View Full Version : Aquaman

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11-26-2018, 06:00 PM

That is Aquaman, see the blond hair?

Why can't Hollywood stick to how things are IF........ they plan on using a real fictious character? Why....the hell with it just do what we want? That sucks long and hard. I need Aquaman to be Aquaman, not Conan.

11-26-2018, 06:01 PM
lol racist Avante

11-26-2018, 06:07 PM
https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.genius.com%2F8e203eb9aa8bb 5351b6325fb15b67711.1000x667x1.jpg&f=1

11-26-2018, 06:07 PM
a real fictious character

11-26-2018, 06:08 PM
lol racist Avante

Not even a little bit, so wrong as usual.

11-26-2018, 06:09 PM
https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.genius.com%2F8e203eb9aa8bb 5351b6325fb15b67711.1000x667x1.jpg&f=1


11-26-2018, 06:12 PM
Hey Hollywood, if ya ever make a movie about John Jones the Martian Manhunter he has to be green, ok? Bald and Green, his only fear....fire.

If ya ever do Elric of Melniborne, he is an Albino, ok? an Albino.

Dusty Fog is only 5-6, got it? Fastest draw in the old west and knows karate, alright?

11-26-2018, 06:12 PM

Cultural appropriation

11-26-2018, 06:14 PM
Hey Hollywood, if ya ever make a movie about John Jones the Martian Manhunter he has to be green, ok? Bald and Green, his only fear....fire.His alter ego is black.

Has been for years.

lol racist Avante.

11-26-2018, 06:14 PM
Cultural appropriation

How old would Spiderman be today?

11-26-2018, 06:14 PM
Cultural appropriationlol no

It's capitalism.

11-26-2018, 06:15 PM
His alter ego is black.

Has been for years.

lol racist Avante.


Ya stayed on topic.

11-26-2018, 06:15 PM
How old would Spiderman be today?Which one?

The "real fictious character"?

11-26-2018, 06:15 PM

Ya stayed on topic.You didn't.

lol racist Avante

11-26-2018, 06:16 PM
How old would Spiderman be today?

Did the radioactive spider give him a longer life-span? I grew up with the X-Men.

11-26-2018, 06:17 PM
You didn't.

lol racist Avante

I get special treatment being the daddy of the thread.

11-26-2018, 06:20 PM

That is Aquaman, see the blond hair?

Why can't Hollywood stick to how things are IF........ they plan on using a real fictious character? Why....the hell with it just do what we want? That sucks long and hard. I need Aquaman to be Aquaman, not Conan.

You'll watch it any way

11-26-2018, 06:25 PM
I get special treatment being the daddy of the thread.You'll be banned again soon enough by your real daddeh, Kori.

11-26-2018, 06:31 PM
You'll watch it any way

Yep, when it finally comes on regular TV.

11-26-2018, 06:32 PM
You'll be banned again soon enough by your real daddeh, Kori.

There ya go again, totally into posters and not the topic.

11-26-2018, 06:35 PM
Did the radioactive spider give him a longer life-span? I grew up with the X-Men.

From 62

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAKAAagMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEBwIAAQj/xABDEAACAQIEBAMFBQUFBwUAAAABAgMEEQAFEiEGEzFBIlFhBx RxgZEjMkJSoRWCkrHBQ2LR8PEWJDNjcqLhJTRTstL/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwQAAQUG/8QAMBEAAgIBAgQCCgIDAQAAAAAAAQIAAxESIQQTMUEFYRQiMkJ RcYGR4fCx0aGiwSP/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AMyV30jxt088eDsekjH4NgxwVl65pxPllJKgeIyh5FO4KoNRB9 NrfPD57Tcoy3/ZwVuWUlPE9NVcuRoY1TzUg29QMePbxi13rSRu0 ge5UIXEyvW352/ix7W353/AIsarw1w7Q5t7MwRRU5rpYpik/LGvWHbT4uvYDFb2TcOUlXQ1mY5nRxTq8ghhE0YYAL94i/qbfu4U/iVSpY59w4MD0hRnaZnrb87fXH3W/53/iw4cF5TT5j7QZaeWCN6anaaVomUFSAdIFvK7DBL2q5TQQ0OXZh lVLBDFJqRjCgUN0sdvnhx4tRxC0YOSM Xf p30hcgY6zPNbfnb LHtbf/ACN/FjX Ca/h3iAJQwZBCstPTIZpJaeO19h1t1Jv9MCuFostzP2k5qq0NMaRY XEcXJXR4WQAgWt0/mcK9PwbAyEaBntB9J3xpma622 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m76GUMplko6uOsqHBy/Miadt91tsj/W/wALnBaqydJKqaR/eCzOxJUixJPa OP2ZT/7P 7yxNTwzqeYSp8L7lGsel7D9PPAEcTZ5TDkS093i8DFkNyRsb4s BkBGDiaFAqiOmuq6QFFtOw28vrinndOYK4TAGSKaO7INjqBAuC LW/s/kh74IIrPTIoFyUWwHwxxmUXveVc/mHXH4wbbWGz7eqlsdM5CvDWZy1copEk1iNQxXTpDd9h0AAZNh9 O2HY1jrHy4FEKHrp6n4nGT5DVS5fmsMukAay0ovsezEfJn2/uDyxqGBC4nWYnrA2b5s1JVGlNO7RshJdWtse9 2 EnNMukzSMc2pYOt7MsY0AHYgfS97np17Yfc9pFqaUSabtDc tu/ PywunoSRvck/Hv/AEOCIBnVZkOpes5qK/NZ5pGWc08GnSsKAGy9De9wfp8 mLXDOWxV9HmFGCYow8btr0yncSDcG4HX/N8V12Nu4P1P dvpiEwzHWlLVT0yOASaeQxk9bXIP9PPEvGUPdSUQ4O28ynByZb MdClekENVTzUayaiENOQ1lJN10XF7dviTiKgWXMa73aQUlPSyE tyo0p5gD4QfCq3JJIF9trk4pUtNPzJYZszzIspuP96O47HHGZx ZhTqk9Lm ZKFupvUE6Seh Hb4HEh4CzSRnfH6YesSPjynkjz dVWeqFNl9PK4FruFabYgfHsO2BGQ1UjpLRVFQTVgCVtA2QtuUu PIYZcvg1SPXTz1E9TMixu08pkKhb Hf1LfXCnW0j5NWymOSOkoaZjOvisZ2a/U/p9MXcNU1VSoxyRFscnMPyU0CoxaVWv JrG3cEHzuL9cC5KlBIweKYtc30pcX9NsGaJIaiOOdRq1WO/5TuDfHEiVayMsczBASFBUGw uHzk//9k= where is my cover?

So if he was what 20ish, then he'd be an old man today.

11-26-2018, 06:39 PM
There ya go again, totally into posters and not the topic.As are you.

Heroes are rebooted and recast all the time. Get your racist ass over it.

