View Full Version : Cris Carter...

07-19-2018, 01:06 AM


:pop: reaction when he heard that...


07-19-2018, 01:08 AM
uhhh yes he is. if kawhi sits out the raptors will fine his ass everyday plus its against the cba rules to sit out when healthy.

07-19-2018, 01:10 AM

07-19-2018, 01:15 AM
He doesn't go to Toronto his career is going to tank. This is all self-inflicted. I've heard elsewhere he is going.

07-19-2018, 01:19 AM
Look at Carter's face. Just look at him. :lol Doesn't he just look like a stupid faggot?

07-19-2018, 01:31 AM
uncle dennis is his source right? like how are they even friends...it's friggin cris carter

am i missing something

Kori Ellis
07-19-2018, 01:35 AM
uncle dennis is his source right? like how are they even friends...it's friggin cris carter

am i missing something

Cris Carter's brother allegedly was one of Kawhi's trainers in NY. Kawhi's agent (not his uncle, his actual agent) was Cris Carter's agent back in the day.

07-19-2018, 01:49 AM
long time lurker, first-time poster (not an alt, promise lol- this shitshow of an offseason prompted me to create an account). that said, a number of questions still bother me:

1. What exactly were these "things" that the Spurs had Kawhi do without explanation?? I've followed the team pretty religiously since the Admiral days and this is the first time I've heard of anything remotely like this.

2. Carter says that Kawhi didn't like that the Spurs went after players that were "yes-men" in FA. Okay...so players that bought into the Spurs system?? AKA really good role players that he should want around him as a franchise player??

3. Chris Carter's body language/demeanor...his feet are shaking the entire time he's talking, very poor eye contact, he looks exasperated when he's trying to counter the claim that the Spurs are a great organization. Why? Just comes across as discomfort/that he's hiding something...also, I feel like he's had these same weird tics/nervous habits in ANY interview that he's talked about Kawhi (not just the one above).

Don't know if this is the right thread to post this diatribe, but man this is just a weird evolution of events that frankly makes little sense. There are just so many inconsistencies/gaps in logic...

* reports that Kawhi always hated the way the Spurs conducted business/didn't like their organizational structures and plans...yet he said he wanted to retire a Spur as recently as his March interview

* reports that he was getting homesick and thus wanted LA...yet he's supposedly a low maintenance guy that still drives his old beater car. (also side note, don't most players spend offseasons in their hometowns anyway?? given the demands of the NBA schedule will it really make that big of a difference to be LA based vs. SA?? I live in Austin and flights to Cali are < 3 hours (and you gain time flying west))

* reports that he despises the limelight and attention (he was in Vegas last week, and left bc he hated his surroundings) ... yet he's demanding a trade to most lime-lit place in the NBA (more so now w/ LeBron...regardless of which LA team he wants to go to next year). There's a difference between growing up in San Diego and loving the surroundings vs playing for an LA team; also a very real possibility that the pressure of playing in LA destroys the charm that the city holds for you on a personal level.

of c there's the whole obscure injury (degenerative tendinopathy is a ridiculously rare condition to diagnose in isolation (without any other underlying autoimmune diseases)), and leaving what appears to be $80million on the table.

not to mention the fact that he royally screwed over the franchise that allowed him to build from a fringe lottery pick to bonafide two-way star. if the discontent was this prevalent much earlier than this summer and the money was, in fact, a non-issue, at least have the decency to make a trade demand behind closed doors and not handicap the organization that raised you for the foreseeable future.

I hope we get a full timeline of how this transpired/exactly where the fractures in this relationship happened, simply for the sake of closure. At the very least, come out and talk to the fans that supported you, loved you and held you in the same regard as #21 and #50 for a majority of your career.

Spurs 4 The Win
07-19-2018, 01:59 AM
long time lurker, first-time poster (not an alt, promise lol- this shitshow of an offseason prompted me to create an account). that said, a number of questions still bother me:

1. What exactly were these "things" that the Spurs had Kawhi do without explanation?? I've followed the team pretty religiously since the Admiral days and this is the first time I've heard of anything remotely like this.

2. Carter says that Kawhi didn't like that the Spurs went after players that were "yes-men" in FA. Okay...so players that bought into the Spurs system?? AKA really good role players that he should want around him as a franchise player??

3. Chris Carter's body language/demeanor...his feet are shaking the entire time he's talking, very poor eye contact, he looks exasperated when he's trying to counter the claim that the Spurs are a great organization. Why? Just comes across as discomfort/that he's hiding something...also, I feel like he's had these same weird tics/nervous habits in ANY interview that he's talked about Kawhi (not just the one above).

Don't know if this is the right thread to post this diatribe, but man this is just a weird evolution of events that frankly makes little sense. There are just so many inconsistencies/gaps in logic...

