View Full Version : Manu leaning towards coming back

06-20-2017, 10:23 AM
Via Woj

06-20-2017, 10:27 AM
Dude needs to lean the other way real quick.

06-20-2017, 10:29 AM
Dude needs to lean the other way real quick.
No shit. Another 15 mpg and several millions guaranteed for 10 decent games.

06-20-2017, 10:29 AM
leaning coming back then spurs say vet min then he runs away

06-20-2017, 10:29 AM

06-20-2017, 10:33 AM
Dude needs to lean the other way real quick.

His return will be spun as "team player returning to help offset the absence of Tony for a half a season."

Then he and TP will ride off in the sunset together next off-season.

I do not expect CP3 to come here. Consequently, I expect most of the team to return; 2018 will be the re-tooling year.

06-20-2017, 10:34 AM
His return will be spun as "team player returning to help offset the absence of Tony for a half a season."

Then he and TP will ride off in the sunset together next off-season.

I do not expect CP3 to come here. Consequently, I expect most of the team to return; 2018 will be the re-tooling year.

Not with Pau on the books for $11 Million or whatever next July.

06-20-2017, 10:35 AM
His return will be spun as "team player returning to help offset the absence of Tony for a half a season."

Then he and TP will ride off in the sunset together next off-season.

I do not expect CP3 to come here. Consequently, I expect most of the team to return; 2018 will be the re-tooling year.
So a wasted year of Kawhi's prime? Cool.

06-20-2017, 10:36 AM
Let's hear the price.

06-20-2017, 10:42 AM

06-20-2017, 10:45 AM
Not with Pau on the books for $11 Million or whatever next July.

I don't think Pau will re-sign for that much. Besides, LMA's contract will come off the books.

06-20-2017, 10:47 AM
Take that great sendoff and move on with your life. He already gave his left nut for the game.

06-20-2017, 10:47 AM
I don't think Pau will re-sign for that much. Besides, LMA's contract will come off the books.

And then you'd have a bigger hole to fill. If they are planning on pay Pau in 2018, they aren't doing everything they can to make cap space.

06-20-2017, 10:52 AM

06-20-2017, 10:52 AM
Arghhh another year of dealing with dumb Manutards. No thanks.

06-20-2017, 10:59 AM
I am good with it if he comes back at the vet min. I love Manu but he showed that he only has a few good games a season left in him.

06-20-2017, 11:00 AM
Where exactly did Woj say this?

06-20-2017, 11:03 AM
Manu will retire when he loses his other nut (no jinx).

06-20-2017, 11:04 AM
If the Spurs dont make any big moves, lets keep him one more year...why not?

Hoops Czar
06-20-2017, 11:17 AM
Ring chaser.

06-20-2017, 11:20 AM
He can stay for the minimum

06-20-2017, 11:21 AM
Great news.

06-20-2017, 11:23 AM
Where exactly did Woj say this?


Ed Helicopter Jones
06-20-2017, 11:26 AM
Considering he was the Spurs 3rd or 4th best player this year I don't see this as a problem. Plus he's one of the only current Spurs other than Kawhi to play with any ball. The Spurs have bigger personnel issues than resigning Manu for a few million.

06-20-2017, 11:29 AM

Thanks :tu

Hoops Czar
06-20-2017, 11:30 AM
Considering he was the Spurs 3rd or 4th best player this year I don't see this as a problem. Plus he's one of the only current Spurs other than Kawhi to play with any ball. The Spurs have bigger personnel issues than resigning Manu for a few million.
A few million last year turned into $14M. Carefull what you wish for.

baseline bum
06-20-2017, 11:39 AM
I bet Manu is coming back for minimum. It's probably why the Spurs gave him so much money last year.

06-20-2017, 11:39 AM
would be great having him for the minimum.

06-20-2017, 12:45 PM
Considering he was the Spurs 3rd or 4th best player this year I don't see this as a problem. Plus he's one of the only current Spurs other than Kawhi to play with any ball. The Spurs have bigger personnel issues than resigning Manu for a few million.
Yeah. Bigger problems. Such as the one where we have a 40 year old as our only capable guard.

Him being the third or fourth best player is not acceptable. If the Spurs re-sign him, he will be overplayed. No thanks but I'm sure it'll happen anyway...

06-20-2017, 12:57 PM
Dude needs to lean the other way real quick.

If he is coming back for the minimum, I don't see the harm, tbh. In fact, it would be a very positive signing.

06-20-2017, 01:00 PM
If he is coming back for the minimum, I don't see the harm, tbh. In fact, it would be a very positive signing.
Pop will overplay him. Especially after losing Mills, Simmons, and yet another year of Danny declining.

06-20-2017, 01:00 PM
Love it if it's for cheap. If the Spurs overpay him again and it eats in the cap, then I hate it, tbh.

06-20-2017, 01:07 PM
Everything you've read Spurs related is all due to them chasing/getting CP3..

06-20-2017, 01:10 PM
If he is coming back for the minimum, I don't see the harm, tbh. In fact, it would be a very positive signing.

It would be awful. They need an actual solution at guard, none of this "if he can give 12 good minutes" shit. I'd rather Hanga take his spot at this point.

06-20-2017, 01:17 PM
Welcome back ElNono

06-20-2017, 01:17 PM
It would be awful. They need an actual solution at guard, none of this "if he can give 12 good minutes" shit. I'd rather Hanga take his spot at this point.

Dude, what SG, that would give you Manu's type production, can you get for the minimum? I'm not even saying Manu needs to come back a rotation player, but the Spurs need to fill that roster up with as many cheap options as they can. Signing Manu for the minimum is a no brainer.

And fwiw, unless Hanga can improve his shooting dramatically he will never be a positive NBA player, tbh.

06-20-2017, 01:20 PM
Manutards have tried the convince the rest of us since 2013 that "this is his last year for sure, and it will probably be for the minimum" .... As he signs for 2yr/14M, vets min, and $14M/1yr

Hes been a sub .400FG% player for years in the playoffs now and he continues to regress. The same people that were keeping track of Kobe's 2016 FG% are giving this scrub a free pass "to be Manu" and build brick houses and hit popcorn guys in the 12th row with his god awful passes :lol

He showed last year his bum ass isn't loyal. Vets min or gtfo.

06-20-2017, 01:22 PM
Dude, what SG, that would give you Manu's type production, can you get for the minimum?

