View Full Version : Judith Miller's 15 Minutes Not Up Yet

10-19-2005, 04:13 AM
Bridgeview used car salesman Muhammad Salah recalls being beaten, housed in a "refrigerator cell" and threatened with rape by Israeli soldiers until he admitted to bankrolling overseas terrorists, according to a new filing in U.S. District Court.

In an odd twist, the interrogation was witnessed by embattled New York Times reporter Judith Miller, and defense attorneys suggested Monday the best way for the U.S. government to prove its case -- and prove Salah wasn't abused -- is to call the controversial journalist to the witness stand.<snip>

Sun Times (http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-salah18.html)

If you remember, Judith Miller was involved in another controversy when she tipped off some Islamic "charities" that the FBI was investigating them before the FBI could seize their assets. The FBI thought that the charities were actually front groups for terrorists - but by notifying them ahead of time, the charities had a chance to destroy evidence before the FBI could find it. In a twist of fate, Fitzgerald was also the prosecutor who charged the charity. How could she be covering for both Israeli agents and Islamic front groups?