View Full Version : Avante is gone for 90 days y'all

Trill Clinton
05-26-2018, 05:50 PM

How you only got 90 days, idk. Sad. I think they have a library in the slammer so you can at least log in every 24 hrs and drop knowledge on us.

05-26-2018, 08:13 PM
Wtf. 90 days house AND he doesn't have to register as a sex offender?!?

05-27-2018, 12:25 AM
Wtf. 90 days house AND he doesn't have to register as a sex offender?!?

The reason is simple.

A longtime Stockton businessman

"He's obviously very wealthy and it's just an example of how the wealthy people, time and time again, escape the penalty for what they did,"

We have a sick justice system in place. We are the fucked.

05-27-2018, 01:09 AM
The reason is simple.

We have a sick justice system in place. We are the fucked.

I saw all of that and I'm still shocked. I hope someone delivers some vigilante justice.

05-27-2018, 06:19 AM
Something is not right here:


The parents... what?
Outrage from the lawyer? Sounds like there was some agreement not to discuss the case as a part of the plea.
The mom made the case and she then... wtf? Agreed to the plea?

05-27-2018, 02:48 PM
The reason is simple.

We have a sick justice system in place. We are the fucked.

Its California. Our Politicians are for sale.

05-27-2018, 07:31 PM
White privilege is fucking sick.. Pedo white privilege is even worse. Hopefully the father kicks in his door while he sleeps and blows Avante's fucking head off.

05-27-2018, 07:54 PM

How you only got 90 days, idk. Sad. I think they have a library in the slammer so you can at least log in every 24 hrs and drop knowledge on us.

How is that possible?

05-27-2018, 09:12 PM
They make a point in the article that there was no penetration... as if that makes it better. The mom caught him with his hand down her 5-year-old's pants. As a father, there's almost no circumstances in which somebody should be touching my kids' in that area... one would be a doctor with my (or my wife's) supervision, and the other would be somebody I trust helping them bathe. This obviously was straight up rape, regardless if he stuck his dick in her or not. 90 days in jail is a fucking joke, much less house arrest. There's no way in hell I'd be okay with that if I was the parent.

UNT Eagles 2016
05-29-2018, 02:56 AM
They make a point in the article that there was no penetration... as if that makes it better. The mom caught him with his hand down her 5-year-old's pants. As a father, there's almost no circumstances in which somebody should be touching my kids' in that area... one would be a doctor with my (or my wife's) supervision, and the other would be somebody I trust helping them bathe. This obviously was straight up rape, regardless if he stuck his dick in her or not. 90 days in jail is a fucking joke, much less house arrest. There's no way in hell I'd be okay with that if I was the parent.
The house arrest may be too harsh, but the guy should definitely have to pay $50k+ in restitution, plus the child's college tuition

IMO the US legal system is fucked up....jail sentences are way too long and fines are way too lenient.

05-29-2018, 03:15 AM
The house arrest may be too harsh, but the guy should definitely have to pay $50k+ in restitution, plus the child's college tuition

IMO the US legal system is fucked up....jail sentences are way too long and fines are way too lenient.
Too harsh? Fuck that.

UNT Eagles 2016
05-29-2018, 03:37 AM
Too harsh? Fuck that.

I think anyone should have the choice between hard time with little food and no amenities, and an enormous fine depending on the crime... if they can't afford it they go to jail and make money in prison until they can pay it and walk free

let's just say... $5 million bucks for a first degree murder. Very few are going to afford that, right? And if they do, that's money the rest of us didn't have to pay taxes to the government to receive, and the murderer gets a second chance to be free but takes a painful shot in the wallet. Fair enough, I believe.

05-29-2018, 04:25 AM
I think anyone should have the choice between hard time with little food and no amenities, and an enormous fine depending on the crime... if they can't afford it they go to jail and make money in prison until they can pay it and walk free

let's just say... $5 million bucks for a first degree murder. Very few are going to afford that, right? And if they do, that's money the rest of us didn't have to pay taxes to the government to receive, and the murderer gets a second chance to be free but takes a painful shot in the wallet. Fair enough, I believe.
Yeah, fair enough that some fat, rich dude could rape as many children as he could afford to pay the fine for. That's ridiculous.

05-29-2018, 06:39 AM
I think anyone should have the choice between hard time with little food and no amenities, and an enormous fine depending on the crime... if they can't afford it they go to jail and make money in prison until they can pay it and walk free

let's just say... $5 million bucks for a first degree murder. Very few are going to afford that, right? And if they do, that's money the rest of us didn't have to pay taxes to the government to receive, and the murderer gets a second chance to be free but takes a painful shot in the wallet. Fair enough, I believe.

:lmao what a fuckin idiot

05-29-2018, 06:59 AM
Something is not right here:


The parents... what?
Outrage from the lawyer? Sounds like there was some agreement not to discuss the case as a part of the plea.
The mom made the case and she then... wtf? Agreed to the plea?

People need to read this article.
The family... the mom... There is something quite stinky.

05-29-2018, 09:49 AM
While his actions deserve a much greater sentence, including the obvious sex offender registration, “rape” is misleading and many people read the headline and think he did something he didn’t.

That and the plea deal was somehow agreed to by the parents, and the judge reminded them of that as they sobbed in court

05-29-2018, 10:40 AM
People need to read this article.
The family... the mom... There is something quite stinky.

I read it and agree that everything might not be cut and dry.

IMO, either 1) either he didn't do it and the mom might have jumped to some conclusion based on something she thought she saw or 2) the old dude paid them some money to them to agree to the slap on the wrist

But the fact that they are going for a civil trial makes me think it's not 2.

Or 3) it could be that the parents made a mistake in agreeing to this. Possibly someone convinced them that it was going to be tough or impossible to prove and that their daughter was going to have to go through the emotional trauma of reliving about the whole thing.

In any event, I think it's bullshit that he doesn't have to register. If someone is convicted or pleas to this kind of charge, they need to register.

But maybe some more information will come out which will shed some light on the matter.

As a dad, I want to agree with Xevious that it's just as heinous to have molested her.
But rationally, I agree with spurraider that the headline is quite misleading.

05-29-2018, 03:41 PM
I think anyone should have the choice between hard time with little food and no amenities, and an enormous fine depending on the crime... if they can't afford it they go to jail and make money in prison until they can pay it and walk free

let's just say... $5 million bucks for a first degree murder. Very few are going to afford that, right? And if they do, that's money the rest of us didn't have to pay taxes to the government to receive, and the murderer gets a second chance to be free but takes a painful shot in the wallet. Fair enough, I believe.

Please say you were high as fuck when you posted this. :lol

05-29-2018, 04:59 PM
Please say you were high as fuck when you posted this. :lol

high on meth?

UNT Eagles 2016
05-29-2018, 07:18 PM
Yeah, fair enough that some fat, rich dude could rape as many children as he could afford to pay the fine for. That's ridiculous.

Most of the proceeds would go towards the govt/lowering taxes, but a good chunk would also go to the victim and/or their family in any case. So the kids would all get free tuition if the guy paid to get out.

hell, I'd trade my anal virginity for a half million bucks

05-29-2018, 11:00 PM
Jerry Sandusky did not do old white men any favors.

05-31-2018, 09:08 AM
:wow Avante really has been gone since this happened....

05-31-2018, 10:59 AM
:wow Avante really has been gone since this happened....

