View Full Version : Kneeling is taking the NFL down lol

05-23-2018, 01:14 PM

This was meant to bring people back and renew interest, but it's having the opposite effect. Public outcry.

05-23-2018, 03:46 PM
NFL cant stop shitting on itself tbh... unnecessarily stroking the flame

05-23-2018, 07:49 PM
There are thousands of colleges out there that play football, TONS of Coe, Furman, Tiffen etc. Millions of players over the years and only a tiny fraction make it to the NFL and a roster spot. They should wake up every morning and....thank you Jesus, thank you Lord. Who wouldn't love to play NFL football?

Nobody is cool watching the blessed acting like idiots on a sidelines. Knowing they'd love to be down there and fuck social injustices that they actually brought on themselves. A HUGE % of these black players were raised in one parent homes, stats tell us how that goes.

Kaepernick should have been told the first time he took a knee to cool that silly shit and if he does it again he is gone. The NFL dropped the ball on this and it cost them.

Social injustices ain't got a damn thing to do with pro football, worry about that on your own time.

05-23-2018, 07:59 PM
NFL cant stop shitting on itself tbh... unnecessarily stroking the flame
What should the NFL do?

05-23-2018, 08:10 PM
What should the NFL do?
stop stroking the flame. why bring attention back to this issue when nobody had cared about it for months?

05-23-2018, 08:15 PM
What should the NFL do?

They did do something. They should have done something the second it started. A simple memo to all the teams....anyone taking a knee in any kind of protest will not play so no paycheck.

Once you walk onto the field you enter the work place, we all have rules and regulations at work. Who can take a knee on the job?

05-23-2018, 08:31 PM
This issue will arise again when the season begins.

Actually agree with Avante in that it should have been addressed the moment it began. Hopefully we don’t hear about this shit anymore.

It’s simple: if you want to be out on the field when the anthem is played be prepared to pay respect. If you ain’t about that life, keep your ass in the locker.

I like it.

05-23-2018, 08:37 PM
This issue will arise again when the season begins.

Actually agree with Avante in that it should have been addressed the moment it began. Hopefully we don’t hear about this shit anymore.

It’s simple: if you want to be out on the field when the anthem is played be prepared to pay respect. If you ain’t about that life, keep your ass in the locker.

I like it.

All this.....we aren't disrespecting the anthem......showed us just how damn unaware of what is going on the kneelers were. When everybody else is showing respect and you are into your own personal agenda......what in the hell is that if not disrespect? You are saying....I'm not joining in, the hell with that.

05-23-2018, 09:06 PM
All this.....we aren't disrespecting the anthem......showed us just how damn unaware of what is going on the kneelers were. When everybody else is showing respect and you are into your own personal agenda......what in the hell is that if not disrespect? You are saying....I'm not joining in, the hell with that.
I think its disrespectful to kneel. So I like this new rule. If you aren’t going to respect the flag keep your ass in the locker room. What’s worse is in doing so, your teammates are out there standing for the flag in unity, while your “muh rights as a person” ass is away in a locker room creating a form of divisiveness.

05-23-2018, 09:11 PM
I think its disrespectful to kneel. So I like this new rule. If you aren’t going to respect the flag keep your ass in the locker room. What’s worse is in doing so, your teammates are out there standing for the flag in unity, while your “muh rights as a person” ass is away in a locker room creating a form of divisiveness.

What will happen is the guys hanging in the locker room will realize nobody cares and they are being ignored (over time). The thing was to be seen. Without that they will dump it and be like everyone else........ eventually.

If nobody had talked about it, the TV cameras had stayed off them, it would have went....kaplunk.

05-23-2018, 09:18 PM
Good. I lean left, but I dislike these shallow movements that really have no impact beyond getting praise from the Huffington Post. "Kneeling" and then continuing to play for those owners/organization while you retire to your mansion every night doesn't do a fuckin thing. Just like all those jackass celebrities whining on twitter that they're moving to Canada following Trump's election. Star athletes and celebrities actually have a modicum of power to perform protest that can actually matter. If these players are really devoted to social justice, here's an idea: Band together and don't play one fuckin' snap this season. Cost the owners/NFL billions. Deny the NFL fanbase (who I'm sure are majority right-leaning) their proverbial "bread and circuses." But they won't do that because, "they have to feed their families" :rolleyes. Maybe so, but guess what? Protesting isn't supposed to be comfortable and/or easy. Kneeling is easy. Actually doing something that matters isn't.