That's an irrelevant question. They don't need a guard for the min. They need an actual guard to come in and play. I can't do anything about you imagining a scenario where Manu in a suit all year but is ready to come in and win a game if someone gets injured. I think that's unrealistic as all hell. I'd rather have a guy who at least figures into long-term players on the min than Manu, given that Ginobili will not come back and be anything less than a rotation player.

06-20-2017, 01:24 PM
How much is the vet min for Manu?

06-20-2017, 01:25 PM
How much is the vet min for Manu?

Like $2.4 Million

06-20-2017, 01:25 PM
It would be awful. They need an actual solution at guard, none of this "if he can give 12 good minutes" shit. I'd rather Hanga take his spot at this point.
Fucking this. The longer this TOSB stays, the longer we'll wait to finally solve the Guard problem.

Also :lmao @ "he'll only play 12 minutes" as Pop continues to have him be the first player off the bench and at the end of games out of pure loyalty.

06-20-2017, 01:26 PM
Love Manu, 2nd favorite player ever, but wouldn't mind if he retires, tbh..Spurs need to find a new bench anchor, as all others become neutered when Manu is on the court(not due to his style of play, since everybody loves playing with him, but new players naturally defer to him)..

If they're going to re-sign Simmons(which I don't expect), then having Manu return is an even worse idea IMO..

In a vacuum, you won't find a better player for the minimum, but that's not the point here, tbh..sooner they let Ginobili and Parker go, sooner they can move forward..

I was going to praise him for the Rockets series, since that was the only series that mattered for the Spurs, but I just checked and hadn't realized that he had a 43% TS during that series :lol

06-20-2017, 01:29 PM
Fuck you you nicaraguan piece of shit

Go back to Conzumel and leave the spurs alone

06-20-2017, 01:30 PM
This is bigger than any Chris Paul news. I am elated!

06-20-2017, 01:31 PM
Everything you've read Spurs related is all due to them chasing/getting CP3..

06-20-2017, 01:35 PM
That's an irrelevant question. They don't need a guard for the min. They need an actual guard to come in and play. I can't do anything about you imagining a scenario where Manu in a suit all year but is ready to come in and win a game if someone gets injured. I think that's unrealistic as all hell. I'd rather have a guy who at least figures into long-term players on the min than Manu, given that Ginobili will not come back and be anything less than a rotation player.

And how do you plan to fill up the roster?

I agree that they need an actual guard to come in an play. But that shouldn't be mutually exclusive with Manu coming back, tbh.

Anyway, who do you pretend to sign at SG to "come in and play"? And please don't say Hanga. Manu > Hanga as a basketball player, right now. Manu for the min >>>>> Hanga for whatever he is going to ask getting paid.

06-20-2017, 01:37 PM
And how do you plan to fill up the roster?

I agree that they need an actual guard to come in an play. But that shouldn't be mutually exclusive with Manu coming back, tbh.

Anyway, who do you pretend to sign at SG to "come in and play"? And please don't say Hanga. Manu > Hanga as a basketball player, right now. Manu for the min >>>>> Hanga for whatever he is going to ask getting paid.
Spurs aren't over the cap...

Needing a guard for the min is irrelevant.

06-20-2017, 01:44 PM
Love Manu, 2nd favorite player ever, but wouldn't mind if he retires, tbh..Spurs need to find a new bench anchor, as all others become neutered when Manu is on the court(not due to his style of play, since everybody loves playing with him, but new players naturally defer to him)..

If they're going to re-sign Simmons(which I don't expect), then having Manu return is an even worse idea IMO..

In a vacuum, you won't find a better player for the minimum, but that's not the point here, tbh..sooner they let Ginobili and Parker go, sooner they can move forward..

I was going to praise him for the Rockets series, since that was the only series that mattered for the Spurs, but I just checked and hadn't realized that he had a 43% TS during that series :lol

That's easily fixable with Pop just setting the system for other guy to be the focal point of the bench's offense. A guy like Murray for example, Pop just needs to got to him and say "you are the guy of the bench now" and run plays for him. Simple as that.

Nobody is saying Manu should still be our 6th guy, what I'm saying (and what you also said) is that there is no other SG, that could be signed for the minimum, that would be as good as Manu. Why sign a worse, or more expensive option? It just doesn't make sense to me.

06-20-2017, 01:47 PM
Spurs aren't over the cap...

Needing a guard for the min is irrelevant.

When they sign all the players they need to sign, they will be.

What do you prefer: to have Manu for the minimum one more year, or sign a guy like Hanga, a.ka: "poor man Mbah a Moute" for more money, and multiple years?

06-20-2017, 01:58 PM
And how do you plan to fill up the roster?

With players that aren't Manu, preferably ones that the Spurs are drafting and bringing from overseas.

I agree that they need an actual guard to come in an play. But that shouldn't be mutually exclusive with Manu coming back, tbh.

It is. Why we're talking about what "should be" is boggling my mind. Manu's said that he's not coming back to be a bench-warmer.

Anyway, who do you pretend to sign at SG to "come in and play"?

I honestly haven't paid too much attention outside of max guys. I'll know more after the draft.


Manu > Hanga as a basketball player, right now

And this:

Manu for the min >>>>> Hanga

Are two very different things. Manu might be better than Hanga, but he's not a better use of a min deal/13th-man spot.

06-20-2017, 02:19 PM
With players that aren't Manu, preferably ones that the Spurs are drafting and bringing from overseas.

No matter how many young prospects the Spurs get they are still going to need to fill the roster with a couple of veterans signed for the minimum. Manu being one of those makes the most sense.

It is. Why we're talking about what "should be" is boggling my mind. Manu's said that he's not coming back to be a bench-warmer.

I honestly haven't paid too much attention outside of max guys. I'll know more after the draft.

Well, then get back at me when you get that figured out, so far none of the other options (Hanga or Simmons) are better signings than Manu.

Manu might be better than Hanga, but he's not a better use of a min deal/13th-man spot.

Sure, for the same price and as a 13th man, I would rather have Hanga to see if he can develop his shitty shooting, but the problem is that: 1st, the Spurs signing a better rotation SG than Manu is far from a given and 2nd, Hanga will, without a doubt, demand more money for more years.

06-20-2017, 02:29 PM
Hanga isn't better than Bertans was last year. I'll be very surprised if the Spurs sign him with anything more than the min. But continuing to ignore the idea that Manu's not coming to be a 11th-15th man or that the talent level of those guys is irrelevant just makes no sense.

