View Full Version : Merit based immigration crowd is also anti-H1B visa lol

01-16-2018, 02:39 PM
Anyone else noticed this? Lmao can't make this shit up

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 02:46 PM
What part of “Fuck off were full” don’t you people understand? Yes, it’s just you.

01-16-2018, 02:48 PM
What part of “Fuck off were full” don’t you people understand? Yes, it’s just you.

Then don't say you want merit based dumbass

01-16-2018, 02:51 PM
What part of “Fuck off were full” don’t you people understand? Yes, it’s just you.
tbh I really can’t wait for the white genocide to commence.

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 03:01 PM
Then don't say you want merit based dumbass
We want merit based when talking about unskilled people, while also limiting skilled immigration. It’s not hard. Not your country, ours.

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 03:03 PM
tbh I really can’t wait for the white genocide to commence.
Both halves of your identity are about to go to war :lol you gonna fight for motherland against king picklebreath bro?

01-16-2018, 03:06 PM
Both halves of your identity are about to go to war :lol you gonna fight for motherland against king picklebreath bro?
:lol thinking there's going to be a fight

just go to work, go home, fuck your wife, repeat

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 03:09 PM
:lol thinking there's going to be a fight

just go to work, go home, fuck your wife, repeat
That’s what your ancestors said in turkey. Too much ethnic tension here, something could give

01-16-2018, 03:10 PM
That’s what your ancestors said in turkey. Too much ethnic tension here, something could give

Which person is using this account? :lol

01-16-2018, 03:11 PM
That’s what your ancestors said in turkey. Too much ethnic tension here, something could give
:lol not even remotely comparable, and armenians always knew turks hated their guts. they had been conquered and treated as second rate citizens for centuries.

the closest comparison was the jim crow south. THAT's who should be afraid, not whitey :lol

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 03:12 PM
:lol not even remotely comparable, and armenians always knew turks hated their guts. they had been conquered and treated as second rate citizens for centuries.what is slavery?

01-16-2018, 03:29 PM
what is slavery?
i think this one is common knowledge

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 03:37 PM
i think this one is common knowledge
No shit. Are you for real right now? Really this stupid? There’s bad blood here also, I mean it
could happen. I’m just having fun messing with you guys I don’t hope it happens, but it could.

01-16-2018, 03:41 PM
That’s what your ancestors said in turkey. Too much ethnic tension here, something could give


01-16-2018, 03:43 PM
No shit. Are you for real right now? Really this stupid? There’s bad blood here also, I mean it
could happen. I’m just having fun messing with you guys I don’t hope it happens, but it could.
i just dont get what kind of uprising you're picturing tbh

you think the US govt is going to sponsor white genocide? you're just insane imo. genocide like we had in germany/turkey doesnt just come from "tension" its when the government sanctions the mass killing. it wasnt a bunch of turkish/german civilians going around murdering jews/armos :lmao

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 03:44 PM
i just dont get what kind of uprising you're picturing tbh

you think the US govt is going to sponsor white genocide? you're just insane imo. genocide like we had in germany/turkey doesnt just come from "tension" its when the government sanctions it
Nah just race riots

01-16-2018, 03:45 PM
Nah just race riots
did the million man march terrify you, tbh?

01-16-2018, 03:48 PM
afraid of a little genocide.


Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 03:50 PM
afraid of a little genocide.

I mean, could get ugly. You don’t think so? Nothing bad could ever happen? I guess I stand corrected. Funny how whites are so evil until it’s time to be evil then it’s laughably impossible.

01-16-2018, 03:57 PM
I mean, could get ugly. You don’t think so? Nothing bad could ever happen? I guess I stand corrected. Funny how whites are so evil until it’s time to be evil then it’s laughably impossible.
well as long as the shit for brains, racist POS whites continue to die off, the threat is ever declining

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 04:00 PM
well as long as the shit for brains, racist POS whites continue to die off, the threat is ever declining
But only big city liberal whites are dying off

01-16-2018, 04:04 PM
But only big city liberal whites are dying off
old are dying, young taking their place

basically, people who were pissed off about the civil rights act are dying off.

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 04:07 PM
old are dying, young taking their place

basically, people who were pissed off about the civil rights act are dying off.
Alt right is mostly young though.

