View Full Version : Peter Thiel: What is Multiculturalism Really About?

04-06-2018, 08:40 PM

Peter Thiel was the only major Silicon Valley mogul to publicly back Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

04-06-2018, 08:41 PM
This 22yo video really puts into perspective why Peter decided to vote for Trump. He has recognized the cancer in the left for decades now.

04-06-2018, 08:48 PM
"You do not have real diversity on a college campus when you have a campus full of people who look differently and think alike."- Peter Thiel

Judging diversity on looks. :lol

04-06-2018, 09:27 PM
"You do not have real diversity on a college campus when you have a campus full of people who look differently and think alike."- Peter Thiel

Judging diversity on looks. :lol
right. because discriminatory policies that have lingering effects weren't based on looks

04-07-2018, 02:45 AM
Isn't that the guy who was super butthurt he was outed as gay?

04-07-2018, 08:10 AM
Isn't that the guy who was super butthurt he was outed as gay?

yep, and he financed the suit for the pro rassler that bankrupted Gawker


04-07-2018, 08:45 AM
So as an alternative to people who tolerate tolerance, let’s have people who hate reflexively so we have a wide range of views. That’ll work...

04-07-2018, 01:11 PM
So as an alternative to people who tolerate tolerance, let’s have people who hate reflexively so we have a wide range of views. That’ll work...

bro, you're overthinking this. Just run with what people tells you in Youtubes, if we need your analysis and critical thinking skills we'll let you know... in a Youtube.

04-07-2018, 04:22 PM
Isn't that the guy who was super butthurt he was outed as gay?

I remember liberals telling us that people should be allowed to come out on their own terms. I guess yet another thing you don't believe in when it's not working out for you.

04-07-2018, 04:25 PM

Peter Thiel was the only major Silicon Valley mogul to publicly back Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

Solid. Chumpettes have no need for real debate points though.

04-07-2018, 04:27 PM
So as an alternative to people who tolerate tolerance, let’s have people who hate reflexively so we have a wide range of views. That’ll work...

bro, you're overthinking this. Just run with what people tells you in Youtubes, if we need your analysis and critical thinking skills we'll let you know... in a Youtube.

He didn't watch the video, nor did you. That couldn't be a shittier recap. It's nothing more than a talking point that he pulled out of his ass.

04-07-2018, 04:28 PM
I remember liberals telling us that people should be allowed to come out on their own terms.I agree, but his butthurt was extreme.

04-07-2018, 04:31 PM
I agree, but not really.

04-07-2018, 04:31 PM
:lol Quote change white flag.

04-07-2018, 04:37 PM
This 22yo video really puts into perspective why Peter decided to vote for Trump. He has recognized the cancer in the left for decades now.
Whereas you were supporting Bernie as recently as 2016

Lol goober
Lol stupid and impressionable

04-07-2018, 04:38 PM
I agree, but his butthurt was extreme.
There's a pun in there somewhere.

04-07-2018, 04:41 PM
Isn't that the guy who was super butthurt he was outed as gay?
Messenger shot

04-07-2018, 04:48 PM
Messenger shotI didn't watch the video and have no opinion on it.

Just like you have no opinion on anything discussed in this forum.

But it is great that we can have an opinion on diversity from a gay dude. Nice to have opinions from diverse sources.

04-07-2018, 04:49 PM
I didn't watch the video and have no opinion on it.

Of course, you just like running your fucking mouth like always.

04-07-2018, 04:50 PM
Of course, you just like running your fucking mouth like always.And you?

What do you like doing here?

Did you watch the video?

04-07-2018, 05:31 PM

Peter Thiel was the only major Silicon Valley mogul to publicly back Donald Trump's presidential campaign.


04-07-2018, 05:32 PM
Of course, you just like running your fucking mouth like always.

truer words have never been spoken... or typed in this case. :tu

04-07-2018, 06:18 PM
He didn't watch the video, nor did you. That couldn't be a shittier recap. It's nothing more than a talking point that he pulled out of his ass.

I made no comments about the video.

04-07-2018, 06:24 PM
I made no comments about the video.

not a bad video at all and really does explain today's bs with all these wannabe "liberals".

