View Full Version : i was wrong about pizzagate

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02-12-2018, 01:01 PM

02-12-2018, 01:06 PM

02-12-2018, 01:09 PM

wtf haven't seen that one yet. :lol

02-12-2018, 01:18 PM

lol TSA

He probably tried to make the font smaller in the thread title.

02-12-2018, 01:44 PM

02-12-2018, 02:15 PM
whats the deal with the handkerchief? what are the trumpers reading into that

02-12-2018, 02:20 PM
whats the deal with the handkerchief? what are the trumpers reading into that
it means he's fucking children in a pizza parlor basement

02-12-2018, 02:23 PM

This is some Inception level stuff.

02-12-2018, 02:33 PM

This is some Inception level stuff.TSA lost another one of his stupid bets. Something about the "elite pedophile rings" being broken up with Clinton-level arrests by a deadline of yesterday.

02-12-2018, 02:34 PM

02-12-2018, 02:36 PM
TSA lost another one of his stupid bets.

That was my guess.

I just wonder how much he will have to have his worldview challenged and not do any introspection to seriously think about why he keeps getting things wrong.

02-12-2018, 02:39 PM
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwdUxMaXEAAOKbP.jpgSo you're saying this woman sent her grandchildren to Tony Podesta so Tony could fuck the grandchildren.

02-12-2018, 02:42 PM
So you're interested in this but not in when Dennis Hastert admitted he ran the republican congress for 10 years while being a pedophile for some reason

02-12-2018, 02:43 PM
Do only pedophiles use handkerchiefs now? also how about other tablecloth style stuffs what are those code for?

02-12-2018, 02:44 PM
My girlfriend put out doilies the other day.

does that mean shes cucking me? like whats that code

02-12-2018, 03:29 PM

02-12-2018, 03:30 PM

02-12-2018, 03:32 PM

02-12-2018, 03:34 PM
Do only pedophiles use handkerchiefs now? also how about other tablecloth style stuffs what are those code for?


Pizza has been known to be used as a term for pedophiles:

Hotdog = Boy
Pizza = Girl
Cheese = Little Girl
Pasta = Little Boy
Ice Cream = Male Prostitute
Walnut or Nuts = Person of Color
Map = Semen
Sauce = Orgy

Handkerchief or Hankie is used to indicate the type of sexual activity a person is interested in.

Black Hankie = S & M
Dark Blue = Anal Sex
Light Blue = Oral Sex
Brown = Scat
Grey = Bondage
Green = Hustler/Prostitute
Orange = Anything Goes
Purple = Piercing
Red = Fisting
Yellow = Watersports
Olive Drab or Camouflage = Military Fetish

It is also believed that a handkerchief is often times placed under children during abuse to collect bodily fluids and kept as a memento which is later used in rituals.
Here are some symbols that are used so that pedophiles know where to go and/or how to connect:



02-12-2018, 03:41 PM

02-12-2018, 03:48 PM

02-12-2018, 03:59 PM


02-12-2018, 04:01 PM

Pizza has been known to be used as a term for pedophiles:

Hotdog = Boy
Pizza = Girl
Cheese = Little Girl
Pasta = Little Boy
Ice Cream = Male Prostitute
Walnut or Nuts = Person of Color
Map = Semen
Sauce = Orgy

Handkerchief or Hankie is used to indicate the type of sexual activity a person is interested in.

Black Hankie = S & M
Dark Blue = Anal Sex
Light Blue = Oral Sex
Brown = Scat
Grey = Bondage
Green = Hustler/Prostitute
Orange = Anything Goes
Purple = Piercing
Red = Fisting
Yellow = Watersports
Olive Drab or Camouflage = Military Fetish

It is also believed that a handkerchief is often times placed under children during abuse to collect bodily fluids and kept as a memento which is later used in rituals.
Here are some symbols that are used so that pedophiles know where to go and/or how to connect:


:lmao :lmao :lmao

02-12-2018, 04:01 PM
Pedophilia and child trafficking funny now.

02-12-2018, 04:06 PM

02-12-2018, 04:38 PM
Pedophilia and child trafficking funny now.

“The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, then you shall do to him as he had meant to do to his brother. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.”
-Deuteronomy 19:18-19

02-12-2018, 04:40 PM
“The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, then you shall do to him as he had meant to do to his brother. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.”
-Deuteronomy 19:18-19

"Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."
-Matthew 7:15

02-12-2018, 04:42 PM
"Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."
-Matthew 7:15
Who's the false prophet here?

Clipper Nation
02-12-2018, 04:51 PM
Pedophilia and child trafficking funny now.
No. Dumbasses who believe in absurd conspiracy theories are funny.

02-12-2018, 04:59 PM

02-12-2018, 05:39 PM
Pedophilia and child trafficking funny now.

02-12-2018, 05:43 PM
Why did you ignore the post confirming the code word chicken lovers from 2007?


02-12-2018, 06:04 PM
Numbers 31:17-18
Now therefore kill every male among the little ones (taph), and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the female children (taph), that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

02-12-2018, 06:24 PM


02-12-2018, 11:02 PM
Seen more pizza gif's in this thread then all the rest of my life on the webz.............

02-12-2018, 11:13 PM
Pedophilia and child trafficking funny now.

No they are not.
But when you Trumpeters make wild stupid accusations you can be sure you are helping the cause by crying wolf( aka pizza)

Dumb mf...

02-12-2018, 11:37 PM
Pedophilia and child trafficking funny now.

You sure didn't mind Roy Moore's ways.

02-12-2018, 11:49 PM
You sure didn't mind Roy Moore's ways.

Roy Moore has nothing to do with either.

02-12-2018, 11:50 PM
Roy Moore has nothing to do with either.

30 people say different.

02-12-2018, 11:51 PM
No they are not.
But when you Trumpeters make wild stupid accusations you can be sure you are helping the cause by crying wolf( aka pizza)

Dumb mf...

lol triggered

lol helping the cause

02-12-2018, 11:53 PM
30 people say different.

Which people?

02-13-2018, 12:08 AM
lol triggered

lol helping the cause


So you want pedophilia and child trafficking to remain a thriving business.

See how that works chrissyboy...

02-13-2018, 10:42 AM

Misinformation is currently predominantly a pathology of the right


02-13-2018, 12:31 PM
But are there any heart shaped pizzas for valentine's?

Maybe a star to go with?

02-13-2018, 01:42 PM
https://img.purch.com/h/1000/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMD AwLzA3My80MzYvb3JpZ2luYWwva2lkcy1waXp6YS0xNTAxMTku anBn

02-13-2018, 02:41 PM
https://img.purch.com/h/1000/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMD AwLzA3My80MzYvb3JpZ2luYWwva2lkcy1waXp6YS0xNTAxMTku anBn
I dont see any handkerchiefs or napkins there..those kids appear to be safe thank god

02-13-2018, 05:47 PM
One last victory lap, tbh. Also a note that this bet was actually FOR LIFE, meaning “wrong about Pizzagate” can’t ever be removed from TSA’s profile.

