View Full Version : Canada/Saudi Arabia spat

08-08-2018, 05:34 PM
Reminds me of Ron Burgundy. That escalated quickly. Have been seeing numerous stories the last few days. The two that concerned me was one tweet from a Saudi govt related Twitter account (what the hell does that mean?) With a picture of a plane crashing into a tower in Toronto? and Russia publicly backing Saudi and denouncing Canada. Blow over within a week or bigger deal in the future?

08-08-2018, 05:50 PM
Weird that a country that just crucified a dude is sensitive about human rights.

08-09-2018, 12:33 AM
Weird that a country that just crucified a dude is sensitive about human rights.

So, you object to their use of capital punishment?

08-09-2018, 03:42 AM
So, you object to their use of capital punishment?I'm against capital punishment in general since it is uncorrectable.

So you're for a government based upon Islam?

08-09-2018, 04:04 AM
I'm against capital punishment in general since it is uncorrectable.

But if there was not incontrovertable proof of a murder or an uncoerced admission, you wouldn't object to capital punishment on a case by case basis?

08-09-2018, 04:33 AM
But if there was not incontrovertable proof of a murder or an uncoerced admission, you wouldn't object to capital punishment on a case by case basis?

Speaking for myself only, yes I do.

I believe having to serve time/life is much more effective than just putting someone out of their misery. I cant think of nothing better than putting a guy in a 6 by 8 feet cell and let him think about all his deeds for the rest of his life in there.

08-09-2018, 06:49 AM
SA's behaviour is very unusual, out of character, and severe, which makes it suspect, maybe in collusion with bully Trash, but Mo bin Salman is the new boss so maybe he is acting independently playing Macho Man and/or trying placate the women-hating Wahhabis after he allowed the horror of women to drive.

Religion is nearly as great a threat to world peace as USA's military empire.

08-09-2018, 08:03 AM
Speaking for myself only, yes I do.

I believe having to serve time/life is much more effective than just putting someone out of their misery. I cant think of nothing better than putting a guy in a 6 by 8 feet cell and let him think about all his deeds for the rest of his life in there.

Is that how you justify all the dicks up your ass, tranny? As long as you wallow in it, afterwards? :lol

08-09-2018, 09:54 AM
Is that how you justify all the dicks up your ass, tranny? As long as you wallow in it, afterwards? :lol

Well it certainly didn't take you long enough to think about dicks, now did it?

08-09-2018, 10:00 AM
But if there was not incontrovertable proof of a murder or an uncoerced admission, you wouldn't object to capital punishment on a case by case basis?I would. We've already killed and tried to kill innocent people we were totes sure did it

08-09-2018, 10:31 AM
So you're for a government based upon Islam?

But if there was not incontrovertable proof of a murder or an uncoerced admission, you wouldn't object to capital punishment on a case by case basis?


"la la la la, I can't hear you"

08-09-2018, 10:34 AM
I would. We've already killed and tried to kill innocent people we we're totes sure did it

200th Prisoner Cleared Through DNA Testing

Hundreds of cases of reversals. Death penalty in the US is broken, and an expensive waste of money.

08-09-2018, 11:05 AM
SA's behaviour is very unusual, out of character, and severe, which makes it suspect, maybe in collusion with bully Trash, but Mo bin Salman is the new boss so maybe he is acting independently playing Macho Man and/or trying placate the women-hating Wahhabis after he allowed the horror of women to drive.

Religion is nearly as great a threat to world peace as USA's military empire.

Canada didn't get the response they expected from the terrorist country and it's Trump's fault?

08-09-2018, 11:07 AM
Canada didn't get the response they expected from the terrorist country and it's Trump's fault?

It's also the Republicans and Russia and the Green Party who caused the Dems to choke the Ohio lead and lose another election they had declared early victory on.

08-09-2018, 12:01 PM
it's Trump's fault?

I didn't say that, you did, so GFY

08-09-2018, 12:32 PM
I didn't say that, you did, so GFY
Makes allegations of Trump colluding with SA, goes all Saudi Arabia on me when I question why he thinks Trump is to blame. Today's thin liberal skin.

08-09-2018, 02:42 PM
Keep it classy, Saudis!


08-09-2018, 02:46 PM
Great ally we've got there.

08-09-2018, 02:52 PM
Insane how long we've been so friendly/protective of such an awful country.

08-09-2018, 02:58 PM
Insane how long we've been so friendly/protective of such an awful country.

