View Full Version : Trump, who casts himself as a master negotiator, took the first offer from Democrats

09-06-2017, 03:02 PM
:lmao the "master negotiator" just got kicked in the junk, his lunch money taken from him, watched while John Lewis cucked Melania, and said "more please in December"

Trump sides with Democrats in debt limit, funding, Harvey deal

The agreement sets up a brutal year-end fiscal cliff.

By RACHAEL BADE, BURGESS EVERETT and JOSH DAWSEY 09/06/2017 09:52 AM EDT Updated 09/06/2017 03:49 PM EDT

Donald Trump, who casts himself as a master negotiator, took the first offer Democrats put on the table.

Republicans left the Oval Office Wednesday stunned. Trump had quickly sided with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase, even cutting off his own Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to concur with "Chuck and Nancy," as he later called them on Air Force One.

But Trump defied more than his top aides. He turned on Republican leaders in Congress when he caved to Democrats’ demands to raise the debt limit and fund the government for three months, setting up a brutal year-end fiscal cliff. The move shocked everyone, as top White House officials and GOP leaders had been gearing up to raise the debt ceiling through the 2018 midterm election, looking to pass legislation as soon as Friday.

But even after Mnuchin, Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pushed back on the Democratic demands in the meeting, Trump agreed to the three-month deal that will also head off the possibility of a government shutdown until mid-December.

During the meeting, Ryan sharply criticized the Democratic proposal, a source familiar with the exchange said. But Schumer reminded him that Ryan had supported short-term increases in the past intended to help create bipartisan deals in 2013.

So after Democrats rejected GOP proposals to raise the debt ceiling for 18 months, and then six months — Trump endorsed Schumer’s three-month pitch.

That means Congress will have to raise the debt ceiling, negotiate a massive trillion-dollar spending bill, and potentially hash out a deal on immigration all at once.

Democrats were gleeful.

"Both sides have every intention of avoiding default in December and look forward to working together on the many issues before us," said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Trump also touted his actions on Air Force One en route to North Dakota for an event on tax reform.

"We essentially came to a deal and I think the deal will be very good," Trump said.

Capitol Hill Republicans, loath to vote twice to raise the debt ceiling, were less than pleased. They said privately that Trump caved too quickly, relinquishing the GOP’s leverage. And they worried that Trump would do the same in future deals.

"I think our members would probably want to see something that goes significantly longer than that," said Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the No. 3 GOP leader, when asked about the short-term debt limit proposal.

One senior Republican aide spoke more bluntly on background: “The president of the United States just handed a loaded gun to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.”

The meeting came after congressional Democrats turned the screws on the president and GOP leaders, who need Democratic votes to raise the debt limit and avert a default.

Democratic leaders said Wednesday morning that they'd offer Trump their votes for a package delivering aid to victims of Hurricane Harvey and raising the debt ceiling only until mid-December. GOP leaders, eager to avoid multiple contentious votes on the debt ceiling, want to raise the debt ceiling through late 2018.

“Given Republican difficulty in finding the votes for their plan, we believe this proposal offers a bipartisan path forward to ensure prompt delivery of Harvey aid as well as avoiding a default, while both sides work together to address government funding, DREAMers, and health care,” Schumer and Pelosi said in a joint statement.

The move by congressional Democrats was intended to preserve their leverage later this year on other issues, even though in the past, Democrats, including both Schumer and Pelosi, have said the debt ceiling should not be a topic of negotiation. But Democratic leaders were emboldened because Republicans needed significant Democratic support on the spending and debt legislation, which is expected to split congressional Republicans.

Indeed, significant numbers of Republican defections were expected on the legislation, and debt ceiling votes typically draw opposition from conservatives who demand spending cuts in return.

During a Wednesday morning press conference Speaker Paul Ryan blasted Democrats’ opening salvo as “ridiculous and disgraceful,” accusing them of playing politics “at a moment when we have fellow citizens in need.”

“Let's think about this: We’ve got all this devastation in Texas. We’ve got another unprecedented hurricane about to hit Florida. And they want to play politics with the debt ceiling?” Ryan (R-Wis.) said. “That will strand the aid that we need to bring to the victims of these storms.”

That's the exact message the White House had been sending to Capitol Hill. FEMA officials told lawmakers Tuesday that they'll run out of emergency funding as soon as Friday. Compounding that, Treasury officials began arguing they couldn't pay FEMA claims to victims unless the debt ceiling is increased immediately.

That's why GOP leaders told House Republicans during a closed-door conference meeting Wednesday that Republicans would remain in town — even through the weekend — until a Harvey-debt ceiling package is signed by the president.

But Trump upended GOP leadership's plans during the White House meeting. Sources familiar with the discussions said Ryan and McConnell made it clear that they didn’t agree with Schumer or Pelosi. When Democrats wouldn't agree, they pushed for a six-month debt ceiling increase instead of the full 18 months.

Trump appeared to tire of the back and forth when Democrats wouldn’t cave to the six-month increase. He struck a deal — or at least, what he saw as one — cutting Mnuchin off mid-sentence as he argued against the merits of a short-term debt increase. The room went silent. Everyone was stunned.

Republicans returned to the Capitol disheartened. They thought they could call Democrats' bluff on the matter and were ready to exit the meeting as a standstill. One senior GOP aide said the whole experience was "mystifying.”

“Maybe it's about the wall, I don't know,” this person said. “None of it makes any sense.”

Unlike now, Republicans in December won’t have a disaster relief bill to help win support for a debt ceiling increase — always a tough vote for Republicans — said another GOP source.

Kevin McCarthy, Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Paul Ryan are pictured. | AP Photo
House passes $7.9 billion aid bill for Hurricane Harvey
Democratic leadership staff began discussing a short-term debt ceiling strategy before the August recess, according to several Democratic sources following the talks. Some staff floated the idea of only agreeing to temporary increases in the debt ceiling until Republicans promised that tax reform will not add to the deficit.

The ongoing conversation suggests Democrats were ready to play hardball on the debt ceiling even before the hurricanes that have threatened Texas, Louisiana and Florida.

The short-term debt-limit strategy allows Democrats to say they're not flirting with default but also buys them the time they want to negotiate and use their leverage for other big-ticket items from immigration to government funding. The items mentioned in their Wednesday release — a debt limit hike, government spending, hurricane aid and protection for Dreamers — could in theory be rolled into one giant package later this year, though Democrats are more focused on ensuring that all those measures are bipartisan, according to Democratic aides.

But two debt limit votes would be painful for Republican leaders, who are already pulling teeth to get one increase in the nation's borrowing limit over the finish-line. Trump himself, GOP leadership sources say, will have to get involved to muster enough Republican votes for a single Harvey-debt limit package — and that's assuming every Democrat backs the bill.

“No one wants to revisit this,” said Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) coming out of the GOP conference meeting.

Not all Republicans hated the idea when Democrats floated it, however. One GOP leadership ally, Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), suggested he wasn't opposed to the Democrats' proposal.

“Look, a short term increase in the debt limit so that they can handle this is a sensible thing, in my view," the Oklahoma Republican said, arguing that it might even be preferable to leadership's long-term debt increase strategy. "That’s not like an 18-month deal.... I think it would have a lot more difficulty than something short term. So we’ll have to wait and see."

After the deal was struck, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) defended the president’s actions: "I don't know that he sided with the Democrats. He made an agreement.”

John Bresnahan and Seung Min Kim contributed to this report.


:lmao "loaded gun" to Schumer and Pelosi

09-06-2017, 03:04 PM

09-06-2017, 03:04 PM
A deal maker makes deals

Obomba couldnt even make a deal with his wife on what tie to wear :lmao

09-06-2017, 03:06 PM
A deal maker makes deals

Obomba couldnt even make a deal with his wife on what tie to wear :lmao

actually he doesn't make deals

turns out he only kneels.

