View Full Version : Idiot says Confederate flags not racist, then immediately calls MLK a

08-24-2017, 01:15 PM
:lmao the way "Martin Luther Coon" rolled off his tongue so naturally, you know he calls MLK that literally all the time, and his dotty old racist brain just couldn't change gears in a public setting :lmao


08-24-2017, 01:18 PM
Could very well be an honest slip up but what a ludicrous argument in general.

"My feelings"
"But what about Martin Luther Coon, should they take his statues down?"

Hopefully the court costs will drain him.

08-24-2017, 01:41 PM
:lmao the way "Martin Luther Coon" rolled off his tongue so naturally, you know he calls MLK that literally all the time, and his dotty old racist brain just couldn't change gears in a public setting :lmao

Yep, this reminds me when I'm speaking around my 3 year old to not slip up and curse but eventually some fucks, shits, and goddamns come out before I can catch it since I'm wired that way. This guy has that same problem.

08-24-2017, 01:42 PM
Could very well be an honest slip up...
most Freudian slips are honest.

08-24-2017, 01:48 PM
No way that was a slip of the tongue. He been using that term since he was 5.

08-24-2017, 03:36 PM
:lmao the way "Martin Luther Coon" rolled off his tongue so naturally, you know he calls MLK that literally all the time, and his dotty old racist brain just couldn't change gears in a public setting :lmao

900725436556161024Stupid bitch doesn't even live in the state.


08-24-2017, 03:39 PM

08-24-2017, 03:41 PM
"Southern heritage" takes the L.

08-24-2017, 03:41 PM

08-24-2017, 03:41 PM
Thread takes the L.

08-24-2017, 03:46 PM

08-24-2017, 03:47 PM
Quit whining and take the L like a man.

08-24-2017, 04:01 PM

You're from Ohio, you carpetbagger piece of shit.

08-24-2017, 04:14 PM
You're from Ohio, you carpetbagger piece of shit.

My father is from the cradle of the Confederacy, the very heart of the great Anglo Saxon South-land.

Thus, I am endowed with freedom loving blood.

08-24-2017, 04:15 PM
My father is from the cradle of the Confederacy, the very heart of the great Anglo Saxon South-land.

Thus, I am endowed with freedom loving blood.Where? Steubenville?

08-24-2017, 04:15 PM

08-24-2017, 04:17 PM
https://i.imgflip.com/nlaj3.jpgThis confederate flag isn't a confederate flag for God's sake!

08-24-2017, 04:17 PM
I am rising to the call of freedom loving blood that is in me.


08-24-2017, 04:18 PM
I am rising to the call of freedom loving blood that is in me.

https://cdn-webimages.wimages.net/051a7dcd7ff701503041dbfe15ce76a4437718-wm.jpg?v=3Posting on the internet isn't flying anything nor is it rising to anything.

08-24-2017, 04:20 PM

08-24-2017, 04:22 PM
http://bigjohnsonclassics.com/1201-thickbox_default/throw-blanket-stars-and-bars-glory.jpgGlorious surrender!

08-24-2017, 04:25 PM

08-24-2017, 04:32 PM
http://www.taurusarmed.net/forums/attachments/lounge/124343d1438044126-stars-bars-explained-stars-bars.jpgThe whole flag represents treason, failure and surrender.

08-24-2017, 04:32 PM

And to own ######s

08-24-2017, 04:33 PM

08-24-2017, 04:34 PM
You can tell when Cubby runs out of steam.

08-24-2017, 04:39 PM

08-24-2017, 04:43 PM
Yep, totally done. Bout time for his nap.

08-24-2017, 04:49 PM
Ohioans mopped the fucking floor with their Confederate fucking asses

08-24-2017, 04:50 PM
"Several leading generals were from Ohio, including Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, and Philip H. Sheridan."

Grant, proud Ohioan and firm mopper of confederate asses.

Sherman too oh boy. Ohio really mopped dat ass

08-24-2017, 04:54 PM
My father is from the cradle of the Confederacy, the very heart of the great Anglo Saxon South-land.

Thus, I am endowed with freedom loving blood.

You're a carpetbagger, exploiting Southern heritage for your own profit. It's chickenshit. That's it and that's all.

08-24-2017, 04:55 PM
"Several leading generals were from Ohio, including Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, and Philip H. Sheridan."Damn, the Holy Trinity of Southern Surrender.

08-24-2017, 05:24 PM
That's it and that's all.

I'm a white trend setter.

I set trends.

08-24-2017, 05:25 PM

Trill Clinton
08-24-2017, 05:26 PM
Buddy got too comfortable and thought he was on spurstalk.com

08-24-2017, 06:29 PM

"Several leading generals were from Ohio, including Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, and Philip H. Sheridan."

