View Full Version : According to the left.....

10-22-2005, 01:27 AM
black people are better off kept ignorant and poor.

1. WHy does the left want to keep school vouchers away from the black community?
2. WHy does the Left only use its buses to ship poor blacks to the polls but not out of a cat 5 hurricane.
3. Why do the left picture black people as helpless and morally destitute that they tell them in every election to discard their worries, the Democrat party will take care of you.
4. WHy do the left only encourage black leaders who picture a negative future for blacks and not one who is positive and stresses the strenght of the individual black soul and not of the weakness of a downtrodden group or body.
5. WHy do the left try to incite hate in the black physce towards whites as to further alienate such from true color blind integration.
6. Why is it when the president offered to build a better NO's for its black residence, did the left throw a hissy fit because the president didnt want to ressurect the 9th ward. Why ressurect an ethnic slum when you can give blacks better. Maybe the left doesnt think much about them.

Blacks, the left has taken your 90 percent vote in every election and all you can thank them for is abortion on demand, and lowering standards for you against everybody to make you feel sub specieal, disintegration of the family unit and utter despair.

cecil collins
10-22-2005, 03:14 AM
That's just classy gtown. Better public school is my preference, but I guess conservatives love to privatize everything. Being against vouchers is against educating black people, give me a break. Poor black people(and white people) are being shit on by both sides, or else public education would be more equal by now.

10-22-2005, 12:04 PM


attn all black folk
for your own good!
trust us.

10-22-2005, 12:28 PM
Yea, that's the answer, blacks become republicans. Why didn't we ever think of that. Maybe there is light. :rolleyes

10-22-2005, 12:29 PM
black people are better off kept ignorant and poor.

1. WHy does the left want to keep school vouchers away from the black community?
2. WHy does the Left only use its buses to ship poor blacks to the polls but not out of a cat 5 hurricane.
3. Why do the left picture black people as helpless and morally destitute that they tell them in every election to discard their worries, the Democrat party will take care of you.
4. WHy do the left only encourage black leaders who picture a negative future for blacks and not one who is positive and stresses the strenght of the individual black soul and not of the weakness of a downtrodden group or body.
5. WHy do the left try to incite hate in the black physce towards whites as to further alienate such from true color blind integration.
6. Why is it when the president offered to build a better NO's for its black residence, did the left throw a hissy fit because the president didnt want to ressurect the 9th ward. Why ressurect an ethnic slum when you can give blacks better. Maybe the left doesnt think much about them.

Blacks, the left has taken your 90 percent vote in every election and all you can thank them for is abortion on demand, and lowering standards for you against everybody to make you feel sub specieal, disintegration of the family unit and utter despair.

This is the biggest load of bull shit ever. You're losing it, gtownspur.

10-22-2005, 12:32 PM
black people are better off kept ignorant and poor.

1. WHy does the left want to keep school vouchers away from the black community?
2. WHy does the Left only use its buses to ship poor blacks to the polls but not out of a cat 5 hurricane.
3. Why do the left picture black people as helpless and morally destitute that they tell them in every election to discard their worries, the Democrat party will take care of you.
4. WHy do the left only encourage black leaders who picture a negative future for blacks and not one who is positive and stresses the strenght of the individual black soul and not of the weakness of a downtrodden group or body.
5. WHy do the left try to incite hate in the black physce towards whites as to further alienate such from true color blind integration.
6. Why is it when the president offered to build a better NO's for its black residence, did the left throw a hissy fit because the president didnt want to ressurect the 9th ward. Why ressurect an ethnic slum when you can give blacks better. Maybe the left doesnt think much about them.

Blacks, the left has taken your 90 percent vote in every election and all you can thank them for is abortion on demand, and lowering standards for you against everybody to make you feel sub specieal, disintegration of the family unit and utter despair.

Yea, why can't black people see that Bush is the answer? Besides, Barbara Bush loves black ppl. :rolleyes

10-22-2005, 12:46 PM
I'd still like someone who is considered to be "educated" in politics to start a thread with a list of things both the Democrats and Republicans have done (using their respective idealogical methods) to better the american people.

Not businesses, institutues, but the fucking people.

Show me a list.

10-22-2005, 02:52 PM
That is ridiculous.

10-22-2005, 03:21 PM
attn all black folk
for your own good!
trust us.

10-22-2005, 04:07 PM
liberal democrats love poor people, they need them to exist, or else, they're out of business!

