View Full Version : WaPo: Paul Ryan tells staff he won't seek re-election

04-11-2018, 08:10 AM

04-11-2018, 08:21 AM
Medicare can rest easy now. :lol

Fuck this clown.

04-11-2018, 08:27 AM
Tbh hate to say this but he's probably a lot better than what will come after

baseline bum
04-11-2018, 10:47 AM

I bet our Dear Leader told Ryan he is firing at least Rosenstein despite Ryan's objections.

04-11-2018, 11:06 AM
House Speaker Paul Ryan was the biggest fraud in American politics

Good riddance.

he was the biggest phony.

Ryan wanted something more. Power, yes.

To improve the lives of the wealthy while reducing the living standards of the poor, of course.
But he also craved a certain form of respectability that’s led him to leave behind a

staggering track record of broken promises

and glowing press clips from journalists who were gullible enough to believe them.

From his early days as a Social Security reformer to his mid-career posturing as a deficit hawk to his rebranding as a person deeply concerned with poverty, he’s been the Jack Abernathy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Abernathy) of Congress.


the con ran out, leaving Ryan with little in the way of substantive accomplish

as he chose to cut and run before a midterm election that’s shaping up to be a race between his party’s deep unpopularity and the strength of its aggressive gerrymandering.

first really made his mark during the Social Security privatization wars of 2004-’05.

Ryan emerged as a player by sponsoring, along with then-Sen. John Sununu, a further-right plan that would create more generous private accounts

at the cost of $2.4 trillion in larger deficits over the first 10 years (https://www.cbpp.org/research/the-ryan-sununu-social-security-plan).

Indeed, as the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities noted at the time,

“the plan would increase the national debt (i.e., the debt held by the public) every year for at least the next 75 years.”

This award was completely at odds with Ryan’s actual record in Congress, which had featured support for multiple rounds of budget-busting Bush tax cuts, Bush’s deficit-financed 2003 Medicare bill, his wars, and his TARP bank bailout.

But the new Ryan was said to be a deficit visionary thanks to

his 2010 budget framework,

which outlined a long-term plan to reduce the budget deficit.

Except as Jonathan Cohn wrote at the time,

the plan relied entirely on magic asterisks (https://newrepublic.com/article/87618/would-gop-budget-actually-reduce-the-deficit) —

an unspecified tax reform that would
bring revenue to 19 percent of GDP
while increasing economic growth,
unspecified cuts to domestic discretionary spending, and
a bare assertion that Medicare cost growth could be greatly reduced through privatization,
with no plan to explain how that would work.

etc, etc.


Ryan was Ayn-Rand-licking asshole, which defines his intellectual sophistication. Also, just another nasty, extremist Catholic Repug.

04-11-2018, 11:12 AM
Paul Ryan is abandoning the ship before it sinks

The political reality is less noble.

One can hardly imagine a more obvious signal that Ryan fears the prospect, if not of losing his own seat, than of losing the majority and hence his speakership.

In the past, speakers — understanding the demoralizing impact that premature white-flag-waving would have on their troops — had the good sense to wait until after the election to announce that they would exit the leadership of their party.

Ryan’s move has several consequences.

First, Democrats (who were heavily spending to defeat Ryan) can declare victory in that race and save the money it would have taken to knock out a sitting speaker.

Second, this is a flashing light to donors and candidates on both sides. For Republican money-men, the message is: Don’t throw away cash trying to save the House.

Third, this will be seen in some quarters as a sign that Ryan cannot bear defending the president from potential impeachment.

Fourth, as we have noted, it is highly unlikely that Trump is going to deliver any more items on the GOP domestic wish-list.

Fifth, Ryan’s departure makes his refusal to remove from committees characters such as Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) — who colluded with the White House in smearing the FBI and wrecking the intelligence-oversight system — all the more inexplicable.

In sum,

Ryan retreats from the scene

after loading the country up with debt and

leaving virtually every other agenda item save tax cuts undone.


04-11-2018, 11:13 AM

Maybe the other Republican that was running in his primary will take up the gauntlet and make Breitbart crowd jizz their pants. :rollin

An actual jew-hatin' deport all the muzzies type. I'm sure that will go over well.



04-11-2018, 11:14 AM
Second, this is a flashing light to donors and candidates on both sides. For Republican money-men, the message is: [/COLOR]Don’t throw away cash trying to save the House .

I hope they spend tens of billions.

04-11-2018, 11:16 AM
Tbh hate to say this but he's probably a lot better than what will come after


Such as?