08-24-2017, 06:51 PM

08-24-2017, 06:53 PM

08-24-2017, 06:55 PM
"Several leading generals were from Ohio, including Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman, and Philip H. Sheridan."Grant, proud Ohioan and firm mopper of confederate asses.Sherman too oh boy. Ohio really mopped dat ass

08-24-2017, 06:55 PM
SINS OF HER FATHER? Pelosi's dad once dedicated Confederate statues

08-24-2017, 06:58 PM

Let us proceed...

08-24-2017, 07:01 PM
:lmao the way "Martin Luther Coon" rolled off his tongue so naturally, you know he calls MLK that literally all the time, and his dotty old racist brain just couldn't change gears in a public setting :lmao

"But they continually mocked the messengers of God, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, until there was no remedy."
-2 Chronicles 36:16

08-24-2017, 07:02 PM
The Gentle Giant committing strong arm robbery minutes before he's sent to live with Jesus full time:::


08-24-2017, 07:03 PM
"But they continually mocked the messengers of God, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, until there was no remedy."
-2 Chronicles 36:16

"But avoid irreverent babble"
-2 Timothy 2:16

08-24-2017, 07:03 PM

Democrat donkey properly utilized here :tu The founders of the KKK. Keep em comin mono :tu

08-24-2017, 07:03 PM
The Gentle Giant:::


08-24-2017, 07:04 PM

Let us proceed...


08-24-2017, 07:04 PM
"But avoid irreverent babble"
-2 Timothy 2:16

- "Open up thy phone lines."

- The Castleberry

08-24-2017, 07:05 PM
I've flipped people off and done the blood sign, I must deserve to be shot in the streets too.

08-24-2017, 07:06 PM

08-24-2017, 07:06 PM
Democrat donkey properly utilized here :tu The founders of the KKK. Keep em comin mono :tu

"But avoid irreverent babble"
-2 Timothy 2:16

08-24-2017, 07:07 PM


08-24-2017, 07:09 PM
I've flipped people off and done the blood sign, I must deserve to be shot in the streets too.

“In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."
-Ephesians 4:26-31

08-24-2017, 07:11 PM
“In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."
-Ephesians 4:26-31

"How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?"
-Matthew 7:4

08-24-2017, 07:18 PM
"How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?"
-Matthew 7:4

- "My wayward son, open thy phone lines for my son the Cubster. Make him happy. And you shall receive a bounty. Do it now, or, suffer thy wrath."

- G

08-24-2017, 07:19 PM

08-24-2017, 07:20 PM
If only the great state of Ohio hadn't sent three of its best to mop the fucking floor with their fucking asses.

08-24-2017, 08:55 PM

08-24-2017, 08:57 PM
Your father is your brother and you are endowed with a deformed brain, dick loving bitch

08-24-2017, 08:59 PM
Can you even dress yourself?

08-24-2017, 09:01 PM
Can you even dress yourself?

Bing, I thought I told you to go back and fuck your mother some more.

08-24-2017, 09:02 PM
Your father is your brother and you are endowed with a deformed brain, dick loving bitch

Bing I thought I told you to go back and fuck your mother some more.

08-24-2017, 09:02 PM

08-24-2017, 09:06 PM
Do you show your grandkids what you do every day online?

Are they proud of you?

08-24-2017, 09:23 PM
And told you, I'm not a republican

baseline bum
08-24-2017, 09:31 PM
Bing I thought I told you to go back and fuck your mother some more.

Cubby, you still never answered me when I asked if you would let Trump go fuck your mother some more. Then would you be eager to go in for the sloppy seconds?

08-24-2017, 10:11 PM

Let us proceed...

Yeah and a black dude also saved that guys life in the middle of a crowd gone nuts. There are heroes of all colors. You are obsessed old man. It's time to punch out. This world is not for you. Sad, but true. You needed to live in another world at another time.

08-24-2017, 10:36 PM
At this point, I think even Cubby will admit his best trolling days are far behind him. At his peak, he was the greatest to ever do it, but right now he's final season Kobe, just hanging on too long and looking pathetic.

08-24-2017, 10:52 PM
At this point, I think even Cubby will admit his best trolling days are far behind him. At his peak, he was the greatest to ever do it, but right now he's final season Kobe, just hanging on too long and looking pathetic.

My white ass. I had you fuckers snortin' something fearsome over this Confederate flag malarkey.

I still got it!!!

08-24-2017, 10:53 PM
Cubby, you still never answered me when I asked if you would let Trump go fuck your mother some more. Then would you be eager to go in for the sloppy seconds?