01-16-2018, 04:18 PM
I mean, could get ugly. You don’t think so? Nothing bad could ever happen? I guess I stand corrected. Funny how whites are so evil until it’s time to be evil then it’s laughably impossible.

if anything bad comes my way.....it will meet my mossberg 930 spx tactical....while blasting "the end" on my riva turbo x.......all lit up from my philips hue lighting system.

01-16-2018, 04:27 PM
Alt right is mostly young though.

Alt right is mostly made up of losers. Guys who're stuck career-wise or don't have a job, have non-existent love lives, poor social skills, spend hours on reddit / 4chan / gaming. The alt right movement gives them a handy excuse to blame Jews, feminists, minorities and liberals for their own failure.

They prefer discussing Mein Kampf anonymously over the internet, but are too cowardly / lazy to make a difference in the real world. They know they'll lose too, but 4chan is their little delusional safe space where they can pretend they have a chance to win.

01-16-2018, 04:37 PM
Alt left is mostly made up of losers. People who're stuck career-wise and weren't hugged enough or don't have a job, have non-existent love lives, poor social skills, spend hours on reddit / 4chan / gaming so they try to be something different- transgender, socially "woke"- ANYTHING that makes them feel more important than they really are. The alt left movement gives them a sense of belonging and faux moral superiority as they blame whites, CIS males, big corporate (apparently big corporate is ONLY on the Right)Christians and Trump for everything they disagree with in the world.

They prefer discussing things that are wrong in the world anonymously over the internet but do nothing beyond "protesting" because they are cowardly and believe in the safety of numbers and are too lazy to make a difference in the real world. They know they're losing and enabled the rise of white nationalism further because no one wants to participate in their little delusional safe spaces where they can pretend they are socially and morally superior.

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxATEhUSEhEVFRIXFRYVFRcWFhUVGBUXFRcXFhUWFR UYHiggGBolHRUVITEiJSkrLi4uGB8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0N Fw8QFSsZFRk3LS0tKysrLSstLSstKysrNy0tKy0tLS0rLS03LT ctLS0tKzcrKysrKysrKzcrKysrK//AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGB//EADoQAAEDAgQDBQUHBQADAQAAAAEAAhEDIQQSMUEFUWETInGBo QYykbHRFCNCUmLB8AdyguHxFTOSsv/EABcBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgP/xAAbEQEBAQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAARESITECQf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A6pCELswEIQihCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBC EIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIIhUKUPKhBTgpq4lDk6Uw FLKaHJUxOBVQsIQklAqEiUICEoCQJQgXKlDUAKRrUDMicKSma1 OkBQQjDp32YJ32hswNeQufgmvxYH8j5q6D7MEw0FIMVOl/Np/dKK3Q/AqaIDSTSxWBUadCkcFNVWITZUrmqJyimlyQvKHJhQL2hSdqU0l NUEnanolUUoTQBPTAlBWhIEoKYCllEPBSpoSgrSHSklCQoFlKE xOAQOBT2pgCcFNErQh1UBVamIiw1WJjuLnNkpQ58kFxgtYeg/E4c9B11U0bGN4oymJe7LOgN3H+1ouR106rEqccrVS4UKJIAu5/esNy0d0eBJhRihRoVRVqj7RmB1mMxi5BN40vZVaeND3uywASe7 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FqQhRVYUYS5VKUwoGkJpTimoESJSkQCEkpUD06EicgY5qqYjDy r8JrmqprBBfScHsJBBkFpgg8wdl1/BfbJjxkxPceRHbMAzGPztj10WNVw4Ky8Vw86iyYj1JlKRmpEVW atewh0k7v0FoF9fgqFbCE5wHQWTJY0CXjQ2v/wBXmuGx+JoGWPc28yCf+FbFD2+q3FZjag0uC1x8229FjFjq6mH c8jNAZJuWAk5WkG4vqDPgFHh8M45rtsCTDHN0IJsTMwVUw39QM L2QpOw7wGj8FWCLzZ1jvzTqfttgBpQrGb3rT5Tm06HVMpcbVDg LaomoW2jKb98ETm6E8lLX4FkBDWkh0FsNccpFjJAtIPh3Vgn+p tFk5KB7x/E+Y8ABYXlYnFP6iYusIpu7MfoAEj+4y75JlOnccYqYeiM9Wt2T zcsBBLo07l4P6vVcNxr2qfUHZUAWUyIsSXH+93W9lgtoVapJcT fXW/iTda+C4cG7Kz5XVfA4E+87VbVGlCWnThTgLbIAToSJZQIkhKSk UoaUhSppKjRrlGU9xTCUDSU0pSmoBNKVNRQhCEEwSqX7I/8AL8k4YV/5VWUaWFL9mfyS/Z38lURZUGkCpxh3ckvYO5IKFTBNKp1uCMK3OxdyR2DuSDl3+zL dimj2XHNdV2DuSOwdyTBzdL2cYNVeocKY3QLW7B3JHYu5IKjMO ApQxTii7kg0nckEQCVP7F3JHYu5IGoT+ydyR2LuSCMpCpOxdyS Gg7klEUpimNB3JIcO/ks4qAqMqwcM/wDKmnCP/L8kxVdNVk4Sp+X5Jv2Op+X1CCuUisHBVPy+oSfYqn5fUfVBXQr H2Kr+X1H1Qh020IQujIQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhC AQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCIEIQoBCEKqEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQg EIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQg//9k=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-A1TsJrRog7o/TtZXynZ63tI/AAAAAAAABZs/bH3kDUoJIVI/s1600/2-sided-coin-1.gif

