View Full Version : Thoughts from Game 1 vs TWolves.

Cry Havoc
10-17-2018, 10:05 PM

Game Grades might be back at some point, but they are incredibly time consuming. I also missed a significant portion of the 1st Quarter so everything I say here applies to Quarters 2/3/4.

First off, I'd like to say a few things about the TWolves

Towns: At one point I sincerely believed this guy would be a perennial top 3 player. He has every tool in the fucking toolbox. I'm starting to wonder if he'll ever sniff the top 5. On a night when the Wolves NEEDED some length and pressure on the interior, Towns quietly fouled out and couldn't get out of his own way. Pop targeted him on defense and Towns has no idea how to play D without fouling. Funnily enough, he actually fouled out on a charge. Just an awful night -- if you want to be a top guy in the league, you HAVE to play smarter than this in basically every single aspect.

Teague: Fucking torched us. But was also a night worst -9 at the time of this writing. Great on O, horrible on D. Teague also benefited from a few whistles to put him at the line.

Wiggins: You know, he still doesn't have a feel for when to turn it on, but Wiggins is quietly becoming a very solid player. He showed good decision making and was a solid all-around player for the Wolves. Wiggins is the kind of guy that would just flourish under Popovich, I think.

Coaching: Putrid. This team has so much length and athleticism. They should be a top 4 squad in the West. I think Butler has some legitimate criticism because it's clear the coaching staff has no idea how to draw up plays to take advantage of the guys they have. Defenders are in silos, offensive players play 3 on 5 more often than not, and it generally looks like a team in disarray.

The Spurs

LMA: Was playing like a monster all night. This dude is still a beast. He's strong, he doesn't force the issue, but man Minny had no clue how to handle him, and their announcers said as much.

DeRozan: I fucking love DD's play. One completely underappreciated aspect of his game is just how well he can be a playmaker from out of an ISO set. Several times he got into the lane and made a smart pass to a waiting teammate. DeRozan at this point might, and one could argue, must fill the role of Manu. So far he looks absurdly comfortable for the most part when he is drawing defenders, and that's a good thing for a scorer to be aware of. And holy god, his play in the 4th quarter is something the Spurs have needed for ages. He is a fearsome scorer.

Poeltl: Looked just "Okay" in 8+ minutes of action. He's gonna need some time.

Gasol: About what I expected. He's on the very last bit of tread. He might be the most immobile player I've ever seen, and I've seen Cherokee Parks play. That said, what can you expect? Dude is only a few years younger than Mount Rushmore.

The 1: I'm... somewhat pleased? Don't get me wrong, the Spurs are going to routinely trot out one of the worst starting point guard combos in the league. But with the promise Forbes shows, maybe we'll just be in the 20-25 range instead of dead last. And hey, if we can use DeRozan to create shots, we may not need to lean on Patty and Forbes as much to do so. However, I'm not sure we want to use DeRozan as a natural PG -- he needs to save his energy because we're gonna need him to at least hold his own on the other end. Also, Teague blowing up our PGs is obviously concerning. We have basically 0 defense at the 1 spot. Gonna be a lot of long nights on that front this season.

The 3 point shot: 11-25 @ 44%. Fucking amazing. Against a team like the Wolves that's laudable, even with their schizophrenic defense.

Final: A W. Hey, we won. On pace for an 82-0 season. Can't start better than that. Lot of promising things to look at from this team and they didn't look nearly as abysmal on offense or with the shooting as I feared.

GAME BALL: DEMAR DEROZAN. Although LMA was a fucking monster on both ends tonight, DeRozan stepped it up in the 4th to give us the win.

OLD MAN GOT GAME AWARD: Yeah, I know he's younger than LMA, but this goes to Rudy Gay. Love the heart he's showing on this team.

HEADED FOR THE D LEAGUE AWARD: Dante Cunningham. In 7 minutes he looked like he got lucky to be given those. Yikes.


THIS DUDE STILL IN THE L? AWARD: Quincy Pondexter. Dude played in 23 games last year and averaged 2ppg, and somehow is still on a roster. The NBA is a weird place sometimes.

