View Full Version : Democrats to Blame for Administration of Mediocracy

10-20-2005, 06:14 PM
For all the left likes to complain about our subpar President and the band of misfits he calls his administration, the truth is that the blame for the poor performance of our leaders lies squarly with the Democrats.

Now wait... hear me out.

The simple truth is that George W. Bush is a man who shouldn't be allowed to manage a 7-11, let alone the world's most powerful nation. Yet, he's won two elections (regardless of how close they were). We can sit all day and recant tales of Bush's idiocy, but the fact is that we've got him for another three years. But why?

The answer is simple: the Democrats thought they could get by with Al Gore and John Kerry, whose combined charisma quotient ranks right up there with that of sock monkey (in case you don't know what a sock monkey is (http://www.sock-monkey.com/)). The Democrats played down to the level of their competition (or is that the best they could do... in which case, that is just pathetic) and are like a fat kid staring through a window of an ice cream shop wondering why they are outside looking in while some retarded kid is rubbing double chocolate chip on his head.

I theorize that the Democratic Party are like chronic gamblers. They don't play to win... they play for the thrill of losing it all, and wallowing in misery for years to come. They are only happy when they have an issue to complain about, nevermind their own fault in what it is they are complaining about.

Meanwhile, the Republicans have figured out the secret... roll out failed businessmen who stumble over words like a drunk running the hurdles, and just wait for the Democrats to respond with whatever Frankenstein they can drum up.

10-21-2005, 12:51 AM
Well technically Scott, Al Gore won the 2000 election.

It's not like the Democrats had a choice with Gore. As the VP under Clinton, he was assured the 00 Democratic nomination. Now Kerry in 04, I agree with you. I think members of the corporate-backed DLC along with the shills in the corporate-media intentionally torpedoed other candidates like the popular Howard Dean, Wesley Clark and Dennis Kucinich because they were charismatic Populists who, given time, could likely beat W and make it tougher for corporate mergers, regulations and taxes. This is likely to factor again in 08 because Hillary and the Clintonistas have almost as many media shills as the * administration who will be covertly pulling for her with favorable representations.

10-21-2005, 01:06 AM
Dan put the thought screen away!! you'll be fine . THe greys will not probe you again on their spaceship.. relax its a brand new day!

10-21-2005, 01:19 AM
Dan put the thought screen away!! you'll be fine . THe greys will not probe you again on their spaceship.. relax its a brand new day!

As soon as all the indictments are handed out by Fitgerald, half the nation will go into mouring and the other half is gonna party like it's 1999, again!

Don't be a loser, be a winner. Repent now, and join the civilian struggle to take back our government.

God would want it. He loves winners.


10-21-2005, 01:25 AM
and if rove is free, along with libby then you have an alternative plan dont you? like a tinfoil hat and rubber teat knee pads to make you happy!

10-21-2005, 01:29 AM
and if rove is free, along with libby then you have an alternative plan dont you? like a tinfoil hat and rubber teat knee pads to make you happy!

Free, not free, what's the difference? As soon as they are indicted they will be forced to step down. I suggest you start taking seditives now to help ease into the pain.

10-21-2005, 01:36 AM
No law has been broken, i doubt there is any indictment. So far the source accordint to libby is tim russert.

So you should start taking anit depressents ainnd penis enlargements for your spiraling mental health and insecurity.

10-21-2005, 01:41 AM
No law has been broken, i doubt there is any indictment. So far the source accordint to libby is tim russert.

So you should start taking anit depressents ainnd penis enlargements for your spiraling mental health and insecurity.

It's against the law to lie to an investigating prosecuter under oath and conspire with others to do the same. Criminal conspiracy.

10-21-2005, 01:54 AM
oh thats so depressing me now. Rove and libby lieing.. oh well hopefully it was judith miller who was under the desk and not a fat bitch.

10-21-2005, 01:58 AM
oh thats so depressing me now. Rove and libby lieing.. oh well hopefully it was judith miller who was under the desk and not a fat bitch.

Between Monica and Judith Miller, I'd rather have Monica under the desk.

10-21-2005, 02:08 AM
"In grand jury testimony shown to Rove, Libby said he had told Rove about information he had gotten about Wilson's wife from Russert, according to a person directly familiar with the information.

Prosecutors, however, have a different account from Russert. The TV network has said Russert told authorities he did not know about Wilson's wife's identity until it was published and therefore could not have told Libby about it. Russert also says that it was Libby who initiated the contact with him."

Link (http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/10/20/D8DBVNSO8.html)

10-21-2005, 06:01 AM
The voters knew what they were getting with Bush.
Well, they got it.

10-21-2005, 08:48 AM
scott, the only word that made any sense in your entire post was "recant."

10-21-2005, 10:20 AM
truth is that George W. Bush is a man who shouldn't be allowed to manage a 7-11,


I hear you. And I really think if they go with Hillary next time, they'll lose AGAIN. There's nothing wrong with a woman for president, but I wouln't vote for that bitch!

10-22-2005, 05:39 PM
Well technically Scott, Al Gore won the 2000 election.

It's not like the Democrats had a choice with Gore. As the VP under Clinton, he was assured the 00 Democratic nomination. Now Kerry in 04, I agree with you. I think members of the corporate-backed DLC along with the shills in the corporate-media intentionally torpedoed other candidates like the popular Howard Dean, Wesley Clark and Dennis Kucinich because they were charismatic Populists who, given time, could likely beat W and make it tougher for corporate mergers, regulations and taxes. This is likely to factor again in 08 because Hillary and the Clintonistas have almost as many media shills as the * administration who will be covertly pulling for her with favorable representations.

I agree a little with this assessment. A bit too black-helicopter-y for me, but I really think the Dems could have done better.

10-23-2005, 09:06 AM
I loved Bush's tax cuts. More money in my pocket is all that matters.
To hell with the little people.

10-23-2005, 10:04 AM
The ONLY people responsible for this incompetent adminstration are those who voted for it.

10-23-2005, 10:11 AM
"that the blame for the poor performance of our leaders lies squarly with the Democrats"

what a fucking stupid "idea".

The Dems are responsible for putting up two weak candidates and running two weak campaigns they barely lost, but there's no fucking way the Dems or those who voted for the Dems are in the tiniest way responsible for the nightmar of the dubya administration.

The dubya team is quite enthusiastic and predictable in shunning all responsibility and accountabliy for their fuckups. No need to say the Dems "caused" the Repubs to fuck up.

10-23-2005, 11:39 AM
The Dems are responsible for putting up two weak candidates and running two weak campaigns they barely lost, but there's no fucking way the Dems or those who voted for the Dems are in the tiniest way responsible for the nightmar of the dubya administration.

Don't put up two weak candidates and run two weak campaigns, and there is no Bush administration to speak of. See the point yet?

10-23-2005, 01:18 PM
The truth is Bush is such a liar and people are dead because of it.