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxIQEBUSEBIREBEQDxAPEBUQDw8PFRASFRIWFhUSFR UYHCggGBomGxUVITIiJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGi0mICUtLS0tLS0rLS0vLS0tLS0tKystLS0rLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS8tLS0tLS0uLSstLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQBBQYCB//EAEcQAAEDAgMEBgcEBggHAQAAAAEAAgMEEQUSIQYxQVETImFxg ZEUMkJSobHBByNy0TNiY4Ky0iQ0VHOSosLhFURTVZOz8Bb/xAAaAQEAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQBAgUG/8QANhEAAgECBAQEBAYBBAMAAAAAAAECAxEEEiExBRNBUTJhcZE iobHwFDNCgcHR4RUjNPElUlP/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APuKAIAgCAIAgCAIAgNbXY7BDo54c4eyzrnuNtB4qtVxlGl4mW aWDq1Nlp56GlqdrXn9FEB2yG/+UfmubV4wl4I+5fhwtfrl7GumxmqfvlLRyY1rfjv+KoVOK1pdb ehajg6Ef039Sq98jvWkkd3yPP1VSWMqveT9ydQpx2ivYi9GUbr S7m+YeihY50u4zEjOkb6skjfwvcPkVLHF1FtJ+5o4wlvFexaix aqZulcex4a/4kXVmHE68f1e5DLCUJfp9tC/T7VyN/SxteObCWnyN1fpcY/917FafDIPwS9zc0W0VPLpn6N3KTqfHd8V0qWOo1Nnb1KFXA1od LryNsCrZUCAIAgCAIAgCAIAgCAIAgCAIAgCA1GK7QRQXaPvJB7 LTuP6zuHzVLEY6lR03fYuYfBVKuuy7nL12Kz1GjnZGH2GXaPE7 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k/VfyaaCReakjoyRr3T9NNp6senirCjy6fqQQ1k32OghFgqDephl evbdq3pPU2huVsLrWFuQmzm6EHRS16Uk83Q0vrY2KrmwQBACbb 0BWmxCNu9w8NVJGjOWyNcyKzsWHsscfC3zUiw76sz8T2R59PlO 5gHjdbcmC6m2VmPSpuQ8lnl0zOTzMsxJwPXbp2LV0E9hkfQ2bH XFxuKrNWdjUygCAIAgCAw42RBFKeRSxRNFF7ZWh6WYyuHUiPV7 ZOHkNfEL0HCcLeXMfT6lTiFfJDlrd/Q7NehOGEAQBAEB4nia9pa4Xa4FpHMFayipJp7G0ZOLUluj5ltK x1HmYbnS8bvebwPevL18E6dbK9j0EMQqtLOt+pFsxCeja4739c +OvysqWMn8TSEdII6QBc80MPZdFdGbmqrMIa83trzFwfMK1TxE oqxl5ZbkcdJKz1ZH27bH6LZ1IS3Qyx7k4dNzB/dWlqZmy7j74+1buAWP8AbXQzaJG6hc71nOPiVsqqWyMWieosNa 3gFh12zKaWxZigaDqtVMxJtlkzRt4BSZkRZZMo1VaOFgtkmyWN M1rbyus3XmeAW7agrs3c1Hbc30LMrQOQVGTu7kR7WDIQBAEAJQ FaaRbxRJFFRkTppBGzVzjbuHEnsCvYXDyqzUUbznGnBzl0O/w+jbDG2Nm5o38XHi49pK9jSpqnBQj0PN1arqzc5dSwpCMIAgCA IAgNRtPhDKqBzX6FgLmO90gajuKrYqiqkHfdapljDVnTn5PdHK 4THZo7gvEVndnbmbeOO6QhcrykSiFTqkjTOSR0d1PTwefU0lWs e/8Ah45qX/Tl3NfxDIpaC3aoKuAcVdM3jXuVXRWVGVNonUiJ2iisbGuqsQa0 