09-06-2017, 03:07 PM

09-06-2017, 03:08 PM
actually he doesn't make deals

turns out he only kneels.

It takes 2 sides to make a deal

:lmao Shumer and Pelosi taking their first offer

09-06-2017, 03:10 PM
the worship

09-06-2017, 03:15 PM
It takes 2 sides to make a deal

:lmao Shumer and Pelosi taking their first offer

Trump appeared to tire of the back and forth when Democrats wouldn’t cave to the six-month increase. He struck a deal — or at least, what he saw as one — cutting Mnuchin off mid-sentence as he argued against the merits of a short-term debt increase. The room went silent. Everyone was stunned.

Republicans returned to the Capitol disheartened. They thought they could call Democrats' bluff on the matter and were ready to exit the meeting as a standstill. One senior GOP aide said the whole experience was "mystifying.”

“Maybe it's about the wall, I don't know,” this person said. “None of it makes any sense.”


09-06-2017, 03:23 PM
It takes 2 sides to make a deal

:lmao Shumer and Pelosi taking their first offer
Democrats asked for 3 months. Republicans wanted 12

Trump settled on 3 :lol

09-06-2017, 03:35 PM
Democrats asked for 3 months. Republicans wanted 12

Trump settled on 3 :lol

And democrats accepted
:lmao DNC subservient to the Don

09-06-2017, 03:36 PM
And democrats accepted
:lmao DNC subservient to the Don
Not sure you really understand how negotiations work :lol

He bent over at their first demand

09-06-2017, 03:39 PM
Not sure you really understand how negotiations work :lol

He bent over at their first demand

God please don't put this guy 1-on-1 with Un. We'll all be speaking Korean by winter.

09-06-2017, 03:39 PM
And democrats accepted
:lmao DNC subservient to the Don

So someone who presents a deal...also accepts their own deal?

:lol self dealing
:lol Hater

09-06-2017, 03:41 PM
Democrats asked for 3 months. Republicans wanted 12

Trump settled on 3 :lol:lmao hater taking the L like a champ.

09-06-2017, 03:42 PM
Not sure you really understand how negotiations work :lol

He bent over at their first demand

And they willingly accepted his acceptance :lmao

Their minds are blown :lol

09-06-2017, 03:44 PM
:lmao hater quadrupling down on the biggest L yet.

09-06-2017, 03:45 PM
Yesterday they wanted to impeach him for cheating with Russia

Today hes their hero :lmao

Deal :tu

09-06-2017, 03:47 PM
:lmao Trump was apparently goofing around with Shumer in the oval office :lmao

Minds blown :lol

09-06-2017, 03:47 PM
Yesterday they wanted to impeach him for cheating with Russia

Today hes their hero :lmao

Deal :tu:lmao No. Trump took the L with you and we're laughing at you both. :lol

Deal :tu

09-06-2017, 03:48 PM

09-06-2017, 03:49 PM
:lmao Trump was apparently goofing around with Shumer in the oval office :lmao

Minds blown :lol:lmao Schumer toying with the Great Negotiator :lmao

09-06-2017, 03:50 PM

09-06-2017, 03:51 PM

09-06-2017, 03:52 PM
:lmao losers trying to spin the L as bad as hater :lmao

09-06-2017, 03:53 PM


09-06-2017, 03:55 PM
:lmao hater reaching for Canadian spin :lmao

09-06-2017, 03:57 PM
:lmao losers trying to spin the L as bad as hater :lmao

:lmao hater reaching for Canadian spin :lmao

:lmao horee fucking shiit

09-06-2017, 04:01 PM

09-06-2017, 04:03 PM

This is some revisionist history bullshit :lol

Great job everyone, great job. Let's get our "Mission Accomplished" healthcare bill photo-op. Get that camera ready. Everyone say "we fucked you America !!"


Man, that healthcare bill is mean. I don't know what those Republicans were thinking. The bill was just mean. It needs some heart. None of it was my fault.


09-06-2017, 04:06 PM

09-06-2017, 04:14 PM
Someone explain this to me.....the board liberals are mad that Trump just accepted the offer given to him by the dems?

Shouldn't you be applauding him for listening to what you consider your leaders and going along with it? What am I missing?

09-06-2017, 04:16 PM
Someone explain this to me.....the board liberals are mad that Trump just accepted the offer given to him by the dems?

Shouldn't you be applauding him for listening to what you consider your leaders and going along with it? What am I missing?

Who's mad?

09-06-2017, 04:16 PM
Not mad at trump. Just lol'ing at people buying the "we should vote for the asshole because he's a great businessman, dealmaker, negotiator" bullshit

09-06-2017, 04:17 PM

I think that’s a ridiculous idea. I hope that they don’t mean that. Let’s think about this: We’ve got all this devastation in Texas. We’ve got another unprecedented hurricane about to hit Florida. And they want to play politics with the debt ceiling? That will strand the aid that we need to bring to the victims of these storms that have occurred, or are about to occur. And they also want to threaten to default on our debt? I think it’s ridiculous and disgraceful that they want to play with the debt ceiling at this moment when we have fellow citizens in need to responds to these hurricanes so that we do not strand them. What the leaders you just described proposed is unworkable, and it could put in jeopardy the kind of hurricane response we need to have.

:lol :lol :lol


09-06-2017, 04:18 PM
Who's mad?

Not mad at trump. Just lol'ing at people buying the "we should vote for the asshole because he's a great businessman, dealmaker, negotiator" bullshit

Understood....misinterpreted....muh bad

09-06-2017, 04:18 PM
Someone explain this to me.....the board liberals are mad that Trump just accepted the offer given to him by the dems?

Shouldn't you be applauding him for listening to what you consider your leaders and going along with it? What am I missing?


We're fucking joyous! Your faggot president can't get shit passed with his party in control of both houses of Congress, has to rely on Dems to do anything meaningful


09-06-2017, 04:19 PM

We're fucking joyous! Your faggot president can't get shit passed with his party in control of both houses of Congress, has to rely on Dems to do anything meaningful


Isn't he your President too?

09-06-2017, 04:20 PM
Are republicans really turning this into a pseudo win?

:lol Those Hater tweets are hilarious.

09-06-2017, 04:22 PM
Isn't he your President too?


I left the US on 21 Jan.

He was my president for 1 day.

Fuck your president.

09-06-2017, 04:23 PM
Are republicans really turning this into a pseudo win?

:lol Those Hater tweets are hilarious.

:lol only hater and his twitter stream

09-06-2017, 04:23 PM
Who's mad?

Not mad

Their minds are blown :lmao

09-06-2017, 04:24 PM

I left the US on 21 Jan.

He was my president for 1 day.

Fuck your president.

Lol....10/4....carry on!

09-06-2017, 04:28 PM
Like I said a week ago....


That's the sad part about the GOP though. The Democrats basically have no power but they're still somehow winning. Obamacare is still the law of the land. No significant GOP legislation has gone through. There's no "wall" going up. The racists showed their ass and now the Confederate statues are coming down. Trump is busy playing on Twitter, golfing, throwing his reality TV show staff under the bus one by one, having campaign rallies, whining about the media and sabotaging his own party. What do Democrats have to complain about really? They should welcome Trump's incompetence with open arms and be thankful they're not up against a Republican President that actually knows what he's doing :lol

09-06-2017, 04:29 PM
Not mad

Their minds are blown :lmao

Your mind is gone

09-06-2017, 04:31 PM
Democrats asked for 3 months. Republicans wanted 12

Trump settled on 3

And democrats accepted
:lmao DNC subservient to the Don

Wow, that was ducks-level non-comprehension.