08-09-2018, 03:00 PM

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExMWFhUXFRcXFxYYGRcYFxgWFxYWGBcYFx cYHSggGBolHRgXIjEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0lICUtLS8tLS0vLS0tLy0tLS0tLS0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAMIBAwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAAMEBQcCAQj/xABLEAACAQIDBQUEBwYDBgMJAAABAhEAAwQSIQUGMUFREyJhcY GRobHBByMyQlLR8BRicoKSsqLh8RUkM0NTcxdj8hYlNER0k6PC 0v/EABoBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDAAEEBQb/xAAvEQACAgECBAUDBAIDAAAAAAAAAQIRAxIhBDFBURMiMmGBM3 GRBbHB8NHhI0JS/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDSLmGs9kCGOeBp486rSlOJdHWrBbFo2s2 cZunyrC4qfIYpNFTlpRTrMvWuDcXrSaQds8iulrztF616Li9at UVbLWxZtG0SWIfXT4VWvPU1L2eEZoZoFN41UViFaR1p80nFMCL aZELHrUHGbWVBxk8tYBPn+QNUm9m2irC1bYCIL+M8F8o1qhvbT Zo1WZAMiefjQxxJ7sZqYTjeK4ROUceEkmKl4fbwJAYEAxrJ94I/Oh3AYsAkAicumg46iYI4V5fxCtrA7xmeJ4c+ZFH4cexLZpCJaN kOLhLESANQfL86glj1NBWC2o2GPW3ALL05T7uPlNF+HxaOodWB VhINLyRSImx3MetKT1rntB1pC4OtJpBWzuTXaDXjXCuOtWNyxb FsMHBbpRwgnuC5tC2jhUVQUfMf1r4VVN50+94dah3sQOtTLpb2 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uSQZ5w4P8AVVFgnnZ9kAcLSaDgCImQIGYxOpZpPKpOMYKosgao uUnxIB/uis/Gw14XXTc7EUnBXz/gf3bx+XF2weF1WtHwI7y+ugFY1vauXG4kDlefx+9R8uOyMLg+5 ct3PYdaC2ti/tQjir4xj5qbxJ91J4KdYnfQwcTG5quobYux2YVB9xFt/wD21VD8Kaxzd2y3RivtB/KpuJcXED9SZ8zVXcb6hh+Bg3sOvurDFPazoclRaK3eU9RFXO6i fbE/eX2OHT8qHVu91D0NWuycUUuMAPtKSNdZBDgn+k+2l51qiX0NB2 beke/3D/P2VahZUEeEj1oX2TfPaCOHPnwJA15asKJrYIEgda7P6ZK8Fdjk 8UqnZJcaGo+JcqgI1llB8iwU/GpNxuPlUHGvNsjMFJBievL310DOOGwpWIqEVCkAco9BwqwQSJH D2ewcqr8dbgzULQJ76iS3jbB9daAbFzvD2fMfD31oG9HefTkgn 1zf5VnMnMfASP5TNebyKs+T7nXxeiJaOqk5XHccG2/8NzSfQ5T6Vm21dmvZvPaYGVMA9RyPsrSHt5lI5FYqo3nsi9h7e J/5idy4epByt74b+c1p4XJoml0f79BfEY9cb7AH2Z8PbSqS/GlXUOfREpV5XtWCeRSilXUVCHINdg1ya9FQg9barC00iqxTUmx diqIOpoSPX860zcy/GG7Q8Ldm639KEfOs0xDLo00RbvbaP7PdsIs5gVnoGYFvnR43ps j5FRinge6oop3G8QP1NMzSmEhu4QTw4U92ZIka1FsEMSD10qSE uWzMGOvKrKNE3S2lOCJI1VuxH8zBzBOo0J4QPOrEuXdyNWMx/Fy4cNaFt17puJcHJAXPnECfYB60X7tWg95Z4E8fOolq2OpGSjh Uutf6B3GWtHHVT7iHEenwoS3bWNoL+611v6UuN8q0jeJFF5mVc qZtAOGUCPhm9grPt3kjaiKebsnq6MnxNczHFwWXH2TEZHq0S90 FezcYHlDpmHvHA/rpTDr3mU/fBBHjwNPYvCyq3LfEAEHqfGmMXeDqt0aQRmHQ1nW6Nj2OcCxNv XiOPmONWeBv5XRj1Hs4GT5E1U2Hg3B5kfza/EmpFkyk+PWOPWhkr2Ig62bdyuvoB5gFR71FHOHaVrNMLfJyvpy b1gN8VatB2Y02xHl7NPlWr9JnUpQ+TDxkdky3QAqD1FRblrThT Vu4Vj4VzdxBg8deAFdswDlk8RTePSUPUDSobC6uvdWessfZpTd 0MPtOzHpwA9BVWEkDG8P3W6rH9JJ+BFZ3ie5ejxI+daNtYTbHU GPaDP8AaKzveG2Q2bXk35/CvP8AER08VJdzq4pXiXsWODbujw09mlMOFyYmydc1s3VHj9lvX 7J/kpYNuPt9o/1qPi7wW9bc/Zkq3ih0f/CTVLl/fuMZn17idaVO7TwzWrr22OqsVnrHAjwI19aVdtO1aOQyLSivK9 mrKEK6JrkUqhBV0K5roVCHQFOolMg12j1RCaljMINSMC7WZynj US3cive1mrKJNw5hPOo5MUrb60sShgxQtBJkdMGZ8OtW2DtXk+ ywdeamuNhOeB5VIxly6NVZoPEdKIEIt3LiKuIEMpZbYZQRIgsT Hzop3RbtHuOv2VUKo55nkSfIDTzNZ/srCq1vutlvByytJBIK6DxEqf6qNfo/x+R7iuO+2QgCILd7WRoOM0jFkby10Nr2w0EG92AUYcxxtgE+Jd gDPlHvNYicRkxocGIuKZ6cNa3fHOHt3Z4OwX0kKK+e9qIVuura EGD5gAH30U8aeRvuqE6moL2Zqxx4Vj2i/V3O8rAaKZ7yHoVOniIPOq7aWFyE3FIa2w74H9wpzY2MS7h0Z4y OALhPBLg0FzwHFSemuuUVZ2NggSLTlGkyjd5fEEcvQ1xUnF6Tq +pWC1p4YeRWesar7iamYRptt4H4V7trYd3DjtCsJmHA5gpB5c8 p1GvCYqPs2533Xk2vtFMoDlsFOxboa2NeEjoNCCOPgzUfbt3vq 410058tDHUSDqPlWWbFxEBlPgfirR/V7q0LdHGSpHMHh0mD8c3squClo4le9r+/IjiVeNhbZsqIOkxTT3ADAEsaSoDzrlQOvHifDoK9CzljccWOvz NVuJu6zU7F3NPDlVVdEyKoJFDtK73UJ0zMPfmj40L7x4aVnpI9 sGrvbzEWlMyAyR1zDMcvplNRtsIGskjXuyPQ6/E+yuJ+px05oz+P7+To8K7i0C+zH0XXlHs/1prag7w8G+I/ypvCcGXox8dD/rXN08ukfr30rkzQiUt7DQO1w4uOAAXIGoUQvHooA9KVRnAmlQ/L/LK0IBIrynK8iu8ceziva7y14RULPKQpV7UKPQJpxBFNAxXQaoQ eJrjPXBNeTUISkNSLd7kagI1PrVFlxg7QGvKvLuI07o86awFzl T2SO8PUVHyIlueWL5VknSRof3plfbqP5qONx7C5rt4HgvDxaYJ 8dIoLxNkuoA0uLqh688uvuo13LsEFxKFmKBjbOZdAW4gAT3jMS JrNhrxL+5rn6KC3EL9UB0yn1zA1im/lnLjr3QlW/qUE++a3DFgZT5j+4Vjn0nJGN87aH+4fKtk1uIfpHNyMaFRkf7J Yz4SBR9s2+yZbcywHdP47ajQDqyDlzUD8JrKt27kFx4A+gJB+I oywGMaMohgDOUkggjUFGGoIOsjhXF4rG/FbR0eGn/xqw8gXAVeGDCMp4QaCdobHOHxGmqEaGZy68D7eNSv/AGhjjE/vKZnxZCAR/KD417b20xB+ptssd6LbiR/EXPvHpSE59jRLSyoS6EuEnhJnXkdD7pov3SxkXcs/aH+Ia/N6Gf8AZb3g72hwOimA0g8OhGsTpryFS9ku9t0NxWRlIJzDUgaN B56E8OtVk8slkXQW46k49zWu10ph7xHyH511hXlRJYDqPn0rpr arqDJ8dTXpefI4oyWPPWo08akvopNQs2lUWDO1LBe7asAa3L73 D4IECz/f613tXC5C1uNBoPIiAB6VJs41bWKe5cUuxQBYI7qnXn1ge/rTG19r2r9wKodXymQ6gaAjUMCROvWud+pqM8Lrmnf8GzhlKM1t szP7Yy3WXw+GnyptzqambVt5cR5wfiPnUK5xPrXOi7SfsbD0Cl XNKrLAulNe15XeOKeg0ia5pCqIe15XUVzUIe0ga8pVCCJrpVrw V1MVCz1kIpKxru7fnlTYFQhPwt2rR7ZYCKoFaKnYXGEEa1VEQQ 4m1mEiijcQiLjcDInpMcfOh3C2yUzcVPHw6GntnYt7CvD5Sx4Q D4cxWSD8Oe5ta1rY0wrKaeHxFZH9KqEYtD1sj3O/50xtbbWKb/5m7l6Bio9ixQviLpZiWJJ6kkn2mtayKe6ETjpVMmbAeLwH4gR7 p+VEmdkaRQjgrmW4jdGBPlOtG9xBzrn8ZtNPuaOFdxaLLZm3Fa Fu2xP4gPiKscdjsptqqjK0nTiQpHxPwNCaYlQdBVNs3GXAxLFi MxkdGYySOnA0rHj1W2Plkqka/s3aFo8IWRIB0kfu8mHlr4U7fwYugoxzKe8jKe8p8uY8p8fEKw2 PXJLAMpOo5qT99DynmOtP2UZx9TiQHHAOYB8J+6fbU02OU1Rpu x7hKANI06FTpoTlOsVYLa160GbiNfVnW/GYgQA2YAa845/KjgXdIrrcP9Nfg5OdJZHRGxphaqrjaTUvaV3SoWNuC3YZzxymB TeotAps9+0vXCeJJI8pMfD3V1tXCEPbuATk4+KkQfMwSfSqq1f IBYd0rpPM8599V+1dp3soALTlLeUDU+VcnKtTafU6saUUPbwDv q3OCI56EezgarLo1PrVhewdy8pupDBLIa4ZUESBBgmWB46cIM8 phXONYMe0Ugm7Y0tKuWBGle02iAbXhpUq7hxjyvaVKqLOq5NKl UKPK9pUqhDyvTSpVCzwU+3ClSqmQapxK8pVCGhbma4d511Pwoe x51/nb4mvKVIzczVh5EXF/Y9Ko240qVXh5FcQeVoB+yPKlSrNx3/X5/gZwnUq8SKj4ATcbyPwFKlQY+Q2XMewDHN61IumLyxpIaY0nhSp UXVhLkHu4h79aDyNKlW7hPpfL/cw8T9QpNp8V/XOou93/wAMf4kHpNKlTejAXNAFjvsn+D869wqg275Ik5CJ5wQZFKlXLzd TqR5IosJeYPYUMQGVMwBMH6xhqOehI9anYwd4+Z+NKlWbJ6kVE gX/ALR/XKlSpUa5Fn//2Q==