04-07-2018, 06:28 PM
not a bad video at all and really does explain today's bs with all these wannabe "liberals".

I know Thiel leanings fairly well, and I don't really subscribe to his views in general. He's certainly entitled to his opinions.

04-07-2018, 06:31 PM
Worth noticing about that topic also is:

In 2016, Thiel apologized for two statements he made in the book: 1) "The purpose of the rape crisis movement seems as much about vilifying men as about raising 'awareness'" and 2) "But since a multicultural rape charge may indicate nothing more than belated regret, a woman might 'realize' that she had been 'raped' the next day or even many days later." He stated: "More than two decades ago, I co-wrote a book with several insensitive, crudely argued statements. As I’ve said before, I wish I’d never written those things. I’m sorry for it. Rape in all forms is a crime. I regret writing passages that have been taken to suggest otherwise."

It's also worth pointing out it's pretty noble of his to apologize for it.

04-07-2018, 06:52 PM
He didn't watch the video, nor did you. That couldn't be a shittier recap. It's nothing more than a talking point that he pulled out of his ass.


I stopped immediately when he used the chant of hey, hey, ho, ho Western Culture has to go as popular and used to represent his false antagonist.
The fck wad presented this as the mantra of people who see diversity and tolerance of cultural understanding as desirable. That's complete shit. He framed his own picture and presented this as The Problem. Well that's astonishingly stupid as Western culture has basically legitimized basic understanding and rights of individuals and a culture of fairness. Basically Judeo-Chritian fairness. He set up his own straw man. Hey, hey, ho, ho Western Culture has to go IS PATENTLY NOT the mantra of people who see diversity and cultural understanding as desirable.

This IS a Western idea for fucks sake.

04-07-2018, 07:18 PM

I stopped immediately when he used the chant of hey, hey, ho, ho Western Culture has to go as popular and used to represent his false antagonist.
The fck wad presented this as the mantra of people who see diversity and tolerance of cultural understanding as desirable. That's complete shit. He framed his own picture and presented this as The Problem. Well that's astonishingly stupid as Western culture has basically legitimized basic understanding and rights of individuals and a culture of fairness. Basically Judeo-Chritian fairness. He set up his own straw man. Hey, hey, ho, ho Western Culture has to go IS PATENTLY NOT the mantra of people who see diversity and cultural understanding as desirable.

This IS a Western idea for fucks sake.

Plus (and I *did* watch the video, Thiel is not somebody I agree with, but I have nothing against), nobody is forced to be politically correct or forced to be multicultural on campus. It's merely a goal, a noble one, IMO, but the worst penalty for thinking different is... what? ostracism? ridicule?

He certainly graduated from Stanford without apparently any problems regardless of what he thought.

He is a Reaganite though, and even served as speech writer for the dubya admin, so his political leaning is fairly well established.

04-07-2018, 07:55 PM
Plus (and I *did* watch the video, Thiel is not somebody I agree with, but I have nothing against), nobody is forced to be politically correct or forced to be multicultural on campus. It's merely a goal, a noble one, IMO, but the worst penalty for thinking different is... what? ostracism? ridicule?

He certainly graduated from Stanford without apparently any problems regardless of what he thought.

He is a Reaganite though, and even served as speech writer for the dubya admin, so his political leaning is fairly well established.

When a guy starts out telling you that multiculturalism is not what it says it is, and then totally contradicts himself by using a chant from ill informed wanna-find-a-cause college students as his boogeyman to represent tolerance... That's a hypocrite just shedding his slimy skin right in front of his blind/deaf audience.

There is a justified anger directed at some of these stupid kids finding a safe space during a college final and telling white kids to leave while a stupified professor just sits there stammering without a clue... But sorry, that's not the norm. You can present it as such, but it's not. And when other kids had to work hard to go to college or maybe could not go and they have these entitled little rich kid videos in NEastern private schools getting irate over something they have not fully digested I understand.

People are are going to offend other people without any hatred intended. Ignorance, yes, hatred, no. Climbing on their back with a big moral stick and beating them with it is not helpful. But this guy in the video blew himself apart in a very obvious manner in the first few minutes for me.

04-07-2018, 10:36 PM
And you?

What do you like doing here?