01-16-2018, 04:38 PM
I mean, could get ugly. You don’t think so? Nothing bad could ever happen? I guess I stand corrected. Funny how whites are so evil until it’s time to be evil then it’s laughably impossible.Who is whitey going to genocide this time?

01-16-2018, 04:39 PM
I know you are but what am I?!?!

01-16-2018, 04:41 PM
More like the flip side of the coin.

01-16-2018, 04:41 PM
Chuch with the goods. AaronY with the typical bads :lol

01-16-2018, 04:42 PM
Sometimes Aaron brings some goods. He doesn't whiff a lot like some people...

01-16-2018, 04:45 PM
We want merit based when talking about unskilled people

What part of “Fuck off were full” don’t you people understand?

01-16-2018, 04:45 PM
What part of “Fuck off were full” don’t you people understand?


01-16-2018, 04:47 PM
Sometimes Aaron brings some goods. He doesn't whiff a lot like some people...
Did you add that coin later? lol the bernie bros are the trump bros yin and yang in some ways. Both hate elites and refuse to listen to reason about a lot of topics. If you try to reason with a bernie bro on economics they pretend the whole science is "fake news" meant to screw over the poor tbh and refuse to listen

Mark Celibate
01-16-2018, 04:47 PM
What part of “Fuck off were full” don’t you people understand?
What people?

01-16-2018, 04:48 PM
What people?
Are you white today?

01-16-2018, 04:50 PM
Did you add that coin later? lol the bernie bros are the trump bros yin and yang in some ways. Both hate elites and refuse to listen to reason about a lot of topics. If you try to reason with a bernie bro on economics they pretend the whole science is "fake news" meant to screw over the poor tbh and refuse to listen

The first coin pic didn't take, so I had to paste another one, you tagged me while I was editing.I did a post like that the other day where I edited a pro-left comment to reflect the pro-right side of the coin. Hypocrisies on both sides, both have their contingencies of really, really sad people.

01-16-2018, 04:56 PM
if anything bad comes my way.....it will meet my mossberg 930 spx tactical....while blasting "the end" on my riva turbo x.......all lit up from my philips hue lighting system.

Clammer may I come stay with you?
I will bring the marshmallows, chocolate, and Graham "Crackers"

No seriously, we hole up, they try to lay siege to us and tempt us with Twinkies, hah! We decline any offers.
Preparedness of the great White militia... We just brush off attempts to reason with us with chocolate smiles. We F'N take a Federal ferret habitat in -30 degrees below weather. What could go wrong...

01-16-2018, 04:58 PM
Alt right is mostly young though.
yeah and the alt right doesn't accomplish shit. its still the old guard that is actually running the show in washington.

you really think young voters won trump the election? :lol

01-16-2018, 04:58 PM
Fuck both.

01-16-2018, 04:58 PM
Are you white today?


Celibates are often ill-tempered.