11-26-2018, 06:40 PM
From 62

https://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAKAAagMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEBwIAAQj/xABDEAACAQIEBAMFBQUFBwUAAAABAgMEEQAFEiEGEzFBIlFhBx RxgZEjMkJSoRWCkrHBQ2LR8PEWJDNjcqLhJTRTstL/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwQAAQUG/8QAMBEAAgIBAgQCCgIDAQAAAAAAAQIAAxESIQQTMUEFYRQiMkJ RcYGR4fCx0aGiwSP/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AMyV30jxt088eDsekjH4NgxwVl65pxPllJKgeIyh5FO4KoNRB9 NrfPD57Tcoy3/ZwVuWUlPE9NVcuRoY1TzUg29QMePbxi13rSRu0 ge5UIXEyvW352/ix7W353/AIsarw1w7Q5t7MwRRU5rpYpik/LGvWHbT4uvYDFb2TcOUlXQ1mY5nRxTq8ghhE0YYAL94i/qbfu4U/iVSpY59w4MD0hRnaZnrb87fXH3W/53/iw4cF5TT5j7QZaeWCN6anaaVomUFSAdIFvK7DBL2q5TQQ0OXZh lVLBDFJqRjCgUN0sdvnhx4tRxC0YOSM Xf p30hcgY6zPNbfnb LHtbf/ACN/FjX Ca/h3iAJQwZBCstPTIZpJaeO19h1t1Jv9MCuFostzP2k5qq0NMaRY XEcXJXR4WQAgWt0/mcK9PwbAyEaBntB9J3xpma622 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0OtrTkNZSNSqIZbqsnVmsbXG9gN/Lf06YEDMMsBKGYZ7WZzmdLX 6TVM1GzNTlAY1sSL6i9riyjYbC/fHFHLxKtDyGzXlRjcMftJf4yAB8umLOXIlZTrEv25aMCRuwBGx v/AF26YvUtLBTQ8p3jrJogASDZEHYebW9LdsYCdg6LI4qj/ea6aast/a1khZD6WPhPyXHpKOMSMFCBQTa0QxdrHrHiZ4QjTAXUtvt5df6 4qtOmo60dWvuNJNjjTRi4LqzU5FDG5HMpxymt3AGx FtvlibPM/gyho4jE008i6uWrabL0uTbbCvwDVx09YKdX wqIhpLHuqgi/7pUfHC1xDXVcmb1lS8Ury1NlVF35YW4A9Oo/n3wt2IG04xwJqmV5vTZjlQzJG5cIDF9X4NN9Vz6WxkNVInEOe1 OZy7ozkoGBt2At52UWwRpJaunyCDKGkBpYlYclVsJCWLXc/i6/D0xXWjUDxSctiQS0fhC/AeXxwo25IC9YJvwpUd5R4sziD3mlWWGnjkSPSRBGVIX8JNyb9C Ph8sKtZnE84KRHlR/wB3qcQ5jUPmWZTTKrEyv4FtuF/CPkLYMQcC57UZD 2aenSWmD6ZFV/HEPNh2G4PwN mHaFzmUpxFq1CvO0Z/Y/xVLlVVU5fLUWhnA0J O 99Pw8uu5tfG0UFqkq8MfvAYApZvCb9yfLH5aSOqy2dZ2hZWil0 kOLWYdj5H/UY3v2c8SQZlQcnnycp/EIltq5o 8hP/d67nDgoKn4iSM5SwZ6H Y9OodlSQmplXpDHtGnxxlHFmb1eY5dWUFWqy8mvKIUbwqRJYjv YWvbr mNSmBSICYimiO4hj 8w9f/ADjKvaVRDLebUxM0NJWSrOlOL7yqra2v5fc ZOFx0CU2efs5su98s1NVME02KrGLfdb1U6T6hsODQtJPFU1TlJ Y10ael13t4e3frbCVmE9ItMmW1lIqryBKtU7ktCEtpbp4utri1 1AwwZBWxVeXLqd52C8t3JtqUjZrjuR8r3x2cg3Oa8y57SQJVWp Z0Ma6JmAEoII1WI67AHpv6YuDK4jvzJDfvrf8A/WIXgpHlngWCadWk1JTpskdj1v1F u3Tb0xRmzKsMzkGjALGwZmJHxN8aYZxvJcsenhr6OonBginlie byTrcH94OCfRcMHFMMWYZmtS1PLGop ZI0YLCwcBrgA9AV/jJ7bAcyienq4wQr09REJFU/n2uPgSFFv8AmHzOGvhN1q8plo0A51BMOS6mxZCAy7jcX6HAFd8 wwwxpMzzMWeHNofd10qV1SCNNCGMsFVhcC /oe4x8r8yVsnqJFIDclgLdbkafl97/ADbGl/sMZvdc0pwqsrtKQTdpG2B3G m2oeRtucZTxFlv7POaUcVSJxSlg8hUqX 0X5X3tt3v0tgVQFgYq1F1T7wllCDLJsymjLyOdCAC/LjuAzn0PS/r64fOFOIVyCvf3rmGkqF0uI11Msg 6QPUEgn4eWEnLxmeT0NPWwfa0opikhWzqA4GtXF gAUelsdx1S5hWU1MKvlxEqnPWN3BdthcAC99tg2CuVtS4GIlN2 LA53 0bs8quEM818uGehnni8ayJdGXexOksVI6g2sPI74Q6c5lwhmch oxJNDLYoVJDXBuvTcHtcdQT8MaHT8B0OY0CtFm8zJI4aV46cIz kbEbnb6bYtZHSpS8Qx5TmsMdSJlMZtGCXKKWRlB6XW4J89u2Oi xgRmPFIZWz9pX4W9pC1CP7waeSqXqla2iRfn0b42BwXrM5y/ianmpJpI/enQiNzIrrc9gR08twPritxr7P4M0CvSskLhv8A2znXpFuzdR8L/TphCzbhKfJxrnomMRBtUr4Gj9GK3VgR52OHsyFM4/flE1V2mwKG69vzKObGWozGdZTpkCRUv2t7KWc6rjsAN7dgMXMj 05TnE8Ot1gkjTQj76IySLH1RyQfQnFeCOV83R5C0l5GmaRzc6g 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m76GUMplko6uOsqHBy/Miadt91tsj/W/wALnBaqydJKqaR/eCzOxJUixJPa OP2ZT/7P 7yxNTwzqeYSp8L7lGsel7D9PPAEcTZ5TDkS093i8DFkNyRsb4s BkBGDiaFAqiOmuq6QFFtOw28vrinndOYK4TAGSKaO7INjqBAuC LW/s/kh74IIrPTIoFyUWwHwxxmUXveVc/mHXH4wbbWGz7eqlsdM5CvDWZy1copEk1iNQxXTpDd9h0AAZNh9 O2HY1jrHy4FEKHrp6n4nGT5DVS5fmsMukAay0ovsezEfJn2/uDyxqGBC4nWYnrA2b5s1JVGlNO7RshJdWtse9 2 EnNMukzSMc2pYOt7MsY0AHYgfS97np17Yfc9pFqaUSabtDc tu/ PywunoSRvck/Hv/AEOCIBnVZkOpes5qK/NZ5pGWc08GnSsKAGy9De9wfp8 mLXDOWxV9HmFGCYow8btr0yncSDcG4HX/N8V12Nu4P1P dvpiEwzHWlLVT0yOASaeQxk9bXIP9PPEvGUPdSUQ4O28ynByZb MdClekENVTzUayaiENOQ1lJN10XF7dviTiKgWXMa73aQUlPSyE tyo0p5gD4QfCq3JJIF9trk4pUtNPzJYZszzIspuP96O47HHGZx ZhTqk9Lm ZKFupvUE6Seh Hb4HEh4CzSRnfH6YesSPjynkjz dVWeqFNl9PK4FruFabYgfHsO2BGQ1UjpLRVFQTVgCVtA2QtuUu PIYZcvg1SPXTz1E9TMixu08pkKhb Hf1LfXCnW0j5NWymOSOkoaZjOvisZ2a/U/p9MXcNU1VSoxyRFscnMPyU0CoxaVWv JrG3cEHzuL9cC5KlBIweKYtc30pcX9NsGaJIaiOOdRq1WO/5TuDfHEiVayMsczBASFBUGw uHzk//9k= where is my cover?

So if he was what 20ish, then he'd be an old man today.Elric would be dead.

So no movie.

11-26-2018, 06:44 PM
As are you.

Heroes are rebooted and recast all the time. Get your racist ass over it.

Dude, pay attention.

I don't like Hollywood doing whatever they want when dealing with well know fictious characters, got that? It's wrong.

11-26-2018, 06:44 PM
Elric would be dead.

So no movie.

Totally missed the point.

11-26-2018, 06:47 PM
Dude, pay attention.

I don't like Hollywood doing whatever they want when dealing with well know fictious characters, got that? It's wrong.It's "fictitious" you idiot.

And they can do whatever they want -- they bought the rights. You're free to not see the movie if your snowflake sensibilities are hurt by an Aquaman played by a guy who actually comes from an island.

11-26-2018, 06:48 PM
Totally missed the point.You totally missed the point when you said "fictious" characters are real.

11-26-2018, 06:52 PM
It's "fictitious" you idiot.

And they can do whatever they want -- they bought the rights. You're free to not see the movie if your snowflake sensibilities are hurt by an Aquaman played by a guy who actually comes from an island.

Are you really as stupid as you appear to be? Stupid, Hercules was fictious, now think dummy, can we have a skinny little guy playing the part? Thor is ficticious, can we have a 5-7 146 pounder playing THE GOD OF THUNDER...well?

All of us who know the Aquaman story know who he is and no movie can change that, so why not keep it real instead of bullshit?

11-26-2018, 06:55 PM
You totally missed the point when you said "fictious" characters are real.

Dummy, all fictious characters are real in what they are suppose to be, that actually had to be explained to you?

Stupid, can we have Superman living in Wyoming with no ability to fly? A fictious character but his story is very real, I know ya don't get it.

11-26-2018, 06:58 PM
Are you really as stupid as you appear to be? Stupid, Hercules was fictious, now think dummy, can we have a skinny little guy playing the part? Thor is ficticious, can we have a 5-7 146 pounder playing THE GOD OF THUNDER...well?

All of us who know the Aquaman story know who he is and no movie can change that, so why not keep it real instead of bullshit?There's nothing in the Aquaman canon that says he has to be white. Having him played by a half-Hawaiian dude actually helps him be slightly less stupid.

11-26-2018, 07:00 PM
Dummy, all fictious characters are real in what they are suppose to be, that actually had to be explained to you?

Stupid, can we have Superman living in Wyoming with no ability to fly? A fictious character but his story is very real, I know ya don't get it.They had him living in the Soviet Union in the comics and he didn't fly for ten years on Smallville -- so yeah, we can have those kinds of things.

11-26-2018, 07:08 PM
They had him living in the Soviet Union in the comics and he didn't fly for ten years on Smallville -- so yeah, we can have those kinds of things.

Dude, do you work at never getting it? My God you're dumb.

Growing up guy, ok? Remember we did have Superboy.

11-26-2018, 07:11 PM
Fu Manchu.......a white guy from the Bronx?

The hell with this.


A movie about BONANZA.


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS7X0FDQrHlXJUWfcZ2Az13OXjmSqvL2 i1T8lZBTjcD57yKqKr5

Little Joe


11-26-2018, 07:29 PM
Yep, when it finally comes on regular TV.

Yep they'll make money off you indirectly that way

11-26-2018, 07:32 PM
Dude, do you work at never getting it? My God you're dumb.

Growing up guy, ok? Remember we did have Superboy.So what? Times change. Heroes change. Stories change.

Superboy turned out to be the biggest villain in the DC Universe -- when I was growing up.

Go figure.

11-26-2018, 07:45 PM
https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.genius.com%2F8e203eb9aa8bb 5351b6325fb15b67711.1000x667x1.jpg&f=1
what's your issue with this picture?

11-26-2018, 07:50 PM
what's your issue with this picture?

See: Post#8*

*try to keep up please

11-26-2018, 07:50 PM
:lmao how badly are the racist incel nerds ITT going be triggered by Into the Spider-Verse?

The preview after Venom was pretty cool tbh.

11-26-2018, 07:51 PM
See: Post#8*

*try to keep up please
i read post #8.

i still don't get your point. miles morales was never portrayed as white

11-26-2018, 07:52 PM
See: Post#8*

*try to keep up pleaseCultural appropriation by whom?

I don't know of many blacks or Hispanics that cite cultural appropriation by Miles Morales.

Maybe you can explain how that works.

As it is, it just sounds like a buzzphrase you don't really understand.

11-26-2018, 07:55 PM
Cultural appropriation by whom?

I don't know of many blacks or Hispanics that cite cultural appropriation by Miles Morales.

Maybe you can explain how that works.

As it is, it just sounds like a buzzphrase you don't really understand.

You're talking about cultural misappropriation. Sorry if that confused you.

11-26-2018, 07:57 PM
You're talking about cultural misappropriation. Sorry if that confused you.What are you talking about, Chris?

You still haven't explained your throwaway line.

11-26-2018, 07:58 PM
What are you talking about, Chris?

You still haven't explained your throwaway line.

You should probably do some research before talking about things you don't really understand.

11-26-2018, 08:00 PM
:yieldYou should probably do some research before talking about things you don't really understand.:yield:lmao Chris runs away from his own buzzphrase.

11-26-2018, 11:47 PM
So what? Times change. Heroes change. Stories change.

Superboy turned out to be the biggest villain in the DC Universe -- when I was growing up.

Go figure.

MOBY DICK....is a classic, you can't do anything there but upgrade. You still have a giant whale, you still have Ahab and that ending. Hollywood can't dump all over Melville and do what they want.

Wonder Woman isn't a blonde.

Green Lantern had a badass ring.

The Flash was a sprinter not a distance man.

You can't be going off where ya want, ya stay with how things are.

11-26-2018, 11:47 PM
So what? Times change. Heroes change. Stories change.

Superboy turned out to be the biggest villain in the DC Universe -- when I was growing up.

Go figure.

MOBY DICK....is a classic, you can't do anything there but upgrade. You still have a giant whale, you still have Captain Ahab and that ending. Hollywood can't dump all over Melville and do what they want.

Wonder Woman isn't a blonde.

Green Lantern had a badass ring.

The Flash was a sprinter not a distance man.

You can't be going off where ya want, ya stay with how things are.

11-27-2018, 12:21 AM
Writer Lin Carter was a huge fan of Robert E. Howard who created, El Borak, Solomon Kane***, King Kull and his most famous creation...Conan. He even finished a few stories Howard didn't.