Say it again, bum, and I'll set your ass with the others.

Just like that.

08-24-2017, 10:54 PM
So much repetition though. Sad.

baseline bum
08-24-2017, 10:55 PM
Say it again, bum, and I'll set your ass with the others.

Just like that.

Come on motherfucker, you know you'd lick that bush right after. You're thinking about it right now with half a chub aren't you?

08-24-2017, 10:57 PM
Come on motherfucker, you know you'd lick that bush right after. You're thinking about it right now with half a chub aren't you?

You didn't say it though.

That's what I thought:::ain't got a hair on your ass.


08-24-2017, 11:01 PM
Come on motherfucker, you know you'd lick that bush right after. You're thinking about it right now with half a chub aren't you?

Don't even fret, bum. Ain't no big deal. You can just switch over to one of your alts and side me.

That's what the other chickenshits do.

baseline bum
08-24-2017, 11:02 PM
You didn't say it though.

That's what I thought:::ain't got a hair on your ass.


Only you would consider licking Trump's sloppy seconds when it's your own mother a victory though. Does Katy Girl know you fuck your own mother?

08-24-2017, 11:03 PM
Only you would consider licking Trump's sloppy seconds when it's your own mother a victory though. Does Katy Girl know you fuck your own mother?

See, once I prompted you of your alts you had nary hard time.

Just like that.

baseline bum
08-24-2017, 11:08 PM
See, once I prompted you of your alts you had nary hard time.

Just like that.

Only pussies and assholes have alts. You think I have the energy to argue with your dumb ass from multiple accounts?

08-24-2017, 11:11 PM
Only pussies and assholes have alts. You think I have the energy to argue with your dumb ass from multiple accounts?

You don't even realize how much we'll miss each other.

You dumb shit, you.

08-24-2017, 11:18 PM
I always wondered if the souths love of football would have over shadowed their hate of blacks, hmmm? Knowing they can't compete with the USC's, Michigan;s without.....speed with size....that only black possess, do they recruit blacks even if they didn't have to?

baseline bum
08-24-2017, 11:18 PM
You don't even realize how much we'll miss each other.

You dumb shit, you.

Where you gonna go? You didn't even leave when Bannon got sent home after swearing up and down you had his back.

08-24-2017, 11:19 PM

baseline bum
08-24-2017, 11:24 PM

Only pussies and assholes kneel

08-24-2017, 11:25 PM

baseline bum
08-24-2017, 11:26 PM

Only pussies and assholes kneel

08-24-2017, 11:29 PM

baseline bum
08-24-2017, 11:33 PM
God didn't really protect them though did he? Grant mopped the fucking floor with Lee's fucking ass.

08-25-2017, 12:11 AM
Environment is a gamechanger. If you grow up completely surrounded by ignorance it will mold and shape someone like clay. It just goes down the line generation by generation. You throw poverty into the mix and it becomes exasperated.

Where I am from, the population percentage living below the poverty line is over 23%. Whites make up 80% of that number.

These are the folks that will drop the n word at church and think God is cool with it. Or point at a black child in public and say out loud look at that cute ni####baby. They are s product of their environment and that's all they've ever known or been shown. I can't fully blame them as they are a byproduct of a systemic problem.

It's the white racists from privileged and middle class status that concerns me and deserve to be ridiculed. They can't justify it with the blacks, jews, Mexicans are stealing our opportunities shtick. It's not applicable. They are the haves and not the have nots.

08-25-2017, 12:26 AM
Environment is a gamechanger. If you grow up completely surrounded by ignorance it will mold and shape someone like clay. It just goes down the line generation by generation. You throw poverty into the mix and it becomes exasperated.

Where I am from, the population percentage living below the poverty line is over 23%. Whites make up 80% of that number.

These are the folks that will drop the n word at church and think God is cool with it. Or point at a black child in public and say out loud look at that cute ni####baby. They are s product of their environment and that's all they've ever known or been shown. I can't fully blame them as they are a byproduct of a systemic problem.

It's the white racists from privileged and middle class status that concerns me and deserve to be ridiculed. They can't justify it with the blacks, jews, Mexicans are stealing our opportunities shtick. It's not applicable. They are the haves and not the have nots.

We ain't Indians. We ain't no easy clean.

C'mon ahead.

08-25-2017, 12:26 AM

08-25-2017, 05:17 AM

08-25-2017, 08:14 AM

Was that back when Republicans pretended to care about people?

08-25-2017, 08:14 AM
We ain't Indians. We ain't no easy clean.

C'mon ahead.