Did you watch the video?
I watched most of it. He repeated himself some which causes me to lose interest pretty quick. He had some points, but I think the concept of diversity isn't about thought diversity or idea diversity. It's about racial diversity. I think multiculturalism isn't just about being anti-West, but being pro-world. West is often anti-world. Ironically much of the world isn't multicultural.

04-07-2018, 11:54 PM
I watched most of it. He repeated himself some which causes me to lose interest pretty quick. He had some points, but I think the concept of diversity isn't about thought diversity or idea diversity. It's about racial diversity. I think multiculturalism isn't just about being anti-West, but being pro-world. West is often anti-world. Ironically much of the world isn't multicultural.

Yep, plus it's a goal about being good citizens and neighborhoods, it's not forced. Obviously, some people feel strongly about nationalism and, hmm, some sort of idea of unique national identity, which in a lot of ways has been broken down since the industrial age, with technology, flying, communications, etc. There's a lot of demagoguery and contradictions though, like taking pride on the country being the best in the world, but when it comes to this, the US has it's own problems and can't take anybody else's problems.

04-08-2018, 12:28 AM
When a guy starts out telling you that multiculturalism is not what it says it is, and then totally contradicts himself by using a chant from ill informed wanna-find-a-cause college students as his boogeyman to represent tolerance... That's a hypocrite just shedding his slimy skin right in front of his blind/deaf audience.

There is a justified anger directed at some of these stupid kids finding a safe space during a college final and telling white kids to leave while a stupified professor just sits there stammering without a clue... But sorry, that's not the norm. You can present it as such, but it's not. And when other kids had to work hard to go to college or maybe could not go and they have these entitled little rich kid videos in NEastern private schools getting irate over something they have not fully digested I understand.

People are are going to offend other people without any hatred intended. Ignorance, yes, hatred, no. Climbing on their back with a big moral stick and beating them with it is not helpful. But this guy in the video blew himself apart in a very obvious manner in the first few minutes for me.

It's pretty much the norm for them to go crazy whenever someone with an opposing view is coming to campus. They make it cost prohibitive to exercise your right to free speech. They declare everybody that disagrees with them as racists. Oh and they love to talk about hate speech. Take a deep breath and remember me warning you that these idiots will one day be attacking your right to free speech. Natural progression.

04-08-2018, 12:37 AM
It's pretty much the norm for them to go crazy whenever someone with an opposing view is coming to campus. They make it cost prohibitive to exercise your right to free speech. They declare everybody that disagrees with them as racists. Oh and they love to talk about hate speech. Take a deep breath and remember me warning you that these idiots will one day be attacking your right to free speech. Natural progression.

This is total right wing propaganda which unsurprisingly youve fallen for.

99% of students could not give two shits about campus conservatives who are the equivalent of weirdo pariah dorks sho no one cares about on most campuses

04-08-2018, 01:17 AM
The Pathology of the Left (debunks white privilege)


04-08-2018, 02:55 AM
The Pathology of the Left (debunks white privilege)


Peterson is a boss.

04-08-2018, 02:59 AM
Peterson is a boss.

Truly a great mind.

04-08-2018, 03:08 AM
Truly a great mind.

If only he could get his hands on Pop.

04-08-2018, 03:24 AM
If only he could get his hands on Pop.

I would love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.

04-08-2018, 10:38 AM
It's pretty much the norm for them to go crazy whenever someone with an opposing view is coming to campus. They make it cost prohibitive to exercise your right to free speech. They declare everybody that disagrees with them as racists. Oh and they love to talk about hate speech. Take a deep breath and remember me warning you that these idiots will one day be attacking your right to free speech. Natural progression.

You were willing to accept my description of certain instances that enrages people so try this:

I can go running at night on a local track at my leisure. I can stand in line with a bunch of drunk males waiting for tickets to a concert. No one will think twice or bother me. Put my wife in exactly the same situation. She legitimately has to worry about going to the track. If she goes alone to buy tickets, which she did, the automatic assumption is she is alone and looking for companionship so a tribal effect takes place and she is eventually forced to leave because of the remarks and propositions, males goading each other on. Eventually females just get fed up with this. The younger females are asking why do I have to put up with this? Why do I constantly have to worry about what I wear and what kind of crowd I might run into. Why is it that I’m not safe once the sun drops. My wife shrugs it off as boys will be boys, I just should not have gone. Perfectly safe no hassle situations for me, but not for her. Younger females are tired of it, this is the US. They are questioning this accepted behavior. So...