02-13-2018, 05:49 PM
One last victory lap, tbh. Also a note that this bet was actually FOR LIFE, meaning “wrong about Pizzagate” can’t ever be removed from TSA (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=7640)’s profile.
bruh this shall be the "lol" of the political forum

02-13-2018, 05:54 PM
One last victory lap, tbh. Also a note that this bet was actually FOR LIFE, meaning “wrong about Pizzagate” can’t ever be removed from TSA’s profile.


enjoy the victory lap.

Thread was a success as you got an actual welcher to post in it and also the person I have a $500 bet with who now sees I'm a man of my word.

02-13-2018, 05:57 PM
Thread was a successlol det spin

02-13-2018, 06:01 PM
lol det spin

Slavery is freedom
War is peace

Times 14 miniplenty...

02-13-2018, 06:02 PM
And just like that the two pussies who don't believe in betting decide to chirp in

02-13-2018, 06:04 PM
And just like that the two pussies who don't believe in betting decide to chirp inlol so angry

Maybe you should work on not falling for any old bullshit you read on the internets, eh?

Your hubris makes you lose.

02-13-2018, 06:05 PM
:lol angry

it's Pavjecting again

02-13-2018, 06:06 PM
:lol angry

it's Pavjecting again

And just like that the two pussies who don't believe in betting decide to chirp in:lol

02-13-2018, 06:07 PM
:lol angry

it's Pavjecting again

Yes it's easy to see they're just being sore winners

02-13-2018, 06:07 PM

You think I typed that out angrily? :rollin

You spend are too invested in this place to think clearly.

02-13-2018, 06:09 PM
You think I typed that out angrily? :rollin

You spend are too invested in this place to think clearly.Says the guy trying so hard to spin his loss.

02-13-2018, 06:12 PM
Says the guy trying so hard to spin his loss.

:cry how will I ever recover from those three words under my username :cry

like I just said you are too invested in this place if you think I'm at some loss because of this.

02-13-2018, 06:13 PM
:cry how will I ever recover from those three words under my username :cry

like I just said you are too invested in this place if you think I'm at some loss because of this.

Thread was a success:rollin

02-13-2018, 06:43 PM
Lmao on his 3rd or 4th “tsa” account but others here are way too invested

02-13-2018, 06:46 PM
Lmao on his 3rd or 4th “tsa” account but others here are way too invested

2nd...but thanks for trying :bobo

02-14-2018, 01:01 PM

02-14-2018, 01:05 PM


02-14-2018, 01:49 PM


02-14-2018, 01:50 PM

02-14-2018, 01:51 PM

02-14-2018, 01:51 PM


02-14-2018, 04:45 PM


02-15-2018, 02:03 PM
Pedophilia and child trafficking funny now.

These the same people that were outraged by Roy Moore and were hellbent on telling us it's no laughing matter. Same people who called everyone a pedophile if it wasn't seen their way. Fucking losers.

02-15-2018, 02:07 PM
These the same people that were outraged by Roy Moore and were hellbent on telling us it's no laughing matter. Same people who called everyone a pedophile if it wasn't seen their way. Fucking losers.

somebody called you a pedo?

02-15-2018, 02:12 PM
somebody called you a pedo?

No, this guy better STFU. I haven't said thing one about being for pedophilia. I'd kick his ass before I'd take that shit if he had said that dumb shit to my face. He's a fucking coward hiding behind his computer screen.

You're a fucking moron. You should learn what a tongue n' cheek comment is. But if you do have to me Mr. Serious about shit, then at least know the facts and don't go branding people pedophiles just because you want to have a cry. I would seriously kick your fucking ass if you were in front of me. Fucking tool.

Very calmed and convincing. :lol

02-15-2018, 02:42 PM
These the same people that were outraged by Roy Moore and were hellbent on telling us it's no laughing matter. Same people who called everyone a pedophile if it wasn't seen their way. Fucking losers.
roy moore actually had the victims making allegations

pizzagate is a conspiracy that there was a mass child sex trafficking ring in a pizzeria but with no victims to speak of

02-15-2018, 03:02 PM
Very calmed and convincing. :lol

Maybe in tranny circles, you haphazardly throw around pedo accusations.

02-15-2018, 03:04 PM
roy moore actually had the victims making allegations

pizzagate is a conspiracy that there was a mass child sex trafficking ring in a pizzeria but with no victims to speak of

You're comparing older teenagers dating men vs. little kids being gang mass raped / murdered, potentially. Let's put it that way since you like your perspective.

02-15-2018, 03:07 PM
You're comparing older teenagers dating men vs. little kids being gang mass raped / murdered, potentially. Let's put it that way since you like your perspective.
im comparing allegations from first-hand victims who we know exists... to allegations of cases where there are no known victims

02-15-2018, 03:09 PM
im comparing allegations from first-hand victims who we know exists... to allegations of cases where there are no known victims

You don't know they're victims in the first case. In the other case, no criminal investigation has occurred.

02-15-2018, 03:10 PM
You don't know they're victims in the first case. In the other case, no criminal investigation has occurred.
because no victim, or acquaintances of any victim, has made any allegation :lmao

02-15-2018, 03:19 PM
because no victim, or acquaintances of any victim, has made any allegation :lmao

So, you don't think a cover-up by powerful elites is possible?

02-15-2018, 03:24 PM
So, you don't think a cover-up by powerful elites is possible?
It’s possible. We’ve seen no credible evidence that would call for a criminal investigation though

02-15-2018, 03:28 PM
For the record, OP was also wrong about Spirit Cooking, Hillary Clinton being deathly ill, the political leanings of just about every mass shooter in the past two years, and basically anything else that has been a common alt-right / InfoWars message since 2016.

02-15-2018, 03:32 PM
It’s possible. We’ve seen no credible evidence that would call for a criminal investigation though


02-15-2018, 03:55 PM

02-15-2018, 04:16 PM
These the same people that were outraged by Roy Moore and were hellbent on telling us it's no laughing matter. Same people who called everyone a pedophile if it wasn't seen their way. Fucking losers.

It's disgusting.

02-15-2018, 04:19 PM
It's disgusting.

Spurt's post gets obliterated yet Chris still latches on.

You guys are really stupid.

02-15-2018, 04:21 PM
"i was wrong about antifa"

02-15-2018, 04:25 PM
Spurt's post gets obliterated yet Chris still latches on.

You guys are really stupid.

I call a spade a spade.

02-15-2018, 04:26 PM
I call a spade a spade.

You're too stupid to know what a spade is

02-15-2018, 04:30 PM
It's disgusting.

:lmao the fuckin irony

02-15-2018, 04:43 PM
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.cbc.ca%2F1.4190198.1499201202!% 2FfileImage%2FhttpImage%2Fimage.JPG_gen%2Fderivati ves%2Foriginal_620%2Fwestisbest.JPG&f=1

By the way, can we talk about this beta male snowflake picture? :lmao

“:cry we’re proud boys! we do good things and we wear big boy pants! stop telling us we’re bad boys! shut up mommy, dont tell me what to do, i went pee-pee in the big boy toilet! :cry”

02-15-2018, 06:30 PM

What would happen to the Democratic party if Pizzagate ended up being substantiated?