08-09-2018, 03:01 PM
look at how trump is allowing the king of saudi arabia to place his hands over the US

you really think that was just coincidental?

08-09-2018, 03:02 PM
71 years. $115 billion in arms. I don't think anytime the US has cared about what the Saudis do.

08-09-2018, 04:21 PM
look at how trump is allowing the king of saudi arabia to place his hands over the US

you really think that was just coincidental?

As coincidental as obomba dropping to his knees and his face ending up by the kings crotch

08-09-2018, 04:23 PM

08-09-2018, 04:24 PM
71 years. $115 billion in arms. I don't think anytime the US has cared about what the Saudis do.

Saudi was a big US project. US companies built it, maintain it and protect it

It still is but the offspring is reaching puberty and coming on its own. Its even flirting with the big bitch from Russia and daddy Sam does not like

08-09-2018, 05:13 PM
Keep it classy, Saudis!


Lol. Has a quick reply but a day later chump catches on to what I'm saying.

08-09-2018, 05:17 PM
Lol. Has a quick reply but a day later chump catches on to what I'm saying.I had already seent it. Decided to post it since you didn't.


08-09-2018, 05:17 PM
can't wait to see canada freeze completely! fuck the north!

08-09-2018, 05:27 PM
can't wait to see canada freeze completely! fuck the north!
Well they do that every winter sooooooo

08-09-2018, 05:28 PM
I had already seent it. Decided to post it since you didn't.

Ok. Thought you just found that.

08-09-2018, 05:31 PM
can't wait to see canada freeze completely! fuck the north!

Point to the area on the doll where Canada touched you

08-09-2018, 05:38 PM
Point to the area on the doll where Canada touched you

point to the area of the doll that sancho ruined your ol lady.

