View Full Version : Pro-life Victory: Texas Bans Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

08-15-2017, 10:49 PM
'Abbott Abbott Abbott'

Texas has once again taken a giant leap ahead of the rest of the nation on the morality front by doing what should be self-evident to every freethinking person "from sea to shining sea" by restricting taxpayer-funded abortions.

Signed into law Tuesday by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, the new bill will free Texans from paying for "elective abortions through their insurance plans," according to an article on LifeSiteNews.

"As a firm believer in Texas values I am proud to sign legislation that ensures no Texan is ever required to pay for a procedure that ends the life of an unborn child,” Gov. Abbott said. “This bill prohibits insurance providers from forcing Texas policy holders to subsidize elective abortions. I am grateful to the Texas legislature for getting this bill to my desk, and working to protect innocent life this special session.”


HB-214 includes only an exemption for a medical emergency to save the mother’s life.

“What we’re saying here is: If you want to buy this coverage, you can buy it,” Republican Rep. John Smithee said when the bill hit the state legislature. “This isn’t about who can get an abortion. It is about who is forced to pay for an abortion.”

“Texas must take steps to prohibit taxpayer and premium dollars from subsidizing abortions that are not medically necessary,” Republican Sen. Brandon Creighton said.

Alongside HB-214 was another bill that would "require doctors and health clinics to report abortion complications to the state in greater detail."

Both bills passed the House and Senate. Pro-life leaders have praised Texas for making the right decision and Gov. Abbott's backing.

"Just because abortion is legal does not mean that people who have significant moral concerns with the taking of innocent life — as they believe abortion does — need to pay for it through their health insurance," said Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director in Texas. "Abortion advocates automatically go to the far reaches of hysteria and assume the worst with this kind of legislation: that women won't be able to get abortions when they want them. Women have access to abortion but those of us who believe it is the intentional ending of a human life shouldn't have to pay for it."

Pro-choice advocates constantly tout that abortion is "reproductive rights," essential to women's health care and rant that all men need to shut up or face the wrath of Lysistrata. Texas Right to Life director Elizabeth Graham debunked this while testifying before the Texas Senate Committee.

“The definition of health care is to make a person well and to encourage health,” Graham explained. “The definition of a successful abortion is the complete death of the unborn child.”

Democrats opined there should be more exceptions in cases of rape and fetal handicaps, the kind of exceptions they have in Iceland where Down Syndrome babies are on the endangered species list.

Texas has implemented pro-life legislation in the past, including the 20-week abortion ban that made Sen. Wendy Davis an icon for feminists and a failed gubernatorial candidate.

The only states to ban taxpayer-funded abortions are Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Oklahoma.



08-15-2017, 11:23 PM
Great, now we get to fund the juvenile justice system and the rest of the problems this will cause. Pay now or pay later, you're paying though, like it or not.

08-15-2017, 11:50 PM
Yeah, Chris -- if you pay taxes, you'll be paying for these kids.

08-16-2017, 10:04 AM
I'm okay with waiting until the baby is born.

08-16-2017, 10:16 AM
Pro-life is a LIE fronting for pro-BIRTH,

after which births the Christian Taliban/Repugs crapify the lives of poor mothers and their un-aborted babies,

if the mothers and babies survive the absence of perinatal care.

Pro-birth policies affect only the poor since women with money and jobs can get all the perinatal care they want.

08-16-2017, 10:23 AM
I'm okay with waiting until the baby is born.

Even if the kid is born with severe defects?

08-16-2017, 10:24 AM
Even if the kid is born with severe defects?
unless he means a post birth mercy killing

08-16-2017, 10:41 AM
unless he means a post birth mercy killing

Bleh. Worse than abortion.

08-16-2017, 10:49 AM
Even if the kid is born with severe defects?
Or those without too. Just go full 300 on their asses.

08-16-2017, 11:10 AM
Bleh. Worse than abortion.


08-16-2017, 11:22 AM
Or those without too. Just go full 300 on their asses.

No, I'm just talking about the ones with severe defects

08-16-2017, 12:02 PM
No, I'm just talking about the ones with severe defects


08-16-2017, 12:39 PM

Oh you're really pro-300 then. I thought you were being sarcastic.

08-16-2017, 12:59 PM
Oh you're really pro-300 then. I thought you were being sarcastic.

Eh, it was a decent movie but overrated.