02-15-2018, 06:54 PM
What would happen to the Democratic party if Pizzagate ended up being substantiated?
I think they'd disavow the actions, shitcan a bunch of people, and continue to exist and support the same general agenda they do now.

02-15-2018, 06:59 PM
I think they'd disavow the actions, shitcan a bunch of people, and continue to exist and support the same general agenda they do now.

You aren't that naive. The party would crumble overnight.

02-15-2018, 07:01 PM
What would happen to the Democratic party if Pizzagate ended up being substantiated?

They already broke AF :lol Trump literally broke them Kathy Griffin style :lol

02-15-2018, 07:03 PM
You aren't that naive. The party would crumble overnight.
Unlikely. Would certainly shake them up. Like I said, heads would roll. But people who vote democrat aren't suddenly going to rethink tax policy and civil rights and start voting republican because of it.

I would say, if Pizzagate were substantiated during the election and Clinton was implicated, I think she would have done much worse than Roy Moore did.

02-15-2018, 07:20 PM
They already broke AF :lol Trump literally broke them Kathy Griffin style :lol

:lol Thinking money goes directly to the DNC.

When you donate to a candidate, that money goes to that individual, not the party. It is up to the candidate to fund raise for the party. :lol Chrissy

02-15-2018, 07:32 PM
So the Democrats are winning all these special elections while completely broke?


02-15-2018, 07:37 PM
:lol Thinking money goes directly to the DNC.

When you donate to a candidate, that money goes to that individual, not the party. It is up to the candidate to fund raise for the party. :lol Chrissy

He said the Democratic Party, not individual candidates.

02-15-2018, 07:38 PM
Unlikely. Would certainly shake them up. Like I said, heads would roll. But people who vote democrat aren't suddenly going to rethink tax policy and civil rights and start voting republican because of it.

I would say, if Pizzagate were substantiated during the election and Clinton was implicated, I think she would have done much worse than Roy Moore did.

I guess you are that naive (or are just putting up a front). Dems would be done, bro. The country would abandon a party whose top leaders and backers engaged in systematic pedo culture.

02-15-2018, 08:26 PM
I guess you are that naive (or are just putting up a front). Dems would be done, bro. The country would abandon a party whose top leaders and backers engaged in systematic pedo culture.
I think they’d abandon the leaders for sure. They probably wouldn’t vote for a democrat Roy moore

02-15-2018, 08:39 PM
I think they’d abandon the leaders for sure. They probably wouldn’t vote for a democrat Roy moore

Plenty of Dems have done despicable things and won in landslides in their heavily democratic districts. And it's laughable that you put forth that systematic pedophilia in the Democratic party wouldn't collapse the party. Now that you know the stakes, you should seriously consider if you are a shill.

02-15-2018, 08:47 PM
Plenty of Dems have done despicable things and won in landslides in their heavily democratic districts. And it's laughable that you put forth that systematic pedophilia in the Democratic party wouldn't collapse the party. Now that you know the stakes, you should seriously consider if you are a shill.
i mean, if it was somehow proven to be true that john podesta and hillary clinton were fucking a bunch of children in a pizzeria, i dont know how that in any way would have effect on an uninvolved democrat, like a chuck schumer or doug jones or something. it's nonsensical.

now, if those people were found to be involved/guilty and some democrats continued to support them and promoted "hillary 2020" then yes they'd go down in flames, too

02-15-2018, 09:02 PM
i mean, if it was somehow proven to be true that john podesta and hillary clinton were fucking a bunch of children in a pizzeria, i dont know how that in any way would have effect on an uninvolved democrat, like a chuck schumer or doug jones or something. it's nonsensical.

now, if those people were found to be involved/guilty and some democrats continued to support them and promoted "hillary 2020" then yes they'd go down in flames, too

You just saw a heavily red state vote for a democrat over something much less and you "don't understand" :lmao

02-15-2018, 09:03 PM
You just saw a heavily red state vote for a democrat over something much less and you "don't understand" :lmao
yes because the guy running WAS the person who was being accused :lmao...

if chuck schumer was found to have been involved in pizzagate then yes i'm pretty sure he'd lose an election too.

your reasoning/logical skills are baffling

02-15-2018, 09:14 PM
yes because the guy running WAS the person who was being accused :lmao...

if chuck schumer was found to have been involved in pizzagate then yes i'm pretty sure he'd lose an election too.

your reasoning/logical skills are baffling

What's baffling is you thinking that Democrats could just effectively shrug off systematic pedophilia without major repercussions to the party. You must have a very low opinion of the Democrat voters to think that.

02-15-2018, 09:16 PM
yes because the guy running WAS the person who was being accused :lmao...

if chuck schumer was found to have been involved in pizzagate then yes i'm pretty sure he'd lose an election too.

your reasoning/logical skills are baffling

if he was found to be involved you're sure he'd just lose an election? i'd want schumer hung from the highest bridge on nat'l tv with the rest of the scum. fuck losing an election; kill the sorry motherfucker!

02-15-2018, 09:20 PM
if he was found to be involved you're sure he'd just lose an election? i'd want schumer hung from the highest bridge on nat'l tv with the rest of the scum. fuck losing an election; kill the sorry motherfucker!
to be frank i'm pretty sure he would resign and not seek re-election

02-15-2018, 09:21 PM
What's baffling is you thinking that Democrats could just effectively shrug off systematic pedophilia without major repercussions to the party. You must have a very low opinion of the Democrat voters to think that.
no, i think even if pizzagate was real and proven (which is a waste of time, tbh, and i'm growing bored of this), it would basically implicate hillary/podesta and not any other major players of the democrat parties, at least none currently in office.

02-15-2018, 09:23 PM
no, i think even if pizzagate was real and proven (which is a waste of time, tbh, and i'm growing bored of this), it would basically implicate hillary/podesta and not any other major players of the democrat parties, at least none currently in office.

Yea, most the country isn't a nutball who thinks prosecuting / erradicating pedophilia is "a waste of time". They don't share your warped perspective.

02-15-2018, 09:25 PM
no, i think even if pizzagate was real and proven (which is a waste of time, tbh, and i'm growing bored of this), it would basically implicate hillary/podesta and not any other major players of the democrat parties, at least none currently in office.

The "major (democrat) players in office" are quite connected to the pizzagate players. Your analysis plays to your fantasies.

02-15-2018, 09:28 PM
Yea, most the country isn't a nutball who thinks prosecuting / erradicating pedophilia is "a waste of time". They don't share your warped perspective.


02-15-2018, 09:29 PM
Yea, most the country isn't a nutball who thinks prosecuting / erradicating pedophilia is "a waste of time". They don't share your warped perspective.
i dont think eradicating pedophilia is a waste of time. i think pretending pizzagate has any merit to it is a waste of time

02-15-2018, 09:31 PM
The "major (democrat) players in office" are quite connected to the pizzagate players. Your analysis plays to your fantasies.
name them

02-15-2018, 09:34 PM
i dont think eradicating pedophilia is a waste of time. i think pretending pizzagate has any merit to it is a waste of time

What is "pizzagate" anyways? It's an idea to marginalize and create scrutiny for a very real problem in the United States. Pedophiles use code words. End of story.