06-20-2017, 02:33 PM
Assuming he comes back for the minimum, I don't see the harm. You aren't going to get a better player, floor general, and leader than Manu at that price, even if he is pushing 40. Plus it means one more year of watching a Spurs legend (although I may be a little biased, as Manu is one of my all-time favorite players).

06-20-2017, 02:38 PM
:pop: "Who cares if this car is a piece of shit? We're not going to find a better one for $300."

:claw"We could just spend more than $300 on a car and not settle for a POS."

:pop: "..."

:lma "Did somebody say POS?"

06-20-2017, 02:39 PM
As expected tbh... nothing to see... welcome back Manu...

Next year in POs we will have Pau Manu and Parker :tu

06-20-2017, 02:40 PM
Hanga isn't better than Bertans was last year. I'll be very surprised if the Spurs sign him with anything more than the min.

Hanga is older and with individual silverware to show, he's probably going to demand more money than Bertans, being not even half the player Bertans is. Also, he will not sign a one year contract like Manu would, tbh. My problem with Hanga isn't so much the money as is his awful trully shitty shooting, tbh. I just think the Spurs should stop looking his way altogether.

But continuing to ignore the idea that Manu's not coming to be a 11th-15th man or that the talent level of those guys is irrelevant just makes no sense.

So, you just chose to ignore this part?

Sure, for the same price and as a 13th man, I would rather have Hanga to see if he can develop his shitty shooting, but the problem is that: 1st, the Spurs signing a better rotation SG than Manu is far from a given and 2nd, Hanga will, without a doubt, demand more money for more years.

06-20-2017, 02:41 PM
Assuming he comes back for the minimum, I don't see the harm. You aren't going to get a better player, floor general, and leader than Manu at that price, even if he is pushing 40. Plus it means one more year of watching a Spurs legend (although I may be a little biased, as Manu is one of my all-time favorite players).


06-20-2017, 02:48 PM
As expected tbh... nothing to see... welcome back Manu...

Next year, the POS's we will have Pau Manu and Parker :tu


06-20-2017, 03:01 PM

06-20-2017, 03:05 PM
Like $2.4 Million
Thanks for the info! Not too shabby for 15 min a night, I hope Manu does that

06-20-2017, 03:14 PM
:pop: "Who cares if this car is a piece of shit? We're not going to find a better one for $300."

:claw"We could just spend more than $300 on a car and not settle for a POS."

:pop: "..."

:lma "Did somebody say POS?"

That's a pretty retarded anology, tbh.

First of all, Manu isn't a piece of shit. In fact, he's probably the best car available at 300 hundred bucks. :lol

And second, the Spurs are already planning on not settling and paying more, a lot more, for a guard. Just on the PG position, which is a much bigger need than SG.

Dude, you want to sign Okafor. You really shouldn't be arguing so hard about rosters moves considering that if you were the Spurs GM Kawhi would probably not be in San Antonio because of lack of respect, tbh. :lol

:lol "Danny Green is a better defender than Kawhi".
:lol Aldridge should be the number one option over Kawhi".

06-20-2017, 03:16 PM
That's a pretty retarded anology, tbh.

First of all, Manu isn't a piece of shit. In fact, he's probably the best car available at 300 hundred bucks, tbh. :lol

And second, the Spurs are already planning on not settling and paying more, a lot more, for a guard. Just on the PG position, which is a much bigger need than SG, tbh.

Dude, you want to sign Okafor. Youreally shouldn't be arguing so hard about rosters moves considering that if you were the Spurs GM Kawhi would probably not be in San Antonio because of lack of respect, tbh. :lol

:lol "Danny Green is a better defender than Kawhi".
:lol Aldridge should be the number one option over Kawhi".

Don't do him like that bro. :lol

Also dedman is the DPOY. :lol

06-20-2017, 03:28 PM
Where exactly did Woj say this?

Have we established this yet? I haven't seen it. Also, local news reported that Manu may take much longer to decide. If that's the case, he'd probably have to weigh taking much less than he made this year.

06-20-2017, 03:31 PM
League pass subscription and farewell jersey and tickets linegering on his decision :pop:

Hoops Czar
06-20-2017, 03:37 PM
It would be awful. They need an actual solution at guard, none of this "if he can give 12 good minutes" shit. I'd rather Hanga take his spot at this point.

What if he comes back for $14M?

06-20-2017, 03:37 PM
If Spurs trade DG, they should net back a 1st round pick.

If they trade DG, it won't be a good move if they blindly draft/stash their picks. This draft has a lot of value. I'll be pissed.

06-20-2017, 03:39 PM
If Spurs trade DG, they should net back a 1st round pick.

If they trade DG, it won't be a good move if they blindly draft/stash their picks. This draft has a lot of value. I'll be pissed.

Can we get any pick for fathead?

06-20-2017, 03:39 PM
That's a pretty retarded anology, tbh.

First of all, Manu isn't a piece of shit. In fact, he's probably the best car available at 300 hundred bucks. :lol

You seem to really be struggling with a basic concept. It doesn't matter if Manu's the best 13th man. It doesn't matter if he is the best the Spurs can get for the min. It doesn't matter if a jalopy is the best jalopy you can get for $300. Spend more and stop setting for things that can't get it done.

This should be simple. Spend money and bring in someone better than Manu. That's it. Instead of grasping that, you try to pull shit out of context to cover up.

06-20-2017, 03:42 PM
Manu on a 1+1 minimum, where opts in but is cut so he gets that second year money, would be almost $5 million, and that would be fine.

I'll also say this: if they bring back Pau and Mills they aren't serious about contending.

And if they aren't serious about contending, then they should at least be entertaining. Bring back Manu in that case, they're going to need him. Pay him whatever in that scenario, not like anything will matter anyway. Might as well enjoy seeing him make a slick Manu pass every regular season game.

06-20-2017, 03:43 PM
You seem to really be struggling with a basic concept. It doesn't matter if Manu's the best 13th man. It doesn't matter if he is the best the Spurs can get for the min. It doesn't matter if a jalopy is the best jalopy you can get for $300. Spend more and stop setting for things that can't get it done.

This should be simple. Spend money and bring in someone better than Manu. That's it. Instead of grasping that, you try to pull shit out of context to cover up.

The Spurs want to spend their money on Chris Paul, if they succeed, they won't have more money to spend on other quality players, so getting Manu for the minimum is the best they can hope for. How's that for a basic concept?

Hoops Czar
06-20-2017, 03:45 PM
You seem to really be struggling with a basic concept. It doesn't matter if Manu's the best 13th man. It doesn't matter if he is the best the Spurs can get for the min. It doesn't matter if a jalopy is the best jalopy you can get for $300. Spend more and stop setting for things that can't get it done.