05-24-2018, 01:29 AM
Good. I lean left, but I dislike these shallow movements that really have no impact beyond getting praise from the Huffington Post. "Kneeling" and then continuing to play for those owners/organization while you retire to your mansion every night doesn't do a fuckin thing. Just like all those jackass celebrities whining on twitter that they're moving to Canada following Trump's election. Star athletes and celebrities actually have a modicum of power to perform protest that can actually matter. If these players are really devoted to social justice, here's an idea: Band together and don't play one fuckin' snap this season. Cost the owners/NFL billions. Deny the NFL fanbase (who I'm sure are majority right-leaning) their proverbial "bread and circuses." But they won't do that because, "they have to feed their families" :rolleyes. Maybe so, but guess what? Protesting isn't supposed to be comfortable and/or easy. Kneeling is easy. Actually doing something that matters isn't.

This isn't 60s level shit though as you point out. It's millionaire athletes doing shit to get publicity

05-24-2018, 02:12 AM
I’m seeing a lot of liberals online attacking people as racists if they don’t agree with the right to kneel at those athletes job.

05-24-2018, 08:44 AM
Well considering that some of these guys don't have their jobs anymore I wouldn't say the gesture is empty. And how is it not more offensive that the NFL only cares because they receive money from the military? This isn't about respecting the flag, it's about protecting a source of income.

05-24-2018, 10:11 AM
I’m seeing a lot of liberals online attacking people as racists if they don’t agree with the right to kneel at those athletes job.
I'm seeing a lot of conservatives online attacking people as unpatriotic if they agree with the right to kneel at those athletes job.

The Gemini Method
05-24-2018, 10:22 AM
Leave the anthem to those whom are in the stand sporting Confederate flag shirts and go back to the pre-2009 rules.

05-24-2018, 12:19 PM
All the kneelers really accomplished was to prove that blacks will be a problem. They won't go with what's right, they will do their thing. We see that on the streets. The cops see it.

05-24-2018, 06:12 PM
I'm seeing a lot of conservatives online attacking people as unpatriotic if they agree with the right to kneel at those athletes job.

Which one is worse?

05-24-2018, 06:29 PM
Which one is worse?
probably the ones who blew this whole thing up into a bigger deal than it needed to be

realistically, until the kap thing, you never gave a shit about the players during the anthem. nobody ever paid attention to the anthem. if anything, if the anthem was playing on one game, you would switch channels to another game that kicked off 45 seconds ago. if somebody did kneel (as kaep had done even before this blew up into a news story), you would have never noticed it.

now suddenly we have to act like this is an attack on our troops and country? get the fuck out of here.

05-24-2018, 06:30 PM
do i think kneeling for the anthem is the best way to get the message across? nah. but fuck the people who have blown this up into a national divisive story... with some idiots saying they'll never watch the nfl again because of players kneeling. fucking snowflakes

05-24-2018, 06:55 PM
probably the ones who blew this whole thing up into a bigger deal than it needed to be

realistically, until the kap thing, you never gave a shit about the players during the anthem. nobody ever paid attention to the anthem. if anything, if the anthem was playing on one game, you would switch channels to another game that kicked off 45 seconds ago. if somebody did kneel (as kaep had done even before this blew up into a news story), you would have never noticed it.

now suddenly we have to act like this is an attack on our troops and country? get the fuck out of here.

Oh does it bother you that people have a different opinion than this one? It’s very easy for people to casually say things like “ no one gave a shit before” or “if you disagree you’re a racist” Thats ok?

05-24-2018, 08:08 PM
Oh does it bother you that people have a different opinion than this one? It’s very easy for people to casually say things like “ no one gave a shit before” or “if you disagree you’re a racist” Thats ok?
doesnt bother me that people have a different opinion.

you literally asked for my opinion on which one is worse. i gave my opinion. now you're upset by it.

but yeah, maybe i'm wrong and for the last 15 years you've been methodically charting the behavior of each NFL player during the national anthem

05-24-2018, 09:05 PM
maybe this rule will make it like the NBA where it was a non issue and we can just enjoy the game.

05-25-2018, 01:35 AM
doesnt bother me that people have a different opinion.

you literally asked for my opinion on which one is worse. i gave my opinion. now you're upset by it.

but yeah, maybe i'm wrong and for the last 15 years you've been methodically charting the behavior of each NFL player during the national anthem

No im not mad either. We’re having a discussion. But you mentioned that most people don’t give a shit about the anthem. Every time I go to a sporting event and the anthem is played it seems most people do give a shit. That includes all races. So I’m confused by that statement and also by the trend online to call someone a racist if you don’t agree with kneeling. To be clear I support the right to kneel. But I don’t agree with people flat out labeling people as racists if they don’t agree with the reason behind kneeling.