He did come up with his own Conanesque.....

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkvoOvDeFYujl2hO20oet_kPDgmIyQ1 OtYqUc_m2GUuxKwG2YT

Hollywood could do wonders with that...IF...they stayed true to what Carter wrote.

*** Hollywood stayed close to what Howard wrote with Solomon Kane......surprised.

Then there is Fritz Leibers The Grey Mouser stories.

Amazing potential there if done right.

11-27-2018, 12:25 AM
Thongor sounds like "sexy" underwear for "body positive" women.

11-27-2018, 12:32 AM
Thongor sounds like "sexy" underwear for "body positive" women.


11-27-2018, 01:13 AM
There must be 50ish books in the Dusty Fog saga. Tailor made for Holywood, fantastic stories of the west.


Dusty FogDusty (Dustine Edward Marsden Fog) is the principal protagonist in most of the Floating Outfit stories and Civil War stories. Short[6] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._T._Edson#cite_note-6) but strongly built for his height, Dusty is exceptionally fast with his twin Colts and commonly considered the fastest gun in Texas, a skilled rifle shot though usually preferring a Winchester carbine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winchester_rifle) as being more suited to his small stature, and unequalled in hand-to-hand combat either unarmed or with a sabre. Dusty adapts his talents to the situation whether as head of a cattle drive (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle_drive) (e.g. in Trail Boss), light cavalry commander (e.g. in Kill Dusty Fog!), lawman (e.g. in The Town Tamers), wagon train (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagon_train) boss (Wagons to Backsight) or spy (e.g. as assistant to Belle Boyd in The Rebel Spy), and his wide education from a variety of teachers renders him a shrewd solver of mysteries and fraud (one example is given in "A Wife for Dusty Fog" in The Small Texan). Although well able to fight in the normal manner for a Western saloon brawl, Dusty is extensively trained in judo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judo) and karate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karate) by Tommy Okasi. Dusty is a capable cattleman and knows few equals as a horseman, successfully breaking and later using as his regular mount a paint stallion that crippled Ole Devil when he tried to ride it. In the earlier part of his career Dusty uses twin Model 1860 Army Colts but acquires a pair of Civilian Model P Colts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colt_Single_Action_Army) in The Peacemakers, finding them much to his liking and conferring a slight improvement in his d

11-27-2018, 03:24 AM
MOBY DICK....is a classic, you can't do anything there but upgrade. You still have a giant whale, you still have Ahab and that ending. Hollywood can't dump all over Melville and do what they want.

Wonder Woman isn't a blonde.

Green Lantern had a badass ring.

The Flash was a sprinter not a distance man.

You can't be going off where ya want, ya stay with how things are.Wonder Woman 1974:

The Flash can run basically any distance.

Superboy was DC's greatest villain.

You're an idiot.

11-27-2018, 03:44 AM
Wonder Woman 1974:

The Flash can run basically any distance.

Superboy was DC's greatest villain.

You're an idiot.

Wonder Woman

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQb0YPyxauMirlugj4spjOuhV0q1eVKq ExnKkXr73UmCzt3EelLvg

No Superboy wasn't DC's greatest villain.

There are distance runners going by Speedy, ZOOM, Bullet, Flash....ok dummy?

Dude, stick to ....ah....hmmm?....nothing you actually know, huh?


11-27-2018, 03:48 AM
Wonder Woman

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQb0YPyxauMirlugj4spjOuhV0q1eVKq ExnKkXr73UmCzt3EelLvgAnd yet, this was also Wonder Woman:


No Superboy wasn't DC's greatest villain.
Indeed he was. You've never read any of the Crisis series or anything after.


Dude just killed the shit out of people:



There are distance runners going by Speedy, ZOOM, Bullet, Flash....ok dummy?No. Flash is the fastest, longest distance runner there is (Wally West at this point).

Dude, stick to ....ah....hmmm?....nothing you actually know, huh?You're stuck in the white bread 60s when you were raping.

11-27-2018, 03:51 AM
And yet, this was also Wonder Woman:


Indeed he was. You've never read any of the Crisis series.

No. Flash is the fastest, longest distance runner there is (Wally West at this point).

You're stuck in the white bread 60s when you were raping.

Stupid. Google....greatest DC villians, ok?

You don't call long distance runners.....FLASH....now think.

Stupid I was in HS in the 60's.

Dude, do you ever get anything right?

11-27-2018, 03:57 AM
Stupid. Google....greatest DC villians, ok?
Yep -- Superboy. It was an awesome character arc you know nothing about.

You don't call long distance runners.....FLASH....now think.If he runs that fast, he runs far by definition.

The Flash can run at the speed of light. That means he can run 186,000 miles in one second, dummy.

Stupid I was in HS in the 60's.You were racist and ignorant back then too.

11-27-2018, 04:02 AM
Yep -- Superboy. It was an awesome character arc you know nothing about.

If he runs that fast, he runs far by definition.

The Flash can run at the speed of light. That means he can run 186,000 miles in one second, dummy.

You were racist and ignorant back then too.

My God you're stupid.

Dude, do what I asked, ok? Google.....DC COMICS GREATEST VILLIANS...ok?

Stupid, what is it about FLASH and running don't you get? Are you really this ignorant pertaining to track?

So ya goofed about the 60's, so just say....ok I was wrong...ok?

11-27-2018, 04:05 AM
My God you're stupid.

Dude, do what I asked, ok? Google.....DC COMICS GREATEST VILLIANS...ok?You have to spell VILLAINS correctly first, dummy.

Stupid, what is it about FLASH and running don't you get? Are you really this ignorant pertaining to track?Holy shit! You're saying you wouldn't enter the Flash a lane in a marathon because you think he'll lose because he can only run at the speed of light for a short time.

So ya goofed about the 60's, so just say....ok I was wrong...ok?No, you were an idiot then as you are an idiot now.

You know nothing, Avante.

11-27-2018, 04:13 AM
You have to spell VILLAINS correctly first, dummy.

Holy shit! You're saying you wouldn't enter the Flash a lane in a marathon because you think he'll lose because he can only run at the speed of light for a short time.

No, you were an idiot then as you are an idiot now.

You know nothing, Avante.


Stupid, is FLASH about fast or endurance, now think dummy?

The only idiot here is you Pavlov, you're a mess. One dumb comment after another.

Here ya go stupid.

Is the Flash's running style closer to a sprinter or a long distance runner?

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2 Answers

https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-thumb-335583654-50-zesdmmpniynzmtrroffotkdjornjmojc.jpeg (https://www.quora.com/profile/Quinton-Perrigen)

Quinton Perrigen (https://www.quora.com/profile/Quinton-Perrigen), studied at Kokomo High School
Answered Dec 7, 2017 (https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Flashs-running-style-closer-to-a-sprinter-or-a-long-distance-runner/answer/Quinton-Perrigen)

Visually speaking, it does appear to be more of a sprint.
Power wise, sprinting would also make more sense. The main purpose of long distance running is to preserve stamina and one of The Flash’s powers is infinite stamina (provided he has eaten enough?) so there's no reason for him to

11-27-2018, 04:23 AM
Sure, VILLAINS, now go Google....GREATEST DC VILLAINS.Yep, during Infinite Crisis, it was indeed Superboy.

:lol You didn't even know about it.

Stupid, is FLASH about fast or endurance, now think dummy?How much endurance does The Flash need to run 186,000 miles, Avante?

The only idiot here is you Pavlov, you're a mess. One dumb comment after another.

Here ya go stupid.

Is the Flash's running style closer to a sprinter or a long distance runner?"running style"?


The Flash is the living embodiment of speed. Everything about running -- that's the Flash.

He's faster and has more endurance than you. You're a fat old, white guy.

11-27-2018, 04:26 AM
Yep, during Infinite Crisis, it was indeed Superboy.

:lol You didn't even know about it.

How much endurance does The Flash need to run 186,000 miles, Avante?

"running style"?


The Flash is the living embodiment of speed. Everything about running -- that's the Flash.

He's faster and has more endurance than you. You're a fat old, white guy.

My God the guy is stupid.

Dude, what is Flash's thing, now think dummy, ok?

I spelled Villain right so go Google ...The greatest DC villains....like ya said you would.

And...Superboy-Prime...isn't the Superboy I was talking about.....obviously!

The first Superboy was simply Superman as a boy, acting as a superhero in Smallville (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smallville_%28comics%29), where Kal-El (Superboy's Kryptonian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krypton_%28comics%29) name) lives under his secret identity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_identity), Clark Kent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clark_Kent). The character was featured in several series from the 1940s until the 1980s, appearing in Adventure Comics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventure_Comics) and two eponymous series, Superboy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superboy_%28comic_book%29#Volume_1_%281949-1977%29) and The New Adventures of Superboy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superboy_%28comic_book%29#The_New_Adventures_of_Su perboy_%281980-1984%29). He developed a mythos (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythos) and supporting cast of his own, including foster parents Ma and Pa Kent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_and_Pa_Kent), love interest Lana Lang (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lana_Lang), and time traveling allies the Legion of Super-Heroes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legion_of_Super-Heroes).

11-27-2018, 04:32 AM
My God the guy is stupid.

Dude, what is Flash's thing, now think dummy, ok?Running. Up to the speed of light. Any conceivable distance.

I spelled Villain right so go Google ...The greatest DC villains....like ya said you would.
And...Superboy-Prime...isn't the Superboy I was talking about.....obviously!It's Superboy. You can't deny it's Superboy.

Every incarnation of a hero or villain is different. That's why you're an idiot for being so small minded and prejudiced that you can't accept Miles Morales or Superboy Prime or non-flying Smallville Clark.

These things exist despite your ignorant denial, and there is nothing you can do about it.

11-27-2018, 04:35 AM
Running. Up to the speed of light. Any conceivable distance.

It's Superboy. You can't deny it's Superboy.

Every incarnation of a hero or villain is different. That's why you're an idiot for being so small minded and prejudiced that you can't accept Miles Morales or Superboy Prime or non-flying Smallville Clark.

These things exist despite your ignorant denial, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Dude, what did Google say about who their greatest villains were/are....well? You said Superboy was, well he isn't even mentioned dummy, yep...wrong.

Why you so damn stupid guy?

Show me anything talking about Superboy as DC's greatest villain, where is that at? You lied didn't ya?

11-27-2018, 04:37 AM
Dude, what did Google say about who their greatest villains were/are....well? You said Superboy was, well he isn't even mentioned dummy, yep...wrong.

Why you so damn stupid guy?Sure he is.

Lists are subjective. You of all people should know that.

But you don't.

You are without a doubt the stupidest old slow fat dummy on this board.

11-27-2018, 04:45 AM
Sure he is.

Lists are subjective. You of all people should know that.