We got a president who can grab parts if he wants. We got little wimpy online males (I’d hit on that... Without the realization That wants nothing to do with you) watching porn thinking women should just immediately climb on to them. Bunch of frustrated little twerps think it’s only their choice. That’s in the US. The place were individuals are not supposed to have to worry just because they are physically weaker and bear children. The vast majority of women don’t want to be treated like this in the US. This is not Saudi Arabia where women must live as slavish nuns until called upon.

Now women dare question that they should be able to go places without a male companion and still be safe? How dare they... They think it’s incumbent upon them to be constantly wary in the work place?... They are sick of it and I get it. If I was a women with my physical strength there would be no chasing around the table. It would end well before any chase.

Small sample of what’s out there. Not even getting into skin color.

Now what you will want to do is come back with a situation where a woman falsely accuses a man of an attack and ruins his life as a counter. And you think this example is representative of the norm. And now Chris and Spurter will climb on with you as they are the very frustrated wimps that fear they can’t get their way. I think some males actually need to learn to make an effort at establishing a mutually attractive relationship with a women that requires time and effort for both parties. And then have a daughter together.

Terminate wall of text.

04-08-2018, 01:47 PM
You were willing to accept my description of certain instances that enrages people so try this:

I can go running at night on a local track at my leisure. I can stand in line with a bunch of drunk males waiting for tickets to a concert. No one will think twice or bother me. Put my wife in exactly the same situation. She legitimately has to worry about going to the track. If she goes alone to buy tickets, which she did, the automatic assumption is she is alone and looking for companionship so a tribal effect takes place and she is eventually forced to leave because of the remarks and propositions, males goading each other on. Eventually females just get fed up with this. The younger females are asking why do I have to put up with this? Why do I constantly have to worry about what I wear and what kind of crowd I might run into. Why is it that I’m not safe once the sun drops. My wife shrugs it off as boys will be boys, I just should not have gone. Perfectly safe no hassle situations for me, but not for her. Younger females are tired of it, this is the US. They are questioning this accepted behavior. So...

We got a president who can grab parts if he wants. We got little wimpy online males (I’d hit on that... Without the realization That wants nothing to do with you) watching porn thinking women should just immediately climb on to them. Bunch of frustrated little twerps think it’s only their choice. That’s in the US. The place were individuals are not supposed to have to worry just because they are physically weaker and bear children. The vast majority of women don’t want to be treated like this in the US. This is not Saudi Arabia where women must live as slavish nuns until called upon.

Now women dare question that they should be able to go places without a male companion and still be safe? How dare they... They think it’s incumbent upon them to be constantly wary in the work place?... They are sick of it and I get it. If I was a women with my physical strength there would be no chasing around the table. It would end well before any chase.

Small sample of what’s out there. Not even getting into skin color.

Now what you will want to do is come back with a situation where a woman falsely accuses a man of an attack and ruins his life as a counter. And you think this example is representative of the norm. And now Chris and Spurter will climb on with you as they are the very frustrated wimps that fear they can’t get their way. I think some males actually need to learn to make an effort at establishing a mutually attractive relationship with a women that requires time and effort for both parties. And then have a daughter together.

Terminate wall of text.

Just because you feel safe doesn't mean you are safe.

"Male victims were most often physically assaulted by a stranger or by someone else outside of the family. In 2008, men were the victims of 80% of all reported attacks by strangers."(canada stat)


Same is true in Australia.


That's just the first two links on google. Men are at greater risk than women.

Why do I constantly have to worry about what I wear and what kind of crowd I might run into.

Perhaps because women wear clothes that hug them much more tightly than men. If you start wearing yoga pants I'll guarantee than you'll get a lot of gawking and inappropriate comments.

False rape accusations is a bigger problem than you think. There is a reason so many of the stories that blow up end up being bullshit.

04-08-2018, 01:56 PM
Just because you feel safe doesn't mean you are safe.