05-25-2018, 09:04 AM
No im not mad either. We’re having a discussion. But you mentioned that most people don’t give a shit about the anthem. Every time I go to a sporting event and the anthem is played it seems most people do give a shit. That includes all races. So I’m confused by that statement and also by the trend online to call someone a racist if you don’t agree with kneeling. To be clear I support the right to kneel. But I don’t agree with people flat out labeling people as racists if they don’t agree with the reason behind kneeling.
A) I’m primarily referring to TV audiences
b) even at the games... yes fans do care about the anthem and stand for it. But do they really go inspecting the actions of players on the field? Definitely not before kaep
c) don’t thiink i ever mentioned it being racist

05-25-2018, 09:36 AM
No im not mad either. We’re having a discussion. But you mentioned that most people don’t give a shit about the anthem. Every time I go to a sporting event and the anthem is played it seems most people do give a shit. That includes all races. So I’m confused by that statement and also by the trend online to call someone a racist if you don’t agree with kneeling. To be clear I support the right to kneel. But I don’t agree with people flat out labeling people as racists if they don’t agree with the reason behind kneeling.

Every time I go to a sporting event, people are using national anthem time to take a piss or get a beer.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2018, 09:40 AM
stop stroking the flame. why bring attention back to this issue when nobody had cared about it for months?So they continue to have an easy excuse for declining fan interest that doesn't relate to the actual reasons - incompetent/biased officiating, rules that favor offenses too much, three franchise relocations in the span of a year, etc.

05-25-2018, 09:48 AM
So they continue to have an easy excuse for declining fan interest that doesn't relate to the actual reasons - incompetent/biased officiating, rules that favor offenses too much, three franchise relocations in the span of a year, etc.
i dont know that the relocations have done that much. nobody gave a shit about the chargers anyway and the raiders haven't moved yet

i think it has more to do with penalties and the catch/not catch stuff

05-25-2018, 11:23 AM
A) I’m primarily referring to TV audiences
b) even at the games... yes fans do care about the anthem and stand for it. But do they really go inspecting the actions of players on the field? Definitely not before kaep
c) don’t thiink i ever mentioned it being racist

A) If your at the event they ask that you please rise for the national anthem. B)No one that I know of was protesting the national anthem before keap so therefor it wasn’t a topic of discussion.

C)I’m simply noticing a trend of many people on social media intimidate or falsely accuse people of being racist.

Which is ironic because that’s usually what bad cops do. They intimidate and usually avoid the constitution and violate people’s rights.

The main issue if any that I have is that kaep made this protest a race / police matter. It’s actually an American /constitutional issue. All types of people of race and faith are affected by constitutional rights violation by police state activity.

05-25-2018, 12:14 PM
Every time I go to a sporting event, people are using national anthem time to take a piss or get a beer.
My cousin has been all gung ho about the kneeling. I went to a Superbowl party at his house and he made it a point to stand in front of the TV with his hat off while the anthem was going on. We grew up together and I've watched countless games with him and he's never given a shit until now.

05-25-2018, 12:20 PM
A) If your at the event they ask that you please rise for the national anthem.
sure. and sometimes there are dickheads to stay seated, are walking to the bathroom, in line to get their popcorn, etc. not classy, but it happens

B)No one that I know of was protesting the national anthem before keap so therefor it wasn’t a topic of discussion.
and if they did, you wouldn't have noticed (and therefore cared) until the media blew it up into headline news

C)I’m simply noticing a trend of many people on social media intimidate or falsely accuse people of being racist.
theres a lot of people on social media that say stupid things. that's not specific to any particular viewpoint. not even on this issue. apparently if you kneel during the anthem you have america and are unpatriotic.

Which is ironic because that’s usually what bad cops do. They intimidate and usually avoid the constitution and violate people’s rights.
physical force/violence is quite different than mean tweets imo

The main issue if any that I have is that kaep made this protest a race / police matter. It’s actually an American /constitutional issue. All types of people of race and faith are affected by constitutional rights violation by police state activity.
it is a racial issue as the reason given for his protest is perceived racial injustice whether or not you agree with him that there is substantial racial injustice. that inherently makes it a racial issue.

05-25-2018, 12:21 PM
My cousin has been all gung ho about the kneeling. I went to a Superbowl party at his house and he made it a point to stand in front of the TV with his hat off while the anthem was going on. We grew up together and I've watched countless games with him and he's never given a shit until now.
:lol last year i was watching the Raiders Pats blowout with my dad... we sat through the first half just fine. at halftime he checked his fox news app and saw lynch sat during the pregame anthem, and he decided not to watch the second half.

he literally didnt give a shit until he was told to. pretty hilarious tbh :lol

05-25-2018, 02:31 PM
sure. and sometimes there are dickheads to stay seated, are walking to the bathroom, in line to get their popcorn, etc. not classy, but it happens

and if they did, you wouldn't have noticed (and therefore cared) until the media blew it up into headline news

theres a lot of people on social media that say stupid things. that's not specific to any particular viewpoint. not even on this issue. apparently if you kneel during the anthem you have america and are unpatriotic.

physical force/violence is quite different than mean tweets imo

it is a racial issue as the reason given for his protest is perceived racial injustice whether or not you agree with him that there is substantial racial injustice. that inherently makes it a racial issue.