02-15-2018, 09:39 PM
What is "pizzagate" anyways?
no, pizzagate is a term coined by the conspiracy theorists (they are the ones who made the #pizzagate thing, or who started a subreddit on it, then moved on to voat and still called it pizzagate)

its the theory that democrat elites (hillary clinton, bill clinton, john podesta) were participating in a child sex trafficking ring which operated out of, in part, a DC Area pizzeria owned by james alefantis

It's an idea to marginalize and create scrutiny for a very real problem in the United States.
no, its an idea put forth by nut jobs who believe what i mentioned above

Pedophiles use code words. End of story.
have you ever used a code word in your life for any purpose whatsoever?

02-15-2018, 09:51 PM
i dont think eradicating pedophilia is a waste of time. i think pretending pizzagate has any merit to it is a waste of time

It was a "waste of time" even if it was real, you said. But it's funny that you want so desperately to package it as only being attributable to Hillary/Podesta who are no longer of much use to you. In any event, you've shown that you're just a hyper partisan who is incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. As such you brush off pizzagate and even pretend that the effects would be minimal if substantiated.

02-15-2018, 09:52 PM
name them

Don't be pedantic.

02-15-2018, 09:54 PM
What is "pizzagate" anyways? It's an idea to marginalize and create scrutiny for a very real problem in the United States. Pedophiles use code words. End of story.

Interesting. Could it be a media spin to put as happy of a face as possible on it? I was under the impression pizzagate may be a grass roots term though.

02-15-2018, 10:03 PM
Interesting. Could it be a media spin to put as happy of a face as possible on it? I was under the impression pizzagate may be a grass roots term though.

Imagine if the emails came from Pence.

02-15-2018, 10:06 PM
It was a "waste of time" even if it was real, you said. But it's funny that you want so desperately to package it as only being attributable to Hillary/Podesta who are no longer of much use to you. In any event, you've shown that you're just a hyper partisan who is incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. As such you brush off pizzagate and even pretend that the effects would be minimal if substantiated.
no, the exercise of going along this tangent, all while assuming it is true, is a waste of time, since it isn't true.

Don't be pedantic.
lol, white flag. "its not just clinton/podesta! it's more!"

who else?

dont be pedantic.

but this is your MO. you wont name clinton crimes, and now you wont name other democrats who are allegedly part of the pizzagate conspiracy theory

Interesting. Could it be a media spin to put as happy of a face as possible on it? I was under the impression pizzagate may be a grass roots term though.
yes it was very grass roots. but i would understand conspiritards trying to distance themselves from it

02-16-2018, 04:44 AM
name them

Don't be pedantic.:lmao

It is too easy to shut these guys down tbh.

No fight in them whatsoever.

02-16-2018, 10:14 AM
The "major (democrat) players in office" are quite connected to the pizzagate players. Your analysis plays to your fantasies.

:rollin "pizzagate players"

Wow, you are a special kind of dumb.

02-16-2018, 10:15 AM

It is too easy to shut these guys down tbh.

No fight in them whatsoever.

Not sure whether it is that they don't know how to put together rational thought, don't care, or a mix of both.

02-16-2018, 04:33 PM
to be frank i'm pretty sure he would resign and not seek re-election

to be frank i'm sure us citizens would burn him at the stake... no way are we going to let some sadist pedo resign from office nor contemplate not seeking re-election. he wouldn't have the time to think about anything but hiding.

02-16-2018, 04:43 PM
to be frank i'm sure us citizens would burn him at the stake... no way are we going to let some sadist pedo resign from office nor contemplate not seeking re-election. he wouldn't have the time to think about anything but hiding.
true. but pizzagate is all bullshit. you should be happy, tbh. i dont know why you'd be actively hoping that a bunch of kids were actually raped tbh

02-16-2018, 04:51 PM
true. but pizzagate is all bullshit. you should be happy, tbh. i dont know why you'd be actively hoping that a bunch of kids were actually raped tbh

who's hoping? you're sick.

02-16-2018, 05:19 PM
who's hoping? you're sick.
i mean TSA literally made a bet about it, he was definitely hoping

for him its a worthwhile tradeoff for it to actually be true that a bunch of children were raped just so some democrats can go down

02-16-2018, 05:31 PM
:lmao koriwhat would rather see little children get assraped if it means a Democrat goes down for it, versus no rape and the Democrat wins.

02-16-2018, 07:21 PM
Imagine if the emails came from Pence.

It would definitely be Pedogate and thoroughly investigated for years.

02-16-2018, 07:22 PM
no, the exercise of going along this tangent, all while assuming it is true, is a waste of time, since it isn't true.

lol, white flag. "its not just clinton/podesta! it's more!"

who else?

dont be pedantic.

but this is your MO. you wont name clinton crimes, and now you wont name other democrats who are allegedly part of the pizzagate conspiracy theory

yes it was very grass roots. but i would understand conspiritards trying to distance themselves from it

It's pedantic / you don't understand the incestuous nature of Washington politics.

02-16-2018, 07:23 PM

It is too easy to shut these guys down tbh.

No fight in them whatsoever.

#? Declaring victory.

:lmao Speaking of shutting down.

02-16-2018, 07:24 PM
:cry Muh pedophiles :cry
:cry #StillWithHer :cry


02-16-2018, 07:25 PM
It would definitely be Pedogate and thoroughly investigated for years.


02-19-2018, 01:08 PM
It's pedantic

I don't even think you understand that word.

02-19-2018, 01:16 PM
#? Declaring victory.

:lmao Speaking of shutting down.

It wasn't declaring victory. He said you wouldn't bother defending your bullshit, and you didn't.

It was a statement of fact.

02-19-2018, 01:17 PM
I don't even think you understand that word.

Talk about a dickhead post.

02-19-2018, 01:18 PM
I don't even think you understand that word.I DO SO KNOW WHAT IT MEANS. IT MEANS YOU! NEENER, NEENER, NEENER!

02-19-2018, 01:20 PM

And a dickhead in arms follow-up. :lmao

02-19-2018, 01:21 PM
And a dickhead in arms follow-up. :lmaoAw, you're offended.


02-19-2018, 01:25 PM
Aw, you're offended.



02-19-2018, 01:56 PM


Now you are going to make him look it up to be sure. :rollin

02-27-2018, 03:52 PM

02-27-2018, 04:56 PM
:lmao koriwhat would rather see little children get assraped if it means a Democrat goes down for it, versus no rape and the Democrat wins.

you're sick and twisted man. wouldn't put it past you if you are into kids. sick fuck!

02-28-2018, 01:55 PM
4D chess

02-28-2018, 01:59 PM
Brilliant move losing a bet about pizzagate.

The trap is set!

02-28-2018, 02:03 PM

02-28-2018, 02:57 PM
Talk about a dickhead post.

Again, merely a statement of fact. I don't think you understand the word pedantic, because you misused it, and rather obviously.