01-16-2018, 04:59 PM
http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxATEhUSEhEVFRIXFRYVFRcWFhUVGBUXFRcXFhUWFR UYHiggGBolHRUVITEiJSkrLi4uGB8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0N Fw8QFSsZFRk3LS0tKysrLSstLSstKysrNy0tKy0tLS0rLS03LT ctLS0tKzcrKysrKysrKzcrKysrK//AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGB//EADoQAAEDAgQDBQUHBQADAQAAAAEAAhEDIQQSMUEFUWETInGBo QYykbHRFCNCUmLB8AdyguHxFTOSsv/EABcBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgP/xAAbEQEBAQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAARESITECQf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A6pCELswEIQihCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBC EIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIBCEIIhUKUPKhBTgpq4lDk6Uw FLKaHJUxOBVQsIQklAqEiUICEoCQJQgXKlDUAKRrUDMicKSma1 OkBQQjDp32YJ32hswNeQufgmvxYH8j5q6D7MEw0FIMVOl/Np/dKK3Q/AqaIDSTSxWBUadCkcFNVWITZUrmqJyimlyQvKHJhQL2hSdqU0l NUEnanolUUoTQBPTAlBWhIEoKYCllEPBSpoSgrSHSklCQoFlKE xOAQOBT2pgCcFNErQh1UBVamIiw1WJjuLnNkpQ58kFxgtYeg/E4c9B11U0bGN4oymJe7LOgN3H+1ouR106rEqccrVS4UKJIAu5/esNy0d0eBJhRihRoVRVqj7RmB1mMxi5BN40vZVaeND3uywASe7 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8VA0kWv5SFe4b/AFLxVPuvLKgG7gWn4i3p5LYb/U2k9sVKBH9lS/xBaVrknFy2HovFbNlvJjxO4HNaPEOHViMsPcDDhINpnQGSOvgt 1vt5hRJZhWgi9+xB8pfPwChxH9Rw33KFNpdcntA4k/qDW69Cdk5JxVODex2LdDnNyt/W4D01XSijgcGxpxDmvrAAZW3k6Q1oErisf7a4qqLVHN6MGSP8t fgsNlN7zLnOJ5kn5qWrPl0ntH7YVsR91THZ0bjKNTt3iPksPD4 fmpsPhFfp0VnW0dGlCsBqUNTkCISpEAhCEDoUdVqlSEIMfF0jq LEXC9G9kOJ0sXTyVB980DNtmA0cFxNelKz6depQqCrTMOB/ghVLJXonE+GtzRToiNyQXAXIAEHWZ/2sHiHC+zLnMANKZ0DhMcjqLFanBMezFQWuyvcR2tKYF/edTJ5xoOd73WjVFN2+b8LaY2gCWxqHSLnYN+M3GccUK7XuyhrG ti4AhttzJKny0mkd6BE90h2bwZPrbxWjxHgVw5h75dBaNAbfUL POHdTdo14BhwBi+l481ehTfDjDWjXRxLtrnSAfROZkyhuR7uoy kXv72YXnolxVYgwGBvQT8CeX85g0j2h2KuC4GDLkaMpGocASRz mYPyUrWU8gDw6wM3a1szrlt8LqlSD5AP7iD0Oy0PsNV7QC+xgD M4a7ABPCIXvkgAbDLDRMnYOmTpIM7paWBY5zm1WuD5hpNg122Y cifhZaeH4U5mXutyXFTd0g94T+GxHxC26NF09maeep7rXOBy5B o57uY0O5sRus36akYvC/Z17e7UIzOPuXuBZxtcET8xusj20x1IxhMM0Cmw98jRz+n6R6la ftFx9lIOo0DnqO7tWpJMAWDGHoDE7XHVc5w7BmcxFypNvoyaXA nHZP/wDAu5FdbSpQpQxaxHIN4C7kVPS4GRsupypMqYrEo8JAVungwFo FqQhRVYUYS5VKUwoGkJpTimoESJSkQCEkpUD06EicgY5qqYjDy r8JrmqprBBfScHsJBBkFpgg8wdl1/BfbJjxkxPceRHbMAzGPztj10WNVw4Ky8Vw86iyYj1JlKRmpEVW atewh0k7v0FoF9fgqFbCE5wHQWTJY0CXjQ2v/wBXmuGx+JoGWPc28yCf+FbFD2+q3FZjag0uC1x8229FjFjq6mH c8jNAZJuWAk5WkG4vqDPgFHh8M45rtsCTDHN0IJsTMwVUw39QM L2QpOw7wGj8FWCLzZ1jvzTqfttgBpQrGb3rT5Tm06HVMpcbVDg LaomoW2jKb98ETm6E8lLX4FkBDWkh0FsNccpFjJAtIPh3Vgn+p tFk5KB7x/E+Y8ABYXlYnFP6iYusIpu7MfoAEj+4y75JlOnccYqYeiM9Wt2T zcsBBLo07l4P6vVcNxr2qfUHZUAWUyIsSXH+93W9lgtoVapJcT fXW/iTda+C4cG7Kz5XVfA4E+87VbVGlCWnThTgLbIAToSJZQIkhKSk UoaUhSppKjRrlGU9xTCUDSU0pSmoBNKVNRQhCEEwSqX7I/8AL8k4YV/5VWUaWFL9mfyS/Z38lURZUGkCpxh3ckvYO5IKFTBNKp1uCMK3OxdyR2DuSDl3+zL dimj2XHNdV2DuSOwdyTBzdL2cYNVeocKY3QLW7B3JHYu5IKjMO ApQxTii7kg0nckEQCVP7F3JHYu5IGoT+ydyR2LuSCMpCpOxdyS Gg7klEUpimNB3JIcO/ks4qAqMqwcM/wDKmnCP/L8kxVdNVk4Sp+X5Jv2Op+X1CCuUisHBVPy+oSfYqn5fUfVBXQr H2Kr+X1H1Qh020IQujIQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhC AQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCAQhCIEIQoBCEKqEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQg EIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQgEIQg//9k=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-A1TsJrRog7o/TtZXynZ63tI/AAAAAAAABZs/bH3kDUoJIVI/s1600/2-sided-coin-1.gif