Let's try it this way:

Democrats: "We want 3 slices of pie"
Republicans: "We just want to give you 1."
Democrats: "We want 3 slices of pie"
Republicans: "Ok, then how about just 2?"
Democrats: "We want 3 slices of pie"
Trump: "Ok, here is 3 slices."

How exactly is this a Trump victory?

What it does do, is put the Republican leadership on notice that Trump will give the Democrats what they want, if they don't want to deal with him.

This is a shot in the arm to the moderates in the GOP, at the expense of the extremist asshats like Cruz.

09-06-2017, 04:33 PM
Yeah they were handing out pie retard :rolleyes

09-06-2017, 04:33 PM
Like I said a week ago....



Golfy McVroom Vroom is in over his fluffy orange head.

09-06-2017, 04:34 PM
Yeah they were handing out pie retard :rolleyes


If I typed the word "metaphor" would that mean anything to you?

This really is over your head. :wow I honestly tried to explain it to you. Incredible.

Carry on, then, ducks.

09-06-2017, 04:35 PM
Btw all this pie talk got me hungry

09-06-2017, 04:39 PM
Btw all this pie talk got me hungry

TSA knows a pizza parlor in DC that is up your alley.

baseline bum
09-06-2017, 04:39 PM

I left the US on 21 Jan.

He was my president for 1 day.

Fuck your president.

So you swam back across the river?

09-06-2017, 04:40 PM

I left the US on 21 Jan.

He was my president for 1 day.

Fuck your president.

Seriously? :lol

Where did you go?

09-06-2017, 04:41 PM
So you swam back across the river?

Seriously? :lol

Where did you go?


Can't swim that far.

09-06-2017, 04:41 PM
Wow, that was ducks-level non-comprehension.

Yeah they were handing out pie retard :rolleyes


09-06-2017, 04:44 PM
Someone explain this to me.....the board liberals are mad that Trump just accepted the offer given to him by the dems?

Shouldn't you be applauding him for listening to what you consider your leaders and going along with it? What am I missing?

No, apparently we are not mad, you have that wrong.

I think there is a bit too much celebrating, though.

Feel free to try and explain to hater what happened. That would be amusing. :lol

Personally I hope that some bipartisan stuff can be built. Schumer and Pelosi took a high road in emphasizing bipartisanship in their statement.

If Dems are to win hearts and minds they have to do better than the GOP's "always no" strategy when Obama was president.

It would be nice to see a few people in Congress actually get shit done for a change, IMO.

09-06-2017, 04:46 PM

Can't swim that far.

Ah Switzerland. The land of many languages.

Try not to trip over any bronze age skeletons on hikes in the mountains.

09-06-2017, 04:46 PM
So you swam back across the river?


09-06-2017, 04:47 PM

He seriously doesn't get it.

09-06-2017, 04:50 PM
He seriously doesn't get it.

Shittlery Obummer coming in....





09-06-2017, 04:57 PM
Shittlery Obummer coming in....





If I could wave a magic coding wand I would make both those words post as "fluffy bunnies", just for the lulz.

c u n t ****

09-06-2017, 05:06 PM
If I could wave a magic coding wand I would make both those words post as "fluffy bunnies", just for the lulz.

c u n t ****

Sean Eliott is a ###### cunt

09-06-2017, 05:19 PM
Yeah they were handing out pie retard :rolleyes



09-06-2017, 05:41 PM
This probably had something to do with it.


09-06-2017, 05:50 PM
What it does do, is put the Republican leadership on notice that Trump will give the Democrats what they want, if they don't want to deal with him.

This is a shot in the arm to the moderates in the GOP, at the expense of the extremist asshats like Cruz.

How is that not a Trump victory? It's the reason I voted for him.

09-06-2017, 05:53 PM
IMO it was an orangesausage pie and Pelosi had seconds :lol

09-06-2017, 05:53 PM
How is that not a Trump victory? It's the reason I voted for him.

Yup pretty much

Anything that hurts the GOP establishment is a win for trump and his followers

:tu Deal

09-06-2017, 07:47 PM
How is that not a Trump victory? It's the reason I voted for him.

Bending over to the Democrats is a Trump victory?

09-06-2017, 07:49 PM
How is that not a Trump victory? It's the reason I voted for him.

Your party still takes a loss. :lol

This is not a case of winning by losing type scenarios.

09-06-2017, 07:50 PM
Yup pretty much

Anything that hurts the GOP establishment is a win for trump and his followers

:tu Deal

Case and point Snakeboy.

09-06-2017, 07:52 PM
Turns out Ned Beatty was the big winner in Deliverance too.

09-06-2017, 09:19 PM
Someone explain this to me.....the board liberals are mad that Trump just accepted the offer given to him by the dems?

Shouldn't you be applauding him for listening to what you consider your leaders and going along with it? What am I missing?

more amazed at hater's backflips, tbh

09-06-2017, 09:22 PM
Sends a signal to senate lets get things done

09-06-2017, 09:28 PM
Sends a signal to senate lets get things done

Ma niga du k with the goods

:tu deal :tu

09-07-2017, 01:33 AM
A deal maker makes deals

Obomba couldnt even make a deal with his wife on what tie to wear :lmao

Or who should tuck. :lmao

09-07-2017, 01:35 AM


:lmao Third world heathen have to be caged off.

09-07-2017, 02:38 AM
Ma niga du k with the goods

:tu deal :tu:tu kneel :tu

09-07-2017, 04:56 AM
Someone explain this to me.....the board liberals are mad that Trump just accepted the offer given to him by the dems?

Shouldn't you be applauding him for listening to what you consider your leaders and going along with it? What am I missing?

You have the empathy of a reptile.

09-07-2017, 06:02 AM
https://dawm7kda6y2v0.cloudfront.net/uploads/2017/09/[email protected]

09-07-2017, 06:58 AM
You have the empathy of a reptile.

I forgot about Fuzzy! The token "fake smart guy" of every Internet forum!

09-07-2017, 07:02 AM

09-07-2017, 07:03 AM


09-07-2017, 07:08 AM

Getting republican support now :lmao

Minds blown :lol

09-07-2017, 07:25 AM
This probably had something to do with it.


some b/g on Trash's obsession with is DILF

Trump Thinks Ivanka is a ‘Prized Possession’ Who Impresses Everyone

D’Antonio said the Ivanka cameos was “not at all surprising,” saying she did the same thing as a child when her father had business meetings and he would take her calls while she was at school “to demonstrate how close they were.”

“She’s been this kind of prop and instrument for him most of her life,”

“I don’t know if he realizes that this isn’t that impressive to people,” she said.

“I think he thinks Ivanka’s sort of his prized possession and that

everybody is going to be so blown away because she shows up…

but nobody cares.”


btw, Trash has begun selling "Presidential Medals" in bronze with his thinned-down face on them, squinting sourly like Melania.


09-07-2017, 08:08 AM
I'm sort of confused that this is a big deal.

a) How fucked are we that people are celebrating having another debt-ceiling crisis in three months? Nothing hurt my view on Congress more than the fights they had over this in the last decade.

b) The Democrats didn't really win anything. The main motivator for this was disaster relief for Harvey and probably Irma. That isn't really a partisan issue. As we saw with Katrina, and Sandy, party identity doesn't really overcome politician's fear of looking bad after a national disaster. I'd never put it past Trump to be an asshole, but this was an obvious choice politically as well as morally.

c) Trump's plans to completely ruin the economy means that another fight in December probably suits him fine. The Republicans wanted 18 months to go through their next election cycle. Trump would be better served by a GOP Congress feeling pressure to work his ideas into their policy rather than one who can sit on their hands through the midterms.

