View Full Version : 33 Dramatic Predictions for 2030

08-31-2018, 01:51 AM
> By 2030 the average person in the U.S. will have 4.5 packages a week delivered with flying drones. They will travel 40% of the time in a driverless car, use a 3D printer to print hyper-individualized meals, and will spend most of their leisure time on an activity that hasn’t been invented yet.

By 2030 over 80% of all doctor visits will have been replaced by automated exams. Details here (http://www.impactlab.net/2012/09/11/technology-will-replace-80-of-doctors-vinod-khosla/).
By 2030 over 90% of all restaurants will use some form of a 3D food printer in their meal preparations. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2011/10/the-coming-food-printer-revolution/).
By 2030 over 10% of all global financial transactions will be conducted through Bitcoin or Bitcoin-like crypto currencies.
By 2030 we will seen a growing number of highways designated as driverless-vehicle only. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2012/09/driverless-highways-creating-cars-that-talk-to-the-roads/).
By 2030, a Chinese company will become the first to enter the space tourism industry by establishing regular flights to their space hotel.
By 2030, the world’s largest Internet company will be in the education business, and it will be a company we have not heard of yet.
By 2030 over 20% of all new construction will be “printed” buildings. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2012/04/printable-houses-and-the-massive-wave-of-opportunity-it-will-bring-to-our-future/).
By 2030 over 2 billion jobs will have disappeared, freeing up talent for many new fledgling industries. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2012/02/2-billion-jobs-to-disappear-by-2030/).
By 2030 a new protest group will have emerged that holds anti-cloning rallies, demonstrating against the creation of “soul-less humans.”
By 2030 we will see the first city to harvest 100% of its water supply from the atmosphere. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/09/tapping-into-the-waterways-in-the-sky/).
By 2030 world religions will make a resurgence, with communities of faith growing by nearly 50% over what they are today.
By 2030 over 50% of all traditional colleges will collapse, paving the way for an entire new education industry to emerge. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/07/by-2030-over-50-of-colleges-will-collapse/).
By 2030 we will see a surge of Micro Colleges spring to life, each requiring less than 6 months of training and apprenticeship to switch professions. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/09/trimming-the-fat-introducing-the-lean-micro-college-model-for-education/).
By 2030 scientists will have perfected an active cross-species communication system, enabling some species to talk to each other as well as humans.
By 2030 we will see the first hurricane stopped by human intervention.
By 2030 we will see wireless power used to light up invisible light bulbs in the middle of a room.
By 2030 we will see the first demonstration of a technology to control gravity, reducing the pull of gravity on an object by as much as 50%.
By 2030 democracy will be viewed as inferior form of government.
By 2030 traditional police forces will be largely automated out of existence with less than 50% of current staffing levels on active duty.
By 2030 over 90% of all libraries will offer premium services as part of their business model. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/10/libraries-that-create-their-own-economy-opening-the-door-to-premium-services/).
By 2030 forest fires will have been reduced to less than 5% of the number today with the use of infrared drone monitoring systems. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/06/proposal-to-eliminate-forest-fires-completely/).
By 2030 over 30% of all cities in the U.S. will operate their electric utilities as micro grids.
By 2030 we will have seen a number of global elections with the intent of creating a new global mandate, forcing world leaders to take notice. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2012/12/entering-the-era-of-global-mandates/).
By 2030 traditional pharmaceuticals will be replaced by hyper-individualized medicines that are manufactured at the time they are ordered. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2012/10/inventing-the-3d-pill-printer/).
By 2030 we will have seen the revival of the first mated pair of an extinct species. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/03/should-we-revive-extinct-species/).
By 2030 swarms of micro flying drones – swarmbots – will be demonstrated to assemble themselves as a type of personal clothing, serving as a reconfigurable fashion statement. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/10/the-future-favors-the-bold-8-backcasting-scenarios-for-understanding-the-future/).
By 2030 marijuana will be legalized in all 50 states in the U.S. and half of all foreign countries. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2012/11/entering-the-legal-marijuana-era-finding-the-pitfalls-and-profits-in-the-years-ahead/).
By 2030 cable television will no longer exist.
By 2030 a small number of companies will begin calculating their labor costs with something called “synaptical currency.” Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/10/introducing-synaptical-currency-theory-assigning-value-to-brain-capital/).
By 2030 it will be common to use next generation search engines to search the physical world. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/08/search-engines-for-the-physical-world-the-future-of-search-technology-in-an-increasingly-transparent-world/).
By 2030 basic computer programming will be considered a core skill required in over 20% of all jobs. Details here (http://davincicoders.com/).
By 2030 we will have seen multiple attempts to send a probe to the center of the earth. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2010/09/prize-competition-1-the-race-to-the-core/).
By 2030 a form of tube transportation, inspired by Hyperloop (http://www.spacex.com/hyperloop) and ET3 (http://www.et3.com/), will be well on its way to becoming the world’s largest infrastructure project. Details here (http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2013/10/competing-for-the-world-largest-infrastructure-project-over-100-million-jobs-at-stake/).


