View Full Version : Age gap romantical relationships

10-09-2018, 11:05 AM
What have you been involved in or seen and what were the outcome(s)?

10-09-2018, 02:10 PM
OP coming out as a pedo smh. sad tbh

10-09-2018, 02:56 PM
Maybe OP's wife is like 20 years older

10-09-2018, 03:08 PM
The gap shrinks in importance the farther you get from the 25 age mark. I dated 10 years younger and she was immature (broke phone, lost phone, need ride, changing jobs, friend drama) and just wanted to go out drink/dancing etc. Drunk sex is fun here and there but I rather drink while trying to pick up a chick or drink while watching the game with buddies. Once I'm already in a relationship - don't want to get drunk with you. Plus when drunk she would be too forceful and kinda sloppy: turn off. I rather be the aggressor

On the flip side she would go out with friends which gave me space. She wasn't a late 20's/early 30's girl with all GFs in marriage or child caring; needing my constant attention. So also no immediate pressure to "get serious"

I think it ultimately comes down to common interest and yes cultural norms. Sharing the same view on life/society/politics; can bridge any gap. Because ultimately once the sex has ended and you are laying there together. Do you enjoy the time spent together or is it at least bearable til the next go around?

10-09-2018, 03:16 PM
My wife is 11yrs younger........... Its all good. :hat

10-09-2018, 03:20 PM
I tend to date women much younger than myself. I wouldn't want to date someone my age. Yuck.

10-09-2018, 08:45 PM
I tend to date women much younger than myself. I wouldn't want to date someone my age. Yuck.

Straight from Olongapo.

11-05-2018, 10:00 PM
I just read this message on my Facebook. LOL. I think this is called: she wants to suck other dick. Atleast he's not sticking around to watch/catch STD

"Hi everyone, we have a special announcement, some of you may know already, some may not…. After 7 years of walking the same path together, we have decided to embark on our own individual journeys. After 7 years of traveling many roads, many valleys and many peaks side by side, we have shared countless experiences together and given each other so many gifts in the form of irreplaceable life lessons. These gifts we will carry with us as we forge our own paths in this world. If love is an action which nurtures spiritual growth, letting go is the most loving thing we could do for each other at this point. We want different things. It is heart breaking, because we like each other, and our love has not faded - we are blessed to not have any anger or animosity between us, and it is beautiful for the same reason. Now begins the healing process, so we can each go out and thrive. Our roots run deep together, and they include so many of you. We thank you for supporting our relationship through all of its seasons and for dancing, partying, adventuring, laughing and traveling with us - and most importantly, for sharing your wisdom when we needed it most. Peace and love to all."

11-06-2018, 06:50 PM
It just doesn't work when the female is the one significantly older, not just because of beauty standards but also for biological reasons.

11-06-2018, 07:55 PM
It just doesn't work when the female is the one significantly older, not just because of beauty standards but also for biological reasons.
My Asian buddy - 38 years old and his long time GF 4 years older. Admitted no kids in their plans the other week. Kinda depressing to hear

11-06-2018, 07:58 PM
My Asian buddy - 38 years old and his long time GF 4 years older. Admitted no kids in their plans the other week. Kinda depressing to hear

4 years isn't what I mean by significant...

but yeah, younger man + older woman relationships are generally older in general and don't have kids together, usually the woman has her own kids and the man often has his prior kids as well.

11-06-2018, 09:11 PM
It just doesn't work when the female is the one significantly older, not just because of beauty standards but also for biological reasons.

True. Its like nature gives men the ability to age slower due to men having to develop a career/household in order to attract a female to mate with. Im 31 but still look like im 21 compared to females my age. Most already have hit the wall and look closer to 40 after years of partying and riding the cc and having kids. Females hold all the cards during their fertile years though 15-30. Females smell different after their biological clock nears expiration. They lose that youthful musky pleasant smell that makes you horny to fuck em. Thats why older women "are nasty" according to tlong. Its nature way of telling guys wasting your time and resources on this gal, move on.

11-06-2018, 09:19 PM
True. Its like nature gives men the ability to age slower due to men having to develop a career/household in order to attract a female to mate with. Im 31 but still look like im 21 compared to females my age. Most already have hit the wall and look closer to 40 after years of partying and riding the cc and having kids. Females hold all the cards during their fertile years though 15-30. Females smell different after their biological clock nears expiration. They lose that youthful musky pleasant smell that makes you horny to fuck em. Thats why older women "are nasty" according to tlong. Its nature way of telling guys wasting your time and resources on this gal, move on.
Yeah, but Men only live to 80 in the US and women live to 82. I guess as men age past 60 they start to attract less women and get lonely and suffer from shock, whereas women learn to be independent by 40 or 45 when their men leave them for young chicks.