This should be simple. Spend money and bring in someone better than Manu. That's it. Instead of grasping that, you try to pull shit out of context to cover up.

Jerry West isn't walking through those doors. RC Buford is the best $300 GM money can buy and he happens to be co-owner in the Spurs loyalty for life program. If you're asking him to think outside the box, you might as well be talking to a chimpanzee.

06-20-2017, 03:49 PM
The Spurs want to spend their money on Chris Paul, if they succeed, they won't have more money to spend on other quality players, so getting Manu for the minimum is the best they can hope for. How's that for a basic concept?

Because the cap calculus probably won't be that tight. They'll have the room exception and likely will have a pick and Simmons' hold. Right now, they don't have enough to get Paul. If they make further moves to get that space, things might change. But if you end up with a starting and backup two-guard, then Manu for the min makes no sense. That you keep trying to play the "he doesn't have to be in the rotation" card despite him saying he does is another thing that is holding you up.

06-20-2017, 03:53 PM
Because the cap calculus probably won't be that tight. They'll have the room exception and likely will have a pick and Simmons' hold. Right now, they don't have enough to get Paul. If they make further moves to get that space, things might change. But if you end up with a starting and backup two-guard, then Manu for the min makes no sense. That you keep trying to play the "he doesn't have to be in the rotation" card despite him saying he does is another thing that is holding you up.

So tell me, imagining that everything goes according to the Spurs plans and they sign CP3. How much money would they have left and who do you think could come, for that money, to be a better rotation player than Manu? If you don't have an aswer for that, you are just arguing for the sake of arguing.

06-20-2017, 03:56 PM
So tell me, providing that everything goes according to the Spurs plans and they sign CP3. How much money would they have left and who do you think could come, for that money, to be a better rotation player than Manu? If you don't have an aswer for that, you are just arguing for the sake of arguing.

It depends on what the Spurs do to make the space. They'd have plenty of room if they dump LMA for example, and they could use some of that excess on a guard. And if they do trade LMA, would they get a guard back or a pick they'd use on a guard? Would the Spurs re-sign Mills and run Patty/Murray as their backup guards?

It's not clean cut. Right now (meaning barring trades or stretching Tony), it really doesn't look like Paul is an option, but they still will have the cap room to go after other guys.

06-20-2017, 03:56 PM
CP3 won't sign with the Spurs tbh :lol

Hoops Czar
06-20-2017, 03:59 PM
Spurs probably gonna try to woo Teodosic.

06-20-2017, 04:05 PM
We're not beating the dubs with LMA and Fathead still on the team... might as well pay for some entertainment, tbh... :tu

06-20-2017, 04:06 PM
We're not beating the dubs with LMA and Fathead still on the team... might as well pay for some entertainment, tbh... :tu

Need I remind you:


Dude's a Warriors killer

06-20-2017, 04:07 PM
It depends on what the Spurs do to make the space. They'd have plenty of room if they dump LMA for example, and they could use some of that excess on a guard. And if they do trade LMA, would they get a guard back or a pick they'd use on a guard? Would the Spurs re-sign Mills and run Patty/Murray as their backup guards?

It's not clean cut. Right now (meaning barring trades or stretching Tony), it really doesn't look like Paul is an option, but they still will have the cap room to go after other guys.

I'm not a master of the Cap space, but wouldn't signing Paul take more or less the same cap space than Aldridge's contract? If so, how can that leave enough room to sign other quality players?

And I'm all-in regarding trading Aldridge for wings. In that case, I wouldn't mind Manu not coming back, tbh. But you on the other hand, want to get rid of Manu no matter what, and that's just stupid. If the only wings the Spurs can get are rookies and Hanga or Simmons, then Manu coming back for the minimum is a necessity more than a loyalty contract.

baseline bum
06-20-2017, 04:08 PM
And I'm all-in regarding trading Aldridge for wings.

I'd trade that faggot for chicken wings.

06-20-2017, 04:08 PM
Need I remind you:


Dude's a Warriors killer

I was expecting a SAGirl reaction, but this will do just fine, IMO...

06-20-2017, 04:09 PM
If Spurs trade DG, they should net back a 1st round pick.

If they trade DG, it won't be a good move if they blindly draft/stash their picks. This draft has a lot of value. I'll be pissed.

Get ready to be pissed....

06-20-2017, 04:10 PM

Manu could play until 45..No kidding..Dude has shown me he still could be a contributor on this team..I feel like his play in the second half of Rockets series and Golden State one haschanged his mind after looking like he was completely done vs Memphis :lol

For minimum , why not?

And especially if someone like CP3 comes, the locker room/bench needs an assertive and historical leader like Ginobili to maintain team hierarchy since Parker will be out for most of year..

06-20-2017, 04:12 PM
I'm not a master of the Cap space, but wouldn't signing Paul take more or less the same cap space than Aldridge's contract? If so, how can that leave enough room to sign other quality players?

The Spurs have $25 Million with Pau opting out. LMA is making $21 Million. Paul would cost $35 Million. There are definitely other factors I'm overlooking, and I'll do a full breakdown tonight. But there would be room.

But you on the other hand, want to get rid of Manu no matter what, and that's just stupid.

I don't want Manu in the rotation no matter what. I don't care what he costs. Yes, I'd rather pay Simmons four times the min than have Manu in the rotation for the min. And I don't like Simmons.

I also don't want to spend a ton on Paul. I'd much rather them upgrade their rotation than get involved in these huge deals.

06-20-2017, 04:18 PM
We're not beating the dubs with LMA and Fathead still on the team... might as well pay for some entertainment, tbh... :tu


Hoops Czar
06-20-2017, 04:21 PM
Spurs aren't beating the Dubs unless Manu is the 10th best player on the roster either.

06-20-2017, 04:22 PM
I'd trade that faggot for chicken wings.

:lol Agreed! :toast

06-20-2017, 04:26 PM
Get ready to be pissed....

I hope your source is wrong.

06-20-2017, 04:30 PM
Get ready to be pissed....

So you're telling me SA would trade DG for nothing? Just a salary dump?

That would even be worse.

The logical thing would be to trade DG for a draft pick and USE the pick, all while getting space to sign CP3.

06-20-2017, 04:44 PM
Manu leaning towards coming back


06-20-2017, 04:46 PM
I'd much rather trade Kyle Anderson for a 2nd rounder (33rd or 35th) to create enough room for max than draft and stash or trade the 1st(s) ( Danny may net another 1st).