02-28-2018, 02:58 PM
Brilliant move losing a bet about pizzagate.

The trap is set!


02-28-2018, 05:04 PM
Again, merely a statement of fact. I don't think you understand the word pedantic, because you misused it, and rather obviously.

I used the word quite appropriately. Way to double down on being a dickhead, bro.

02-28-2018, 05:35 PM
I used the word quite appropriately. Way to double down on being a dickhead, bro.

Sure thing DK poster boy. :rolleyes

02-28-2018, 06:34 PM
Sure thing DK poster boy. :rolleyes

Feel free to explain how you perceive that I used the word wrong so that I can then proceed to laugh at you.

03-01-2018, 02:55 PM
Feel free to explain how you perceive that I used the word wrong so that I can then proceed to laugh at you.

I have neither the time, nor the crayons to explain it to you.

Feel free to explain how you used it correctly.

03-01-2018, 06:59 PM
I have neither the time, nor the crayons to explain it to you.

Feel free to explain how you used it correctly.

:lol That's what I thought, bitch.

03-02-2018, 11:32 AM
[doesn't understand the burden of proof]


Seems like there is no end to the things you don't understand. :lol

03-02-2018, 11:58 PM

Seems like there is no end to the things you don't understand. :lol

It's your assertion, dickhead.

:lmao "doesn't understand the burden of proof"

03-05-2018, 10:40 AM
It's your assertion, dickhead.

:lmao "doesn't understand the burden of proof"

I am not going to be tricked into explaining it to you. :lmao

03-05-2018, 11:33 PM
I am not going to be tricked into explaining it to you. :lmao

You're not going to be tricked into making a case for your charge? :lmao

03-05-2018, 11:47 PM
You're not going to be tricked into making a case for your charge? :lmao

You didn't use pedantic correctly.

03-06-2018, 12:12 AM
You didn't use pedantic correctly.

Explain how so.

03-06-2018, 12:21 AM
Explain how so.

I think he was being frivolous. He was actually taking your side.

03-06-2018, 12:29 AM
Explain how so.

Someone asking you to explain your statements ISNT pedantic. If you had explained your statements and then they asked for links to every supporting fact, then they are being pedantic.

You did not use it correctly. You use a lot of words incorrectly and it's obvious when you're incorporating a newly learned word into your v9cabulary.

Now, don't go flying off the hilt, I'm trying to help ya out here.

03-06-2018, 12:30 AM
I think he was being frivolous. He was actually taking your side.

This is either a funny statement or you're wayyyyy off base here, boss.

03-06-2018, 12:31 AM
This is either a funny statement or you're wayyyyy off base here, boss.

Wasn't trying to be funny. It sounded like a quip at first glance.

03-06-2018, 12:36 AM
Wasn't trying to be funny. It sounded like a quip at first glance.

Oh. I wasn't making fun of the issue, but also not trying to be a dick helping him use it properly.

03-06-2018, 12:58 AM
Someone asking you to explain your statements ISNT pedantic. If you had explained your statements and then they asked for links to every supporting fact, then they are being pedantic.

You did not use it correctly. You use a lot of words incorrectly and it's obvious when you're incorporating a newly learned word into your v9cabulary.

Now, don't go flying off the hilt, I'm trying to help ya out here.

He was requesting that I name major Democrats associated with Hillary Clinton / John Podesta. You don't think that's pedantic?

03-06-2018, 01:01 AM
I think he was being frivolous. He was actually taking your side.

I didn't want to respond to this before seeing his unimpeded full retard response. No, he has sand way up his vagina when it comes to me if you haven't noticed yet.

03-06-2018, 01:02 AM
I didn't want to respond to this before seeing his unimpeded full retard response. No, he has sand way up his vagina when it comes to me if you haven't noticed yet.


03-06-2018, 01:05 AM
I didn't want to respond to this before seeing his unimpeded full retard response. No, he has sand way up his vagina when it comes to me if you haven't noticed yet.

LOL, yeah. You're mad because you used a word incorrectly, many people pointed it out and I was trying to help you out. You flew off the hilt per par. It's great you want to grow your vocabulary, most 30 somethings dont.

03-06-2018, 01:07 AM
LOL, yeah. You're mad because you used a word incorrectly, many people pointed it out and I was trying to help you out. You flew off the hilt per par. It's great you want to grow your vocabulary, most 30 somethings dont.

Answer the question, dickhead. You don't think it's pedantic to name major Democrats associated with Hillary/Podesta?

03-06-2018, 02:45 AM
Answer the question, dickhead. You don't think it's pedantic to name major Democrats associated with Hillary/Podesta?

You made a giant blanket statement. They asked you to name some of the "major" players you cite and you didn't/couldn't.

That's not pedantic. That's you not being able to back up your claim and not using words properly.

Like I said, I wasn't being a dick, I'm trying to help you use a word properly so your vocabulary choices are accurate.

Your inferiority complex is so thick you can't even discern help from an insult.

03-06-2018, 04:45 AM
I didn't want to respond to this before seeing his unimpeded full retard response. No, he has sand way up his vagina when it comes to me if you haven't noticed yet.

You have issues, dude.

You're a faggy temperamental douchebag that never grew up properly and acts out everytime you get set straight. Chucho corrected you, as did Spurraider, RandomGuy and Fuzzy and you're still refusing to accept it 3 days later. :lma

Not only was he right about you using the word in the wrong context, but he also is right that you use words wrong pretty much on a daily basis.

Either work on your wording or make peace with your lack of education and continue being a bleeding insecure vagina.

03-06-2018, 12:04 PM
You have issues, dude.

You're a faggy temperamental douchebag that never grew up properly and acts out everytime you get set straight. Chucho corrected you, as did Spurraider, RandomGuy and Fuzzy and you're still refusing to accept it 3 days later. :lma

Not only was he right about you using the word in the wrong context, but he also is right that you use words wrong pretty much on a daily basis.

Either work on your wording or make peace with your lack of education and continue being a bleeding insecure vagina.


Queue the "tranny Reck" response and "sandy vagina" response and if Blake gets in on this, the "cuck" response.

03-06-2018, 02:08 PM
He was requesting that I name major Democrats associated with Hillary Clinton / John Podesta. You don't think that's pedantic?


Pedantic would be quibbling over a definition that was beside the main point. The main sense of the word is "overly tangential".

Chucho is right on this one.

Ask you to specifically explain your main point in some detail is not "overly tangential".

03-06-2018, 09:44 PM
You made a giant blanket statement. They asked you to name some of the "major" players you cite and you didn't/couldn't.

That's not pedantic. That's you not being able to back up your claim and not using words properly.

Like I said, I wasn't being a dick, I'm trying to help you use a word properly so your vocabulary choices are accurate.

Your inferiority complex is so thick you can't even discern help from an insult.

:lol "blank statement"

You're not trying to do shit other than be your fuckhead self. He wanted me to show something that didn't needed no showing (the Clintons/Podestas are OBVIOUSLY connected). It was pedantic to a fucking tee, cunnnt.

Nothing to do with an inferior complex; and if you're gonna continue to be a retard, then I may just develop a superiority complex when it comes to you.