Men have nearly twice as much heart disease risk as women. Men are less likely to eat well and keep their weight down after 40. Men are more likely to commit suicide. Women have a modestly higher cancer risk.

11-06-2018, 09:44 PM
Yeah, but Men only live to 80 in the US and women live to 82. I guess as men age past 60 they start to attract less women and get lonely and suffer from shock, whereas women learn to be independent by 40 or 45 when their men leave them for young chicks.

Men have nearly twice as much heart disease risk as women. Men are less likely to eat well and keep their weight down after 40. Men are more likely to commit suicide. Women have a modestly higher cancer risk.

I think the only reason women on average live longer is because guys have more demanding physical/technical jobs that exposes them to more stress and chemicals. How many women work in mines, construction,military,etc? How could you eat well and work out when you work 12+
Shifts in shitty high stress environments? I bet every single guy wishes they had cushy jobs/position in society, so they shop at heb central market, wear ermenegildo zegna clothes, jog around the neighborhood with not a care in the world like the girls in alamo heights. Spend 1 million on their body like lebron. If you switch the roles, i bet u men live longer than women.

11-06-2018, 09:49 PM
I think the only reason women on average live longer is because guys have more demanding physical/technical jobs that exposes them to more stress and chemicals. How many women work in mines, construction,military,etc? How could you eat well and work out when you work 12+
Shifts in shitty high stress environments? I bet every single guy wishes they had cushy jobs/position in society, so they shop at heb central market, wear ermenegildo zegna clothes, jog around the neighborhood with not a care in the world like the girls in alamo heights. Spend 1 million on their body like lebron. If you switch the roles, i bet u men live longer than women.
Then again, women do a lot of hair products and perfumes which cause lymphoma and leukemia.

11-07-2018, 10:07 AM
My opinion? If a woman marries a significantly younger guy, after the guy ages, he will start looking at younger women. His wife will begin to feel like a grandma figure to him. IMHO

Sooooo, younger chicks FTW!!!

11-07-2018, 10:34 AM
My opinion? If a woman marries a significantly younger guy, after the guy ages, he will start looking at younger women. His wife will begin to feel like a grandma figure to him. IMHO

Sooooo, younger chicks FTW!!!
So would fairness dictate the other to be true?
If a woman marries a significantly older guy, after the woman ages, she will start looking at younger men.
Her husband will begin to feel like a grandpa figure to her.

Andrew Ziegler
11-07-2018, 11:36 AM
I married a black woman much taller than me, I'm a modest and totally average 5'6 while she was 6 feet even. A lot of people thought I was her son so there was kind of an age gap from a perspective.

Long story short, we like divorced less than a year later, you can find out all about it on one of my shitty ST alts. It's her loss because I'm a racially pure aryian white male.

Have you guys made your new year resolutions yet? I'm sure 2019 will be a good year unless pats win.

11-07-2018, 12:04 PM
So would fairness dictate the other to be true?
If a woman marries a significantly older guy, after the woman ages, she will start looking at younger men.
Her husband will begin to feel like a grandpa figure to her.

Nope, because typically women age faster than men. Also, younger men are still in the game and arent as ready to settle down. IMHO

11-07-2018, 12:46 PM
So would fairness dictate the other to be true?
If a woman marries a significantly older guy, after the woman ages, she will start looking at younger men.
Her husband will begin to feel like a grandpa figure to her.

Only when the older guy could no longer get an erection and fuck her brains out will she look for younger cock. My aunt married a rich 56 year old when she was a 30 year single mom with two kids. She started cheating on him with younger dudes when she hit about 42 because he could no longer satisfy her sexually and because she "missed out" on young cock while she was with him.

11-07-2018, 12:48 PM
Only when the older guy could no longer get an erection and fuck her brains out will she look for younger cock. My aunt married a rich 56 year old when she was a 30 year single mom with two kids. She started cheating on him with younger dudes when she hit about 42 because he could no longer satisfy her sexually and because she "missed out" on young cock while she was with him.

Yeah........you are so right.

11-07-2018, 02:25 PM
I had just turned 33, Judy was on the verge of turning 22**** when we met at The Paul Bunyan Lounge in Porterville.

