View Full Version : Warriors: The Warriors are so unlikeable...

Clipper Nation
05-31-2018, 11:01 PM
...they made SKIP BAYLESS turn on them and start praising LeBron.



Capt Bringdown
05-31-2018, 11:06 PM
Warriors are the patron saints of front-running casual fans.

I see more and more of their jerseys everywhere I go...in SA, ffs.

05-31-2018, 11:08 PM
Warriors are the patron saints of front-running casual fans.

I see more and more of their jerseys everywhere I go...in SA, ffs.

Not a futbol fan myself but I liken this warriors team to the Brazil national team of 2002 with Ronaldo and ronhaldino which shitted on everyone. Most people like teams that are unfairly built

05-31-2018, 11:09 PM
Warriors are the patron saints of front-running casual fans.

I see more and more of their jerseys everywhere I go...in SA, ffs.

They have a lot of bandwagon fans but they have a lot of haters. I live in NC and I was playing a bunch of guys today on the basketball court and all of them hated the Warriors it was pretty much unanimous. I view them as the Justin Bieber of the NBA. Sure Justin has a lot of fans but he has more haters than fans. I believe part of the reason the ratings are so high when they play is simply because the haters want to watch them lose.

05-31-2018, 11:10 PM
Warriors are the patron saints of front-running casual fans.

I see more and more of their jerseys everywhere I go...in SA, ffs.
Why so many Lakerfans jumped on their bandwagon with disturbing ease.

I cant remember a more unlikeable or faggot filled team/fan base. Shit even Kobe’s Lakers had a few likeable people like Pau and Shaq.

05-31-2018, 11:12 PM
David Zavac
David Zavac davidZavac
Steph Curry is the dude who doesn't know where the line is and thinks he can run his mouth and it's all fine but he's not one of your boys, and it's not fine.

05-31-2018, 11:13 PM
Why so many Lakerfans jumped on their bandwagon with disturbing ease.

I cant remember a more unlikeable or faggot filled team/fan base. Shit even Kobe’s Lakers had a few likeable people like Pau and Shaq.

The problem is all the Lakers bandwagon fans started rooting for GS once they've got good and the Lakers got bad...

Historically the lakers had the most bandwagon fans of the lot

05-31-2018, 11:14 PM
The problem is all the Lakers bandwagon fans started rooting for GS once they've got good and the Lakers got bad...

Historically the lakers had the most bandwagon fans of the lot

This forum is full of those slanty eyed bastards

05-31-2018, 11:15 PM
This forum is full of those slanty eyed bastards

:lol And fat 400 pound guys like you.

Clipper Nation
05-31-2018, 11:17 PM
Why so many Lakerfans jumped on their bandwagon with disturbing ease.

I cant remember a more unlikeable or faggot filled team/fan base. Shit even Kobe’s Lakers had a few likeable people like Pau and Shaq.

Only players I can stand on the Warriors are Livingston and Nick Young because of what they did for the Clippers.

05-31-2018, 11:18 PM
God forbid people enjoying their job and celebrate accomplishments.

Go watch stickball where players fight over bat flips :lmao

05-31-2018, 11:23 PM
Warriors are the patron saints of front-running casual fans.

I see more and more of their jerseys everywhere I go...in SA, ffs.

There's a fat be@ner on my street that flies a GS flag on his flag pole. See him with his GS hat and t-shirts occasionally. They try to tell you they've been riding with them since they sucked too. I'm like you're not fooling anyone you shameless bandwagoning faggot.

james evans
05-31-2018, 11:29 PM
Do you know that most current GS fans around the world don't even know who Monta Ellis is. Some of them don't even remember David Lee

05-31-2018, 11:32 PM
Do you know that most current GS fans around the world don't even know who Monta Ellis is. Some of them don't even remember David Lee

That Baron Davis team was fun to watch back in the day.

05-31-2018, 11:34 PM
Warriors are the patron saints of front-running casual fans.

I see more and more of their jerseys everywhere I go...in SA, ffs.

The Warriors? LOL, not even close. Any team that's great brings in the front runners. Let the Lakers get good again and watch the bandwagoners come out in droves. Yankees too.

06-01-2018, 07:03 AM
I kinda liked them during the first season, but pretty much hate them now. Donkey is probably the worst among them.

06-01-2018, 08:04 AM
The league has enabled them with beneficial calls and rule changes. Nobody dared to do anything about it because that player would be blacklisted forever and will become some high school gym teacher making $60k a year instead of millions.

Works for the casuals though. Just like actual knowledgeable wrestling fans wont watch the wwe, slowly real basketball fans won’t watch the nba but the nba will make billions.

:lol today’s nba.

06-01-2018, 08:16 AM
"I've had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane"


06-01-2018, 10:38 AM
Why so many Lakerfans jumped on their bandwagon with disturbing ease.

I cant remember a more unlikeable or faggot filled team/fan base. Shit even Kobe’s Lakers had a few likeable people like Pau and Shaq.


San Antonio Heat
San Antonio Cavs

You farmers LOVE and always stan for LBJ. Shhhhhhhh! :lol

06-01-2018, 10:39 AM
...they made SKIP BAYLESS turn on them and start praising LeBron.



-15,000 points for quoting Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! :lmao

06-01-2018, 10:40 AM
:lol And fat 400 pound guys like you.


06-01-2018, 10:47 AM
And LBJ - if he really told Klay to not celebrate kicking his ass, man oh man - that's weak! :lmao

Kobe watched Doc Rivers get a Gatorade bath by them Celtic bums - before the final buzzer (now THAT was disrespectful). He didn't bitch like LBJ. He just beat them in 2010. :toast

LBJ had 5 overtime minutes to win. Instead he started feeling sorry for himself because of JR's gaffe. Next thing you know, 7 point deficit (10pt loss).