09-01-2018, 08:04 PM
That's roughly 10 years from now?... yeah, not happening. We'll be lucky if 5 of those pan out...

09-02-2018, 12:22 AM
Many of these might happen in some respect, but almost none in that short of a timeframe.

Higher education in particular is due for a major change IMO. But a 50% collapse of the Universities in 12 years is not happening at all.

09-03-2018, 12:12 PM
By 2030 OP will know why the Tech Forum exists.

09-03-2018, 01:46 PM
By 2030, a robotically enhanced Tony Parker will be the Spurs PG. However, it will still be slow and a terrible passer.

09-03-2018, 07:02 PM
By 2030, a robotically enhanced Tony Parker will be the Spurs PG. However, it will still be slow and a terrible passer.

But it will be able to consume 100 burgers a day.

09-04-2018, 01:10 AM
But it will be able to consume 100 burgers a day.
Still pedestrian numbers for DeJuan Blair.

09-04-2018, 08:49 PM
remember when they had great plans for year 2000, then 2020 is approaching yet lol...

do you think their be a built city like in those sci-fi movies? whether its technological advance, or post-apocalyptic? oh wait theres africa

09-05-2018, 08:56 AM
Still waiting for 2015 to happen from Back to the Future.

09-05-2018, 11:06 AM
Hmm, no mention of Star Citizen being complete

09-05-2018, 06:46 PM
Hmm, no mention of Star Citizen being complete

baseline bum
09-07-2018, 11:04 AM
Hmm, no mention of Star Citizen being complete


sry Cry Havoc

baseline bum
09-07-2018, 11:09 AM
Hmm, no mention of Star Citizen being complete

I remember I was going to get that as one of the free games in the Never Settle bundle AMD was offering when I was thinking of getting an R9 290 or R9 290x back in fucking 2014. I wonder if this game is going to be as crap as Duke Nukem Forever once (if?) it finally launches. :lol

09-23-2018, 12:18 AM
That's roughly 10 years from now?... yeah, not happening. We'll be lucky if 5 of those pan out...

Yeah, people have an unwavering faith in tech because lmaosmartphones (really not much more than a scaled down laptop, a trend you could see emerging as early as the late-90s with the introduction of pocket PCs). As someone who actually codes at a professional level, I'm sure you know how messy and inexact the process can be (I think it was Jaron Lanier who said that while hardware might be getting exponentially faster [which is no longer true, but was when he said it], software gets exponentially more bloated. This is why the automation revolution (like replacing police forces, militaries, robot butlers etc) won't happen outside of very controlled factory environments where narrow systems excel and where you can have a handful of techs keeping a close eye on things. Why also the term "self driving" car is bullshit, since it will always need an occupant in case the fuckin' thing crashes (as in software). And lol at:

Controlling gravity, stopping hurricanes, individualized "smart drugs," printed buildings, space tourism and space hotels, cross species communication, micro drones used as "fashion," probes to the center of the earth, and pretty much all the sociological predictions aside from coding being important. I'll give him credit for not hyping up nano bullshit and "A.I."

09-23-2018, 03:43 AM
Yeah, people have an unwavering faith in tech because lmaosmartphones (really not much more than a scaled down laptop, a trend you could see emerging as early as the late-90s with the introduction of pocket PCs). As someone who actually codes at a professional level, I'm sure you know how messy and inexact the process can be (I think it was Jaron Lanier who said that while hardware might be getting exponentially faster [which is no longer true, but was when he said it], software gets exponentially more bloated. This is why the automation revolution (like replacing police forces, militaries, robot butlers etc) won't happen outside of very controlled factory environments where narrow systems excel and where you can have a handful of techs keeping a close eye on things. Why also the term "self driving" car is bullshit, since it will always need an occupant in case the fuckin' thing crashes (as in software). And lol at:

Controlling gravity, stopping hurricanes, individualized "smart drugs," printed buildings, space tourism and space hotels, cross species communication, micro drones used as "fashion," probes to the center of the earth, and pretty much all the sociological predictions aside from coding being important. I'll give him credit for not hyping up nano bullshit and "A.I."

