View Full Version : Someone with a SaintsReport account.

10-20-2005, 02:02 PM
Could someone please post this:

You people really need to enact a little maturity in this thread. Not only did San Antonio take in 20,000 Katrina evacuees but the city was praised continuously not only from FEMA for its model of care for said evacuees but praise as well from Katrina evacuees as well.

And when Rita struck, for the week leading up to land fall, San Antonio had a Red Cross arrival station that was open 24/7 at a mall that would give evacuees food and water and directions to shelters.

And not only that but because of San Antonio’s outstanding showing in care for the evacuees, the state of Texas decided to consolidate all Texas shelters and bring up to 12,000 evacuees to San Antonio that are living in other Texas city shelters.

In this thread:
