View Full Version : Amateur: The worst, laziest, parochial American delusion about soccer expressed in one tweet.

07-17-2018, 05:01 PM


07-17-2018, 05:10 PM
What? If we took soccer seriously, we'd be one of, if not, the best team(s) in the world.

We dominate everything else, except hockey, because of the resources that go into it.

Clipper Nation
07-17-2018, 05:25 PM
It's true, though. Our best athletes play real sports, not povertyball. If the opposite were true, the US would win the World Cup all the time.

07-17-2018, 05:38 PM
:lol classic Americans. :cry we are the best at everything. We only allow you to win because we don’t care :cry

07-17-2018, 05:55 PM
If our best athletes played soccer instead everything else, we'd dominate. Imagine young urban kids dribbling and doing tricks with a soccer ball instead of a basketball. Imagine if it were a 50/50 split. We'd dominate both.

07-17-2018, 08:07 PM
Bukakeball is a joke, part time amateur athletes from Iceland do better than pro teams :lol

07-17-2018, 09:06 PM
"We" :lol

You fat fucks aren't doing shit. :lol

07-17-2018, 09:29 PM
We would have the best floppers, it's true. Riots after the games would only work in states like California and New York though.

07-17-2018, 09:32 PM
Not to get all Avante, but if the best black athletes in this country played soccer the way they play football and basketball the US could win World Cups, IMO. Gottlieb is basically saying the same thing, without actually saying it.

07-17-2018, 09:54 PM
The World Cup is over. So basically, Soccer talk in America is over.

Can we please have 4 years before we talk about this boring ass sport again? No more threads. Post this shit in the DoubleHandJob Forum.

07-18-2018, 12:13 AM
Maybe the US would be one of the powerhouses, but they would never dominate like they dominate basketball, for example. You can't have one dominant country on a sport as popular as soccer, tbh.

07-18-2018, 12:14 AM
Also, 6'6'' dudes aren't generally good at soccer, tbh.

07-18-2018, 12:15 AM
I'll be serious here. NBA players would be pretty bad at soccer, even the "shorter" ones like Westbrook and Curry. Soccer really does favor a 5'4" to 6'0" height, generally speaking. The NFL and MLB athletes in that height range could definitely be outstanding soccer players, but obviously they would've had to been born in a soccer country. We could honestly start throwing our very best young athletes at the sport right now, and I don't think it would make a difference, since soccer isn't in the "cultural blood" so to speak. In any sport, you can't just fund your way to success. It has to be decades long organic process that naturally emerges from a nation's cultural landscape. The soccer culture here is centered around suburban housewives watching their kids aimlessly jog around while kicking a ball. Perhaps a great US soccer generation could emerge from the Latino demographic, but it won't come from those "pay to play" programs. Those are the shit kids who couldn't play a big 4 sport.

07-18-2018, 12:23 AM
In addition to that point ^, the reason a talented US soccer player will never reach their potential is because of the "iron sharpens iron" idea. A US prodigy will have spent his pre-teen years playing against AYSO and "pay-to-play" detritus growing up. Even if he goes to a hot shot Euro academy in his teen years, it's probably too late. Meanwhile, all these NBA, MLB, NHL, and NFL players grow up playing against the very best youth level players in the world on AAU traveling teams and the like.

07-18-2018, 04:54 AM
What? If we took soccer seriously, we'd be one of, if not, the best team(s) in the world.

We dominate everything else, except hockey, because of the resources that go into it.



07-18-2018, 05:34 AM
What? If we took soccer seriously, we'd be one of, if not, the best team(s) in the world.

We dominate everything else, except hockey, because of the resources that go into it.

It's true, though. Our best athletes play real sports, not povertyball. If the opposite were true, the US would win the World Cup all the time.
:lmao right on cue....good job tbh OP

07-18-2018, 06:49 AM
“Wed be the best I tell ya” (stuffs a dozen grande nachos into his mouth and drinks from his Xxl HiC)

:lmao todays american fat pieces of shit

Extra Stout
07-18-2018, 07:13 AM
Not only do the USA’s best athletes not play soccer, most of the best ones here who do want to play soccer never get to develop.