2uB4qxCi2SKPcg6d7vVa4+C3yxjuzN4ox6JM7k3vN/gFnmU0Yz9kSxYON8ji7sGgWksQ/wBKNW292bCKJrBZoAHYoHJvcxY9rBkIAgCAEoCCWRbpG8YlGaT gLkk2AGpJ4AKxSpuTsiZJJXZ1+zmD9AzM/WV4636g9wfVetwWEVCGu7+7HCxmK50rR8K+7m5V4pBAEAQBAEA QFPGHWp5Tyhk/hKr4qWWhN+T+hNh1erFeaOQw8aBeFqbncmbWFWKRWmTKwREjJS FLCtKBq4pnv0nsU34p9jXlnh8xKinXlJWMqCRA8KrNaEsWUahu ipNWZYizlm4axlX0zruz2BDtQ02sCOQ7FedaUqORdDeUFfMdOF zgEAQBAEAQBAYLrILEEsq3USRRKU0vAXJOgA1JPIKenTcnZEqV tWdRs7gXRfezC8p9Vu/ox/N8l6nAYFUVmlv9DjY3Gcz4IbfX/B0C6ZzggCAIAgCAIAgKOO/1aX+6f8lVxv8Ax5+jJ8N+dH1RydD6q8NU3O3IvxPW9OdiCSLTX K4pXIWjKyYCAxdLmbEckihqVEbxiUal+iqbsnijQGUSy9G0gkE F1vZHarlskMzJXJJW6m/AVE0CAIAgCAEoCN8qykbKJWkmUiiSKJAwPlcGRtL3HgOHaTwCt 0MNOrK0UbSlGnHNJ2R1uB4C2DryWfMePBnY3816fCYGFBXerOJ isbKr8MdI/X1N0r5RCAIAgCAIAgCAICticeaCRvvRSDzaVDiI5qUo90/oSUXapF+aOKw512juXg6u535rUugqJMjJGyWUkajRq4kgnUirm uQdOtueY5Z4dMo5VWzZQIy5ROTZvYhqG3CzB2ZlHN0tD6NM6Vr nHpHFzgbEa77aXXQnU5sFFrY25au2jpWyAi/Nc9qxgzmCxYWMZwljNjBlWbDKRumWVE2USF8y3UTdRK8lQpY02 9jdRNjh2z801jJeGPtHXcOxvDx8l2MLwqUtZ6L5lOvj6dPSOr+ R1uH4fHA3LG23M73OPMniu/SowpRtBHGq1p1XebLSlIggCAIAgCAIAgCAIDBCA4GFnRSPjPsP c3wB0+Fl4XF0uXUcezPRKWeCl3LyomgQBAEAQBAQ1UmULeCuza KuaE1IldZp0B1KvZHBXZNHyNi2WwtyVdxM5DPTrGUzkPJqFnIM hG+pHNbqmzZQJIIZZf0cb39oaQP8R0VqlgatTaLI51adPxSRta TZaV+sr2xjk3ru89w+K6dHg73mylU4lBaQVzoMPwaGDVjLu99/Wd58PCy61HCUqPhWvc5tbFVavienY2CslcIAgCAIAgCAIAgCAI AgCA5PaujMconaOq+zJOxw3HxGnh2rz/GMNrzV10fqdbAVc0XTfTYqwyghealGxbaJVoahAEAQBAU65wsp qS1JIlrZfB4Z4nGSPVsmUOa57cwsDqAbaXXpcBh6dem3UWz31K mLxNSjNKD3W1kbY7K0/OQdz/zCuPheH7P3Ky4lW8vYDZWn5yn9/wD2RcLw/Z+5n/Uq3l7EsezNMPYLvxSSfmpI8Ow6/T82aPiFd9fki7BhkMfqRRtPMMbfz3qxChSh4Yr2IJ4irPxSfuW 1KQhAEAQBAEAQBAEAQBAEAQBAEAQEdRC2RpY8BzXCxB4hazhGc XGS0ZtGTi8y3OPr8DmgJMYMsfC2r2jkRx7wvNYvhU4O8FdfM7F HGU6itLR/IpCvA0doeR0PkVx5UWnZlnJfVEorm81pymYyMz6aFjlMZDw+va OIWeUZUGYjlkk0jY9/4Wkjz3KxSwlSfhi2aycIeJpGxo9mpZDec9G33WkOcey+4fFdjD cHlvU0XbqVauPhHSnq/kdTTU7Y2BjGhrWiwAXfp0404qMVZHKnOU3mk9SVbmoQBAEAQBA EAQBAEAQBAEAQBAEAQBAEAQBAEBr8W9XwVbEbE9Dc4TE/WXnMT4juUdiiq5OdHs/vC6uC6HOxR2rdw7l3lscd7mVkwEAQBAEAQBAEAQBAEAQBAEAQB AEAQH//2Q==