* reports that Kawhi always hated the way the Spurs conducted business/didn't like their organizational structures and plans...yet he said he wanted to retire a Spur as recently as his March interview

* reports that he was getting homesick and thus wanted LA...yet he's supposedly a low maintenance guy that still drives his old beater car. (also side note, don't most players spend offseasons in their hometowns anyway?? given the demands of the NBA schedule will it really make that big of a difference to be LA based vs. SA?? I live in Austin and flights to Cali are < 3 hours (and you gain time flying west))

* reports that he despises the limelight and attention (he was in Vegas last week, and left bc he hated his surroundings) ... yet he's demanding a trade to most lime-lit place in the NBA (more so now w/ LeBron...regardless of which LA team he wants to go to next year). There's a difference between growing up in San Diego and loving the surroundings vs playing for an LA team; also a very real possibility that the pressure of playing in LA destroys the charm that the city holds for you on a personal level.

of c there's the whole obscure injury (degenerative tendinopathy is a ridiculously rare condition to diagnose in isolation (without any other underlying autoimmune diseases)), and leaving what appears to be $80million on the table.

not to mention the fact that he royally screwed over the franchise that allowed him to build from a fringe lottery pick to bonafide two-way star. if the discontent was this prevalent much earlier than this summer and the money was, in fact, a non-issue, at least have the decency to make a trade demand behind closed doors and not handicap the organization that raised you for the foreseeable future.

I hope we get a full timeline of how this transpired/exactly where the fractures in this relationship happened, simply for the sake of closure. At the very least, come out and talk to the fans that supported you, loved you and held you in the same regard as #21 and #50 for a majority of your career.


Carter is totally and completely full of shit. And I could not be happier that we fucking stuck it to Kawhitter when he wanted to go to sunny LA and we sent him not only to a cold climate, but out of the fucking country into foreign territory.

Im getting such a smile just thinking about Kawhi's pea sized autistic brain trying to process how badly he just got fucking worked over. Have fun in Canada bitch, fucking owned.

07-19-2018, 08:27 AM
long time lurker, first-time poster (not an alt, promise lol- this shitshow of an offseason prompted me to create an account). that said, a number of questions still bother me:

1. What exactly were these "things" that the Spurs had Kawhi do without explanation?? I've followed the team pretty religiously since the Admiral days and this is the first time I've heard of anything remotely like this.

2. Carter says that Kawhi didn't like that the Spurs went after players that were "yes-men" in FA. Okay...so players that bought into the Spurs system?? AKA really good role players that he should want around him as a franchise player??

3. Chris Carter's body language/demeanor...his feet are shaking the entire time he's talking, very poor eye contact, he looks exasperated when he's trying to counter the claim that the Spurs are a great organization. Why? Just comes across as discomfort/that he's hiding something...also, I feel like he's had these same weird tics/nervous habits in ANY interview that he's talked about Kawhi (not just the one above).

Don't know if this is the right thread to post this diatribe, but man this is just a weird evolution of events that frankly makes little sense. There are just so many inconsistencies/gaps in logic...

* reports that Kawhi always hated the way the Spurs conducted business/didn't like their organizational structures and plans...yet he said he wanted to retire a Spur as recently as his March interview

* reports that he was getting homesick and thus wanted LA...yet he's supposedly a low maintenance guy that still drives his old beater car. (also side note, don't most players spend offseasons in their hometowns anyway?? given the demands of the NBA schedule will it really make that big of a difference to be LA based vs. SA?? I live in Austin and flights to Cali are < 3 hours (and you gain time flying west))

* reports that he despises the limelight and attention (he was in Vegas last week, and left bc he hated his surroundings) ... yet he's demanding a trade to most lime-lit place in the NBA (more so now w/ LeBron...regardless of which LA team he wants to go to next year). There's a difference between growing up in San Diego and loving the surroundings vs playing for an LA team; also a very real possibility that the pressure of playing in LA destroys the charm that the city holds for you on a personal level.

of c there's the whole obscure injury (degenerative tendinopathy is a ridiculously rare condition to diagnose in isolation (without any other underlying autoimmune diseases)), and leaving what appears to be $80million on the table.

not to mention the fact that he royally screwed over the franchise that allowed him to build from a fringe lottery pick to bonafide two-way star. if the discontent was this prevalent much earlier than this summer and the money was, in fact, a non-issue, at least have the decency to make a trade demand behind closed doors and not handicap the organization that raised you for the foreseeable future.

I hope we get a full timeline of how this transpired/exactly where the fractures in this relationship happened, simply for the sake of closure. At the very least, come out and talk to the fans that supported you, loved you and held you in the same regard as #21 and #50 for a majority of your career.

welcome. dont pay attention to the idiots below

07-19-2018, 08:32 AM
Carter and the Dennis camp have drug KL's career into the mud. Wanting to be a major marketer by alienating one of largest states and an entire country does not bode well for future clients. He will never ever be able to recoup the money he lost. He just is not that marketable. Nike indicated that Nick Young sells more shoes that Kawhi, just because of his social media presence alone. KL will gotten his piece of the pie. He better manage it well, cause he won't get as much as he could have.

07-19-2018, 08:37 AM
I would be boss if Lakers and Clippers both only offered him full MLE. You devalue yourself by saying you will only play in LA.

07-19-2018, 08:52 AM
Cris Carter this morning literally said on TV...

“I dunno where this talk came from about him not reporting/sitting out can’t from...I talk to his people and it’s just not true”

Get this idiot off tv. He’s ruining his own career along with Kawhi and the group


07-19-2018, 09:01 AM
“I dunno where this talk came from about him not reporting/sitting out can’t from...I talk to his people and it’s just not true”

So it's true, then. :lol

07-19-2018, 09:05 AM
Sounds like a mouthpiece for Kawhi's group. He simply floats what they want him too. Didn't he also float the "doesn't want to be overshadowed by LeBron" and "the Lakers better hurry up" trial balloons? So he tried to warn the Raptors off at the Leonard camps urging. Nobody bit. Meh. Drive on.