Out of everything this is the underlying problem for me. Imho its not a race issue, its a police state mentality issue. All races are wronged by the police everyday. They use intimidation tactics and blatantly lie and purposely discourage American citizens from evoking their constitutional rights. Police routinely place the burden of proof on the citizen and treat people as guilty until proven innocent. This is wrong and it is not an African American phenomenon. This affects all Americans.

05-25-2018, 03:20 PM
Out of everything this is the underlying problem for me. Imho its not a race issue, its a police state mentality issue. All races are wronged by the police everyday. They use intimidation tactics and blatantly lie and purposely discourage American citizens from evoking their constitutional rights. Police routinely place the burden of proof on the citizen and treat people as guilty until proven innocent. This is wrong and it is not an African American phenomenon. This affects all Americans.
but kaep specifically protested against the racial aspect of it... like i said, you don't have to agree with him that the problem is strictly racial, but like it or not, that was his message. it's inherently racial

05-25-2018, 03:36 PM
My cousin has been all gung ho about the kneeling. I went to a Superbowl party at his house and he made it a point to stand in front of the TV with his hat off while the anthem was going on. We grew up together and I've watched countless games with him and he's never given a shit until now.

Cousin Chris?

05-25-2018, 03:50 PM
but kaep specifically protested against the racial aspect of it... like i said, you don't have to agree with him that the problem is strictly racial, but like it or not, that was his message. it's inherently racial

Fair enough.

05-25-2018, 03:59 PM
Cousin Chris?
:lol...he's not that bad, but he's a Trumptard for sure. I typically avoid politics with him and stick to football talk. He's from Houston, so one of my few allies in this area.

05-26-2018, 11:45 AM
My cousin has been all gung ho about the kneeling. I went to a Superbowl party at his house and he made it a point to stand in front of the TV with his hat off while the anthem was going on. We grew up together and I've watched countless games with him and he's never given a shit until now.

And I bet before idiot Trump SOB's remark this same cousin probably sat down on the couch during the anthem with his hands down his pants Al Bundy style prior I am guessing.

05-26-2018, 11:47 AM
Every time I go to a sporting event, people are using national anthem time to take a piss or get a beer.

I was raised a JW and anytime we would go to sporting events we would just stay seated. I guarantee now if a JW were to stay seated they would draw a lot of dirty looks form Trumptards.

05-28-2018, 01:43 PM
Let's just all be thankful he's still unemployed

05-31-2018, 03:04 AM
:lol Requiring people to be in a specific bodily position during the playing of a piece of music...such an arbitrary cultural convention.

I don't want national anthems in sports at all, tbh.

05-31-2018, 01:35 PM
We need more GOD/COUNTRY not less of it. Get back to what really matters. Dump garbage music, shit movies. Look at where we are right now, what a fucking mess. Oh hell yes, let's have our kids listening to....FUCK THE POLICE. Smut movies anyone can see on tv right now, no wonder this country is in the shape it's in.

What should have happened to Kaepernick is...

player....dude, what the fuck ya doing, stand your ass up and show respect, don't play that shit here, now stand up bitch.

05-31-2018, 01:53 PM
We need more GOD/COUNTRY not less of it. Get back to what really matters. Dump garbage music, shit movies. Look at where we are right now, what a fucking mess. Oh hell yes, let's have our kids listening to....FUCK THE POLICE. Smut movies anyone can see on tv right now, no wonder this country is in the shape it's in.

What should have happened to Kaepernick is...

player....dude, what the fuck ya doing, stand your ass up and show respect, don't play that shit here, now stand up bitch.
that's from 1988

lol today's kids

05-31-2018, 02:13 PM
the teams should all just stay in the locker room like they used to. NFL created this spectacle. No matter what the policy is now there will be people upset.

05-31-2018, 03:02 PM
that's from 1988

lol today's kids

Dude, it's even worst today than it was in 88 when it comes to shit music. You disagree?

05-31-2018, 03:04 PM
the teams should all just stay in the locker room like they used to. NFL created this spectacle. No matter what the policy is now there will be people upset.

Why not...

That field is your work place, you will stand for the anthem. Yep, just like all other jobs with their rules.

05-31-2018, 03:14 PM
We need more GOD/COUNTRY not less of it.
half of that is fake news

other half is fake patriotism

05-31-2018, 04:12 PM
Why not...

That field is your work place, you will stand for the anthem. Yep, just like all other jobs with their rules.

