View Full Version : I heard the Justice League movie sucked

LaMarcus Bryant
11-17-2017, 02:02 PM
That true?

11-17-2017, 02:04 PM
Seeing it tomorrow night

11-17-2017, 02:08 PM
DC sucks in general, so it probably does.

The Gemini Method
11-17-2017, 02:08 PM
If it has Gal Gadot in it, I'll watch...

11-17-2017, 02:23 PM
i heard the wonder twins weren't in it.

11-17-2017, 04:09 PM
Getting roasted pretty good at rotten tomatoes

11-17-2017, 04:46 PM
just saw it,

its a meh.

Ben Affleck trying his best to sabotage the movie but the rest of the Justice League crew is actually pretty good, especially Aquaman.

Just don't like Zack Snyder movies, and this is a classic Zack Snyder movie for better and for worse.


11-17-2017, 05:02 PM
DC is Hit, miss, miss, miss, miss, hit.

11-17-2017, 05:18 PM
superher:lol m:lolvies

11-17-2017, 06:07 PM
Aside from Wonder Woman every DC movie has sucked since the Dark Knight Trilogy

11-17-2017, 06:37 PM
superher:lol m:lolvies

i agree... lame ass movies indeed. there's been like 2 in all of existence that were worth while.

11-17-2017, 06:51 PM
i don't think it was as bad as they're saying it was. Affleck took a step back from BVS but still wasn't that bad, Mamoa was decent gadot was decent flash was decent bordering on meh. Cyborg had a story arc. I'd say the movie was worth it.

11-17-2017, 08:09 PM
DCEU really needs someone with a real long term vision, like Kevin Feige for MCU, spearheading their projects.

They already fucked up by skipping the solo movies for Batfleck, Flash and Cyborg and jumping straight to a team up. These solo movie for Batman and Flash didn't even have to be origin stories since the Nolan trilogy and the TV show already gave them a base for the casuals. This would've helped Suicide Squad as well, since those baddies would've could've been used in the solo movies before having them eventually team up in SS. This would've added more depth to their characters. Instead, WB basically threw a hail mary on their first play desperately hoping for a 20pt TD so they can catch up to MCU.

Fortunately the upcoming Flash Point movie gives them a chance to fix a lot of their issues. But this is Warner Bros, so they'll inevitably make it worse.

11-17-2017, 08:58 PM
DCEU really needs someone with a real long term vision, like Kevin Feige for MCU, spearheading their projects.

They already fucked up by skipping the solo movies for Batfleck, Flash and Cyborg and jumping straight to a team up. These solo movie for Batman and Flash didn't even have to be origin stories since the Nolan trilogy and the TV show already gave them a base for the casuals. This would've helped Suicide Squad as well, since those baddies would've could've been used in the solo movies before having them eventually team up in SS. This would've added more depth to their characters. Instead, WB basically threw a hail mary on their first play desperately hoping for a 20pt TD so they can catch up to MCU.

Fortunately the upcoming Flash Point movie gives them a chance to fix a lot of their issues. But this is Warner Bros, so they'll inevitably make it worse.

Damn Lefty...

You are the man of analysis of movies I can't stand to watch.
But you make me want to.


11-17-2017, 09:18 PM
Why John Jones the Martian Manhunter gets no love? Hell, his stuff was always stuck in the back of a Superman or Batman, all 4/5 pages.

He did belong to the legit JLA with Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Superman, Batman. He was actually only inferior to Superman in powers.

This flick diesn't rev my engines at all, and I am a fantasy, sword & sorcery, comic book hero fan.

Lin Carter's...Thongor...saga and the Elric of Melniborne (Albino with a vampire blade Stormbringer) epic by Brit Michael Moorcock, would be perfect for the big screen.

Rassler Roman Reigns (shave beard) would make the perfect Conan.

LaMarcus Bryant
11-20-2017, 09:37 AM
just saw it,

its a meh.

Ben Affleck trying his best to sabotage the movie but the rest of the Justice League crew is actually pretty good, especially Aquaman.

Just don't like Zack Snyder movies, and this is a classic Zack Snyder movie for better and for worse.


Man wtf happened to Snyder
I enjoyed tha fuck outta 300, and I thought Sucker Punch was underrated. Now he's a flopping joke.
10 years to go from one of the best up and comers to a total joke. Smh.