06-20-2017, 04:47 PM
The Spurs have $25 Million with Pau opting out. LMA is making $21 Million. Paul would cost $35 Million. There are definitely other factors I'm overlooking, and I'll do a full breakdown tonight. But there would be room.

I don't want Manu in the rotation no matter what. I don't care what he costs. Yes, I'd rather pay Simmons four times the min than have Manu in the rotation for the min. And I don't like Simmons.

I also don't want to spend a ton on Paul. I'd much rather them upgrade their rotation than get involved in these huge deals.

Well then, that's where we are never going to get on the same page, so I'm cool with agreeing on disagreeing, as long as you realize that you have a pretty stupid opinion on this matter, tbh. :lol :D

06-20-2017, 04:47 PM
Manu always leans since he lost that testicle.

06-20-2017, 04:49 PM
So you're telling me SA would trade DG for nothing? Just a salary dump?

That would even be worse.

The logical thing would be to trade DG for a draft pick and USE the pick, all while getting space to sign CP3.

Maybe you're correct and I hope that's the case..

Hoops Czar
06-20-2017, 04:51 PM
Well then, that's where we are never going to get on the same page, so I'm cool with agreeing on disagreeing, as long as you realize that you have a pretty stupid opinion on this matter, tbh. :lol :D


TD 21
06-20-2017, 04:54 PM
I don't think Green is going anywhere. The whole point of Spurs/Paul alliance would be to have strongest team possible and trading away Green flies in the face of that.

If he signs, the most logical scenario would be a 1+1 contract worth $25M in 1st season, opting out after and signing a 4 year max. He'd make "only" $10M less than Clippers can offer.

06-20-2017, 04:58 PM
It depends on what the Spurs do to make the space. They'd have plenty of room if they dump LMA for example, and they could use some of that excess on a guard. And if they do trade LMA, would they get a guard back or a pick they'd use on a guard? Would the Spurs re-sign Mills and run Patty/Murray as their backup guards?

It's not clean cut. Right now (meaning barring trades or stretching Tony), it really doesn't look like Paul is an option, but they still will have the cap room to go after other guys.

Chris Paul is not worthy of Max money. I hope the Spurs don't burn all their space on him. I'd like him on the team for 20 to 25 Mill at most.

Joseph Kony
06-20-2017, 05:01 PM
I don't get why Chinook hates Manu so much :lol if he came back for the minimum to play 10-15mpg i don't see a problem with that...he was the only guy playing his ass off against GS

06-20-2017, 05:03 PM
Manu leaning towards coming back

HA ha ha ha! Awesome.

06-20-2017, 05:04 PM
Chris Paul is not worthy of Max money. I hope the Spurs don't burn all their space on him. I'd like him on the team for 20 to 25 Mill at most.

If the Spurs could score CP3 for $20M, the GM Of The Year award would be a lock.

06-20-2017, 05:04 PM
I don't get why Chinook hates Manu so much :lol if he came back for the minimum to play 10-15mpg i don't see a problem with that...he was the only guy playing his ass off against GS
Yeah, even to the point of calling him a POS.
I was going to say something, but I'm trying to be less argumentative right now.

Doing that Zen shit and all... Trying to get on that Phil Jackson level where I can fail like crazy and still make tons of money.

06-20-2017, 05:05 PM
You seem to really be struggling with a basic concept. It doesn't matter if Manu's the best 13th man. It doesn't matter if he is the best the Spurs can get for the min. It doesn't matter if a jalopy is the best jalopy you can get for $300. Spend more and stop setting for things that can't get it done.

This should be simple. Spend money and bring in someone better than Manu. That's it. Instead of grasping that, you try to pull shit out of context to cover up.

Manu showed some flashes in the Rockets and Warriors series but most of his value at this point is in the locker room and team culture aspects. I'm being 100% serious about that. Pop spent that money on Manu as payback for his previous sacrifices and to have his actual presence on the team. KL has real limitations in the leadership category and TP has never been a team guy.

That being said, I'd be shocked if the Spurs payed Manu anything near what they paid him last year. If he wants to come back, it will be on the Spurs' financial terms this go-round.

06-20-2017, 05:09 PM
Even 10 or 15 mpg is too much. If he's playing that many minutes, we're not good enough to even sniff a 6 game series against the Warriors.

06-20-2017, 05:12 PM
Even 10 or 15 mpg is too much. If he's playing that many minutes, we're not good enough to even sniff a 6 game series against the Warriors.
As opposed to Patty taking those minutes? Maybe Simmons... if the team budges on his "number in his head"? That will provide the difference?

06-20-2017, 05:14 PM
Coming back as a coach? Only for the minimum. He will help with the development of Murray

06-20-2017, 05:18 PM
As opposed to Patty taking those minutes? Maybe Simmons... if the team budges on his "number in his head"? That will provide the difference?I don't want Patty either, tbh.

I'm not against Manu coming back. On the contrary, I want him back but he might want too much money AND Pop will certainly overplay him.

06-20-2017, 05:18 PM
I don't get why Chinook hates Manu so much :lol if he came back for the minimum to play 10-15mpg i don't see a problem with that...he was the only guy playing his ass off against GS

I don't hate Manu, and I don't hate Tony. Just want neither on the team going forward. The Spurs need to actually fix their rotation, especially their backcourt. That means they need to spend money to get a better sixth man than Ginobili.

Yeah, even to the point of calling him a POS.

Never called him that. If you believe I did, you also think that I don't know the difference between $300 and $2.4 Million. The point is that you don't cheap out on things you need by claiming what you settled for is good value for the price. You spend more than $300 on a car, and you spend more than the min on a new sixth man.

06-20-2017, 05:24 PM
I don't hate Manu, and I don't hate Tony. Just want neither on the team going forward. The Spurs need to actually fix their rotation, especially their backcourt. That means they need to spend money to get a better sixth man than Ginobili.

Never called him that. If you believe I did, you also think that I don't know the difference between $300 and $2.4 Million. The point is that you don't cheap out on things you need by claiming what you settled for is good value for the price. You spend more than $300 on a car, and you spend more than the min on a new sixth man.
Sorry, you alluded to him as a POS car in your cute little emoji post earlier.
My bad. I must not know the difference between 300 mill and 2.4 now. I hang my head is shame.