It's not that simple.

05-31-2018, 07:10 PM
half of that is fake news

other half is fake patriotism

I have seen the 70's, 60;s..........etc...right now we are at an all time low when it comes to being cool. Hell, just look at this place, look at how peipole act right here. We need to get back to some sort of .....nice.

05-31-2018, 07:13 PM
that would be called nostalgia

:cry it was better in my day :cry

05-31-2018, 07:14 PM
It's not that simple.


NFL...ok son here's the deal, if you plan on playing in the league one of our work place rules is showing respect for the anthem, you ok with that? If so then sign right here and welcome aboard. If not..........see ya~~~

Looks pretty simple to me.

I had to wear a tie and meet for breakfast at 9am in whatever town we were in, those were things the job called for. You put up with similiar deals, right? Everybody does.

05-31-2018, 07:18 PM
that would be called nostalgia

:cry it was better in my day :cry

Dude, this is still my day slugger, ok? When did....in my day....end, well? Yep, that makes no sense.

There was a time ya didn't have to worry about the kids hearing ..FUCK...on the tv, or seeing a fuck scene, now.....yep, a mess. Look at all that shit music, there was a time that wasn't the case. School shootings...nay~~~ Terrorists...nay~~~

05-31-2018, 07:20 PM
that would be called nostalgia

:cry it was better in my day :cry

Dude, this is still my day slugger, ok? When did....in my day....end, well? Yep, that makes no sense.
avante doesn't understand common expressions

05-31-2018, 07:26 PM
avante doesn't understand common expressions

Do you really think I/anyone, hasn't heard.....in his day....back in their time....when he was young......really guy? My point guy was what was...in my day....well? When did that stop, yep, it didn't, so why say something stupid?

05-31-2018, 07:30 PM
Bottom line is this....

Vince Lomabardi would have.....anyone not standing for the anthem won;'t be a Packer, so we have an understanding...right?

That is how it should be. Fuck social issues, that has nothing at all to do with playing football.

Like I've said, if black fathers stayed home and raised their kids we wouldn;'t see all the problems we do with blacks. And. look at Nigeria, onner cities, anywhere we find a large black population they battle each other. Read up on African tribal warfare.

This is a major problem, if they need to protest something, here ya go.

And the single parents are overwhelmingly women.

In 2006, 91.4 percent of single parents of black children were mothers. That figure hasn't changed over the years. In 1960, it was a shade lower at 91 percent.

The figures for single-parent families show a rosier picture among other races. About 28 percent of children of all races lived with a single parent in 2006. In 1960, only about 9 percent of American children lived with a single parent.

The absence of fathers is important, Obama continued, because "children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison.

05-31-2018, 08:04 PM
In other news, old man yells at clouds.

05-31-2018, 08:17 PM
In other news, old man yells at clouds.

Was nice the last couple days, now it stinks here again.

05-31-2018, 08:28 PM
Was nice the last couple days, now it stinks here again.

Dude, this place was dead the last few days.....ok?

06-05-2018, 11:48 AM
Fat girl wants to be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader. Yep, that job requires a certain look, she doesn't have it. They will try and be nice about it as long as she doesn't push it. If she does, sooner or later......look you're fat...ok?

All of you reading this have do's and don't, things ya must do to keep your job, the NFL is no different. Ya will wear a hairnet at a fast food joint, ya will wear a particular uniform for some jobs, if ya don't....see ya~~~

Hey NFL players,(team meetings) you will stand for our National Anthem, so right now those who won't be doing that step forward.

06-05-2018, 04:42 PM

06-05-2018, 05:23 PM
Dude, this place was dead the last few days.....ok?

Better dead than diseased with your crap that nobody gives a shit about.

06-05-2018, 11:23 PM
Who can take a knee on the job?

You take both knees at your job

06-06-2018, 12:15 AM
You take both knees at your job

Dude, grow the fuck up, ok? That was beyond stupid, ok half pint?

06-06-2018, 12:24 AM
Bottom line is this...

It costs a lot of $$$$$$ to attend an NFL game, nobody takes the time and spends the $$$$$$ to deal with agendas. They are there to watch a football game, enjoy themselves. An NFL field is not the place for anyone to make any kind of personal stance, nobody is there for this.

A tiny fraction of footballers make it to the NFL, my old HS has been around for over 100 years, only three of the thousands of footballers made it to the NFL. All off the same team, yep.,..won valley. So these players who did make should be thanking God every day, they are the lucky ones. And the fans pick up on that and aren't cool watching these black athletes showing total disregard for what's right. And everyone thinking how they can't play that at their work place.

