View Full Version : Lol Breitfart, Steve Bannon edition.

08-18-2017, 12:40 PM
In the spirit of my Lol Lakersground threads...

The base is SHOOK.

Rubicon • 33 minutes ago
Trump throwing Bannon under the bus to please establishment hacks? WTF!

Johnny Dingo1972 • 9 minutes ago
"Bannon friend says Breitbart ramping up for war against Trump. "It's now a Democrat White House," source says."

Bannon was the only Populist left in the WH. They've succeeded in gutting all the Patriotic support Trump had in the WH. #WTF

I'm so sick to my stomach right now. I weep for America under the RINO Globalist agenda. What a betrayal to all good Patriots

This sucks.

Not wise, not smart, not good!


They will bring the long knives to Miller and Gorka’s back next.

The three most loyal, outspoken, and effective of his staff. The Left has been gunning for them because the are so effective at not only fighting the Left, but speaking truth about the Left. And Mr. President has acquiesced.


Unfortunately this is the beginning of the end for the administration.

With them gone, the Presidency is done for.

Capitulating to Liberals and delivering to RINOs wil

My sentiments exactly! We had a President that took on the shameless media conglomerate. It was working. It was glorious. It was hopeful. With this move, as Obama did so often, he has strengthened his enemies and undermined his allies.

This is not Winning.

So much more. Splits, where you at?

Clipper Nation
08-18-2017, 02:15 PM
Trump is going to lose in a historic landslide in 2020, tbh. He might as well step down now and let Pence try to salvage the GOP's chances, but he won't.

08-18-2017, 02:17 PM
[[[This sucks.

Not wise, not smart, not good!


They will bring the long knives to Miller and Gorka’s back next.

The three most loyal, outspoken, and effective of his staff. The Left has been gunning for them because the are so effective at not only fighting the Left, but speaking truth about the Left. And Mr. President has acquiesced.


Unfortunately this is the beginning of the end for the administration.

With them gone, the Presidency is done for.

Capitulating to Liberals and delivering to RINOs wil]]]

That's it in a nutshell.

08-18-2017, 02:19 PM
Trump is going to lose in a historic landslide in 2020, tbh. He might as well step down now and let Pence try to salvage the GOP's chances, but he won't.

No. Make them drag you out into the street and lynch you, like Sterling made them do. The kicker? Trump already has his $2 billion.

baseline bum
08-18-2017, 02:33 PM
Trump is going to lose in a historic landslide in 2020, tbh. He might as well step down now and let Pence try to salvage the GOP's chances, but he won't.

This is the first time I have actually believed Trump is going to resign before his term is up. You piss off the media and the intelligence agencies, fine. You piss off your own party, pretty bad. But then you kick out the guy whose platform got you working class Obama voters? I mean what the fuck? Everyone who could have been an ally is gone. If he's running against the media why in the hell did he dump Bannon? Trump just doesn't have a plan, it really looks like he never ran to win. Does he even want to be president backstabbing everyone around him? I can't imagine Cuckner is going to do much to help him, that guy is an idiot whereas Bannon is a pretty brilliant guy whose support was rock solid because Bannon knew he couldn't get his agenda through under any other Republican short of Palin.

08-18-2017, 02:40 PM
This is the first time I have actually believed Trump is going to resign before his term is up. You piss off the media and the intelligence agencies, fine. You piss off your own party, pretty bad. But then you kick out the guy whose platform got you working class Obama voters? I mean what the fuck? Everyone who could have been an ally is gone. If he's running against the media why in the hell did he dump Bannon? Trump just doesn't have a plan, it really looks like he never ran to win. Does he even want to be president backstabbing everyone around him? I can't imagine Cuckner is going to do much to help him, that guy is an idiot whereas Bannon is a pretty brilliant guy whose support was rock solid because Bannon knew he couldn't get his agenda through under any other Republican short of Palin.

I'll just bet it is.

08-18-2017, 02:42 PM
This is the first time I have actually believed Trump is going to resign before his term is up. You piss off the media and the intelligence agencies, fine. You piss off your own party, pretty bad. But then you kick out the guy whose platform got you working class Obama voters? I mean what the fuck? Everyone who could have been an ally is gone. If he's running against the media why in the hell did he dump Bannon? Trump just doesn't have a plan, it really looks like he never ran to win. Does he even want to be president backstabbing everyone around him? I can't imagine Cuckner is going to do much to help him, that guy is an idiot whereas Bannon is a pretty brilliant guy whose support was rock solid because Bannon knew he couldn't get his agenda through under any other Republican short of Palin.

Do you think Bannon is going to try to take Trump down?

I don't know if Breitbart is really that popular

08-18-2017, 02:45 PM
I don't know how many but Breitbart would certainly lose some of its audience if it went full anti-Trump

08-18-2017, 02:45 PM
Do you think Bannon is going to try to take Trump down?

I don't know if Breitbart is really that popular

I'll take that query:::No, he'll soldier. They perhaps have a deal: "You quit, I won't."

As long as Trump doesn't break Bannon's rice bowl Bannon will abide.

08-18-2017, 02:46 PM
Trump is going to lose in a historic landslide in 2020, tbh. He might as well step down now and let Pence try to salvage the GOP's chances, but he won't.

Not vs Shillary, Pelosi or Waters :lmao

08-18-2017, 02:47 PM
Do you think Bannon is going to try to take Trump down?

I don't know if Breitbart is really that popularDepends on how much influence Bannon has on the shitpostoshpere.

08-18-2017, 02:49 PM
Not vs Shillary, Pelosi or Waters :lmao

Dude Waters and Pelosi are like 80. The only place they're running to is the bathroom.

08-18-2017, 03:02 PM
Trump was caught between reince and Bannon. Knew one would get the axe. Not both

08-18-2017, 03:11 PM
Do you think Bannon is going to try to take Trump down?

I don't know if Breitbart is really that popular



08-18-2017, 06:36 PM
Trump is going to lose in a historic landslide in 2020, tbh. He might as well step down now and let Pence try to salvage the GOP's chances, but he won't.

He has plenty of time to turn it around. His first 6 months still isn't as bad as JFK's.

08-18-2017, 06:48 PM
He has plenty of time to turn it around. His first 6 months still isn't as bad as JFK's.

Meh he still has that Mueller investigation hanging over his head.

Trump is doom to fail. The Russia narrative dies down for a couple of weeks and he still finds himself in the middle of controversies. :lol

08-18-2017, 07:12 PM
He has plenty of time to turn it around. His first 6 months still isn't as bad as JFK's.

This is true but he has to commit to being disciplined, not totally scripted but he can't veer off message every time he speaks. If he does that and really let's Kelly run a tight ship he could turn it around.

Carter never got a strong Chief of Staff and he floundered the whole time. Clinton spent 2 years crashing and burning until he brought Panetta in and turned it all around.

08-18-2017, 07:45 PM
He has plenty of time to turn it around.

He ain't gonna turn "it" around, because the only "it" that matters is he, and he's mentally ill.