There are really only two paths to the U.S. team:

1) Be a rich white kid whose parents can pay for you to play on select teams
2) Be an expat kid who can develop in a European country’s system

07-18-2018, 11:58 AM
to thel "if we'd train deplorable monkeys from age 3 we'd win a few rings" crowd:

- watch the world cup and see how the nig teams fared. spoiler: bad
- france has nigs playing team first ball that's why they won. Team first ball doesn't exist in the US, y'all idiots always need a star/superstar/man whatever.
- croatia outplayed france in the final before they went desperate and left their backs open. says a lot about the skill&coordination requirements of the game that a team of players who spent their youths running from civil war and who are non-athletic and who came after one less day of rest and a full game more were able to outplay france for ~60 mins.
- nigeria and senegal are the only nig teams in africa that qualified, the rest are morocco, egypt, tunisia who are less athletic but more coordinated.
- colombia got cucked by japan and lost to england
- american mentality doesn't translate to playing unfair sports. football is a game of control, not a game of fairness. y'all retards would rage non-stop and would quit just like you do right now after a decent us run. This happens because you're impatient as a nation and football requires patiance and long term planning.
- football isn't popular in the states because the spectators want to see roid raging monkeys playing gladiator while also having constant burger breaks to watch commercials. you're too superficial to appreciate a tactical battle.
- you are to pussy to actually want to win something if throwing more money at it isn't going to do it.

hence you'll never come close to ringing.
now get back to wanking it off to vertical/explosiveness/bench press/deltoid size and other primitive measurements of sports prowess like the good simians that you are. y'all really a bunch of closet faggots, salivating at other men smh bunch of trump voting deplorables tbh.

07-18-2018, 12:21 PM
to thel "if we'd train deplorable monkeys from age 3 we'd win a few rings" crowd:

- watch the world cup and see how the nig teams fared. spoiler: bad
- france has nigs playing team first ball that's why they won. Team first ball doesn't exist in the US, y'all idiots always need a star/superstar/man whatever.
- croatia outplayed france in the final before they went desperate and left their backs open. says a lot about the skill&coordination requirements of the game that a team of players who spent their youths running from civil war and who are non-athletic and who came after one less day of rest and a full game more were able to outplay france for ~60 mins.
- nigeria and senegal are the only nig teams in africa that qualified, the rest are morocco, egypt, tunisia who are less athletic but more coordinated.
- colombia got cucked by japan and lost to england
- american mentality doesn't translate to playing unfair sports. football is a game of control, not a game of fairness. y'all retards would rage non-stop and would quit just like you do right now after a decent us run. This happens because you're impatient as a nation and football requires patiance and long term planning.
- football isn't popular in the states because the spectators want to see roid raging monkeys playing gladiator while also having constant burger breaks to watch commercials. you're too superficial to appreciate a tactical battle.
- you are to pussy to actually want to win something if throwing more money at it isn't going to do it.

hence you'll never come close to ringing.
now get back to wanking it off to vertical/explosiveness/bench press/deltoid size and other primitive measurements of sports prowess like the good simians that you are. y'all really a bunch of closet faggots, salivating at other men smh bunch of trump voting deplorables tbh.


07-18-2018, 03:22 PM


We have as many athletes as Brazil, if we took soccer seriously, we'd be just as good.

07-18-2018, 03:24 PM
We have as many athletes as Brazil, if we took soccer seriously, we'd be just as good.


07-18-2018, 03:47 PM

07-18-2018, 03:48 PM
Dfens haaaaatttteeees that France won it, I can taste the tears through my phone:lol

I wish I could have seen the look on his face every time France scored, the rage in his eyes every time he watched a smiling Black face..mmm..

07-18-2018, 03:49 PM
to thel "if we'd train deplorable monkeys from age 3 we'd win a few rings" crowd:

- watch the world cup and see how the nig teams fared. spoiler: bad
- france has nigs playing team first ball that's why they won. Team first ball doesn't exist in the US, y'all idiots always need a star/superstar/man whatever.
- croatia outplayed france in the final before they went desperate and left their backs open. says a lot about the skill&coordination requirements of the game that a team of players who spent their youths running from civil war and who are non-athletic and who came after one less day of rest and a full game more were able to outplay france for ~60 mins.
- nigeria and senegal are the only nig teams in africa that qualified, the rest are morocco, egypt, tunisia who are less athletic but more coordinated.
- colombia got cucked by japan and lost to england
- american mentality doesn't translate to playing unfair sports. football is a game of control, not a game of fairness. y'all retards would rage non-stop and would quit just like you do right now after a decent us run. This happens because you're impatient as a nation and football requires patiance and long term planning.
- football isn't popular in the states because the spectators want to see roid raging monkeys playing gladiator while also having constant burger breaks to watch commercials. you're too superficial to appreciate a tactical battle.
- you are to pussy to actually want to win something if throwing more money at it isn't going to do it.

hence you'll never come close to ringing.
now get back to wanking it off to vertical/explosiveness/bench press/deltoid size and other primitive measurements of sports prowess like the good simians that you are. y'all really a bunch of closet faggots, salivating at other men smh bunch of trump voting deplorables tbh.