03-06-2018, 09:50 PM

Pedantic would be quibbling over a definition that was beside the main point. The main sense of the word is "overly tangential".

Chucho is right on this one.

Ask you to specifically explain your main point in some detail is not "overly tangential".

You need to go look up the word. You obviously don't understand the various applications of the word. Ironic that you tried to call me out and only made yourself look like a total fucking idiot.

03-06-2018, 09:52 PM
You have issues, dude.

You're a faggy temperamental douchebag that never grew up properly and acts out everytime you get set straight. Chucho corrected you, as did Spurraider, RandomGuy and Fuzzy and you're still refusing to accept it 3 days later. :lma

Not only was he right about you using the word in the wrong context, but he also is right that you use words wrong pretty much on a daily basis.

Either work on your wording or make peace with your lack of education and continue being a bleeding insecure vagina.

Tranny looking for any reason to pile on. Doesn't matter if her bitches are wrong as fuck.

Tranny gonna tranny, though. :lmao

03-06-2018, 10:03 PM
:lol "blank statement"

You're not trying to do shit other than be your fuckhead self. He wanted me to show something that didn't needed no showing (the Clintons/Podestas are OBVIOUSLY connected). It was pedantic to a fucking tee, cunnnt.

Nothing to do with an inferior complex; and if you're gonna continue to be a retard, then I may just develop a superiority complex when it comes to you.

You need to go look up the word. You obviously don't understand the various applications of the word. Ironic that you tried to call me out and only made yourself look like a total fucking idiot.

Tranny looking for any reason to pile on. Doesn't matter if her bitches are wrong as fuck.

Tranny gonna tranny, though. :lmao

Very stable genius.

Is your life this miserable and sad that you get home and immediately go on angry rants online? You're such a failure in life.

03-06-2018, 10:12 PM
Very stable genius.

Is your life this miserable and sad that you get home and immediately go on angry rants online? You're such a failure in life.

Well, if the chumpettes didn't gimp gang attack...

:lol Today's tranny and her lame points.

03-07-2018, 12:19 AM
:lol "blank statement"

You're not trying to do shit other than be your fuckhead self. He wanted me to show something that didn't needed no showing (the Clintons/Podestas are OBVIOUSLY connected). It was pedantic to a fucking tee, cunnnt.

Nothing to do with an inferior complex; and if you're gonna continue to be a retard, then I may just develop a superiority complex when it comes to you.

You're not superior in any way. You don't know how to use "pedantic" properly. You're not as smart as you think you are and you hate being told thus and rage. That is the epitome of an inferiority complex.

03-07-2018, 12:26 AM
You're not superior in any way. You don't know how to use "pedantic" properly. You're not as smart as you think you are and you hate being told thus and rage. That is the epitome of an inferiority complex.

I'll walk you through your retardation. Why did SR ask me to list the Podesta/Clinton cohorts? What was I to possibly prove that wasn't understood?

03-07-2018, 12:32 AM
Well, if the chumpettes didn't gimp gang attack...

:lol Today's tranny and her lame points.

LOL, you have that same thought process of Fabbs- you think everyone who tells you what's what is in a clique or are conspiring to gang up on you.

"Chumpettes" = Laundry Krew.

Do you ever think that maybe, just maybe, it might be you?

03-07-2018, 12:33 AM
I'll walk you through your retardation. Why did SR ask me to list the Podesta/Clinton cohorts? What was I to possibly prove that wasn't understood?

This is why you're an idiot. You say "major names" and make a giant accusation. People ask you to name major names, which in theory shouldn't be a difficult chore whatsoever and you go batshit and still refuse. You sir, are fucking stupid and don't know how to use "pedantic" properly.

03-07-2018, 12:33 AM
LOL, you have that same thought process of Fabbs- you think everyone who tells you what's what is in a clique or are conspiring to gang up on you.

"Chumpettes" = Laundry Krew.

Do you ever think that maybe, just maybe, it might be you?

Nice aspersion, brah. You've consistently failed to answer direct questions.

03-07-2018, 12:35 AM
Nice aspersion, brah. You've consistently failed to answer direct questions.

Kinda like "what major names?", huh?

03-07-2018, 12:37 AM
This is why you're an idiot. You say "major names" and make a giant accusation. People ask you to name major names, which in theory shouldn't be a difficult chore whatsoever and you go batshit and still refuse. You sir, are fucking stupid and don't know how to use "pedantic" properly.

Are you a fucking retard? Serious question. Do you not understand that the most recent president to be and her campaign manager was not very connected to the people in her party? Of course it's fucking pedantic to name names to prove something that is understood by anybody with a fucking ounce of common sense. And yea I get that the chumpettes are too fucking moronic to think this out when their math is 'four posts against one, we must be right.' But what's your fucking excuse? You're much sadder than them, cos your sh** comes down to just being a stupid jaded cunnt all your own. :lol

03-07-2018, 12:39 AM
Kinda like "what major names?", huh?

:lol Dipshit equating pedantic questions and pertinent questions. Go to college ffs.

03-07-2018, 03:58 AM
Did he ever name any names?

03-07-2018, 11:17 AM
Did he ever name any names?

You expect an angry retard who can't use "pedantic" correctly to account for his own broad statements?He went to college afterall.

03-07-2018, 11:18 AM
:lol Dipshit equating pedantic questions and pertinent questions. Go to college ffs.

:lol Dipshit can't use words he just learned properly.

03-07-2018, 12:07 PM
Did he ever name any names?
or crimes?

03-07-2018, 12:23 PM
Nice aspersion, brah. You've consistently failed to answer direct questions.

Does anyone here doubt that the word "aspersion" was specifically put into this post after a thesaurus search?


03-07-2018, 12:34 PM
Does anyone here doubt that the word "aspersion" was specifically put into this post after a thesaurus search?


I believe that's a veridical assumption.

03-07-2018, 08:40 PM
:lol Dipshit can't use words he just learned properly.

Next time, maybe don't be so desperate to take an L.

03-07-2018, 08:42 PM
Does anyone here doubt that the word "aspersion" was specifically put into this post after a thesaurus search?


You could be the lamest of the chumpettes; and that's saying something.

03-23-2018, 02:21 AM

03-23-2018, 02:36 AM

03-23-2018, 02:39 AM
TSA is free to be wrong about #pizzagate.

03-24-2018, 05:31 PM

03-24-2018, 05:38 PM

03-24-2018, 05:49 PM

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZFi0vbVMAAm8eb.jpg:largeWhat are you saying here, Chris?

03-24-2018, 06:05 PM
What are you saying here, Chris?

I didn't say that. It was an email.

03-24-2018, 06:11 PM
I didn't say that. It was an email.Right.

You didn't say anything.

Why did you post the emails?

Say something.

03-24-2018, 06:35 PM

You didn't say anything.

Why did you post the emails?

Say something.

It was represented without comment like a fine piece of art. Did you have something to say or do you need me to hold your hand?

03-24-2018, 06:37 PM
It was represented without comment like a fine piece of art. Did you have something to say or do you need me to hold your hand?I asked you to say something about it.