Rednecks are pussies. I burned my redneck neighbors flag near my lake house on July fourth. My lady is indian. He called her a tar baby.

After he refused to come outside because he was a pussy, I lit that stupid fucking rebel flag. And he didn't do shit.

Didn't even know the difference between an Indian and a black person. Ignorance personified.

I think he was scared to call the cops because he probably makes meth in that shit hole trailer he lives in.

Rebel flag took the L.

08-25-2017, 08:36 AM
SA's Robert E Lee HS up for a name change.

08-25-2017, 09:33 AM
Rednecks are pussies. I burned my redneck neighbors flag near my lake house on July fourth. My lady is indian. He called her a tar baby.

After he refused to come outside because he was a pussy, I lit that stupid fucking rebel flag. And he didn't do shit.

Didn't even know the difference between an Indian and a black person. Ignorance personified.

I think he was scared to call the cops because he probably makes meth in that shit hole trailer he lives in.

Rebel flag took the L.

That's why we never had any intention of giving up the guns.

So, c'mon ahead.

08-25-2017, 09:35 AM
Rednecks are pussies. I burned my redneck neighbors flag near my lake house on July fourth. My lady is indian. He called her a tar baby.

After he refused to come outside because he was a pussy, I lit that stupid fucking rebel flag. And he didn't do shit.

Didn't even know the difference between an Indian and a black person. Ignorance personified.

I think he was scared to call the cops because he probably makes meth in that shit hole trailer he lives in.

Rebel flag took the L.

You tore down everything in '92 Los Angeles, save one building(s):::the U.S. Post Office.

So you wouldn't miss even 1 welfare check. You didn't want to interrupt the service you'd been gettin' since LBJ granted on ya's.


08-25-2017, 09:36 AM

I'm just checkin' assholes, Lee.

baseline bum
08-25-2017, 10:22 AM
I'm just checkin' assholes, Lee.


08-25-2017, 10:40 AM

I'm just checkin' assholes, Lee.

Neh, you're just mindlessly spamming

08-25-2017, 11:14 AM
Neh, you're just mindlessly spamming

08-25-2017, 11:26 AM

08-25-2017, 11:41 AM
You tore down everything in '92 Los Angeles, save one building(s):::the U.S. Post Office.

So you wouldn't miss even 1 welfare check. You didn't want to interrupt the service you'd been gettin' since LBJ granted on ya's.


Who said I was black? Don't assume shit. I didn't tear down anything. I'm from the south. Georgia and alabama is where I come from.

I have several degrees. Graduated from college. Graduated from law school, went back to law school to get a masters in taxation. I won't be drawing a welfare check anytime soon. I make a decent income practicing law.

In the south where I live, more whites are on welfare than blacks. And they are generally more ignorant, lazy and stupid when compared to other minorities in my area.

08-25-2017, 11:42 AM
Who said I was black? Don't assume shit. I didn't tear down anything. I'm from the south. Georgia and alabama is where I come from.

I have several degrees. Graduated from college. Graduated from law school, went back to law school to get a masters in taxation. I won't be drawing a welfare check anytime soon. I make a decent income practicing law.

In the south where I live, more whites are on welfare than blacks. And they are generally more ignorant, lazy and stupid when compared to other minorities in my area.

Then quit bitching, ya pain in-the-ass, you.

08-25-2017, 11:47 AM
Then quit bitching, ya pain in-the-ass, you.

I have the right to bitch about rednecks and rebel flags. I've spent 40 years surrounded by them. I've earned my stripes. Feels like I've been behind enemy lines my whole life

baseline bum
08-25-2017, 11:52 AM

Trump's the most corrupt part of the US government son

08-25-2017, 12:39 PM
I have the right to bitch about rednecks and rebel flags. I've spent 40 years surrounded by them. I've earned my stripes. Feels like I've been behind enemy lines my whole life

Stings, don't it?

08-25-2017, 12:48 PM
Join us for our exclusive event: "Why the Media is Fake and Corrupt" sponsored by American Media, Inc., next weekend at the Trump Hotel.

08-25-2017, 12:51 PM

08-25-2017, 12:57 PM
Stings, don't it?


to a mexican

stings, don't it?

08-25-2017, 01:28 PM

One of the more prominent liberals.

Clipper Nation
08-25-2017, 03:06 PM

08-25-2017, 03:12 PM
One of the more prominent liberals.

Too masculine to be a Leftist.

08-25-2017, 03:12 PM
http://i.imgur.com/hyJrj6x.jpg :rollin

08-25-2017, 03:19 PM
Only pussies and assholes kneel



baseline bum
08-25-2017, 03:22 PM