Trill Clinton
05-31-2018, 11:40 AM
:wow Avante really has been gone since this happened....


05-31-2018, 12:22 PM
It's getting so damn hard to leave them mountains and get back to Mexico North.


I'm guessing knowing you are savely hidden away has a lot to do with this...Avante/pedo....stupidity. I have made it very clear what my stance on that sick shit is. Only assholes/idiots wouldn't see the obvious.

Anyone messing with kids in anyway needs all their fingers chopped off, and their tongue tore out. Don't kill um, it's better to let them wander around in their fucked life unable to talk and shit for hands. I know......just ignore how Avante feels about sick ass pedos and just keep acting like a fucking retard.

If I saw anyone touching a kid in an inappropriate way, I'm beating that sick mutherfucker to a pulp, just a glob of goo. Why ignore that?

What's get me is aren't you idiots bored with this stupid shit by now? My God people, is life really this boring for ya? Accusing strangers (who have never said anything that derseves it) of being some sick ass pedo turns ya on, ya get your nut off this stupid bullshit?

I'lll say it agan...

Let's see anything ANYTHING that I ever said that deserves...you pedo....where is this at? Yep, it doesn't exist.


"Wicked Grin"

I was walkin'
from Paris
to El Paso
in no rush
takin' it slow

when up pulled
a bright red Corvette
right beside
she looked me over
you need a ride

I said thanks
then got in
she then took off
me with a big smile
her with a wicked grin


Little people, there isn't one of who would ...you pedo...to my face, so doing this in hiding makes you a fucking coward......ok?

Trill, I did think you were a notch above the riff raff here, yep, I was wrong.

05-31-2018, 12:44 PM
:wow The prisons in California have computers & internet access.

05-31-2018, 12:50 PM
:wow The prisons in California have computers & internet access.

Why this need to look like a fucking idiot, ya seem to get off on looking dumb. Heredity?

Why do people just totally ignore what I say about sick ass pedos, it's weird.

05-31-2018, 12:53 PM
This isn't a surprise...no way Avante started a multi-million dollar business.

05-31-2018, 12:57 PM
BUT.....yet ANOTHER Avante thread, so......

Somewhere in one of those other Avante threads I talked about the up coming NCAA's and USC sprinter Michael Norman.

Well at the regionals (qualify for the NCAA's) he splir a remarkarkable 43.06 on that 4x4 anchor leg. That is the third fastest split in history and he is just a Soph in college, in a word...WOW~~~~~~~

Fast forward to 4:40


05-31-2018, 12:59 PM
This isn't a surprise...no way Avante started a multi-million dollar business.

What? Pizzagate type operations only have elite, ultra-rich clientele. He could have knowing his expertise in underage prostitution.

Trill Clinton
05-31-2018, 01:00 PM
It's getting so damn hard to leave them mountains and get back to Mexico North.


I'm guessing knowing you are savely hidden away has a lot to do with this...Avante/pedo....stupidity. I have made it very clear what my stance on that sick shit is. Only assholes/idiots wouldn't see the obvious.

Anyone messing with kids in anyway needs all their fingers chopped off, and their tongue tore out. Don't kill um, it's better to let them wander around in their fucked life unable to talk and shit for hands. I know......just ignore how Avante feels about sick ass pedos and just keep acting like a fucking retard.

If I saw anyone touching a kid in an inappropriate way, I'm beating that sick mutherfucker to a pulp, just a glob of goo. Why ignore that?

What's get me is aren't you idiots bored with this stupid shit by now? My God people, is life really this boring for ya? Accusing strangers (who have never said anything that derseves it) of being some sick ass pedo turns ya on, ya get your nut off this stupid bullshit?

I'lll say it agan...

Let's see anything ANYTHING that I ever said that deserves...you pedo....where is this at? Yep, it doesn't exist.


"Wicked Grin"

I was walkin'
from Paris
to El Paso
in no rush
takin' it slow

when up pulled
a bright red Corvette
right beside
she looked me over
you need a ride

I said thanks
then got in
she then took off
me with a big smile
her with a wicked grin


Little people, there isn't one of who would ...you pedo...to my face, so doing this in hiding makes you a fucking coward......ok?

Trill, I did think you were a notch above the riff raff here, yep, I was wrong.

Once I saw you were a white supremacist I stopped giving a fuck about you.

05-31-2018, 01:08 PM
Once I saw you were a white supremacist I stopped giving a fuck about you.

no kidding, the same dude who cries:
My God people, is life really this boring for ya? Accusing strangers (who have never said anything that derseves it) is the same person that links behavioral traits to entire groups of strangers based on race alone.

05-31-2018, 01:09 PM
What? Pizzagate type operations only have elite, ultra-rich clientele. He could have knowing his expertise in underage prostitution.

This idiot can't read can he?

05-31-2018, 01:13 PM
Once I saw you were a white supremacist I stopped giving a fuck about you.

Dude, are you fucking kidding me? Where in the hell did ya ever get that bullshit idea? Nobody is a bigger fan of the black man than myself, my best friend (best man) Stan is black as night. Many many times I've been the only white cat in the game, at the bar, at the party. Dude, you are 100%, totally, completely, without a doubt of any kind...........WRONG~~~~~~~~~~

05-31-2018, 01:16 PM
no kidding, the same dude who cries: is the same person that links behavioral traits to entire groups of strangers based on race alone.

Dude, are you trying to tell me we don't have differences between the races, reallly?

05-31-2018, 01:19 PM
Why this need for people to get stupid over race?

Watch a football game, a basketball game, go to a track meet. Hell yes we are different, why play bullshit games? I don't.