08-09-2018, 05:40 PM
Capital punishment in Yemen. :tu


08-09-2018, 05:48 PM

"la la la la, I can't hear you"

Thanks for "translating", cuck blake level poster. I went with the topic we hadn't covered. Chumpettes already know I'm not for Muzzie immigration. I already know they're not concerned about the spread of Sharia Law as well.

08-09-2018, 06:05 PM
Thanks for "translating", cuck blake level poster. I went with the topic we hadn't covered. Chumpettes already know I'm not for Muzzie immigration. I already know they're not concerned about the spread of Sharia Law as well.

Lol "the spread of sharia law"

08-09-2018, 06:08 PM
Capital punishment in Yemen. :tu


that's how it should be world wide. if you're a pedo without a doubt then you should get the same treatment as these fools did.

fuck housing red handed pedos, murderers, and rapists. time to rid the world of them all.

08-09-2018, 06:17 PM
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Picks a Very Strange Fight with Canada

The desert kingdom erupted in fury.

Over the weekend,

it expelled the Canadian Ambassador,

recalled its own envoy,

froze all new trade and investment,

suspended flights by the state airline to Toronto, and

ordered thousands (https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/08/07/saudi-arabia-withdraw-students-canada) of Saudi students to leave Canada and get their education in other countries.

Its Foreign Ministry counter-tweeted, “The Canadian position is an overt and blatant interference in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of #SaudiArabia and is in contravention of the most basic international norms and all the charters governing relations between States.”

Further, it issued a warning: “Any further step from the Canadian side in that direction will be considered as acknowledgment of our right to interfere in the Canadian domestic affairs.”

The flap underscores the volatility—and potentially even the fragility—of the Saudi government under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/09/a-saudi-princes-quest-to-remake-the-middle-east), the youthful and increasingly autocratic leader,

who has been enthusiastically embraced by President Trump (https://www.newyorker.com/tag/donald-trump)and has been consolidating power since his surprise appointment, a year ago.

“He is very thin-skinned,”

President Trump’s support, and a personal connection to Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner (https://www.newyorker.com/tag/jared-kushner), may have caused M.B.S. to feel that he has impunity to do as he pleases on the global stage.

Trump’s first stop on his inaugural foreign trip as President was in Saudi Arabia, a visit orchestrated—with much fanfare—by the crown prince.

the crown prince has already become more authoritarian than any of the previous six kings who have ruled since 1953, when Ibn Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, died.

“Today, he is in charge of Saudi Arabia. He thinks everyone should treat him as such,” Khashoggi told me.

“The Canadian campaign is the latest in a series of disastrous foreign-policy initiatives from M.B.S.,”

“They are all hasty and uncalculated decisions,” Khashoggi told me.

“The crown prince is a poor decision-maker with a track record of incompetence,”


08-09-2018, 06:18 PM
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Picks a Very Strange Fight with Canada

The desert kingdom erupted in fury.

Over the weekend,

it expelled the Canadian Ambassador,

recalled its own envoy,

froze all new trade and investment,

suspended flights by the state airline to Toronto, and

ordered thousands (https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/08/07/saudi-arabia-withdraw-students-canada) of Saudi students to leave Canada and get their education in other countries.

Its Foreign Ministry counter-tweeted, “The Canadian position is an overt and blatant interference in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of #SaudiArabia and is in contravention of the most basic international norms and all the charters governing relations between States.”

Further, it issued a warning: “Any further step from the Canadian side in that direction will be considered as acknowledgment of our right to interfere in the Canadian domestic affairs.”

The flap underscores the volatility—and potentially even the fragility—of the Saudi government under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/09/a-saudi-princes-quest-to-remake-the-middle-east), the youthful and increasingly autocratic leader,

who has been enthusiastically embraced by President Trump (https://www.newyorker.com/tag/donald-trump)and has been consolidating power since his surprise appointment, a year ago.

“He is very thin-skinned,”

President Trump’s support, and a personal connection to Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner (https://www.newyorker.com/tag/jared-kushner), may have caused M.B.S. to feel that he has impunity to do as he pleases on the global stage.

Trump’s first stop on his inaugural foreign trip as President was in Saudi Arabia, a visit orchestrated—with much fanfare—by the crown prince.

the crown prince has already become more authoritarian than any of the previous six kings who have ruled since 1953, when Ibn Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, died.

“Today, he is in charge of Saudi Arabia. He thinks everyone should treat him as such,” Khashoggi told me.