You posted it, now explain why you posted it.

You're getting nervous and defensive, white Chris.

03-24-2018, 06:42 PM
I asked you to say something about it.

You demanded. lol revisionist history

You posted it, now explain why you posted it.

I just did in post #203 :lol

You're getting nervous and defensive, white Chris.

lol Pavjections :lol

Did you have something to say or do you need me to hold your hand?

03-24-2018, 06:45 PM
You demanded. lol revisionist history

I just did in post #203 :lol

lol Pavjections :lolIt means absolutely nothing and you're terrified to talk about it. :bobo

03-25-2018, 04:46 PM
pizzagate may be and may not be what it seems... at the end of the day though, at least PG has exposed more people to the horrors of reality and those who commit such atrocities as pedophilia from the gutters to the hill.

PG is more than some pizza parlor in dc. it's the unraveling of a society who'd rather stick their fingers in their ears and tape their eyes shut then deal with the thought of their golden gods being monsters of which they grovel at their feet.

there's something seriously wrong in this world when we'd rather jail or force pedo's into a registry or rehab instead of lynching them instead.

03-25-2018, 06:12 PM
that's an excellent walk back of claims and goal post shifts to pretend pizzagate didn't have to do with podestas/clintons and comet ping pong

03-25-2018, 06:22 PM
that's an excellent walk back of claims and goal post shifts to pretend pizzagate didn't have to do with podestas/clintons and comet ping pong

hey don't harp on me; not sure exactly if you are considering you didn't directly respond to me. anyhow, i know of PG and though it'd be awesome for it to be reality, considering i hate hrc, but truth is it's all speculation due to words from some podesta/hrc emails.

on the flipside of it though, people would love to believe such horrors don't exist and yet just look up a residence on MLS and see how many pedos pop up in every neighborhood and apt complex. then you have elites who have been exposed to the light and yet most of the population will still gladly stay blind.

03-25-2018, 06:27 PM
hey don't harp on me; not sure exactly if you are considering you didn't directly respond to me. anyhow, i know of PG and though it'd be awesome for it to be reality, considering i hate hrc, but truth is it's all speculation due to words from some podesta/hrc emails.

on the flipside of it though, people would love to believe such horrors don't exist and yet just look up a residence on MLS and see how many pedos pop up in every neighborhood and apt complex. then you have elites who have been exposed to the light and yet most of the population will still gladly stay blind.
nah, not directly at you, tbh

but thanks for confirming that you wished a bunch of children were actually raped just so a democrat would go down :tu

03-25-2018, 06:30 PM
true. but pizzagate is all bullshit. you should be happy, tbh. i dont know why you'd be actively hoping that a bunch of kids were actually raped tbh

who's hoping? you're sick.

:lmao koriwhat would rather see little children get assraped if it means a Democrat goes down for it, versus no rape and the Democrat wins.

you're sick and twisted man. wouldn't put it past you if you are into kids. sick fuck!

anyhow, i know of PG and though it'd be awesome for it to be reality, considering i hate hrc

03-25-2018, 06:33 PM
dont even respond tbh... just cut your losses and log off this website for good

03-25-2018, 06:34 PM
nah, not directly at you, tbh

but thanks for confirming that you wished a bunch of children were actually raped just so a democrat would go down :tu

so you go and edit your original reply to add your sick and twisted fantasy of me wanting kids to be abused? you can twist it all you want buddy but you're most def the sick fuck in this situation.

if anything would come to light on hrc in order to see her and her cronies behind bars i'd be happy. however, that does not mean i literally want kids abused. that's just sick and twisted man but you need to keep the narrative going(against me) and thus you clicked the edit button.

wish hrc raped you instead.

03-26-2018, 12:22 PM
you already admitted that you hoped that children were actually raped in a pizza parlor basement just so a democrat you hate goes down

more specifically, you said it would have been "awesome" for those children to actually have been raped

03-26-2018, 12:28 PM
hey don't harp on me; not sure exactly if you are considering you didn't directly respond to me. anyhow, i know of PG and though it'd be awesome for it to be reality, considering i hate hrc, but truth is it's all speculation due to words from some podesta/hrc emails.That's fucking sick, dude.

03-26-2018, 12:34 PM
That's fucking sick, dude.

Just when you think sir tube socks couldn't stoop any lower.

03-26-2018, 01:45 PM
you already admitted that you hoped that children were actually raped in a pizza parlor basement just so a democrat you hate goes down

more specifically, you said it would have been "awesome" for those children to actually have been raped

That's fucking sick, dude.

Just when you think sir tube socks couldn't stoop any lower.

the usual suspects and their game of twisting words to fit their sick and twisted narrative. yall fucks are garbage.

03-26-2018, 01:46 PM
the usual suspects and their game of twisting words to fit their sick and twisted narrative. yall fucks are garbage.Your narrative is wishing scores of kids were kidnapped and raped.

03-26-2018, 01:48 PM
KW is just saying what most of the Pizzagate crowd was thinking all along. Respect the honesty, but abhor the position.

03-26-2018, 01:50 PM
Your narrative is wishing scores of kids were kidnapped and raped.

yeah yeah yeah pav... keep telling yourself that. twist it all you'd like because that's all you do. we know what you don't do; you don't add any substance here at all.

03-26-2018, 01:52 PM
yeah yeah yeah pav... keep telling yourself that.You told us that.
i know of PG and though it'd be awesome for it to be reality

twist it all you'd like because that's all you do. we know what you don't do; you don't add any substance here at all.What substance do you add here?

03-26-2018, 01:54 PM
You told us that.
What substance do you add here?

more than your merrygoround shtick. might not be much more but def more than your entitled egomaniac ass has to offer.

03-26-2018, 01:54 PM
more than your merrygoround shtick. might not be much more but def more than your entitled egomaniac ass has to offer.But what do you add here specifically?

03-26-2018, 04:40 PM
But what do you add here specifically?

i try to converse and sometimes succeed but this place is what it is. you on the other hand, well you just stick with your shtick. i might not add much here but i am happy i'm no pav/chump. glad i don't pretend to be numerous people on the internet either like yourself loser.

03-26-2018, 04:54 PM
well one thing we know koriwhat adds is the desire for children to be raped if it means clinton can go down

03-26-2018, 04:57 PM
well one thing we know koriwhat adds is the desire for children to be raped if it means clinton can go down

i have a feeling you were abused as a kid. am i wrong? i hope so but i don't think i am.

03-26-2018, 04:59 PM
i have a feeling you were abused as a kid. am i wrong? i hope so but i don't think i am.

who's ashamed? i'm not. i just don't give a shit about bitchmade losers like you nor pav. yall don't deserve a god damn thing from me so fuck off with yalls demands. check your ego at the door.

They want to glean any kind of personal information from you so they can use it in the future. SAD!


03-26-2018, 05:07 PM
i have a feeling you were abused as a kid. am i wrong? i hope so but i don't think i am.
you are wrong

you also said that it would be awesome if children were actually raped in a pizzeria basement because you hate clinton

03-26-2018, 05:11 PM
you are wrong

you also said that it would be awesome if children were actually raped in a pizzeria basement because you hate clinton

oh i said that huh? verbatim you say? lmao the derangement syndrome is real with yall.