In essence, Trump gets what he wants: A cowed GOP and a break in the unwavering resistance from the Left. The Dems get nothing but false hope. The right gets three months to come up with an even worse budget. The Gulf Coast gets continued relief money. The rest of us get to deal with this shit during the holidays.

09-07-2017, 08:37 AM
Sean Eliott is a ###### cunt

(does quoted text to see coding)

OOOH purty.

09-07-2017, 08:40 AM
I'm sort of confused that this is a big deal.

a) How fucked are we that people are celebrating having another debt-ceiling crisis in three months? Nothing hurt my view on Congress more than the fights they had over this in the last decade.

b) The Democrats didn't really win anything. The main motivator for this was disaster relief for Harvey and probably Irma. That isn't really a partisan issue. As we saw with Katrina, and Sandy, party identity doesn't really overcome politician's fear of looking bad after a national disaster. I'd never put it past Trump to be an asshole, but this was an obvious choice politically as well as morally.

c) Trump's plans to completely ruin the economy means that another fight in December probably suits him fine. The Republicans wanted 18 months to go through their next election cycle. Trump would be better served by a GOP Congress feeling pressure to work his ideas into their policy rather than one who can sit on their hands through the midterms.

In essence, Trump gets what he wants: A cowed GOP and a break in the unwavering resistance from the Left. The Dems get nothing but false hope. The right gets three months to come up with an even worse budget. The Gulf Coast gets continued relief money. The rest of us get to deal with this shit during the holidays.

The Democrats won a chance to attach stuff to another debt ceiling vote. That is a pretty substantial thing, and means that we will be talking about whatever they want during the beginnings of the mid-term elections.

09-07-2017, 09:04 AM
The Democrats won a chance to attach stuff to another debt ceiling vote. That is a pretty substantial thing, and means that we will be talking about whatever they want during the beginnings of the mid-term elections.

Yeah, but who cares, really? I mean, they have the exact same amount of power now as they did three months ago. If the GOP didn't think they needed Dem support before, why would that change? Trump getting so much press for this gives him way more political capital than such a mundane action should warrant. He literally gave up nothing to get it.

09-07-2017, 10:14 AM
Yeah, but who cares, really? I mean, they have the exact same amount of power now as they did three months ago. If the GOP didn't think they needed Dem support before, why would that change? Trump getting so much press for this gives him way more political capital than such a mundane action should warrant. He literally gave up nothing to get it.

He didn't give up anything in the short term no. Such a move benefits him a good deal, because it demonstrates to his party that he can go around them if they don't cooperate.

The move though, isn't designed to gain them more power immediately. It is designed to add fodder for attack ads.

"Senator X voted for this horrible thing that you hate"

09-07-2017, 10:25 AM
I forgot about Fuzzy! The token "fake smart guy" of every Internet forum!

So true. He isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

09-07-2017, 10:53 AM
Yeah, but who cares, really? I mean, they have the exact same amount of power now as they did three months ago. If the GOP didn't think they needed Dem support before, why would that change? Trump getting so much press for this gives him way more political capital than such a mundane action should warrant. He literally gave up nothing to get it.Political capital to be used with whom? Seems the only thing this really does is screw over Republicans by making them vote for debt multiple times before midterms. But 5-D chess and all that.

09-07-2017, 11:10 AM
I forgot about Fuzzy! The token "fake smart guy" of every Internet forum!

Such original takes you have, lizard.

09-07-2017, 11:13 AM
Political capital to be used with whom? Seems the only thing this really does is screw over Republicans by making them vote for debt multiple times before midterms. But 5-D chess and all that.

Trump apparently "gave" the Dems a huge win in the name of bringing relief to hurricane victims. That's not cause for a mandate or anything, but it does make him look better the next time he and the Left are stuck in gridlock. With the way the liberal media is high-fiving themselves over this, it's going to be hard to argue against them compromising on some things he wants to do that the Right doesn't necessarily agree with. Who knows what that will be, a Trumpcare bill that is pushed by Dems rather than the GOP?

09-07-2017, 11:22 AM
, a Trumpcare bill that is pushed by Dems rather than the GOP?

There's no healthcare bill that the Repugs will vote for that actually maintains or increases actual health care, since Trashcare 1 and 2 were really tax cuts for the wealthy/BigCorp ("wealthy" includes Trash's number one priority, himself and his $$$).

09-07-2017, 11:33 AM
Such original takes you have, lizard.

Lol....the old "nu uh" comeback....that'll teach me.

Honestly, I'm surprised you can read this shit from way up on your high horse.

09-07-2017, 11:36 AM
There's no healthcare bill that the Repugs will vote for that actually maintains or increases actual health care, since Trashcare 1 and 2 were really tax cuts for the wealthy/BigCorp ("wealthy" includes Trash's number one priority, himself and his $$$).

That's all well and good in a GOP-led bill. But at this point, Trumpcare looks to be as much of a legacy thing as Obamacare is. What they tried to pass last time wasn't so much Trumpcare as it was exactly what the Ryanesque GOP would want in every situation. Trump has consistently showed that he doesn't care about towing the party line, and this time he showed that he's willing to go with the Left if they can get a faster deal that way.

Ultimately, I do think Trump will care about his legacy above all else. He may be okay with the media blasting him for being a self-centered, misogynistic, racially insensitive bastard, but he's not going to got four to eight years without doing anything. He painted himself as a populist during the campaign, and there are populist measures that are in the Democratic arena. He can pander to his base and ego without following Ryan's agenda.

09-07-2017, 11:39 AM
Trump apparently "gave" the Dems a huge win in the name of bringing relief to hurricane victims. That's not cause for a mandate or anything, but it does make him look better the next time he and the Left are stuck in gridlock. With the way the liberal media is high-fiving themselves over this, it's going to be hard to argue against them compromising on some things he wants to do that the Right doesn't necessarily agree with. Who knows what that will be, a Trumpcare bill that is pushed by Dems rather than the GOP?That would require help from the GOP members of Congress he just screwed. It just doesn't make much sense.

09-07-2017, 11:51 AM
That would require help from the GOP members of Congress he just screwed. It just doesn't make much sense.

The GOP Congress is not in a position of power against Trump, though. He doesn't have to worry about reelection for three more years, while the GOP has 15 months. Imagine all those people going to town halls and writing letters over the last bill doing so over the Republicans not coming to the table over a bill that the Left and Trump hammer out. That's a toxic campaign environment. Can guys like Ryan keep the party in line? Yes, mostly. But they'd lose plenty of members who are fighting for survival.

Of course, health care is just a hypothetical that isn't likely to happen even if the political capital is there. I'm just saying that a Trump that really works with Dems is much stronger than a GOP who can't rely on their POTUS or on their constituents to go along with their policies.

09-07-2017, 11:55 AM
The GOP Congress is not in a position of power against Trump, though. He doesn't have to worry about reelection for three more years, while the GOP has 15 months. Imagine all those people going to town halls and writing letters over the last bill doing so over the Republicans not coming to the table over a bill that the Left and Trump hammer out. That's a toxic campaign environment.

So Trump's plan is to get an all Democrat Congress if the current GOPs don't follow him.

What a plan.

09-07-2017, 11:59 AM
Lol....the old "nu uh" comeback....that'll teach me.

Honestly, I'm surprised you can read this shit from way up on your high horse.

That makes no sense. There wasn't a denial in my post; nothing that should even be confused with one. I was simply ridiculing your originality. Frankly, such ignorant and whiny comments belie your narrative about our relative intelligences.

I must say though, I do like how you have now juxtaposed the "Fuzzy isn't as smart as he thinks he is" narrative with accusations of arrogance. Perhaps some introspection will illuminate the irony for you. I find it delicious, snowflake.