But you don't.

You are without a doubt the stupidest old slow fat dummy on this board.

Wrong yet again.
The Joker

....is DC's greatest villain, that was taken off a site talking the 25 greatest DC villains. Superboy in any form not even mentioned. So ya lied.

Dude, is there anything you really know about?

Find me anything anywhere that has Superboy the greatest DC villain, come on guy show me. Yep, you're full of shit.

Subjective, or just a lie?

Here ya go moron.

Showing results for dc greatest villain was the joker (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1&q=dc+greatest+villain+was+the+joker&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjEkua4pfTeAhVEtlMKHXzuBEgQkeECCCkoAA&biw=1280&bih=900)
Search instead for dc greatest villian was the joker


11-27-2018, 04:55 AM
Pavlov you said...

Superboy was DC's greatest villain.

....right? No he wasn't so why the lie, well?

Find me something similiar to this, talking Superboy, ok?

Why is the Joker the best villain ever? - Quora (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=11&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjOq_aBqvTeAhWKulMKHZYDCxkQFjAKegQICxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quora.com%2FWhy-is-the-Joker-the-best-villain-ever&usg=AOvVaw3qOBmsV7IzUQPc7SqguUla)

11-27-2018, 05:44 AM
Getting back to Aquaman.


Aquaman first showed up in 1941 (the year Muddy Waters first recorded)

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSzgpGUMXFEAYj5EGMoraGRAoO92e39v kWWqrt3PYvRVzBcozC-

LaMarcus Bryant
11-27-2018, 08:56 AM
I didn't realize Superboy went Deadpool. I'll have to check that out.

BTW back on topic...guys this trailer looks fucking stupid. The fight and talk scenes underwater :lol I just don't think this translates well to the big screen.

11-27-2018, 04:37 PM
MOBY DICK....is a classic, you can't do anything there but upgrade. You still have a giant whale, you still have Ahab and that ending. Hollywood can't dump all over Melville and do what they want.

Wonder Woman isn't a blonde.

Green Lantern had a badass ring.

The Flash was a sprinter not a distance man.

You can't be going off where ya want, ya stay with how things are.
flash literally ran laps around the earth. i would consider that a distance man

11-27-2018, 04:42 PM
flash literally ran laps around the earth. i would consider that a distance man

Ran through time too

11-27-2018, 04:52 PM
flash literally ran laps around the earth. i would consider that a distance man

Nobody else does.

The Flash (or simply Flash) is the name of several superheroes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superhero) appearing in comic books (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic_books) published by DC Comics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC_Comics). Created by writer Gardner Fox (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardner_Fox) and artist Harry Lampert (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Lampert), the original Flash first appeared in Flash Comics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Comics) #1 (cover date January 1940/release month November 1939).[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_%28comics%29#cite_note-dc-ency-1) Nicknamed the "Scarlet Speedster", all incarnations of the Flash possess "super speed", which includes the ability to run, move, and think extremely fast, use superhuman reflexes, and seemingly violate certain laws of physics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_law)

The Scarlet Speedster........super speed.....makes him a sprinter. There are no big muscular distance runners, these guys are little. Most of the great ones 5-9ish 135 poundish. Tons of big muscular sprinters.

11-27-2018, 04:55 PM
Nobody else does.

The Flash (or simply Flash) is the name of several superheroes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superhero) appearing in comic books (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comic_books) published by DC Comics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC_Comics). Created by writer Gardner Fox (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardner_Fox) and artist Harry Lampert (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Lampert), the original Flash first appeared in Flash Comics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Comics) #1 (cover date January 1940/release month November 1939).[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_%28comics%29#cite_note-dc-ency-1) Nicknamed the "Scarlet Speedster", all incarnations of the Flash possess "super speed", which includes the ability to run, move, and think extremely fast, use superhuman reflexes, and seemingly violate certain laws of physics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_law)

The Scarlet Speedster........super speed.....makes him a sprinter. There are no bog muscular distance runners, these guys are little. Most of the great ones 5-9ish 135 poundish. Tons of big muscular sprinters.
The Flash ran back and forth across 35 miles at least 250,000 times in less than a second.


That's over 8 million miles.

In a second.

Who is your pick to run that race against him in the 8,750,000 miler?

11-27-2018, 04:59 PM

That's over 8 million miles.

In a second.

Who is your pick to run that race against him in the 8,750,000 miler?

This is a distance runner.


Nobody there over 150 pounds.

11-27-2018, 05:01 PM
This is a distance runner.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK695rGHAYYHm, that's like a lot slower than 13 to 47 times the speed of light.

Which one of those guys do you have beating the Flash in an 8,750,000 mile race, Avante?

11-27-2018, 05:03 PM
Hm, that's like a lot slower than 13 to 47 times the speed of light.

Which one of those guys do you have beating the Flash in an 8,750,000 mile race, Avante?

Totally missing another point.

You don't call a distance runner...THE FLASH.

BULLET Bob Hayes
Tommie "The Jet" Smith
Jesse "The Ebony Antelope" Owens

See how it goes?

11-27-2018, 05:04 PM
Totally missing another point.

You don't call a distance runner...THE FLASH.I do call THE FLASH a distance runner.

The best distance runner.


11-27-2018, 05:05 PM
The Flash was a sprinter not a distance man.8,750,000 miles is quite a distance.

11-27-2018, 05:06 PM
we need a gay super hero. this would be a good starting point

11-27-2018, 05:06 PM
I do call THE FLASH a distance runner.

The best distance runner.


So DC brought the guy in as a distance runner calling him...THE FLASH....hahahahahaha~

11-27-2018, 05:08 PM
we need a gay super hero. this would be a good starting point

That's been done already. Way back when being gay was a problem. A comic book out of Germany.

11-27-2018, 05:09 PM
So DC brought the guy in as a distance runner calling him...THE FLASH....hahahahahaha~Who is a faster distance runner than the Flash?

Make a list.

11-27-2018, 05:11 PM
Who is a faster distance runner than the Flash?

Make a list.

When are you going to post something about Superboy being DC's greatest villain like ya told me, well?

11-27-2018, 05:17 PM
When are you going to post something about Superboy being DC's greatest villain like ya told me, well?He certainly was in Infinite Crisis.

Who is a faster distance runner than the Flash?

Make a list.

11-27-2018, 05:19 PM
He certainly was in Infinite Crisis.

Who is a faster distance runner than the Flash?

Make a list.

Whoa whoa whoa, you said in DC so get it right. The Joker was the greatest DC villain, so why the lie?

11-27-2018, 05:21 PM
DC didn't have THE FLASH because of any long distance running prowess, he was there because of his outerwordly speed, that's why....THE FLASH.

Way way back in the day talking late 1800's. there was a guy named Lon Myers, in his career he would hold American records in the 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 and the mile.

Lon Myers

Laurence Eugene "Lon" Myers was an American sprinter and middle distance runner. Myers won 28 national championships. He also set world records at 11 different distances, and held every American record for races 50 yards to one mile. Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lon_Myers)

11-27-2018, 05:25 PM
Whoa whoa whoa, you said in DC so get it right. The Joker was the greatest DC villain, so why the lie?It's subjective.

Who is a faster distance runner than the Flash?

Make a list.

11-27-2018, 05:25 PM
DC didn't have THE FLASH because of any long distance running prowess, he was there because of his outerwordly speed, that's why....THE FLASH.

Way way back in the day talking late 1800's. there was a guy named Lon Myers, in his career he would hold American records in the 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 and the mile.Not as fast as the Flash at any distance.

Flash wins.

11-27-2018, 05:28 PM
It's subjective.

Who is a faster distance runner than the Flash?

Make a list.

Dude, no it isn't subjective at all. So because...you...think something makes it so? Dude, why the lie?

Show me anything agreeing with you, come on show me.

11-27-2018, 05:30 PM
Dude, no it isn't subjective at all.Of course it is.

All such rankings are.

Now which distance runner is faster than the Flash?

I can prove he isn't in every case.

11-27-2018, 05:33 PM
Of course it is.

All such rankings are.

Now which distance runner is faster than the Flash?

I can prove he isn't in every case.

Couldn't be more wrong if ya tried, nothing subjective about this....
Why is the Joker the best villain ever? - Quora


11-27-2018, 05:37 PM
Not as fast as the Flash at any distance.

Flash wins.

Let's look at that.

Remember me telling about real fictious? As we know there is no The Flash, he's just fiction, BUT....we still have to stay real with that fiction....right? We can't just do whatever we want because of a movie. THE FLASH has a real history as does Conan, Jack Reacher, Batman, Hercules etc.

Have a movie about the Bible. Have Goliath kick the shit out of David, watch what happens.

11-27-2018, 05:39 PM
Let's look at that.

Remember me telling about real fictious? As we know there is no The Flash, he's just fiction, BUT....we still have to stay real with that fiction....right?

What long distance hero are you thinking of here

11-27-2018, 05:41 PM
That's been done already. Way back when being gay was a problem. A comic book out of Germany.

Then we need a transgendered one

11-27-2018, 05:45 PM
Let's look at that.

Remember me telling about real fictious? As we know there is no The Flash, he's just fiction, BUT....we still have to stay real with that fiction....right? We can't just do whatever we want because of a movie. THE FLASH has a real history as does Conan, Jack Reacher, Batman, Hercules etc.

Have a movie about the Bible. Have Goliath kick the shit out of David, watch what happens.Who are you saying is a faster distance runner than the Flash?

Make a list.

11-27-2018, 05:56 PM
What long distance hero are you thinking of here

I get ya know nothing about track so work with me here.

James "Bouncey" Moore was a long jumper....."Bouncey" Oregon

"Squirmin" " Sherman Lewis was also a long jumper and a quick, speedy, elusive RB at Mich St.

"Thunder" Thornton was a power back at Nebraska/Cards, a real thumper.

Elbert "Golden Wheels" Dubenion was a sprinter out of Blufton/Bills, he was the fastest player in the old AFL.

Now notice how the nickname fit the athlete? You don't call any distance runner....THE FLASH....ok? That's what ya call a guy known for speed.

11-27-2018, 05:57 PM
Who are you saying is a faster distance runner than the Flash?

Make a list.

Pavlov, how about...ok ok Superboy isn't really the greatest DC villain.....ok?

11-27-2018, 05:58 PM
I get ya know nothing about track so work with me here.

James "Bouncey" Moore was a long jumper....."Bouncey" Oregon

"Squirmin" " Sherman Lewis was also a long jumper and a quick, speedy, elusive RB at Mich St.

"Thunder" Thornton was a power back at Nebraska/Cards, a real thumper.

Elbert "Golden Wheels" Dubenion was a sprinter out of Blufton/Bills, he was the fastest player in the old AFL.