07-19-2018, 09:05 AM
Cris Carter this morning literally said on TV...

“I dunno where this talk came from about him not reporting/sitting out can’t from...I talk to his people and it’s just not true”

Get this idiot off tv. He’s ruining his own career along with Kawhi and the group


Carter trying to back track big time. But is he really that stupid to deny it since there are videos of him saying all the inflammatory things, including sitting out and not reporting, that led to Kawhi (and poor Danny smh) being shipped off to Canada?

07-19-2018, 09:08 AM
Reports that Kawhi is warming up to playing in Toronto makes CC seem even more incompetent... He seemed soooo sure... But these guys are just speaking for Kawhi and making assumptions for him... I'm sure when Kawhi saw CC on air yesterday, he was like "wtf dude? I'm not sitting out" and they then put out a statement about him warming up to the idea of Toronto to not make CC look like a complete idiot by saying it wasn't true

Ron Swanson
07-19-2018, 09:13 AM
Wasn't it just a couple of days ago when he said something like "Don't call Kawhi. Call me. He's not going to Toronto."

What a dumb piece of shit.

Edit: Nevermind. I didn't see the post at the top of the page.

07-19-2018, 09:24 AM
long time lurker, first-time poster (not an alt, promise lol- this shitshow of an offseason prompted me to create an account). that said, a number of questions still bother me:

1. What exactly were these "things" that the Spurs had Kawhi do without explanation?? I've followed the team pretty religiously since the Admiral days and this is the first time I've heard of anything remotely like this.

2. Carter says that Kawhi didn't like that the Spurs went after players that were "yes-men" in FA. Okay...so players that bought into the Spurs system?? AKA really good role players that he should want around him as a franchise player??

3. Chris Carter's body language/demeanor...his feet are shaking the entire time he's talking, very poor eye contact, he looks exasperated when he's trying to counter the claim that the Spurs are a great organization. Why? Just comes across as discomfort/that he's hiding something...also, I feel like he's had these same weird tics/nervous habits in ANY interview that he's talked about Kawhi (not just the one above).

Don't know if this is the right thread to post this diatribe, but man this is just a weird evolution of events that frankly makes little sense. There are just so many inconsistencies/gaps in logic...

* reports that Kawhi always hated the way the Spurs conducted business/didn't like their organizational structures and plans...yet he said he wanted to retire a Spur as recently as his March interview

* reports that he was getting homesick and thus wanted LA...yet he's supposedly a low maintenance guy that still drives his old beater car. (also side note, don't most players spend offseasons in their hometowns anyway?? given the demands of the NBA schedule will it really make that big of a difference to be LA based vs. SA?? I live in Austin and flights to Cali are < 3 hours (and you gain time flying west))

* reports that he despises the limelight and attention (he was in Vegas last week, and left bc he hated his surroundings) ... yet he's demanding a trade to most lime-lit place in the NBA (more so now w/ LeBron...regardless of which LA team he wants to go to next year). There's a difference between growing up in San Diego and loving the surroundings vs playing for an LA team; also a very real possibility that the pressure of playing in LA destroys the charm that the city holds for you on a personal level.

of c there's the whole obscure injury (degenerative tendinopathy is a ridiculously rare condition to diagnose in isolation (without any other underlying autoimmune diseases)), and leaving what appears to be $80million on the table.

not to mention the fact that he royally screwed over the franchise that allowed him to build from a fringe lottery pick to bonafide two-way star. if the discontent was this prevalent much earlier than this summer and the money was, in fact, a non-issue, at least have the decency to make a trade demand behind closed doors and not handicap the organization that raised you for the foreseeable future.

I hope we get a full timeline of how this transpired/exactly where the fractures in this relationship happened, simply for the sake of closure. At the very least, come out and talk to the fans that supported you, loved you and held you in the same regard as #21 and #50 for a majority of your career.

Daaaang... What a great first post. All great points!

07-19-2018, 09:25 AM
Cris Carter also said he doesn’t like Toronto basketball wise due to their poor backcourt..especially defensively. And he continued to name drop Lowry and Danny Green as his logic behind that statement.,.

I think he could be smoking crack again tbh.

07-19-2018, 09:26 AM
Cris Carter looking like an idiot makes this trade all worth it. Honestly. I was tired of hearing him talk. If the Spurs would've traded Kawhi for a couple of second round picks in 2050 & 2051 and this trade would still be worth it because Carter looks absolutely foolish now.

offset formation
07-19-2018, 09:31 AM
Carter trying to back track big time. But is he really that stupid to deny it since but there are videos of him saying all the inflammatory things, inlcuding sitting out and not reporting, that led to Kawhi (and poor Danny smh) being shipped off to Canada?

"Soft tissue injuries are a strange thing..."

Lol. I remember thinking to myself, you know the Spurs know Carter is getting his talking points from Uncle Dennis and I knew when I heard Carter say that, there was ZERO chance the Spurs would ever deal with such a lowlife loser again. It was at that moment I knew he was gone and that there would be no making up. And if memory serves me correct, it was the next day I first heard the report that the Spurs were now ready to move Kawhi.