04-11-2018, 11:20 AM
I hope they spend tens of billions.

win or lose, for the oligarchy, corrupting elections, politicians, judges cost them nothing but pocket change, out of the $Bs they have to play with. Their ROI is the 100s or 1000s of percent.

04-11-2018, 11:23 AM
Tbh hate to say this but he's probably a lot better than what will come after


Such as?
Do you read your own posts?

Maybe the other Republican that was running in his primary will take up the gauntlet and make Breitbart crowd jizz their pants. :rollin

An actual jew-hatin' deport all the muzzies type. I'm sure that will go over well.



04-11-2018, 11:51 AM
Do you read your own posts?

I was referring to who will be Speaker of the House after Paul Ryan, not what Nazi the Republican party will run next in any given congressional race.

Although at this point, it is hard to keep track of where and which Nazi is running under the Republican banner for something. They seem to be coming out of the woodwork, for some reason.

04-11-2018, 12:05 PM
I bet our Dear Leader told Ryan he is firing at least Rosenstein despite Ryan's objections.

lol Ryan is involved right smack in the middle of this Russia shit. Ryan is not running again because of the dirt on him. Just like Chaffetz.

04-11-2018, 12:14 PM
lol Ryan is involved right smack in the middle of this Russia shit. Ryan is not running again because of the dirt on him. Just like Chaffetz.

No idea about that, but Republicans are losing in districts that Trump carried by +15% or more.

Trump carried Ryans district by 5% if memory serves.

Ryan stood the very real potential of being a Speaker of the House that loses re-election (maybe the first one?).

I donated to the campaign of one of his Democratic opponents already.

04-11-2018, 12:28 PM

baseline bum
04-11-2018, 12:31 PM
I hate hearing these sob stories about how Ryan couldn't control the freedom kochus when he was teabagger #1 for years.

04-11-2018, 01:17 PM
I hate hearing these sob stories about how Ryan couldn't control the freedom kochus when he was teabagger #1 for years.

The Freedom Koch-us is like Frankenstein's monster who turns on it's creator.

Gerrymandering mother fuckers have no one to blame but heir own lust for power.

04-11-2018, 01:32 PM
freedom kochus
:rollin how had i not seen that term?

04-11-2018, 05:37 PM
:rollin how had i not seen that term?

I've been spelling it Freedom Kockus for years. Kock Bros, pricks, dickheads, oligarchs.

04-11-2018, 05:45 PM
No idea about that, but Republicans are losing in districts that Trump carried by +15% or more.

Trump carried Ryans district by 5% if memory serves.

Ryan stood the very real potential of being a Speaker of the House that loses re-election (maybe the first one?).

I donated to the campaign of one of his Democratic opponents already.

Yeah. Republicans are going to get smacked. Transcripts of Ryan were already leaked regarding Putin paying Trump. And to "keep it quiet". Sudden "retirement" is coming for other reasons.

04-11-2018, 06:40 PM
It's muh Russia! It's all tied in!


04-11-2018, 07:55 PM
How about Ryan is just sick of having to constantly juggle while on a unicycle and can make more money in the private sector.

This seems reasonable.

The timing is noted.
Its not good for the red team.

04-11-2018, 07:58 PM
Yeah. Republicans are going to get smacked. Transcripts of Ryan were already leaked regarding Putin paying Trump. And to "keep it quiet". Sudden "retirement" is coming for other reasons.

Link to the article about leaked Ryan transcripts?

04-11-2018, 08:04 PM
I think it's on www.kylegriffinpipedreams.com

04-11-2018, 10:25 PM
No idea about that, but Republicans are losing in districts that Trump carried by +15% or more.

Trump carried Ryans district by 5% if memory serves.

Ryan stood the very real potential of being a Speaker of the House that loses re-election (maybe the first one?).

I donated to the campaign of one of his Democratic opponents already.

So he thought there might be a chance he could lose his seat so he quit? Is that the theory you're going with?

04-12-2018, 07:12 AM
Ryan stood the very real potential of being a Speaker of the House that loses re-election (maybe the first one?).

Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost in primary to an extremist David Brat

A much older Boner quit because he couldn't get shit done blocked by the Freedom Kockus

Now, younger Ryan quits because Freedom Kockus, Repug/Trash base extremism is also blocking "progress", not that Ryan wanted any progressivism.

So Congressional Repugs are being HIRED by the oligarchy to block ALL progress for the Common Good, and pass only destructive shit like the tax cut, while the oligarchy's kakistocratic assholes given to Useful Idiot extraordinaire Trash for his Exec are fucking up their depts, agencies.

In short, the oligarchy wants govt, America, Americans degraded to favor the oligarchy.