Now notice how the nickname fit the athlete? You don't call any distance runner....THE FLASH....ok? That's what ya call a guy known for speed.But the Flash is indeed the best distance runner....ok, dummy?~~~~

11-27-2018, 06:01 PM
But the Flash is indeed the best distance runner....ok, dummy?~~~~

Dummy, the guy is fiction so let's just do whatever we want with him, ok? Once he ran over 400m he would over heat, so there goes distance running.

Remember things can change, it is just fiction.

11-27-2018, 06:05 PM
Dummy, the guy is fiction so let's just do whatever we want with him, ok? Once he ran over 400m he would over heat, so there goes distance running.

Remember things can change, it is just fiction.No, he ran 8,750,000 miles in less than a second, so he wins any race of any distance.

And your whole argument was things shouldn't change because racists like you get triggered.:lmao

11-27-2018, 06:11 PM
No, he ran 8,750,000 miles in less than a second, so he wins any race of any distance.

And your whole argument was things shouldn't change because racists like you get triggered.:lmao

You're not getting it as usual.

I have decided to make him a sprinter who can only run up to 400m before he starts over heating. You can make Superboy something he never was, so I can do the same with THE FLASH.

If we can make the 6-5 Jack Reacher the 5-8 Tom Cruise.....hey.

11-27-2018, 06:13 PM
Notice how you will never see Pavlov/Blake....ok ok I was wrong.

11-27-2018, 06:14 PM
You're not getting it as usual.

I have decided to make him a sprinter who can only run up to 400m before he starts over heating. You can make Superboy something he never was, so I can do the same with THE FLASH.You're not the one who makes those decisions.

It's up to the owners of the rights to the characters in various media.

You're completely impotent as far as that goes.

They made Superboy a villain.

They made the Flash run 13-47 times the speed of light.

Not you.

You never will be able to do anything about it.

11-27-2018, 06:17 PM
You're not the one who makes those decisions.

It's up to the owners of the rights to the characters in various media.

You're completely impotent as far as that goes.

So you admit we really can do anything we want with anyone...right?

So if a movie maker bought the rights to THE FLASH and made just a sprinter out of him...cool? That wipes out his history, right?

Dude, are you ever going to,...ok ok ok I was wrong about Superboy?

11-27-2018, 06:18 PM
So you admit we really can do anything we want with anyone...right.No.

That's the exact opposite of what I said.

You can't.

I can't.

The people who own the rights to the characters can.

You're completely impotent here. What part of impotent do you not understand?

11-27-2018, 06:22 PM

That's the exact opposite of what I said.

You can't.

I can't.

The people who own the rights to the characters can.

You're completely impotent here. What part of impotent do you not understand?

I don't understand where ya got this stupid idea that Superboy was DC;s greatest villain. What part of no he wasn't don't you understand?

Dude, show me anything talking about how Superboy was indeed the greatest villain ever in DC comics. If you think...I think he was....won't work, ok?

11-27-2018, 06:25 PM
I don't understandNo shit.

You're impotent.

11-27-2018, 06:26 PM
No shit.

You're impotent.

Funny if we were 14 ya dumb fuck

Here ya go stupid.

Superboy is not DC's greatest villain at all, so ya lied.

Search Results

Web results

Why isn't Superboy Prime heralded as one of the greatest villains ...

(https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2ahUKEwjlgqD82_XeAhVELn0KHccyA2cQFjAAegQIChAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.escapistmagazine.com%2Fforums %2Fread%2F18.931919-Why-isnt-Superboy-Prime-heralded-as-one-of-the-greatest-villains-of-all-time&usg=AOvVaw1tv9ndKAGTogpp9-zyJbNt)

11-27-2018, 06:33 PM


1. Hermes
2. Superman
3. John Jones The Martian Manhunter
4. Mercury
5. The Flash
6. "Cool Papa" Bell
7. Usain Bolt
8. Tyreek Hill

11-27-2018, 06:45 PM
Funny if we were 14 ya dumb fuck

Here ya go stupid.

Superboy is not DC's greatest villain at all, so ya lied.

Search Results

Web results

Why isn't Superboy Prime heralded as one of the greatest villains ...

(https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2ahUKEwjlgqD82_XeAhVELn0KHccyA2cQFjAAegQIChAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.escapistmagazine.com%2Fforums %2Fread%2F18.931919-Why-isnt-Superboy-Prime-heralded-as-one-of-the-greatest-villains-of-all-time&usg=AOvVaw1tv9ndKAGTogpp9-zyJbNt)That article makes a good case tbh.

11-27-2018, 06:47 PM
All time marathon race


1. The Flash
2. Superman
3. Kid Flash
4. Quicksilver
5. "Speedy" Gonzalez

NYC marathon winner/runner up
6. Lelisa Desisa
7. Shura Kitata

Who wins

11-27-2018, 06:48 PM
That article makes a good case tbh.

Doesn't matter, there is nothing anywhere talking about how Superboy was indeed DC's greatest villain.

Pavlov, it really is time for you to....ok ok I was wrong about that....can ya do it? I'm betting it's no ya can't.

Now the boy is stuck, he can't ever admit he was wrong, but he also can't admit I was right. He will ignore all of it with some other shit....watch.

11-27-2018, 06:50 PM
Doesn't matter

:lol shitting on your own link

11-27-2018, 06:53 PM
All time marathon race


1. The Flash
2. Superman
3. Kid Flash
4. Quicksilver
5. "Speedy" Gonzalez



1. Tony Longboat
2. Dustin Hoffman
3. Choo Choo Xavier Cardell
4. Yumagi Umughoo
5. Mud Stomper Mickey
6. Long Gone Dupree

11-27-2018, 06:53 PM
:lol shitting on your own link

Wrong as usual.

That was people complaining about ....why he isn't.

Why isn't Superboy Prime heralded as one of the greatest villains ... (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2ahUKEwjlgqD82_XeAhVELn0KHccyA2cQFjAAegQIChAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.escapistmagazine.com%2Fforums %2Fread%2F18.931919-Why-isnt-Superboy-Prime-heralded-as-one-of-the-greatest-villains-of-all-time&usg=AOvVaw1tv9ndKAGTogpp9-zyJbNt)

11-27-2018, 06:54 PM


1. Tony Longboat
2. Dustin Hoffman
3. Choo Choo Xavier Cardell
4. Yumagi Umughoo
5. Mud Stomper Mickey
6. Long Gone Dupree

Flash beats them all

11-27-2018, 06:56 PM
Flash beats them all

No he doesn't, Mud Stomper Mickey could teleport.

11-27-2018, 06:58 PM
No he doesn't, Mud Stomper Mickey could teleport.

Nope, flash is still faster than teleportation

11-27-2018, 07:00 PM
My thing here with THE FLASH, is how despite being fictious all these heros do have a history that must be respected, we can't just do whatever we want with them.

This is why ya stick to how things are suppose to be fictious or not.

11-27-2018, 07:02 PM
Nope, flash is still faster than teleportation

Wrong again. Mud Stomper could vanish and reappear instantly, It was like a whip from an LSD trip.

11-27-2018, 07:05 PM
Wrong as usual.

That was people complaining about ....why he isn't.

Why isn't Superboy Prime heralded as one of the greatest villains ... (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2ahUKEwjlgqD82_XeAhVELn0KHccyA2cQFjAAegQIChAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.escapistmagazine.com%2Fforums %2Fread%2F18.931919-Why-isnt-Superboy-Prime-heralded-as-one-of-the-greatest-villains-of-all-time&usg=AOvVaw1tv9ndKAGTogpp9-zyJbNt)Yeah, makes a great case.

Dude destroyed a bunch of planets and the heroes on them.

11-27-2018, 07:07 PM
My thing here with THE FLASH, is how despite being fictious all these heros do have a history that must be respected, we can't just do whatever we want with them.You can't.

The owners of the rights to the characters can.

Here's the Flash:


11-27-2018, 07:09 PM
Yeah, makes a great case.

Dude destroyed a bunch of planets and the heroes on them.

So you finally admit that no he wasn't the greatest DC villain....right? So why the lie?

11-27-2018, 07:10 PM
So you finally admit that no he wasn't the greatest DC villain....right? So why the lie?Nah, it's subjective. I thought he was great.

11-27-2018, 07:10 PM
You can't.

The owners of the rights to the characters can.

Here's the Flash:


What do we do with his history, his story? So it just disappears?

11-27-2018, 07:12 PM
Nah, it's subjective. I thought he was great.

So all we ever need to do is just....I think the Browns are the best team in the NFL...right? The hell with actual facts...right?

11-27-2018, 07:33 PM
What do we do with his history, his story? So it just disappears?
what part of his story disappeared?

11-27-2018, 07:40 PM
what part of his story disappeared?

So despite the changes they stay true to the history?

My trip is don't mess a good thing up. Don't mess with who these heros really are, keep it real...fictious or not.

11-27-2018, 07:42 PM
What do we do with his history, his story? So it just disappears?Yep.

Then it came back.

That's how it works.

You can't do anything about it.

11-27-2018, 07:43 PM
So all we ever need to do is just....I think the Browns are the best team in the NFL...right? The hell with actual facts...right?No, those are measurable by wins and losses.

11-27-2018, 07:44 PM

Then it came back.

That's how it works.

You can't do anything about it.

So you can just make up Superboy being the greatest DC villain because....you think so? But I can't be against messing with iconic/famous literary characters?

11-27-2018, 07:46 PM
No, those are measurable by wins and losses.

Failing to find anything anywhere talking about how Superboy is the greatest DC villain ever, means nothing?

11-27-2018, 07:48 PM
So you can just make up Superboy being the greatest DC villain because....you think so? But I can't be against messing with iconic/famous literary characters?Right.

That's exactly right.

11-27-2018, 07:48 PM
Failing to find anything anywhere talking about how Superboy is the greatest DC villain ever, means nothing?But you did.

Thanks for looking for me.

11-27-2018, 08:00 PM
So despite the changes they stay true to the history?

My trip is don't mess a good thing up. Don't mess with who these heros really are, keep it real...fictious or not.
i'm asking what part of his story disappeared. you realize there have been different incarnations of the flash right? barry allen, wally west to name the most popular. there have been more than one green lantern. hal jordan, john stewart, etc.

you're ok with having different incarnations of heros as long as they're the same race as their predecessor? lol

11-27-2018, 08:13 PM
But you did.

Thanks for looking for me.

You are beyond help.

11-27-2018, 08:19 PM
i'm asking what part of his story disappeared. you realize there have been different incarnations of the flash right? barry allen, wally west to name the most popular. there have been more than one green lantern. hal jordan, john stewart, etc.

you're ok with having different incarnations of heros as long as they're the same race as their predecessor? lol

Incarnations??? There can only be one original, what comes later is not the original. I like that original thought, what got things started.