07-19-2018, 09:32 AM
Kawhi's a bitch.

07-19-2018, 09:33 AM
long time lurker, first-time poster (not an alt, promise lol- this shitshow of an offseason prompted me to create an account). that said, a number of questions still bother me:

1. What exactly were these "things" that the Spurs had Kawhi do without explanation?? I've followed the team pretty religiously since the Admiral days and this is the first time I've heard of anything remotely like this.

2. Carter says that Kawhi didn't like that the Spurs went after players that were "yes-men" in FA. Okay...so players that bought into the Spurs system?? AKA really good role players that he should want around him as a franchise player??

3. Chris Carter's body language/demeanor...his feet are shaking the entire time he's talking, very poor eye contact, he looks exasperated when he's trying to counter the claim that the Spurs are a great organization. Why? Just comes across as discomfort/that he's hiding something...also, I feel like he's had these same weird tics/nervous habits in ANY interview that he's talked about Kawhi (not just the one above).

Don't know if this is the right thread to post this diatribe, but man this is just a weird evolution of events that frankly makes little sense. There are just so many inconsistencies/gaps in logic...

* reports that Kawhi always hated the way the Spurs conducted business/didn't like their organizational structures and plans...yet he said he wanted to retire a Spur as recently as his March interview

* reports that he was getting homesick and thus wanted LA...yet he's supposedly a low maintenance guy that still drives his old beater car. (also side note, don't most players spend offseasons in their hometowns anyway?? given the demands of the NBA schedule will it really make that big of a difference to be LA based vs. SA?? I live in Austin and flights to Cali are < 3 hours (and you gain time flying west))

* reports that he despises the limelight and attention (he was in Vegas last week, and left bc he hated his surroundings) ... yet he's demanding a trade to most lime-lit place in the NBA (more so now w/ LeBron...regardless of which LA team he wants to go to next year). There's a difference between growing up in San Diego and loving the surroundings vs playing for an LA team; also a very real possibility that the pressure of playing in LA destroys the charm that the city holds for you on a personal level.

of c there's the whole obscure injury (degenerative tendinopathy is a ridiculously rare condition to diagnose in isolation (without any other underlying autoimmune diseases)), and leaving what appears to be $80million on the table.

not to mention the fact that he royally screwed over the franchise that allowed him to build from a fringe lottery pick to bonafide two-way star. if the discontent was this prevalent much earlier than this summer and the money was, in fact, a non-issue, at least have the decency to make a trade demand behind closed doors and not handicap the organization that raised you for the foreseeable future.

I hope we get a full timeline of how this transpired/exactly where the fractures in this relationship happened, simply for the sake of closure. At the very least, come out and talk to the fans that supported you, loved you and held you in the same regard as #21 and #50 for a majority of your career.
A lot of unanswerables.
The only thing I doubt is that he didn't make a request to be traded privately. I think he did, but the Spurs weren't going to trade him unless backed into a corner and as recent as a couple of weeks ago, RC and Pop were still trying to patch the relationship up. There were rumors early in the season that he wanted to be traded, b4 it became a shitshow, and some posters here alleged there were offers at the trade deadline that the Spurs simply passed on. I do think he requested the trade long ago, but Pop tried to keep him. I can't fault him that, I don't think it was easy to let him go and things had to get horrendously ugly for the Spurs to pull the trigger on a trade.

I bet we won't fully know unless the Uncle at some point gets $ in exchange for revealing what went on. Pop already said that he's moving on and looking towards the future team and his new additions. He won't talk much more about this and he said very little when you think about it and Kawhi is a mute. He won't say much I think.

07-19-2018, 09:34 AM
Look at Carter's face. Just look at him. :lol Doesn't he just look like a stupid faggot?
Yes and a drunk one

offset formation
07-19-2018, 09:36 AM
He is as unscrupulous and unprincipled as they come. Yet his Twitter is full of bible quotes. Get the fuck out a here. What a pos lowlife.

Great representatives you got there Kawhi. Well done character assassins.

07-19-2018, 09:39 AM
long time lurker, first-time poster (not an alt, promise lol- this shitshow of an offseason prompted me to create an account). that said, a number of questions still bother me:

1. What exactly were these "things" that the Spurs had Kawhi do without explanation?? I've followed the team pretty religiously since the Admiral days and this is the first time I've heard of anything remotely like this.

2. Carter says that Kawhi didn't like that the Spurs went after players that were "yes-men" in FA. Okay...so players that bought into the Spurs system?? AKA really good role players that he should want around him as a franchise player??

3. Chris Carter's body language/demeanor...his feet are shaking the entire time he's talking, very poor eye contact, he looks exasperated when he's trying to counter the claim that the Spurs are a great organization. Why? Just comes across as discomfort/that he's hiding something...also, I feel like he's had these same weird tics/nervous habits in ANY interview that he's talked about Kawhi (not just the one above).

Don't know if this is the right thread to post this diatribe, but man this is just a weird evolution of events that frankly makes little sense. There are just so many inconsistencies/gaps in logic...