Oh gee, bigot, Brazil with all of its black/blackish athletes seems to do fine. None of those African countries are as rich or as big as Brazil but we are.

07-18-2018, 03:58 PM

We dominate any team sport we care about except hockey, which is dominated by basically an extension of the US. The only reason the US wouldn't dominate soccer is because its the only sport most of the rest of the world takes seriously but we'd certainly win our share of World Cups.

07-18-2018, 04:34 PM
Imagine thinking Brazil's success has ever been based on superior athleticism :lmao

07-18-2018, 05:19 PM
Imagine thinking Brazil's success has ever been based on superior athleticism :lmao

You're ignorant if you don't think that's a significant factor.

07-18-2018, 08:48 PM
Just amusing to see that Caltex2 not only have shit basketball takes but just shit takes in general.

07-18-2018, 09:02 PM
Perhaps a great US soccer generation could emerge from the Latino demographic, but it won't come from those "pay to play" programs. Those are the shit kids who couldn't play a big 4 sport.

Not going to come from the Latino demographic either, unless Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic have become soccer powers while I wasn't paying attention.

I don't really agree w/there not being a crossover between basketball talent and soccer, btw. There are probably a lot of small, quick guards- not just in the NBA, but in college basketball too- who could probably play both sports at a high level. You don't think Allen Iverson could have been a great soccer player had that been his sport?

07-18-2018, 09:58 PM
It comes from the culture in general, from childhood on.

07-18-2018, 09:58 PM
Not going to come from the Latino demographic either, unless Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic have become soccer powers while I wasn't paying attention.

I don't really agree w/there not being a crossover between basketball talent and soccer, btw. There are probably a lot of small, quick guards- not just in the NBA, but in college basketball too- who could probably play both sports at a high level. You don't think Allen Iverson could have been a great soccer player had that been his sport?
I think the US soccer players would be NFL cornerbacks and the small recievers tbh. Those are the guys that have the frame for it.

I do agree I think some of the smaller guards could be very good as well.

07-19-2018, 02:48 AM
We dominate any team sport we care about except hockey, which is dominated by basically an extension of the US. The only reason the US wouldn't dominate soccer is because its the only sport most of the rest of the world takes seriously but we'd certainly win our share of World Cups.

I can't take you serious. That's the typical stupid American thinking :lol

Oh and btw, no the US would not dominate. They would and will not even win 1 title.

07-19-2018, 03:54 AM
I can't take you serious. That's the typical stupid American thinking :lol

Oh and btw, no the US would not dominate. They would and will not even win 1 title.

Isn't this kind of "typical stupid European thinking?"

Now, if you mean we wouldn't win a title in a decade if our best young athletes started to play soccer today, I agree. But if soccer became culturally important here and our soccer infrastructure/passion was equivalent to Europe/South America, drawing the best and brightest athletes, the US would win a World Cup eventually. You see it as "American arrogance," I see it as logical. Caltex is right. The US tend to excel at any sport played somewhat seriously. When we flirted with rugby (and only one small region of the US in NorCal cared about rugby), we beat Australia when they were the best in the world and won the Olympic Gold twice in a row, beating a tier 1 side in France. Tennis, Boxing, Golf, Olympics, the list goes at non-homegrown sports we've succeeded at.

I'll reiterate. This has nothing to do with Murrican pride, but the fact we have a huge population with a diverse climate that's conducive to playing a variety of sports. The same logic applies to any densely populated 1st world country. You're German? Yeah, if Germany started caring about American football, they would likely produce elite players and have a strong national team that could maybe challenge the US. Only disadvantage would be Germany doesn't have as many people of West African descent as the US does, and people of that ethnicity are the fastest in the world. Many American football positions rely on pure sprint speed.

07-19-2018, 05:20 AM
That's some kind of MAGA retardation level tbh

07-19-2018, 07:20 AM
You're ignorant if you don't think that's a significant factor.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about :lmao

07-19-2018, 02:16 PM

The key is population size.

07-19-2018, 04:25 PM
soccer ZzZz :sleep

07-19-2018, 05:21 PM
Sure the argument has it's place against Euro elitists who want to talk shit nonstop; but otherwise the argument is low brow. Give credit where credit is due.

07-19-2018, 05:22 PM
FIFA actively sabotaging US in 02, 06, 14 though cos they know that US success at WC kills billions in profits in Euro though, tbh.