Tell you what, he BETTER win game 2 or... :lol

06-01-2018, 04:02 PM


06-01-2018, 04:26 PM



Clipper Nation
06-01-2018, 04:34 PM
Kobe watched Doc Rivers get a Gatorade bath by them Celtic bums - before the final buzzer (now THAT was disrespectful).
"Them Celtics bums" had just blown the Lakers out by 39 in the deciding Game 6, while Kobe choked to the tune of a 7-22 shooting percentage and a nauseating 1-to-4 assist to turnover ratio.

In contrast, the stacked Warriors had just been gifted a Game 1 win by the refs against a garbage Cavs team.

The fact that you're comparing the Celtics' championship celebration to the Warriors' Game 1 celebration says it all about how obnoxious that team is.

He just beat them in 2010. :toast
Correction: MVPau beat them in 2010 while Kobe shot 6-24 and took all the credit.

06-01-2018, 05:26 PM
Not a futbol fan myself but I liken this warriors team to the Brazil national team of 2002 with Ronaldo and ronhaldino which shitted on everyone. Most people like teams that are unfairly built

son please, that brasil side was enormously enjoyable, only rivaldo was a ****, besides that they were quite likeable tbh. Warriors besides livingston and igguadala are all bitchmade players.

06-01-2018, 07:44 PM
Only players I can stand on the Warriors are Livingston and Nick Young because of what they did for the Clippers.

Lol nick young in nba.... sad talentless nba

06-01-2018, 10:43 PM
Draymond deserves credit for being a heel, knowing he's a heel and playing the heel role to perfection. A good heel adds some entertainment value even as you want to slam your fist through the TV and into his face.

06-01-2018, 10:53 PM
Even tho “keepin it real” is a dumb concept, I do respect and love Draymond for being himself out there. Meanwhile, the reason people hate Steph and KD more is because the shit talking they do is clearly fake as hell, and comes from a place of insecurity.

06-02-2018, 12:09 AM
Warriors are the patron saints of front-running casual fans.

I see more and more of their jerseys everywhere I go...in SA, ffs.

Every good team has bandwagon fans, but let’s be honest the warriors were selling out games for years with terrible teams. They used to sell us with their motto “it’s a great timeout” not “we want to win and compete” just that it’s cool you’ll have fun it’s the nba. People have short ass memories, it’s actually kind of cool to be a part of a fan base that is hated because the team you like is the best team in the league....

06-02-2018, 12:10 AM
Keep being salty as fuck lol

06-02-2018, 12:38 AM
I think people respect the old teams of Jax and Davis and such, maybe an earlier Monta Ellis, because they scrapped. This team now has it all, and they've been to the show 4 consecutive times. They act like this is their first time, no poise whatsoever. There's not really a leader on the team.

I remember when "It still hurts" happened, I think Norris Cole or someone of that ilk was bring the ball up when the series was decided and they were giddy and began some premature celebrations. Lebron calmed that shit from the sidelines, said "not yet... just play ball". It would be nice not to ghetto up the entire NBA with these And1 style celebrations. Just waiting for the voice from Rucker park to come over the speakers and people to fall all over each other.

06-02-2018, 08:15 AM
Every good team has bandwagon fans, but let’s be honest the warriors were selling out games for years with terrible teams. They used to sell us with their motto “it’s a great timeout” not “we want to win and compete” just that it’s cool you’ll have fun it’s the nba. People have short ass memories, it’s actually kind of cool to be a part of a fan base that is hated because the team you like is the best team in the league....

did you just wake up from a coma or something?

06-02-2018, 01:36 PM
son please, that brasil side was enormously enjoyable, only rivaldo was a ****, besides that they were quite likeable tbh. Warriors besides livingston and igguadala are all bitchmade players.

Not talking bout personalities im talking bout the flow of the game. You cannot deny that last year the Warriors were a joke good. Most of their base is the same type that rooted for Brazil too

06-02-2018, 01:56 PM
did you just wake up from a coma or something?
Nope I just know it wasn’t that long ago that the warriors were terrible, the bottom dwellers of the nba

06-02-2018, 02:51 PM

San Antonio Heat
San Antonio Cavs

You farmers LOVE and always stan for LBJ. Shhhhhhhh! :lol
Difference Alejandro is that Lebron and Spurs have always had mutual respect, you guys jumped on the Warriors bandwagon even though they used to chant “Lakers suck”. :lol shameless

06-02-2018, 02:55 PM
Keep being salty as fuck lol

:lol Laker troll having to rep the Warriors because his team is garbage.

06-02-2018, 04:54 PM
Difference Alejandro is that Lebron and Spurs have always had mutual respect, you guys jumped on the Warriors bandwagon even though they used to chant “Lakers suck”. :lol shameless


06-02-2018, 05:16 PM
There's not really a leader on the team.

Didn't you hear that scrub ass Donkey is their leader? Defenses don't even guard the motherfucker, he hits like 15% on wide open 3s but because he can't close his mouth (literally and figuratively) you had the TNT crew calling him the leader. He soaked it up of course and went on about his "leadership".

06-02-2018, 10:12 PM
Didn't you hear that scrub ass Donkey is their leader? Defenses don't even guard the motherfucker, he hits like 15% on wide open 3s but because he can't close his mouth (literally and figuratively) you had the TNT crew calling him the leader. He soaked it up of course and went on about his "leadership".

He can call himself the messiah. There's no true leader on the Warriors team. If anyone is, it would be Iggy.