10-17-2018, 10:08 PM
Poetl showed promise of being a big rebounder but ultimately sucked. Foul machine

Mr. Body
10-17-2018, 10:09 PM
KAT... Never believe in a John Calipari player. Only a couple have ever turned out to get better in the pros than they were coming in, and often their attitudes are just bullshit.

10-17-2018, 10:09 PM
Did gay get injured??

Cry Havoc
10-17-2018, 10:11 PM
Did gay get injured??

I don't believe so. He looked good all night.

10-17-2018, 10:11 PM
I'd like to see us find a cheap veteran point guard to be a defensive specialist and setup man.

10-17-2018, 10:11 PM
Great job!

Cry Havoc
10-17-2018, 10:11 PM
I'd like to see us find a cheap veteran point guard to be a defensive specialist and setup man.

Ricky Rubio would be a godsend to this team.

10-17-2018, 10:14 PM
In a million years I would have never guessed DDR was such a willing passer and playmaker

10-17-2018, 10:18 PM
Def need perimeter defenders, it's going be a train ran on both forbs and 50 mills

10-17-2018, 10:19 PM
I saw him holding his hip and didn’t see him return the rest of the night .

baseline bum
10-17-2018, 10:22 PM
I'd like to see us find a cheap veteran point guard to be a defensive specialist and setup man.

I'd just settle for a PG who could play passable defense. If Teague can drop 27 on Fifty and Brynn just imagine the matchup with Curry, CP0, or Westbrook.

10-17-2018, 10:22 PM
A notch in the Win column feels good.
*Demar performed as one would hope.
*Aldridge put in a strong game. Logged a lot of minutes.
* Gay looking much improved year 2 in the silver an black.

Defense didn't look good. But hopefully this team can still manage to not be at the bottom of the list for defense.

Walker an White can improve the defensive rating hopefully when they return later into season.

I'm just glad we got Spurs season in full swing again.

10-17-2018, 10:35 PM
Kind of hard on Pau Op. Dude had 7 boards and 6 assists in 23 minutes and was robbed of at least 2 more assists by blown layups. He's not prime Pau, but last legs? Not quite. Last legs was Sjax his last year here. Pau is still a contributor in the right roles.


10-17-2018, 10:36 PM
I saw him holding his hip and didn’t see him return the rest of the night .

10-17-2018, 10:38 PM
I'd just settle for a PG who could play passable defense. If Teague can drop 27 on Fifty and Brynn just imagine the matchup with Curry, CP0, or Westbrook.

Its well established that Paddy sucks on defense but I don't think that about Forbes. Teague just hit some tough, contested shots on him.

10-17-2018, 10:39 PM
Aldridge played 41 minutes....Not good, hope he doesn't have to do this on nightly basis

10-17-2018, 10:41 PM
LMA was 7-23 shooting, not sure I'd consider that beastly tbh.

10-17-2018, 10:42 PM
Gay with a solid 18 points in 23 minutes.

10-17-2018, 10:42 PM
Ricky Rubio would be a godsend to this team.
I have been wanting Rubio on this team for a while now. He just sets up people so perfectly it's pretty amazing to watch

10-17-2018, 10:44 PM
LMA was 7-23 shooting, not sure I'd consider that beastly tbh.
He also had 19 rebounds (8 of them offensive) and 3 blocks. That is the definition of beastly

10-17-2018, 10:44 PM
Mills 6 points and 1 assist in 30 minutes. Wow. :lol

10-17-2018, 10:50 PM
I saw him holding his hip and didn’t see him return the rest of the night .
Forbes elbowed him in the abdomen going for a rebound

10-17-2018, 10:50 PM
Can you imagine Forbes and Mills chasing around Steph and Klay? Lolz.

10-17-2018, 11:00 PM
I'm usually a Pau hater, but I thought he looked AWESOME coming off the bench. His playmaking was incredible tonight and he actually looked better than last season. He got a few man's rebounds and didn't slouch as much on D.

Forbes is looking actually decent. The muscle he put on is helping him on D and I'll admit he's busting his ass out there.

Gay is exactly what we need at the SF position. He's hitting open looks, can create, pass out of the double, long defender, and hustles.

I was disappointed in Patty. Bertans played nice with some good 3s, same with Ferrari (god I love having him back). Poeltle looked ok rebounding and can be a decent shot blocker, just needs to learn not to foul. I like him starting with Gasol off the bench.