10-22-2005, 04:23 PM
if by poor you mean everyones who is not really rich

10-22-2005, 04:38 PM
Well if you don't want to listen to gtownspur maybe you'll listen to Al Sharpton echo the same;

Sharpton Slams Blacks for Blindly Supporting Clinton, Democrats
By Marc Morano
CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
July 29, 2005

Washington (CNSNews.com) - Former Democratic presidential candidate Al Sharpton blasted blacks Thursday for what he described as their blind support of the Democratic Party without demanding anything in return.

Sharpton, during his remarks at the National Urban League's annual conference in Washington, noted that his fellow Democrats, including former President Bill Clinton, have taken African-American voters for granted and failed to act in the best interests of the black community.
"The whole network of incarceration (of African-American men) happened under this president and the last president. So it wasn't just George Bush. Bill Clinton -- I wish Hillary had hung around -- Bill Clinton built a lot of jails and passed the omnibus crime bill," Sharpton said shortly after Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) had addressed the same panel discussion, entitled "The Black Male: Endangered Species or Hope for the Future?"

Sharpton noted that African-American men make up 6 percent of the U.S. population but 44 percent of the nation's prison population.

"And just because Bill can sing "Amazing Grace" well :lol doesn't mean the omnibus crime bill was not a bill that hurt our people," Sharpton told the several hundred people gathered at the Washington Convention Center.

Clinton enjoyed significant African-American support and was affectionately referred to by many in the black community as America's "first black president."

"We must stop allowing people to gain politically from us if they're not reciprocating when dealing and being held accountable," said Sharpton, referring to the allegiance that African-American voters maintain to the Democratic Party.

Sharpton said many politicians who court the black vote "come by and get our votes 'cause they wave at us on Sunday morning while the choir's singing. And we act like that is reaching out."

The problem is these same politicians "never addressed why they sit here in Washington with an epidemic proportion of HIV AIDS in our (black) community, unemployment in our community and they do nothing to deal with eliminating those problems," Sharpton explained.

"Imagine me going to a convention of whites who half of them were unemployed and I smiled, waved, sing a hymn and leave. They would whip me in the parking lot before [I left]," he said to laughter and applause.

"As long as we allow people to get elected off of us and deliver nothing to us, then part of our problem is that we have such low political self esteem," he said. "Every time we give them support for no support, we add to the marginalization of black men."

Sharpton said the situation has "gotten so bad that we hold black leaders accountable and give white leaders a pass."

'People emulate what they see'

Sharpton also took aim at black popular culture. Noting that in some U.S. cities, black male unemployment exceeds 50 percent, Sharpton said black music and movies only aggravate the situation.

"We come out in response to that with movies like (the 2005) "Hustle and Flow" and tell our kids that the personification of black men is a black pimp of a white prostitute that wants to be a rapper who shoots the rapper and at the end of the movie, [a] black woman he had as his prostitute has his baby and the white prostitute becomes the head of the record company and makes the money while he's in jail. That don't make sense," Sharpton said to applause.

"People emulate what they see ...We cannot succumb to a generation that acts like it's all right to celebrate being down. It's one thing to be down, it's another thing to celebrate being down," he explained.

Referring to gangster rappers, Sharpton said, "We've gone from 'black and proud' to groups now calling themselves "######s with an attitude."

Sharpton told the panel discussion of how he has confronted rappers about their lyrics only to be told that the rappers simply "reflect the times." Sharpton said black art and culture used to project its "hopes for the future."

"In slavery we wasn't singing, 'you a low down cotton pickin ho.' That would've reflected the times," he said to more laughter and applause.

"In the civil rights era, we sang "We shall overcome" we didn't sing 'You in the back of the bus, got gum on your show, no good MF.' I mean we've been down before. We never romanticized it and put melody to it and acted like it was all right," he added.

Sharpton concluded his discussion with a call for the black community to help itself and return churches to "the center of our community."

"Even if we [are] not responsible for being down, we [are] responsible for getting up," he said. "And if we wait on those who knocked us down to lift us up we'll never get up 'cause if they wanted us up we would have never been down," he said.

http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Page=%5CPolitics%5Carchive%5C2005 07%5CPOL20050729c.html

10-22-2005, 05:46 PM
So Sharpton is a Republican?