You either stand for the anthem or you look for another job, it really is just that simple. You wanna work at McDonalds you will wear a hairnet, if ya don't....see ya~~~~

06-06-2018, 09:28 AM
nobody wants to see athletic black men thinking

If using the National Anthem as your time to draw attention to....you.....then black men have no business thinking. Talk about a stupid thought, there it was.

The first time that happened Kaepernick should have been told......you do that again you're gone.

If these morons really thought.....its ok ya see it's really not about the flag or anything like that........how dumb can they be?

06-06-2018, 09:38 AM
I know this isn't breaking news to anyone with more than 2 brain cells, but trump and fox news are such a shit stain on this country.

06-06-2018, 03:46 PM

06-06-2018, 03:58 PM

06-06-2018, 07:16 PM


06-06-2018, 07:48 PM
Old white men own the NFL teams, they couldn't care less about the black problems (no fathers in the home the real problem). How many blacks can afford tickets to NFL games? You don't take away from our National Anthem, over your black problems, hell...common fucking sense. If black fathers accepted their damn responsibilities we wouldn't be seeing al the problems we do in the black world, hell, they fight each other over.....cement....hahaha~~~

No way in hell my son ever ran the streets, that was never going to happen. Never a time I didn't know where he was. That is how it's suppose to be, little black thugs in gangs at 13, yep....nobody to stop them. Mom can't handle the boy. A father....set yout ass down boy, you ain't going anywhere.

Kaepernick's mom dumped him, did he ever know his real father? THAT....is the problem.

06-07-2018, 01:16 AM
That's the thing, blacks by and large aren't paying customers, so it's only sound business to ignore them

06-07-2018, 02:32 AM
I have white buddies and black, when out with the white friends, the chances of getting into a problem or fight are slim. Not so with my black friends, it don't take much to get them all excited.

I got into 3/4 football fights, everytime it was a black guy and here in central Cali back in the 60's, most guys were white. The Mexicans hadn't taken over yet.

Then ya look at Africa, what a mess that is, same with Jamaica and Haiti, then there is East LA, Chicago, Detroit inner cities, all that black vs black violence.

I know from personal experiences that blacks are more apt to get violent.

Right now there is a video on CNN, we see some Arizona cops (4/5?) beating up a lone black prisoner. What gets down played is they told the guy to sit his ass down, he refused. But this will be more police brutality. The cops don't mess with any of us, they tell you to do something ya damn sure better do it, if ya don;t it's on you about what happens next.

Black kid out on the street at 4am in morning gets into with cops, what in the fuck is a kid doing out on the streets at 4am? But it's those terrible cops.

06-07-2018, 02:40 PM

06-07-2018, 02:41 PM

06-07-2018, 05:15 PM


06-07-2018, 09:31 PM
You take both knees at your job
:lolthis one made me chuckle.

and of course Avante with the predictable response

06-07-2018, 10:53 PM
:lolthis one made me chuckle.

and of course Avante with the predictable response

Well when you've made it very clear you have been retired for almost 10 years now................what job?

06-07-2018, 10:58 PM
What get's me is what were the kneelers thinking? Oh hell yes be disruptive that will really help. The whole thing was fucking stupid and I'm dead serious when I say I would have......dude, stand your ass up, down play that shit during my National Anthem, got it?

06-08-2018, 11:05 AM
Too bad Roger Goodell is too much of a little bitch these days to stand up for his players and tell the president to go get lost and tend to more important matters.

06-08-2018, 11:24 AM
What get's me is what were the kneelers thinking? Oh hell yes be disruptive that will really help. The whole thing was fucking stupid and I'm dead serious when I say I would have......dude, stand your ass up, down play that shit during my National Anthem, got it?

Lol go fuck yourself, pedo

09-01-2018, 11:28 PM


no one kneeling in college

Could it be this right wing NFL boycott ratings dropping because of the anthem is overblown?

09-02-2018, 04:50 AM


no one kneeling in college

Could it be this right wing NFL boycott ratings dropping because of the anthem is overblown?
- Some people are boycotting because the NFL isn't supporting players and/or forcing them to "hide in the lockers" instead of respecting their right to express themselves. It isn't just "ring wingers" boycotting

- Naturally the NFL and NBA have a racial undertone. If you have visited forums/message boards of specific NFL fan bases or even just general NFL/NBA talk it is a specific culture: rap, sneakers, and now social politics. The kneeling debate conquered fan bases like a virus just like it did NFL locker rooms.

As a 49er fan it was especially difficult because within 2 seasons we went from NFC Championship game to discussing race. No surprise we dissolved into a 14 lose team the following year.