* reports that Kawhi always hated the way the Spurs conducted business/didn't like their organizational structures and plans...yet he said he wanted to retire a Spur as recently as his March interview

* reports that he was getting homesick and thus wanted LA...yet he's supposedly a low maintenance guy that still drives his old beater car. (also side note, don't most players spend offseasons in their hometowns anyway?? given the demands of the NBA schedule will it really make that big of a difference to be LA based vs. SA?? I live in Austin and flights to Cali are < 3 hours (and you gain time flying west))

* reports that he despises the limelight and attention (he was in Vegas last week, and left bc he hated his surroundings) ... yet he's demanding a trade to most lime-lit place in the NBA (more so now w/ LeBron...regardless of which LA team he wants to go to next year). There's a difference between growing up in San Diego and loving the surroundings vs playing for an LA team; also a very real possibility that the pressure of playing in LA destroys the charm that the city holds for you on a personal level.

of c there's the whole obscure injury (degenerative tendinopathy is a ridiculously rare condition to diagnose in isolation (without any other underlying autoimmune diseases)), and leaving what appears to be $80million on the table.

not to mention the fact that he royally screwed over the franchise that allowed him to build from a fringe lottery pick to bonafide two-way star. if the discontent was this prevalent much earlier than this summer and the money was, in fact, a non-issue, at least have the decency to make a trade demand behind closed doors and not handicap the organization that raised you for the foreseeable future.

I hope we get a full timeline of how this transpired/exactly where the fractures in this relationship happened, simply for the sake of closure. At the very least, come out and talk to the fans that supported you, loved you and held you in the same regard as #21 and #50 for a majority of your career.

solid first post. you should come out of the shadows more often.

07-19-2018, 09:47 AM
solid first post. you should come out of the shadows more often.

Fuck that guy. He's a faggot.

offset formation
07-19-2018, 09:48 AM
Fuck that guy. He's a faggot.

Salty you didnt get to him first, dabom?

07-19-2018, 09:49 AM
Salty you didnt get to him first, dabom?

I saw his first post. I let one slide and I get called out on it.:lol

baseline bum
07-19-2018, 09:50 AM
He is as unscrupulous and unprincipled as they come. Yet his Twitter is full of bible quotes.

Seems pretty consistent to me

07-19-2018, 09:53 AM
it was also funny that carter was spinning it so much yesterday. first, he revealed the threat that leonard wasn't going to report which was such a revelation about how little carter knows. kawhi has no choice but to report. woj verified as much and later revealed that leonard was warming up to the idea of playing in toronto (of course he is, what choice does he have, no matter what carter says?). then carter throws out that the lakers are the biggest winners of all because they don't have to give up anything to get leonard next season, completely dismissing the fact that lebron will be one year older and that many things can happen between this summer and next. so, the guy who was so certain about everything is proved wrong and then repeats his certainty of things despite the pending uncertainties.

offset formation
07-19-2018, 09:55 AM
I saw his first post. I let one slide and I get called out on it.:lol

You're getting soft in your maturing days.

offset formation
07-19-2018, 09:55 AM
Seems pretty consistent to me


07-19-2018, 10:09 AM
Look at Carter's face. Just look at him. :lol Doesn't he just look like a stupid faggot?

"Sanctimonious" is how I describe him. I do not remember the last time I bothered to watch him real time. Way better to filter him through ST. :lol

07-19-2018, 10:29 AM
All he did in Philly was catch touchdowns!

07-19-2018, 10:32 AM
He is as unscrupulous and unprincipled as they come. Yet his Twitter is full of bible quotes. Get the fuck out a here. What a pos lowlife.

Great representatives you got there Kawhi. Well done character assassins.

I am fairly religious but everyone I know in business that quote the bible are mean as hell to their employees. Makes me pretty sad.

Marcus Bryant
07-19-2018, 10:36 AM
Carter and the Dennis camp have drug KL's career into the mud. Wanting to be a major marketer by alienating one of largest states and an entire country does not bode well for future clients. He will never ever be able to recoup the money he lost. He just is not that marketable. Nike indicated that Nick Young sells more shoes that Kawhi, just because of his social media presence alone. KL will gotten his piece of the pie. He better manage it well, cause he won't get as much as he could have.

He's going to have to play out his contract. Holding out again, even under the auspices of rehab, is only going to drive his value down further. At some point what he used to be won't matter. For an alleged top 5 player he drew dick when on the trade block prior to the Toronto deal. Even for a 1 year rental, someone at that level should've garnered more.

07-19-2018, 10:36 AM
One stupid ass prima donna athlete knows another..

07-19-2018, 10:36 AM
All he did in Philly was catch touchdowns!

And Snort Cocaine..

offset formation
07-19-2018, 10:40 AM
I saw his first post. I let one slide and I get called out on it.:lol

You've got fresh meat on line 1 (new thread)

07-19-2018, 10:46 AM
He is as unscrupulous and unprincipled as they come. Yet his Twitter is full of bible quotes. Get the fuck out a here. What a pos lowlife.

Great representatives you got there Kawhi. Well done character assassins.

I call such people Christianists. They talk the talk, but never walk the walk.

Marcus Bryant
07-19-2018, 10:57 AM
It's fitting that Carter is the public face for the group. Threatening to hold out on another organization is a good way to become persona non grata in this league. Players play out their contract all the time in the NBA. He's a free agent next year (player option assume he uses it). Go to Toronto, say all the right things, actually play, and then sign with who you want next summer. If not we are watching the self inflicted destruction of a star player's career.

