View Full Version : #Bathroombuddy

07-21-2017, 02:11 PM
1.Sunset legislation
2.Teacher pay increase of $1,000
3.Administrative flexibility in teacher hiring and retention practices
4.School finance reform commission
5.School choice for special needs students
6.Property tax reform
7.Caps on state and local spending
8.Preventing cities from regulating what property owners do with trees on private land
9.Preventing local governments from changing rules midway through construction projects
10.Speeding up local government permitting process
11.Municipal annexation reform
12.Texting while driving preemption
14.Prohibition of taxpayer dollars to collect union dues
15.Prohibition of taxpayer funding for abortion providers
16.Pro-life insurance reform
17.Strengthening abortion reporting requirements when health complications arise
18.Strengthening patient protections relating to do-not-resuscitate orders
19.Cracking down on mail-in ballot fraud
20.Extending maternal mortality task force

Abortion, abortion, abortion, crackdown on local control, fighting non-existant problems, SCARY BATHROOMS, and sunset. GMAFB. Sunset held prisoner so rich GOP donors can get shit that does nothing, and makes them happy.

This is how Republicans run governments. Intellectually, and morally bankrupt, IMO.

But Abbott's not explicitly pushing lawmakers to change the school finance system in the special session; he's just asking for a $1,000 across-the-board teacher pay raise. That would cost about $350 million a year. Abbott says that can be done without any spending increases. But he hasn't offered any ideas for how to pay for it. :rolleyes

07-21-2017, 02:25 PM
Abbott is an idiot thread.

The bathroom buddy thing was pretty hilarious

07-21-2017, 02:54 PM

Owned by a tranny. :lol

07-21-2017, 02:57 PM
Abbott is an idiot thread.

The bathroom buddy thing was pretty hilarious

I thought so too. Forgot about that thread.

07-21-2017, 05:54 PM
1.Sunset legislation (degrade govt services)

2.Teacher pay increase of $1,000 (TX near the national bottom on spending/student, excluding $50M+ for HS stadiums)

3.Administrative flexibility in teacher hiring and retention practices (worsen the horrendous TX teacher churn)

4.School finance reform commission (spend even less on education)

5.School choice for special needs students (get the losers herded away from normal students)

6.Property tax reform (prop 13 fucked up CA, TX as the anti-pioneer)

7.Caps on state and local spending (gratuitous power play of preemption, anti-democratic)

8.Preventing cities from regulating what property owners do with trees on private land (personal hobby horse of autocrat Abbott)

9.Preventing local governments from changing rules midway through construction projects (is a big problem need solution? purchased developers who overrun cost estimates anyway)

10.Speeding up local government permitting process (probably not for distributed solar, enable developers to bulldoze municipal, county govt)

11.Municipal annexation reform (Repugs are anti-patchwork citys regs (eg, TNCs) but pro-patchwork in metro areas, state preemption)

12.Texting while driving preemption (duh, took years)


14.Prohibition of taxpayer dollars to collect union dues (pro-Capital, anti-Labor, fuck over workers)

15.Prohibition of taxpayer funding for abortion providers (Christian supremacy authoritarianism)

16.Pro-life insurance reform (Christian supremacy authoritarianism)

17.Strengthening abortion reporting requirements when health complications arise (Christian supremacy authoritarianism)

18.Strengthening patient protections relating to do-not-resuscitate orders (Christian supremacy authoritarianism)

19.Cracking down on mail-in ballot fraud (a huge problem? voter suppression)

20.Extending maternal mortality task force (Christian supremacy authoritarianism, after TX Repugs forced the closure of health clinics for poor people, free contraception, perinatal care, abortions up)

Fuck Texas Repugs and Fuck Texas Repug voters and Bible humpers.