This sport is majority black. You have to be an impotent bitch made scrub not to find that awkward at times as a Non-black. I had come to the realization about 5 years ago that a significant portion of these black athletes (just like the black community in general in America) dislikes or even looks down on the white demographic and with it their fan bases. This current debate seemed to have open the eyes of many other people. And it continues to by comments by individuals such as Lebron James. So to me this was just the final nail in the coffin because it directly affected my favorite team. If I were a Patriots fan I think I might have a different opinion. Or maybe if I were still liberal and use to being constantly preoccupied with the well being of blacks and busy massaging their egos.

I still participate in the NFL but I definitely no longer plan my Sundays to sit in front of the television. If I'm at home finishing work or if friends want to invite me over for drinks I'll sit down and watch here and there or let it run in the background while we eat and catch up on life. But honestly I think that is how people should approach sports. This isn't even your nation representing you. Or hell the College you attended. These players very rarely choose to play in City X, Y, or Z. They are simply following the trail of money. American sports have silly team names like 49ers, Spurs or Yankees for a reason - because if/when that team moves to another city you will still be a 49er/Spur/Yankees fan. FC Bayern Munich isn't going to become FC Bayern Dortmund. Or FC Real Barcelona. So in conclusion American domestic sports are just money generators disguised as sports and American die hard fans are sad people.


Allan Rowe vs Wade
09-02-2018, 11:06 AM
- Some people are boycotting because the NFL isn't supporting players and/or forcing them to "hide in the lockers" instead of respecting their right to express themselves. It isn't just "ring wingers" boycotting

- Naturally the NFL and NBA have a racial undertone. If you have visited forums/message boards of specific NFL fan bases or even just general NFL/NBA talk it is a specific culture: rap, sneakers, and now social politics. The kneeling debate conquered fan bases like a virus just like it did NFL locker rooms.

As a 49er fan it was especially difficult because within 2 seasons we went from NFC Championship game to discussing race. No surprise we dissolved into a 14 lose team the following year.

This sport is majority black. You have to be an impotent bitch made scrub not to find that awkward at times as a Non-black. I had come to the realization about 5 years ago that a significant portion of these black athletes (just like the black community in general in America) dislikes or even looks down on the white demographic and with it their fan bases. This current debate seemed to have open the eyes of many other people. And it continues to by comments by individuals such as Lebron James. So to me this was just the final nail in the coffin because it directly affected my favorite team. If I were a Patriots fan I think I might have a different opinion. Or maybe if I were still liberal and use to being constantly preoccupied with the well being of blacks and busy massaging their egos.

I still participate in the NFL but I definitely no longer plan my Sundays to sit in front of the television. If I'm at home finishing work or if friends want to invite me over for drinks I'll sit down and watch here and there or let it run in the background while we eat and catch up on life. But honestly I think that is how people should approach sports. This isn't even your nation representing you. Or hell the College you attended. These players very rarely choose to play in City X, Y, or Z. They are simply following the trail of money. American sports have silly team names like 49ers, Spurs or Yankees for a reason - because if/when that team moves to another city you will still be a 49er/Spur/Yankees fan. FC Bayern Munich isn't going to become FC Bayern Dortmund. Or FC Real Barcelona. So in conclusion American domestic sports are just money generators disguised as sports and American die hard fans are sad people.


:lol :cry :lol

09-02-2018, 11:35 AM

What's really dumb about this picture is that anyone who doesn't already know the context would think the NFL players are honoring the soldiers. You know, since kneeling is seen as a sign of deference or solemnity in every other case.

09-02-2018, 11:22 PM
- Some people are boycotting because the NFL isn't supporting players and/or forcing them to "hide in the lockers" instead of respecting their right to express themselves. It isn't just "ring wingers" boycotting

- Naturally the NFL and NBA have a racial undertone. If you have visited forums/message boards of specific NFL fan bases or even just general NFL/NBA talk it is a specific culture: rap, sneakers, and now social politics. The kneeling debate conquered fan bases like a virus just like it did NFL locker rooms.

As a 49er fan it was especially difficult because within 2 seasons we went from NFC Championship game to discussing race. No surprise we dissolved into a 14 lose team the following year.

This sport is majority black. You have to be an impotent bitch made scrub not to find that awkward at times as a Non-black. I had come to the realization about 5 years ago that a significant portion of these black athletes (just like the black community in general in America) dislikes or even looks down on the white demographic and with it their fan bases. This current debate seemed to have open the eyes of many other people. And it continues to by comments by individuals such as Lebron James. So to me this was just the final nail in the coffin because it directly affected my favorite team. If I were a Patriots fan I think I might have a different opinion. Or maybe if I were still liberal and use to being constantly preoccupied with the well being of blacks and busy massaging their egos.

