View Full Version : Pop blathering about Trump to get LeBron?

04-05-2018, 08:50 PM


04-05-2018, 08:53 PM
CIA Pop.

04-05-2018, 08:58 PM
Just white guilt tbh

04-05-2018, 08:59 PM
Fuck Dan Gilbert in his racist ass.

LeBron should find a team with an owner and president that are decent people. If not the Spurs then elsewhere.

04-05-2018, 08:59 PM
Fuck Dan Gilbert in his racist ass.

LeBron should find a team with an owner and president that are decent people. If not the Spurs then elsewhere.
Like lithuania

04-05-2018, 09:04 PM
Just white guilt tbh

04-05-2018, 09:07 PM
it'd be cool if part of the deal with lebron moving here is a wink wink to sell him the team and move it east somewhere so he can cream jordan for all eternity

04-05-2018, 09:10 PM
First, he needs to get over himself.

04-05-2018, 09:12 PM
There is no intelligent person with an American citizenship that doesn’t agree with Pop regarding the Fat Nixon. Pop is a smart man and a patriot.

04-05-2018, 09:25 PM
There is no intelligent person with an American citizenship that doesn’t agree with Pop regarding the Fat Nixon. Pop is a smart man ad a patriot.

You shouldn't call Hillary a fat Nixon.

04-05-2018, 09:28 PM
You shouldn't call Hillary a fat Nixon.

04-05-2018, 09:35 PM
I don't think that it helps that Gilbert is a MAGA'er but Gilbert does seem like a legit asshole, and the two haven't gotten along for years.

Pop doesn't like Trump, like the majority of Americans, and says it. Its seems more coincidental than anything else tbh. Kerr and Van Gundy have both trashed trump but they haven't been linked to Lebron.

04-05-2018, 09:46 PM
He really thinks that way about Trump, making it public without a doubt is for LeBron.

Pop is coaching like shit lately but he's so good on this off-court game. Good for him :tu

Can't wait to hear..."take my talents to San Antonio Texas"

Play Boban
04-06-2018, 12:03 AM
Isn’t Peter Holt a MAGAer, though?

04-06-2018, 12:55 AM
Isn’t Peter Holt a MAGAer, though?
wouldn’t be surprised but he stepped down a couple months ago.

04-06-2018, 01:37 AM
If Lebron comes here, just hope he doesn't get an injury. It takes a year at least to recover mentally from a strained muscle.

04-06-2018, 02:13 AM
Isn’t Peter Holt a MAGAer, though?

He is, apparently, but seemingly a fairly closeted one. Having an owner outspokenly pro-Trump, in theory, could keep FA's from coming- not that they were anyway :lol

04-06-2018, 06:15 AM
So dumb. They complain that Trump is a divider and then they say they won’t play for someone who supports him. Doesn’t that make LeBron the same as Trump? Well, he can’t come to SA bc the Holts supported Trump, and Romney, and Bush....

04-06-2018, 01:55 PM
Pop is pop and he is expressing his genuine outrage at our country's problems. Lebron is rumored to already exclude SA. Lebron is a good business man but he knows he can't satisfy his sponsors in SA. Nike and Jordan are already throwing Spurs under the bus with that ridiculous offer to Kawhi.

04-06-2018, 02:25 PM
Pop is pop and he is expressing his genuine outrage at our country's problems. Lebron is rumored to already exclude SA. Lebron is a good business man but he knows he can't satisfy his sponsors in SA. Nike and Jordan are already throwing Spurs under the bus with that ridiculous offer to Kawhi.

Disagree. Lebron could play in the Russian league and get mega million dollar sneaker money. Kawhi's problem is that you can't be a quiet, shy guy and marketable. Yes, Pet Sampras was better at tennis, but Andre Aggasi got all the commercials.

04-06-2018, 03:16 PM
whatever it takes, tbh

04-06-2018, 04:50 PM
If you are gonna leave a franchise that drafted you, groomed you, that you helped lead to a championship over politics because the owner supports so and so and you don't, that is really soft and weak, really soft and weak. LeBron should know the NBA is a business but everyone has different values but it should be business first, LeBron should know this so stupid if there is any truth to this.

04-06-2018, 04:59 PM
Disagree. Lebron could play in the Russian league and get mega million dollar sneaker money. Kawhi's problem is that you can't be a quiet, shy guy and marketable. Yes, Pet Sampras was better at tennis, but Andre Aggasi got all the commercials.

Yes he can do well in any market but Lebron knows how to play politics. He is way bigger than just a market. If you dont think he listens to his agents and sponsors and isn't calculated in his approach to his sponsorships and brand you are dead wrong. If they say hard no to SA you dont think he cares if his brand suffers? Spurs are all about the culture, not one player. His team is probably 99% against this move too.

04-06-2018, 05:13 PM
Yes he can do well in any market but Lebron knows how to play politics. He is way bigger than just a market. If you dont think he listens to his agents and sponsors and isn't calculated in his approach to his sponsorships and brand you are dead wrong. If they say hard no to SA you dont think he cares if his brand suffers? Spurs are all about the culture, not one player. His team is probably 99% against this move too.