03-26-2018, 05:24 PM
oh i said that huh? verbatim you say? lmao the derangement syndrome is real with yall.
oh please, clarify. when you said you were "aware of PG and thought it'd be awesome if it were reality, considering i hate hrc"

explain what you meant by PG.

03-26-2018, 05:30 PM
oh please, clarify. when you said you were "aware of PG and thought it'd be awesome if it were reality, considering i hate hrc"

explain what you meant by PG.

thought i did explain but let's clarify again... the thought of something bringing down the cabal would be grand. the thought of it having to deal with pedophilia is horrible and i wish that on no one. just so happens the basis of PG is pedophilia dealing with the left.

if it was pay2play i'd say the same or any other illegal activity. i just want her and her cronies gone altogether.

you can twist it all you'd like tbh and i wouldn't think otherwise of you.

03-26-2018, 05:41 PM
thought i did explain but let's clarify again... the thought of something bringing down the cabal would be grand. the thought of it having to deal with pedophilia is horrible and i wish that on no one. just so happens the basis of PG is pedophilia dealing with the left.

if it was pay2play i'd say the same or any other illegal activity. i just want her and her cronies gone altogether.

you can twist it all you'd like tbh and i wouldn't think otherwise of you.
forget my word twisting. i'm letting you clarify.

what did you mean by PG (pizzagate)? does it include child sex trafficking out of comet ping pong? explain to me what you think PG was

03-26-2018, 05:44 PM
forget my word twisting. i'm letting you clarify.

what did you mean by PG (pizzagate)? does it include child sex trafficking out of comet ping pong? explain to me what you think PG was

jesus man; if you can't read then i can't help you. my last reply was very to the point so...

03-26-2018, 05:58 PM
jesus man; if you can't read then i can't help you. my last reply was very to the point so...
to your knowledge, did pizzagate include child sex trafficking/abuse that took place at (among other places) comet ping pong?

03-26-2018, 06:05 PM
to your knowledge, did pizzagate include child sex trafficking/abuse that took place at (among other places) comet ping pong?

you tell me PG'er... lmao you're pav'ing it up in here.

03-26-2018, 06:07 PM
you tell me PG'er... lmao you're pav'ing it up in here.
see, you get pissy and accuse me of twisting your position, but then you squirm when i try to get clarity of your position

you said that (for the higher purpose of having hrc go down) you thought it would be awesome if pizzagate actually happened. so all i'm trying to do is define exactly what you meant by pizzagate. did that include child sex trafficking/abuse that took place in, among other places, a DC area pizza parlor basement?

03-26-2018, 06:11 PM
see, you get pissy and accuse me of twisting your position, but then you squirm when i try to get clarity of your position

because you obviously can't read and it's not my job to teach you. i'm not going to keep stating the same thing over and over again because you ask me to do so.

03-26-2018, 06:13 PM
because you obviously can't read and it's not my job to teach you. i'm not going to keep stating the same thing over and over again because you ask me to do so.
its easy to see why you're dodging. because now you're ashamed of yourself. that's a good thing. i wasn't sure you were capable of shame.

im glad you regret having said it would have been awesome for it to be true that children were raped just so hrc could go down. because that's a really shitty position to hold.

03-26-2018, 06:16 PM
its easy to see why you're dodging. because now you're ashamed of yourself. that's a good thing. i wasn't sure you were capable of shame.

im glad you regret having said it would have been awesome for it to be true that children were raped just so hrc could go down. because that's a really shitty position to hold.

are you really trying this hard or are you that retarded? reread my posts... i mean fuck, you quoted one not even a couple posts up so wtf are you babbling about exactly? fucking having to deal with you retards is exhausting.

03-26-2018, 06:19 PM
are you really trying this hard or are you that retarded? reread my posts... i mean fuck, you quoted one not even a couple posts up so wtf are you babbling about exactly? fucking having to deal with you retards is exhausting.
it shouldn't be exhausting. all you had to do was answer my question from several posts ago. what exactly did you mean by pizzagate? did that include child sex/trafficking abuse that took place in, among other places, a DC area pizzeria basement?

i'm aware it's exhausting to routinely dodge questions, since they keep coming back. if you just address them, it would be much less tiring tbh

03-26-2018, 06:22 PM
it shouldn't be exhausting. all you had to do was answer my question from several posts ago. what exactly did you mean by pizzagate? did that include child sex/trafficking abuse that took place in, among other places, a DC area pizzeria basement?

i'm aware it's exhausting to routinely dodge questions, since they keep coming back. if you just address them, it would be much less tiring tbh

you can claim i dodged your bs questions all you'd like but the posts remain up top for all to see and read. good luck in life dipshit.

Trill Clinton
03-26-2018, 06:24 PM
yea that does read like you're supporting pedophilia, koriwhat. you got caught up in trolling too hard and went over the line. it happens to the best of us. just take it on the chin and move on.

03-26-2018, 06:25 PM
yea that does read like you're supporting pedophilia, koriwhat. you got caught up in trolling too hard and went over the line. it happens to the best of us. just take it on the chin and move on.

lmao whatever... SR can play dumb all he/she/it wants.

03-26-2018, 06:26 PM
you can claim i dodged your bs questions all you'd like but the posts remain up top for all to see and read. good luck in life dipshit.
all i know is you said it would have been awesome if pizzagate was real.

so you think it would have been awesome if children were sexually abused and trafficked

because clinton

03-26-2018, 06:28 PM
all i know is you said it would have been awesome if pizzagate was real.

so you think it would have been awesome if children were sexually abused and trafficked

because clinton

i believe you're hyping something like this up because you think you're in some sort of cool club here on ST and want to spin shit to fit in. i do see a loser who goes by spurraider21 that desperately wishes he had real friends.

03-26-2018, 06:28 PM
yea that does read like you're supporting pedophilia, koriwhat. you got caught up in trolling too hard and went over the line. it happens to the best of us. just take it on the chin and move on.

lol you have nary room Mr. "I wish this pedophile school teacher had nudey pictures" :lol

03-26-2018, 06:30 PM
Not even remotely the same thing, CX.

03-26-2018, 06:41 PM
i believe you're hyping something like this up because you think you're in some sort of cool club here on ST and want to spin shit to fit in. i do see a loser who goes by spurraider21 that desperately wishes he had real friends.
you are free to say "hey, i took it too far, and i dont actually think it would be awesome if children were actually raped, just so i can see clinton go down"

nobody is stopping you from walking back something so awful

03-26-2018, 06:43 PM
you are free to say "hey, i took it too far, and i dont actually think it would be awesome if children were actually raped, just so i can see clinton go down"

nobody is stopping you from walking back something so awful

pretty sure you could read that and much more in a few of the replies i already made that you already quoted. lmao you're fucking pathetic and so is your shit buddies on this site. pathetic retards.

03-26-2018, 06:46 PM
"i know of PG and thought it'd be awesome for it to be reality, considering i hate hrc"