View Full Version : Olberman drops the mike

11-28-2017, 02:39 PM
Pick one of the seven ways, he gives Trump less than 18 months.

As I reported here as long ago as April 4, the most specifically qualified expert alive on the subject of prosecuting a president, my friend, the Nixon White Counsel John Dean, put it to me very simply. Mueller is not shooting down. Mueller does not make a deal with Flynn to get Paul Manafort. He does not make a deal with Flynn to get Jared Kushner. He does not make a deal with Flynn to get Trump Jr.

Mueller makes a deal with Flynn… to get Donald Trump. Period.

The Flynn deal report suggests Mueller has completely assembled the backbone of his case and is now just hanging the meat from it. And just as importantly, if Flynn has merely considered a deal from Mueller, it almost necessarily means Flynn either doesn’t believe he would get a pardon from Trump, or that Mueller—as I’ve also reported here— has succeeded in finding a way around Trump’s pardon power, and either of these near-certainties spell Trump’s doom.

So that’s the most obvious of the seven ways for Trump to go. Mueller really will get him on Russia. ...

The second way is—as I’ve also repeatedly suggested here—that Mueller doesn’t really need to prove anything about Trump and Russian sabotage of the election. There seems to be so much obstruction of justice, from the firing of James Comey to the lies about Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russians, that it’s hard to pick out a key player in the Trump inner circle who couldn’t be guilty of it. Trump could be impeached on just obstruction of justice and a few lesser charges. Nixon was about to be. Or, there is the third way.


A modified version of this is, of course, the fourth possible outcome: that even if Mueller is months away from his denouement, the Republicans will impeach or remove Trump by spring purely to save their own asses. I’ll say it again. Richard Nixon was not forced out of office by Democrats; not really even by Watergate. Democrats controlled the Senate and House every day that Nixon was president. They could’ve impeached him at any point. He resigned when the leading Republicans went into the White House and told him that not only would he be impeached and convicted, but he would take all of them down with him and they weren’t going to let him do that.
So that’s the fourth way out: Trump becomes more of an albatross to Republicans—and more importantly more of a rallying cry to the Democrats—and the Republicans remove him before the midterms and then boastfully run for re-election on having removed him.

The fifth end-game is the same thing, only faster; the Republicans around him pull off that palace coup that is perfectly legal under the 25th Amendment and Mike Pence and Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell eject Trump by simply stating he’s unfit and getting their majorities to agree he’s unfit and if you don’t think Pence and Ryan and McConnell would do that, you didn’t see Trump’s crazy tweet about the Man of the Year award, and you don’t know Pence and Ryan and McConnell.

The sixth means by which Trump leaves early is, of course, that if the Republicans don’t impeach Trump before the midterms, the Democrats will be able to after them. If Virginia and New Jersey and Oklahoma are indicators, the Democrats could take the house and might need as few as 25 vulnerable Republicans in the Senate to vote guilty, to remove him from office.

Now, there’s a new, seventh, path to destruction for Trump and it has bubbled up from the sewer of his life recently and even with how Teflon he has been on this subject, it seems hard to believe the dam won’t break. His sexual conduct. As not one snowball but a decade’s worth of them have come down that hill wiping out all the sleazebags and emboldening and empowering the victims it seems impossible to believe that some claimant somewhere doesn’t have tangible evidence against Trump, and that they won’t say to hell with it and break one of those non-disclosure agreements and Trump will suddenly be envying Harvey Weinstein. Trump himself inadvertently has hinted at this.

The New York Times buried the lead on this over the weekend. But it reported that earlier this year Trump told a senator that the Access Hollywood tape was a fake. And he has said it again recently to a White House staffer.

He’s obviously trying to work the refs of public opinion, in advance, for whatever is coming next—from a woman, or from Russia. So, I don’t see any way out for Trump.
Seven freight trains rushing at him. He might avoid a few. He might avoid six of them. He’s not going to dance his way out from under all seven.


Thank you for all the kind words and all the support. Have fun stormin’ the castle. My work here is done.
Matter of fact, so is Trump’s.
Resist. Remove. Peace.


11-28-2017, 02:51 PM
It all depends on what these guys that are flipping have. I can see his point about not taking deals for lateral convictions of other inner circle members though. That does make sense.

12-03-2017, 01:47 AM

Also: Pity Post