09-07-2017, 12:00 PM
The GOP Congress is not in a position of power against Trump, though. He doesn't have to worry about reelection for three more years, while the GOP has 15 months. Imagine all those people going to town halls and writing letters over the last bill doing so over the Republicans not coming to the table over a bill that the Left and Trump hammer out. That's a toxic campaign environment. Can guys like Ryan keep the party in line? Yes, mostly. But they'd lose plenty of members who are fighting for survival.

Of course, health care is just a hypothetical that isn't likely to happen even if the political capital is there. I'm just saying that a Trump that really works with Dems is much stronger than a GOP who can't rely on their POTUS or on their constituents to go along with their policies.Yeah, I'd have to be convinced he's really working some long triangulation game rather than concluding he just wanted to stick it to GOP congress for making him look ineffective.

09-07-2017, 12:06 PM
So Trump's plan is to get an all Democrat Congress if the current GOPs don't follow him.

What a plan.

The point is that Trump promised a lot of things, and some of them weren't typical GOP line items. Despite having the majority, the Republicans can't seem to put together a winning coalition. This debt-ceiling thing showed that Trump and the Dems apparently can. I don't think anyone thinks it will be a permanent or even frequent thing. There's more than one way to skin a cat, though, and the more Trump tries to go to the Left, the more people on the Right will break with Ryan in order to get reelected. More importantly, the more he works with Dems, the more he can extract from them. Things like environmental regulations and tax breaks that he and the GOP agree on could very well go through without a fight because it's all part of the process.

I'm not old enough to say this with full confidence, but I'm pretty sure that before Congress became this bad, that's sort of what the president did. He pushed his agenda while giving and taking with both sides of the legislature. It's not like only one ideology's bills ever got passed.

09-07-2017, 12:08 PM
Yeah, I'd have to be convinced he's really working some long triangulation game rather than concluding he just wanted to stick it to GOP congress for making him look ineffective.

I think it's just a coping mechanism on my part, just as it was when I was trying to be optimistic after his victory speech when he hinted at a new stimulus package. I still think the title of this thread is off-base. Trump didn't give up anything by taking the deal, even if he doesn't fully appreciate what he could gain from it.

09-07-2017, 12:13 PM
Upbeat Trump raves to Schumer, Pelosi about news coverage of their deal

The president called the Democratic leaders after striking a budget deal that Republicans hate.

By JOSH DAWSEY (http://www.politico.com/staff/josh-dawsey)
09/07/2017 11:42 AM EDT
Updated 09/07/2017 12:06 PM EDT

Many Republicans were furious with President Donald Trump's budget deal Wednesday, stunned that the president quickly gave in to Democratic demands to pair hurricane relief with a three-month debt limit hike — though getting nothing in return.

But in calls with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Thursday morning, Trump raved about the positive news coverage it had received, according to people familiar with the calls, and he seemed very pleased with his decision.

Trump specifically mentioned TV segments praising the deal and indicated he'd been watching in a call with Schumer, two people said. And he was jovial in a call with Pelosi and agreed to send a tweet she asked for about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, these people said, while also mentioning the attention the deal had gotten. He indicated to both leaders he would be willing to work together again.

"He seemed super upbeat," one person familiar with the calls said.

Another person familiar with the calls said Trump told Pelosi her coverage was even better than his. “The press has been incredible,” Trump said.

Pelosi herself bragged that she had gotten results after asking him to tweet reassurances that Dreamers shouldn't worry about being deported over the next six months while lawmakers try to secure a DACA fix.

“I was telling my colleagues, ‘This is what I asked the president to do,' and boom boom boom, the tweet appeared," she said at a news conference Thursday.


09-07-2017, 12:16 PM
Yeah, I'd have to be convinced he's really working some long triangulation game rather than concluding he just wanted to stick it to GOP congress for making him look ineffective.


Why Did Trump Shiv the GOP?

Donald Trump’s core drive is dominance. We see that in his politics which is revanchist and destructive and in its less dire manifestations driven by a zero sum vision of human and economic relations. For me to win, you have to lose. The more fluid and collaborative aspects of human interaction seem entirely lost on Trump. This is why he is the leader of the revanchist, racist far right.

But the political or ideological manifestations are secondary to the personal one. Trump needs to dominate people. Clearly Trump felt that McConnell and Ryan are not serving him well enough or loyally enough or both. So he lashed out or tried to damage them. Schumer and Pelosi were simply the most convenient cudgels available.


09-07-2017, 12:18 PM
I don't even know what Trump's agenda is. He goes out and pretends to have some major announcement on tax reform, then gives the tired "we'll say something about it in two weeks." His campaign promise was universal health care, then he just let congress fail at repeal and replace without going to bat for it. He's ending DACA but giving congress six months to revive it. It's too much to expect him to make sense.

09-07-2017, 12:29 PM
Again, it was an objectively great decision. Congress is as unpopular as it's ever been, and no one's going to give a fuck in 2020 that he pissed off Ryan and McConnell three years before. People will remember (because he won't stop talking about it) that he broke from his party and got more aid to the people affected by Harvey. That's going to be a great talking point when the Dems clear the field for Kamala or some other shill most people hate.

Now it's an open question if the US will still be a nation and not a smoldering pile of nuclear waste by then, but if we're still here, it'll be to his advantage. The only surprising thing is really that he was able to recognize a win-win when it showed itself.

09-07-2017, 12:37 PM
A lot of ppl coming out and praising Trump now :lmao

Minds blown :lol

09-07-2017, 12:41 PM
A lot of ppl coming out and praising Trump now :lmao

Minds blown :lol
Trumps mind is blown. "Fake news Hillary Clinton media" praising something he did. So is their praise fake news?

09-07-2017, 12:47 PM
Trumps mind is blown. "Fake news Hillary Clinton media" praising something he did. So is their praise fake news?

And Shitlery Clintons mind is not blown? "Bernies attacks caused me to lose my election :cry my team wouldnt allow me to defend myself :cry Trump standing behind me hurt my feelings :cry Putin personally hacked my election because he hates me :cry"


09-07-2017, 12:49 PM
And Shitlery Clintons mind is not blown? "Bernies attacks caused me to lose my election :cry my team wouldnt allow me to defend myself :cry Trump standing behind me hurt my feelings :cry Putin personally hacked my election because he hates me :cry"




09-07-2017, 12:51 PM
President Trump not KKKlinton

The better candidate won

We dodged a bullet.

:tu deal

09-07-2017, 01:05 PM
Damn :lol


09-07-2017, 01:26 PM
Damn :lol

905845105709469697:lol He's praising Trump. His mind blown. :lmao

deal :tu

09-07-2017, 02:11 PM

09-07-2017, 02:35 PM

09-07-2017, 03:07 PM

ding ding ding ding

09-07-2017, 03:45 PM
Every Democratic senator voted yes on the Trump/Schumer/Pelosi Harvey-debt ceiling deal. 17 Republicans voted no.

09-07-2017, 03:46 PM

09-07-2017, 04:09 PM
Every Democratic senator voted yes on the Trump/Schumer/Pelosi Harvey-debt ceiling deal. 17 Republicans voted no.
So do you agree with Schumer/Pelosi or do you disagree with trump?

09-07-2017, 04:11 PM
So do you agree with Schumer/Pelosi or do you disagree with trump?


09-07-2017, 09:12 PM
That makes no sense. There wasn't a denial in my post; nothing that should even be confused with one. I was simply ridiculing your originality. Frankly, such ignorant and whiny comments belie your narrative about our relative intelligences.

I must say though, I do like how you have now juxtaposed the "Fuzzy isn't as smart as he thinks he is" narrative with accusations of arrogance. Perhaps some introspection will illuminate the irony for you. I find it delicious, snowflake.