11-20-2017, 09:59 AM
Wasn't great, wasn't necessarily bad either. One those "there are much worse ways to spend an afternoon" movies. If you are a casual fan of the genre you will get what you are looking for.

11-20-2017, 10:14 AM
Saw Thor this weekend. I felt like I was watching a live comic book. They were cracking jokes the whole time and had a bit of an 80s sci-fi vibe too. It was a good time watching this flick.

All the DC movies are so serious. They need to lighten up a ton.

Joseph Kony
11-20-2017, 10:41 AM
They actually did lighten up JL because all of the DC movies are so edgy and dark...that being said, I agree with benefactor, it wasnt great, but it wasnt terrible. if you were looking for a way to kill an afternoon with your girl/family/whatever, not a bad movie to see imo

11-20-2017, 10:49 AM
In most cases, a box-office debut approaching $100 million in North America would be cause for celebration.

But at Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment, no one was popping open the champagne to toast*Justice League, the big-budget superhero mashup that opened domestically*to a sobering $96 million over the weekend*after once having grand ambitions of matching rival Marvel's*The Avengers*series....



11-20-2017, 06:29 PM
Man wtf happened to Snyder
I enjoyed tha fuck outta 300, and I thought Sucker Punch was underrated. Now he's a flopping joke.
10 years to go from one of the best up and comers to a total joke. Smh.

Was Sucker Punch good, really? I've watched it three times and every time I come off entertained with the action but the lack of an actual plot is pretty glaring.

300 holds up pretty well, but the second one is trash- I thought that when I saw it in theaters.

Watchmen, Man of Steel, and Batman Vs. Superman all have good action scenes but he movies are all meh for me.

11-20-2017, 06:36 PM
They actually did lighten up JL because all of the DC movies are so edgy and dark...that being said, I agree with benefactor, it wasnt great, but it wasnt terrible. if you were looking for a way to kill an afternoon with your girl/family/whatever, not a bad movie to see imo

If that is their idea of a light DCU movie then that's a pretty bad attempt, not very funny and the Flash got repetitive after a while. Aquaman was surprisingly good but the movie was mediocre.

Even some of the the darker MCU movies like Captain American 2 & 3 still have subtle humor mixed into the seriousness that doesn't seem like desperate attempts at laughter.

11-20-2017, 06:39 PM
Saw Thor this weekend. I felt like I was watching a live comic book. They were cracking jokes the whole time and had a bit of an 80s sci-fi vibe too. It was a good time watching this flick.

All the DC movies are so serious. They need to lighten up a ton.

Thought Thor was fucking great tbh. 4th on my comic book rankings behind Captain American Winter Soldier, Captain American- Civil War & Logan

11-20-2017, 06:55 PM
Thor was awesome. Maybe top 5 on my MCU list.

I had a few minor problems with it, like how loki is just a lame street magician compared to Strange, why the big funeral for Thor mom but not dad or fighting buddies, where's lady Sith (?), and what happened to the eternal flame?

LaMarcus Bryant
11-21-2017, 08:12 AM
Reading r/DCEU is fuckin gold. They're having a meltdown of epic proportions.

11-21-2017, 12:31 PM
I haven't seen it but I can confirm that it sucked.

11-21-2017, 12:33 PM
Here's my top superhero movies (in no order)

Guardians of the Galaxy
Die Hard
Fault in Our Stars
Logan (haven't seen it yet)
Bob's Duster House
Batman Begins
Blind "Willie" Lemmon
Wonder Woman

11-21-2017, 01:10 PM
Here's my top superhero movies (in no order)

Guardians of the Galaxy
Die Hard
Fault in Our Stars
Logan (haven't seen it yet)
Bob's Duster House
Batman Begins
Blind "Willie" Lemmon
Wonder Woman

Can't believe you don't list office space

11-21-2017, 02:48 PM
Logan (haven't seen it yet)

It's the best one on your list

11-21-2017, 05:23 PM
Next page.

11-21-2017, 05:23 PM
Here's my thing; most movies suck on DVD. You go to the theater for the big screen and surround sound that enhances these otherwise shitty movies. That said, would anyone still not recommend seeing Justice League for under $10?

Also, more people are telling me Thor is better. Thoughts?

