View Full Version : Trash's budget (best expression of his "values")

02-12-2018, 08:25 PM
Trump budget seeks cuts to domestic programs, Medicare, favors military and wall

While running for president in 2016, Trump pledged to leave popular benefit programs such as Medicare and Social Security untouched, but his new budget proposal would reduce Medicare spending by $236 billion over the next 10 years.

the plan calls for deep cuts in non-military spending that the White House said would lower the federal budget deficit by more than $3 trillion over 10 years.

the plan calls for deep cuts in non-military spending that the White House said would lower the federal budget deficit by more than $3 trillion over 10 years.

Trump’s budget calls for $571 million in additional funding to hire 2,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and agents.

the budget provides for $200 billion in federal funds intended to spur $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investments with state, local and private partners over the next 10 years

The budget also seeks some $13 billion in new funding over the next two years to combat the opioid epidemic. :lol

https://www.rawstory.com/2018/02/trump-budget-seeks-cuts-domestic-programs-medicare-favors-military-wall/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

Spend big on law enforcement and military, and fuck the poor, old, sick. iow, fantastic evangelical Christian values.

02-12-2018, 11:13 PM
The infrastructure bill is garbage. They're giving 20% subsidies and think that state/local governments are going to come running after it for projects that can't afford to pay even 50% of?

02-13-2018, 03:59 PM
The infrastructure bill is garbage. They're giving 20% subsidies and think that state/local governments are going to come running after it for projects that can't afford to pay even 50% of?

This after their tax cut giveaway to the wealthy was paid for by penalizing states coffers, making it politically difficult to raise taxes to come up with the balance.

02-15-2018, 08:27 AM
Trump's budget: More nuclear bombs, less nuclear cleanup (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/2/14/1741326/-Trump-s-budget-More-nuclear-bombs-less-nuclear-cleanup)

In January, the state of Washington wrote to the Department of Energy to let them know how worried they were about radiation levels at the heavily contaminated Hanford Site. The letter let the DOE notes that far from dropping,

radiation levels around the plant, and dangers to workers, were increasing. (https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/2/1/1737929/-Washington-health-dept-sends-letter-of-concern-regarding-radiation-levels-at-tainted-Hanford-Site)

Since [December], more than 270 workers concerned about their health have requested bioassays to test for radioactive exposure. Results released so far have covered 109 workers and found that two tested positive for having inhaled or ingested radioactive particles.

The Trump administration is proposing a $230 million cut in cleanup spending at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in fiscal 2019.

The budget request released on Monday cuts $61 million from the budget for Hanford's Office of River Protection, and

$169 million from the U.S. Department of Energy's Richland Operations Office.

Subjecting Washington to extra radiation is, of course, right in line with the cuts Trump’s already made, or intends to make, to environmental programs of all kinds,

But it might seem that Hanford—which was for years the source of plutonium used in America’s nuclear arsenal—might get a little extra attention from

the guy who wants to spend over $1 trillion dollars on new bombs.


And of course Washington is a blue-state, so punish it

02-17-2018, 01:25 PM
Maybe all of you who oppose ending chain migration and diversity lottery and instead using a merit-based system will consider the savings of not letting in immigrants who eventually are still on welfare after 21 years (that means you, bou). Seems that a good number of the liberals on this board (and even in the comments of NYT) think that Trump's offer is a fair one. But I guess the Dems and RINOs voted against and want to continue the open borders agenda. Americans have enough problems of their own than inviting in more low-skilled people who don't speak English and will be a strain on educational, health and social systems. And that budget passed by Congress and signed by Trump is terrible - don't see any need for hurricane aid here in S. FL - everything seems back to normal - no need for any more weekends of people lining up at the public parks for months of free groceries on EBT cards.

Although that Obamacare board being gone is a good thing.

02-17-2018, 01:28 PM
And no parade please - complete waste of money.

02-17-2018, 01:51 PM
Trash didn't use "merit-based" when staffing his FL properties with manual laborers.

chain migration is as intentionally misleading as "climate change" is for AGW

02-17-2018, 02:07 PM
Trash didn't use "merit-based" when staffing his FL properties with manual laborers.

chain migration is as intentionally misleading as "climate change" is for AGW

Each person should be let in on his/her own merit - not because you're related to someone already here (spouse and dependent children excluded). And pardon my lack of political correctness - definitely not parents (who probably don't want to relocate anyway) - who are old and will soon be a drain on healthcare and/or SS.