Oligarchy wants all progress for the Common Good to be blocked, because the oligarchy wants to rigged status quo to be at least maintained in their favor, if not actually rigged further in the oligarchy's favor as with their paid-for tax cut.

Meanwhile, even secretlhy, Federalist society, etc give Trash incompetent and/or extremist nominees for the Federal appeals courts where MOST of laws and regs and judgements are made.

iow, in short, America is fucked and unfuckable, even mythical democracy is long gone, replaced by oligarchy dominating the country for its own power and wealth.

For all of you CIA/FBI/NSA assholes snooping this political form: there is very probably no bloodless way to dislodge the oligarchy.

04-12-2018, 07:37 AM
Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost in primary to an extremist David Brat

A much older Boner quit because he couldn't get shit done blocked by the Freedom Kockus

Now, younger Ryan quits because Freedom Kockus, Repug/Trash base extremism is also blocking "progress", not that Ryan wanted any progressivism.

So Congressional Repugs are being HIRED by the oligarchy to block ALL progress for the Common Good, and pass only destructive shit like the tax cut, while the oligarchy's kakistocratic assholes given to Useful Idiot extraordinaire Trash for his Exec are fucking up their depts, agencies.

In short, the oligarchy wants govt, America, Americans degraded to favor the oligarchy.

Oligarchy wants all progress for the Common Good to be blocked, because the oligarchy wants to rigged status quo to be at least maintained in their favor, if not actually rigged further in the oligarchy's favor as with their paid-for tax cut.

Meanwhile, even secretlhy, Federalist society, etc give Trash incompetent and/or extremist nominees for the Federal appeals courts where MOST of laws and regs and judgements are made.

iow, in short, America is fucked and unfuckable, even mythical democracy is long gone, replaced by oligarchy dominating the country for its own power and wealth.

For all of you CIA/FBI/NSA assholes snooping this political form: there is very probably no bloodless way to dislodge the oligarchy.

So you attempt to outperform all the bizarre theories with the same old line.

The Republicans House is going in all directions like a bunch of disoriented fish which from time to time school up when Donald hits on key issues that excite a particular part of its base (NRA). Nunez has his head down protecting a president that refuses protection, while others in the same party hide behind a micro issue that excites their little corner of the world.

Meanwhile, you suggest this oligarchy that continually runs the world (hello Trumpworld boots) needs to be violently removed.

Democracy is a mess...

baseline bum
04-12-2018, 07:38 AM
So you attempt to outperform all the bizarre theories with the same old line.

The Republicans House is going in all directions like a bunch of disoriented fish which from time to time school up when Donald hits on key issues that excite a particular part of its base (NRA). Nunez has his head down protecting a president that refuses protection, while others in the same party hide behind a micro issue that excites their little corner of the world.

Meanwhile, you suggest this oligarchy that continually runs the world (hello Trumpworld boots) needs to be violently removed.

Democracy is a mess...

You seriously don't believe this country is an oligarchy?

04-12-2018, 07:50 AM
So you attempt to outperform all the bizarre theories with the same old line.

The same old line is unchanged, so I stay with it. I'm sure you're immune to evidence, but the tax cut, the ONLY major legislation in this session because it was the oligarchy's overwhelming priority, was dictated, even written by the oligarchy.

Nunes, etc are "mere details" of Congressional shittiness, no impact at all, on the oligarchy's control.

Dems will apparently do quite well in Nov, as the out-of-power party customarily does, but they must, due to Repug gerrymandering, voter suppression, counting fraud, outvote the Repugs by 11% just to drawn even, never mind actually getting control of either House.

The Freedom Kockus will win even more seats and will continue to block ALL progress so the oligarchy's status quo will be maintained.

The Dems won't get a clean 60 (ie, 60 without independents and DINOs) in the Senate.

04-13-2018, 11:29 AM
Furious Koch Brothers Sell Paul Ryan on eBay


WASHINGTON —In a fit of pique, David and Charles Koch have unceremoniously listed House Speaker Paul Ryan for sale on the auction site eBay.

The Kochs, who reportedly had purchased Ryan for a sum estimated in the tens of millions,

now seem likely to lose their entire investment.

According to Ryan’s listing on the auction site, the

Kochs set a five-hundred-dollar asking price for the used congressman,

a figure that, in light of the tepid bidding for him, seems optimistic.

“Granted, owning Paul Ryan doesn’t have the benefits that it’s had for David and Charles for all of these years,

but the status of

owning a former Speaker of the House has to be worth something,”

one Koch associate said.

“Certainly more than the current high bid of seventeen dollars.”