Marcus Bryant
07-19-2018, 11:00 AM
Reference: https://sports.yahoo.com/unlikely-source-keeps-dropping-kawhi-leonard-news-164747007.html

07-19-2018, 12:09 PM
Any video of Carter on today's show?

07-19-2018, 12:13 PM
Nevermind. Just went to their Twitter account and their all over Kawhi and how good the Raptors can or will be. LOL. I thought he had no intention on going. Idiots

07-19-2018, 02:23 PM
it was also funny that carter was spinning it so much yesterday. first, he revealed the threat that leonard wasn't going to report which was such a revelation about how little carter knows. kawhi has no choice but to report. woj verified as much and later revealed thatleonard was warming up to the idea of playing in toronto(of course he is, what choice does he have, no matter what carter says?). then carter throws out that the lakers are the biggest winners of all because they don't have to give up anything to get leonard next season, completely dismissing the fact that lebron will be one year older and that many things can happen between this summer and next. so, the guy who was so certain about everything is proved wrong and then repeats his certainty of things despite the pending uncertainties.
...warming... Interesting choice of words.

07-19-2018, 02:52 PM
I call such people Christianists. They talk the talk, but never walk the walk.

All Christians fall short so no walking to do, just believe.

3:23 (KJV): For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Keepin' it real
07-19-2018, 03:15 PM
All he did in Philly was catch touchdowns!

What about in Mini-Soda?

07-19-2018, 04:26 PM
...warming... Interesting choice of words.

yeah. woj actually used the word "warming" and i wondered if he was deliberate in the use of that word.

07-19-2018, 10:09 PM

Carter is totally and completely full of shit. And I could not be happier that we fucking stuck it to Kawhitterwhen he wanted to go to sunny LA and we sent him not only to a cold climate, but out of the fucking country into foreign territory.

Im getting such a smile just thinking about Kawhi's pea sized autistic brain trying to process how badly he just got fucking worked over. Have fun in Canada bitch, fucking owned.

agreed partner

07-19-2018, 10:15 PM
Fuck that guy. He's a faggot.

A lot of unanswerables.
The only thing I doubt is that he didn't make a request to be traded privately. I think he did, but the Spurs weren't going to trade him unless backed into a corner and as recent as a couple of weeks ago, RC and Pop were still trying to patch the relationship up. There were rumors early in the season that he wanted to be traded, b4 it became a shitshow, and some posters here alleged there were offers at the trade deadline that the Spurs simply passed on. I do think he requested the trade long ago, but Pop tried to keep him. I can't fault him that, I don't think it was easy to let him go and things had to get horrendously ugly for the Spurs to pull the trigger on a trade.

I bet we won't fully know unless the Uncle at some point gets $ in exchange for revealing what went on. Pop already said that he's moving on and looking towards the future team and his new additions. He won't talk much more about this and he said very little when you think about it and Kawhi is a mute. He won't say much I think.

welcome. dont pay attention to the idiots below

Daaaang... What a great first post. All great points!

thanks for all the wecolming love pals- looking forward to posting a bit more in the future (ironic that I choose this era of all the ones that I could have created an account to finally start contributing...haha) but whatever, ride or die.

SAGirl (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=49524), fair points, I can certainly envision a timeline where the demands were made earlier but PATFO didn't comply...maybe Uncle will finally be good for something and give us the full picture!
dabom (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=47543), hahaha cheers mate, wouldn't be the ST I know without this bit of edge

07-20-2018, 12:50 AM
What about in Mini-Soda?

HOF career.

Not bad for a buck

R to the P McMurphy
07-20-2018, 12:59 AM
Its pretty weird how a receiver that played for the vikings decades ago and who most of us prob were totally neutral on...just didn't give a f about one way or the other..became a dude we all f'ing loathe. His big ass eyebrows, and stupid voice piss me off. Yo CC ...ur a bitch.

07-20-2018, 01:21 AM
Gary Anderson . . . I still can't believe he missed it.

07-20-2018, 01:23 AM
Its pretty weird how a receiver that played for the vikings decades ago and who most of us prob were totally neutral on...just didn't give a f about one way or the other..became a dude we all f'ing loathe. His big ass eyebrows, and stupid voice piss me off. Yo CC ...ur a bitch.

Agreed Cris looks like a fucking clown.

07-20-2018, 01:27 AM
1. What exactly were these "things" that the Spurs had Kawhi do without explanation?? I've followed the team pretty religiously since the Admiral days and this is the first time I've heard of anything remotely like this.

5-6 months ago I posted the Spurs wanted Kawhi to work in SA during the offseasons. He refused because he has his former SDSU trainer in SD and JAM facility.

Spurs' reluctance to Kawhi working with outside doctors and his summer workouts in SD were the only things without explanation since most NBA players work in other cities and rehab with outside doctors...Who knows, maybe Pop thought he could lose control or something like that.

Anyway, Carter is just a clown, I wonder why he still has a job on a TV show after all this shit.

R to the P McMurphy
07-20-2018, 01:48 AM

5-6 months ago I posted the Spurs wanted Kawhi to work in SA during the offseasons. He refused because he has his former SDSU trainer in SD and JAM facility.

