View Full Version : Bush to conservatives: Your concerns are "background noise"

Extra Stout
10-20-2005, 01:32 PM
Question to Bush this morning: is the White House is preoccupied with the CIA leak investigation, the troubled Miers nomination, and the problems of GOP congressional leaders?


I've got a job to do. Part of my job is to work with others to fashion a world that will be peaceful for future generations. And I've got a job to do to make sure this economy continues to grow. I've got a job to make sure that there is a plausible reconstruction plan for cities affected by Katrina. I've got a job to make sure this hurricane headed toward Florida is -- the federal response is prepared for it. So to answer your question -- there's some background noise here, a lot of chatter, a lot of speculation and opining. But the American people expect me to do my job, and I'm going to.

Rick Von Braun
10-20-2005, 01:44 PM
Bush is rapidly becoming the worst president of the last century.

10-20-2005, 02:15 PM
hey Rick Von Braum, you lost get over it

10-20-2005, 02:18 PM
When it goes down in history, do you think that he will be remembered as the gold-spoon-in-mouth fuck up that he's showing himself to be now, or mount-rushmore-worthy like TRO says?

10-20-2005, 02:40 PM
When it goes down in history, do you think that he will be remembered as the gold-spoon-in-mouth fuck up that he's showing himself to be now, or mount-rushmore-worthy like TRO says?

The only ones I know screwing up are the dimm-o-craps who keep putting their foot in their mouth. He is such a screw-up that he won two elections. And you have him for three more years.

10-20-2005, 02:41 PM
youve never said that before xray

10-20-2005, 02:48 PM
The only ones I know screwing up are the dimm-o-craps who keep putting their foot in their mouth. He is such a screw-up that he won two elections. And you have him for three more years.

elections mean jack shit now that they're largely done with electronic, privately owned voting machines.

And Bush doesn't have his foot in his mouth?
Delay doesn't have his foot in his mouth?
Please....they all are doing that.

Look at his approval ratings bud

High, or Low?
(compared to other presidents in our lifetimes)

10-20-2005, 03:51 PM
the odd thing is that the Democrats, who have the self-assurance of a beaten dog, feel this way about themselves. Most sense, in their heart of hearts, that they are the Palestinians of American politics: they'll never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. The most common word I hear from Democratic partisans to describe their own party is "pathetic."

10-20-2005, 03:53 PM
He is such a screw-up that he won two elections. And you have him for three more years.

Too true. Success as a President/administrator is defined by success in elections.

No wonder we're fucking ourselves up as a country.

Extra Stout
10-20-2005, 04:05 PM
Too true. Success as a President/administrator is defined by success in elections.

No wonder we're fucking ourselves up as a country.Woodrow Wilson won two elections, and history remembers him as a disaster.

LBJ won in a landslide. Now people are comparing Bush to him, and they're not meaning it as a compliment.

Nixon won election twice. He was hardly "successful."

A President's legacy is defined by what he does in office, not by how many votes he wins.

10-20-2005, 04:07 PM
It is hard to be a libertarian when you aren't always sure the the general public is capable of self governance.

10-20-2005, 04:21 PM
Woodrow Wilson won two elections, and history remembers him as a disaster.

LBJ won in a landslide. Now people are comparing Bush to him, and they're not meaning it as a compliment.

Nixon won election twice. He was hardly "successful."

A President's legacy is defined by what he does in office, not by how many votes he wins.

That's my point.

Extra Stout
10-20-2005, 04:27 PM
What we're seeing with some of the holdout Bush defenders is that if the Left is pissed off about something, then it must be good.

Obviously that's a fallacy; if Bush nominates his dog to serve on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, it's not a good idea just because Nancy Pelosi hates it.

If Bush and the Republican leadership decide to appropriate $200 million in tax money to throw themselves a big-ass party on a cruise ship, complete with porn stars and lots of cocaine, it's not sound policy even though Howard Dean will decry it.

