View Full Version : If Spurs start Phatty Cancerburger nxt season Im switching to whichever team Kawhi go

06-28-2018, 05:33 PM
Thats my ultimatum, front office

I am not rooting for a team that starts an Australian Meatball

I will come back to spurs when he is gone or benched

06-28-2018, 05:46 PM

06-28-2018, 05:48 PM
Good day, Mate.

06-28-2018, 05:52 PM
Good day, Mate.


06-28-2018, 05:52 PM

06-28-2018, 05:57 PM
Oh I will still be here. Just rooting for Kawhis team :lmao

06-28-2018, 06:03 PM
Oh I will still be here. Just rooting for Kawhis team :lmaoSo you just announced you are going to be here no matter what.

06-28-2018, 06:21 PM
He will start. In the Spurs system who starts doesn't matter. Its who finishes. I imagine DJ or Patty would be expendable if White or Walker is tearing it up by the end of the season.

06-28-2018, 10:13 PM
Lol, I didn't realize there were this many fake Spurs fans on this forum.

06-28-2018, 10:14 PM
Only beta cucks will take Fatty Treadmills starting and like it.

06-28-2018, 10:18 PM
I don't post here often but when I do, hater is around whoring for attention with his usual "I'll say something then contradict it so I'll be right either way." Check my post history I own this keyboard gangster.

06-28-2018, 11:02 PM
Fuck Kawhitter, but this Spurs team will be hard to watch without the big 3. With no ties to the city of San Antonio i doubt ill follow either once Manu, Parker, and Pop are gone.

06-28-2018, 11:24 PM
Out of all the bs happening right now, the thing that’s going to put you over the edge is Patty starting? ��

06-29-2018, 02:09 AM
Satan does not favor our team right now :/

06-29-2018, 05:21 AM
Out of all the bs happening right now, the thing that’s going to put you over the edge is Patty starting? 😂

06-29-2018, 06:15 AM
Only beta cucks will take Fatty Treadmills starting and like it.
PTC’s wet dream.

06-29-2018, 07:34 AM
Or team-killer Tony Parker... Sexting a teammate’s wife? Publicly discrediting teammates? Smfh... Anyone else would have been ROASTED

06-29-2018, 10:46 AM
Tony Parker helped us get 3 ships and never faked injury and askd for trade gia family members

Also i. Regards to cancerburger from australia, plase dont even compare parker to that fat scrub:lmao

06-29-2018, 10:48 AM
Or team-killer Tony Parker... Sexting a teammate’s wife? Publicly discrediting teammates? Smfh... Anyone else would have been ROASTED

Continues to be a gross exaggeration, but w/e..

06-29-2018, 10:49 AM
As long as Ginose, the selfish faggot that was about to sign with Philly and cost the team 3 championships, doesn't start.... I'm cool.