I've known alot of people who've wanted to move to Canada but only 3 who;ve done it succesfully.

Maybe these new immagration laws will make the transition easier.

I'd move there if it wasn;t so freakin cold. I grew up in the northeast (NY, MASS, CONN) and thta was ahrd enough..... I can just imagine living NORTH of there. NAd shoveling ... oh dear I'd definalty have to invest in a snowblower.

SWC Bonfire
10-14-2005, 02:51 PM
We will take Alberta & the rest of the western provinces in a heatbeat, BTW.

10-14-2005, 03:15 PM
Yeah it's cold, but it's too hot in the Southern states for me....The body climatizes itself over the years.
I'm only 29 years of age but I remember discussing merging with the US in my grade 5 Social Studies class. BC, Alberta, Sask, Manitoba would be first to go with Ontario and Maritime provinces later. Quebec would turn into its own country. As much as I see keeping the spirit and nationalistic ideology of Canada from an economic stand point I wouldn't disagree.
I immigrated from Poland when I was 5 with my family...didn't seem to have much of a problem.
Oh and the mosquitoes are crazy...but like anything manageable. The one thing about Canada I like is that we haven't had a major natural disaster since I can remember. Our crime rate is very low, plus we are regarded as a safe and prosperous country. I'm not naive to think that Canada's stature is indepedent but complimentary on living close to the US. If you can stand a little bit of socialism...then come on up.

10-14-2005, 03:30 PM
Yeah, too damn cold. I don't care if it is brown and made of earth, as far as I'm concerned Canadians live on ice. :lol

SWC Bonfire
10-14-2005, 03:32 PM
Canada probably has more natural resources than any other country, except Russia. And they are mostly out west (rich soils, forests, oil & gas, minerals).

If the east splits from the west they are idiots. The US will gladly have the west, hell, Alberta is already pretty much North Texas anyway. :lol

10-14-2005, 03:43 PM
Yeah Northern Alberta has been estimated to have over a trillion barrels of oil located within the oil sands. I lived in Alberta for 7 years and just moved to Toronto 2 years ago. The provincial goverment is giving each resident of Alberta $400 tax free as a gas rebate cheque. Alberta has no provincial sales tax and is also the lowest province for income tax....

SWC Bonfire
10-14-2005, 03:46 PM
Yeah Northern Alberta has been estimated to have over a trillion barrels of oil located within the oil sands. I lived in Alberta for 7 years and just moved to Toronto 2 years ago. The provincial goverment is giving each resident of Alberta $400 tax free as a gas rebate cheque. Alberta has no provincial sales tax and is also the lowest province for income tax....

Almost every Canadian I personally know is from Alberta. All good folks. :tu

Extra Stout
10-14-2005, 03:48 PM
Yes, we will take Alberta and British Columbia please. Saskatechewan and Manitoba... maybe.

Ontario -- no way. The Maritimes -- uh uh, nope.

Quebec? Hmm... maybe as a toxic waste dump.

10-14-2005, 04:00 PM
Yes, we will take Alberta and British Columbia please. Saskatechewan and Manitoba... maybe.

Ontario -- no way. The Maritimes -- uh uh, nope.

Quebec? Hmm... maybe as a toxic waste dump.

Stout, I know you are probably joking, because each citizen makes what the country is all about. If I were picking and choosing the US states it wouldn't be fair to leave out the undesirables because given the economy we all make a difference. Now most of the population is in Quebec and Ontario, and BC has been a socialist province (NDP) for a while now. They are just getting out of this rut.

10-14-2005, 05:22 PM
Vancouver BC was recently voted one the top cities in the world for quality of life.

Immigration is another serioius national problem, IE FEDERAL responsibility, where dubya/Repubs have done absolutely nothing positive in 5 years, but they did manage to nominate at totally inexperienced crony to run it recently.

"by your actions, you will know them" and the Repubs have shown repeatedly and absolutely with the appointments and nominations that they detest and disrespect government and governing.

10-14-2005, 05:30 PM
Vancouver BC was recently voted one the top cities in the world for quality of life.

Immigration is another serioius national problem, IE FEDERAL responsibility, where dubya/Repubs have done absolutely nothing positive in 5 years, but they did manage to nominate at totally inexperienced crony to run it recently.

"by your actions, you will know them" and the Repubs have shown repeatedly and absolutely with the appointments and nominations that they detest and disrespect government and governing.

Hey Dummy, the federal government hasn't done anything about immigration for the last 20 years, so get off your horse and say something that means something. Oh, I fogot, they did legalize the illegals, like Kennedy and McCain want to do again. Now that solves the dimm-o-craps problems about new voters. Oh, hell, they don't need to worry, they want the illegals to have to right to vote anyhow, which they do anyhow.

10-14-2005, 06:53 PM
Editorial (commie/pinko/socialist/liberal/jewish nytimes)

Time to Fix Immigration

Published: October 14, 2005

In Connecticut, one mayor is thinking about identification cards to help illegal immigrants, while another mayor is trying to arrest day workers on street corners. In Burbank, Calif., local officials have required Home Depot to build a shelter for the large numbers of immigrant laborers waiting outside the store for work.

In bits and pieces, communities all over the country are trying desperately to deal with what is really an immense national problem. Only Washington can untangle an immigration mess that draws a growing number of illegal immigrants across the nation's borders every year. Labeled criminals or even "invaders" by a few in President Bush's own party, many of these immigrants are actually risking their lives to take on the jobs that many Americans have chosen to avoid. One contractor recently told The Los Angeles Times that if officials began cracking down on illegal immigrants, "who will rebuild New Orleans?"

Only a comprehensive plan, a bipartisan one with many of the ideas outlined earlier by President Bush, can address this national issue. Yes, such a plan needs to secure the borders, but it must also establish a guest worker program that serves industry, American workers and immigrants. And it needs to deal humanely and fairly with the 11 million immigrants who are already here illegally.

So far, a bill by Senators John McCain, the Arizona Republican, and Edward Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat, has the most workable solution. Their bill tries to lure people out of the shadows by offering a lengthy route to legal status. Immigrants working here illegally would pay a fine of at least $2,000, and go to the end of the long line of those trying to get legitimate working papers. Sending them home first to apply for permission to immigrate simply won't work.

Washington is still circling these ideas too slowly, forcing too many people and politicians to take matters into their own hands. It's time for Congress and the president to do their job. The local communities, in coming up with haphazard or dangerous solutions, like vigilantes in New Mexico and makeshift arrests for overcrowded housing on Long Island, are really crying out for a national cure.

10-15-2005, 04:17 AM
Yeah Northern Alberta has been estimated to have over a trillion barrels of oil located within the oil sands

Well then don't worry, we'll get to you. Freedom will soon be on the march in Canada bringing liberty to those cunucks if they want it or not.