There is a part of the right that is defined more by its anti-leftism than its adherence to any right-wing ideology in particular.

10-20-2005, 04:28 PM
A President's legacy is defined by what he does in office, not by how many votes he wins.

Especially when said president actually got a minority of public votes.

Extra Stout
10-20-2005, 04:31 PM
Especially when said president actually got a minority of public votes.See, here's Spurminator, Manny, and I having a nice meaningful dialogue, and you have to insert a tired old line that could have come from pulling the string on a talking Ted Rall doll.

10-20-2005, 04:34 PM
See, here's Spurminator, Manny, and I having a nice meaningful dialogue, and you have to insert a tired old line that could have come from pulling the string on a talking Ted Rall doll.

If a discussion about a president being judged on actions instead of votes is any less tired and old then potatoe potato

10-20-2005, 11:47 PM
Question to Bush this morning: is the White House is preoccupied with the CIA leak investigation, the troubled Miers nomination, and the problems of GOP congressional leaders?

The problem is, Extra stout. is that not all conservatives are pat buchanans and ann coulters who desire confrontation and harsh partisan dialogue that comes from getting a Bork nominee. Most of the conservatives in the party are social conservatives, and as long as they have someone to overturn Roe V wade then they dont care. I bet you most of the public doesnt know who even harriet miers if that means anything.

i doubt seriously that this statement will damage the pres with his base. it might anger the country club but it will go in one ear an out the other to the choir.

Extra Stout
10-21-2005, 08:55 AM
The problem is, Extra stout. is that not all conservatives are pat buchanans and ann coulters who desire confrontation and harsh partisan dialogue that comes from getting a Bork nominee. Most of the conservatives in the party are social conservatives, and as long as they have someone to overturn Roe V wade then they dont care. I bet you most of the public doesnt know who even harriet miers if that means anything.

i doubt seriously that this statement will damage the pres with his base. it might anger the country club but it will go in one ear an out the other to the choir.

The President's atttiude is going to make it much more difficult for Republicans to raise money. It's not the little idiot cracker monkeys who bankroll Republican campaigns.

As for social conservatives, are they aware that according to Harriet Miers' writings, she believes the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment mandates affirmative action? Even Cass Sunstein laughed at that.

Of course I understand that the idiot cracker monkeys have no idea what the "Equal Protection Clause" or "Fourteenth Amendment" are, nor do they have any clue who "Cass Sunstein" is. I understand that the dumber Harriet Miers looks in her hearings, the more the ICM's will identify with her.

For all I know, making her look doltish may be the strategy -- it's hard to believe she could have had even moderate success in private practice if her responses to the Senate questionnaire reflected her true intelligence. I think the ICM's prefer having idiots run the country.

However, I also understand that without expensive election campaigns exhorting them to get out and vote, they won't remember to do so.

Marcus Bryant
10-21-2005, 09:12 AM
The basic problem is that Bush attempted bold things in his presidency, some things for which the execution was piss poor and other things for which the country will probably never be ready (ie Social Security reform). Of course, if Bush was for abortion "rights" and assfucking then he wouldn't have had as much trouble with his agenda. Social issues drive American politics today. I suspect that a good portion of his critics could really give a fuck less about Iraq. Iraq is the means at hand. What motivates them is the desire to foist their lifestyle on everyone else. Of course, that's also what motivates a good portion of Bush's base. In addition, most of the social issues affect such a small portion of our society it's ridiculous that so much of our national political discourse is spent on them.

Bush also is not the most savvy politician. Clinton, for example, tried something quite bold in the 1st two years of his presidency (a mammoth increase in the socialization of health care services) and failed miserably...with his own party controlling Congress. The difference is, after that Clinton stopped with the bold initiatives and made his administration about small ones. Forget a national health care system let's have a tax credit for day care or a credit for adults to go back to school. Nobody's going to oppose that shit. Of course, is a politician really great when they avoid dealing with some rather serious matters and pass the buck?