10-17-2018, 11:01 PM
Austria is a great country, though.

10-17-2018, 11:02 PM
Ricky Rubio would be a godsend to this team.

yea I agree and then some I have always liked Rubio and I believe him on the Spurs would put this team on a whole different level not because he is Steve Nash but he fits this system like a glove. He can defend and his passes to our knock down shooters would just be Spurs basketball all over again not to mention i think his offense would even get better being surrounded by shooters mid range or long range. If only there was a way to get him.

10-17-2018, 11:05 PM
I have been wanting Rubio on this team for a while now. He just sets up people so perfectly it's pretty amazing to watch
Well he's not coming. He's found a home in Snyder's offense and it's highly likely he'll hang up his jersey in SLC. Cast your eyes on another pg.

10-17-2018, 11:10 PM
You used the f word like you’re fucking Tony Montana.
Now I cant let my kid read Spurstalk anymore.

10-17-2018, 11:18 PM
If by “fill Manu’s shoes” you mean Derozan must average 8.9/2.5 and shoot under 45%, I think he can do it tbh.

10-17-2018, 11:35 PM
Well he's not coming. He's found a home in Snyder's offense and it's highly likely he'll hang up his jersey in SLC. Cast your eyes on another pg.
Isn't it his contract year this year? I don't think Utah is going to offer him too big of a contract. Maybe we can swoop in and sign him next year. Anybody know our cap situation?

10-17-2018, 11:45 PM
Forbes horrible on D, meh at best at offense.
lma and dd play well together, lma missed a lot of open, his comfort zone, shots
we need a pg with defense, at least white will be back

10-17-2018, 11:48 PM
Isn't it his contract year this year? I don't think Utah is going to offer him too big of a contract. Maybe we can swoop in and sign him next year. Anybody know our cap situation?
What about our Dejounte Murray in 2019-2020 situation?

10-17-2018, 11:49 PM
Gay with a solid 18 points in 23 minutes.

He played with a lot of intensity and toughness, which I really liked. But I do not want him getting isos in crunch time. He bricked a couple of wide open shots late and then took a couple of those 18-foot turnaround jumpers. DeMar is a finisher who will consistently get buckets and/or fouls, much like prime Manu. He should always be our go-to finisher.

10-17-2018, 11:51 PM
Thanks for the Game Thoughts! I agree on most things, but feel Forbes scoring double digits in his first NBA start was a good sign. I liked the way the team started energy wise and thought Pau did a much better job than credited. He is not going to be a big scorer but he can distribute and assist, as well as rebound. Our bigs definitely out did them. LMA, DeRozan, and Rudy are the new trio that has a lot of potential. I'm back to thinking 50 wins.

10-17-2018, 11:58 PM
Thanks for the Game Thoughts! I agree on most things, but feel Forbes scoring double digits in his first NBA start was a good sign. I liked the way the team started energy wise and thought Pau did a much better job than credited. He is not going to be a big scorer but he can distribute and assist, as well as rebound. Our bigs definitely out did them. LMA, DeRozan, and Rudy are the new trio that has a lot of potential. I'm back to thinking 50 wins.

To my eyes, Bryn looked much improved over last season. I hope his strong start tonight will be a spring board to a good season. And I agree with your assessment of Pau, too.

10-18-2018, 12:01 AM
What about our Dejounte Murray in 2019-2020 situation?
It's going to take him a while to get healthy again and to trust his knee fully. I think it's going to take him most of next year as well for his game to come around. I rather he come around slowly and start from the bench with Rubio as the starter.

10-18-2018, 12:01 AM
Cunningham was awful. So much for a legit 3&D back SF . . . Q-Pon time?

Keepin' it real
10-18-2018, 12:24 AM
I saw him holding his hip and didn’t see him return the rest of the night .

Let's hope he returns before the playoffs. :depressed

10-18-2018, 12:33 AM
Where's timvp please??

10-18-2018, 12:48 AM
Thanks for the write up.

One critique, you said "fucking" too much. A well placed "fucking" can add emphasis but using it gratuitously is distracting.

