View Full Version : Look At This Dumb Racist Trump Ambassador Getting Dunked On By Mean Dutch Reporters

01-11-2018, 06:18 PM
Fox News breeds painful ignorance. It has come back to bite the country in the ass.

I present your new Ambassador to the Netherlands:


In December, a Dutch journalist asked Hoekstra about comments he made in 2015, alleging that The Netherlands is full of “no-go zones,” where non-Muslims aren’t even allowed to go, and that all the Dutch politicians get set on fire all the time, by the Muslims:

HOEKSTRA: I didn’t say that. That is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that. No, it’s not what I said!

When that happened in December, the Dutch journalist proceeded to SHOW HOEKSTRA THE CLIP OF HOEKSTRA SAYING THE DUMB STUFF, then asked, “You call that fake news?” To which Hoekstra responded:

HOEKSTRA: I didn’t call that fake news. I didn’t use the words today.


HOEKSTRA: I don’t think I did.

And then the Dutch journalist literally exploded because of the bullshit. RIP that Dutch journalist, who is now dead of explosion!

Fast forward to this week, when Dutch reporters decided to ask Hoekstra more questions about “no-go zones” and Dutch politicians who are aflame. And oh, did they ask him questions! They refused to stop asking him questions, and he just stood there like a guy who can’t find his wooden shoes with both hands (common Dutch joke! unless it isn’t), refusing to answer the questions. But sir, tell us about everybody being on fire! Tell us about the neighborhoods you are scared of! Show us on the doll where the fiery Dutch “no-go zones” touched you! :lol

At one point, a journalist asked Hoekstra to read a John Adams quote about “honest and wise men” on the fireplace mantle behind him, and in light of that, whether he would take back his comments about “no-go” zones. Hoekstra’s response was to read the quote and then say “thank you”:

Read more at https://wonkette.com/628167/look-at-this-dumb-racist-trump-ambassador-getting-dunked-on-by-mean-dutch-reporters

"best people" :rolleyes

01-11-2018, 06:20 PM
This is a remarkable exchange, as reported by the Washington Post:

“If you’re truly an honest and wise man, could you please take back the remark about burned politicians or name the politician that was burned in the Netherlands?” [journalist Roel] Geeraedts asked.

An uncomfortable silence followed the question.

“Thank you,” Hoekstra said, before trying to call on someone else over the clamor of the reporters in the room.

“Excuse me, I asked you a question,” Geeraedts said.

Another journalist jumped in.

“Mr. Ambassador, can you mention any example of a Dutch politician who was burned in recent years?”

Again, silence, as Hoekstra stared around the room.

“This is the Netherlands, you have to answer questions,” another reporter said.

Read more at https://wonkette.com/628167/look-at-this-dumb-racist-trump-ambassador-getting-dunked-on-by-mean-dutch-reporters#wOFFjPi2BiHQlZz7.99