View Full Version : (Is This The Way to) Amarillo?

10-21-2005, 02:58 AM
Turn up the speakers and then click on the website below:

Is This the way to Amarillo? (http://www.kfmx.com/x2/amarillo1.wmv)


A spoof video of the song (Is This The Way To) Amarillo, performed by British soldiers in Iraq, has crashed Ministry of Defence computers.

Troops in the Royal Dragoon Guards shot a home video at their Al Faw base of their version of the video sung by Tony Christie and mimed by Peter Kay.

They e-mailed it to Army friends in London, but so many tried to download it that the MoD server could not cope.

The MoD said the spoof was "brilliant" and the crash did not cause problems.

BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4554083.stm)

10-21-2005, 11:51 AM
It's odd just how popular that song is over there. Apparently hundreds of British folk actually go to Amarillo each year on the strength of that song alone. On behalf of my hometown I say to those Britons: sorry dudes -- I could've told you the place sucked. Maybe you could see Palo Duro if you haven't already been to the Grand Canyon....