10-18-2018, 12:53 AM
Good work, Cry Havoc :tu

10-18-2018, 01:25 AM
Forbes better not be the reason for gays injury he sucks already

Cry Havoc
10-18-2018, 01:49 AM
Good work, Cry Havoc :tu

Thanks for keeping the site running all these years duder. :tu

John B
10-18-2018, 02:40 AM
Demar is a pleasant surprise. I don’t think we’ve had a pure scorer like for a long time. He’s a very reliable scorer. Gay is fearless and LMA is a beast. I like Forbes/Bertran shooting the rock

10-18-2018, 03:03 AM
Great performances by


D-Robinson 50 fan
10-18-2018, 07:53 AM
I agree damn near 100% with the thread staters assessment. I feared our guys would blow the game towards the end when the T-Wolves cut down the lead but they held on due to strong play by DeMar and Aldridge at the end.

It was strange to see the T-Wolves letting Derrick Rose take the last shot for them. I understand that Forbes guarding him is a mismatch but he isn’t the MVP Rose anymore and it wasn’t even a drawn up play to help him get an easier look. Thibs is toast after this season in Minnesota I believe

10-18-2018, 08:01 AM
Demar is a pleasant surprise. I don’t think we’ve had a pure scorer like for a long time. He’s a very reliable scorer. Gay is fearless and LMA is a beast. I like Forbes/Bertran shooting the rock

Demar was impressive except that there were a couple of shots he made that were totally off the mark.

Demar is really the only guy who can attack the rim and kick it out to shooters. Gay can attack the rim but doesn't have the athleticism to kick it out.

Cunningham had a very disappointing game. He was playing like he was a rookie! Perhaps they should play Metu instead. At least Metu knows how to pass!

10-18-2018, 09:51 AM
Thanks for the review. I missed the humor in your threads (you used to use player pictures too)... but hey It’s Christmas right? :lol

10-18-2018, 10:26 AM
Aldridge played 41 minutes....Not good, hope he doesn't have to do this on nightly basis

Have you seen the rest of this roster? He'll absolutely have to. The days of treating the roster with kid gloves are over.

10-18-2018, 11:41 AM
Go Demar!

10-18-2018, 11:44 AM

If this award is for giving zero fucks on shot selection, Marco will give Davis a run for his money.

10-18-2018, 11:47 AM
Derozan is a great scoring addition and getting to the line. Pops just need to up his D and Spurs will be in the playoff if Rudy' s numbers stay consistent. Spurs fan treat our boys nice. Jak is young but a hardworking Center who should only get better under Pops.

10-18-2018, 11:49 AM
Grest performance by DD. You haven't seen anything yet :)

10-18-2018, 11:57 AM
Once White & Walker come back, it should improve our point guard play defensively. White can obviously play point and I think Walker showed enough in the preseason to fill in as well. I don't think Pop will bury Walker in the G league but we'll see.

10-18-2018, 12:02 PM
Yes, Demar is a consistent 20-25 points a night guy. He'll get Spurs to the line (right up there behind Harden in that category). He added the kick out pass to his game,e last year as Raptors new coach (assistant last year) Offence led Raptors to 59 wins - DD was always getting double teamed. Guy can score! Pop just needs to up his D and you've got a great guy.

As for Jak, he's a young player but was the hardest working guy on the floor last year, imo. He just needs some experience - has potential. He was a part of Raptors Bench Mob that was arguably the best 2nd unit last season.

I want to see DD grow under Pops as He was our heartbeat and got screwed being the most dedicated and loyal player.

Gives these 2 guys love as they'll play their hearts and asses off to get that W.

Go Spurs!

10-18-2018, 12:10 PM
He is a hardworking young player who works his Ass off for rebounds or battingn out the ball for 2nd chances.

He just needs experience and Pops will carve him nto a good Center. Be patient w/ him. He was part of Raptors Bench Mob and played well in regular season, so he just needs time and patience.

10-18-2018, 12:35 PM
Have you seen the rest of this roster? He'll absolutely have to. The days of treating the roster with kid gloves are over.

We have more potential than last year. I think Metu will play more and Aldridge may sit on back to back games. Hopefully we start building bigger leads. With all the new guys on the roster I imagine we will get better as we go.