How can ya have Fu Manchu not being Chinese? Yes, ya stay with who the characters really were.

11-27-2018, 08:30 PM
Tons of authors have wrote Conan stories, all admired Robert E. Howard and his creation. All kept it the way Howard wrote it. And in the movies we saw homage paid as they did keep it real. That is how it should be.

Homage was paid to Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan stories and his John Carter, once again.....Bravo~~~

I own all that sword & sorcery, sci fi, fantasy stuff by the masters. There is noway Hollywood can improve on the stories, so don't try.

11-27-2018, 08:56 PM
Incarnations??? There can only be one original, what comes later is not the original. I like that original thought, what got things started.

How can ya have Fu Manchu not being Chinese? Yes, ya stay with who the characters really were.
great, so you didn't know that there have been more than one character to don the mantles of Flash, Green Lantern, Spiderman, Robin, Captain America, etc

11-27-2018, 09:04 PM
great, so you didn't know that there have been more than one character to don the mantles of Flash, Green Lantern, Spiderman, Robin, Captain America, etc

What about...into the original thought......don't you get? All those characters had the first....right? Why change things? What was wrong with that original?

11-27-2018, 09:06 PM
Avante is kind of correct about some things here. Sales of the Ultimate Spiderman book went straight into the toilet when Miles was introduced and returns were 3X higher.

11-27-2018, 09:07 PM
That's even worse than the clone saga garbage that helped tank the company in the late 90s.

11-27-2018, 09:11 PM
Avante is kind of correct about some things here. Sales of the Ultimate Spiderman book went straight into the toilet when Miles was introduced and returns were 3X higher.

In the sales biz you are taught.....don't talk over the close. Which means the first sign of a wrap, do it, don't keep yaking away giving them time to have second thoughts.


If something is a success, stop....don't keep messng with it.

11-27-2018, 09:14 PM
What about...into the original thought......don't you get? All those characters had the first....right? Why change things? What was wrong with that original?
you didnt complain when barry allen became the flash even though the original was jay garrick.

because they're both white

11-27-2018, 09:25 PM
you didnt complain when barry allen became the flash even though the original was jay garrick.

because they're both white

Work with me here.

As a kid I was deeply into the comics, I owned thousands of them. Then with my navy days, a job I drifted away from the comics. Actually sold all them at a yard sale (and have cried over that, talk about stupid, there it was), All I know is my time in that world. All the characters back then were great as they were, so why any change?

Dude, I get what you're trying to do, ok guy?

11-27-2018, 09:30 PM
Work with me here.

As a kid I was deeply into the comics, I owned thousands of them. Then with my navy days, a job I drifted away from the comics. Actually sold all them at a yard sale (and have cried over that, talk about stupid, there it was), All I know is my time in that world. All the characters back then were great as they were, so why any change?

Dude, I get what you're trying to do, ok guy?
where are your complaints about barry allen or wally west being the flash?

there are none.

because they're white.

11-27-2018, 09:32 PM
where are your complaints about barry allen or wally west being the flash?

there are none.

because they're white.

What race was THE FLASH?

How about....Zorro

What about....John Henry

How about....Tarzan


11-27-2018, 10:15 PM
Hollywood needs this....(the Irish wouldn't appreciate the story being messed with)

Cú Chulainn, also spelled Cú Chulaind or Cúchulainn ([kuːˈxʊlˠɪnʲ] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Irish) (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/Loudspeaker.svg/11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cuchulainn-audio.ogg)listen (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Cuchulainn-audio.ogg)); Irish (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_language) for "Culann (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culann)'s Hound") and sometimes known in English as Cuhullin /kəˈhʊlɪn/ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English),[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn#cite_note-1) is an Irish mythological (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_mythology) hero who appears in the stories of the Ulster Cycle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulster_Cycle), as well as in Scottish (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_folklore) and Manx (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isle_of_Man) folklore.[2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn#cite_note-2) He is believed to be an incarnation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarnation) of the god Lugh (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lugh), who is also his father.[3] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn#cite_note-3)[4] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn#cite_note-4)[5] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn#cite_note-5) His mother is the mortal Deichtine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deichtine), sister of Conchobar mac Nessa (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conchobar_mac_Nessa).

Born Sétanta, he gained his better-known name as a child, after killing Culann's fierce guard-dog in self-defence and offered to take its place until a replacement could be reared. At the age of seventeen he defended Ulster (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulster) single-handedly against the armies of queen Medb (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medb) of Connacht (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connacht) in the famous Táin Bó Cúailnge (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%A1in_B%C3%B3_C%C3%BAailnge) ("Cattle Raid of Cooley (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooley_peninsula)"). It was prophesied that his great deeds would give him everlasting fame, but his life would be a short one. He is known for his terrifying battle frenzy, or ríastrad[6] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn#cite_note-6) (translated by Thomas Kinsella (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Kinsella) as "warp spasm"[7] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn#cite_note-7) and by Ciarán Carson (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciaran_Carson) as "torque"),[8] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn#cite_note-8) in which he becomes an unrecognisable monster who knows neither friend nor foe. He fights from his chariot, driven by his loyal charioteer Láeg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A1eg) and drawn by his horses, Liath Macha and Dub Sainglend (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liath_Macha_and_Dub_Sainglend). In more modern times, Cú Chulainn is often referred to as the "Hound of Ulster".[9]


11-27-2018, 10:21 PM
Then there's...

Milo of Croton (/ˈmaɪloʊ/ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English); Greek (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek): Μίλων, Mílōn; gen.: Μίλωνος, Mílōnos) was a 6th-century BC wrestler (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_wrestling) from the Magna Graecian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magna_Graecia) city of Croton (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crotone), who enjoyed a brilliant wrestling career and won many victories in the most important athletic festivals of ancient Greece (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greece).[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_of_Croton#cite_note-Spivey-1)[2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_of_Croton#cite_note-Poliakoff-2)[3] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_of_Croton#cite_note-Harris-3) In addition to his athletic victories, Milo is credited by the ancient commentator Diodorus Siculus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diodorus_Siculus) with leading his fellow citizens to military triumph over neighboring Sybaris (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybaris) in 510 BC.
Milo was also said to have carried a bull on his shoulders, and to have burst a band about his brow by simply inflating the veins of his temples.
The date of Milo's death is unknown, but he reportedly was attempting to tear a tree apart when his hands became trapped in a crevice in its trunk, and a pack of wolves surprised and devoured him. Milo has been depicted in works of art by Pierre Puget (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Puget), Étienne-Maurice Falconet (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89tienne-Maurice_Falconet) and others. In literature, he has been referenced by Rabelais (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabelais) in Gargantua and Pantagruel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargantua_and_Pantagruel), by Shakespeare (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakespeare) in Troilus and Cressida (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troilus_and_Cressida), and also by Alexandre Dumas (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandre_Dumas) in The Man in the Iron Mask (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Vicomte_of_Bragelonne:_Ten_Years_Later#Part_Th ree:_The_Man_in_the_Iron_Mask_%28Chapters_181%E2%8 0%93269%29).

I think the story is actually....

As a small kid Milo would carry a calf on his shoulders up a hill, he did this every morning. The last time he is a grown man carrying a full grown bull. I think.

11-27-2018, 10:23 PM
Avante was getting over for a few minutes and then does the copy and paste schtick. Quit when you're ahead, pal.

11-27-2018, 10:28 PM
Avante was getting over for a few minutes and then does the copy and paste schtick. Quit when you're ahead, pal.

I think the biggest difference between me and everyone else here is I love to read and learn things. I can't get enought.

I don't worry about ....getting over. A great heel will always get over, what we can't have is....apathy. That will never be a problem.

11-27-2018, 11:01 PM
A must for todays Hollywood.http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CmQLEkpWAhU/TnI-5Q2CcSI/AAAAAAAADeI/zFNCL_PrqWk/s1600/HAWKMOONGN.jpg

11-27-2018, 11:08 PM
So many literary heros/villains out there. So many myths.

El Borak
The Grey Mouser

just waiting for somebody to take interest.


11-27-2018, 11:34 PM
What race was THE FLASH?

How about....Zorro

What about....John Henry

How about....Tarzan

the flash is a mantle/title, it doesn't have a race.

are you asking me barry allen's race? wally wests? jay garricks?

11-27-2018, 11:50 PM
the flash is a mantle/title, it doesn't have a race.

are you asking me barry allen's race? wally wests? jay garricks?

What does he look like to you?


11-27-2018, 11:56 PM
that's the barry allen iteration of the flash.

not the original.

but to answer your question barry allen is white

11-28-2018, 12:22 AM
that's the barry allen iteration of the flash.

not the original.

but to answer your question barry allen is white

The Flash I knew as a kid was white, but never really thought about it because it didn't matter.

11-28-2018, 03:51 AM
I came across this by accident...again. Great under the radar flick.


Love the German.

11-28-2018, 03:55 AM
I came across this by accident...again. Great under the radar flick.


Love the German.Why do you post something that has nothing to do with the thread?


Answer the question.

11-28-2018, 04:12 AM
Why do you post something that has nothing to do with the thread?


Answer the question.

I was channeling my inner Pavlov who never stays on topic, he's too busy bugging posters.

Stuff like this.

I'm calling bullshit on your numbers.

lol sissy. How can you live with yourself being such a a sissy. Best kill yourself now, sissy.

Sad sight. Looks like you're in heavy denial.

Dude, you always talk about posters not topics, why?

11-28-2018, 04:58 AM

One of the truly great reads is the Conan stories by Texan Robert E. Howard. The 12 books is an amazing journey and nobody ever put you there better than Howard.

We first find Conan running from a pack of wolves***. they are about to close in when he comes upon some rocks. So he scrambles up, only to find a cave.............

I read the 12 books in a month, just one right after the other, but it took me a few years to find all 12, the search took me from Modesto to Bakersfield and all points in between, yep, in search of Conan. I wasn't going to start the read until I had all of them. I had to do it in order.

*** while Conan was a legit badass he was realistic bad....sorta. It was all he could do to whip a bull gorilla, and he might be able to deal with threeish thugs, but he wasn't in a Chinese flick kicking the shit out of flocks of bad guys. He could bleed.

He didn't say much, and roamed a fantastic world in the Hyborian age. Demons, wicked sorcerers, wicked women, all kinds of monsters, freaky Gods, giants, cruel dwarfs, Kings, pirates, amazing cities, desolate deserts, incredible mountain ranges, jungles full of creepy crawlers, it was all there.

If heroic fantasy is your thing then you've already read the books. Because that is where ya start.

11-28-2018, 05:53 AM
I saw this way back in the day, and never saw it again until just a couple years ago. It really is something unique a must see.


They did clean it up and it's in HD now, just not the trailer.

The movie, and this is how I watched it a couple years ago.