Interesting that you rationalize your group of losers by pointing to another group of losers. At least you have some self-awareness

01-16-2018, 05:00 PM
Interesting that you rationalize your group of losers by pointing to another group of losers. At least you have some self-awareness


01-16-2018, 05:07 PM
Interesting that you rationalize your group of losers by pointing to another group of losers. At least you have some self-awareness

LOL. Stereotypes.

01-17-2018, 12:10 AM
Interesting that you rationalize your group of losers by pointing to another group of losers. At least you have some self-awareness


01-27-2018, 12:08 PM

01-27-2018, 01:24 PM
We want merit based when talking about unskilled people, while also limiting skilled immigration. It’s not hard. Not your country, ours.

The Harvard-Harris poll also showed that people want immigration under 500K per year.

01-27-2018, 01:48 PM
The Harvard-Harris poll also showed that people want immigration under 500K per year.
What part of “Fuck off were full” don’t you people understand?

01-27-2018, 02:11 PM
What part of “Fuck off were full” don’t you people understand?

I don't make a pretense about "understanding" your spazz.

01-27-2018, 02:42 PM
There is no doubt we need immigrants. The issue is whether we get skilled immigrants that want to assimilate or we get immigrants that are a burden to society. Its an easy +/- calculation.

Axl Rose
01-27-2018, 03:05 PM
There is no doubt we need immigrants. The issue is whether we get skilled immigrants that want to assimilate or we get immigrants that are a burden to society. Its an easy +/- calculation.
Ugh CC boomer posting again. Any non white immigrant contributes to our downfall.

01-27-2018, 03:08 PM
Ugh CC boomer posting again. Any non white immigrant contributes to our downfall.

Bullshit. Who said anything about white except you?

Are you such a racist that you think you have to be white to be a productive member of society?

01-27-2018, 03:22 PM
Ugh CC boomer posting again. Any non white immigrant contributes to our downfall.

Using skill as the criteria would probably let in non-whites like Indians and Chinese - why are you so stuck on race and color of skin? And they probably won't end up on welfare or be protesting in the streets.

01-27-2018, 03:28 PM
fuck 'em all

Axl Rose
01-27-2018, 04:39 PM
Bullshit. Who said anything about white except you?

Are you such a racist that you think you have to be white to be a productive member of society?
Dude, if you let in more and more non whites eventually the entire country is going to be unrecognizable. It’s just suicide. Suicide of your people and nation and history. Who said anything about racism? I don’t hate these other groups, but they all have their homogenous homelands that are 99% their ethnicity meanwhile this is all you and I have got.