Spurs' reluctance to Kawhi working with outside doctors and his summer workouts in SD were the only things without explanation since most NBA players work in other cities and rehab with outside doctors...Who knows, maybe Pop thought he could lose control or something like that.

Anyway, Carter is just a clown, I wonder why he still has a job on a TV show after all this shit.

Hey homie, you going to stop guzzling kiwi cum now...or nah? Just going to keep that avatar of a guy who tried to shit and piss all over your supposed favorite team? The whole kiwi side of things is done with...we all hate him and his group...there's no point to argue for him anymore.

07-20-2018, 01:49 AM


:pop: reaction when he heard that...


Lord, who ever is in Kawhi's ear better pray, pray that he can reach an elite level, again.

They've sold this young man such a bullshit, poorly spun narrative and for what purpose?

He's lost millions of dollars, damaged his reputation and made his "camp/group" seem toxic while idiots like Cris Carter (who ever knew he was such a spin doctor) attempt save face (for him).

He'll likely end up like Carmelo Anthony in New York, Dwight Howard in Los Angeles (+ Houston & Atlanta) and so forth.

Sad, and stupid that he's allowed his "hangers on" to manipulate and ruin his name, reputation and relationship with the Spurs.


Also, fuck him and his "group" for attempting to besmirch the good name of our medical staff (apparently, he was also "misdiagnosed" in 2014 too), coach and his teammates.

It is one thing to "miss home," but trying to shit all over what others built on your way out? Eat a dick with AIDS on the tip.....

07-20-2018, 02:08 AM
Hey homie, you going to stop guzzling kiwi cum now...or nah? Just going to keep that avatar of a guy who tried to shit and piss all over your supposed favorite team? The whole kiwi side of things is done with...we all hate him and his group...there's no point to argue for him anymore.

2-There is nothing in my last post arguing for him.
3-I can keep my avi and still root for the Spurs like always.

"we all hate him and his group"? Not really, I don't hate him. He didn't kill a man, didn't rape a child, nor hit a women....I truly believe he was injured last season, things didn't work with the team and he asked for a trade. Obviously, he could handle this situation better but all people made mistakes. I'm a calm guy, I agree on "life is too short to waste time hating people"

07-20-2018, 02:14 AM
Hey homie, you going to stop guzzling kiwi cum now...or nah? Just going to keep that avatar of a guy who tried to shit and piss all over your supposed favorite team? The whole kiwi side of things is done with...we all hate him and his group...there's no point to argue for him anymore.

He's Kawhi's butler for life and he is already booking a ticket to Toronto.

07-20-2018, 02:14 AM
Carter and the Dennis camp have drug KL's career into the mud. Wanting to be a major marketer by alienating one of largest states and an entire country does not bode well for future clients. He will never ever be able to recoup the money he lost. He just is not that marketable. Nike indicated that Nick Young sells more shoes that Kawhi, just because of his social media presence alone. KL will gotten his piece of the pie. He better manage it well, cause he won't get as much as he could have.
Pootie Tang is more marketable than KL, agreed.

R to the P McMurphy
07-20-2018, 02:16 AM
2-There is nothing in my last post arguing for him.
3-I can keep my avi and still root for the Spurs like always.

"we all hate him and his group"? Not really, I don't hate him. He didn't kill a man, didn't rape a child, nor hit a women....I truly believe he was injured last season, things didn't work with the team and he asked for a trade. Obviously, he could handle this situation better but all people made mistakes. I'm a calm guy, I agree on "life is too short to waste time hating people"

Thanks for the reply, you always have sounded reasonable but...come on dude. When I say hate...were talking about sports here. You don't need to be overdramatic. I don't actually mean harm on the dude ...but as a decades old spur fan, u bet ur ass I can hate him. Entertainment man...I don't know him, you don't know him, none of us do personally but after going through years of guys who are amazing leaders like drob/Timmy, this pos had to go down this route? Really? And ok, you can still root for the spurs, but I honestly don't understand if ur a spurs fan, why the f u would keep that avatar. Go post it on the raptor forum or laker forum next year...get that shit outta here tho.

07-20-2018, 02:31 AM
Go post it on the raptor forum or laker forum next year...get that shit outta here tho.
Talking about "wasting my time"...I'm not gonna read a forum of another team.

R to the P McMurphy
07-20-2018, 02:42 AM
Talking about "wasting my time"...I'm not gonna read a forum of another team.

good lord...I thought I was a troll...but ur games better. Give me a little time, I just escaped with chief and got zapped a few times. Brain cells still recovering.

07-20-2018, 05:42 AM
long time lurker, first-time poster (not an alt, promise lol- this shitshow of an offseason prompted me to create an account). that said, a number of questions still bother me:

1. What exactly were these "things" that the Spurs had Kawhi do without explanation?? I've followed the team pretty religiously since the Admiral days and this is the first time I've heard of anything remotely like this.

2. Carter says that Kawhi didn't like that the Spurs went after players that were "yes-men" in FA. Okay...so players that bought into the Spurs system?? AKA really good role players that he should want around him as a franchise player??