Again disagree. Spurs featured Kawhi heavily in their offense. He dictated every possession last year when he was in the game. Sponsors know he is a heavily featured player and a winning Spurs team is on national television a lot. He doesn’t suffer from being in San Antonio any more than Russ suffers from being in OKC. Kawhi suffers because he has an inexperienced person representing him and he isn’t particularly interesting. Who’s going to get more interest and say something interesting in a post game press conference, Kawhi or Russ. That’s Kawhi’s problem. He’s a great player, but boring personality.

04-06-2018, 05:17 PM
There is no intelligent person with an American citizenship that doesn’t agree with Pop regarding the Fat Nixon. Pop is a smart man and a patriot.


Walter Donovan
04-06-2018, 06:44 PM
Think Pop’ll throw his hat into the Democratic Primary in 2020?

04-07-2018, 01:50 AM

04-07-2018, 02:12 AM
only if it works

UNT Eagles 2016
04-07-2018, 12:28 PM
He is, apparently, but seemingly a fairly closeted one. Having an owner outspokenly pro-Trump, in theory, could keep FA's from coming- not that they were anyway :lol
He was definitely pro Bush and praised him after 9/11.

Trump is a different animal and to be a celeb you have to stay in the closet to support him which is bullshit imo.

04-07-2018, 12:46 PM
He was definitely pro Bush and praised him after 9/11.

Trump is a different animal and to be a celeb you have to stay in the closet to support him which is bullshit imo.

Goes both ways. I'm from Texas and in many work places it was the same way for Obama supporters.

04-07-2018, 01:09 PM
He was definitely pro Bush and praised him after 9/11.

Trump is a different animal and to be a celeb you have to stay in the closet to support him which is bullshit imo.

It really isn't, especially in the NBA. During the aftermath of 9/11 Bush was overwhelmingly popular (something like high 70's in approval rating) so there wasn't much risk in praising Bush. By the end; after the Iraq debacle and two wars, it wasn't necessarily a lot to gain in publicly praising him.

Trump is extremely polarizing; his supporters love him, while his opponents despise him- judging by approval/ disapproval ratings, it's 39/55 which is pretty consistent amongst most polls that he doesn't tweet about:lol.

Black athletes and foreign born players populate the league and he isn't hot amongst either demo, his approval numbers among Black people are likely less than what Kyle Anderson scores per game so its smart business to stay in the closet about supporting him.

For the record, I think he's been a fucking shit show as president but am fine with people publicly supporting him, just don't expect people to do the same, especially if they are players who can generally choose which team they want to play for tbh

04-07-2018, 01:17 PM
Goes both ways. I'm from Texas and in many work places it was the same way for Obama supporters.

Man; I live in Virginia and even the GOP gubernatorial candidate avoided talking about him like the fucking plague because Trump's approval/disapproval rating had gotten so low in the aftermath of Charlottesville (35/60).

Trump, of course, publicly endorsed him anyway while also flat out lying about the Democratic candidate in the same tweet, which pretty much sunk his chances of winning, like Patty playing 40 minutes in any given game :lol

04-07-2018, 01:53 PM
Man; I live in Virginia and even the GOP gubernatorial candidate avoided talking about him like the fucking plague because Trump's approval/disapproval rating had gotten so low in the aftermath of Charlottesville (35/60).

Trump, of course, publicly endorsed him anyway while also flat out lying about the Democratic candidate in the same tweet, which pretty much sunk his chances of winning, like Patty playing 40 minutes in any given game :lol

Well. You have to admit, a large part of that is his fault. He is lauded for acting like a child by his strong base and of course the moderates on the GOP side is going to disagree with his actions as well as their constituents. He literally bullies the companies and citizens he dislikes using Twitter and media with no remorse.

UNT Eagles 2016
04-07-2018, 03:04 PM
It really isn't, especially in the NBA. During the aftermath of 9/11 Bush was overwhelmingly popular (something like high 70's in approval rating) so there wasn't much risk in praising Bush. By the end; after the Iraq debacle and two wars, it wasn't necessarily a lot to gain in publicly praising him.

Trump is extremely polarizing; his supporters love him, while his opponents despise him- judging by approval/ disapproval ratings, it's 39/55 which is pretty consistent amongst most polls that he doesn't tweet about:lol.

Black athletes and foreign born players populate the league and he isn't hot amongst either demo, his approval numbers among Black people are likely less than what Kyle Anderson scores per game so its smart business to stay in the closet about supporting him.

For the record, I think he's been a fucking shit show as president but am fine with people publicly supporting him, just don't expect people to do the same, especially if they are players who can generally choose which team they want to play for tbh
In the words of Poop... "Trump can't get over himself".

8/10 for the analogies, though.

Iraq was a debacle. Afghanistan was necessary and justified. You can't just lie down like a little bitch and take it when 2900 of your own innocent civilians die by mere chance on your home soil by malicious intent.