Cry Havoc
10-18-2018, 12:39 PM
I agree damn near 100% with the thread staters assessment. I feared our guys would blow the game towards the end when the T-Wolves cut down the lead but they held on due to strong play by DeMar and Aldridge at the end.

It was strange to see the T-Wolves letting Derrick Rose take the last shot for them. I understand that Forbes guarding him is a mismatch but he isn’t the MVP Rose anymore and it wasn’t even a drawn up play to help him get an easier look. Thibs is toast after this season in Minnesota I believe

I would be absolutely stunned if the Wolves get within a month of the ASB under .500 and Thibs is still on the sidelines. That team is beyond disarray and they have enough TALENT to be a Finals contender. Thibs has historically not been a terrible coach but he is an abysmal fit for this team and has no idea how to make his coaching work for the players.

IMO Minny should pull the trigger on a new HC the moment they slip more than 5 games under. There's 0 fucking reason to miss the playoffs with that squad and it's going to be a dogfight in the West.

Thanks for the review. I missed the humor in your threads (you used to use player pictures too)... but hey It’s Christmas right? :lol

I would have given more consideration to doing grades had I caught the first quarter. Maybe soon, though!

Yes, Demar is a consistent 20-25 points a night guy. He'll get Spurs to the line (right up there behind Harden in that category). He added the kick out pass to his game,e last year as Raptors new coach (assistant last year) Offence led Raptors to 59 wins - DD was always getting double teamed. Guy can score! Pop just needs to up his D and you've got a great guy.

As for Jak, he's a young player but was the hardest working guy on the floor last year, imo. He just needs some experience - has potential. He was a part of Raptors Bench Mob that was arguably the best 2nd unit last season.

I want to see DD grow under Pops as He was our heartbeat and got screwed being the most dedicated and loyal player.

Gives these 2 guys love as they'll play their hearts and asses off to get that W.

Go Spurs!

Btw, you can click "Reply with Quote" to direct your response to that person.

To be honest, I was always aware of Demar's scoring prowess as I've watched a lot of Raptor's ball, they're the favorite team of a good friend of mine. But I'm also acutely aware of how scoring doesn't always translate to the SA system, as we are so ball movement focused.

It really sucks Murray is out. This would be a fearsome lineup with him.

10-18-2018, 02:58 PM
Yes, Demar is a consistent 20-25 points a night guy. He'll get Spurs to the line (right up there behind Harden in that category). He added the kick out pass to his game,e last year as Raptors new coach (assistant last year) Offence led Raptors to 59 wins - DD was always getting double teamed. Guy can score! Pop just needs to up his D and you've got a great guy.

As for Jak, he's a young player but was the hardest working guy on the floor last year, imo. He just needs some experience - has potential. He was a part of Raptors Bench Mob that was arguably the best 2nd unit last season.

I want to see DD grow under Pops as He was our heartbeat and got screwed being the most dedicated and loyal player.

Gives these 2 guys love as they'll play their hearts and asses off to get that W.

Go Spurs!
Thanks for your visit and wishing our new players well. The circumstances for them coming over were bitter but time to move on.

10-18-2018, 03:06 PM
I would be absolutely stunned if the Wolves get within a month of the ASB under .500 and Thibs is still on the sidelines. That team is beyond disarray and they have enough TALENT to be a Finals contender. Thibs has historically not been a terrible coach but he is an abysmal fit for this team and has no idea how to make his coaching work for the players.

IMO Minny should pull the trigger on a new HC the moment they slip more than 5 games under. There's 0 fucking reason to miss the playoffs with that squad and it's going to be a dogfight in the West.

I would have given more consideration to doing grades had I caught the first quarter. Maybe soon, though!

Btw, you can click "Reply with Quote" to direct your response to that person.

To be honest, I was always aware of Demar's scoring prowess as I've watched a lot of Raptor's ball, they're the favorite team of a good friend of mine. But I'm also acutely aware of how scoring doesn't always translate to the SA system, as we are so ball movement focused.

It really sucks Murray is out. This would be a fearsome lineup with him.

I can see this team can be formidable with Murray. But all is not lost, we still might see Walker IV by mid-season. It'll plug some defensive exposure at guard.