Axl Rose
01-27-2018, 04:42 PM
Using skill as the criteria would probably let in non-whites like Indians and Chinese - why are you so stuck on race and color of skin? And they probably won't end up on welfare or be protesting in the streets.
What difference does that make? They’ll still contribute to changing the ethnic and cultural makeup of the country. I don’t want that, I like my people and I liked my country the way it was. Even if they don’t immediately come in and commit crimes there are still tons of other ways they have an impact. When I walk down the street I want to see happy white families and smile and wave, not some pajeet or Pablo who I have zero connection with other than geographic proximity.

01-27-2018, 04:46 PM
What difference does that make? They’ll still contribute to changing the ethnic and cultural makeup of the country. I don’t want that, I like my people and I liked my country the way it was. Even if they don’t immediately come in and commit crimes there are still tons of other ways they have an impact. When I walk down the street I want to see happy white families and smile and wave, not some pajeet or Pablo who I have zero connection with other than geographic proximity.

hope you don't live in the medical district of NW SATX then.

Axl Rose
01-27-2018, 05:14 PM
hope you don't live in the medical district of NW SATX then.
No, but it’s pretty much the same thing in every urban area in America. People always say oh well you’re racist you’re hateful etc but I bet if they returned home to visit and everything was foreign they’d be depressed and outraged. White people are being ethnically displaced and the loss of cultural confidence is causing us to not even breed. We all know millennials now in their 30s single no kids and scraping by. But don’t say it’s this or that party’s economic policies at fault because the other groups breed even in extreme poverty and the whites pay for it. It’s a serious ethno-cultural loss of confidence and self assuredness that is allowing this to happen.

01-27-2018, 05:45 PM
No, but it’s pretty much the same thing in every urban area in America. People always say oh well you’re racist you’re hateful etc but I bet if they returned home to visit and everything was foreign they’d be depressed and outraged. White people are being ethnically displaced and the loss of cultural confidence is causing us to not even breed. We all know millennials now in their 30s single no kids and scraping by. But don’t say it’s this or that party’s economic policies at fault because the other groups breed even in extreme poverty and the whites pay for it. It’s a serious ethno-cultural loss of confidence and self assuredness that is allowing this to happen.

I suggest you move further north. That's what people did here in South Florida. It doesn't bother me - Cubans are more like Jamaicans (family oriented) than Americans (who are much more individualistic/independent) so we've been here for decades. Don't let it (what people call you) bother you - do what makes you feel comfortable and happy.

01-27-2018, 06:31 PM
What difference does that make? They’ll still contribute to changing the ethnic and cultural makeup of the country. I don’t want that, I like my people and I liked my country the way it was. Even if they don’t immediately come in and commit crimes there are still tons of other ways they have an impact. When I walk down the street I want to see happy white families and smile and wave, not some pajeet or Pablo who I have zero connection with other than geographic proximity.
Most white people hate white trash garbage like yourself. If you said shit like this to them most would be repulsed by you tbh

Axl Rose
01-27-2018, 06:43 PM
Most white people hate white trash garbage like yourself. If you said shit like this to them most would be repulsed by you tbh
Sorry but they elected donald trump. It’s you who’s out of touch.

01-27-2018, 08:00 PM
Sorry but they elected donald trump. It’s you who’s out of touch.

Thought Trump wasn't racist?

01-27-2018, 08:08 PM
Sorry but they elected donald trump. It’s you who’s out of touch.
That is a great counterpoint

Axl Rose
01-27-2018, 08:18 PM
Thought Trump wasn't racist?
He’s not but the people who elected him did so promarily because of immigration. And that doesn’t make them racist either. Or me for that matter. Go to China or anywhere in east Asia and lecture them about racism and get laughed at.

01-27-2018, 08:20 PM
So even racists aren't racist nowadays..


Axl Rose
01-27-2018, 08:21 PM
Where’s your home country? Why don’t you start by going there and calling everyone racist and demanding that they import another replacement ethnic group.

01-27-2018, 08:24 PM
did the million man march terrify you, tbh?

Were you even born?

01-27-2018, 08:29 PM
Where’s your home country? Why don’t you start by going there and calling everyone racist and demanding that they import another replacement ethnic group.
I'm from the USofA

Axl Rose
01-27-2018, 08:39 PM
I'm from the USofA

01-27-2018, 08:41 PM

Literally, Hungarians on both sides.

Axl Rose
01-27-2018, 08:53 PM

Literally, Hungarians on both sides.
Unholy left. Because why not, right?