Perhaps Bush would be performing better if his party did not control both houses of Congress.

Extra Stout
10-21-2005, 12:04 PM
The White House is declaring war on the Republican Senate. Yesterday, Sens. Brownback and Graham figured out a way to allow Bush to withdraw Miers without losing face.

They have requested "privileged" documents from Miers' work with George Bush. Now, naturally, Bush will claim executive privilege and deny the requests. The thought was that by doing this, they could allow Bush to withdraw Miers' candidacy on principle.

Two Republican votes against Miers in committee, along with the Democrats, would be sufficient to send a negative recommendation to the full Senate, and give the full Senate enough cover to reject Miers.

The Senate GOP caucus contacted the White House with this strategy, thinking this would be the last best chance to stave up a full-blown war that would hurt the Republican Party and effectively destroy the Bush presidency.

But Mr. Petulant Little Rich Boy would hear none of it. He wants his crony, or else. The White House is threatening to use its political contacts to undermine the campaigns of incumbent Republican Senators up for re-election next year.

The Senate GOP caucus has countered by threatening to investigate Miers' connections to Ben Barnes and GTECH during her time as Texas Lottery Commissioner.

Extra Stout
10-21-2005, 12:08 PM
Another update: Bush is willing to cave on the embryonic stem cell issue in exchange for Arlen Specter's support of Miers.

gtownspur, you still on board?

Marcus Bryant
10-21-2005, 12:11 PM
It's about time congressional Republicans stood up to the administration.

10-21-2005, 12:14 PM
That's pretty interesting stuff.

Is the majority of press that Miers is getting bad now?

10-21-2005, 12:49 PM
Bush is willing to cave on the embryonic stem cell issue in exchange for Arlen Specter's support of Miers.

Really? I'm not quite sure how to respond to that new piece of information. That's one issue I did not like or agree with him on (stem cell research), but standing behind his convictions was something that I found most attractive.

Interesting dilemma.

10-21-2005, 02:02 PM
Fuck that. Bush is hanging by his balls right now. He's grasping at straws now in order to gain some kind of position but bargaining from a position of weakness is always a recipe for failure.

10-21-2005, 02:18 PM
It is hard to be a libertarian when you aren't always sure the the general public is capable of self governance.

Damn Manny, we have done pretty good I would say. You sound like Walter Cronkite now. I just hope this country is always governed by the people. Maybe you would like just one person to take care of all matters. I have no problem with "us" doing the pickin'. Just sometimes we get a little sidetracked, but it seems to always get back on track one way or the other. You may get a little confused when people do a little discourse on matters, heck, that is one thing that started this country of ours and I hope it is always allowed. Doesn't mean I have to agree nor they agree just the fact we can argue the facts on a forum such as this. At least we can argue the facts. That is a lot more than they can do in Cuba and a few other countries around the world.

10-21-2005, 02:20 PM
elections mean jack shit now that they're largely done with electronic, privately owned voting machines.


What is wrong with electronic voting machines? They only tally Republican votes?

10-21-2005, 02:45 PM
Damn Manny, we have done pretty good I would say. You sound like Walter Cronkite now. I just hope this country is always governed by the people. Maybe you would like just one person to take care of all matters. I have no problem with "us" doing the pickin'. Just sometimes we get a little sidetracked, but it seems to always get back on track one way or the other. You may get a little confused when people do a little discourse on matters, heck, that is one thing that started this country of ours and I hope it is always allowed. Doesn't mean I have to agree nor they agree just the fact we can argue the facts on a forum such as this. At least we can argue the facts. That is a lot more than they can do in Cuba and a few other countries around the world.
It is matter such as Gay Marriage that draw people out that make me question the priorities people have. It is the lack of our general publics knowledge on news that is outside of ET or Access Hollywood's sphere that makes me question their ability.

People in America - and perhaps everywhere - are extremely ignorant to so many important things because they focus on the bullshit.