I still participate in the NFL but I definitely no longer plan my Sundays to sit in front of the television. If I'm at home finishing work or if friends want to invite me over for drinks I'll sit down and watch here and there or let it run in the background while we eat and catch up on life. But honestly I think that is how people should approach sports. This isn't even your nation representing you. Or hell the College you attended. These players very rarely choose to play in City X, Y, or Z. They are simply following the trail of money. American sports have silly team names like 49ers, Spurs or Yankees for a reason - because if/when that team moves to another city you will still be a 49er/Spur/Yankees fan. FC Bayern Munich isn't going to become FC Bayern Dortmund. Or FC Real Barcelona. So in conclusion American domestic sports are just money generators disguised as sports and American die hard fans are sad people.


cliffs on the part where it explains college footballs ratings and attendance dropping too

09-02-2018, 11:23 PM
"Per Karp, here’s where the networks finished for average viewership for this year’s CFB regular season:

CBS: 4.951 million viewers, down 10% from 5.489 million in 2016.

ABC: 4.203 million, down 18% from 5.097 million.

Fox: 3.625 million, up 23% from 2.951 million.

NBC: 2.742, down 3% from 2.814 million.

ESPN: 2.155 million, down 6% from 2.300 million.

FS1: 819,000, up 4% from 743,000."


09-03-2018, 03:33 AM

cliffs on the part where it explains college footballs ratings and attendance dropping too
College campuses. My "Republican Club" was shun

09-03-2018, 03:45 AM
College campuses. My "Republican Club" was shun
lmao if thats the best you can do.

Trill Clinton
09-03-2018, 05:39 PM


Maga nerds are claiming they're boycotting Nike now lmao

09-03-2018, 08:00 PM
Kaepernicks current status is all conservatives fault. It was just a simple protest that as usual the Maga crowd took it up the butt. They had to hijack and change the narrative of that protest to fit their limited world view. I'm glad an unemployed backup quarterback is making these pussies so angry.

09-03-2018, 08:40 PM
Kaepernicks current status is all conservatives fault. It was just a simple protest that as usual the Maga crowd took it up the butt. They had to hijack and change the narrative of that protest to fit their limited world view. I'm glad an unemployed backup quarterback is making these pussies so angry.

Not all conservatives are extreme just the same with Liberals. Level headed Liberals and Conservatives believe in the Constitution and want to live and let live. The extremists on both sides are the problem. Don't make broad stroke assumptions like a dumb ass because there are examples of ignorance and stupidity on both sides.

09-03-2018, 11:51 PM
Don't make broad stroke assumptions like a dumb ass because there are examples of ignorance and stupidity on both sides.
Memba det time you guys thought people's microwaves were taking pictures of em lmao

09-04-2018, 12:04 AM
Kaepernicks current status is all conservatives fault. It was just a simple protest that as usual the Maga crowd took it up the butt. They had to hijack and change the narrative of that protest to fit their limited world view. I'm glad an unemployed backup quarterback is making these pussies so angry.
Kaepernick did it seemingly when his job was in jeopardy. Bought himself an extra start

09-04-2018, 12:15 PM
Memba det time you guys thought people's microwaves were taking pictures of em lmao
: lmao

09-04-2018, 12:26 PM


Maga nerds are claiming they're boycotting Nike now lmao

oh they are burning their shit it's hilarious.

09-04-2018, 01:58 PM
If you want to work at a fast food joint you will wear a hairnet ....bald headed or not. If your work at DOLLAR TREE will will ask 70 year old/s for their ID if buying beer. No matter where you work you will abide by whatever rules/regulations they have. It makes no difference if they make any sense or not, if you don't like it then don't work there.

NFL players will stand for the National Anthem, if they don't they will not play and lose that pay check.

I had to past a test to get my insurance license. I had to wear a tie. I had to be clean shaven. I had to lie to the people about a" free" subscription to a magazine. If not on board with that then I can't work there.

Spoiled brats with a lot of MEEEEE MEEEE MEEEE is what we see in all pro sports. Yep. sucks.

09-05-2018, 05:24 AM
oh they are burning their shit it's hilarious.

The shoes are $1-200 lmao

09-05-2018, 05:41 AM
Cant wait for michelle obama to win in 2020 so we can put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill and they can burn that too

09-05-2018, 05:41 AM
Burning the $20s to own the libs

09-05-2018, 07:02 AM
Corporate sponsorship.....the mark of all great protests

baseline bum
09-05-2018, 07:12 AM
Cant wait for michelle obama to win in 2020 so we can put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill and they can burn that too


09-05-2018, 08:26 AM
Corporate sponsorship.....the mark of all great protests

nike also re-upped with the NFL in may through 2028.

09-05-2018, 09:40 AM

09-05-2018, 07:20 PM
Cant wait for michelle obama to win in 2020 so we can put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill and they can burn that too
USA = Nigeria of the West

01-21-2019, 04:50 PM