"Male victims were most often physically assaulted by a stranger or by someone else outside of the family. In 2008, men were the victims of 80% of all reported attacks by strangers."(canada stat)


Same is true in Australia.


That's just the first two links on google. Men are at greater risk than women.

Perhaps because women wear clothes that hug them much more tightly than men. If you start wearing yoga pants I'll guarantee than you'll get a lot of gawking and inappropriate comments.

False rape accusations is a bigger problem than you think. There is a reason so many of the stories that blow up end up being bullshit.OK, so you blamed the victims and declared false rape accusations to be the real problem.

Just how big is the false accusation problem? Give us some numbers.

04-08-2018, 02:06 PM
OK, so you blamed the victims and declared false rape accusations to be the real problem.

Just how big is the false accusation problem? Give us some numbers.

I mentioned one reason things are different between men and women. No reason to screech "victim blaming".

False rape accusation is a real problem. It's impossible to come up with accurate numbers. I just know to be cautious against the accusations and not "believe all women", like the left wants people to do.

04-08-2018, 02:08 PM
I mentioned one reason things defer between men and women. No reason to screech "victim blaming".Called it what it was.

False rape accusation is a real problem. It's impossible to come up with accurate numbers. I just know to be cautious against the accusations and not "believe all women", like the left wants people to do.You have to quantify it if you want everyone to be as skeptical of every rape accusation as you are.

04-08-2018, 02:12 PM
Called it what it was.

You have to quantify it if you want everyone to be as skeptical of every rape accusation as you are.

No you are using a catch phrase to derail the discussion and demonize your opponent. The left loves doing this.

No I don't. One merely has to recognize that people lie. If you know the individual then yeah you probably will trust them. Otherwise you need to recognize that people lie. That's the appropriate mindset people should have.

04-08-2018, 02:14 PM
No you are using a catch phrase to derail the discussion and demonize your opponent. The left loves doing this.Nope. Just describing what you did.

No I don't. One merely has to recognize that people lie. If you know the individual then yeah you probably will trust them. Otherwise you need to recognize that people lie. That's the appropriate mindset people should have.Just take my word for it and don't believe women if they say they were raped. Yoga pants.

04-08-2018, 02:27 PM
Actually that's not what I did. You've misused that term. The left regularly does that to demonize other people. "racist" "sexist" "victim blaming" etc. I simply pointed out a major difference that leads to different outcomes. I did this to show that it isn't entirely a matter of being a woman or a man, like was originally suggested.

04-08-2018, 04:23 PM
Actually that's not what I did. You've misused that term. The left regularly does that to demonize other people. "racist" "sexist" "victim blaming" etc. I simply pointed out a major difference that leads to different outcomes. I did this to show that it isn't entirely a matter of being a woman or a man, like was originally suggested.You'd victim blame men too if they dressed in yoga pants.

04-08-2018, 04:27 PM
No you are using a catch phrase to derail the discussion and demonize your opponent. The left loves doing this.

No I don't. One merely has to recognize that people lie. If you know the individual then yeah you probably will trust them. Otherwise you need to recognize that people lie. That's the appropriate mindset people should have.

people lie a lot. i know 2 chicks who ended up caught in their own rape lies back yrs and yrs ago. i'm very skeptical but whatever. i think we should all question most everything and let the courts decide not the herd.

04-08-2018, 05:23 PM
I'm sure Peter is a smart guy, but his anti-multicultural and anti-diversity stances borderline on paranoia. He just makes one disingenuous point after another, and you can't have a very constructive debate about anything when one side is deliberately misrepresenting the things and people that side is criticizing.

04-08-2018, 06:20 PM
I'm sure Peter is a smart guy, but his anti-multicultural and anti-diversity stances borderline on paranoia. He just makes one disingenuous point after another, and you can't have a very constructive debate about anything when one side is deliberately misrepresenting the things and people that side is criticizing.

This video is 22 years old and his takes have been shown to be pretty spot on imo.

04-08-2018, 10:09 PM
Just because you feel safe doesn't mean you are safe.

"Male victims were most often physically assaulted by a stranger or by someone else outside of the family. In 2008, men were the victims of 80% of all reported attacks by strangers."(canada stat)


Same is true in Australia.