01-27-2018, 10:38 PM

01-28-2018, 07:38 AM
And Federer wins his 20th Grand Slam - he is now the sole/co-record holder at 3 of the 4 GSs - simply amazing at 36. Maybe now I can get some sleep - this is the first AO when I'm working (well, back in the day - they didn't have it live :-)

01-28-2018, 09:20 AM
What difference does that make? They’ll still contribute to changing the ethnic and cultural makeup of the country. I don’t want that, I like my people and I liked my country the way it was. Even if they don’t immediately come in and commit crimes there are still tons of other ways they have an impact. When I walk down the street I want to see happy white families and smile and wave, not some pajeet or Pablo who I have zero connection with other than geographic proximity.

I appreciate your honesty.

But that is totally F'N boring.

Where do you live?
In SA one of the huge advantages is all of the cultural festivals and neighbors who bring the familia and party. But, I'm saying this from the NW side of town. So socioeconomically they are closer to my experience. The real divisions come with $ and experiences.

Example: I love the outdoors kayaking and fishing. I don't like hanging with people who want to go trout fishing in Argentina and be treated like a pampered wuss spending massive $. But I'd rather hang with them than any couch potato of any color. I want to get out and get advice or figure a place out on my own. The fun is in making mistakes but getting it done on your own. This actually puts me with a more Hispanic upper middle class crowd who work hard and play hard I have found. But because SA is mixed race, this gives me the opportunity to meet this type of person. This kind of person, I have found, is usually within a certain socioeconomic class. Color is not a divider. Same with the exercise that I love to keep in shape allowing me to play for extended periods. I swim, bike and run with a mixed Hispanic-Gringo crowd because that's whats around me.

I don't experience any mental anguish over the thought of dwindling shiny happy Brady Bunch white families. I think of all the out of shape people sitting and thinking about their lack of exposure to the outside. Complete lack of wonder about the natural world... this makes me angry.

So, Kill the potato. It's coming. They would rather watch a sport than play it? Kill them all.

01-28-2018, 09:29 AM
I appreciate your honesty.

But that is totally F'N boring.

Where do you live?
In SA one of the huge advantages is all of the cultural festivals and neighbors who bring the familia and party. But, I'm saying this from the NW side of town. So socioeconomically they are closer to my experience. The real divisions come with $ and experiences.

Example: I love the outdoors kayaking and fishing. I don't like hanging with people who want to go trout fishing in Argentina and be treated like a pampered wuss spending massive $. But I'd rather hang with them than any couch potato of any color. I want to get out and get advice or figure a place out on my own. The fun is in making mistakes but getting it done on your own. This actually puts me with a more Hispanic upper middle class crowd who work hard and play hard I have found. But because SA is mixed race, this gives me the opportunity to meet this type of person. This kind of person, I have found, is usually within a certain socioeconomic class. Color is not a divider. Same with the exercise that I love to keep in shape allowing me to play for extended periods. I swim, bike and run with a mixed Hispanic-Gringo crowd because that's whats around me.

I don't experience any mental anguish over the thought of dwindling shiny happy Brady Bunch white families. I think of all the out of shape people sitting and thinking about their lack of exposure to the outside. Complete lack of wonder about the natural world... this makes me angry.

So, Kill the potato. It's coming. They would rather watch a sport than play it? Kill them all.

I guess I make you angry in more ways than one. Love Federer's tears - such passion for the game - so emotional - this guy is always crying at AO - whether he wins or loses.

01-28-2018, 12:16 PM
I guess I make you angry in more ways than one. Love Federer's tears - such passion for the game - so emotional - this guy is always crying at AO - whether he wins or loses.

Get out there and hit a damn ball against a backboard if you must. Go to the HS tennis court, that you pay taxes for, and take a neighbor. I see plenty of people playing tennis with empty courts next to them when I run on the track. You lay around and you will become one of our health care drags. I'm just gonna die quickly outside, you won't pay a penny for me. That's the plan anyways.

People that are able to take care of their body and don't...
Where is the individual responsibility to Heath care? It's bigger than you. Don't you steal from me by dragging on health insurance.

01-28-2018, 02:51 PM
Get out there and hit a damn ball against a backboard if you must. Go to the HS tennis court, that you pay taxes for, and take a neighbor. I see plenty of people playing tennis with empty courts next to them when I run on the track. You lay around and you will become one of our health care drags. I'm just gonna die quickly outside, you won't pay a penny for me. That's the plan anyways.