Clipper Nation
05-31-2018, 01:24 PM
Nobody is a bigger fan of the black man than myself, my best friend (best man) Stan is black as night.
:lol Unironically using the "I have a black friend!" argument

05-31-2018, 01:32 PM
:lol Unironically using the "I have a black friend!" argument

coming from avante, that's like a serial rapist claiming "some of my friends are women".

05-31-2018, 01:39 PM
coming from avante, that's like a serial rapist claiming some of my friends are women.

Well...he is a rapist, so...yeah.

05-31-2018, 01:42 PM
:lol Unironically using the "I have a black friend!" argument

I have a ton of black friends. A musical library 805 black, starting with old black blues from the 20's. Over 25 books on....blacl....in Amerixa, slavery, in sport. All that James Balswin, Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright stuff. What QB do I brak abbout, yep....black.

Hell, while in Olongapo I was invited to The Jungle (Google it)

05-31-2018, 01:43 PM
coming from avante, that's like a serial rapist claiming some of my friends are women.

Why ignore reality dude, you can't read?

05-31-2018, 01:44 PM
Well...he is a rapist, so...yeah.

Dude, are you really this fucked up?

05-31-2018, 01:46 PM
Notice how nobody can ever actually show anything Avante has ever said that deserves....you pedo? Yep, they can't. 100% bullshit coming from 100% cowards.

05-31-2018, 01:50 PM
Notice how nobody can ever actually show anything Avante has ever said that deserves....you pedo? Yep, they can't. 100% bullshit coming from 100% cowards.

we're basing it on your race.

05-31-2018, 01:58 PM
we're basing it on your race.

So in your opinion there are no differences between the races, right?

So, the fact no white American sprinter has ever broke 10.00 for a 100m while TONS of blacks ones have means nothing, right?

There are no white cornerbacks in the NFL, why?

The NBA finals start tonight, where are the white guys?


What white RB belongs in with....

Jim Brown
Barry Sanders
Gale Sayers
Emmitt Smith
Eric Dickerson
Marshall Faulk
Tony Dorsett
Jerome Bettis
LaDainian Tomlinson
Marcus Allen
Frank Gore
Adrian Peterson
Curtis Martin

Ya wanna hear some authentic Mississippi Delta blues 1927, yep...black? Ya wanaa hear some hillbillie music from 1954, yep...white. Ya need some fruit picked, yep...Mexicans.

05-31-2018, 02:08 PM
How many 100% idiots do we have posting here, it's amazing, totally weird.

Avante....I don't drink buttermilk, YUCK.
Here...want some buttermik?
Avante...ah....didn't ya just read how I hate that shit?
Here...here have a big glass.


Little people, don't look like a fucking retard trying to troll , ok? It's as if you fuckers cant read, honest.

05-31-2018, 02:10 PM
Avante making up for lost time.

05-31-2018, 02:13 PM
Avante making up for lost time.

Dude, are you ever going to drop the stupid shit and start being an adult? Why look stupid?

05-31-2018, 02:18 PM
Getting back to race.

Go ahead tune in the NBA game tonight and take a long look at why we have OBVIOUS, DRAMATIC difference in race. And only a blind man wouldn't see.....IT.

Size with speed, quicks, is a black thing, there are no big fast, quick, Asians, Mexicans, whites on a par with what we see in those with western African roots. Just how it is, so why fight it?

05-31-2018, 02:27 PM
What? Pizzagate type operations only have elite, ultra-rich clientele. He could have knowing his expertise in underage prostitution.

hmmmm...that's definitely a possibility.
But I still lean to Old Fat being a one man pedo crew. If he was working with the Pizzanatti, they would have had him killed for what he's revealed on SpursTalk.

05-31-2018, 02:31 PM
Dude, are you fucking kidding me? Where in the hell did ya ever get that bullshit idea? Nobody is a bigger fan of the black man than myself, my best friend (best man) Stan is black as night. Many many times I've been the only white cat in the game, at the bar, at the party. Dude, you are 100%, totally, completely, without a doubt of any kind...........WRONG~~~~~~~~~~

I just want to be clear....this isn't Stan right?

05-31-2018, 03:14 PM
hmmmm...that's definitely a possibility.
But I still lean to Old Fat being a one man pedo crew. If he was working with the Pizzanatti, they would have had him killed for what he's revealed on SpursTalk.

