View Full Version : Dixon, CA vice mayor proclaims July "Straight Pride American Month"

07-14-2018, 03:59 PM
“Now hundreds of millions of the rest of us can celebrate our month, peaking on July 4th as healthy, heterosexual, fairly monogamous, keep our kinky stuff to ourselves, Americans,” Hickman wrote. “We do it with our parades ... We honor our country and our veterans who have made all of this possible (including for the tinker bells) and we can do it with actual real pride, not some put on show just to help our inferior complex ‘show we are different’ type of (stuff).”


I've wondered why this didn't happen years ago in Somewhere, USA.
Of course he is facing backlash.

07-14-2018, 04:01 PM
People came to Dixon Hall earlier this week to voice their opposition or support for the vice mayor.

The vice mayor of Dixon, Calif., proclaimed July “Straight Pride American Month” in his weekly newspaper column, a choice that’s left his small city embroiled in conflict over free speech and civil liberties.

“I support the First Amendment,” Ted Hickman wrote in his “tongue-in-cheek” column for Dixon’s Independent Voice, “… and support the rights of grown men to wear skin tight short-shorts and go-go boots and don tinker bell wings with wand and prance down the streets of San Francisco.”

07-14-2018, 04:06 PM
Snowflakes in July