People that are able to take care of their body and don't...
Where is the individual responsibility to Heath care? It's bigger than you. Don't you steal from me by dragging on health insurance.

hahaha. Do you mean like Jim Fixx :-) Unfortunately, we don't know how we'll go.

For me, I think it'll be Alzheimer's. I feel my memory going (although everyone tells me it's natural) and it was probably the Metformin (which I stopped as soon as that study for higher risk of dementia/Alzheimer's came out) and which was free from the local supermarket. No worries, currently I avoid the medical field like the plague. Low carb (only vegetables - no grain), high fat diet, multi-vitamins, fish oil and probiotics. And yes, I know I need exercise - that should be my New Year's resolution - to get off this board and exercise.

And I'll not live a second longer than God intends - exercise or not :-)

01-28-2018, 03:06 PM
hahaha. Do you mean like Jim Fixx :-) Unfortunately, we don't know how we'll go.

For me, I think it'll be Alzheimer's. I feel my memory going (although everyone tells me it's natural) and it was probably the Metformin (which I stopped as soon as that study for higher risk of dementia/Alzheimer's came out) and which was free from the local supermarket. No worries, currently I avoid the medical field like the plague. Low carb (only vegetables - no grain), high fat diet, multi-vitamins, fish oil and probiotics. And yes, I know I need exercise - that should be my New Year's resolution - to get off this board and exercise.

And I'll not live a second longer than God intends - exercise or not :-)

Uhhh... Jim Fixx died quickly. That tends to happen with healthier old folks. Excerise don't not necessarily prolong life, it prolongs a healthy life. If your decrepit when you are 30, that might be 48 years of medical attention.

Bottom line. You dont have to start spending $ on people early in life. Take care of yourself. You don't think God would want this? It's not how you go or when you go, it's what has occurred before you go. It will make you appreciate Federer even more if you give tennis a shot.

I just got back from a little over 3/4 of a mile swim. Now I will get some work done efficiently. Then hit the trails for a bike ride. Perfect weather for it. Tomorrow I will hit the running trails after work, if things work out. Then Thursday off to Colorado to help a friend put a roof on. Life is good. God is blessing me for taking care of myself, maybe.

01-28-2018, 06:58 PM
Uhhh... Jim Fixx died quickly. That tends to happen with healthier old folks. Excerise don't not necessarily prolong life, it prolongs a healthy life. If your decrepit when you are 30, that might be 48 years of medical attention.

Bottom line. You dont have to start spending $ on people early in life. Take care of yourself. You don't think God would want this? It's not how you go or when you go, it's what has occurred before you go. It will make you appreciate Federer even more if you give tennis a shot.

I just got back from a little over 3/4 of a mile swim. Now I will get some work done efficiently. Then hit the trails for a bike ride. Perfect weather for it. Tomorrow I will hit the running trails after work, if things work out. Then Thursday off to Colorado to help a friend put a roof on. Life is good. God is blessing me for taking care of myself, maybe.

I don't consider 52 old (that's how old Fixx was when he died of a heart attack while jogging).

I already know how to play tennis and obviously, I don't need anymore appreciation of Federer - it's because of him that I've been up every other night at 3:30 for the past 2 weeks.

01-28-2018, 07:46 PM
I don't consider 52 old (that's how old Fixx was when he died of a heart attack while jogging).

I already know how to play tennis and obviously, I don't need anymore appreciation of Federer - it's because of him that I've been up every other night at 3:30 for the past 2 weeks.

Yea he had a heart condition. They did not have the various blockage and electrical signaling tests back in the day. No lingering though.

Then get your butt on the court.
4 out of 7 sets with your most worthy opponent, sister.
5 push-ups and one jog around the court perimeter after each game you lose.

I bet ya got the big serve like I do so games end quickly so we gotta make up for that.

I thought Roger was done about 4 or so years back but then Nadal, Murray got injuries. Joker got injured and does not have the long mental toughness required. Federer is so efficient on strokes and takes such good care of himself... He is a once in a lifer. Enjoy!

Nadal is incredibly tough, but his strokes require so much effort and contortion..And because he loves the backcourt he is constantly running. Federer is a freak. He was goofy as a youngster but grew into his body unlike some young prodigy that gets too much attention early and then can't play tough with maturity, burn out. Andre A... (I think he had a semi comeback year?)

01-29-2018, 08:53 PM