It's not just software or hardware. We all have dreams and great ideas with enormous potential, but the reality is only 1 out of 1000 great ideas really end up working out. Sometimes you're first to market, but way ahead of your time. Sometimes you don't know the right people that can put together the capital you need to build things in the scale they need to be built to be successful. Sometimes you have unscrupulous people that sell smoke and mirrors to make a buck, and give a whole research area a bad name (at least for a while, see Theranos). Sometimes good ideas get overhyped and bubbled up and their potential not fully realized or delayed because of the search for the quick buck (see Blockchain on this one).

If you ask me what's the area with the biggest disruption/game-changing potential in the next decade, it's quantum computing. It's an area that checks all the boxes. Strong scientific interest, potential to disrupt everything from banking to communications, potential to re-create, first, the mainframe era, followed by the home quantum computer era all over again. That said, I wouldn't bet the bank on them just yet. Still a lot to develop to make it truly viable.

09-23-2018, 05:29 AM
It's not just software or hardware. We all have dreams and great ideas with enormous potential, but the reality is only 1 out of 1000 great ideas really end up working out. Sometimes you're first to market, but way ahead of your time. Sometimes you don't know the right people that can put together the capital you need to build things in the scale they need to be built to be successful. Sometimes you have unscrupulous people that sell smoke and mirrors to make a buck, and give a whole research area a bad name (at least for a while, see Theranos). Sometimes good ideas get overhyped and bubbled up and their potential not fully realized or delayed because of the search for the quick buck (see Blockchain on this one).

If you ask me what's the area with the biggest disruption/game-changing potential in the next decade, it's quantum computing. It's an area that checks all the boxes. Strong scientific interest, potential to disrupt everything from banking to communications, potential to re-create, first, the mainframe era, followed by the home quantum computer era all over again. That said, I wouldn't bet the bank on them just yet. Still a lot to develop to make it truly viable.

This is likely the biggest problem in tech/medicine/industry right now. Great blog by a guy who knows his shit that throws a lot of cold water on the state of the modern tech industry, and media's and academia's culpability within (i.e. media hypes up some pie-in-the-sky tech/scientific "breakthrough" and/or old concept dressed up as a "new discovery," which is presented as such by academia's PR departments, in an effort to keep the grant and VC money flowing).


Detailing how media now reports on science and technology:


As I'm sure you know, A.I. is the hot buzz term in tech right now.

Machine learning and its relatives are the statistics of the future: the way we learn about the way the world works. Of course, machines aren’t actually “learning” anything. They’re just doing statistics. Very beautiful, complex, and sometimes mysterious statistics, but it’s still statistics. Nobody really knows how people learn things and infer new things from abstract or practical knowledge. When someone starts talking about “AI,” based on some machine learning technique, the Berzerker rage comes upon me. There is no such thing as “AI” as a science or a technology. Anyone who uses that phrase is a dreamer, a liar or a fool.

You can tell when a nebulous buzzword like “AI” has reached peak “human information centipede;” when oligarchs start being afraid of it. You have the famous example of Bill Joy being deathly afraid of “nanotech,” a previously hyped “technology” which persists in not existing in the corporeal world. Charlatan thinktanks like the “center for responsible nanotechnology” popped up to relieve oligarchs of their easy money, and these responsible nanotech assclowns went on to … post nifty articles on things that don’t exist.

These days, we have Elon Musk petrified that a near relative of logistic regression is going to achieve sentience and render him unable to enjoy the usufructs of his toils. Charlatan “thinktanks” dedicated to “friendly AI” (and Harry Potter slashfic) have sprung up. Goofball non-profits designed to make “AI” more “safe”

Yeah, QC is gonna be tough to scale and the decoherence problem is still a large hurdle to overcome.

09-23-2018, 06:28 AM
remember watching them sci fi movies in the 80-90s, talkin about the future like 2020...fck yet today no city looks like in those sci-fi movies, whether technologically advance or post apocalypse

09-23-2018, 09:47 AM
remember watching them sci fi movies in the 80-90s, talkin about the future like 2020...fck yet today no city looks like in those sci-fi movies, whether technologically advance or post apocalypse

lol Year 2015 in Back to the Future part 2