We only had about a half hour before closing time and she was with some friends. Ended up getting her phone number.


She was far more mature than I was. Her thing was meet a nice guy settle down and raise a family, while my thing was I was getting bored with the bar scene and waking up thinking....."what was her name?" I was ready for a real relationship.

I moved in with her a few months later, better I fight the fog to work. We lived together for about a year before deciding to tie the knot. Have never regretted a day, she is fantastic and we get along great. Our biggest problems are me putting the top back on the tooth paste, just how high will I let that grass grow before mowing it, why she ignores my..."sorry honey I have a headache".

**** didn't know that for a few weeks. She did look older in that good way. She carried herself as being very confident, sure of herself. Which she is, that is the most attractive thing I see in a woman.

11-07-2018, 03:04 PM
I had just turned 33, Judy was on the verge of turning 22****

**** didn't know that for a few weeks. She did look older in that good way.

Of course you suck at guessing age.

Lol and when you were 21 Judy was 10.

Of course.

11-07-2018, 03:13 PM
Of course you suck at guessing age.

Lol and when you were 21 Judy was 10.

Of course.

Good point, so in your opinion how many years difference is ok? Trump is what 70?, isn't his wife in her 40's? Aren't there tons of examples of important people much older or younger than their spouse?

11-07-2018, 03:18 PM
Good point, so in your opinion how many years difference is ok? Trump is what 70?, isn't his wife in her 40's? Aren't there tons of examples of important people much older or younger than their spouse?

I'm wondering now if you didn't meet Judy in an Olangapo bar

11-07-2018, 03:29 PM
I'm wondering now if you didn't meet Judy in an Olangapo bar

Blake, don't ignore my question, remember you brought it up. So how many years difference is right? And you must be aware of the fact we see a lot of married couples with more than a 11 years difference. Our President for one.

Answer the question Blake. What, 3, 5, 8?

11-07-2018, 03:35 PM
Blake, don't ignore my question, remember you brought it up. So how many years difference is right? And you must be aware of the fact we see a lot of married couples with more than a 11 years difference. Our President for one.

Answer the question Blake. What, 3, 5, 8?

33 and 22 is fine.

21 and 10 in Olangapo isn't.

11-07-2018, 03:40 PM
33 and 22 is fine.

21 and 10 in Olangapo isn't.

Blake, it really is time to rise above all that silliness and talk like a mature adult, ok? If you plan on talking "with" me you need an up grade. Cool the fantasy crap, ok?

You get too wrapped up in other posters Blake, concentrate on the topic of a thread, ok?

If you must be a pest then here ya go,


11-07-2018, 04:43 PM
Settle down fatso

11-07-2018, 04:52 PM
Settle down fatso

So how many years difference between your mom and dad? Stay on topic, ok? How about you and your wife?

11-07-2018, 05:29 PM
I already told you the age gap is okay if she's old enough. Settle down before your heart gives out, fats.

11-07-2018, 05:41 PM
I already told you the age gap is okay if she's old enough. Settle down before your heart gives out, fats.

I did assume since she was in a bar she had to be at least 21, but did think she was 25ish, she had a wiser look about her. She stood out, a real ...wow!

Stick to talking about the thread topic Blake and we'll do fine.

11-07-2018, 06:17 PM
Age gap is the topic, dummy.

11-07-2018, 06:21 PM
Age gap is the topic, dummy.

Then what's with this Blake?

I'm wondering now if you didn't meet Judy in an Olangapo bar

Well? What does that have to do with the topic Blake?

11-07-2018, 06:33 PM
Then what's with this Blake?

I'm wondering now if you didn't meet Judy in an Olangapo bar

Well? What does that have to do with the topic Blake?

'Sup avante, any good tunes for driving, got a car trip

11-07-2018, 06:36 PM
'Sup avante, any good tunes for driving, got a car trip

Mitch, sorry bro but I can't very well tell Blake the stay on topic then get off into music here. I'm sure you understand.

I'll bump up an old Avante thread, we can talk music there.

11-07-2018, 07:01 PM
Mitch, sorry bro but I can't very well tell Blake the stay on topic then get off into music here. I'm sure you understand.

I'll bump up an old Avante thread, we can talk music there.


11-08-2018, 09:54 PM
33 and 22 is fine.

21 and 10 in Olangapo isn't.