10-22-2005, 06:25 PM
liberal democrats love poor people, they need them to exist, or else, they're out of business!

tight Republicans love the rich big business corporate dollar, they need them to exist, or else, they're out of business.

10-22-2005, 07:09 PM
Sharpton does not speak for all blacks or democrats.

10-22-2005, 09:15 PM
Sharpton does not speak for all blacks or democrats.
Hello Joe. That's right, no one speaks for everyone, are there parts of Al's speech that you disagree with?

10-22-2005, 09:27 PM
So Sharpton is a Republican?

Shoot-from-the-hip truth and Al Sharpton do make strange bedfellows, I was surprised that he gave a speech like that. Maybe he's been hanging out with Cosby.

10-22-2005, 10:06 PM
Al Sharpton is an idiot...unless he takes some shots at Demos[/The Right]

10-23-2005, 02:34 AM
I was surprised that he gave a speech like that.In a non-election year it makes perfect sense for a primary agenda.

10-23-2005, 02:59 AM
In a non-election year it makes perfect sense for a primary agenda.

That's so true, it's not like Al Sharpton has much to lose by making this speech now. When money time comes, he'll be right back in the Democratic fold. Where else is he gonna go without his base?

10-23-2005, 03:03 AM
WHy does the left want to keep school vouchers away from the black community?


When did the School voucher issue become a racial issue? Last I remember, there were millions of caucations and 'others' who weren't getting voucher money either, but I guess they don't count?

10-23-2005, 04:03 AM
There are many who have blind allegiance to the republican party as well.

10-23-2005, 06:58 AM

When did the School voucher issue become a racial issue? Last I remember, there were millions of caucations and 'others' who weren't getting voucher money either, but I guess they don't count?

School vouchers have been issued under the guise of "Charter Schools" which are a good alternative to the absolutely disgraceful education children are receiving in Public Schools.
It's still a tough road to hoe for the Charter's especially with the fledgling Schools having uneducated inner city schools being enrolled after having spent several years in the Public Schools, they start off way behind.
We'll see improvement as those that have started off in the early grades, K-2nd, start to work their way up in the Charters.
One thing that helps is that the parents that make the effort to move their kids into Charter Schools obviously care about them getting an education and caring about education is a big problem in the inner city Public Schools.

10-23-2005, 08:59 AM
I'd still like someone who is considered to be "educated" in politics to start a thread with a list of things both the Democrats and Republicans have done (using their respective idealogical methods) to better the american people.

Not businesses, institutues, but the fucking people.

Show me a list.

It just so happens, CFB, that I have the list!!!

Here it is:

10-24-2005, 08:53 AM
Here is the list

the Patriot Act
the War in Iraq

these things make YOU safer yall liberal bastards

10-25-2005, 11:54 PM

10-25-2005, 11:55 PM

10-25-2005, 11:58 PM

10-26-2005, 12:02 AM
Yeah, maybe your Daddy's liberal...not today's liberal.

10-26-2005, 12:09 AM
Yeah, maybe your Daddy's liberal...not today's liberal.


10-26-2005, 12:20 AM
Yeah, maybe your Daddy's liberal...not today's liberal.

We are still around. I think "liberal" these days has about as much meaning as "conservative".

10-26-2005, 02:42 AM
i didnt say blacks had to become republicans. I just said they need to leave the plantation. You'd have to be stupid to vote democrat if your black. I mean its simple..


Leave the plantation(democrat party)!!

10-26-2005, 02:48 AM
Black votes are used by democrats only to further homosexual agenda, and socialist programs.

ITs funny the responses i've recieved from by the Can Be Fucked lobby like.. "WHy supporting the war is anti black because people with darker pigmentation desire diplomacy"... or.. "Black people will never leave the Democrat party for the facist Repugs... they need their free wic milk, kool aid and food stamps.""

Despicable! and i thought you valued black people.

10-26-2005, 02:56 AM
I'm mexican and i figured i dont need a white (Master) or (Patron) to look out for my interest. I dont need to vote against the interest of my country berecause i'm brown.

Blacks! its simple. You are a very gifted group.. Either reform your democrat party or get out! THem Demo's School Buses are runin on corn oil.. no gas ya hear!

You just heard exstatic:

"Black sharpton is an idiot when he calls out democrats but cool when he calls out republicans!'"

translation: The Buck tooth greasy soul Mofo needs to recognize who supplies the grits on the table!