But still, I think democracy is the only way to go.

10-21-2005, 02:46 PM
What is wrong with electronic voting machines? They only tally Republican votes?
Electronic machines that operate without leaving a paper trail are more suscepitble to fraud by any party.

10-21-2005, 02:58 PM
Electronic machines that operate without leaving a paper trail are more suscepitble to fraud by any party.
Voting systems that allow entire cemteries, illegal aliens, and bribed junkies to vote are more susceptible to fraud by Democrats...at least we're leveling the playing field, eh?

10-21-2005, 03:35 PM
I'd just like to everyone to notice who came and turned a non partisan statement into a partisan one.

10-21-2005, 04:09 PM
Voting systems that allow entire cemteries, illegal aliens, and bribed junkies to vote are more susceptible to fraud by Democrats...at least we're leveling the playing field, eh?

Speaking of "background noise".

10-21-2005, 04:32 PM
Fuck that. Bush is hanging by his balls right now. He's grasping at straws now in order to gain some kind of position but bargaining from a position of weakness is always a recipe for failure.

Manny I thought you supported the Miers nomination

10-21-2005, 05:02 PM
The right-wingers and Repubs are obsessed with deflecting with Sheehan, Moore, Dems as if they were responsible for all the problems the Repubs have brought up themselves, the USA, and the world. What going on now, what's going horribly wrong for the Repubs is 100% the responsibility, caused by the Repubs themselves.

10-21-2005, 05:17 PM
yes bouton tell us from you NY Times sources how all the country is going to hell... lol

10-21-2005, 07:42 PM
Manny I thought you supported the Miers nomination
You may want to go back and reread the first thread about it or my blog entry on it. It didn't have a knee jerk reaction against it but I was never for it either.

10-21-2005, 08:03 PM
"yes bouton tell us from you NY Times sources how all the country is going to hell"

The dubya administration is clearly raodkill, by ALL reports.
Feel free to refute if you have facts to the contrary.

10-21-2005, 08:42 PM
You may want to go back and reread the first thread about it or my blog entry on it. It didn't have a knee jerk reaction against it but I was never for it either.

Well I remember when her nomination was announced you were saying you liked her credentials and didn't mind that she was never a judge.

What is it you have against her?

10-21-2005, 09:41 PM
while really good stories go un-announced...


Mike Adams blows the whistle on a murder-minded liberal racist in academia. His name is Dr. Kamau Kambon, an affiliated faculty instructor at NC State University.

E-mail the school's Africana Studies department at [email protected].

If that doesn't work, try this: [email protected].

Jon Sanders at Carolina Journal has more:

Prior to his call for genocide against white people, Kambon, who owns Blacknific[e]nt Books in Raleigh, told the panel that “we are at war.” He said that white people had set up an "international plantation" for blacks, which made “every white person on earth a plantation master.” He said that, “You’re either supporting white people in their process of death, or you're for African liberation.”
He stressed one point in particular. “White people want to kill us. I want you to understand that. They want to kill you,” he said. “They want to kill you because that is part of their plan.”

Kambon closed his remarks by urging participants and C-SPAN viewers to "get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem, and the problem on the planet is white people."

Before teaching at NCSU, Kambon was a professor of education at St. Augustine's College in Raleigh, a historically black institution. He was given a Citizen's Award in 1999 by the Triangle’s left-wing newspaper, The Independent Weekly. Ironically, Kambon is also an opponent of the death penalty.

Excerpts of Kambon's address may be heard online at the John Locke Foundation's blog site The Locker Room. The full remarks may be found at C-SPAN online (www.cspan.com) by searching the recent programs for "Black Media Forum on Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media."


If there were such thing as a truly fair and balanced media, you'd have already seen as many stories about Kambon's comments as there were about Bill Bennett's comments, which were taken wildly out of context.

Where's the Associated Press now?

10-21-2005, 11:37 PM
if it were true i'd be pissed.