That's just the first two links on google. Men are at greater risk than women.

Perhaps because women wear clothes that hug them much more tightly than men. If you start wearing yoga pants I'll guarantee than you'll get a lot of gawking and inappropriate comments.

False rape accusations is a bigger problem than you think. There is a reason so many of the stories that blow up end up being bullshit.

Of course males are involved in more assaults. Young males are the most dangerous humans in almost every society. They will find each other and pounce on each other. This has nothing to do with the fact that women are less violent and purposely avoid many, many situations that are much dangerous for them than ANY males. This is quite possibly the most ridiculous argument I have read from you.

With the men v. women fashion... wtf? Are you serious? I personally believe males are much more visual animals than females. It still does not give me the right to jeer and grab. Cut the BS.

I absolutely abhor the fact that theRE are women who lie to attempt to ruin another person’s life. But that does not come close to the number of women who have been sexually abused by males. This is not even close.

I dont think you are around women much. That’s all I can conclude by these really awful arguments.

04-08-2018, 10:25 PM
Just because you feel safe doesn't mean you are safe.

"Male victims were most often physically assaulted by a stranger or by someone else outside of the family. In 2008, men were the victims of 80% of all reported attacks by strangers."(canada stat)


Same is true in Australia.


That's just the first two links on google. Men are at greater risk than women.

Perhaps because women wear clothes that hug them much more tightly than men. If you start wearing yoga pants I'll guarantee than you'll get a lot of gawking and inappropriate comments.

False rape accusations is a bigger problem than you think. There is a reason so many of the stories that blow up end up being bullshit.

There is so much irony here it's hard to unpack and hardly worth it. But basically you're claiming that the numbers of assaults against men mean that we are susceptible to random attacks, while giving no acknowledgment whatsoever to the fact that a majority of those assaults are not random, but gang-related or due to some form of dispute or disagreement. Essentially, they've "put themselves in a situation to be assaulted" as some might argue.

In the SAME POST, you blame women for assaults against them because of what they wear, and question their truthfulness without any data.

You're the worst kind of Men's Rights cheerleader. The rejection must have really warped you.

04-08-2018, 10:33 PM
In the SAME POST, you blame women for assaults against them because of what they wear, and question their truthfulness without any data.

You're the worst kind of Men's Rights cheerleader. The rejection must have really warped you.

Nope I didn't blame women. I offered a reason for different results. It's not difficult to grasp that.

04-08-2018, 10:44 PM
Nope I didn't blame women. I offered a reason for different results. It's not difficult to grasp that.

You offered zero reasons for assaults against men.

I get it. You're probably a non-confrontational person (nothing wrong with that) so you imagine that any scenario where you're assaulted would be some random freak incident (likely involving blacks or Muslims), which is why you feel so obligated to have protection. You would never imagine a scenario where you might have done something or put yourself in a situation where an assault was more likely. It wouldn't be your fault, you'd say, and you'd be right to think that.

Meanwhile, you're not a woman, so you're less empathetic about a scenario where a woman might be assaulted. You feel obligated to explain how she can avoid situations where an assault might be possible, or even invited. Dress more modestly. Avoid going anywhere by yourself after dark. Things that, if they were suggested to you, you would bristle and say "It's my right to wear whatever or walk wherever I want."

And, of course, it's important for you to throw in the usual "Oh yeah, also a lot of women are liars," because you can only imagine yourself as the victim of such a lie and not the victim of such an assault.

04-08-2018, 10:53 PM
You offered zero reasons for assaults against men.

I get it. You're probably a non-confrontational person (nothing wrong with that) so you imagine that any scenario where you're assaulted would be some random freak incident (likely involving blacks or Muslims), which is why you feel so obligated to have protection. You would never imagine a scenario where you might have done something or put yourself in a situation where an assault was more likely. It wouldn't be your fault, you'd say, and you'd be right to think that.

Meanwhile, you're not a woman, so you're less empathetic about a scenario where a woman might be assaulted. You feel obligated to explain how she can avoid situations where an assault might be possible, or even invited. Dress more modestly. Avoid going anywhere by yourself after dark. Things that, if they were suggested to you, you would bristle and say "It's my right to wear whatever or walk wherever I want."