Watch this everyone.

SFS just what have I revealed right here on Spurstalk, well? And be specific.

The boy will now dance around doing....nothing. Why......nothing has been revealed.

05-31-2018, 03:16 PM
I just want to be clear....this isn't Stan right?

I guess you really think acting like soime fucking idiot is trolling, right?

05-31-2018, 04:11 PM
Getting back to race.

Go ahead tune in the NBA game tonight and take a long look at why we have OBVIOUS, DRAMATIC difference in race. And only a blind man wouldn't see.....IT.

Size with speed, quicks, is a black thing, there are no big fast, quick, Asians, Mexicans, whites on a par with what we see in those with western African roots. Just how it is, so why fight it?

but the fact that West African runners are different from East African ones points to something other than race, which would be population and how it relates to gene pools. race is not a causal unit nor is it a reliable proxy for genetics. unless you have a racist narrative that is.

05-31-2018, 04:13 PM
Getting back to race.

Go ahead tune in the NBA game tonight and take a long look at why we have OBVIOUS, DRAMATIC difference in race. And only a blind man wouldn't see.....IT.

Size with speed, quicks, is a black thing, there are no big fast, quick, Asians, Mexicans, whites on a par with what we see in those with western African roots. Just how it is, so why fight it?

you're referring to the variants of the gene linked to athletic ability, but given the statistical frequencies of that gene variant in blacks compared to whites, and the disproportionate representation of white players in the NBA compared to the current demographic of males between the ages of 20 to 35, the difference in representation doesn't match up with the numbers. there are clearly other factors in play that distort these numbers.

05-31-2018, 04:18 PM
but the fact that West African runners are different from East African ones points to something other than race, which would be population and how it relates to gene pools. race is not a causal unit nor is it a reliable proxy for genetics. unless you have a racist narrative that is.

When do you actually answer anything, well? So where are white/Asian/Mexican cornerbacks in the NFL? Where will white guys be tonight in the NBA game? Where are the great white RB's? Why no white American sub10.00 sprinters?

How about actually delving into that instead of just ramblibn' on ignoring it, ok?

And, why so many great runners from Africa anyway? Be it sprinters or distance runners? Where are their equals in Asia, well?

05-31-2018, 04:22 PM
you're referring to the variants of the gene linked to athletic ability, but given the statistical frequencies of that gene variant in blacks compared to whites, and the disproportionate representation of white players in the NBA compared to the current demographic of males between the ages of 20 to 35, the difference in representation doesn't match up with the numbers. there are clearly other factors in play that distort these numbers.

Blacks make up about 14% of Americans, of that 14%, we have what.....maybe 4-5% between 18-30 males. Yet that small % is 100% of the great sprinters in the country right now, NFL cornerbacks and a HUGE % of RB's and WR's.

Now talk about that size with speed thing, like a Bo Jackson, Usain Bolt, Herschel Walker, ok?

Tiny Trinidad has had more great sprinters than all of Asia. Why?

05-31-2018, 04:26 PM
When do you actually answer anything, well? So where are white/Asian/Mexican cornerbacks in the NFL? Where will white guys be tonight in the NBA game? Where are the great white RB's? Why no white American sub10.00 sprinters?

How about actually delving into that instead of just ramblibn' on ignoring it, ok?

And, why so many great runners from Africa anyway? Be it sprinters or distance runners? Where are their equals in Asia, well?

i don't know. why are your response always more questions and anecdotal evidence? but if you are now shifting your argument to say that it doesn't matter that there are some runners in Africa are sprinters while others are long distance runners, it just matters that they are all runners then you are now having to account for why there are no great black long distance runners outside of Africa. you can't answer that using race. you have to answer using population and how population ties into genetics. there are other factors that have to be considered. i honestly don't understand how someone can supposedly read native son and invisible man and miss the key themes regarding societal constructs and consciousness. and i hate to break it to you but richard spencer isn't the most reliable source for genetics.

05-31-2018, 05:52 PM
i don't know. why are your response always more questions and anecdotal evidence? but if you are now shifting your argument to say that it doesn't matter that there are some runners in Africa are sprinters while others are long distance runners, it just matters that they are all runners then you are now having to account for why there are no great black long distance runners outside of Africa. you can't answer that using race. you have to answer using population and how population ties into genetics. there are other factors that have to be considered. i honestly don't understand how someone can supposedly read native son and invisible man and miss the key themes regarding societal constructs and consciousness. and i hate to break it to you but richard spencer isn't the most reliable source for genetics.