06-20-2017, 05:35 PM
It depends on what the Spurs do to make the space. They'd have plenty of room if they dump LMA for example, and they could use some of that excess on a guard. And if they do trade LMA, would they get a guard back or a pick they'd use on a guard? Would the Spurs re-sign Mills and run Patty/Murray as their backup guards?

It's not clean cut. Right now (meaning barring trades or stretching Tony), it really doesn't look like Paul is an option, but they still will have the cap room to go after other guys.

Signing Paul won't be about money. If Paul comes to the Spurs wouldn't be because the Spurs paid him more. In fact, the Spurs can't pay him more than the Clippers, period. They would have to make draconian moves to make that happen. So, in summary, if Paul joins the Spurs it would be for much less money and it would be because Paul believes he can win a ring with the Spurs as they are - with some minor changes.

The analysis most people are doing regarding cap space to get Paul is flawed for the reasons above.

The Spurs today don't have a reliable ball handler to play playoff-level BB and Manu was the closest thing to that after TP and KL went down. Manu will sign with the Spurs for vet min, he already got his moneybags contract. Manu isn't interested in going to another team for 3-5 more M than what he can get with the Spurs. He will retire a Spur and FO already knows that. They need him in this transitional period.

Most people want Manu out because he's old, that's it. It's illogical any other way to ask for a guy to not be in the roster when the guy was one of the few people who played the offseason decently. If you take the age factor out of the conversation everyone would be ok with Manu coming back.

Stop being ridiculous.

06-20-2017, 05:41 PM
Signing Paul won't be about money.

Stop being ridiculous.

You already said it for me.

06-20-2017, 06:09 PM
so, he's getting a raise, amiright? :stirpot:

06-20-2017, 06:13 PM
Chris Paul is not worthy of Max money. I hope the Spurs don't burn all their space on him. I'd like him on the team for 20 to 25 Mill at most.

THAT ain't happening! Might as well say you don't want Paul.

06-20-2017, 06:14 PM
I don't think Green is going anywhere. The whole point of Spurs/Paul alliance would be to have strongest team possible and trading away Green flies in the face of that.

If he signs, the most logical scenario would be a 1+1 contract worth $25M in 1st season, opting out after and signing a 4 year max. He'd make "only" $10M less than Clippers can offer.

I hope this is the case.

06-20-2017, 06:15 PM
So a wasted year of Kawhi's prime? Cool.
So what do you suggest in order to not "waste a year"?

06-20-2017, 06:30 PM
That's a pretty retarded anology, tbh.

First of all, Manu isn't a piece of shit. In fact, he's probably the best car available at 300 hundred bucks. :lol

And second, the Spurs are already planning on not settling and paying more, a lot more, for a guard. Just on the PG position, which is a much bigger need than SG.

Dude, you want to sign Okafor. You really shouldn't be arguing so hard about rosters moves considering that if you were the Spurs GM Kawhi would probably not be in San Antonio because of lack of respect, tbh. :lol

:lol "Danny Green is a better defender than Kawhi".
:lol Aldridge should be the number one option over Kawhi".


Chinook is great capologist, maybe best on ST, but holy shit he sucks at talent evaluation ..

06-20-2017, 06:36 PM

Chinook is great capologist, maybe best on ST, but holy shit he sucks at talent evaulation ..



06-20-2017, 06:38 PM
I'd love to have manu back if he understands that he's going to have a smaller role than last year.

10-12 mpg and I'd welcome back the second best Argentine athlete behind Diego.

06-20-2017, 06:39 PM
Yeah, even to the point of calling him a POS.
I was going to say something, but I'm trying to be less argumentative right now.

Doing that Zen shit and all... Trying to get on that Phil Jackson level where I can fail like crazy and still make tons of money.


06-20-2017, 06:41 PM
Have we established this yet? I haven't seen it. Also, local news reported that Manu may take much longer to decide. If that's the case, he'd probably have to weigh taking much less than he made this year.

Yea, apparently Woj said it in his article re: Pau

There have been positive indications recently that Ginobili, 39, is leaning toward returning for his 16th season with San Antonio, but no final decision has been made, league sources said.


Taking it to the Hole
06-20-2017, 06:59 PM
So we are leaning towards wasting another year of Kawhi's prime I suppose? Instead of cap flexibility it seems PATFO want cap inflexibility. Sometimes I think they are deliberately sabotaging the organization.

06-20-2017, 07:01 PM
If Manu waits and absorbs what salary is left after the Spurs make their moves I'm all for it.

06-20-2017, 07:08 PM
Weird. On one hand, he played well to close out the season. On the other, he will only get worse as he gets older and I'm not excited about the day when I hope he never leaves the bench. Oh well, he is a leader and if we have international players, he tends to be a role model. I think he and Patty are why foreign born players love it here. I guess that can't be a bad thing.

06-20-2017, 07:08 PM

Chinook is great capologist, maybe best on ST, but holy shit he sucks at talent evaluation ..

Been saying this for a while

06-20-2017, 07:31 PM
So we are leaning towards wasting another year of Kawhi's prime I suppose? Instead of cap flexibility it seems PATFO want cap inflexibility. Sometimes I think they are deliberately sabotaging the organization.

I think they are in "Win Now" mode to be honest. This needs to play out first before we can correctly judge the F.O.'s intentions. Are they not creating cap space in order to try and win now? If they were to waste a year, I imagine they would go cheap and let 2017-2018 play out in hopes of scoring big in 2018 FA.

I want them to move TP's contract next. Just a straight salary dump. I wouldn't mind seeing Danny Green stay but he should come off the bench. He's not starter material. Spurs need more scoring threat from that position.

06-20-2017, 07:33 PM
Like $2.4 Million

But irrelevant as they'll sign him after FA is over and can go over cap then.

Hear you on not wanting to punt guard for another year, but name an option on the market that won't cost an arm and a leg. SG looks bad.

06-20-2017, 07:34 PM
He has a $21m cap hold. He needs to shit or get off the pot.

06-20-2017, 07:39 PM
Manu Manu Manu... It's time bro. Let it go.

Hoops Czar
06-20-2017, 07:41 PM
But irrelevant as they'll sign him after FA is over and can go over cap then.

Hear you on not wanting to punt guard for another year, but name an option on the market that won't cost an arm and a leg. SG looks bad.

Teodosic should be available for the MLE, assuming the Spurs don't wind up going over the cap to sign their own.