11-28-2018, 10:04 AM
You can tell when Avante knows he lost an argument. He abandons the topic and starts with the random lists and videos.

11-28-2018, 10:29 AM
Yup as we can see, totally off topic

11-28-2018, 10:31 AM
Then he'll claim he's showing off and likes messing with people.

Same ol' Avante.

11-28-2018, 11:40 AM
also this looks like it’s going to be the shittiest DC movie yet. They could at least make a decent trailer for BvS and Suicide Squad, but even Aquaman’s trailers are fucking terrible :lol
Looks like a clusterfuck. Trying to replicate ragnarok

11-28-2018, 12:46 PM
You can tell when Avante knows he lost an argument. He abandons the topic and starts with the random lists and videos.

6 pages on Aquaman?

11-28-2018, 12:46 PM
Yup as we can see, totally off topic

6 pages on Aquaman?

11-28-2018, 12:47 PM
It's mostly you failing to understand how fictional characters are developed.

11-28-2018, 12:48 PM
Then he'll claim he's showing off and likes messing with people.

Same ol' Avante.

As you totally ignore....

Pavlov, why do you always attack posters?

11-28-2018, 12:49 PM
Looks like a clusterfuck. Trying to replicate ragnarokI was thinking reverse Black Panther but I can see your point with the humor.

11-28-2018, 12:49 PM
As you totally ignore....

Pavlov, why do you always attack posters?Why do you always ask me that question over and over and over no matter how many times I answered you?

Same ol' boring Avante.

11-28-2018, 12:50 PM
It's mostly you failing to understand how fictional characters are developed.

Wrong as usual.

A guy/guys come up with a successful idea, they get a following. Ok, stop, no need to twek things, simply leave it alone.

11-28-2018, 12:53 PM
Wrong as usual.

A guy/guys come up with a successful idea, they get a following. Ok, stop, no need to twek things, simply leave it alone.Wrong as usual.

11-28-2018, 12:53 PM
Why do you always ask me that question over and over and over no matter how many times I answered you?

Same ol' boring Avante.

You have never answered it.

The second you enter any thread ya start looking at who ya can bother, fuck the topic. So there ya are messing with posters....why? Yep, just like you are right now.

Dude, what is this thing you have about getting a nut because you pester?

11-28-2018, 12:53 PM
Wrong as usual.

Nope, not at all.

11-28-2018, 12:54 PM
You have never answered it.Wrong again.

11-28-2018, 12:54 PM
Nope, not at all.All wrong.

11-28-2018, 12:55 PM
Wrong again.

Show me where you have ever explained why you bug everyone ya come in contact with.

11-28-2018, 12:56 PM
All wrong.

Prove it.

11-28-2018, 12:57 PM
Show me where you have ever explained why you bug everyone ya come in contact with.If you didn't it read it the first ten times you're never going to get it.

I bug you because you're so sensitives about anything that threatens your fragile ego.

11-28-2018, 12:57 PM
Prove it.The MCU.

You're welcome.

11-28-2018, 01:03 PM
If you didn't it read it the first ten times you're never going to get it.

I bug you because you're so sensitives about anything that threatens your fragile ego.


I toy with your dumbass guy,I even set ya up stupid. I'm talking about why all ya ever do is bug everyone else all the time. Stupid, keep bumping me up with all your....DUH...ok?

Why is it everytime you enter any thread there ya are seeing who ya can bother, well?

11-28-2018, 01:05 PM

I toy with your dumbass guy,I even set ya up stupid. I'm talking about why all ya ever do is bug everyone else all the time. Stupid, keep bumping me up with all your....DUH...ok?

Why is it everytime you enter any thread there ya are seeing who ya can bother, well?I already told you.

You're boring.

Do something else.

11-28-2018, 01:11 PM
I already told you.

You're boring.

Do something else.

No ya didn't, so stop lying like ya did about Superboy.

Pavlov, I can go to any thread you are and there ya talking about some poster, am I wrong.....well?

Pavlov, what is wrong with you?

11-28-2018, 01:14 PM
I came across this by accident...again. Great under the radar flick.


Dude looks like Kenny Omega.

11-28-2018, 01:17 PM
No ya didn't, so stop lying like ya did about Superboy.

Pavlov, I can go to any thread you are and there ya talking about some poster, am I wrong.....well?

Pavlov, what is wrong with you?Nothing.

You're here to do exactly the same thing -- otherwise you wouldn't have crawled back here after being banned twice for racism.

11-28-2018, 01:22 PM
I came across this by accident...again. Great under the radar flick.


Love the German.

How is a B-list quality movie under the radar? It is where it's supposed to be.

11-28-2018, 01:33 PM
Dude looks like Kenny Omega.

Would you believe I was thinking....who does this guy look like? BOOM....ya nailed it.

Tom Magee


Lord James Bliears reading off the numbers.

11-28-2018, 01:33 PM
How is a B-list quality movie under the radar? It is where it's supposed to be.


11-28-2018, 01:35 PM

You're here to do exactly the same thing -- otherwise you wouldn't have crawled back here after being banned twice for racism.

Nobody wants me to be real, if they did I'd do that. I wouldn't waste time on idiots like you to begin with.

11-28-2018, 01:41 PM
I wouldn't waste time on idiots like you to begin with.

You just did.

11-28-2018, 01:43 PM
You just did.

What's up Reck, talk to me.

11-28-2018, 01:45 PM
Nobody wants me to be real, if they did I'd do that. I wouldn't waste time on idiots like you to begin with.Nobody wants you here at all.

11-28-2018, 01:55 PM
Nobody wants you here at all.

You sure do since I'm a huge part of your day. Prove that isn't so, ignore me...ok? Ya can't do it can ya?

11-28-2018, 02:14 PM
You sure do since I'm a huge part of your day. Prove that isn't so, ignore me...ok? Ya can't do it can ya?

How about you leave and let's see who wants you back

11-28-2018, 02:16 PM
How about you leave and let's see who wants you back:lol the owner of the site banned him twice for racism and he thinks he's wanted here.

11-28-2018, 02:22 PM
How about you leave and let's see who wants you back

Who would want you back?

11-28-2018, 02:23 PM
:lol the owner of the site banned him twice for racism and he thinks he's wanted here.

Are you wanted here?

11-28-2018, 02:24 PM
Are you wanted here?Never been banned.

Have you?

11-28-2018, 02:25 PM
Never been banned.

Have you?

Answer my question, who would want you here, well?

11-28-2018, 02:30 PM
Answer my question, who would want you here, well?The owners of the site.

Did they want you here?

11-28-2018, 02:48 PM
The owners of the site.

Did they want you here?

The owners of the site are cool with the bullshit you play, really?

11-28-2018, 02:49 PM
The owners of the site are cool with the bullshit you play, really?I have never been banned, so yeah.

Have you been banned?

Answer the question.

11-28-2018, 02:54 PM
The owners of the site are cool with the bullshit you play, really?

He has nearly 130k posts, dummy

You've been banned twice and pinked once.

Can ya do the math? Huh? Can ya?~~~~~

11-28-2018, 02:59 PM
He has nearly 130k posts, dummy

You've been banned twice and pinked once.

Can ya do the math? Huh? Can ya?~~~~~

I would think with my knowledge of so many things I'd be paid to post here.

11-28-2018, 02:59 PM
I would think with my knowledge of so many things I'd be paid to post here.

And yet you've been banned from posting here with much applause.

11-28-2018, 03:00 PM
I would think with my knowledge of so many things I'd be paid to post here.Have you been banned?

Answer the question.

11-28-2018, 03:01 PM
And yet you've been banned from posting here with much applause.

Where did I go wrong?

11-28-2018, 03:04 PM
Have you been banned?

Answer the question.

Yep sure have.

11-28-2018, 03:05 PM
Yep sure have.:lmao they don't want you here.

11-28-2018, 03:11 PM
Where did I go wrong?

Now here's where you do your "what do I need to do to fit in" begging routine.

11-28-2018, 03:12 PM
Never been banned.

Have you?

And you've been here a looooonnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggg time. Take that, Avante!

11-28-2018, 03:13 PM
:lmao they don't want you here.

And I'm sad about it.

11-28-2018, 03:17 PM
Now here's where you do your "what do I need to do to fit in" begging routine.

It is kinda weird actually, it's ok to call strangers a pedo, call everyone ya want anything ya want, do what you and Pavlov do, which is follow posters around bugging them. While here I am just talking music, sports, and stuff in depth and I get banned.....huh????

11-28-2018, 03:20 PM
It is kinda weird actually, it's ok to call strangers a pedo, call everyone ya want anything ya want, do what you and Pavlov do, which is follow posters around bugging them. While here I am just talking music, sports, and stuff in depth and I get banned.....huh????
Tell me about it, sheesh~~~~~~I just want to offer obscure lists that nobody cares about, discuss my expert knowledge of the blues, and share tales of banging asian teens, and people treat me like I’m the jerk here!~

11-28-2018, 03:23 PM
And I'm sad about it.

Poor avante doesn't get to be racist when he wants :cry

11-28-2018, 03:24 PM
Tell me about it, sheesh~~~~~~I just want to offer obscure lists that nobody cares about, discuss my expert knowledge of the blues, and share tales of banging asian teens, and people treat me like I’m the jerk here!~

What should we do JohnnyV just talk movies. TV shows, GIRLS? Follow others around trying to bug them?

11-28-2018, 03:25 PM
It is kinda weird actually, it's ok to call strangers a pedo, call everyone ya want anything ya want, do what you and Pavlov do, which is follow posters around bugging them. While here I am just talking music, sports, and stuff in depth and I get banned.....huh????

Right, that's why you got yourself banned.

You're an idiot

11-28-2018, 03:28 PM
Poor avante doesn't get to be racist when he wants :cry

Dude, studies have been made looking for why those with roots to western Africa excell in athetic events that require speed, quicks and leaping ability. We all see it. There is nothing racist there, it's simply a fact of life. No need to act silly and play predend.

11-28-2018, 03:29 PM
Dude, studies have been made looking for why those with roots to western Africa excell in athetic events that require speed, quicks and leaping ability. We all see it. There is nothing racist there, it's simply a fact of life. No need to act silly and play predend.

That's not the post that got you banned and pinked.

You're an idiot

11-28-2018, 03:31 PM
Right, that's why you got yourself banned.

You're an idiot

So I need to cool the music talk, stop trying to impress with my knowledge, start ...you pedo..talk movies/TV shows and follow everyone around trying to bug them.....right?

11-28-2018, 03:32 PM
That's not the post that got you banned and pinked.

You're an idiot

Don't we talk race here, sure we do.

11-28-2018, 03:46 PM
Bottom line...