Lol.....didn't read

09-07-2017, 09:38 PM
DERP DERP DERP I spend inane amounts of time building statements with loaded language to boost my self esteem and try to seem more intelligent than I really am on a shit troll board. When called out for this obvious character flaw, I employ infantile tactics often found on school yards, and when I am proven wrong, I go into hiding. It's not because I'm "busy" as I claim, it's because I have a fragile psyche and my juvenile coping and defense mechanisms don't help. Despite this accurate synopsis of my sad self, I will claim this was stated because they are butt hurt by my self-perceived ownage of them. I work them the way I fix biotech machinery like the over glorified grease monkey wrench boy I really am.


09-07-2017, 10:27 PM
President Donald Trump's deal with Democratic leadership to pass an increase in the debt ceiling and deliver Hurricane Harvey aid to Texas could ultimately help the administration's tax reform agenda, political commentator Michael Reagan said Thursday.

In an interview with "Newmax Now" hosts Bill Tucker and Carol Roth on Newsmax TV, the son of the late President Ronald Reagan said the dealmaking should surprise no one — and conservatives should stop griping about it.

"He went where he needed to go to get the deal done — and that's exactly what he did," Reagan said.

"If you need 60 votes, you're going to need the Democrats, and that's where he went, and I think that ultimately it could be a very good thing for Donald Trump as we go into tax reform and getting taxes done."

09-07-2017, 10:30 PM

09-07-2017, 10:32 PM
We will see

09-07-2017, 10:33 PM
Reagan does not like the president

09-07-2017, 10:33 PM
Reagan argued conservatives "go nuts" when Trump does not "act conservative," but that is because the president is "really not a conservative."

"He's president of the United States, not an ideologue, and he wants to get things done," Reagan said. "He knows the art of the deal, and he wanted to make a deal to get this behind him to be able to move forward, and he was able to do that by working with [Senate Majority Leader Charles] Schumer and [California Democratic Rep. Nancy] Pelosi."

09-07-2017, 10:52 PM
Trump Was So Happy With Coverage of Dem Debt Deal He Called Pelosi and Schumer to Gush

He picked up the phone and called the two Democratic congressional leaders,

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California.

“The press has been incredible,” he gushed to Ms. Pelosi,

according to someone briefed on their call.

He was equally effusive with Mr. Schumer,

boasting that even Fox News was positive.


... but he made a lot enemies who will be voting on his impeachment and conviction.

09-07-2017, 11:08 PM
Stop dreaming

09-07-2017, 11:18 PM
Some Republicans are celebrating Trump's embrace of Democrats, saying House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have not been productive enough.

"He's given Ryan and McConnell every opportunity to actually do something and they've clearly not been up to literally anything," Ned Ryun, who worked in the George W. Bush administration, told The Hill.

baseline bum
09-07-2017, 11:25 PM
Man Trump doesn't give two shits about the GOP. Besides, it's great press for him to get a Harvey aid package done quickly while reaching across the aisle as opposed to having McConnell and Ryan tack a lot of extra crap onto it knowing it's must pass legislation.

09-07-2017, 11:46 PM

Rent free. I'm sure it was a cool story but I didn't read it. You should learn how to separate into paragraphs.

09-08-2017, 01:27 AM
Every Democratic senator voted yes on the Trump/Schumer/Pelosi Harvey-debt ceiling deal. 17 Republicans voted no.

So do you agree with Schumer/Pelosi or do you disagree with trump?

09-08-2017, 06:27 AM
Man Trump doesn't give two shits about the GOP. Besides, it's great press for him to get a Harvey aid package done quickly while reaching across the aisle as opposed to having McConnell and Ryan tack a lot of extra crap onto it knowing it's must pass legislation.

Exactly. This is the first time since taking office that Trump looked like the guy his (non-supremacist) supporters believed he would be. He hasn't done anything to "drain the swamp", but breaking from his party and doing the obvious right thing in getting the bill done without delay is the kind of middle finger to Washington politics that people wanted someone to send.

baseline bum
09-08-2017, 06:45 AM
Exactly. This is the first time since taking office that Trump looked like the guy his (non-supremacist) supporters believed he would be. He hasn't done anything to "drain the swamp", but breaking from his party and doing the obvious right thing in getting the bill done without delay is the kind of middle finger to Washington politics that people wanted someone to send.

Other than this move Trump has pretty much been the guy I expected him to be (eg lazy, farming shit out like when he let Ryan write his healthcare bill), though worse. I expect this will be a one-off thing and he'll go right back to being a piece of shit again.

09-08-2017, 07:05 AM
Other than this move Trump has pretty much been the guy I expected him to be (eg lazy, farming shit out like when he let Ryan write his healthcare bill), though worse. I expect this will be a one-off thing and he'll go right back to being a piece of shit again.

Yeah, so far he's been the exact wrong mix of conservative and populist. But we'll see. Seems like the most effective way of distracting from Russia that he's ever tried. So he may keep it up for a bit longer.

09-08-2017, 07:34 AM
distraction? for a day or two, but it's already history.

Trash's big prize, as it is for the Repugs and oligarchy, is a tax "reform", aka, massive tax cut for wealthy and BigCorp, which means Trash will pocket $100Ms, even $Bs in coming years.

But Trash's shitty businesses are apparently almost all "pass thru" corporations meaning he's been paying, if anything, personal tax rates, not business tax rates.

09-08-2017, 07:59 AM
Minds blown :lmao

09-08-2017, 11:46 AM
In a vicious segment on Fox News, the Republican knives come out for Paul Ryan (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/9/7/1696855/-In-a-vicious-segment-on-Fox-News-the-Republican-knives-come-out-for-Paul-Ryan)

Fox News host Lou Dobbs took his laser-focused hatred off of Hillary Clinton for one segment and aimed his white hot vitriol in an unusual place—right at Speaker Ryan.

This is something else. Because somehow, some way, Trump doing a deal with Democrats behind Ryan’s back makes Paul Ryan a RINO (Republican in name only)?

Republican House members are reportedly discussing how to get the Boy Wonder out of the Speaker's chair: (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/gingrich-or-santorum-as-speaker-house-conservatives-plot-mischief-for-the-fall/2017/09/07/8df6ab60-9316-11e7-aace-04b862b2b3f3_story.html?utm_term=.ddb4dc43b3d9)

Several influential House conservatives are privately plotting ways to use the legislative calendar this fall to push their hard-line agenda — including quiet discussions about possibly mounting a leadership challenge to House Speaker Paul D. Ryan.

The group has gone so far as to float the idea of recruiting former House speaker Newt Gingrich or former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum as potential replacements for Ryan (R-Wis.) should there be a rebellion. The Constitution does not require that an elected member of the House serve as speaker.

While the chances that a non-House member could mount a credible threat to Ryan are exceedingly slim, the fact that the group has even toyed with the idea underscores their desire to create trouble for GOP leaders if they believe their demands are not being addressed.


The Kock Bros want one of the whores in the Freedom Kockus to be Speaker

09-08-2017, 12:11 PM
Feeling powerful after his anti-Repug deal with the Dems, Trash making plenty of enemies in the ranks that will be voting to impeach and convict him.

Trump Just Tweeted About Republican “Death Wish” In A Friday Morning Rant

he is raking his Congressional minions over the coals for an inability to repeal Obamacare after campaign on it for seven years.

He’s right that this is a pathetic display of political ineptitude —

less for the failure to deliver than the error of promising to steal healthcare —

but can you think of anyone else who campaigned on repealing Obamacare and failed?

Of course: Trump himself.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/874276197357596672/kUuht00m_normal.jpgDonald J. Trump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)
(https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)✔@realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)

Republicans, sorry, but I've been hearing about Repeal & Replace for 7 years, didn't happen!

Even worse, the Senate Filibuster Rule will....