10-26-2005, 08:48 AM
Idiot. ^^^

10-26-2005, 10:44 AM
i didnt say blacks had to become republicans. I just said they need to leave the plantation. You'd have to be stupid to vote democrat if your black. I mean its simple..

Leave the plantation(democrat party)!!

Black votes are used by democrats only to further homosexual agenda, and socialist programs.

just wanted to make sure yall read this^^

10-26-2005, 01:43 PM
go ahead and post what i wrote dumbass instead of saying what you think is right. You know i'm right that's why your blood is boiling hot now.

Give me reasons why african americans need to vote democrat??

10-26-2005, 02:32 PM
POINT PROVEN: Some african americans consider Bill Clinton to be the first black president. Sad thing is michael moore stated that bill clinton took advantage of black ignorance. Many other Naacp reps have stated so and have been kept shut.

Its not too late.. leave the pathetic white master, and vote for any other candidate that truly represents all americans.

10-26-2005, 02:48 PM
Bush sux

10-26-2005, 07:22 PM
I don't want to vote democratic
I have to
because theyre going against the republicans
need I say more
who are for taking away constitutional rights
keeping the min wage down
privitized healthcare and SS
the borders wide open
war without end

and anything that lets others know they are the party of the richIST, whiteIST and MOST christian of this country

its like college football if the only two teams were Oklahoma and A&M, I'd go for the Aggies everyfucking time

10-26-2005, 07:40 PM
I'm mexican

and with that, gtownspur has put himself higher than jochehehehajaam as biggest dumbass sellout ever

10-26-2005, 07:48 PM
and the only reason he'll get mad is because he knows you're right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-26-2005, 09:06 PM
I'm mexican and i figured i dont need a white (Master) or (Patron) to look out for my interest. I dont need to vote against the interest of my country berecause i'm brown.

Blacks! its simple. You are a very gifted group.. Either reform your democrat party or get out! THem Demo's School Buses are runin on corn oil.. no gas ya hear!

You just heard exstatic:

"Black sharpton is an idiot when he calls out democrats but cool when he calls out republicans!'"

translation: The Buck tooth greasy soul Mofo needs to recognize who supplies the grits on the table!

good lord, i mean, god

how can someone be so stupid and such a sellout

I'm surprised you're not a lakers or pistons fan

10-27-2005, 01:16 AM
good lord, i mean, god

how can someone be so stupid and such a sellout

I'm surprised you're not a lakers or pistons fan

GOod lord! your a fucking tart if you think because i'm mexican that i will vote for a party that sucks chiracs and kim jongs dick. too bad your a badly misinformed dumbass. THe fact is that the latino vote is split between the two parties. Latino's have their own fucking interest when they vote. i'm not going to wait for my latino leader of my "community" to come fight for my rights, fuck em! they might be corrupt anyway. So why dont you just lick the elote and cagada coming out of my brown ass pendejo! and keep your fucking Duff McCartney comments to yourself!

10-27-2005, 01:41 AM
suck my culo, chica

10-27-2005, 01:44 AM
mame mi palo pinche mariposa!

10-27-2005, 01:50 AM
School vouchers have been issued under the guise of "Charter Schools" which are a good alternative to the absolutely disgraceful education children are receiving in Public Schools.
It's still a tough road to hoe for the Charter's especially with the fledgling Schools having uneducated inner city schools being enrolled after having spent several years in the Public Schools, they start off way behind.
We'll see improvement as those that have started off in the early grades, K-2nd, start to work their way up in the Charters.
One thing that helps is that the parents that make the effort to move their kids into Charter Schools obviously care about them getting an education and caring about education is a big problem in the inner city Public Schools.

Charter schools, in general, aren't much better than a good public school. Many are just average schools, like some public school, some charter schools have even lost their state accreditation. The thing about Charter schools is that they can discriminate based on grades, parental involvement, or some other criteria, depending on the school. Public schools don’t have that advantage; they are forced by law to take everyone, no matter their handicap or mental level. So many grade schools use specialists depending on the child’s challenge that Charter schools couldn’t afford.

10-27-2005, 02:14 AM
hey look
im a delusional mexican who thinks reagonomics worked!

10-27-2005, 02:55 AM
hey look
"im Cant Be Faded, love long walks on the beach, confuses govt deficit with economy to discredit reaganomics, and am unoriganal pawn and tool of the tin hat foil brigade who loves NbaDan's man chowder...Look! i can spout worn out cliches.. i also adore and love cock!"

cecil collins
10-27-2005, 03:27 AM
But you are no tool for sucking on Bush all day. C'mon, it's much easier to support everything this country does, but the fact is some of the shit is does is fucked up. If you can't see that, then you are the tool.