The problem was, the Taliban/Al-Qaeda throughout the 90s had taken a page out of the 1960s North Vietnamese Vietminh by converting their structured militia to a guerrilla scheme, which it knew the Americans historically struggle(d) with. This, along with the topography of Afghanistan, allowed them to survive as a terror organization from 9/11 to today, even in small numbers, because as many terrorists as we've killed, there are always others in hiding somewhere out there.

This is also why ISIS has been a miserably failed experiment by the jihadists. Al-Qaeda disowned them quickly in 2014, not because they weren't an ideological match (they are) but because Zawahiri and company didn't want any part of a centralized Islamic State that served as a relatively easy target for the West and its allies. That, and ISIS is inherently disadvantaged in its flat desert topography, meaning they really have nowhere to hide except within other Sunni Muslim cities, the citizens of which they use as human shields against large-scale Western invasion. But the diehardedness of these extremists has ultimately, primarily, led to the demise of ISIS and the remainder of the surviving mercenaries largely defecting to al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, etc.

04-07-2018, 09:17 PM
Well. You have to admit, a large part of that is his fault. He is lauded for acting like a child by his strong base and of course the moderates on the GOP side is going to disagree with his actions as well as their constituents. He literally bullies the companies and citizens he dislikes using Twitter and media with no remorse.

The best part was after Gillespie (the GOP candidate) lost, he criticized him for not embracing him and his policies more-which Trump thought, somehow, that it would've helped him win.

Gillespie was actually leading about a month out but ended up losing by 10 points following Trump's endorsement. My Cousin lives in Charlottesville and goes to UVA and mentioned how crazy the turnout was, it was up something like 130% from the Presidential election with 87% voting Democrat. Turnout was up across the state because of the election was viewed as a referendum on Trump tbh.

04-07-2018, 09:30 PM
It looks like it’s about to work!

Mr. Body
04-07-2018, 10:22 PM
Trump is a big goddamn orange colored piece of shit. But Pop would say so regardless.

04-07-2018, 11:02 PM
In the words of Poop... "Trump can't get over himself".

8/10 for the analogies, though.

Iraq was a debacle. Afghanistan was necessary and justified. You can't just lie down like a little bitch and take it when 2900 of your own innocent civilians die by mere chance on your home soil by malicious intent.

The problem was, the Taliban/Al-Qaeda throughout the 90s had taken a page out of the 1960s North Vietnamese Vietminh by converting their structured militia to a guerrilla scheme, which it knew the Americans historically struggle(d) with. This, along with the topography of Afghanistan, allowed them to survive as a terror organization from 9/11 to today, even in small numbers, because as many terrorists as we've killed, there are always others in hiding somewhere out there.

This is also why ISIS has been a miserably failed experiment by the jihadists. Al-Qaeda disowned them quickly in 2014, not because they weren't an ideological match (they are) but because Zawahiri and company didn't want any part of a centralized Islamic State that served as a relatively easy target for the West and its allies. That, and ISIS is inherently disadvantaged in its flat desert topography, meaning they really have nowhere to hide except within other Sunni Muslim cities, the citizens of which they use as human shields against large-scale Western invasion. But the diehardedness of these extremists has ultimately, primarily, led to the demise of ISIS and the remainder of the surviving mercenaries largely defecting to al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, etc.

He really can though, plus he seems to be easily distracted and can be baited into arguments easily. Then there are the lies- I expect Presidents to lie but damn, at least be good at it or do so when necessary. It gives people who don't like him ammo and his supporters reasons to doubt him.

04-09-2018, 04:31 PM
Well, Pop may not have Trump as subject matter to cover up for the team's abysmal performance much longer. Trump's attorney just got raided. That's bad for Trump. Very bad. While his fans are likely to not believe any criminal charges that could come against him, I doubt Trump will have much luck in the legal system. This would be unprecedented for a president and could get ugly real quick. I guess Pop always has President Pence to target, but it won't be nearly as interesting for the next two years.

04-09-2018, 06:56 PM
Well, Pop may not have Trump as subject matter to cover up for the team's abysmal performance much longer. Trump's attorney just got raided. That's bad for Trump. Very bad. While his fans are likely to not believe any criminal charges that could come against him, I doubt Trump will have much luck in the legal system. This would be unprecedented for a president and could get ugly real quick. I guess Pop always has President Pence to target, but it won't be nearly as interesting for the next two years.

According to an article I read that raid was about the pornstar Stormy Daniels payment his attorney made not the Russia stuff. I doubt Trump loses his presidency over an affair he reportedly had. Really this is none of our damn business but the media is obsessed with Trump.

04-09-2018, 07:05 PM
According to an article I read that raid was about the pornstar Stormy Daniels payment his attorney made not the Russia stuff. I doubt Trump loses his presidency over an affair he reportedly had. Really this is none of our damn business but the media is obsessed with Trump.

If he broke campaign laws, it could. The affair is perfectly legal. But we’ll see about the cover up. I don’t know how it would impact his presidency. 1/3 of the country would defend him if they saw him murder someone in the street. Maybe a civil war.