21 and 17 is arguably fine IMO... a little weird, that's all

21 and 10... nope. Anything post-pubescent with anything pre-pubescent = nope.

19 and 16... 18 and 15... definitely ok with me.

24 and 16 or 17... gray zone. Weird, though.

30 and 16 or 17... nope.

40 and 19... nope.

45 and 21... creepy, but legal.

11-08-2018, 10:36 PM
Huge age gaps usually have to do with money. There's nothing morally or legally wrong with it, but the older of the two usually has money and doesn't want to "settle" for somebody their own age. My biggest issue with it is the life experience gap. You can't tell me that a 45-year-old and a 22-year-old have a whole lot in common, they're in completely different phases of their lives.

What I never understood either is how a dude has kids, raises them to adulthood, then remarries and has more kids. You fucking finished... your time (and money) is finally your own... why would you start all over again?!

11-08-2018, 11:09 PM
Huge age gaps usually have to do with money. There's nothing morally or legally wrong with it, but the older of the two usually has money and doesn't want to "settle" for somebody their own age. My biggest issue with it is the life experience gap. You can't tell me that a 45-year-old and a 22-year-old have a whole lot in common, they're in completely different phases of their lives.

What I never understood either is how a dude has kids, raises them to adulthood, then remarries and has more kids. You fucking finished... your time (and money) is finally your own... why would you start all over again?!
Maybe because they want to enjoy live and have passionate sex with hot younger babes without the buzzkill of wearing a condom?

As far as the money goes, that's true but only in the case of older man-younger girl, the reverse isn't true, you don't see 40+ women with money going with guys in their 20s... that's just weird, women want a mature man and younger guys don't want to be tied down to an ugly old lady even if it means they have money to buy other stuff.

11-08-2018, 11:40 PM
Maybe because they want to enjoy live and have passionate sex with hot younger babes without the buzzkill of wearing a condom?
:lol There are other forms of birth control, dude.

11-09-2018, 01:45 AM
:lol There are other forms of birth control, dude.


11-09-2018, 11:18 AM
Maybe because they want to enjoy live and have passionate sex with hot younger babes without the buzzkill of wearing a condom?

As far as the money goes, that's true but only in the case of older man-younger girl, the reverse isn't true, you don't see 40+ women with money going with guys in their 20s... that's just weird, women want a mature man and younger guys don't want to be tied down to an ugly old lady even if it means they have money to buy other stuff.

No one says "babes" anymore. When you use nomenclature you picked up watching your old man's VHS skin flicks, I can see how it's so obvious when people call you a liar.

11-09-2018, 11:32 AM
LOL reading this thread makes it easy to figure out who hasn’t ever met a live woman

11-09-2018, 02:15 PM
:lol There are other forms of birth control, dude.

Birth control compromises a woman's ability to reproduce long-term, and lowers the quality of the remaining eggs, it's a fact of science. A lot of women don't want that. And most straight women do want to have kids, so there's that.

11-09-2018, 02:33 PM
I called Judy (I lived in Visalia, she lived in Porterville, 25 miles east or so) the first time after getting her number at the bar. It was..."sure come on over ya can help me paint" (she managed some apartments) So I stop and grab a six pack of beer.

I had to park down the street so she didn't hear me pull up. When I came up to her apartment I see her on a ladder painting, I just stood there admiring the view, thinking....wow!

Me...hey you.
Judy...well hey, I was about to take a break, how'd you know I drink Bud?
Me...the Bud is for me.

And it's been that way ever since. Instant connection, a 33 year old man looking for something real and a soon to be 22 year old woman also looking for something real. We just clicked.

A few weeks later I met her folks, her dad a big football fan. Her mom a big music lover, yep....there really is a God.

11-09-2018, 02:53 PM
I called Judy (I lived in Visalia, she lived in Porterville, 25 miles east or so) the first time after getting her number at the bar. It was..."sure come on over ya can help me paint" (she managed some apartments) So I stop and grab a six pack of beer.

I had to park down the street so she didn't hear me pull up. When I came up to her apartment I see her on a ladder painting, I just stood there admiring the view, thinking....wow!

Me...hey you.
Judy...well hey, I was about to take a break, how'd you know I drink Bud?
Me...the Bud is for me.

And it's been that way ever since. Instant connection, a 33 year old man looking for something real and a soon to be 22 year old woman also looking for something real. We just clicked.

A few weeks later I met her folks, her dad a big football fan. Her mom a big music lover, yep....there really is a God.