The eBay listing

suggested several possible uses for the former House Speaker, including as a Halloween ornament or garden gnome.

https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/furious-koch-brothers-sell-paul-ryan-on-ebay (https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/furious-koch-brothers-sell-paul-ryan-on-ebay)

04-13-2018, 11:49 AM
Yeah. Republicans are going to get smacked. Transcripts of Ryan were already leaked regarding Putin paying Trump. And to "keep it quiet". Sudden "retirement" is coming for other reasons.

It would free Ryan up to act according to his conscience.

04-13-2018, 11:56 AM
You seriously don't believe this country is an oligarchy?

Certainly seems like it is tilting that way at this point. Money is the only thing that matters when it comes to setting policy. Lobbying/special interests over common good.

Wish I could say otherwise. Lot of people need to wake up and take their country back from the extremists who have been fueled by the oligarchs' trickle down propaganda.

If that makes me sound like boutons, so be it.

I think we don't really pay attention, since we are so busy running our lives, and the wealthy take advantage of that to fuck us over.

04-13-2018, 12:16 PM
search "princeton oligarchy study"

The USA is, has been an oligarchy.

Citizens are disenfranchised, and their preferences are ignored so that the paying oligarchy's preferences get into law, regs, judicial judgements.

As the oligarchy becomes dramatically more wealthy from the oligarchy's tax cuts, buying politicians, judges will become dramatically, comparatively cheaper vs the oligarchy's $Bs

nothing happens in politics anymore unless someone has been, or will get, paid.

04-14-2018, 12:04 AM
Paul Ryan Was a Failure, Even on His Own Terms

"The social insurance strategies of the past century, which sprang from the New Deal, expanded in the Great Society, and continue to dominate the terms of public debate, are headed toward collapse . . .

Among the inescapable signs are the following:

an unsustainable path of Government spending;

levels of projected debt that threaten to bankrupt the country;

trillions of dollars of unfunded liabilities in the Government’s major benefit programs;

and the erosion of Americans’ security and confidence in health care and retirement . . .

A comprehensive plan is needed, and

this legislation aims to energize the productive capacities of Americans to generate sustained economic growth."

In the wake of Ryan’s announcement on Wednesday that he intends to retire from the House of Representatives at the end of this year, a number of economic commentators pointed out that

his grand plans came to naught.

As Paul Krugman pointed out (https://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/06/opinion/06krugman.html) back in 2010,

Ryan is a flimflam man:

his arithmetic has never added up.

But what hasn’t been emphasized enough is that

Ryan wasn’t merely a purveyor of snake oil and a front man for the conservative billionaires and other wealthy interests whose money has flooded the Republican Party in recent years.

He was also a failure on his own terms.

He also praised himself for “normalizing” the idea of entitlement reform.

Far from making entitlement reform more likely, Ryan’s actions, particularly his championing of the recent Republican tax bill, have rendered the entire subject utterly toxic for the foreseeable future.

With Congress and the Trump Administration having just handed out huge tax cuts to wealthy people and major corporations,

there is now no prospect whatsoever of the general public or the Democratic Party acceding to benefit cuts for middle- and low-income retirees.

The bipartisan effort to reform entitlements petered out, and today it is hard to see how it could ever be resurrected.

In promoting highly dubious fiscal plans,

turning his back on bipartisan initiatives,

enabling Trump, and

championing a costly and inequitable tax-reform bill,

he let down the country.

But he failed by his own lights, too.


Just another loser whore to the oligarchy.

Like Trash, Ryan and the Freedom Kockus are tiny, tiny, shitty people.

04-14-2018, 09:21 AM
One RINO gone, another more extreme version soon to take his place.

04-14-2018, 09:27 AM
Paul Nehlen?

04-14-2018, 09:34 AM
Paul Nehlen?

If Nehlen, he's just as nasty as Ryan, but in different directions.

04-14-2018, 09:56 AM
Paul Nehlen Is Now The Frontrunner In His GOP Primary, Still A White Supremacist


baseline bum
04-14-2018, 10:42 AM
One RINO gone, another more extreme version soon to take his place.

How is Ryan a RINO? Because he isn't overtly racist when he speaks like Trump is?

04-14-2018, 10:49 AM
Ryan is basically the quintessential Republican.

People now say "RINO" when they mean "Republican with whom I, as a Republican, have some areas of disagreement."

Or, in Russia, "Republican who is not sufficiently loyal to Donald Trump."

04-14-2018, 11:41 AM
How is Ryan a RINO? Because he isn't overtly racist when he speaks like Trump is?

I thought an only artificially disguised Tea Partier would be a RINO. I admit I don’t really know what a Republican or a Democrat consists of besides stances on abortion and guns.