10-27-2005, 01:04 PM
hey look
"im Cant Be Faded, love long walks on the beach, confuses govt deficit with economy to discredit reaganomics, and am unoriganal pawn and tool of the tin hat foil brigade who loves NbaDan's man chowder...Look! i can spout worn out cliches.. i also adore and love cock!"

Reaganomics did nothing for the economy except give the rich more money to spend...

you're such a culo

10-27-2005, 07:39 PM
Charter schools, in general, aren't much better than a good public school. Many are just average schools, like some public school, some charter schools have even lost their state accreditation. The thing about Charter schools is that they can discriminate based on grades, parental involvement, or some other criteria, depending on the school. Public schools don’t have that advantage; they are forced by law to take everyone, no matter their handicap or mental level. So many grade schools use specialists depending on the child’s challenge that Charter schools couldn’t afford.
Dan, you may be confused with Private Schools which Charter Schools are not. They are funded in the same way that the Public Schools are and are therefore subject to the same anti-discrimanatory policies that the Public Schools are subject to. Charter Schools are relatively new and academically are matching or exceeding the public schools with comparable ethnic and racial makeups. My wife teaches at a Charter School and there entry qualifications are equal to those of the Public Schools, they have disabled, special education and many students that are more than one grade level behind.

One advantage in the Charter Schools is that they do not have to deal with teacher unions. The teachers sign a one year contract and if they like the job you do they sign you to another one year contract. Your raise is tied in to your previous teaching years success.

Contrast that with the fact that in the Public Schools in our area it costs the school system over $300,000 dollars if they fire a teacher and the teacher union fights the firing. Guess how many teachers, competent or not, are fired?

10-27-2005, 11:34 PM
One advantage in the Charter Schools is that they do not have to deal with teacher unions. The teachers sign a one year contract and if they like the job you do they sign you to another one year contract. Your raise is tied in to your previous teaching years success.

Contrast that with the fact that in the Public Schools in our area it costs the school system over $300,000 dollars if they fire a teacher and the teacher union fights the firing. Guess how many teachers, competent or not, are fired?

Since school districts in the state base their pay on supply and demand, teachers are paid their market rate. Nothing wrong with that especially when you consider that most teachers work from 7am till 4:30-6:00pm., they require advanced degrees and continued training throughout their careers. You won't find to many private businesses paying their mid-level managers less than 50K per year in combined salary and benefits.

Since each District in the State sets their own pay rates, teacher's Unions in Texas are mostly just political entities which support legislation and candidates favorable for teachers. If the teacher chooses to join the Union (not required) he/she will be represented by the union if the teacher feels she has been unfairly fired or otherwise disciplined.

Each school is required in Texas to keep at minimal a acceptable rating in standardized testing or risk losing kids and State funding. Therefore, Principals in poor preforming schools are under extreme pressure by school boards to hire new teachers and keep the ones who are performing in the school. You are mistaken in your belief that teachers never get fired. If a teacher does not preform to the districts standard, or even if there is a personality conflict with the administration, he/she will likely not be offered a contract for the new school year.

10-28-2005, 05:37 AM
You won't find to many private businesses paying their mid-level managers less than 50K per year in combined salary and benefits.

You are mistaken in your belief that teachers never get fired. If a teacher does not preform to the districts standard, or even if there is a personality conflict with the administration, he/she will likely not be offered a contract for the new school year.
I certainly didn't imply that teachers are overpaid, they aren't, and I didn't say "teachers never get fired" so you shouldn't have posted that as my belief (I know how hard it is for you to post without spin :lol ). Things are done a little differently here in Northwest Ohio, you don't just "not offer" a Union teacher a new contract. It's almost like they are tenured professors.

10-28-2005, 06:34 PM

10-28-2005, 06:42 PM
hey look
im a delusional mexican who thinks reagonomics worked!


All "reaganomics" did was to make us today spend 16% of our federal tax dollars on debt payments. This means that our taxes are 16%+ higher than they would have been otherwise. Now we get the irresponsible Bush administration that has continued along the same lines.


I guess if you like tax hikes to pay for interest payments, Reagan and Bush were great presidents...