View Full Version : Aldridge: Future Hall-of-Famer?

TD 21
11-30-2017, 07:39 PM
Before you dismiss it offhand, consider the standards in place and some of the previous selections. Then consider this: As much as advanced stats are mainstream, it's still mostly older types voting for these sorts of things and it likely to remain so for the foreseeable future, which means counting stats still rule the day.

He has a good chance at 20, 000 points and I believe only Chambers and Jamison have broken that threshold without inclusion. He's also on track to make his 6th All-Star and 5th All-NBA appearance respectively.

Since he's the exact archetype who generally avoid catastrophic injury and ages well, think it comes down to this: Does he have one signature playoff run? As well as he's playing, that's probably what's required to repair his reputation. They don't necessarily have to beat Warriors or win a championship in the near future, but they probably need to come close.

11-30-2017, 07:42 PM
Of course, you have Yao Ming and lots of bums, is not that hard today.

11-30-2017, 07:44 PM
So many unqualified college coaches make it, why not Aldridge?

11-30-2017, 07:49 PM
Of course, you have Yao Ming and lots of bums, is not that hard today.

11-30-2017, 08:33 PM
I'd like for it to happen for sure.
If he has one playoff signature series let it be against the warriors. Kawhi will dominate for sure, but a single player cannot take a machine like that by himself. GOAT Lebron got overwhelmed when both Kyrie and Love got injured 3 seasons ago? so yea team needs Aldridge to be epic.

12-01-2017, 01:00 AM
Since he's the exact archetype who generally avoid catastrophic injury and ages well, think it comes down to this: Does he have one signature playoff run? As well as he's playing, that's probably what's required to repair his reputation. They don't necessarily have to beat Warriors or win a championship in the near future, but they probably need to come close.

Well T-Mac the second round virgin until he signed with the Spurs and scored zero points for them made it. So who says playoff success is needed?

12-01-2017, 01:19 AM
I think it's entirely possible. I also can hope he has a significant playoff run in the future. It will probably require an injury in the Bay Area similar to the bad luck we endured last year before we can win it all, but anything can happen.

12-01-2017, 01:36 AM
I think he can get in. He's in that tier of players like a Bernard King/Alex English/Mitch Richmond/TMac tier. They were all considered franchise players at sometime in their career, had multiple All NBA and All star games and the numbers were solid. Throw in his college awards and He's in, but more than likely not first ballot.

A little behind your Mutombos and Mourings but compared to other players in his era, he has a better shot than Amare, and depending on how his career ends, is a notch above Dwight.

John B
12-01-2017, 01:44 AM
While I don’t agree TMac getting HOF not even 5 years removed (he played 2013), he was several times scoring leader like AI. I guess that counts. I don’t know about Yao but maybe what he represents to the global market. If LMA plays 5 more years hopefully getting 2 championships with Kawhi, it’s not impossible.

12-01-2017, 02:36 AM
Yao Ming in the HoF :lmao. Good call.

12-01-2017, 03:50 AM
If he stays healthy and puts up numbers for 3 to 4 more years OR the Spurs win a title while he's a significant contributor, he's in. Maybe in anyway.

NameLess Scrub
12-01-2017, 07:42 AM
Currently, I care more about his signature playoffs than his HOF induction.

12-01-2017, 09:38 AM
Yes, I would say he has a pretty good chance of making it, a title would solidify it though.

12-01-2017, 11:58 AM
Before you dismiss it offhand, consider the standards in place and some of the previous selections. Then consider this: As much as advanced stats are mainstream, it's still mostly older types voting for these sorts of things and it likely to remain so for the foreseeable future, which means counting stats still rule the day.

He has a good chance at 20, 000 points and I believe only Chambers and Jamison have broken that threshold without inclusion. He's also on track to make his 6th All-Star and 5th All-NBA appearance respectively.

Since he's the exact archetype who generally avoid catastrophic injury and ages well, think it comes down to this: Does he have one signature playoff run? As well as he's playing, that's probably what's required to repair his reputation. They don't necessarily have to beat Warriors or win a championship in the near future, but they probably need to come close.

If he's a HOF he was a HOF 21 games ago...but you wouldn't have dared to make this thread during the off-season or once he signed his extension...

Prisoner of the moment?

12-01-2017, 02:35 PM
Interesting question because first thought is no, but there may be an argument in a few years if he can have several more good seasons and add a few more individual honors and awards. I don't really think a signature playoff campaign is the difference unless it's in a championship run. Statistically, a similar career at this point to Chris Webber but not quite as good, and Webber around this time in his career suffered those knee injuries that didn't allow him to play at a high "statistical" level after the age of 31-32.

20,000 points is a nice, round number. But should also realize that number is going to start getting surpassed by more and more non HOF caliber players in years to come. Kids leaving college after freshman year, starting their NBA careers at 19 years old, they have several more years to stat pad their career totals. Case in point, Joe Johnson already cleared 20k. Jamal Crawford as a career bench player has a very good chance at reaching 20k next season should he stay healthy and continue to get minutes. I think voters will start to realize that 20,000 points isn't quite the HOF milestone marker some may argue it is.

TD 21
12-01-2017, 06:22 PM
Well T-Mac the second round virgin until he signed with the Spurs and scored zero points for them made it. So who says playoff success is needed?

McGrady was once a top 5 player though. Aldridge topped out as top 15, which means he'll have to make it more based on longevity and accomplishments than peak.

If he's a HOF he was a HOF 21 games ago...but you wouldn't have dared to make this thread during the off-season or once he signed his extension...

Prisoner of the moment?

Just came to mind. Like virtually any Spurs fan, he's annoyed me at various times, but I've actually been more forgiving than most.

Also, didn't say he should in an ideal world, just that he's got a better chance than most probably realize due to precedent.

Interesting question because first thought is no, but there may be an argument in a few years if he can have several more good seasons and add a few more individual honors and awards. I don't really think a signature playoff campaign is the difference unless it's in a championship run. Statistically, a similar career at this point to Chris Webber but not quite as good, and Webber around this time in his career suffered those knee injuries that didn't allow him to play at a high "statistical" level after the age of 31-32.

20,000 points is a nice, round number. But should also realize that number is going to start getting surpassed by more and more non HOF caliber players in years to come. Kids leaving college after freshman year, starting their NBA careers at 19 years old, they have several more years to stat pad their career totals. Case in point, Joe Johnson already cleared 20k. Jamal Crawford as a career bench player has a very good chance at reaching 20k next season should he stay healthy and continue to get minutes. I think voters will start to realize that 20,000 points isn't quite the HOF milestone marker some may argue it is.

In his specific case, a signature playoff run is probably required. Webber topped out as a top 10 player, briefly on the fringes of the MVP race. Again, different standard.

I could careless about 20,000 points or any other specific counting stats threshold . . . but clearly, it's played a part to this point.