02-17-2018, 02:09 PM
Trash didn't use "merit-based" when staffing his FL properties with manual laborers.

chain migration is as intentionally misleading as "climate change" is for AGW

When are you going to realize that people (except maybe yourself) act in self-interest and are going to do what's best for them and theirs? As long as he's not doing anything illegal, no one is going to cut off his nose to spite his face.

02-17-2018, 02:23 PM
When are you going to realize that people (except maybe yourself) act in self-interest and are going to do what's best for them and theirs? As long as he's not doing anything illegal, no one is going to cut off his nose to spite his face.

for decades, Repug voters have voted against their own best financial interests, so now they were distressed, fucked up, suicidal that the voted for Trash to "shake things up", and they get screwed even more deeply as Trash implements exactly what his Billionaire oligarchy Class Warriors want.

So you excuse Trash for importing cheap, no-merit manual laborers while he wants to deny such laborers for everybody else?

02-17-2018, 02:25 PM
When are you going to realize that people (except maybe yourself) act in self-interest and are going to do what's best for them and theirs? As long as he's not doing anything illegal, no one is going to cut off his nose to spite his face.

Juxtaposing this with Christian beliefs, if one is honest about it, must be difficult.
It was not for Ayn Rand.

Chris just says he is a sinner and merrily goes on his way.

02-17-2018, 02:58 PM
for decades, Repug voters have voted against their own best financial interests, so now they were distressed, fucked up, suicidal that the voted for Trash to "shake things up", and they get screwed even more deeply as Trash implements exactly what his Billionaire oligarchy Class Warriors want.

So you excuse Trash for importing cheap, no-merit manual laborers while he wants to deny such laborers for everybody else?

And do you blame them, when as soon as "underrepresented" immigrants come in/become legal, they have access to even more "help" than native borns through affirmative action, programs, etc. Trump, at least, is trying to change the system so that we are not burdened with further people on welfare. When the system is changed, so too will Trump's hotels' policies. I do not blame anyone for doing anything (legally) that benefits them/their business.

bou, if you don't like the laws/system, you must either go another way (legally) or change them. Remember, I didn't like public schools so I did something about it. It was not easy being on one income, giving up the security of a government job, constantly being with kids 24/7 but I would do it all over again. There are usually ways around undesirables as long as we have our freedoms and are willing to sacrifice. Think positively.

02-17-2018, 03:08 PM
Juxtaposing this with Christian beliefs, if one is honest about it, must be difficult.
It was not for Ayn Rand.

Chris just says he is a sinner and merrily goes on his way.

It's not difficult at all. We're talking about Trump here. I'm not going to be guilted (is there such a word?) by any one on this board.

02-17-2018, 03:16 PM
It's not difficult at all. We're talking about Trump here. I'm not going to be guilted (is there such a word?) by any one on this board.

Of course you won't.
Nor the words of Christ and his actions.

02-17-2018, 03:18 PM
When are you going to realize that people (except maybe yourself) act in self-interest and are going to do what's best for them and theirs? As long as he's not doing anything illegal, no one is going to cut off his nose to spite his face.

You got this from Trump.

02-17-2018, 03:25 PM
"And do you blame them, when as soon as "underrepresented" immigrants come in/become legal, they have access to even more "help" than native borns through affirmative action, programs, etc. "

evidence? or are you just swallowing white male nativist/supremacist propaganda

"Trump, at least, is trying to change the system so that we are not burdened with further people on welfare."

evidence of illegal immigrants on welfare?

"When the system is changed, so too will Trump's hotels' policies."

Trump's properties won't be serviced by merit-based legal immigrants :lol

"bou, if you don't like the laws/system, you must either go another way (legally) or change them."

America is irreversibly, unstoppably in decline for the lower 80%. The laws and regs can't be changed due to the oligarchy owning Federal and state govts. If the oligarchy temporarily is in the minority, it's a big enough minority to block progress by the opposition.