Everywhere ya go out there you are hit with RULES, DON'T DO THAT, DON'T SAY THAT, rules up the ass, I hate rules. Here we are like shit slinging monkies at the zoo....fuck it. I love it, it's fucking funny. Hell yes I'm going to get in trouble, been that way all my life, I'm used to it.

11-28-2018, 03:52 PM
Don't we talk race here, sure we do.

We talk about you being racist

11-28-2018, 04:00 PM
We talk about you being racist

Come on guy, there is a racist thread going on right now over at the political forum. I got banned for pushing it vs Kori, you know that. If I'd kept my mouth shut I could have talked all the racist shirt we all talk.

11-28-2018, 04:26 PM
Come on guy, there is a racist thread going on right now over at the political forum. I got banned for pushing it vs Kori, you know that. If I'd kept my mouth shut I could have talked all the racist shirt we all talk.

Well that makes you really stupid

11-28-2018, 04:39 PM
Well that makes you really stupid

Well when you read pedo talk, racist talk, everybody....fuck you..no...fuck you, and idiots like you stalking posters ya get this feel anything goes here. Who wouldn't?

Then out of nowhere....

Blake, I post at places where you wouldn't last a day before being banned. The first time ya....you're stupid....three days in the hole, ya do it again....gone. Anyone....you pedo...gone.

11-28-2018, 05:02 PM
Well when you read pedo talk, racist talk, everybody....fuck you..no...fuck you, and idiots like you stalking posters ya get this feel anything goes here. Who wouldn't?

Then out of nowhere....

Blake, I post at places where you wouldn't last a day before being banned. The first time ya....you're stupid....three days in the hole, ya do it again....gone. Anyone....you pedo...gone.

Well you got banned in a place that's barely moderated.

You're really really stupid

11-28-2018, 05:14 PM
Well you got banned in a place that's barely moderated.

You're really really stupid

Yeah, it doesn't bode well for you when a sociopathic retard stalks their homosexual objects of desire and trash spammers like dabom don't get banned but you do.

11-28-2018, 05:19 PM
Well you got banned in a place that's barely moderated.

You're really really stupid

I don't bother with the really really stupid, yet you follow me around even when told you will be ignored.....why?

Blake all thiese amazing bright, intellelectually gifted posters here and where do we find you, yep....humping the leg of the really really stupid. Think about that ya little freak.

11-28-2018, 05:19 PM
Yeah, it doesn't bode well for you when a sociopathic retard stalks their homosexual objects of desire and trash spammers like dabom don't get banned but you do.

Lol no kidding

11-28-2018, 05:21 PM
I don't bother with the really really stupid, yet you follow me around even when told you will be ignored.....why?

Blake all thiese amazing bright, intelleligent posters here and where do we find iyou, yep....humping the leg of the really really stupid. Think about that ya little freak.

You're an easy mark for really cheap lols. You have very thin skin.

11-28-2018, 05:25 PM
You're an easy mark for really cheap lols. You have very thin skin.

Never thought that just maybe you are being worked and the one getting the real cheap lol is me?

Using freaks like you and Pavlov to bump up my threads, that never crossed your mind?

Me...don't call me fat, grrrrrr.


Me...that's it Blake, you will now be ignored.
Blake.....bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump and on and on and on and on......

Blake, just how damn stupid are you son?


Me....Blake, stop following me around guy, stop being a pest.

What does that GUARANTEE, yep...bump~~~~~~~~

The stupid fuck way too damn dumb to see it.

11-28-2018, 06:07 PM
Never thought that just maybe you are being worked and the one getting the real cheap lol is me?

Using freaks like you and Pavlov to bump up my threads, that never crossed your mind?

Me...don't call me fat, grrrrrr.


Me...that's it Blake, you will now be ignored.
Blake.....bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump and on and on and on and on......

Blake, just how damn stupid are you son?


Me....Blake, stop following me around guy, stop being a pest.

What does that GUARANTEE, yep...bump~~~~~~~~

The stupid fuck way too damn dumb to see it.:lol The "I TROLL U" gambit.

Same 'ol Avante....


11-28-2018, 06:14 PM
:lol The "I TROLL U" gambit.

Same 'ol Avante....


What do people do with posters like you and Blake? You aren't here for anything else but a hassle, right? You need conflict, chaos and turmoil...right? You need to bother/bug and we all see it. I use freaks like you, just toss out a....am I really?.....and ya gobble it up. What else can anyone do with you? I might as well get something out of total morons like you two losers.....right?

Pavlov, you will come right back with more stupid shit, I know this.

Watch and......bump.

11-28-2018, 06:20 PM
What do people do with posters like you and Blake? You aren't here for anything else but a hassle, right? You need conflict, chaos and turmoil...right? You need to bother/bug and we all see it. I use freaks like you, just toss out a....am I really?.....and ya gobble it up. What else can anyone do with you? I might as well get something out of total morons like you two losers.....right?

Pavlov, you will come right back with more stupid shit, I know this.

Watch and......bump.Nah, I make fun of you because you're a blowhard with a really thin skin.

Fragile types like you freak out about it and start stalking me all over the place in an attempt to get back at me.

That just proves your skin is thin.

Aquaman is half-Hawaiian now. Deal with it.

Now come back with "IUSEUFORBUMPITROLLU!"


11-28-2018, 06:23 PM
Nah, I make fun of you because you're a blowhard with a really thin skin.

Fragile types like you freak out about it and start stalking me all over the place in an attempt to get back at me.

That just proves your skin is thin.

Aquaman is half-Hawaiian now. Deal with it.

See how easy this is? The boy gets worked so bad I should be in jail, this can't be legal. I confess I do feel a little guilty taking advantage of the mentally fucked.

Now here comes Blake, here's going to call me fat or stupid, I HATE THAT. I meant fat AND stupid.

11-28-2018, 06:26 PM
See how easy this is? The boy gets worked so bad I should be in jail, this can't get legal. I confess I do feel a little guilty taking advantage of the mentally fucked.:lmao just as predicted.

Way too easy.

Now say how you're in control because you whine and follow me around in multiple forums.

Same ol' boring Avante. Remember how you said you weren't going to be that way anymore?

:lol exposed

11-28-2018, 06:28 PM
:lmao just as predicted.

Way too easy.

Now say how you're in control because you whine and follow me around in multiple forums.
Poor little guy, it really is hard to not feel sorry for him.

Here he comes again, yep.....bump~~~~~~

11-28-2018, 06:30 PM
Poor little guy, it really is hard to not feel sorry for him.:lmao crawling back to ST after multiple permabans.

That's sad.

You have no pride or sense of shame.

11-28-2018, 06:36 PM
:lmao crawling back to ST after multiple permabans.

That's sad.

You have no pride or sense of shame.

Sad is watching you humping all over my leg at command. Dude, a guy telling you you are being worked so ya...oh work me work me.....hahahaha`~~~~~~~~~~~

All you out in the stands watch how I work this little freak, yep, me in total charge as I always am.

Pavlov, drag that boney little ass back in here, NOW~~~~~~~~

11-28-2018, 06:46 PM
I gotta be honest, it's no fun being real. Far more fun acting like a shit slinging monkey.

How often can we play this silly shit in real life?

I mean come on....

poster....Im not fat
poster....I'm not tubby, don't call me tubby.
poster....tubby, tubby, tubby, tubby.


All this silly shit cracks me up.

Granny broke out some old pictures on Turkey Day, here's one on me in 8th grade, it's her fav.


In real life.

Dude,,,,I;m not fat
Dude....like most we all could lose a few pounds.
Dude...but not really fat, right?

11-28-2018, 08:24 PM
See how easy this is? The boy gets worked so bad I should be in jail, this can't be legal. I confess I do feel a little guilty taking advantage of the mentally fucked.

Now here comes Blake, here's going to call me fat or stupid, I HATE THAT.

:lmao I confess there are times I do feel a bit guilty taking advantage of the mentally fucked, thin skinned senior citizen. .....

But then you post something retarded mixed with arrogance and it's just too tempting.

You fat stupid old ass.

11-29-2018, 01:39 AM
:lmao I confess there are times I do feel a bit guilty taking advantage of the mentally fucked, thin skinned senior citizen. .....

But then you post something retarded mixed with arrogance and it's just too tempting.

You fat stupid old ass.

Blake, been fat and stupid all my life. I was always the fattest sprinter in the race. Always the fattest running back/cornerback/kick returner. All my women always talked about me being their cute tub of lard.

Talk about being stupid, when I'm working on one of my music, football, track lists I'm always forgetting somebody like Elijah Pitts, Blind Joe Taggard, Ivory Crockett, yep....DUH~! I get lost in the shower, I used to think you had to watch TV if ya planned on eating a TV dinner, yep...stoo-peed. I was 64 when Judy told me...you really don't need TV to eat that ya know. Yep....WHAT???

What shocks me is why anyone with your obvious intellectual superiority would waste their time on a fat stupid idiot like me.

I read westerns because the plots are so simple. Cowboy loves his horse, kills the bad guy and gets the girl, even a dummy like me can't fuck that up. I have tried Lovecraft, Hemingway, Dickens, Fitzgerald, Malamud, Sinclair Lewis, Hawthorne, Poe. London,Melville, Baldwin, Wright, Ellison, Wells, I get all confused.

Hell, I planned on mixing piano blues from St. Louis tonight, had to actually Google Henry Brown, was he really a St. Louis player, yep....stoo-peed.

Music for idiots.


When talking them St. Louis blues....

Hi Henry Brown a guitar player
Roosevelt Sykes
Charley Jordan
Peetie Wheatstraw
Lonnie Johnson
Jellyroll Anderson
Alice Moore
Henry Townsend
Lane Hardin
Blind Teddy Darby
Mary Johnson
Henry Spaulding
Walter Davis

Fat people dumber than a rock like myself love them blues.

Henry Spaulding was a St.Louis barber, well he was talked into recording a record, yep...one record.

This is considered a classic in the genre and the best example of the St. Louis sound. I bet old Henry was also fat and stupid.


11-29-2018, 09:23 AM
Same ol meltdown.

11-29-2018, 11:52 PM
Same ol meltdown.

Same ol setting me up, and too damn stupid to get it.

11-30-2018, 10:21 AM
Same ol setting me up, and too damn stupid to get it.


12-01-2018, 12:35 AM
Blake, you followed me around for about nine months as I totally ignored you, now think.

12-02-2018, 05:53 AM
Hollywood needs to remake.....


12-02-2018, 09:34 AM
Blake, you followed me around for about nine months as I totally ignored you, now think.


12-03-2018, 06:40 AM
Poor little guy, I really am the best the boy can do, how fucking sad is that?


Ever get in this mood?


Get ya a glass, toss four ice cubes in, 8 little red hot candles, fill it 3.4 full with Dr.Pepper than fill the glass with some AA. You'll need a straw. Yum-me.