11-21-2017, 05:52 PM
Fuck that movie.. as soon as I saw Batman's little "ears" or whatever the fuck they are I was done

This is Batman you mother fuckers:


11-21-2017, 09:06 PM
It wasn't terrible, but lol at Cavill's cgi'd off stache and cg teeth. I thought Ezra Miller was good as Flash.

11-22-2017, 05:41 AM
I thought it was decent. Entertaining. CGI could have been better.

Whenever I watch a DC movie I try not to compare it to the Marvel stuff too much because Marvel obviously are light years ahead.

11-22-2017, 12:37 PM

Man of Steel 6.5/10
Batman vs Superman 5.5/10
Suicide Squad 1/10
Wonder Woman 7/10
Justice League 5.5/10

DCEU Average Score 5.1/10

Iron Man 8/10
Incredible Hulk 5/10
Iron Man 2 5.5/10
Thor 7.5/10
CA:TFA 7.5/10
Avengers 9/10
Iron Man 3 5.5/10
Thor: TDW 5/10
CA: TWS 9/10
GotG 9/10
Avengers: AoU 6/10
Ant-Man 7/10
CA: Civil War 9/10
Doctor Strange 7.5/10
GotG Vol. 2 5.5/10
Spider-Man 8/10
Thor: Ragnarok 9/10

MCU Average Score 7.2/10

11-22-2017, 12:43 PM

Man of Steel 6.5/10
Batman vs Superman 5.5/10
Suicide Squad 1/10
Wonder Woman 7/10
Justice League 5.5/10

DCEU Average Score 5.1/10

Iron Man 8/10
Incredible Hulk 5/10
Iron Man 2 5.5/10
Thor 7.5/10
CA:TFA 7.5/10
Avengers 9/10
Iron Man 3 5.5/10
Thor: TDW 5/10
CA: TWS 9/10
GotG 9/10
Avengers: AoU 6/10
Ant-Man 7/10
CA: Civil War 9/10
Doctor Strange 7.5/10
GotG Vol. 2 5.5/10
Spider-Man 8/10
Thor: Ragnarok 9/10

MCU Average Score 7.2/10

No Deadpool? That was a great one.

11-22-2017, 12:48 PM
No Deadpool? That was a great one.

Though Deadpool is a Marvel character, he isn't part of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) which is why I didn't include it. Instead of Disney/Marvel, I believe Fox owns the film rights to characters such as Deadpool, Wolverine, the X-Men and Fantastic Four. But I agree, it was a fun movie.

LaMarcus Bryant
11-22-2017, 01:37 PM
It wasn't terrible, but lol at Cavill's cgi'd off stache and cg teeth. I thought Ezra Miller was good as Flash.


11-22-2017, 01:51 PM
Though Deadpool is a Marvel character, he isn't part of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) which is why I didn't include it. Instead of Disney/Marvel, I believe Fox owns the film rights to characters such as Deadpool, Wolverine, the X-Men and Fantastic Four. But I agree, it was a fun movie.

Ah...didn't know that.

11-22-2017, 07:12 PM

it looked like mr potato head at times, it is hilarious.

11-22-2017, 08:34 PM

Man of Steel 6.5/10
Batman vs Superman 5.5/10
Suicide Squad 1/10
Wonder Woman 7/10
Justice League 5.5/10

DCEU Average Score 5.1/10

Iron Man 8/10
Incredible Hulk 5/10
Iron Man 2 5.5/10
Thor 7.5/10
CA:TFA 7.5/10
Avengers 9/10
Iron Man 3 5.5/10
Thor: TDW 5/10
CA: TWS 9/10
GotG 9/10
Avengers: AoU 6/10
Ant-Man 7/10
CA: Civil War 9/10
Doctor Strange 7.5/10
GotG Vol. 2 5.5/10
Spider-Man 8/10
Thor: Ragnarok 9/10

MCU Average Score 7.2/10

Pretty good ratings though, for me:

Thor 1 is a 5.5
Doctor Strange is a 7
GotG is a 7
Iron Man 2 and 3 are both at 7

11-22-2017, 08:40 PM
It wasn't terrible, but lol at Cavill's cgi'd off stache and cg teeth. I thought Ezra Miller was good as Flash.

Kinda one note tbh. Aquaman was pretty good, tbh and Gadot, of course.

11-23-2017, 03:45 AM
it looked like mr potato head at times, it is hilarious.

I want to go see the movie in theaters to fully appreciate this, tbh.. :lol