06-20-2017, 07:45 PM
Teodosic will never make an NBA roster, ffs. If not because of talent, but by his choice. He's a huge name overseas playing in a small pond, living like a king. He's not coming. People need to stop throwing his name out there. :lol

06-20-2017, 07:49 PM
He has a $21m cap hold. He needs to shit or get off the pot.

Oh - SA will renounce him for sure. He will only be back if he takes what is left (which may be the min)

06-20-2017, 07:52 PM
Oh - SA will renounce him for sure. He will only be back if he takes what is left (which may be the min)

I'd be shocked if it went any other way. The Spurs renounce. Manu signs for the vet min, and the league pays half of his salary.

06-20-2017, 07:58 PM
For reals yo.

06-20-2017, 08:00 PM
Teodosic will never make an NBA roster, ffs. If not because of talent, but by his choice. He's a huge name overseas playing in a small pond, living like a king. He's not coming. People need to stop throwing his name out there. :lol

Reported in another thread that the Bulls were front runners to sign Teodosic.

06-20-2017, 08:02 PM
Reported in another thread that the Bulls were front runners to sign Teodosic.I'd be shocked, tbh. Either way, he's not coming here. :lol

06-20-2017, 08:04 PM
Need I remind you:


Dude's a Warriors killer
If he's going to remain in 11-12th spot in the rotation, I'd say no thank you. send him to the Knicks tbh.

If I am Jsimms no way I come back either.... he needs the balk to play aggressively and Manu needs it too, to play his game. Maybe Dijon takes their spot in the 10th-12th guy in the rotation who is struggling to play off the ball bc Manu has it too. Lol. Throw Hanga in that same bucket list of perimeter players.

I am being a bit sarcastic obviously. But it's actually kind of puzzling Spurs keep drafting or bringing in guys who need the ball to be at their best an then insists on playing them off the ball... though I will say Kyle learned to play off the ball eventually.

He's about the only one of Spurs forwards who had no trouble with Donkey TBH. (Other than Kiwi of course)

Hoops Czar
06-20-2017, 08:06 PM
Reported in another thread that the Bulls were front runners to sign Teodosic.
Spurs are front runners do do nothing.

06-20-2017, 08:09 PM
Spurs are front runners do do nothing.

Naw, Gasol opt out has a purpose. Most likely to get a point guard free agent. We don't have great trade assets.

06-20-2017, 08:33 PM
If Spurs trade DG, they should net back a 1st round pick.

If they trade DG, it won't be a good move if they blindly draft/stash their picks. This draft has a lot of value. I'll be pissed.
Preparing to see picks stashed, check
preparing to see non stashed younger guys to be in the dleague most of the season, check
preparing to see those not in the dleague play mostly garbage time, check
preparing to see them hover around 10th-12th guy at best... check
Preparing to see the one who gets rotation minutes stay off the ball, so that's Bertans, check
Preparing to see Murray play most of the season off the ball, and struggling shooting, check
Preparing to be see him benched soon as Tony's healthy just like Cojo bc it wouldn't be fair... etc. check

Preparing to see Pop keep going to Tony and Manu until their bodies say "no mas"... check
(Tony's body is already screaming it but Tony doesn't want to hear it)

Lol I'd like to not be this sarcastic. These things are Pop and not Manu.

Spurs are still going to be a really old team though. Check

I already expected Manu back once Tony got injured in reality.

06-20-2017, 08:36 PM
Preparing to see picks stashed, check
preparing to see non stashed younger guys to be in the dleague most of the season, check
preparing to see those not in the dleague play mostly garbage time, check
preparing to see them hover around 10th-12th guy at best... check
Preparing to see the one who gets rotation minutes stay off the ball, so that's Bertans, check
Preparing to see Murray play most of the season off the ball, and struggling shooting, check
Preparing to be see him benched soon as Tony's healthy just like Cojo bc it wouldn't be fair... etc. check

Preparing to see Pop keep going to Tony and Manu until their bodies say "no mas"... check
(Tony's body is already screaming it but Tony doesn't want to hear it)

Lol I'd like to not be this sarcastic. These things are Pop and not Manu.

Spurs are still going to be a really old team though. Check

I already expected Manu back once Tony got injured in reality.

Manu is only coming if Spurs get Paul...

So Spurs WCF participants? Check

06-20-2017, 08:37 PM
:pop: "Who cares if this car is a piece of shit? We're not going to find a better one for $300."

:claw"We could just spend more than $300 on a car and not settle for a POS."

:pop: "..."

:lma "Did somebody say POS?"
This was funny. A rare sighting of Chinook humor. Lol

06-20-2017, 08:38 PM
Manu is only coming if Spurs get Paul...

So Spurs WCF participants? Check
Hopefully my dude... hopefully. I want to see them contend. Check

Big Empty
06-20-2017, 08:39 PM
Im all for Manu coming back for 1 more. Hes not gonna play much and we might need his ball during the playoffs if someone goes down.

06-20-2017, 08:53 PM
Great locker room guy, leader, team-first, and still a net positive. Even if we ignore the fact that he is a Spurs legend, he is more than worth it for a minimum contract. People creamed their pants over bringing in a ring-chasing POS like David Worst for the minimum but wouldn't welcome a team legend back? Fuck outta here. Spurs won't contend if a guy like Manu gets 10-15 MPG? Both GS and CLE have worse players getting those type of minutes.

06-20-2017, 08:57 PM
Its a damn shame Spurs won't trade or waive/stretch TP.

Spurs are a better team if TP is the one traded.

Now, SA is looking to dump Green (w/out a return) and trade or draft/stash pick according to coach macarthur high school. ( This would be a double loss -- this draft is damn valuable and so is Danny compared to TP). And Spurs can keep DG and the pick to get CP3 if they just got rid of TP.

If that happens, I won't be happy.

06-20-2017, 08:59 PM
Teodosic should be available for the MLE, assuming the Spurs don't wind up going over the cap to sign their own.

But Spurs won't have the MLE if planning on using cap space. It's cap space if they want to sign a guy for more than the MLE, or MLE if they keep cap holds and stay over.

06-20-2017, 09:00 PM
Great locker room guy, leader, team-first, and still a net positive. Even if we ignore the fact that he is a Spurs legend, he is more than worth it for a minimum contract. People creamed their pants over bringing in a ring-chasing POS like David Worst for the minimum but wouldn't welcome a team legend back? Fuck outta here. Spurs won't contend if a guy like Manu gets 10-15 MPG? Both GS and CLE have worse players getting those type of minutes.

06-20-2017, 09:03 PM
If he's going to remain in 11-12th spot in the rotation, I'd say no thank you. send him to the Knicks tbh.