"Remember, I didn't like public schools so I did something about it"

your anecdote as ideologue and snobby elitist is useless beyond yourself

02-17-2018, 05:11 PM
How Trump Plans to Evict Poor Families From Public Housing

The president’s budget proposal is a shocking assault on the 5 million people who rely on rental assistance.

The White House budget released this week calls for a $68 billion cut to HUD, or a 14 percent reduction, which is even deeper than what Trump demanded last year

If enacted, the Trump budget would be a vicious eviction notice to millions of low-income families.


02-17-2018, 05:26 PM
Trump's $4.4 Trillion Butcher's Bill

We live in an age of elaborate cruelty.

It is a new experience for some and a terrible old story for others: Fate has teeth these days.

You don't just get sick; your tap water gives you cancer from the coal slurry in the river and

then the utility company jacks up your rates (https://thinkprogress.org/residents-of-flint-are-being-billed-for-poisoned-water-and-threatened-with-shutoffs-if-they-dont-pay-76b6b82f0d2/).

You don't just get screwed; you wither like a drought vine because the insurance company won't cover the treatment you need to survive.

You don't just die; you get shot in your own algebra class,

and before the echo fades,

the president of the United States (https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/president-of-the-united-states-call-the-cops-on-troubl-1823030819) scolds the country about how it all could have been avoided without ever once (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/02/15/mentally-disturbed-trump-is-already-pointing-away-from-gun-control/?utm_term=.6d9ae558a8f3) mentioning guns.

Why? Money. Filthy lucre. The loot.

The tap water made you sick because the local chemical companies that won't let you unionize poisoned the river to maximize profits, because their well-funded friends in Washington obliterated environmental protections to help them wring a few more coppers out of the tired, stinking ground.

The insurance company screwed you because health care in the US is a multibillion-dollar for-profit industry, and healing you dings its bottom line a microfraction of a percent. Some insurance companies don't even bother (https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/11/health/aetna-california-investigation/index.html) to look at your medical records before showing you the door.

You got shot in school -- the 29th mass shooting in 45 days of 2018 and the 239th school shooting (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/02/15/us/school-shootings-sandy-hook-parkland.html?utm_content=buffer1dc65&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer&mtrref=t.co&mtrref=www.nytimes.com&gwh=F34C71A8EA8188EDD01C663D9A5C37BF&gwt=pay) since the massacre at Sandy Hook -- because the National Rifle Association has its financial fangs buried deep in the necks of virtually every Republican (http://thehill.com/homenews/media/373983-ex-gop-lawmaker-vote-republicans-out-of-office-if-you-want-mass-shootings) and far too many Democrats in Congress.

Trump and his people called it a budget plan (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-trump-budget-20180212-story.html), but in reality, it was

a $4.4 trillion butcher's bill,

a wish list (https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/02/12/morally-bankrupt-budget-after-15-trillion-gift-rich-trump-demands-17-trillion-safety) of all the malice and greed

at the necrotic heart of the modern Republican experience.

Trump's budget proposal is a fearsome glimpse into the minds of some genuinely dangerous people.

It is a call for acts of brutality against fellow citizens that are breathtaking.

A few of them, if inflicted upon a foreign country, might be considered war crimes.

Here, it's just business.

Social Security Block Grants would be eliminated.

More than $300 billion would be cut from Medicaid.

A combined $423 billion would be cut from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Disability programs would be cut by $72 billion.

In total, the document details $1.7 trillion in cuts to social services and the safety net.

Funny, that.

The gigantic tax cut they just passed cost $1.5 trillion,

with most of it going to rich people and massive corporations.

Trump's FY2019 budget pays for that in total

on the backs (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/we-would-literally-not-survive-how-trumps-plans-for-the-social-safety-net-would-affect-americas-poorest/2018/02/14/11f34f92-10f6-11e8-8ea1-c1d91fcec3fe_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-more-top-stories_safetynet9pm:homepage/story&utm_term=.bb9d6cf21161) of children, poor people, the elderly and the disabled,

with a couple hundred billion left over for the Pentagon, which didn't ask for it and doesn't need it.