“The Canadian campaign is the latest in a series of disastrous foreign-policy initiatives from M.B.S.,”

“They are all hasty and uncalculated decisions,” Khashoggi told me.

“The crown prince is a poor decision-maker with a track record of incompetence,”



08-09-2018, 07:26 PM
If you have had 4-6 generations of US citizens in your family where ya gonna go if you had to?


Canada, baby.

Fckn hosers.


You listen to this one time, you go buy a flannel shirt and a toque


08-09-2018, 08:31 PM

Lol angry

08-09-2018, 10:12 PM
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Picks a Very Strange Fight with Canada

The desert kingdom erupted in fury.

Over the weekend,

it expelled the Canadian Ambassador,

recalled its own envoy,

froze all new trade and investment,

suspended flights by the state airline to Toronto, and

ordered thousands (https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/08/07/saudi-arabia-withdraw-students-canada) of Saudi students to leave Canada and get their education in other countries.

Its Foreign Ministry counter-tweeted, “The Canadian position is an overt and blatant interference in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of #SaudiArabia and is in contravention of the most basic international norms and all the charters governing relations between States.”

Further, it issued a warning: “Any further step from the Canadian side in that direction will be considered as acknowledgment of our right to interfere in the Canadian domestic affairs.”

The flap underscores the volatility—and potentially even the fragility—of the Saudi government under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/04/09/a-saudi-princes-quest-to-remake-the-middle-east), the youthful and increasingly autocratic leader,

who has been enthusiastically embraced by President Trump (https://www.newyorker.com/tag/donald-trump)and has been consolidating power since his surprise appointment, a year ago.

“He is very thin-skinned,”

President Trump’s support, and a personal connection to Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner (https://www.newyorker.com/tag/jared-kushner), may have caused M.B.S. to feel that he has impunity to do as he pleases on the global stage.

Trump’s first stop on his inaugural foreign trip as President was in Saudi Arabia, a visit orchestrated—with much fanfare—by the crown prince.

the crown prince has already become more authoritarian than any of the previous six kings who have ruled since 1953, when Ibn Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, died.

“Today, he is in charge of Saudi Arabia. He thinks everyone should treat him as such,” Khashoggi told me.

“The Canadian campaign is the latest in a series of disastrous foreign-policy initiatives from M.B.S.,”

“They are all hasty and uncalculated decisions,” Khashoggi told me.

“The crown prince is a poor decision-maker with a track record of incompetence,”


LOL I heard Trump is responsible for having less sunlight per day than last month also.

08-21-2018, 11:53 AM
Exodus of Saudi medical trainees reveals vulnerability of Canadian health care

The diplomatic row between Saudi Arabia and Canada following a tweet by Canada's minister of foreign affairs

has resulted in the immediate withdrawal of 16 000 Saudi students in Canada,

including 800 medical trainees,

who provide a wide range of care to Canadian patients while gaining valuable skills and experience to help their own citizens.


08-21-2018, 11:57 AM
LOL I heard Trump is responsible for having less sunlight per day than last month also.

Trash CAUSES lots of shit, and collateral shit

08-21-2018, 12:59 PM
Trash CAUSES lots of shit, and collateral shit
Then in turn Trump also causes lots of good collateral shit

10-06-2018, 11:28 PM
Saudi getting bold with the press


Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia.... and on are not safe places for real journalists

10-07-2018, 12:41 AM
Saudi getting bold with the press


Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia.... and on are not safe places for real journalists

We know they most likely won't be Americans.

10-07-2018, 05:56 AM
Saudi getting bold with the press


Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia.... and on are not safe places for real journalists

Head of Interpol is missing in China.

10-09-2018, 06:12 PM
We know they most likely won't be Americans.

Sure thing...
They will just be trained in America if they are foreign.
First place you go for real Journalists is Russia?

10-09-2018, 06:14 PM
Head of Interpol is missing in China.

He will stay missing or in jail unless someone in the West makes a fuss.
You can bet a Russian journalist broke this story... not....

10-09-2018, 11:13 PM
Sure thing...
They will just be trained in America if they are foreign.
First place you go for real Journalists is Russia?

Not necessarily however other nations have less of an impetus to pull for one side or the other. They just say bad shit about the entire country. That's easier to filter.

10-10-2018, 06:48 AM
Not necessarily however other nations have less of an impetus to pull for one side or the other. They just say bad shit about the entire country. That's easier to filter.

The third largest nation in the world with a free press and wide reach to all parts of the world.
Its a no brainer.

Except for Trumpies who see the J word and knee jerk to CNN.