He's about the only one of Spurs forwards who had no trouble with Donkey TBH. (Other than Kiwi of course)

LOL... in the middle of a thread about Manu, it's the Kyle Anderson Showcase. Who posted that? :lol

06-20-2017, 09:05 PM
Its a damn shame Spurs won't trade or waive/stretch TP.

Spurs are a better team if TP is the one traded.

Now, SA is looking to dump Green (w/out a return) and trade or draft/stash pick according to coach macarthur high school. ( This would be a double loss -- this draft is damn valuable and so is Danny compared to TP). And Spurs can keep DG and the pick to get CP3 if they just got rid of TP.

If that happens, I won't be happy.

Who is the coach of MacArthur High School and why does what he says matter? Not talking shit about him just not seeing why he would be connected to the Spurs like that.

06-20-2017, 09:09 PM
Been saying this for a while

Plus a billion. Cant eyeball a game and goes bonkers on advanced, and plus minus for ind eval... gayyyyyyyy

06-20-2017, 09:18 PM
I don't get why Chinook hates Manu so much :lol if he came back for the minimum to play 10-15mpg i don't see a problem with that...he was the only guy playing his ass off against GS
That's a flat out lie. Dijon stole the ball 5 times in the last game and was super aggressive. Simmons was the only one to show up in game 2, Kyle was the best player of game 4 with a 20/7/2/4 stat line... about 3 of Manus 7 assists in that game were to Anderson.

Manu was extremely erratic all postseason and still got minutes... yes he did have a few good games but so did a few others.

06-20-2017, 09:20 PM
LOL... in the middle of a thread about Manu, it's the Kyle Anderson Showcase. Who posted that? :lol
I believe Nono started it. I personally think he will miss Kyle if he's traded tbh. :toast

06-20-2017, 09:25 PM
Fathead was trash in any of the games that mattered. No one actually thought we were gonna win any games without Kawhi.

06-20-2017, 09:26 PM
I believe Nono started it. I personally think he will miss Kyle if he's traded tbh. :toast

LOL. I just thought I'd give you a shout. Back atcha. :toast

06-20-2017, 09:33 PM
Weird. On one hand, he played well to close out the season. On the other, he will only get worse as he gets older and I'm not excited about the day when I hope he never leaves the bench. Oh well, he is a leader and if we have international players, he tends to be a role model. I think he and Patty are why foreign born players love it here. I guess that can't be a bad thing.
Guys do forget he had like 5 Ofers in the playoffs and has declined each recent postseason. He still gathered himself to finish strong though but who knows how he will be like when he's nearing 41 but let's find out of course.

In reality have no problem with Manu myself I'd like him back ... it's Pop's shenanigans with his overreliance on guys wayyyyy past their prime that's the problem. Same issue guys have complained about.

06-20-2017, 09:43 PM
He has a $21m cap hold. He needs to shit or get off the pot.
That's a good point. I suppose at some point he's going to feel the pressure but not yet...

06-20-2017, 10:19 PM
It would be awful. They need an actual solution at guard, none of this "if he can give 12 good minutes" shit. I'd rather Hanga take his spot at this point.

There's 14 spots on a roster and Manu has proven himself. Stop being trollin' a legend.

Play Boban
06-20-2017, 10:24 PM
So we are leaning towards wasting another year of Kawhi's prime I suppose? Instead of cap flexibility it seems PATFO want cap inflexibility. Sometimes I think they are deliberately sabotaging the organization.

Play Boban
06-20-2017, 10:24 PM
:wow ManuVP :wow

Drom John
06-21-2017, 10:37 AM
Playoffs WS/48

.314 Leonard
.187 Anderson
.170 Dedmon
.139 Parker
.119 Anthony
.098 Lee
.093 Gasol
.092 Ginobili
.090 Simmmons
.076 Bertans
.070 Mills
.056 Aldridge
.051 Green
.004 Murray
-.026 Forbes

06-21-2017, 11:15 AM
Ffs, Mills is garbage.

Play Boban
06-21-2017, 11:32 AM
Playoffs WS/48

.314 Leonard
.187 Anderson
.170 Dedmon
.139 Parker
.119 Anthony
.098 Lee
.093 Gasol
.092 Ginobili
.090 Simmmons
.076 Bertans
.070 Mills
.056 Aldridge
.051 Green
.004 Murray
-.026 Forbes
:wow Despite the worst playoff series of his career, ManuVP is still the top shooting guard on the team. :wow

06-21-2017, 11:35 AM
Playoffs WS/48

.314 Leonard
.187 Anderson
.170 Dedmon
.139 Parker
.119 Anthony
.098 Lee
.093 Gasol
.092 Ginobili
.090 Simmmons
.076 Bertans
.070 Mills
.056 Aldridge
.051 Green
.004 Murray
-.026 Forbes

Holy shit, Aldridge. :vomit:

06-21-2017, 01:04 PM
Dude needs to lean the other way real quick.

06-21-2017, 01:40 PM
As DPG has pointed out Gasol would not have opted out unless the Spurs were looking to go after a big fish. That would require renouncing Manu. So the only way Manu comes back is for the minimum or an exception. IMO the first domino would make no sense without the second falling as well. Manu at the minimum to me is a no-brainer. But like most minimum guys he should be good for maybe 500 regular season minutes.

06-21-2017, 02:23 PM

06-22-2017, 12:47 AM
Playoffs WS/48

.314 Leonard
.187 Anderson
.170 Dedmon
.139 Parker
.119 Anthony
.098 Lee
.093 Gasol
.092 Ginobili
.090 Simmmons
.076 Bertans
.070 Mills
.056 Aldridge
.051 Green
.004 Murray
-.026 Forbes
Thanks for posting this.
There is a wide gap there between Kawhi and everyone else. He was the single star in the team, but the second guy in win shares was the much maligned Kyle Anderson tbh.

I don't think he will be traded unless it's for a damn good deal.... but Pop needs to play him more.

Aldridge and Green at the end, ... now in the trade rumors... coincidence?

06-22-2017, 12:58 AM
Tomorrow is gonna be awesome!

06-22-2017, 01:07 AM
i dont think money's the issue, they paid him 14 last year probably with the agreement that if he came back it would be for the min. so most probably they renounce him and when they're done making all their moves, they sign him for vet min

06-22-2017, 03:33 AM
Dude needs to lean the other way real quick.

06-22-2017, 05:16 AM
As a mentor..??