7:41 AM - Sep 8, 2017 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/906135414498631680)

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/874276197357596672/kUuht00m_normal.jpgDonald J. Trump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)
(https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)✔@realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)

...never allow the Republicans to pass even great legislation.

8 Dems control -

will rarely get 60 (vs. 51) votes.

It is a Repub Death Wish!

7:46 AM - Sep 8, 2017 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/906136682952568832)


09-08-2017, 12:18 PM
Donald switching parties.

It'd actually be a good thing if he were independent

09-08-2017, 05:22 PM
Yeah, so far he's been the exact wrong mix of conservative and populist. But we'll see. Seems like the most effective way of distracting from Russia that he's ever tried. So he may keep it up for a bit longer.

I disagree (from my pov) - he nominated Gorsuch to the SC. I'm okay with the Harvey relief - not the debt ceiling but that was the price for the speedy relief which buys Trump brownie points. Hurricane Harvey might just be the best thing that ever happened to Trump - hardly a word about Russia and Resist now.

09-09-2017, 02:42 AM
And I suspect that he will do the same for DACA (because he really does want them to stay) but probably Sessions has told him that he cannot pick and choose which laws to follow - he must follow all of them. I'm okay with that too but the Republicans must get something in return - I want them to do away with the automatic increase in spending in EVERY department every year. If the Republicans are smart and learn from this Harvey/debt ceiling lesson, they'll come to the table ready to negotiate or get nothing like they did this time. Either way, Trump will get credit for solving the problem.

09-09-2017, 06:45 AM
And I suspect that he will do the same for DACA (because he really does want them to stay) but probably Sessions has told him that he cannot pick and choose which laws to follow - he must follow all of them. I'm okay with that too but the Republicans must get something in return - I want them to do away with the automatic increase in spending in EVERY department every year. If the Republicans are smart and learn from this Harvey/debt ceiling lesson, they'll come to the table ready to negotiate or get nothing like they did this time. Either way, Trump will get credit for solving the problem.

He already had his chance to "do the same for DACA" but decided to let that become a prolonged political fight instead. I'm going to mostly leave alone the idea that Trump cares about following every single law, since I can't see that being a constructive branch of conversation. What is will say is that I don't think what Trump did with the Harvey aid affects the Republican negotiating position too much. Harvey aid HAD to pass quickly. DACA does not. It doesn't have to pass at all. I don't think Trump will be in a position where he's desperate for a deal on it unless that becomes his main pressure point over the next few months. The GOP will be able to strong-arm the Dems into a good deal.

Why you think that should be the case is more troublesome to me. I simply can't imagine voting for Trump while also trying to push Washington strategy. What was the point in picking him if it's the same old, same old, trade lives for favors business Congress has been into since slavery was still a thing? I can understand someone rejecting DACA on principle. But to use people's lives as part of a political play should be what makes people so sick of Washington. Deport them or don't, but don't use them as trade chips.

09-09-2017, 07:23 AM
So Trump's plan is to get an all Democrat Congress if the current GOPs don't follow him.

What a plan.

Wouldnt surprise me. He's a life-long Democrat and he's comfortable crossing to either side. Plus he gets along with Pelosi and Schumer better than Ryan and McConnell. He's donated to Schumer more than any other politician.

baseline bum
09-09-2017, 07:31 AM
I disagree (from my pov) - he nominated Gorsuch to the SC. I'm okay with the Harvey relief - not the debt ceiling but that was the price for the speedy relief which buys Trump brownie points. Hurricane Harvey might just be the best thing that ever happened to Trump - hardly a word about Russia and Resist now.

Gorsuch isn't Trump's accomplishment, it's McConnell's. McConnell is the one who decided the president doesn't have the authority to attempt to fill supreme court vacancies. McConnell is the one who stole Obama's nomination, not Trump.

09-09-2017, 10:40 AM
He already had his chance to "do the same for DACA" but decided to let that become a prolonged political fight instead. I'm going to mostly leave alone the idea that Trump cares about following every single law, since I can't see that being a constructive branch of conversation. What is will say is that I don't think what Trump did with the Harvey aid affects the Republican negotiating position too much. Harvey aid HAD to pass quickly. DACA does not. It doesn't have to pass at all. I don't think Trump will be in a position where he's desperate for a deal on it unless that becomes his main pressure point over the next few months. The GOP will be able to strong-arm the Dems into a good deal.

Why you think that should be the case is more troublesome to me. I simply can't imagine voting for Trump while also trying to push Washington strategy. What was the point in picking him if it's the same old, same old, trade lives for favors business Congress has been into since slavery was still a thing? I can understand someone rejecting DACA on principle. But to use people's lives as part of a political play should be what makes people so sick of Washington. Deport them or don't, but don't use them as trade chips.

Maybe I was not clear in my previous post. I don't think that Trump cares about following any law (not an idealogue/stickler/Constitutionalist) but (a probable insistent) Sessions and Trump's base does and so he didn't "do the same for DACA." He wants WINS (via deals) so he has passed the responsibility along to Congress and if they do something (which I think they now will - there are enough Repubs and all the Dems will vote for it), then he just follows the law - again, that's what his base wants - to follow the law.

As far as your last paragraph is concerned - Trump promised to look out/work for American citizens which DACA people aren't. Trump's base is sick and tired of non-American citizens coming before them. Where is the compassion for all the American citizens suffering under sky-high Obamacare premiums and deductibles? And why should the conversation come back to slavery - their parents FREELY brought them here illegally. Like it or not, that's what politics (and life) SHOULD be - trade one thing for another - compromise - you can't get everything you want - give and take. DACA is not a hill I'm willing to die on and if it can get some conservative fiscal deal done - I'm all for it.

If this is indeed Trump's new strategy - it's how I envisioned he would be as President - not an ideologue (because a true Democrat or a true Republican just could not do this). By now, he has learned that these RINOs are not his friends (see that back-stabbing McCain). Pick popular "compassionate" problems like Harvey Relief and DACA - prove that he can get things done - that he's not so scary after all - keep working on getting the economy going (all with the goal of getting re-elected) - maybe corporate tax cut/repatriation and eVerify in exchange for non-criminal amnesty. After that, maybe infrastructure. This is why I voted for Trump - to get things done - no true Repub or Dem would do it because they are all too rooted in ideology or too susceptible to pressure from their party/donors - Trump really isn't - neither party is his friend - he just has to do what's good for the American people and shouldn't that be what we ALL want?

I think Trump's end game is tax reform (including ESTATE tax repeal which will affect his family greatly) and legacy. Think what the above approach and actually getting stuff done for the American people will do with the independents (which are the majority now) and the moderates of both parties.

From my pov, my end game is a thriving economy where the American Dream (opportunity/good jobs) is alive for my kids. But eight years of stacking the Supreme Court with young conservatives and hopefully pass the baton to Pence or Haley - that wouldn't be bad either. How's that for wishful thinking :-)

This hurricane must be affecting my mind - all this pie in the sky stuff. But thank God, it seems like the worst will not hit Miami/Ft. Lauderdale. Just have to worry now about ds in Gainesville.

09-09-2017, 11:07 AM
And Chinook, I appreciate you respectfully seeking to learn how the other side thinks. It's very refreshing - too often, one gets bashed on this board just for having a different opinion.

09-09-2017, 12:59 PM
Gorsuch isn't Trump's accomplishment, it's McConnell's. McConnell is the one who decided the president doesn't have the authority to attempt to fill supreme court vacancies. McConnell is the one who stole Obama's nomination, not Trump.

I give McConnell credit for delaying until the election. But it was Trump who won the election. If Hillary had won, what would McConnell have done - delay for 4 years? - he could never justify that. IMO, the nomination of Gorsuch is Trump's accomplishment.

baseline bum
09-09-2017, 01:24 PM
I give McConnell credit for delaying until the election. But it was Trump who won the election. If Hillary had won, what would McConnell have done - delay for 4 years? - he could never justify that. IMO, the nomination of Gorsuch is Trump's accomplishment.