3. Chris Carter's body language/demeanor...his feet are shaking the entire time he's talking, very poor eye contact, he looks exasperated when he's trying to counter the claim that the Spurs are a great organization. Why? Just comes across as discomfort/that he's hiding something...also, I feel like he's had these same weird tics/nervous habits in ANY interview that he's talked about Kawhi (not just the one above).

Don't know if this is the right thread to post this diatribe, but man this is just a weird evolution of events that frankly makes little sense. There are just so many inconsistencies/gaps in logic...

* reports that Kawhi always hated the way the Spurs conducted business/didn't like their organizational structures and plans...yet he said he wanted to retire a Spur as recently as his March interview

* reports that he was getting homesick and thus wanted LA...yet he's supposedly a low maintenance guy that still drives his old beater car. (also side note, don't most players spend offseasons in their hometowns anyway?? given the demands of the NBA schedule will it really make that big of a difference to be LA based vs. SA?? I live in Austin and flights to Cali are < 3 hours (and you gain time flying west))

* reports that he despises the limelight and attention (he was in Vegas last week, and left bc he hated his surroundings) ... yet he's demanding a trade to most lime-lit place in the NBA (more so now w/ LeBron...regardless of which LA team he wants to go to next year). There's a difference between growing up in San Diego and loving the surroundings vs playing for an LA team; also a very real possibility that the pressure of playing in LA destroys the charm that the city holds for you on a personal level.

of c there's the whole obscure injury (degenerative tendinopathy is a ridiculously rare condition to diagnose in isolation (without any other underlying autoimmune diseases)), and leaving what appears to be $80million on the table.

not to mention the fact that he royally screwed over the franchise that allowed him to build from a fringe lottery pick to bonafide two-way star. if the discontent was this prevalent much earlier than this summer and the money was, in fact, a non-issue, at least have the decency to make a trade demand behind closed doors and not handicap the organization that raised you for the foreseeable future.

I hope we get a full timeline of how this transpired/exactly where the fractures in this relationship happened, simply for the sake of closure. At the very least, come out and talk to the fans that supported you, loved you and held you in the same regard as #21 and #50 for a majority of your career.

Him saying he wanted to retire a spur is him saying what he is supposed to say, especially to get us to offer the max.

He made his trade demands earlier I bet, the spurs tried to keep him, and he got tired of waiting and tried to push it. Saying he would sign with lakers next year was a very risky position and it obviously backfired.

The one point you made that I'm not sure about is that there is a conflict between him being a low-key low maintenance guy and him wanting to be in LA.

I think this is largely what everyone has been saying, which is that Kawhi has a family that wanted him in LA. He doesn't have friends outside of his family, so he thinks he will be happier if he is in LA most of the time.

His family/uncle thinks he can make more $ if Kawhi is in LA because of his own business.

Kawhi's injury caused him to "realize" these things he disliked about the org that are surfacing...little things you don't like become a bigger deal when you lose trust in someone and your perspective changes. Things you let go, you don't want to let go anymore.

I think he has a degenerative medical condition that his family convinced him is the spurs fault/mishandling, and he found a doctor that would back him up. Once he no longer trusted the spurs, he blindly followed the people he trusts most, his family.

07-20-2018, 06:04 AM
Kawhi's a bitch.

07-20-2018, 08:30 AM
Him saying he wanted to retire a spur is him saying what he is supposed to say, especially to get us to offer the max.

He made his trade demands earlier I bet, the spurs tried to keep him, and he got tired of waiting and tried to push it. Saying he would sign with lakers next year was a very risky position and it obviously backfired.

The one point you made that I'm not sure about is that there is a conflict between him being a low-key low maintenance guy and him wanting to be in LA.

I think this is largely what everyone has been saying, which is that Kawhi has a family that wanted him in LA. He doesn't have friends outside of his family, so he thinks he will be happier if he is in LA most of the time.

His family/uncle thinks he can make more $ if Kawhi is in LA because of his own business.

Kawhi's injury caused him to "realize" these things he disliked about the org that are surfacing...little things you don't like become a bigger deal when you lose trust in someone and your perspective changes. Things you let go, you don't want to let go anymore.

I think he has a degenerative medical condition that his family convinced him is the spurs fault/mishandling, and he found a doctor that would back him up. Once he no longer trusted the spurs, he blindly followed the people he trusts most, his family.

Pretty much this as well. He's definitely soured on the medical staff. Be it because of perceived "misdiagnoses" and/or manipulation from outside parties (his agent, uncle or other family members).

It clarifies his sister's somewhat cryptic Instagram posts about other "issues"

But, I also believe there was a lot of deception, half - truths and back stabbing by Kawhi behind the scenes. Stuff the organization is too "classy" to spill to the media.

And I also don't believe all the blame falls squarely on the medical staff when Kawhi has been pretty injury prone (even with some odd maladies for a pro athlete) and this one has compound over time.

07-20-2018, 09:32 AM
People. Carter IS one of Kawhi's 'group.' DUH

07-20-2018, 09:49 AM
People. Carter IS one of Kawhi's 'group.' DUH

No shit. He's the mouthpiece for Kawhi's uncle and agent.

He was also throwing out a lot of "insider" info that he wouldn't be privy to without a connection.

He must have a financial stake in the "agency" group that Kawhi's uncle and agent aspire to build. They are getting off to a horrible, horrible start.