And, of course, it's important for you to throw in the usual "Oh yeah, also a lot of women are liars," because you can only imagine yourself as the victim of such a lie and not the victim of such an assault.


Because, well, that’s just the way it is. Women need to be careful. How dare women act like men and publicly announce they are fed up with it.

04-09-2018, 03:48 AM
You heard Dear Leader... "Grab them by the pussy"... from there to "they had it coming" is a really short trip, tbh...

04-09-2018, 08:55 AM
You heard Dear Leader... "Grab them by the pussy"... from there to "they had it coming" is a really short trip, tbh...

victim-blaming women for male sexual abuse, crimes has been around a lot longer than Pussy-Grabber-Adulterer-in-Chief

04-10-2018, 11:02 AM

I stopped immediately when he used the chant of hey, hey, ho, ho Western Culture has to go as popular and used to represent his false antagonist.
The fck wad presented this as the mantra of people who see diversity and tolerance of cultural understanding as desirable. That's complete shit. He framed his own picture and presented this as The Problem. Well that's astonishingly stupid as Western culture has basically legitimized basic understanding and rights of individuals and a culture of fairness. Basically Judeo-Chritian fairness. He set up his own straw man. Hey, hey, ho, ho Western Culture has to go IS PATENTLY NOT the mantra of people who see diversity and cultural understanding as desirable.

This IS a Western idea for fucks sake.

Strawmen are such easy foils, though. Conservatives don't do well against real ideas or opponents in my experience.

04-10-2018, 11:05 AM
False rape accusation is a real problem. It's impossible to come up with accurate numbers.

I think false accusations are far less a problem than women not being believed, or blamed when they did nothing wrong.

The latter has a lot more data for it.

It isn't impossible to come up with reasonably accurate numbers. That is an excuse, if I ever heard one.

"My claim is unfalsifiable" :lol Data talks, bullshit walks.

04-10-2018, 11:34 AM
Did somebody say Mexicans are rapists?

Border patrol and privatized immigrants prisons are manned by rapist guards

10-19-2023, 10:32 AM
What is Peter Thiel really about?

Peter Thiel has worn many hats over the years: Silicon Valley founder, Trump megadonor, cryptocurrency booster, democracy skeptic.

But there is yet another facet to Thiel, one that has remained secret until now: FBI informant.

In the summer of 2021, Insider has learned, Thiel began providing information as a "confidential human source," or CHS, to Johnathan Buma, a Los Angeles-based FBI agent who specializes in investigating political corruption and foreign-influence campaigns. https://www.businessinsider.com/peter-thiel-fbi-informant-charles-johnson-johnathan-buma-chs-genius-2023-10

10-19-2023, 10:33 AM
The FBI maintains a vast network of informants to keep tabs on organized crime, terrorist threats, extremist groups, and other criminal and intelligence targets. These sources, according to the bureau's Confidential Human Source Policy Guide, are more than casual tipsters.

Confidential human sources enter "into a relationship with the FBI, and that relationship will forever affect the life of that individual," the guide says. "[They] will be either an 'FBI source' or a 'former FBI source' and, in turn, his or her conduct or misconduct will reflect upon the FBI." As such, the process for recruiting and maintaining such sources is highly regulated, requiring multiple layers of approval. Only people who are able to provide "valuable information … on a recurring basis" are granted CHS status, according to the policy.

10-19-2023, 11:07 AM
[[[The FBI maintains a vast network of informants to keep tabs on organized crime, terrorist threats, extremist groups, and other criminal and intelligence targets. These sources, according to the bureau's Confidential Human Source Policy Guide, are more than casual tipsters.

Confidential human sources enter "into a relationship with the FBI, and that relationship will forever affect the life of that individual," the guide says. "[They] will be either an 'FBI source' or a 'former FBI source' and, in turn, his or her conduct or misconduct will reflect upon the FBI." As such, the process for recruiting and maintaining such sources is highly regulated, requiring multiple layers of approval. Only people who are able to provide "valuable information … on a recurring basis" are granted CHS status, according to the policy.]]]

This policy musta been AFTER The Saturday Morning Massacre, Winester, because daddy, they missed the fuckin' boat on that one.