View Full Version : Amateur: Fatball getting desperate (rule changes)

02-23-2018, 06:53 PM
are they serious? :lmao

They must be desperate af to attract the younger audience since once the 50+ crowd dies off MLF will become the most irrelevant major sport. :lol

According to Rich Eisen, one MLF exec recently told him that there is a rule being discussed by some in the game that would basically cause a riot. It goes like this: In the 9th inning only, the manager of the trailing team would be allowed to send up any three players he wants for the first three at-bats of the inning. It doesn't matter where a team is in the batting order during the game. The skipper can send up anyone he wants in any order for the first three at-bats in the 9th.


02-23-2018, 07:05 PM

02-24-2018, 10:23 AM
To be fair, batting orders have always been stupid to me. Nust let your best players bat.

02-24-2018, 10:25 AM
Oh it says trailing team? Why not the whole 9th inning.

As expected fatball brains is nothing but lard.

02-24-2018, 10:51 AM
:lmao holy shit look at that ghost town :lmao

:cry b-b-but beisbol is not losing popularity, it says so right here at this graph!!! :cry


02-24-2018, 11:15 AM

02-25-2018, 05:11 AM
LMFAO y'all are a bunch of collective dumbasses. :lol took the bait line and sinker (especially the moron OP). Who tries to trash MLB on some source given by Rich Eisen who already jumped the flaming pile that the NFL has turned into (gee I wonder why) and even if this is true (which anybody with two brain cells knows it is a absolute farce and has zero chance of ever happening.) The NBA has been administrating rule changes for YEARS..so your argument is what????

You don't have to post a graph of improved ratings to see ratings have improved greatly in the sport, all you have to do is be aware...like wake up and have a pulse type of awareness and pay attention to the landscape. Seriously do a simple Google search (not that hard). Baseball (and this is coming from a basketball fan first) has been killing it the last few years and currently has the deepest crop of young stars that they've had in decades. LMFAO..if you really wanted to bag on a sport you missed the mark by a decade plus... have y'all even been paying attention to the MLB or the NFL?!? Wake the hell up. :lol


Congrats "Chris" for winning the Captain obvious award and pointing out the lack of discussion in MLB on a damn NBA forum which belongs to a city that doesn't even have a MLB team during MLB's damn off-season/spring training. WOW! Hate much? :lmao