I was running track and playing football as soon as I was able, I saw all this early in life. Little black kids on a whole other level than myself and us white guys. It had nothing to do with culture, populations, social eco mumbo jumbo. What is is a different physique, a body more apt to be fast, quick.

Samoans are massive in general, Filipipinos are small, most Asians are short. So yes we do see physical differences, we see that with those from Western Africa. They have the best physique to run fast.

Then there is that elusiveness, we don't see anyone else doing what Barry Sanders, Gale Sayers, Devin Hester, O.J.Simpson etc etc etdc could do. Where sre those Mexican American/Asian Americans/White guys who run like that, yep, they can't.....why?

05-31-2018, 08:31 PM
Right now we see 10 guys on the court.

8 blacks and two whites, no Asians, no Mexicans.

No white. Asian, Mexican ever looked like this.


Sooooooooooooooooooooo many times this is how it looks, yep.....total blackness, why?


What do most these teams all have in common?


05-31-2018, 08:54 PM
Emlen Tunnell
Ollie Matson
Buddy Young...all 5-4
Nolan "Super Gnat" Smith...all 5-6
Travis Williams
Bobby Mitchell
Timmy Brown
Gale Sayers
Mel Gray
Abe Woodson
Alvin Hayman
Bob Hayes
Ron Brown
Deion Sanders
Billy "White Shoes" Johnson
Clarence Childs
Terry and Eric Metcalf
Speedy Duncan
Michael Bates
Ted Ginn Jr.
Cecil Turner

All speedy. fast black kick returner.

Then there was this guy. No Chinaman can run like this.


That ain't got shit to do with population, culture and all that bullshit, that is simply genetics and those from western Africa.

05-31-2018, 09:00 PM
I just want to be clear....this isn't Stan right?


05-31-2018, 09:02 PM
i don't know. why are your response always more questions and anecdotal evidence? but if you are now shifting your argument to say that it doesn't matter that there are some runners in Africa are sprinters while others are long distance runners, it just matters that they are all runners then you are now having to account for why there are no great black long distance runners outside of Africa. you can't answer that using race. you have to answer using population and how population ties into genetics. there are other factors that have to be considered. i honestly don't understand how someone can supposedly read native son and invisible man and miss the key themes regarding societal constructs and consciousness. and i hate to break it to you but richard spencer isn't the most reliable source for genetics.

yet more mumbo jumbo

05-31-2018, 09:03 PM
People totally freak out when they come in contact with a true master, they can't handle it so we see silly shit like that.

05-31-2018, 09:05 PM
yet more mumbo jumbo

Yes it was, anyone thinking population is a factor in this has no clue.

05-31-2018, 09:09 PM
There has NEVER been a great white female sprinter from the USA. Ah....not counting Betty Robinson who at 16 won the very first female Olympic 100m gold.

We have seen TONS and TONS and TONS of speedy black female sprinters here in the USA, so where are the white lady sprinters, well?

05-31-2018, 09:43 PM
Ok, Judy took care of something busines while I toyed with some midgets, yep...smiles alll around.

Now it's time to gas up and head back to them hills. see ya around.....Monday maybe.

A little traveling music....


06-01-2018, 10:02 AM
People totally freak out when they come in contact with a true masterbater, they can't handle it so we see silly shit like that.

fixed it

06-01-2018, 10:02 AM
Yes it was, anyone thinking population is a factor in this has no clue.

if you really want to convince anyone that your drivel is anything more than just a fallacy of reification, used to steer your racist narrative, offer us the phylogenic clade of Blacks in regards to the 'superior athlete" gene and then show me the genetic differentiation which would point to differences based on race. in other words, demonstrate to me that this isn't anything more than a 'wastebasket' taxon comprised of clusters. the absence of such a model would reaffirm that you're confusing tautology for ontology.

06-01-2018, 10:05 AM
yet more mumbo jumbo

another echo chamber dwelling sycophant sighting.

06-01-2018, 10:07 AM
the real problem is that avante has created a catch 22. his own premise that certain races are inferior when it comes to intelligence is injured by his own racial inferiority, which then makes his premise highly suspect.

06-01-2018, 10:47 AM
another echo chamber dwelling sycophant sighting.

aww man i used blue font and everything!