Johnny D : Hey you
Judy : well, hey, I was about to take a break, how'd you know I drink Bud
Johhny D: the type of girls that give me their number...well...that's what they drink

11-09-2018, 03:07 PM
Johnny D : Hey you
Judy : well, hey, I was about to take a break, how'd you know I drink Bud
Johhny D: the type of girls that give me their number...well...that's what they drink

One of the girls Judy was with was a GF of the bouncer, that was the only reason she was there and when I did ask for her number I got a....."hmmmm? ok, but not in here" so I had to follow her out to her friends car. She was not a bar goer at all. Keep in mind...21.

11-09-2018, 03:09 PM
One of the girls Judy was with was a GF of the bouncer, that was the only reason she was there and when I did ask for her number I got a....."hmmmm? ok, but not in here" so I had to follow her out to her friends car. She was not a bar goer at all. Keep in mind...21.

why'd she have to go outside to give you her number?

11-09-2018, 03:15 PM
why'd she have to go outside to give you her number?

She didn't like the look of handing out her number in a bar. Which told me she had that kind of class.

That day of painting at the apartments ended up as a few beers, some chit chat and a "wanna go to the lake Saturday?" with her...."sure". That was it.

11-09-2018, 04:35 PM
why'd she have to go outside to give you her number?

She didn't have to; she saw outside and wanted to


11-09-2018, 04:50 PM
She didn't have to; she saw outside and wanted to


My best friend Stan was over, we were drinking, smoking some pot and playing backgammon.

Stan...let's go to Porterville?
Me...Porterville? Why?
Stan...why not, something different.
Me...nothing there but goat ropers and hicks.
Stan...you got a better idea?
Me...of course...The Holliday Inn Lounge
Stan....again???? How about whoever wins the next game gets their choice?

We took his truck to Porterville with a far better stereo system than what I had.

Little did I know Stan had made arrangments with a PC volleyball player to meet him at The Paul Bunyan.

11-09-2018, 04:53 PM
My best friend Stan was over, we were drinking, smoking some pot and playing backgammon.

Stan...let's go to Porterville?
Me...Porterville? Why?
Stan...why not, something different.
Me...nothing there but goat ropers and hicks.
Stan...you got a better idea?
Me...of course...The Holliday Inn Lounge
Stan....again???? How about whoever wins the next game gets their choice?

We took his truck to Porterville with a far better stereo system than what I had.

Stan : let's go to Porterville
Johnny D: why?
Stan : I have to be home for dinner
Johnny D: that's not going to happen. wanna try beer? and play Twister?

11-09-2018, 04:57 PM
Stan : let's go to Porterville
Johnny D: why?
Stan : I have to be home for dinner
Johnny D: that's not going to happen. wanna try beer? and play Twister?

Stan was an ex cornerback at Hayward Stare, we met playing flag football in the city league, he lived in Tulare. He never drank beer, was into mixed drinks. And that was over 30 years ago, how old is Twister?

11-09-2018, 05:00 PM
Stan was an ex cornerback at Hayward Stare, we met playing flag football in the city league, he lived in Tulare. He never drank beer, was into mixed drinks. And that was over 30 years ago, how old is Twister?

IDK. At least 30 years old is my guess.

Edit...it's 50+ years old.

11-09-2018, 05:11 PM
A guy 21 would have been way too immature/inexperienced for Judy and a woman 33 would have had kids and other serious relationships if not marriage. I wouldn't want that.

I was Judys first real serious relationship (she had some HS boyfriends but nothing serious) and I had never wanted a real relationship.

I thought she was 25ish, she told me she thought I was in my late 20's.

11-09-2018, 07:43 PM
Birth control compromises a woman's ability to reproduce long-term, and lowers the quality of the remaining eggs, it's a fact of science. A lot of women don't want that. And most straight women do want to have kids, so there's that.
:lol Then by all means, let it fly and impregnate all the "babes" you want.

11-10-2018, 01:17 PM
:lol Then by all means, let it fly and impregnate all the "babes" you want.

Impregnating a gorgeous woman seems like climbing mount Everest as a man, until you have the poopy diapers, 2 a.m. wake-ups on weeknights, and your health insurance bill goes from $150 a month to $380.

11-10-2018, 04:10 PM
Impregnating a gorgeous woman seems like climbing mount Everest as a man, until you have the poopy diapers, 2 a.m. wake-ups on weeknights, and your health insurance bill goes from $150 a month to $380.
None of which you know anything about.