I'm pro-abortion but also think it's messed up that a woman and unilaterally decide to not be a mother while a man has no say in whether he's a father. I also don't think it should be a "right" for women to have their contraception covered. It might make good business sense, but it's fucking ridiculous that people consider an abstinence-focused approach to birth control to be oppressive.

08-16-2017, 01:02 PM
"abstinence-focused approach to birth control to be oppressive."

who "oppresses" people with abstinence?

it's totally ineffective, as is the Popes' rhythm method, a form of abstinence.

08-16-2017, 01:05 PM
No, I'm just talking about the ones with severe defects

So they don't have a right to live because of defects? Who are the real nazis here? :lol

08-16-2017, 06:13 PM
Matt Walsh: If you want to fight Nazism in America, fight the abortion industry

It was interesting timing. On Monday, CBS published an article touting Iceland’s miracle cure for Down syndrome. “Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion,” the headline read. Of course, it leaves out an important word. Iceland is eliminating Down syndrome people – not Down syndrome itself — by killing anyone who has the condition. Many countries, including our own, have discovered an identical treatment plan.

The next day, Oregon was the beneficiary of similarly sanitized headlines. The governor of Oregon signed legislation “expanding reproductive health access,” the media reported. But the reports are misleading. The law actually forces all residents in the state to pay for abortions for anyone who wants them, including illegal aliens. The bill has nothing at all to do with reproduction. Its goal is precisely to stop reproduction. Or at least to prevent the products of reproduction from ever seeing the light of day.

I said the reports of these atrocities are interestingly timed because they come amidst a national panic over neo-Nazism. We are right to be disgusted and horrified by the few dozen white supremacist losers who carried Tiki torches through Charlottesville on Saturday. And we are right to demand justice for the woman who was killed by a skinhead terrorist during that same rally. But we are ridiculous for acting as if these racist nerds represent some threat to our national existence. Until there is even a shred of proof to the contrary, I am going to remain confident that the vast, vast, vast majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Even one neo-Nazi is too many. A whole parade of them is a travesty. But we ought not lose our grip on reality. A little perspective is all I’m suggesting.

Now, the reader may have noted the conspicuous qualifier in the previous paragraph. The majority of our citizens do not sympathize with Nazism outright. Many, however, sympathize with some of the primary goals and most brutal tactics of the Nazi party. Though they may not think of it in those terms, they still celebrate the achievement of “eliminating” medical conditions by killing the babies who have it, and they applaud governments that “expand reproductive health access” by forcing helpless citizens to fund the mass extermination of human beings. They may not march through the streets waving swastikas around, but they look with indifference or approval at our own version of the Nazi death camp. Indeed, with all due respect to the skinheads who only play pretend Nazi, the spirit of the Nazi movement really lives on in the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood may not hang the Nazi flag on the doors of its clinics, but it has enough blood on its hands to impress even the most prolific concentration camp executioner.

I made this point yesterday, and I was informed – even by some “conservative” folk — that it is utterly inappropriate and insensitive for me to make such comparisons, especially when a woman was just killed by a neo-Nazi. Well, I feel terribly for that woman’s family and I hope for the swiftest and harshest judgment allowed under the law to be done upon her murderer. But I also feel terribly for the 17,000 or so human beings who were executed in abortion clinics since Saturday, and the 60 million who’ve been exterminated since 1973. I don’t think there is ever an inappropriate time to acknowledge them, particularly when so many of us have dedicated ourselves to never acknowledging them, and especially during a week when the very people who support the continued legalization and tax funding of abortion death camps are running around accusing everyone else of condoning Nazism.

I’m sorry, but I just cannot physically stomach a “You should be more forceful in condemning Nazism” lecture from someone who has spent the last 40 years demanding that we applaud while millions of people have their skulls crushed by abortionists. Even less can I tolerate someone who wants to protect the innocent by tearing down historical statues, but cries about human rights violations when someone vandalizes a building where actual human beings are butchered and sold for parts.