Delaying? You mean stealing the appointment. What's another four years after refusing to have a vote on the president's candidate for one year? McConnell stealing that seat was a huge reason Republicans held their nose and voted for that fat piece of shit. If there was no open supreme court swing seat Trump would have gone down in flames.

09-09-2017, 01:41 PM
Gorsuch isn't Trump's accomplishment, it's McConnell's. McConnell is the one who decided the president doesn't have the authority to attempt to fill supreme court vacancies. McConnell is the one who stole Obama's nomination, not Trump.

Poor Trumpies only card is the Gorsuch one.

And even that wasn't him entirely. It had more to do with McConnell being a snake and holding up Obama's nomination for like an entire year.

He's the only reason we have Gorsuch.

09-09-2017, 02:00 PM
Delaying? You mean stealing the appointment. What's another four years after refusing to have a vote on the president's candidate for one year? McConnell stealing that seat was a huge reason Republicans held their nose and voted for that fat piece of shit. If there was no open supreme court swing seat Trump would have gone down in flames.

When it comes down to a choice between Hillary and Trump, many Republicans (especially evangelicals) would have voted for Trump just for the Supreme Court - regardless of any open seat - just look at the advanced ages (84, 81, 79 and 80 [Scalia]) of some of the justices. Let's not pretend that if the situation were reversed, Reid wouldn't have done the exact same thing that McConnell did or that some Democrats didn't hold their noses while voting for Hillary. IMO, the election decided who would nominate the next SC justice - not McConnell - he just handed that decision off to the American people. I'm sure McConnell (like all the pollsters, establishment - pretty much everyone including myself) thought that Hillary would win.

09-09-2017, 02:05 PM
Poor Trumpies only card is the Gorsuch one.

And even that wasn't him entirely. It had more to do with McConnell being a snake and holding up Obama's nomination for like an entire year.

He's the only reason we have Gorsuch.

It's enough - and will far outlast any fleeting 4 or 8 year presidential term. Gorsuch just turned 50 - hopefully that's 30 years on the SC.

baseline bum
09-09-2017, 02:12 PM
When it comes down to a choice between Hillary and Trump, many Republicans (especially evangelicals) would have voted for Trump just for the Supreme Court - regardless of any open seat - just look at the advanced ages (84, 81, 79 and 80 [Scalia]) of some of the justices. Let's not pretend that if the situation were reversed, Reid wouldn't have done the exact same thing that McConnell did or that some Democrats didn't hold their noses while voting for Hillary. IMO, the election decided who would nominate the next SC justice - not McConnell - he just handed that decision off to the American people. I'm sure McConnell (like all the pollsters, establishment - pretty much everyone including myself) thought that Hillary would win.

Oh fuck off with your false equivalences. McConnell was the one who did something unprecedented by ignoring the senate's duty to consider nominees to the court. The American people decided who should get to fill that supreme court seat when they elected Obama in 2012 but McConnell could give a shit, he was nothing but an obstructionist. McConnell won Trump the election with his chickenshit move.

09-10-2017, 12:34 PM
POTUS doesn't follow convention, gets chided by forum posters for being weak.

POTUS follows convention, gets chided by forum posters for being a partisan hack.

Some of you don't know whether to shit or go blind.

09-10-2017, 12:39 PM
Cool James Woods post there brah

Joseph Kony
09-10-2017, 12:50 PM
"this is trump telling the senate we need to get things done!"

:lmao :lmao aren't you the same fucktards claiming trump has done more in 6 months than obama in 8 years?

09-10-2017, 12:55 PM
POTUS follows convention, gets chided by forum posters for being a partisan hack.

Yeah, conventional is definitely the word I'd use to describe his partisanship...

09-10-2017, 01:17 PM
Yeah, conventional is definitely the word I'd use to describe his partisanship...

This doesn't make sense.

09-10-2017, 01:36 PM
This doesn't make sense.

Sure it does. You're acting like Donald Trump is just doing what every other President has done when it comes to following the party line. Like George W. Bush was out there calling his predecessor a criminal, calling the media the enemy of the people, and spreading conspiracy theories from InfoWars.

You can't stretch this into some kind of hypocrisy from liberals. He's an idiot, a blowhard, and a weak president, so it's legitimate to chide him for his actions regardless of which "side" it benefits.

But yeah, I know, it's lame to post on the forum about stuff isn't it? What difference are we making?

09-10-2017, 01:44 PM
Sure it does. You're acting like Donald Trump is just doing what every other President has done when it comes to following the party line. Like George W. Bush was out there calling his predecessor a criminal, calling the media the enemy of the people, and spreading conspiracy theories from InfoWars.

You can't stretch this into some kind of hypocrisy from liberals. He's an idiot, a blowhard, and a weak president, so it's legitimate to chide him for his actions regardless of which "side" it benefits.

But yeah, I know, it's lame to post on the forum about stuff isn't it? What difference are we making?

You chide someone regardless of their decisions, you're not even discussing politics any longer. If he ran for the DNC instead, you'd be blowing him here with every alt you own.

09-10-2017, 01:52 PM
You chide someone regardless of their decisions, you're not even discussing politics any longer. If he ran for the DNC instead, you'd be blowing him here with every alt you own.

Weak ad hominem

09-10-2017, 01:57 PM
Weak ad hominem

Shut the fuck up. No one here gives 2 shits about anything you say.

09-10-2017, 02:11 PM
:cry Shut the fuck up. :cry No one here gives 2 shits about anything you say.

09-10-2017, 06:53 PM
JV poster trying to bow up. :lol

09-10-2017, 11:16 PM
Trash's only priority is himself, that's why he got the debt limit out of the way, to get to huge tax cuts for himself.

09-11-2017, 01:01 AM
Clintons complained the presidents salary was nothing but came out with millions

09-11-2017, 11:09 AM
JV poster trying to bow up. :lol

You pretending not to give 2 shits about what I post. :lol :lol

09-11-2017, 12:27 PM
(https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/9/10/1697517/-Trump-s-response-to-Hurricane-Irma-I-m-going-to-ask-for-a-speed-up-on-dramatic-tax-cuts)Told ya: (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/9/10/1697517/-Trump-s-response-to-Hurricane-Irma-I-m-going-to-ask-for-a-speed-up-on-dramatic-tax-cuts)

Trump's response to Hurricane Irma: 'I'm going to ask for a speed up' on 'dramatic tax cuts' (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/9/10/1697517/-Trump-s-response-to-Hurricane-Irma-I-m-going-to-ask-for-a-speed-up-on-dramatic-tax-cuts)

“We will discussing our plan for dramatic tax cuts and tax reform.

And I think now with what’s happened with the hurricane, I’m going to ask for a speed-up,”

Trump said at the opening of a cabinet meeting at Camp David.

“I wanted a speed-up anyway but now we need it even more so.”

We often joke that the Republican plan for every occasion is to simply demand tax cuts. In the midst of war? Cutting taxes on the wealthy will ease the pain. Health insurance spiraling out of control? Tax cuts for the wealthy will cure what ails. Rampant unemployment? Tax cuts for the wealthy will bring back the jobs. Multiple hurricanes lash the Gulf Coast?

Before the eye of the second one even grazed the coast, it was already tax cut time.


Trash is in it only for himself.

09-11-2017, 01:15 PM
Clintons complained the presidents salary was nothing but came out with millions


09-11-2017, 01:20 PM
:lol ducks speaks about as well as hector too

09-11-2017, 01:25 PM
:lol ducks speaks about as well as hector too

:lol nah Hector can spell... in English