I do not pretend that all of the political goals of the pro-abortion left line up completely with the political goals of Nazis in 1940’s Germany. There are some striking similarities – particularly the politicization of “public health,” the focus on environmental conservation, and the total disregard for free speech – but that is not the point. I say that abortion enthusiasts have the spirit of Nazism because that spirit is, more than anything, one of brutality, moral indifference, and absolute disregard for human life. It is a spirit that leads to mass exterminations and bloodshed on a scale that can hardly be fathomed. It is a spirit that compels a people to strive for collective perfection by killing the undesirables. Nazis exterminated the disabled, just as we do. And they killed Jews and Poles and Catholics and many other groups. Our focus is not racial cleansing but economic. We kill poor children, “unwanted” children, “defective” children; children who, we’ve decided, will be more trouble than they’re worth. They are a “burden on society,” we say, echoing Nazi propaganda almost verbatim.

And we build facilities which we dedicate to carrying out this cleansing. The Nazi death camp was never abolished, you see. It was simply relocated and rebranded. Today we call it a “reproductive health clinic,” but what happens inside more closely resembles Auschwitz than it does your pediatrician’s office.

So, yes, speak out against those ridiculous bigots who’ve latched onto Nazism in their desperate quest for purpose and attention. But if you want to oppose what they stand for, you need to look beyond them and towards that Planned Parenthood clinic you drive by every day on the way to work. And if those Nazi wannabes in Charlottesville intend to be the ones in our country who best emulate their Nazi role models, it must be said that they are lagging far behind, especially in terms of body counts. Right now the tally is about 60 million to one, last I checked.

They have a lot of catching up to do.

To see more from Matt Walsh, visit his channel on TheBlaze.


08-16-2017, 06:16 PM
A Federal appeals court has ruled that the state of Arkansas can block funding for Planned Parenthood.

washingtonexaminer.com reports: A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that Arkansas could block Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood.

The ruling comes as more states and Congress try to defund the women's health and abortion provider.

Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson aimed to defund Planned Parenthood in 2015 after a series of undercover videos were released by anti-abortion activists. The videos showed employees discussing the harvesting of fetal tissue, and Republicans charged that Planned Parenthood profited from the sale of tissue, which is illegal.


08-16-2017, 06:23 PM
So they don't have a right to live because of defects? Who are the real nazis here? :lol

You're the one wanting to force them to be a parent. I'd say you are the nazi here

08-16-2017, 06:27 PM
You're the one wanting to force them to be a parent. I'd say you are the nazi here

God forbid they take responsibility for their actions. The child certainly doesn't have a say in the matter.

08-16-2017, 06:39 PM
God forbid they take responsibility for their actions. The child certainly doesn't have a say in the matter.

LONDON — Charlie Gard, who turns 11 months old on Tuesday, was born with an extremely rare genetic disease. He is blind and deaf, and he cannot breathe or move on his own. He suffers from persistent epileptic*seizures.


But he must live!

08-17-2017, 06:02 PM
Don't fuck with the Huck.

Mike Huckabee Asks if He Can Now Tear Down Abortion Clinics Since He Finds Them 'Offensive'

In the wake of protesters tearing down statues that offend them, Mike Huckabee asked a simple question: Can he tear down things that he disagrees with?

For instance, abortion clinics.

In an interview with Fox News, Wednesday, the former Arkansas governor and GOP presidential candidate floated the idea of tearing down abortion clinics because they “offend” him.

Anarchists go and just tear down the statues because they are impatient with politicians doing it. That is not — that is not acceptable behavior, it is vandalism, it is anarchy, and it would be like me saying 'I don’t like abortion clinics, so I’m going to go to tear them down because I find them offensive.'

Huckabee is a ardent pro-life supporter.


Huck said that the precedent of mobs tearing down things that offend us is troubling. “We are bordering on anarchy,” he said, “having a select group of people tear something down because it offends them personally.” The former governor of a former Confederate state said he “is OK” with Confederate statues being replaced as long as the process goes through public and political debate, but cautioned that the slope is a slippery one.

Al Sharpton is calling for the destruction of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington. You have a pastor in Chicago asking that Washington Park have that statue there removed because it George Washington owned slaves.

The he asked: “Where does it stop?”


08-17-2017, 06:45 PM
...Anarchists go and just tear down the statues because they are impatient with politicians doing it. That is not — that is not acceptable behavior, it is vandalism

He answered his own question for himself. Good boy.

08-17-2017, 06:50 PM
That's a shame. We could have eliminated Down syndrome, like Iceland.


08-17-2017, 06:52 PM
^disgusting Eugenics

08-17-2017, 07:00 PM
:cry god doesn't make mistakes :cry